
Prf_JakobSarvatt, RAOF, bryce: When will all the new mesa stuff hit the dailies?00:11
brycePrf_Jakob, tues or weds probably00:12
Prf_Jakobbryce: cool thanks00:13
Prf_JakobI'm guessing the packages hit the repositories one day ealier00:14
brycePrf_Jakob, we ended up not working on it during the rally00:22
Prf_JakobAh, I understand its quiet hecktic, so fair enough00:23
brycexserver 1.11 needs to land too00:23
brycewe probably don't want to do them simultaneously; so that may mean delaying mesa a couple extra days00:24
Prf_Jakobah okay00:24
Prf_JakobYou will probably need to redo/rebuild the vmware package after mesa/xatracker lands.00:25
brycePrf_Jakob, yeah Unity team had demands that took much of RAOF's time, and I mainly focused on xrandr-utils00:26
brycePrf_Jakob, ok00:26
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tjaaltonhmm, looks like the dejavu sans mono in precise is worse than on oneiric.. 8pix is a lot wider than before, more like 9pix before08:27
tjaaltonlooks like it affects other fonts too, so something is wrong08:30
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=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson

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