
cjalmeidapoolie, I tried the 2.5b2 from ppa and same issue. I'll try to check mtu. BTW, nautilus ssh connection also stopped working. however, dolphin and large scp transfers are OK.00:02
pooliemaybe you turned on ssh connection auto-master?00:03
poolietry turning that off00:03
cjalmeidapresto! it was mtu.00:04
cjalmeidaset it to 576 and everthing worked00:04
cjalmeidaI had a hunch about it when firefox started dropping conns, but set it to 1400, still too large00:05
cjalmeidaeven nautilus is working fine now00:06
cjalmeidapoolie, I'll see if i can find a good mtu. Canonical should put a post connect test to determine best value.00:06
pooliewhat, in network-manager or something?00:08
pooliepath mtu discovery does already exist00:08
pooliei don't recall why it doesn't work in some cases00:08
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cjalmeidapoolie, for some reason, my /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_mtu_probing was set to 0.00:30
pooliemine too00:34
poolieperhaps there is some tradeoff about having it on00:41
fullermdPath MTU discover _does_ require that you not have any networks in the path run by flaming idiots who think "Oh, hey, let's block all ICMP; that way we're more secure!"01:30
fullermd(I dunno if that's less of a problem now than it was a decade ago.  My cynical side says 'no'...)01:32
bob2there are still people who think icmp is how teh hackers get in, but they mostly seem to be sysadmins rather than netadmins01:32
fullermdLuckily, I'm buoyed up by my native optimism and happy outlook.01:32
pooliei wonder if it might not be possible to do some kind of heuristic detection01:46
lifelessfullermd: PTMUd can handle blackholes... just faster without them02:00
lifelesscjalmeida: poolie: that sysctl is for RFC 4821 checking, which is new (2007) vs RFC 1191 checking, which is what most folk expect/need02:02
lifelesscjalmeida: poolie: http://kb.pert.geant.net/PERTKB/PathMTU covers both02:02
lifelessI speculate it is disabled due to newness; pehraps we should default it on02:03
lifelessfullermd: 4821 doesn't need ICMP according to that wiki page02:04
poolielifeless, yes i thought perhaps there was another one02:07
cjalmeidapoolie, lifeless, fullermd the tcp_mtu_probing setting to 1 seems to have fixed mos issues.02:18
lifelesspoolie: btw - http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/dialyzer.html03:30
BlindWolf8Hey all. I have a Bazaar server where clients use ssh_path_limiter to access a repo. Am I able to pass multiple paths in my authorized_keys file?05:00
BlindWolf8I want to do this so a single person doesn't need to generate a key per project05:00
BlindWolf8I am using Shared repos05:00
lifelessBlindWolf8: just put all the repos under a common root05:58
lifeless/srv/repos/A /srv/repos/B and make /srv/repos the permitted path05:58
BlindWolf8but then clients would need to change their paths, right?05:59
BlindWolf8for bound branches?05:59
lifelessuhm, yes05:59
BlindWolf8i figured06:00
BlindWolf8right now it's bzr+ssh://<user>@<ip>:<port>/.bzr/branches/trunk/06:00
vilahi all07:06
* fullermd wavels.07:07
vilapoolie: 'Requests' looks very good indeed, dependencies may be an issue there though07:07
vilapoolie: in short, too late for 2.5, worth considering for 2.607:08
mgzmorning all!07:55
jelmerhey mgz07:58
jelmerare we hanging out?08:01
mgzI need to head downstairs if so08:02
jelmermgz: are you up for that journey?08:03
mgzif that's where we'll all be :)08:03
jelmervila, poolie: ^08:05
vilamorning guys !08:05
vilaoh, right !08:05
pooliehi jelmer, mgz,08:06
poolieyes let's try it08:06
wgzhm, where is the thingy?08:14
jelmerwgz: it's on http://plus.google.com/08:14
* wgz reloads08:15
jelmerwgz: the top item should be an invite from poolie for the hangout08:15
vilacan't see it08:16
jelmermgz: no can hear you08:17
jelmervila: hmm, that's odd.. should be the first item in the stream08:17
