
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
h31Hello. How to use Ayatana mailing list?01:19
dbarthbye #ayatana, welcome #ubuntu-unity09:15
thumperall... general Unity discussions moving to #ubuntu-unity09:16
* thumper heading for a flight09:17
thumpercan someone update the topic?09:17
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mhr3davidcalle, hope you dont mind if we co-host the lenses session :)11:28
davidcallemhr3, of course I don't. I would enjoy it :)11:29
mhr3davidcalle, cool i just mentioned if to dholback11:29
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kamstrupbilal: awesome work on the USC integration. Can't wait to land it :-)13:25
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mhall119oh, he changed his nick did he?  no wonder I couldn't ever find him14:15
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mhall119kamstrup: ping15:01
kamstrupmhall119: pong15:01
mhall119kamstrup: do you know if this warning on the Launcher API is still valid? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/LauncherAPI#Using_the_Launcher_API15:01
kamstrupmhall119: the API and ABI is for all practical purposes frozen by now. Only divine (read: sabdfl) intervention can change that15:02
kamstrupmhall119: so I guess the answer is "no" :-)15:02
kamstrupalthough the disclaimer on the dbus protocol is still valid I guess15:03
kamstrupthat is not part of the public api15:03
mhall119is everything here on the wiki duplicated on the developer portal?15:04
mhall119or parts of it that we can replace with a link to the dev portal docs?15:05
mhall119kamstrup: ^^ ?  I'd like to clean that up, since it was pointed out on a comment in my blog that we're giving developers the wrong information15:22
kamstrupi don't know much about the stuff on the dev portal, that is updated by dpm afaik15:22
mhall119kamstrup: ok, for now is it okay if I remove the warning on the Launcher API (but leave the one on DBus)?15:37
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kenvandinekamstrup, any ideas why row-added is broken with pygi?  it has never worked15:51
kenvandineTypeError: Expected Dee.ModelIter, but got StructMeta15:51
mhall119didrocks: ping15:57
didrockshey mhall11915:57
mhall119hey didrocks, jcastro was telling me that you had a community contributor make a significant patch to Unity that sped things up for Unity 5.0, and he asked me to blog about that15:58
mhall119would you be able to shoot me an email with the contributor's name, link to the rev/mp, and a description of what it did?15:58
mhall119also his email, so I can contact him for a photo and bio15:59
didrocksmhall119: oh sure, doing that in 10 minutes :)16:02
didrocks(just need to finish testing file-roller first)16:02
mhall119thanks didrocks16:05
didrocksyw :)16:07
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kamstrupmhall119: ok17:10
kamstrupkenvandine: i think i had it working once... can you file a bug?17:10
kenvandinekamstrup, thx17:12
kenvandinekamstrup, bug 91776117:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 917761 in dee "row-added signal isn't usable with PyGI" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91776117:16
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mick0davidcalle: You there? :)17:43
davidcallemick0, yup17:57
davidcallemick0, I'm pushing the packaging branch tonight. :)17:58
mick0davidcalle: I've updated the spotify scope as you did with the piratebay scope.17:58
mick0davidcalle: Can I find documantation on the 5.0 api anywhere?17:58
mick0I don't have precise installed yet (downloading it to install it on my laptop right now) so I havent tested it yet.18:00
davidcalleThere is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mhr3/Lenses which is in progress I believe. And http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.04/python/Unity-5.0.html18:00
mick0davidcalle: Did you get the new packaging standard working?18:00
mick0Ahh nice. Thanks :)18:01
davidcallemick0, the packaging is now a bit more complicated. I will push the branch tonight.18:01
davidcallemick0, there will be a blog post from kamstrup about the new API, it should be helpful too (with sample code, I believe).18:03
