
wxldude it's a dragon00:01
wxldarn wrong channel00:01
Unit193You are *amazing* at doing that00:02
=== panfist is now known as ses1984
voidvectoris this the official Lubuntu channel?02:22
holsteinvoidvector: its the only one i know of... you can review the /topic, and feel free and ask a question if you have one02:24
voidvectorok, cool02:24
voidvectori have issue with pcmanfm, whereby if i open one directory on the desktop and close it during a session, i would not be able to open another directory on the desktop02:26
voidvectori can launch it seperately and navigate to it02:26
voidvectoranybody experience similar issue?02:26
holsteini use thunar02:27
holsteinim not sure what the issue is02:27
holsteinrun me throught it again...02:27
voidvectorbasically the desktop in lubuntu (which i think is supplied by the first instance of pcmanfm) doesn't launch new instance of pcmanfm correctly02:29
holsteinyou mean ~/Desktop ?02:30
holsteincorrectly? or as you want it to?02:30
holsteini remember in windows soemthing would happen where you have a directory open, and getting another instance open is a drag02:31
holsteinmabye thats OSX?02:31
holsteini forget02:31
holsteinim just not clear still sorry02:31
holsteinwhen you lauch your file manager?02:31
voidvectorbasically the desktop doesn't launch the file manager correctly, but i can still launch file manager manually via console02:32
holsteinthe desktop?02:32
voidvectorlike folder icon in ~/Desktop02:32
holsteinyou mean, some icon labeled desktop?02:32
holsteinwhat does it do?02:33
holsteindoes it not navigate to ~/Desktop?02:33
voidvectorlets say i place a folder in ~/Desktop02:33
voidvectorit shows up on my screen02:33
holsteinyou see "test" on your actual desktop?02:34
voidvectoryes, and i double click it02:34
voidvectorit doesn't launch pcmanfm02:34
holsteinwhats it do?02:34
voidvectorthat's the problem i have02:34
holsteini would worry much about it02:34
holsteinyou can look for a bug02:34
holsteinim sure there is one02:34
holsteinUnit193: you know about this one?02:35
holsteini know things are lighter for a reason, and there could be something missing there02:35
Unit193holstein: What'd I miss (Tried to follow mostly, failed)02:35
holsteinUnit193: say, in LXDE.... mkdir ~/Desktop/test02:36
voidvectori am gonna do a fresh install on a VM and see if the same issue happens there02:36
holsteinthen, you click on the "test" icon and that doesnt open in thunar02:36
holsteinvoidvector: another idea is that its just not associated to open in thunar for some reason... not to imply you broke it02:36
Unit193Right, desktop is pcmanfm and you're trying to get them to open in thunar?02:37
holsteinUnit193: sorry02:37
holsteini meant PCman02:37
holsteinignore thunar there02:37
voidvectorit actually launchs fine on first try (after a login), but fails after that02:38
Unit193holstein: So I opened a folder on the desktop (it did in pcmanfm), closed, opened another, closed, opened another02:38
holsteinvoidvector: wow... thats interesting... shoots the file association thing down...02:38
holsteinUnit193: is that LXDE?02:39
voidvectori was trying to figure out if there is a log or something i can read02:39
holsteinvoidvector: you are in 11.10?02:39
voidvectorbut i can't find one02:39
holsteinvoidvector: you can also try making another user accound and see if you can replicate it there02:39
Unit193holstein: Lubuntu, but it was Maverick once02:39
Unit193voidvector: /var/log or maybe dmesg?02:40
voidvectorholstein: oh, that's faster than installing a VM, i am gonna try that02:40
Unit193mv .config .configgg ;)02:40
voidvectoryea, i am running 11.1002:40
voidvectorbrb, i am gonna try02:41
djinnGreetings, I recently installed Lubuntu and need to know how to invoke wireless networking03:07
djinnIs there a command line phrase I can use to invoke it?03:08
djinnHey jalcine, do you know how to get the wireless on Lununtu fired up?03:11
Unit193What's wrong? There should be a little icon down at the bottom03:13
djinnUnit193, Hey there, I click the icon and it does not give me a wireless option03:14
djinnIs there a command line option I can use to force networking to show up?03:14
Unit193If it's not showing up, that leads to driver issues, hit up   lspci   in a terminal and use paste.ubuntu.com to show the output03:15
djinnThe computer in question has no internet connection now. I installed Lubuntu at a friend's place and networking was fine and all--i saw many wireless networks to pick from. When I took it home, the options were gone03:17
