
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mandelmorning all!09:01
* mandel reboot after upgrade09:13
mandelhey, I'm back everything seems to work..09:17
JamesTaitMorning all! :)09:46
* mandel making coffee10:15
* mandel back10:53
nessitabuenos días!12:02
mandelnessita, buenas!12:05
nessitahola mandel12:05
ralsinagood morning!12:22
nessitahola ralsina!12:23
mandelralsina, hola12:34
ralsinahola mandel, nessita12:34
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alecuund.... hallo!13:26
mandelalecu, hola!13:41
mandelalecu, and laters, I'm off for lunch :)13:42
* mandel lunch13:42
nessitahola alecu!13:46
alecuhola todos!13:46
ralsinaanyone needs a review?13:57
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nessitaralsina: when reviewing, be careful not to  approve anything :-)14:01
ralsinanessita: yes, no merges today ;-)14:01
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nessitaralsina: :-)14:02
ralsinaEveryone, meet briancurtin!14:10
ralsinabriancurtin: meet dobey, alecu, nessita, and mandel14:10
briancurtinhi everyone :)14:10
alecuhello briancurtin!14:10
nessitabriancurtin: hello! welcome :-)14:11
alecuwelcome to the team!14:11
ralsinabriancurtin: we are missing Diego Sarmentero (gatox)14:11
ralsinabriancurtin: is Brian Curtin, as you all know, the latest addition to the Desktop team14:11
ralsinabriancurtin: you already met nessita, our tech lead.14:12
ralsinaYou will get to know everyone sooner than later14:12
nessitabriancurtin: how is it going?14:12
briancurtineverything's good. happy to get started here14:13
briancurtinhow are all of you doing?14:13
ralsinabriancurtin: you don't have setup access to the private IRC server yet, right?14:14
briancurtinralsina: not yet, that looks like the details are on one of the wiki pages that i can't yet access14:14
ralsinabriancurtin: and of course, you can't ping the person to give you access yet because they are on the private server14:15
ralsinabriancurtin: let me help you ;-)14:15
dobeyralsina: holiday today, but please review my rhythmbox-ubuntuone branch. it's a bit big, but mostly from all the red ;)14:15
ralsinadobey: happy to. Red is good.14:16
dobeyalright, back to holiday.14:52
mandelbriancurtin, morning!14:53
* mandel back from lunch14:54
briancurtinhi mandel, hope it was a good lunch14:54
mandelbriancurtin, I usual hehehe14:54
mandelbriancurtin, first day I suppose, right?14:55
briancurtinmandel: yep14:55
mandelbriancurtin,  you'll have fun with the wiki then hehe14:56
nessitacan anyone branch https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/network-detect? I'm getting15:00
nessitabzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/network-detect/": location is a repository.15:00
nessitaalso, the merge proposal is empty on LP: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/network-detect/+merge/8854515:01
nessitathat branch is weird :-/15:01
ralsinagatox broke launchpad!15:01
ralsinawell, it looks pretty broken15:01
ralsinanessita: the MP has no diff... yikes15:02
nessitaralsina: can you branch that?15:02
ralsinanessita: checking15:04
ralsinanessita: no, same error15:05
nessitaralsina: thanks15:05
ralsinanessita: looks like it's corrupted server-side (which explains the empty diff)15:05
elopiohey nessita, ralsina, when should we start reporting bugs for the qt control panel on Ubuntu? Stuff like alignment and some labels not completely visible.15:09
nessitaelopio: which controlpanel? the GTk on?15:09
ralsinaelopio: you could start now, specially if you label them with something special15:10
ralsinanessita: the qt one15:10
nessitaralsina: ah, sorry15:10
nessitahe said qt, I did not read it :-)15:10
nessitaralsina: we skipped the standup?15:10
ralsinanessita: unintentionally15:11
ralsinamandel, alecu, nessita: standup15:11
nessitaralsina: I already said me :-)15:11
* mandel writes notes15:11
ralsinabriancurtin: everyday (11 minutes ago) we do a standup, where everyone says "me" and then gives a quick status update15:11
ralsinanessita: go15:13
nessitaDONE: Freaky Friday! restarted remove-markerds branch, reached a dead-end and got very very upset. Started with bug #90336215:13
ubot4`nessita: Error: Bug #903362 not found.15:13
nessitaTODO: restart work on bug #839877, try to finish bug #90336215:13
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes15:13