BerndSch_davidcalle: why is the new packaging more compicated? I thought the only difference is the path /opt instead of /usr/lib?18:12
BerndSch_davidcalle: I also started a branch for precise yesterday and pushed it to launchpad. But I hadn't enough time to test it. I think there are still some problems18:13
davidcalleBerndSch_, because it also needs an AppArmor profile. I haven't really looked at it since I got it yesterday, it has been done by a member of the Application Review Board.18:14
* davidcalle is afk for a few hours.18:17
BerndSch_davidcalle: ok, if I have tested my precise branch I will try to submit my lens18:18
davidcalleBerndSch_, I don't know if the submissions for Precise are open yet. You might want to check with stgraber, he is the one who has guided me through the process (and done the packaging).18:21
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bschaeferandyrock, hey are you still up?21:47
andyrockbschaefer, sure21:48
bschaeferandyrock, do you ibus installed?21:48
bschaeferandyrock, well it comes with ubuntu but umm with ibus-hangul version?21:49
bschaeferandyrock, I just found out something even weirder with the ibus bug...21:49
bschaeferandyrock, and I wanted to see if that was happing for you. Do you also have the num pad? or are you using a laptop?21:50
andyrocki enabled ibus when i tested a Trevino's branch21:50
andyrockwithout num pad21:50
andyrocklet me check the first question21:50
bschaeferandyrock, shit. well so ALL the num pad keys get commited before the preedit...21:50
bschaeferso - on the left side commits fine and the - on num pad commits before the preedit!21:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 880876 in unity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Unity causes ibus to not work correctly (spaces incorrectly placed)" [High,Confirmed]21:51
bschaeferfor refrence21:51
bschaeferandyrock, if you done have it just sudo apt-get install ibus-hangul for the Koren input...but you dont have the num pad21:52
andyrockbschaefer, can i fake the numpad with an osk?21:53
bschaeferandyrock, hmm I haven't tried21:53
bschaeferandyrock, i need to check the keyval of the keys too21:53
bschaeferandyrock, cause now I am thinking they are different (for some reason)21:53
bschaeferandyrock, yeah using the keyboard in the universal access causes the same thing21:56
bschaeferandyrock, hmm interesting...I have been digging though the source of ibus and ibus-hangul for last couple days for a fix. I really want ibus to be happy with unity!21:57
andyrockbschaefer, so help me to enable ibus :)21:57
bschaeferandyrock, alright, so go to system settings21:57
bschaeferthen language support21:57
bschaeferandyrock, and under keyboard input method system select ibus21:58
bschaeferandyrock, and Apply system-wide21:58
bschaeferandyrock, then at the command line: sudo apt-get install ibus-hangul ibus-table21:58
bschaeferthen reboot (yeaah annoy sorry!)21:59
bschaeferor logout21:59
bschaeferandyrock, ok, then on the command line: ibus-setup&22:02
bschaeferand add the Koren input method22:02
bschaeferok now type in Koren then when the char still is in preedit22:03
bschaeferpress space22:03
bschaeferand that is the bug22:03
bschaeferㄹㅁㄴㅇ ㄹ22:03
bschaeferalong with num pad keys and return which is a problem too22:03
andyrockok i press22:04
andyrockthen space22:04
andyrockand i got this22:04
bschaeferright click and make sure under input method it is ibus22:05
bschaeferbecause I patch went through to fix the ibus if you use xim and the main input method22:05
bschaeferright click where you are typing text22:05
bschaeferor do it in the Dash22:06
bschaefercause xim doesn't work there...22:06
andyrockok i've it in the dash i'm no longer able to get the ibus menu22:06
andyrockant this's weid22:06
bschaeferI have a patch for that22:07
bschaeferhaha, the focus was removed22:07
bschaeferin IMTextEntry.cpp22:07
bschaefer(signal was removed)22:07
bschaeferumm will try the gnome-terminal then haha22:07
andyrockin the gnome-terminal22:08
andyrocki get the space before22:08
andyrockthe symbol22:08
bschaeferok now get that virtual keyboard thing up22:08
bschaeferyour chat program is prob using XIM as its IM22:09
bschaeferwhich uses different code in ibus22:09
andyrockok i've the osk22:10