vilapoolie is the first in the stream but I can't see any ref to an ongoing hangout :-(08:21
jelmervila: there should be a join button08:26
vilayeah, that's what I remember but there is none08:26
vilaha !08:27
tvossHi all08:39
tvossI'm trying to setup a packaging recipe and hitting a problem with bzr-builder08:40
tvossapparently missing a launchpad id08:40
tvossbuild log is here: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/90240218/buildlog.txt.gz08:43
jelmertvoss: for now, please use the 0.3 version of recipes08:50
tvossjelmer, thx, adjusted my recipe and requested a build08:53
mgzokay. enough fun09:07
vilamgz: regarding the seg fault, here is the only trace I found in kernel.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/807177/09:13
mgznot very informative indeed09:16
vilayeah, if I wasn't searching for it I've probably missed it09:17
vilaI had probably ?09:18
tvossjelmer, 0.3 version of the recipes work fine09:25
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vilajelmer: colocated-names reviewed, mostly questions for now but the change looks ok, I need answers to understand the impact but it seems low risk  enough to be ok09:51
jelmervila: thanks09:54
jelmervila: replied10:04
vilajelmer: already reading and replying ;)10:04
vilaone question10:04
jelmervila: thanks for the quick followups :)10:04
vilaself.name = name in __init__ makes it an instance variable right ?10:04
vilaBzrBranch.__init__ that is10:05
vilaand great answer by the way, I smelled a bug but couldn't put my finger on it10:05
jelmervila: ah, sorry10:06
jelmervila: I missed that that code was in Branch, I was only reading the diff10:06
jelmeryeah, I can see why documenting it as an instance variable makes sense10:06
vilaunless the line should be deleted, I see no use of it from a quick grep...10:07
jelmervila: which line, assigning to self.name ?10:07
vilawell, annotations say you added it so you should know ;)10:09
viladamn, there *is* doc for it10:09
vilawhy did I miss it in the first place....10:10
jelmervila: it is meant to be used by things that need to display colocated branch names10:10
vilajelmer: approved, but watch for lp:bzr/2.5 as a target10:12
jelmervila: thanks10:12
jelmervila: I guess I should probably resubmit against 2.5?10:12
vilajelmer: depends on how you submit to pqm, don't wait for another review if you resubmit on lp though ;)10:13
jelmervila: resubmitting against 2.5, would you mind re-reviewing?10:13
vilaI don't mind but I just said you didn't need it ;)10:14
jelmerwell, that way we have the review record right.. I don't like reviewing my own stuff :)10:15
vilajelmer: done, one last time: check news entry ;)10:19
jelmervila: huh, wha ? :-P10:23
* jelmer RUNS10:23
vilaI knew, trap activated as planned10:23
vilajelmer: jokes aside, if you still encounter news merge issues on pqm, let me know ;)10:36
jelmervila: will do10:38
zygais the author of lp:bzr-interactive around?11:35
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mgzoo larstiq magic15:11
LarstiQmgz: oh oh, I hoped it wasn't too magical :)15:12
mgzapproved, but you probably want to do some shuffling to get it on 2.5 which branched yesterday15:17
mgzmay just be able to branch lp:bzr/2.5, merge your change into that (and --fixes) then add news and repropose15:18
* LarstiQ looks for a corresponding bug15:19
mgzbug 88114215:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 881142 in Bazaar "AssertionError: unversioned parent while creating working tree using pypy" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88114215:19
mgzreally good job tracking that down, gets us down to a sensible number of failures on pypy I take it?15:20
LarstiQmgz: not entirely sure15:20
mgzI'll do a run later this evening and report back.15:20
LarstiQmgz: while running test_http.TestBadStatusServer.test_http_get bzr hangs for a long time and then: zsh: alarm      ../pypy-1.7/bin/pypy ./bzr selftest15:21
