
nigelbStevenK: haha, airline staff with a sense of humour! Nice :)00:52
abentleyjelmer: sure.01:15
lifelesswgrant: is hotness qa-ok ?01:59
wgrantlifeless: No idea, been doing other stuff since it appeared on qas.02:39
wgrantWill QA now.02:39
wgrantlifeless: Is the bounty removal not done?02:42
wgrantIIRC all that was left was the DB schema, which I removed months ago.02:42
* wgrant greps02:42
wgrantNope, all gone.02:42
wgrantlifeless: Yes02:52
wgrantShould do ppa/ftpmaster tonight.02:56
wgrantUrsinha's DB patch and garbo job tomorrow02:57
wgrantThen EmailAddress.account dies on whatever the day after that is.02:57
wgrantcanonical/launchpad/mars :)03:22
StevenKwgrant: I agree with ppa/ftpmaster tonight for FDT, FWIW.03:24
wgrantBut yes03:26
StevenKThe FDT window, you pendant. :-P03:28
wgrantfdt refers to the DB update. We've had mistakes in the past around this confusion.03:30
wgrantSo we need to be clear.03:31
wgrantlifeless: Can you remind me why we can't use GIN yet?03:35
nigelbwgrant: OCRing today?03:36
wgrantOh, bah, it's Tuesday now.03:37
nigelbDid you work through the night?03:37
wgrantnigelb: rvba reviewed your branch last night, AFAICT.03:37
nigelbHe did?03:37
nigelbdammit, how did I miss that email :|03:39
nigelbInteresting. My email doesn't think Lp reviews are priority anymore.03:40
* nigelb changes that.03:40
lifelesswgrant: table scans03:42
lifelessStevenK: 'pedant'03:42
nigelbI did wonder about pendant :P03:43
* StevenK hits lifeless's engine with a baggage cart, stranding him in Heathrow.03:43
wgrantlifeless: Confused03:44
wgrantClearly the index is not being used properly if it invokes a table scan.03:44
wgrantAh, it doesn't support full index scans, I see.03:45
wgrantBug #119780 ftr03:47
_mup_Bug #119780: bug comment full text search is disabled - GIN indices in pg 8.2 do not support table scans <lp-bugs> <search> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by stub> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/119780 >03:47
* StevenK stares at Storm03:59
StevenKThe validator insists 'depends-on+987' is not a valid name.04:00
wgrant"The validator"?04:00
StevenKvalid_name SQL function04:01
wgrantAh, so nothing to do with Storm.04:02
wgrantYou sure you don't have a newline or space or something in there?04:02
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/807006/04:03
wgrantvalid_tag is not valid_name04:03
StevenKCONSTRAINT valid_tag CHECK (valid_name(tag))04:04
wgrantAh, but it is.04:04
wgrantPerhaps it wants a list?04:05
wgrantWhat's the SQL that it generates?04:05
wgrantI suspect it may be splitting on + or similar04:05
StevenKIt uses for tag in tags, which does it per char for a string04:08
StevenKWhich is ... handy04:08
StevenKNoCanonicalUrl: No url for None because None broke the chain.04:17
wallyworldbollocks. latest NDT breaks javascript on merge proposal pages05:12
wallyworldand also on code index page05:15
nigelbwhats's NDT?05:15
wgrantnigelb: nodowntime deployment05:16
wgrantwallyworld: Hm, what's the impact05:16
wgrantMP pages don't have much non-beta JS05:16
wgrantAnd code index JS is not used much05:17
wallyworldwgrant: the code index breaks such that the branch filter drop downs don't work05:17
wallyworldwgrant: it's becuase a mochikit method connect() is being used in the tal05:17
wgrantI suspect that is used little, however. If the fix is simple, I suggest fixing rather than rolling back.05:17
wallyworldso i can work on that05:17
wallyworldhaven't looked at the mp breakage yet05:18
wallyworldyes, i agree we should try and fix05:18
* wallyworld hates stupid embedded javascript in the tal page templates :-(05:19
wgrantMP JS seems to be entirely broken, but the fallbacks all work fine.05:20
wallyworldyep, the js breaks early on in the load/parsing phase05:22
wgrantIt looks for div#add-comment-form05:24
wgrantBut on MPs it's form#add-comment-form05:24
wgrantI think bug commenting is broken too :)05:29
wgrantlib/lp/app/javascript/comment.js has an undefined trim()05:29
wgrantPerhaps it means Y.Lang.trim05:29