nessitaNEXT: mandel15:13
ubot4`Launchpad bug 839877 in ubuntuone-windows-installer (and 2 other projects) "When creating a new account, the credentials stored are invalid. (affects: 1) (heat: 7)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83987715:13
ubot4`nessita: Error: Bug #903362 not found.15:13
mandelDONE: fixed 907511 \o/ I'll propose the branch as soon as I see that all tests pass after a trunk merge.15:13
mandelTODO: Look into proxy bugs. Give a hand to briancurtis setting his windows env and help him doing a review for bug 907511 (good way to start, right ;) )15:13
mandelBLOCKED: no15:13
ubot4`Launchpad bug 907511 in ubuntuone-client "Windows: events from directories where no watch has been added should be ignored (affects: 1) (heat: 31)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90751115:13
mandelralsina, go!15:13
ralsinaDONE: bureaucracy, more bureaucracy, taleo, canonicaladmin, booked flight to cordoba TODO: bureaucracy, help brian as much as I can, tech leads call, etc etc BLOCKED: no, NEXT: alecu, ping and say me15:13
alecume is writing notes15:14
nessitaralsina: any news on the hotel in COR?15:14
ralsinanessita: not yet, that's in marianna's hands15:15
ralsinanessita: I will ping her though15:15
alecuDONE: got ticket to cordoba, IRL debugging of restclient, found POSTs needed sometimes15:15
alecuTODO: finish fixing restclient, continue on use-restclient branch15:15
alecuBLOCKED: no15:15
nessitamandel: ping15:47
mandelnessita, pong15:47
nessitamandel: any reason to file this bug under ussoc instead of u1client? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/91721415:48
ubot4`Launchpad bug 917214 in ubuntu-sso-client "Hash queue crash but tests do not fail (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:48
mandelnessita, stupidity is the main reason, let me fix it, I typed the url wrong15:48
nessitamandel: if there is no reason, the mate bug is bug #911296, so could you please mark it as a dupe?15:48
ubot4`Launchpad bug 911296 in ubuntuone-client "ValueError: need more than 3 values to unpack on HashQueueTests.test_called_back_error (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91129615:48
mandelnessita, sure, I did not see that one because I was in the wrong project.. happy monday ;)15:49
nessitamandel: :-D15:49
mandelnessita, alecu, ralsina_ , briancurtin may I have really harsh reviews for the following: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add-virtual-watches/+merge/8872616:17
nessitamandel: would you explain to briancurtin what a review is? :-) (I'm in the middle of a call)16:17
mandelI tried to make the diff as small as possible and removed a number of unused stupid APIs16:17
mandelnessita, sure :)16:17
alecumandel, sure, harsh they will be16:17
mandelalecu, start with the spelling of things hehehehehe16:18
mandelalecu, I removed one of the skipped tests because it was testing something that is no longer present, I also think that we can test the open dir one with the mementowatch, but it leaves a windows from windows explorer opened which is kind of a PITA16:20
ralsina_mandel: I am not smartenough, or knowledgeable enough, to do a decent review of that branch. That branch is scary.16:40
mandelralsina_, ok, no worries :)16:42
mandelalecu, FYI moving to bug 91602916:46
ubot4`Launchpad bug 916029 in ubuntu-sso-client "Proxy authentication dialog (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91602916:46
alecumandel, yay!16:46
mandelalecu, regarding the above, what is the work exactly needed?16:55
mandelalecu, should I get the exception from webclient and raise a signal to request the creds?16:55
alecumandel, yes, I think we should do all that within the SSO client16:56
mandelalecu, so, within sso, we show the dialog, or we raise an IPC signal?16:57
mandelalecu, so that all processes know we are using proxy16:57
alecumandel, also, keep in mind that we have two webclient backends: qtnetwork and libsoup, and they have slightly different ways of reporting the "proxy creds missing" conditions.16:58
alecumandel, we should probably show the dialog within sso, so the other processes do not need to be aware of this.16:58
mandelalecu, and waht about sd? how will he know?16:59
alecumandel, they might be able to query info about this, but we should try not to change them16:59