LarstiQreading around that can happen when a signal handler isn't properly set when the signal arrives15:22
LarstiQbut looking at the code I couldn't figure it out15:22
jelmerLarstiQ: we register an alarm handler to kill hanging tests15:22
* LarstiQ nods15:22
LarstiQjelmer: "something" goes wrong there :)15:22
jelmerLarstiQ: so most likely this is a hanging test, rather than anything to do with the signal handler15:23
LarstiQjelmer: my understanding is that the signal handler doesn't run and it passes down to zsh15:24
* LarstiQ might be wrong15:24
jelmerLarstiQ: I don't think we register a signal handler at all, (intentionally?)15:25
LarstiQjelmer: possibly, I didn't quite follow the code. One _exists_ at least.15:25
LarstiQvila might know more15:25
jelmerLarstIQ: At least, if I have hanging tests on cpython it dies the same way15:25
LarstiQjelmer: ah ok15:26
jelmerso it might be that the signal handler isn't being called, but at least it's consistent across the various python implementations :)15:26
vilaLarstiQ: hey !15:26
LarstiQvila: heya :)15:27
vilaAFAIK, we don't use signals in tests *expect* SIGALRM to kill hanging tests (based on selftests.timeout defaulting to... 60s I think)15:28
vilaexcept not expect15:28
LarstiQvila: who is supposed to handle that signal, bzr or the shell?15:29
vilaerr... dunno :)15:30
mgzsee <https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/test-timeout/+merge/83559>15:31
vilaI think we just arm a timer15:31
vilaso yeah, we never try to catch it15:32
LarstiQok, so then the only question is why it times out15:32
vilaLarstiQ: you run with -v ?15:34
vilaLarstiQ: said otherwise: are you sure the hanging tests is TestBadStatusServer ?15:34
mgzit tracking it down to one test that hangs (semi) reliably would be a good start15:35
LarstiQvila: good point15:35
* LarstiQ tries a run with just that test15:35
mgzcan set that conf value to less than 60 for less patient alarm timeout while trying test subsets15:36
vila... or to more than 60 if you need to debug ;)15:36
mgzthat's true, breaking in poking thread states can be useful15:37
LarstiQafter which point would the alarm kick in? It's not giving any progress info (while with -v) for more than a minute already15:38
mgzit should just be 60s after test start15:38
mgzotherwise try ctrl+\ and see where you land15:38
mgzTestBadStatusServer.test_http_has it is.15:48
LarstiQthe following completes in 21 seconds: ../pypy-1.7/bin/pypy ./bzr selftest -v -s bt.test_http -x test_http.TestBadStatusServer.test_http_has -x test_http.TestBadStatusServer.test_http_get -x test_http.TestPost.test_post_body_is_received -x test_http.TestRecordingServer.test_send_receive_bytes15:48
vila./bzr selftest -s bt.test_http.TestBadStatus -v would be simpler to start with15:49
* LarstiQ has to run now15:50
LarstiQI'll be back tomorrow15:50
mgzthanks LarstiQ!15:50
vilathanks for digging  !15:51
LarstiQmgz: then I'll also have some questions about proper NEWS entry writing15:51
* LarstiQ off15:51
mgzactually, could just merge to 2.5 and add news for LarstiQ, will do that later unless pp gets there first15:55
vilaLarstiQ: in case your read the log, I suspect you're re-trying a request that failed, we want the first failure as the server is not supposed to receive more than one request which is probably why it's hanging15:56
vilamgz: I'll do15:56
vilamgz: I did16:05
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mgzvila: ta!16:25
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mgzha, okay, fixed eucatools proxying signature checking18:58
mgz...and that was the wrong channel this time.19:00
BlindWolf8Hello. Is bzr_path_limiter able to traverse soft links? I'm getting a "not a repo" error19:42
BlindWolf8Actually, it's "No repository present"19:44
BlindWolf8Is it because I'm pointing it towards a branch and not a repo?19:53
