[05:24] Laney: done [10:14] thanks === chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson === Riddelll is now known as Riddell [15:20] precise-server-amd64 virtualhost and dnsserver automated tests failures are false positives. [15:20] There was a problem with the jenkins node theses tests were running on. I stopped them and moved them to another node. === gridcube_ is now known as GridCube === retoaded is now known as retoaded_afk [21:27] hi [21:28] I'd like to have some opinions on whether it's a good idea to sync opencv 2.3 from debian into precise now, given that it requires a rebuild of the packages that depend on it [21:29] debian bug about the transition: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=634797; state of the transition in debian: http://release.debian.org/transitions/html/opencv.html [21:29] Debian bug 634797 in release.debian.org "opencv 2.3 transition" [Normal,Open] [21:30] there look like there are still a few blocking bugs on that [21:45] 3 or 4 yes, but they have rather recent activity. I think they're likely to get quickly fixed in debian, and we can probably handle some of them [21:49] Adri2000: if it's something you'd like to see happen, I suggest trying it locally / in a PPA, so we can see how painful it'll be [21:50] feature freeze is around the corner, but there is probably time to get this in if it's relatively straight forward [22:00] ok