bschaeferno back in gnome-terminal try the same thing with a normal 1 and a num pad 122:10
bschaeferwhen I type "asd1" I get these two versions: ㅁㄴㅇ1 and ㅁㄴ1ㅇ and I just want to make sure that is happening for someone else22:11
bschaeferthe second one being from numpad22:12
andyrockwith a normal 1 i don't get the problem22:13
bschaefera numpad 1 or anything on the numpad should mess is up22:14
andyrocki've tested it withoud the osk22:15
andyrockfn + numlk22:15
andyrockdoes its job22:16
andyrocki get 1 and the symbol22:16
bschaefersweet, that is good to know though22:16
bschaeferman this bug is very interesting...22:16
bschaefercause I am thinking the problem now is ibus-hangul when forced to handle space or num pad nums it doesn't know how to handle them22:17
andyrockbschaefer, then theach it22:17
bschaeferwhich forces how it process the keyval it just commits it right away instead of checking else where22:17
bschaeferandyrock, I am have been trying to make unity and ibus friends for months now! They just don't like each other...22:19
andyrockmaybe compiz's fault?22:20
bschaeferhaha no problem. I haven't even been able to get gdb working with the ibus sooo all the out I am using is fprintf to a log file I set up22:20
bschaeferno you can get this bug on any enviorment. Gnome, Unity 2d22:21
andyrockCimi loves printf ;)22:21
bschaeferit is an ibus problem!22:21
andyrockah ok22:21
bschaeferI love it too, so no complaints, it is just some of this ustring that fwprintf cant handle or printf haha22:21
andyrockand why we have the bug opened against unity? o.o22:21
bschaeferandyrock, no sure!22:22
andyrockuse g_debug btw22:22
* bschaefer looks up function22:22
andyrocki don't know if it can handle wchar22:23
andyrockbut use (f)printf for debug is evil22:23
bschaeferyeah, i the buffer22:23
bschaeferusing stderr helps22:23
bschaeferwhen using fprintf it doesn't get commited to files, but using stderr forces it to print right away!22:24
bschaeferdoesn't get commited to files right away*22:24
gang65I need some advice about Unity design22:24
bschaeferthat would work too22:25
mgedminstderr is not buffered by default, iirc22:25
bschaefermgedmin, thanks, the fflush() is something I should be using anyway22:26
bschaeferandyrock, and thanks for confirming that! Always help talking to some else about bugs...22:28
andyrockyour welcome22:28
andyrocki'm not an ibus-expert :)22:28
andyrockbtw remove all the ibus code from unity22:29
andyrockand put them directly in nux22:29
bschaeferandyrock, jaytaoko is working on that22:29
bschaeferandyrock, and if he can get that working with out using IBUS_ENABLE_SYNC_MODE22:30
bschaeferthen this wont be a problem, but im not sure how much progress he has made on it22:30
bschaeferandyrock, I wish I was an ibus expert, I just keep getting assigned the ibus bugs haha22:31
andyrockwe have all the time to learn ;)22:32
bschaefervery true! I would have to admit I do know a lot about the ibus now22:33
bschaeferjaytaoko, ping if you are around! Curious on your TextEntry progress!22:34
andyrockbschaefer, in budapest I told me that he want you to review iirc22:34
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andyrock*to review his code22:35
bschaeferyeah, does he have a branch out?22:35
bschaeferthat I missed22:35
andyrockbschaefer, i think not22:37
bschaeferandyrock, well he +3 hours from my time zone so i should be able to catch him sometime today22:38
bschaeferandyrock, now I need to make some more coffee and then back to trying to fix this ibus bug! Good luck with your work :)22:39
andyrockbschaefer, struts work and keyboard navigation :(22:40
andyrock*struts work = _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL22:40
bschaeferandyrock, haha22:53
AlanBellin precise I am finding gnome-terminal and terminator windows are translucent when the unity compiz plugin is activated23:31
AlanBellis this intentional behaviour? my terminal settings are set to solid colour23:31
mhr3bschaefer, you wanted to work on the hint for no-results, right?23:34
mhr3there are merge requests lined up for review which would finally allow you do it :)23:35
AlanBellah, looks like the panel opacity slider is controlling terminal window opacity as well as the panel23:37

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