jelmerBlindWolf8: yeah, it won't be able to browse down towards the repo in that case19:54
BlindWolf8Is tehre a way to remove the ugly "/.bzr/branches/trunk/" from URLs without making symlinks or is that just the way it's going to be?20:02
jelmerBlindWolf8: huh, why would you need symlinks to that?20:03
BlindWolf8Just was trying to make my URLs for team members easier to pop in/look less ugly, but Iif they have to look like bzr+ssh://<user>@<ip>:<port>/<project_name>/.bzr/branches/trunk/ then that's the way it's going to be20:06
beunoso, couldn't you register a shortcut like lp: has?20:08
BlindWolf8the project isn't on lp20:08
beunono, I mean "lp:" is probably registered in the launchpad plugin20:09
beunomaybe you could have a plugin to register "something:"20:09
jelmerBlindWolf8: why not just bzr+ssh://<user>@<ip>:<port>/<project_name>/trunk ?20:09
mgedminthere's a bookmarks plugin, iirc20:10
BlindWolf8I don't think bzr+ssh://<user>@<ip>:<port>/<project_name>/trunk works. That would be the ideal solution, I think20:10
BlindWolf8I'm using colocated branches...the project only really needs a trunk20:11
jelmerBlindWolf8: ah20:11
jelmerBlindWolf8: so this is very specific to bzr-colo20:11
BlindWolf8I'm not using that plugin20:11
BlindWolf8at least on the server20:12
BlindWolf8I think the Windows installer version of bzr comes with that though20:12
jelmerBlindWolf8: you should be able to just push to your desired location of bzr+ssh://<user>@<ip>:<port>/<project_name>/trunk20:13
BlindWolf8want me to try and report back?20:16
BlindWolf8Fails with "not a branch" error20:18
glyphI notice that there's no 'qmissing' in bzr20:18
glypherm qbzr20:18
glyphis there a thing that's similar?20:18
jelmerBlindWolf8: when you're pushing?20:18
BlindWolf8when I'm pulling20:20
jelmerBlindWolf8: you'd have to push to that location first (and ditch the .bzr/branches/ bit from bzr-colo)20:20
BlindWolf8why? would that create it on the server?20:21
BlindWolf8just an FYI: everyone's using colo'd bound branches...no checkouts or master branch20:22
jelmerBlindWolf8: yes, that should create it on the server20:22
BlindWolf8just a single branch, nothing fancy20:22
jelmerBlindWolf8: you're complaining about colocated branches on the server20:22
BlindWolf8server doesn't have any fiels on it...every else has those files though20:23
BlindWolf8only dir on the server is the .bzr dir20:23
jelmerBlindWolf8: right, that's fine - the server just has to have the branch, not the working tree20:23
BlindWolf8but isn't the branch technically in the .bzr dir already...?20:24
jelmerBlindWolf8: it is, but it lives in a special location which is a bit of a hack used by bzr-colo20:24
jelmerBlindWolf8: that's why you have to specify /.bzr/branches/foo rather than just /foo20:24
BlindWolf8I'm assuming it's going to be awhile until that's fixed :-)20:25
jelmerBlindWolf8: bzr 2.5 will have proper colocated branch support, different from bzr-colo20:25
BlindWolf8what's the ETA on that?20:26
jelmerBlindWolf8: 2.5.0 is due out in a month I think20:26
BlindWolf8what's the upgrade path for old repos with the old colo format?20:26
jelmerBlindWolf8: no idea; I think Neil (the author of bzr-colo) had some ideas but I've only been involved with the colo support in the core20:27
BlindWolf8gotcha...the new version sounds like it's even more friendly20:28
BlindWolf8just thought about my folder layout and I think I'm goign to need to make symlinks on a per user basis for security reasosns20:30
BlindWolf8so epeople can't get into other projects20:30
BlindWolf8since I can only pass one directory with ssh_path_limiter20:30
* jelmer has to head out, sorry20:31
jelmerback later tonight20:32
BlindWolf8see ya! thanks!20:32
pooliehi all22:17
GRiDhi poolie, how's it going23:10
pooliehi grid, pretty good, how are you?23:54

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