djinnI am using another computer at a friend's place to ask03:17
djinnI should have installed wicd-client03:17
djinnBut did not03:17
Unit193I'd assume you have "Enable Networking" and "Enable Wireless" checked? Wireless AP close enough, and no hardware switch?03:18
djinnBottom left hand corner, do i right or left click the windshield icon?03:20
Unit193I would think it's an up and down arrow03:21
djinnoops, bottom right hand corner03:22
Unit193ps aux|grep nm-app  and tell me if you see it03:22
djinnas root03:22
voidvectorholstein & Unit193: update from 30min ago, the PCManFM problem i described happens in a fresh install of Lubuntu 11.10 with no update installed, but it is fixed in an updated version of Lubuntu03:24
voidvectorso i am gonna check my own settings03:25
Unit193voidvector: Did you happen to see an update of pcmanfm go in?03:25
voidvectornevermind, it happens even in an updated version of Lubuntu03:26
voidvectorbut not sure why it didn't happen right after the update03:26
voidvectori am not sure if there was an update of PCManFM03:27
djinnUnit193, looks like i have no | key on the other computer03:30
Unit193Do you have htop?03:31
djinnUnit193, i got it working, the key was stuck and the command invoked, what am i looking for?03:32
Unit193nm-applet on that list?03:33
djinnyes it is!03:34
Unit193Didn't you say you didn't see it at the bottom?03:34
djinnwhen i invoke it it says an instance is already running but it could not initialize the dbus manager03:35
djinnUnit193, i did not see an option for wireless03:35
djinnIt does not give me 'wireless options03:35
djinnNormally I should see several networks to choose from03:35
djinnI did not see the option to "enable wireless" at all03:36
ubot5Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:37
djinnUnit193, There is a difference between Ubuntu and Lubuntu03:37
djinnThey use different wirless clients03:37
djinnI just want to get the Lubuntu client to detect wirless signals03:38
djinnWhat do I do to get it detecting signals?03:38
Unit193The difference is only in UI, note the entire thing03:39
Unit193(UI and default programs, but most CLI things should be the same)03:40
djinnI don't understand why it worked at my friends place and I took it home and wirless is no longer an option03:46
djinnTypical linux03:46
Unit193Not really, did you have a hardware switch?03:46
djinnNo, this is for a desktop03:47
djinnWireless card03:47
Unit193Can you lspci it?03:50
* bkm wonders if anyone has experienced busybox using a lot of cpu. not sure why or what to do about it.03:55
=== Folklore2 is now known as Folklore
djinnUnit193, yep, it's ther eis lspci04:10
phillwvoidvector: I've had to mark it as invalid, as I cannot reproduce it with the steps you outlined. It works fine on my 11.10 system.04:28
phillw!bug 91747504:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 917475 in pcmanfm (Ubuntu) "PCManFM desktop instance fails to launch new instance of PCManFM folder" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91747504:29
voidvectorphillw: which iso image are you using?04:43
phillwvoidvector: Linux piglet 3.0.0-14-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 21 20:28:43 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:46
phillw-rw-r--r-- 1 phillw phillw    702853120 2011-11-18 03:36 lubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso04:46
voidvectorthat's odd, i am using fresh install, and it still doesn't work for me04:48
phillwAs it is my production machine, I do not do anything 'fun' with it, I have VM's to run trial ppa's etc in.04:48
phillwvoidvector: the only thing I could suggest is to drop to CLI and force an apt-get update?04:49
phillwbut, the GUI for update does that. try the GUI one 1st and see if anything changes.04:50
voidvectori did a apt-get update before04:50
voidvectorbut i didn't do dist-update04:50
voidvectordoing that now to see if that changes anything04:50
phillwdist-update *should* be safe...ish, be careful if you have any ppa's enabled.04:52
voidvectorwell, the problem occurs on my main Linux box, but i am able to reproduce it in a VM on my windows box04:53
voidvectorand this is where i am doing the dist-update04:54
voidvectori think i just figured out the actual problem04:55
voidvectori close the window with Ctrl-W04:55
voidvectorif i close the window with the X button on the top right, it seems to work04:55
bkmdespite what people here have stated, aptitude update; aptitude upgrade has a different result than apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade. i know one is supposed to be a wrapper for the other, but that has not been my personal experience04:56