wallyworldwgrant: that's fallout from deryck's work to sort out bug comments last week05:30
wallyworldi can fix that also05:30
wgrantBut we need to revert05:30
wgrantspm: ^^05:30
wgrantSince it breaks after the fallback is disabled.05:30
spmrevert what/where?05:30
StevenKRevert the NDT we just did05:30
StevenKJust the appservers is fine05:31
wgrantwallyworld: http://paste.ubuntu.com/807058/ fixes the bug comment thing. It's the last trim() callsite AFAICT.05:33
wallyworldwgrant: otp, just give me a sec05:33
wallyworldwgrant: cool. i'm currently fixing the remaining uses of mochikit connect05:35
wallyworldthen there's just the form#add-comment vs div#add-comment thing05:36
wgrantMPs fixed05:36
wgrantJust s/div// fixes it05:36
wgrantLooking for other breakage05:36
wallyworldwgrant: no, the div was put there to make something else work05:36
wallyworldso the solution is not as simple as s/div//05:37
wallyworldi'll look into it05:37
wgrant-        this.comment_input = Y.one('[id="field.comment"]');05:37
wgrant+        this.comment_input = Y.one(05:38
wgrant+            'div#add-comment-form [id="field.comment"]');05:38
wgrantis the relevant diff05:38
wgrantThe div was not added -- the whole first selector was.05:38
wgrantWe also have something on the MP page trying to set patting-bottom05:39
wgrantBut I assume that's unrelated.05:39
wallyworldyes, any arse patting is unrelated05:41
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/807064/ :-(05:45
wgrantWork out what the object is.05:45
wgrantDebuggers are handy :)05:46
spmitt, wgrant admits to using ed for all his editing needs05:46
wgrantNah, was an inb4 pycharm from wallyworld.05:47
wallyworldnot mandatory but a shit load more productive for anything but simple debugging work05:47
StevenKwgrant: Sadly obj is None05:48
wgrantStevenK: Right -- you'll probably want a conditional breakpoint on the parent calculation05:49
StevenKBreaking in canonical_urldata_iterator() the first obj is a IBug05:49
wgrantDo you know if that's the same call?05:50
wgrantThe most common thing to generate that error is a bugmessage.05:50
wgrantNot a bug.05:50
StevenKGrabbing obj from the iterator gives a whole bunch of things then:05:53
StevenK<BugTask for bug 16 on <Product at 0xff1b890>>05:53
_mup_Bug #16: "Swedish" and "Swedish (Sweden)" should be the same language <lp-translations> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by daf> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/16 >05:53
spmwgrant: reverted to 14664 on the appservers05:53
StevenKspm: Thanks!05:53
wgrantspm: Thanks05:53
StevenKBloody MochiKit05:53
StevenKwgrant: Don't get it :-(06:01
wgrantStevenK: Trace through where it's obtaining the None.06:02
StevenKwgrant: The menu code is implicated. Which hooks into TAL, and debugging that is madness.06:03
StevenKwgrant: Since it looks like MenuBase._init_link_data() is called twice, once where self.context is Product, and again where it is None06:05
StevenKCalling <lp.bugs.browser.bug.BugContextMenu object at 0x1036e810>.initLink('affectsmetoo', 'http://launchpad.dev/')06:09
StevenKAnd that menu's context is None, which gets into canonical_url06:14
wgrantwallyworld: How go the fixes? We should either fix it all or readd mochikit and fix the div#comment-add-form thing within 45 minutes.06:16
wgrantOr we'll miss the next buildbot run.06:17
wallyworldwgrant: i thought we were doing a rollback?06:17
StevenKWe rolled back prod06:17
StevenKNot the rev06:17
wgrantwallyworld: Production is reverted, but all deployments are now blocked.06:17
wgrantAnd there is some very interesting stuff which now cannot be deployed.06:17
wgrant=> fixing this is top priority06:18
wallyworldthat's what i'm doing06:18
StevenKwgrant: How does this menu stuff work? :-(06:18
wgrantStevenK: Not very well06:18
wgrantStevenK: But you're probably instantiating the view incorrectly, or using the wrong layer.06:19
wallyworldbut i have to refactor to make it yui compatible, and that has issues the way the js is embedded06:19
wgrantIf it's going to go past EOD, we need to revert the relevant revisions.06:20