alecumandel, sd will be running a different process that "tunnels" proxy traffic, and it will probably get the proxy credentials by asking sso17:00
alecumandel, it's a bit blurry that; I'll tackle it as soon as I'm finished with this.17:00
mandelalecu, ok, so everything goes through sso.. eventually we should clean that up, sso is starting to be the mother of all projects :)17:01
mandelalecu, at some point it might get your sso credentials and be your word processor.. :)17:01
alecumandel, the new kitchen sink test is "sending twits".17:02
mandelalecu, lol17:03
ralsina_a syncdaemon notification to tweet "you are downloading 5 files" is maybe two days of work17:12
ralsina_insert the word "plugin" there somewhere17:12
mandelralsina_, if people are running gwibber we might crash the system hehehehe17:15
mandelok, I need to walk the dog, I'll be back kinda soon 'cause is pouring here... stupid winter!17:17
=== mandel is now known as mandel_afk
karniduanedesign: joshuahoover1: FYI (about requiring logging in, when app is installed on external storage) https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-android-files/+faq/185318:00
duanedesignthank you karni18:09
karniduanedesign: I also uploaded latest Android Market apk to https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-android-files18:10
joshuahoover1karni: we're trying not to use lp answers anymore...we have an faq on the site, i'll grab your copy there and put it on the faq here: https://one.ubuntu.com/help/faq/why-do-i-have-to-login-to-the-files-app-after-a-restart/18:27
mandel_afkok, EOD for me, laters!18:30
Tomdroid_Userso, what's the deal with notes?18:53
Tomdroid_Userany eta?18:53
nessitaelopio: you're missing the stylesheet for the qt controlpanel, that s why it looks so ugly :-)18:54
elopionessita: ahhh, that makes sense.18:54
nessitaelopio: perhaps you're missin a packge?18:54
nessitaralsina: how can we diagnose why elopio does not have the stylesheet load in his qt controlpanel?18:54
nessitaralsina: see screenshots here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/91725118:55
ubot4`Launchpad bug 917251 in ubuntuone-control-panel "On Qt, some button labels are not completely visible (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]18:55
ralsinanessita: strace18:55
ralsinanessita: OTOH, it may be something old I remember about the stylesheet being compressed in the resource file18:55
elopioI'm looking at the errors on the terminal.18:56
ralsinanessita, elopio: give me 5' and I will know better18:56
nessitaralsina: but the stylesheet loads just great in my precise install18:56
ralsinanessita: it's qt-version dependent. elopio: are you on presice?18:56
elopioralsina, nessita: does this mean something to you? Compiled data/qt/device.ui into ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/qt/ui/device_ui.py18:56
elopiosh: 1: pyrcc4: not found18:56
elopiowarning: ControlPanelBuild: Unable to generate python module ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/qt/ui/images_rc.py for resource file data/qt/images.qrc18:56
ralsinaelopio: haha!18:56
nessitaTomdroid_User: one second, let me find someone that can help you18:56
elopioralsina: yes, precise.18:56
ralsinaelopio: ok, you are missing pyrcc4 ;-)18:56
nessitaelopio: would you know about notes status to answer to Tomdroid_User?18:57
elopionessita: no clue. beuno, rye?18:57
elopioI'll give it a try.18:57
beunoelopio, AFAIK, notes is working fine18:58
Tomdroid_UserI still get an error when I try to access it either via web or Tomboy18:58
beunoTomdroid_User, what error is that?18:59
Tomdroid_User"something has gone wrong"18:59
Tomdroid_Userthis problem has been reported....18:59
Tomdroid_Usertry back later...18:59
nessitaelopio: could you please update the bug status if you confirm it was a missing dep?19:00
beunoTomdroid_User, you get this on the website as well?19:00
Tomdroid_Userand on my dashboard it says its down and being worked on19:00
beunoTomdroid_User, so, I'm going to have to ask you to do something a bit icky19:00
beunocan you view the source of the page19:00
beunoand search for "oops"19:00
Tomdroid_UserOur Notes and Contacts database is not responding at the momen19:00
Tomdroid_Userthat's what dashboard says19:00
beunothere should be a long string there19:00