phillwbkm: indeed they do.04:59
phillwbeen there, got the tee-shirt!05:00
Unit193I never *touch* aptitude05:00
bkmphillw: do what, sorry05:00
phillwvoidvector: yes, I can reproduce that :)05:01
phillwgo edit the bug & I'll back it up.05:01
bkmUnit193: i would like to get apt-get to work. i'm not sure why aptitude works better. (pi88es me off!)05:01
Unit193Ctrl+q is an alt05:01
Unit193As I've seen it said; Stick to one of them and one only05:02
phillwbkm: there are differences between the two of their behaviour. I have come accross it before. It is no point the devs saying they are the same, when as they use different dbases to store things on, they are not. Hence the advisement to only use one of them.05:03
bkmphillw: that makes sense. i don't even know where the aptitude db is /etc/aptitude/sources.list {i pray not!!}05:04
phillwbkm: it could be a corrupt dbase, sam as can happen with aptitude. Nuke it and get it re-built.05:04
phillwno, it not sources!05:04
bkmphillw: perhaps you are saying that both use sources.list, but have their own dbs that operate differently?05:05
phillwthey both use sources.list05:09
phillwbkm: sorry for pauses, someone wants to chmod -R 777 a phpBB type application.... I'm still in WTH mode :)05:10
bkmphillw: no worries. i appreciate the information.05:11
bkmbut if anyone has thoughts on what might set busybox off, i would be interested.05:12
voidvectorphillw: i updated the bug, if you can reopen it. obviously it is a low priority bug given it only affect Ctrl-W people like me :)05:12
phillwbkm: to reset apt-get use the thread at http://uug.byu.edu/pipermail/uug-list/2009-October/002919.html take time to read through the thread05:14
phillwvoidvector: confirmed05:21
phillwvoidvector: it is a 'paper-cut' one of those annoying little bugs, I'm sure pcman will be quite happy to squish it dead :)05:22
phillwwell, that's me done! I'm off to bed. tc05:23
punkmexicive just installed lubuntu on my laptop but i cant hear sounds how do i fix it05:46
djinnpunkmexic, perhaps as root type alsamixer05:49
djinnpunkmexic, ensure all the levels are up and nothing is muted05:50
punkmexichow do i add volume icon on taskbar?06:03
punkmexici right click and click add etc but doesnt work06:04
wxlpunkmexic: what do you mean doesn't work?06:07
punkmexicit doesn add the volume icon to taskbar06:08
wxlso you right click on the panel and then "add / remove panel items"06:08
wxlclick "panel applets" tab06:09
wxlclick "add" button06:09
wxlclick "volume control"06:09
wxlclick "add" button06:09
wxlclick "close" button06:09
wxland nothing?06:09
punkmexicyes i have 3 volume controls on panel preferences but they arent disiplayed on taskbar06:09
wxlso let's do something for grins06:10
wxlalt-f2 to get a "run" prompt and do type "openbox --restart"06:10
wxldo it again, this time "lxpanelctl restart"06:11
wxlsee if that fixes anything. if not then we know it's not the window manager/panel06:11
wxlif that does nothing open up lxterminal and type "aplay -l" -- you should get some output indicating you have a playback device or two06:12
wxlif not, that's either a driver or a hardware problem06:12
wxlif that's good then type "alsamixer"06:12
wxlif you know you have multiple devices check to see that "card" lists the right one, if not select via f606:13
wxli have this sneaking suspicion it's the 2nd card you want. do you have an hdmi out on the computer?06:14
punkmexichdmi out06:14
punkmexicbut i dont have anything connected or cable for it06:14
wxlyeah so the card you want in alsamixer is HDA ATI SB06:14
wxlfix it with f6 if needed06:14
punkmexicbut is not saved06:15
punkmexici always select hda ati06:15
wxlso you mean you have to select it every time?06:16
wxlthe "default" if you will is not the right card?06:16
wxlthere's your problem06:16
punkmexiceverytime i enter to alsamixer06:16
wxlone sec06:16
wxljust to be sure, in lxterminal:06:17
wxllspci -v | grep -A7 -i "audio"06:17
wxldriver seems good06:19
wxlwhat computer you have?06:19
punkmexiclooks like its working with pulseaudio and not alsamixer06:20
punkmexicmaybe thats the problem06:20
punkmexicthat the volume indicator is for alsa and not for pulse06:21
wxlthat's where things get funky with ubuntu's audio06:21
wxlpulseaudio is THE audio server with an alsa plugin06:21
punkmexicwhat can we do to solve this06:22
wxlworking on it06:22
wxlgive me /etc/modprobe/alsa-base.conf06:23