wgrantI think all but one issue is fixed by readding mochikit.06:20
wallyworldi'll get it fixed soon06:25
StevenKwgrant: Looks the same as everything else in that test?06:25
rick_h__wallyworld: the JS stuff ok? Anything you need a hand with real quick?06:33
wallyworldrick_h__: no, i've got it under control. just mindless refactoring. thanks for asking. only a couple of places left to change06:34
rick_h__wallyworld: ok cool. back to bed then. Thanks!06:34
wallyworldsee ya06:34
* StevenK stabs this test06:45
lifelesspoolie: another interesting thing to look at - https://secure.phabricator.com/07:04
wgrantWhy do all of their buttons look like Facebook?07:04
lifelessbecause facebook made it ?07:05
wgrantcannot access it at all without logging in.07:07
lifelesshttp://phabricator.org/ has an overview07:08
pooliethat's a bit creepy07:08
wgrantIt's a bit Facebook.07:08
poolie> Facebook engineers rave about Phabricator, describing it with glowing terms like "okay" and "mandatory".07:08
poolieyeah looks a bit locked to their approach07:10
pooliei wish lp's bug search ui was a bit like  https://secure.phabricator.com/maniphest/?g=o07:11
wallyworldwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/more-mochikit-fallout/+merge/8881407:12
wgrantpoolie: I think a less crap search UI can be built on top of the new sort UI.07:13
nigelbheh, I search and I see all of you on top :)07:13
wgrant(in 2015)07:13
pooliei was thinking about eventually doing power search07:13
poolieie "assigned:wgrant status:inprogress"07:14
nigelbwgrant: (in 2015). Hah.07:14
poolie.. i feel i would just about know how to do it07:14
poolienot at the top of my queue07:14
wgrantpoolie: I think that was proposed in 200507:14
poolieyes, i know07:14
nigelbOne of the things I like about bugzilla is awesome search.07:14
poolieby tim and me, in at least one of the proposals07:14
pooliewgrant, however search is timing out so much of the time.. i think that ought to be fixed first07:15
wgrantwallyworld: Isn't LPS deprecated?07:15
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wgrantwallyworld: Or did you renege on that?07:15
poolieit would also be neat, though less urgent, to do some kind of machine-learning-based estimation of how far in the future a bug will be closed07:15
wgrantpoolie: Bah, it's only like 90% of our timeouts.07:15
wallyworldwgrant: it is, but i thought we were still using it until we cut over. i'll check07:15
wgrantwallyworld: I really have no idea. I just heard discussion last week.07:16
wallyworldwgrant: we use it for now07:16
lifelesspoolie: that estimate is easy: never; correct for 99% of bugs :P07:16
wallyworldwgrant: it means there will be a little cleanup when the new stuff needs to get merged ie one mor ecase to port07:17
wgrantwallyworld: So, MP pages now turn green, bug commenting works, and branch filtering/sorting works?07:17
pooliebut, not true in at least some contexts07:17
pooliea bit over half of valid bzr bugs have been fixed07:17
wgrantThere's also an XSS you can fix here, if you want :)07:17
wallyworldwgrant: yes. with mp, i created one and ensured i could add a comment07:17
wgrantOh, in fact that's the one that was reported a couple of weeks back.07:18
wallyworldwgrant: point me to the xss07:18
wgrantIt's left as an exercise for the reader.07:18
wgrant(you correctly translated a setting of innerHTML to setContent, which has the same escaping behaviour: none at all. And then user input is passed into that)07:21
wallyworldi thought i was fixing a xss by doing that ie that setContent did the escaping. i think i need setText then07:22
wallyworldi always get them mixed up07:23
wgrantRight, that would work.07:23
wgrantYOu also need to change the default name to '<name>' in that case.07:23
wgrantsetContent is to be deprecated and replaced with setHTML, I believe.07:23
wallyworldi saw the xss and tried to fix it, but clearly didn;t quite get it right07:23
wgrantBecause it's a hilariously deceptive name, as we see here.07:23
wgrantSo, set('text', foo)07:23
wgrantBug 91163507:24
