
philipballewnhaines, who is doing the future of unity talk?00:39
philipballewthe customizing unity is one i will have to go to00:42
Garethnhaines: ping01:01
pleia2bringing all our shirts down01:57
* pleia2 updated wiki page with numbers01:57
pleia2and booth page updated :)02:17
bkerensaI wish I was at Scale02:34
Faqtotum"were" is more grammatically correct than "was" in this case. subjunctive mode and all...02:37
nhainesGareth: pong02:37
nhainesMan, when a primary computer goes down you sure have to claw your way out of the hole, don't you?  :P02:38
Garethnhaines: just touching base...seeing about those final speakers :)  Emailed Ralf earlier....cc;ed you.02:48
Faqtotumwhat is it meeting time AGAIN?02:49
pleia2no, 10 minutes from now :)02:50
Faqtotumtonight, that is02:50
Faqtotumseems like only yesterday we had one02:50
pleia2jtatum sent an email apologizing for running late02:51
nhainesGareth: ah, I just saw that.  I think he's the last one?02:52
GarethRalf & Jorge.02:52
pleia2ok, meeting time :)03:00
pleia2who all is here for the meeting?03:00
* eps waves03:01
pleia2Agenda here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/12January1503:01
nhainesGareth: thanks, I'll ping Jorge again.03:02
pleia2first agenda item is from eps03:02
pleia2Announcement: January 20 is [National] Penguin Awareness Day03:03
pleia2eps: anything to add? :)03:03
epsThere are penguins. Be aware of them.03:03
pleia2it's the same day as Ubucon :)03:04
pleia2so I guess we should just move on to that!03:04
pleia2SCALE starts on Friday03:04
pleia2Darkwing: are you here?03:04
pleia2eps: I fixed your name03:04
pleia2so far we have 6 volunteers for the booth, I've forwarded along the code they need to use to register so hopefully everyone has done that03:05
pleia2I figure we'll play it by ear when it comes to staffing it, but I want to make sure everyone is aware of how important it is to be viligant if you're a staffer03:05
pleia2we have laptops and a tablet on the table, we don't want any of them walking off when we aren't paying attention :)03:06
pleia2I'll have my cell on me all day, so if there is ever a time when you absolutely need to leave the booth and no one else is around, give me a call: 610-052-7370 and I'll come03:06
pleia2err 610-952-737003:07
epssecurity locks are your friends03:07
pleia2we don't have any, and they are difficult for tablets03:07
pleia2I've updated the wiki page with a bunch of little misc things that we ended up needing last year - tape, scissors, bungees03:08
epsThey don't have Kensington-compatible security slots?03:08
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale10x#Stuff_We_Need is the list of stuff so far03:10
pleia2if there is other things people can think of, feel free to add them and I'll make sure it gets there03:10
epsHand sanitizer?03:10
pleia2I shipped the CDs to nhaines (thanks again!) so my suitcase won't weigh a metric ton :)03:10
nhainesThe CDs were received and are currently being a traffic hazard in my room, safe and sound.  :)03:11
pleia2eps: for our booth..?03:11
epsTablets have touchscreens, no?03:11
pleia2I will be down at the booth at 8:30AM for setup, I ask that others get there by at least 9AM so we can get everything sorted03:11
pleia2eps: yeah, but I think hand sanitizer would make it worse :)03:12
nhainesMints can be helpful for booth volunteers.  I usually bring Listerine breath strips for myself.03:12
pleia2nhaines: ah, good idea!03:13
* pleia2 adds hand sanitizer and mints to the list03:13
pleia2I figure a lot of us will be at Ubucon the evening prior, so it would be nice to get together that Friday evening if you don't have other plans03:14
pleia2I guess we can sort that out at Ubucon though :)03:15
pleia2nhaines: anything to add about Ubucon?03:15
nhainesLightning talks have been *really* hit or miss.  The first year we had to cut them off early, and last year no one would volunteer.03:15
nhainesSo if anyone will be attending on Friday and wants to be helpful, having a lighting talk topic would be useful.03:16
nhainesWe'll be filming and it'll be a friendly audience of about 30-50 or so, so it's a great way to try out public speaking.03:16
nhainesThat's at 10am.03:17
pleia2aside from Ubucon, we have akk speaking during the main scale conference: http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale10x/presentations/fun-linux-and-devices03:18
pleia2yay akk :)03:18
pleia2I'll also be giving a talk, on saturday at the same time as the keynote about the work that Partimus does: http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale10x/presentations/bringing-linux-public-schools-and-community-centers03:19
pleia2and philipballew is also speaking! http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale10x/presentations/getting-involved-open-source-young-age03:20
pleia2should be a fun weekend03:20
pleia2anything else from anyone before we wrap up? announcements?03:20
pleia2jtatum apologized for running late so he couldn't attend the meeting, but he's hosting an Ubuntu Hour in Mt View on Thursday: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/1499/detail/03:21
jyohooray for Red Rock.03:22
jyopleia2: Coming down this month?03:22
pleia2I'll be on my flight during it03:22
pleia2alright, I think that's it then03:23
pleia2thanks everyone :)03:23
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Webpage: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, January 29th, 7:00pm PST | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic
=== Faqtotum is now known as DonkeyHotei
=== Gareth__ is now known as Gareth
philipballewpleia2, the meeting last night someone mentioned a laptop lock,  I can provide one if we need one18:08
philipballewpleia2, that lubuntu laptop im bringing. should it have 12.04 or 11.10?23:48
pleia2philipballew: 11.1023:48
pleia2we don't want demos crashing because they're alpha :)23:49
philipballewgood point!23:49
philipballew11.10 it is23:49
pleia2reminds me, maybe I should burn some Xubuntu CDs23:49
pleia2(in my free time, hahahaha)23:50
philipballewseriously/ haha23:52
pleia2my cat is out of surgery for tooth extraction :)23:54
philipballewnice! is the cat going to be okay?23:54
* pleia2 was so so so worried, all surgery with renal failure kitties s dangerous23:54
pleia2for now, she'll need a kidney transplant at some point but with every other day fluids and medication she's doing well so far23:55
* pleia2 sounds like a crazy cat lady23:55
philipballewuc davis is the best vet hospital i hear23:56
pleia2yeah, her hospital vet here in SF did a residency there, and the transplant doctor we consulted with developed the kidney transplant procedure there (he's now in private practice in Santa Rosa)23:58
pleia2her hospital vet went to Penn, which is cool because we can chat Philly with him :)23:59

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