beunoif you can get me that string of text I can look into it19:00
Tomdroid_User<!-- OOPS-ID-2207appserverZaBeJBeAGCEabEcEIJHBIGGAdBbCCeeIF248195 -->19:01
Tomdroid_Userthat what you are looking for19:01
beunoTomdroid_User, yes, perfect, thank you. I'll need a few minutes to track it down19:01
elopiobeuno: I'm still having bug #91232 randomly.19:05
ubot4`Launchpad bug 91232 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Banshee crashes when banshee-official-plugins is still installed (dup-of: 94302)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9123219:06
ubot4`Launchpad bug 94302 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Banshee 0.12.x crashes when old banshee-official-plugins are installed (dups: 3)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9430219:06
elopiono, not that19:06
elopiobug #91232419:06
ubot4`Launchpad bug 912324 in ubuntuone-servers "It's not possible to add a new note (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91232419:06
elopiosometimes I can add notes. Sometimes I can't. Not sure if it's a related problem.19:07
elopionessita, ralsina, with that installed, I still get the ugly labels.19:10
elopioThis is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/806535/19:10
ralsinaelopio: you need to do a python setup.py build19:10
elopioI'm not sure what's an error and what isn't, because last time you told me that those with  the ERROR prefix were not errors :p19:11
ralsinaelopio: they are errors you can ignore ;-)19:11
elopioralsina: yes, I'm doing it. ./setup.py build19:11
ralsinaelopio: Hmmm the pastebin says you aren't19:11
ralsinaelopio: typo there19:11
elopioralsina: the paste knows nothing :)19:11
ralsinaelopio: hehe19:12
ralsinaelopio: ok, could you do that and paste the output of that alone?19:12
elopioralsina: http://paste.ubuntu.com/806539/19:13
ralsinaelopio: slightly weird.19:15
ralsinaelopio, nessita: the code to load the qss file is different on windows and linux19:18
elopioralsina: dont' worry. We are all "slightly weird" here.19:18
ralsinaelopio: could you add the -no-compress option to pyrcc in setup.py?19:18
ralsinaelopio: and then delete images_rc.py and do another python setup.py build ?19:19
ralsinaelopio: if that fixes it, I can do a fix in 5' :-)19:19
elopioralsina: one second19:19
nessitaralsina: yes19:20
nessitaralsina: but it works great here, I would bet is a dep issue19:20
ralsinanessita: it's not exactly random, but we had the exact same bug on -installer19:20
beunoTomdroid_User, so, I found your issue, it's a problem in your couch database. I don't know what the fix for this is, but if you file a bug, I can work on the fix and let you know when it's solved19:21
nessitaralsina: OH WAIT, is not working right now! I'm sorry I was so sure about that (I tried it last week!)19:21
elopioralsina: it worked.19:22
Tomdroid_Userwhat's a 'couch database'?19:22
ralsinaelopio: ok, could you file a bug "use uncompressed  resources in qt GUI" to u1cp and assign to me?19:22
nessitaralsina: perhpas something changed on precise?19:22
ralsinaelopio: I will get to it soonish19:22
ralsinanessita: maybe they lowered the threshold for compressing resources19:23
elopioralsina: no problem. Thanks to both for your kind help.19:23
beunoTomdroid_User, sorry for the technical terms, it's a problem on the server side, which I need to look into more deeply, it will take a few days to find the problem and push out the fix19:23
Tomdroid_Userok.  I'll keep checking back19:24
Tomdroid_Userwhere should I file a bug?19:24
elopioTomdroid_User: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers19:26
Tomdroid_Userkk, thanks19:26
ldmsI'm new to IRC. I write from italy. Good morning to everyone19:41
ldmsCan anyone help me about syncing trouble ?19:42
ldmsI use evolution19:43
ralsinaok, I am falling asleep (slept last night ona bus), so I better EOD before I break something20:10
ralsinasee you all tomorrow!20:10
JanCbuenas noches  ☺20:23
alecuuuuuh.... it's so late and I have to pick up Amelia.20:24
alecuttyl gals and guys20:25
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=== briancurtin2 is now known as briancurtin
* nessita -> eod21:17
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== alecu_kinderrunn is now known as alecu

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