StevenKI wonder if pycharm did that to him.07:25
StevenKwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/calculateOldBinaries-use-denorm/+merge/88816 if you're still reviewing.07:29
wgrantStevenK: For that I would review any time :)07:30
StevenKwallyworld_: I didn't know pycharm had a "Kill Quassel" button.07:31
wallyworld_StevenK: it doesn't but precise does :-(07:31
StevenKwgrant: I'm still wondering if the if len(name_ids) test is even needed any more.07:31
StevenKwgrant: And which bit is?07:32
wgrantStevenK: The fact that wallyworld_ has a tail07:32
wgrantDespite the old one quitting before it.07:32
wgrantOh, it only parted.07:33
StevenKwgrant: Removing the if len(name_ids) short circuit works, and drops the diff to +23/-3207:35
wgrantStevenK: The short-circuit is tiny optimisation, but still an optimisation.07:35
wgrantI don't know if it's still a major win, though.07:36
wgrantIt's cheap to keep, so keep it for now.07:36
* StevenK rewrites it to if not name_ids07:36
StevenKwallyworld_: What killed Quassel, anyway?07:37
wallyworld_StevenK: no idea. i closed and reopened it because it lost its network07:37
wgrantStevenK: implicit bool() on sequences when resultsets (which often lack a useful __nonzero__) are involved is a little worrying.07:37
wgrantStevenK: Why do you still join against BPN?07:38
wgrantFor that matter, why was it joined against BPN in the first place/07:38
wgrantBecause that's what it's actually getting.07:38
wgrantCarry on then.07:38
StevenKwgrant: The status = ( ... definition in the method made me go O.o07:39
wgrantApprovalised, anyvay.07:39
wgrantNow, you probably want to try this out somewhere like DF07:40
wgrantAnd work out what indices would help.07:40
wgranteg. possibly one on bpph(archive, distroarchseries, status, binarypackagename)07:41
wgrantAlthough it's probably not quite smart enough to know to use that.07:41
StevenKThe indices on BPPH make me cry.07:41
wallyworld_wgrant: thanks for reviewing. i'll throw it as ec2 and hopefully by morning it will be throught bb also07:45
wgrantwallyworld_: No07:54
wgrantwallyworld_: lp-land07:54
wallyworld_wgrant: i changed code, so i want to send it via ec2 to be sure07:54
wgrantwallyworld_: This is unlikely to break tests, and even if it does break them we're no further behind.07:54
* StevenK waits for postgres on mawson07:54
wgrantWe cannot deploy until this is landed.07:54
wallyworld_ok. but if bb breaks....07:54
wgrantThen we still can't deploy until it's fixed.07:54
wgrantBut the US people will know what the failures are.07:54
wgrantIt's not dependent on you being awake and responsive.07:55
wgrantIf buildbot doesn't break, we've saved 5 hours.07:55
StevenKwallyworld_: Given buildbot didn't fail this when mochi was killed makes me think it isn't tested.07:55
wgrantIf it does break, we have to fix it before we can deploy either way.07:55
wgrantThe only mitigating factor is that buildbot takes 1.5h longer than ec207:55
StevenKCome ON, mawson07:55
wgrantStevenK: I probably murdered its caches.07:56
StevenKI want cold data anyway07:56
wgrantNot *that* cold.07:56
StevenKSo I was going to SELECT * from BranchRevision for about 5 minutes before I switch queries.07:56
wgrantI just did a few full bug+bugsubscription reads and a few million writes to new tables.07:57
wgrantSo there's probably not much cache left anyway.07:57
wallyworld_wgrant: can you lp-land it for me. bzr blew up just now when i tried with a AttributeError: 'BranchConfig' object has no attribute 'get' error07:58
wgrantwallyworld_: Awesome07:58
StevenKHow did you run it?07:58
wallyworld_thanks. url is https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/more-mochikit-fallout/+merge/8881407:58
pooliewallyworld_, that sounds like a plugin version mismatch07:58
wallyworld_bzr lp-land07:58
pooliedepending on th tb07:58
wallyworld_poolie: only thing i've done today is delete a local installed xmloutput plugin so that the packaged one is used07:59
poolieplease pastebin the traceback?07:59
wallyworld_poolie: https://pastebin.canonical.com/58207/08:00
jelmerwallyworld_: that seems like an outdated bzr-pqm plugin08:00
wallyworld_jelmer: i've never installed bzr-pqm manually, only via the packaged debs08:01
pooliejelmer, ah, passing the wrong config object in to smtpconnection?08:01
wallyworld_i upgraded to precise last friday08:01
jelmerpoolie: yep08:01
wallyworld_it worked before then08:01
jelmerwallyworld_: ah, hmm08:02
wallyworld_sorry, just been called up for dinner. will check back a bit later08:02
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/807139/08:05
StevenKwgrant: New query with the same data is *massively* faster.08:06
wgrant9s->4s is not massively faster :)08:06
wgrantIt's still two orders of magnitude off what it should be.08:06
StevenKwgrant: 405783 / 112251 versus 16705 / 379208:06
StevenKThat could be because mawson is still cache starved.08:07
wgrantThose plans are the same.08:07
wgrantOne is hot.08:08
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: devel broken until r14681 | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: [] | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
StevenKwgrant: Indeed. Editor fail08:12
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/807144/08:14
wgrantStevenK: That is slightly more like it :)08:14
wgrantStill terrible, but not OMGIWANTTODIE08:15
wgrantWhat's the query?08:15
wgrantI shall hoptimise.08:15
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/807147/08:16
wallyworld_jelmer: anything i can do to help diagnose the problem?08:21
=== jtv-afk is now known as jtv
wgrantStevenK: 64ms08:30
wgrantLet's see if I can go lower.08:31
jelmerwallyworld_: I think I know what needs to happen08:32
jelmerwallyworld_: we'll need to upload a new bzr-pqm to unstable/precirse08:32
wallyworld_jelmer: ok. thanks :-)08:32
wallyworld_good to find this stuff early i guess08:33
pooliejelmer, i guess we could consider it a break in the smtp library and support the old interface08:34
poolieie if isinstance etc08:34
wgrantStevenK:     "temp_binarypackagepublishinghistory" btree (archive, distroarchseries, status, binarypackagename)08:34
wgrantStevenK: And add a DISTINCT to the query08:34
wgrant30-50ms on DF08:34
wgrantWhich is still slightly high, but not bad.08:35
StevenKwgrant: .config(distinct=True) , right?08:46
wgrantStevenK: Correct.08:47
StevenKwgrant: I'll toss that at ec2. We can hit up stub for the index08:47
tvossGood morning08:48
mrevellHello devils09:08
nigelbMorning mrevell09:09
jelmerhello mr revell09:14
adeuringgood morning09:23
wgrantlifeless: accesspolicyartifact.policy as an integer[] with intarray and gist == fast10:30
wgrant(intarray's in contrib, though)10:35
lifelessI've been meaning to test tags as an array10:35
lifelesswgrant: contrib stuff is ok, we ran fti that way for a while10:36
wgrantI suspect it would be fast.10:36
wgrantBut you'd need to intify them10:36
lifelessoh, gist only takes ints?10:37
wgrantintarray only takes ints10:37
wgrantYou'd need a separate GiST implementation for strings.10:37
lifelessanyhow, night10:37
wgrantGIN would work better, but has the same issues as with fti10:37
StevenKwgrant: I guess r14680 is untestable10:42
wgrantStevenK: Both taken care of.10:51
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
allenapwgrant: Do you know how I can land lp:~takluyver/lazr.uri/py3? I tried PQM and I tried just approving it (hoping there was a Tarmac somewhere), but without success.11:18
wgrantallenap: Hmm11:21
=== jtv-afk is now known as jtv
wgrantWe can commit directly to it.11:21
wgrantBut it looks like PQM was used at one point.11:21
wgrantPQM is still configured for it, but trunk has been moved...11:24
wgrantI'd just commit directly.11:24
allenapwgrant: Cool. Thank you :)11:27
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
=== jtv-afk is now known as jtv
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
lifelesswgrant: http://www.pgsql.cz/index.php/PostgreSQL_SQL_Tricks#xpath_function_indexing13:17
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=== jtv-afk is now known as jtv
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Laneycan somebody help me move https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/launchpad/spph-sponsor along?14:51
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jcsackettsinzui: thanks for doing my qa, and sorry i forgot about it.15:15
sinzuiLaney, Only lifeless can approve the branch for db-devel. I expect lifeless to be available in 5 hours15:15
sinzuijcsackett, np. I have a habit of checking the state of Lp when I wake up every day15:16
sinzuithough today required hacks to lp's dev scripts because bzr has changed api in precise15:17
jcsackettfun times.15:18
rick_h__jcsackett: weren't you saying I needed to do to prep for review mentorship? Mail a list/check a box? I don't see anything in the wiki15:23
jcsackettrick_h__: i'm composing an email to you; it's actually not prep work.15:23
jcsackettjust time slot, and then on thursday i'll walk you through reviewing over skype/mumble in the morning.15:24
jcsackettrick_h__: also, is this your preferred irc nick, or do you have trailing underscores today for nick collision reasons?15:24
rick_h__jcsackett: rick_h is the preferred, but yea I get trailing undercsores usually15:24
rick_h__I'm actually registered under an old name, but changed to rick_h for ease of figure out who I am15:25
jcsackettrick_h__: so, i'll be sending you an email and emailing the dev list to let people know you're on rotation just as soon as my mail client finishes grinding on some short-sighted batch email moves i told it to do. :-P15:29
rick_h__jcsackett: sounds like a plan, thanks15:30
=== rick_h__ is now known as rick_h_
deryckabentley, I'm actually starting on your review now. no applause please. ;)15:43
abentleyderyck: :-)15:43
deryckabentley, also, I added a card for the branch.  I want to be a bit stricter about that over the next couple months, just for stats tracking curiosity on my part.15:44
abentleyderyck: okay.15:44
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Laneysinzui: hm? the docs say stub can do it too, and he has approved the proposal15:56
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sinzuiLaney, I see. Are you asking for someone to merge your branch? I think I can do that16:18
Laneysinzui: Yes I suppose so. I believe it also has to be QAed somehow before it is deployed too (ec2?).16:18
sinzuiLaney, I will send it to ec2 and when all the tests pass it will be merged and run though buildbot. When all builders are successful, the staging.launchpad.net will be updated for qa16:20
LaneySounds fun. Can I follow this process anywherE?16:21
sinzuiwell maybe I cannot. ec2 land does not want to work with precise and Lp16:23
* sinzui tries test16:23
deryckabentley, r=me.  looks great.16:24
abentleyderyck: thanks.16:24
deryckabentley, np!16:24
rick_hbac: heads up, commercial request for canonical sizzle project coming your way from RT16:30
cjwatsonLaney: The URLs I use to follow this are https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/waterfall and http://lpqateam.canonical.com/qa-reports/deployment-stable.html.  I suspect you can see the latter but not the former.16:55
cjwatsonLaney: The buildbot isn't really terribly interesting though.  In practice you wait for a few hours for EC2 to finish, you get an e-mail saying the branch is merged, you wait for another eon or so for buildbot to finish, and a bit after it lands on qastaging the deployment report updates and a bot flips the bug status to Fix Committed and adds the qa-needstesting tag.16:56
cjwatsonLaney: Once you get the bugmail for that last bit you can do QA.16:57
Laneyah, OK, it's all reflected in the merge proposal / bug16:57
Laneyas it's a DB patch I guess it doesn't need QAing per-se16:58
Laneybut after it's been applied to (qa)staging I can ask for the real branch to be reviewed or something16:58
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cjwatsonIIRC QA on a DB patch is mostly about whether it can apply fast enough hot, and maybe whether related views still work - https://dev.launchpad.net/PolicyAndProcess/DatabaseSchemaChangesProcess16:59
cjwatsonYou can ask for progress on the real branch once there's been a fastdowntime deployment with your DB patch17:00
cjwatsonWhich should show up by way of it disappearing from http://lpqateam.canonical.com/qa-reports/deployment-db-stable.html (note slight difference from previous URL)17:00
Laneygreat, thanks for the tips17:08
LaneyGuess I'm waiting to for sinzui to figure out ec2 land :-)17:08
sinzuiI started up an old computer and just updated it to run Lp17:08
* Laney gets back to this paper review in the meantime17:08
Laneyoh, rock17:08
jcsackett...always fun to discover you've been disconnected from irc for who knows how long ...17:09
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lifelessflacoste: I'm around $whenever though from +30 to +50 I'll be out getting meds for cynthia19:23
flacostelifeless: ok, ping me when you are back19:44
mwhudsonjelmer: _now_ i have a mail from you about feature flags :)20:00
jelmerI wonder what void it has been spending its time in.20:01
mwhudsonjelmer: "ganieda.lan" apparently20:01
jelmerthat's the hostname of my old laptop20:02
mwhudsonjelmer: haha20:02
mwhudsonjelmer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/807804/20:03
Ursinhawhat does this mean when trying to start a local launchpad instance? "Exception: Timeout waiting for RabbitMQ server to start."20:04
Ursinhaexcept the obvious :P20:04
mwhudsonit's possible postfix still thinks it's hostname is ganieda if you just transplanted /etc? :)20:05
jelmermwhudson: yeah, that appears to be the case (not sure why, I think I did a clean install)20:12
jelmermwhudson: either way, glad it finally surfaced. I'm still planning to have a look at using those feature flags in the codehosting ssh server some time.20:12
jelmerUrsinha: I remember seeing that at some point, but I don't recall what the cause was I'm afraid..20:13
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
mwhudsonjelmer: cool20:19
flacostelifeless: back yet?20:19
mwhudsonjelmer: i guess you don't actually need a reply to the mail :)20:19
jelmermwhudson: nope, thanks20:20
flacostelifeless: on the phone with gary21:19
lifelessflacoste: kk21:19
lifelessUrsinha: it means the obvious; did you get a trace with a log file or anything like that ?21:20
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
flacostelifeless: call back21:45
StevenKsinzui: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/807933/22:11
StevenKwallyworld: Let me know how you go with convoy, by the by22:59
wgrantlifeless: I'd like your thoughts on https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/hardcoded-password/+merge/8896623:46
sinzuiStevenK, you are a launchbag victim23:49
sinzuiadd this to your test after you create the bug23:49
StevenKRARGH, LaunchBag23:49
sinzuiStevenK, maybe you need to get angry and take a knife to all uses of launchbag in browser.bugtask23:50
sinzuiI cannot think of a legitimate reason that the context object does not provide what we want23:50
StevenKsinzui: I have considered that option, but I'm not sure 1) What browser.bugtask is using ILaunchBag for, and 2) What the fallout would be23:50
sinzuiStevenK, how many hours has this team spent debugging launchbag. I think we can take a few to replace anything that uses it with the object in scope, then send the branch to ec2.23:51
sinzuiIf you accidentally pass the -s switch and with [r=sinzui][no-qa] you might get a pleasant surprise23:52
* sinzui looks at code23:52
StevenKsinzui: You'd like me to kill ILaunchBag entirely, or just where it hit me?23:52
StevenKOH DAMN IT23:54
* StevenK resigns his .changes with his old key and uploads it to DF23:54
sinzuiStevenK, I think it is worth an hour to replace as must as possible...23:56
sinzui1. LaunchpadView.user == bag user23:56
sinzui2. if the context is a bug, the use the bug.default_bugtask23:58
sinzuiOh, and you may need to pass the user as the principal when if the test added the user to the bag23:59

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