punkmexicbash: /etc/modprobe/alsa-base.conf: No such file or directory06:25
wxlsorry modprobe.d06:25
punkmexicbash: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf: Permission denied06:26
punkmexici also used sudo and says command not found06:26
wxlare you trying to pastebin it or what?06:26
wxli can more it without elevated privs06:26
punkmexicill try to avoid pasting sorry06:27
bioterrorsudo less /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf06:29
punkmexicare u thinking?06:29
wxlok i found the solution06:30
punkmexicif you found the solution i have another problem :P06:30
wxlno nevermind i didn't06:30
wxlnow i'm getting my card confused with yours :D06:30
punkmexichelp us bioterror06:30
wxlthat's not the whole file is it?06:30
punkmexici dont know i just was be able to copy that06:31
bioterrorwhat seems to be the problem?06:32
bioterrorif I may ask06:32
bioterrorno sound?06:32
punkmexici cant add the volume icon to taskbar in lubuntu06:32
punkmexici have sound now06:32
wxlit seems his main audio device is the 2nd06:32
punkmexicbut default was no sound06:32
punkmexicshould i reboot?06:32
wxlso the sound is trying to go to hdmi out :(06:32
punkmexicmy computer is 64bit06:35
punkmexicand i installed 3206:35
punkmexicbut i have read that theres no problem doing that06:36
wxlhave you updated all your packages?06:37
punkmexicall of em06:37
wxli see people having trouble with that card here and there but there are extremely inconclusive solutions06:38
wxland problems too for that matter06:38
wxli'm a bit at a loss06:38
punkmexicilll reboot to sseee what happens06:38
=== punk is now known as punkmexic
punkmexicnow i dont have sound06:43
punkmexicshould i install some alsa programs06:46
punkmexicinstalling asoundconf-gtk06:47
punkmexicwhen i hit on mouse motion and put it to 100 it doesnt save that06:55
Ginksanyone know how to get the archiver in lubuntu to extract to a directory of the archives name?07:39
Ginksall I can get it to do is spill all the files to the current directory07:40
Ginksthen I have to try and clean up the mess07:40
bioterrorsomeone made a worse package :(07:40
bioterrorI mostly make a temp folder where I extract packages07:40
Ginksyah, guess that would work07:40
GinksI actually right click and goto "Extract to"07:41
Ginksthen I create a new folder07:41
Ginksbut I liked the convince of just extracting to a directory07:42
bioterroryou can never be too sure if someone else made that compressed package ,)07:42
Ginksanyone had any experience with system76 machines?07:52
AscavasaionIf I have a harddisk with no installation on it but it has data... and I want to install Lubuntu onto it.  How do I do that without losing the data?08:15
Unit193Is it in /home/user?08:16
Unit193Would be better to just back it off onto another drive in case it dosen't go well08:17
AscavasaionNo, it used to be my secondary hard disk in a Lubuntu machine, but then the first hard disk with Lubuntu on it died and I was hoping to use the secondary one as the primary one now.08:17
bioterroruse gparted08:18
bioterrorand resize that partition08:19
Ascavasaionbioterror: Will it not destroy the data on the partition?08:19
h4ckm3th32ndyou may be able to resize without damaging anything08:19
AscavasaionHmm... so best for me to move it into another computer... but as always my other machines are Windows and cannot read that partition :(08:20
bioterroruse lubuntu live media and connect to windows computer with samba08:21
bioterrorand move over network then08:21
Ascavasaionbioterror: Oh, lubuntu is a live CD?  I forgot that one.08:21
bioterrorall the desktop versions of *buntus are08:22
* Ascavasaion grins... now to find the CD hehehe08:22
IdanSuperHey :) I need help.. someone can help me to set up my internet card D-link DWL-650+? Through ACX100?11:24
IdanSuperI get confused...11:25
IdanSuperOhh. I'll back later..11:28
IdanSuperHello everybody.. I need help to set up my network adapter.. it's D-link dwl-650+...... thanks for help! I don't understand the manual to set it up on acx100 project12:28
IdanSuperHello everybody.. I need help to set up my network adapter.. it's D-link dwl-650+...... thanks for help! I don't understand the manual to set it up on acx100 project12:48
IdanSuperplease someone can help me?13:03
AmberJIdanSuper, Unfortunately, I'm of no help in this matter. Just hang on in this channel till someone who can help gets back to you :)13:25
IAmNotThatGuyIdanSuper: Is your machine up-to-date?13:43
IdanSuperrun lubuntu 11.1013:43
IAmNotThatGuyI think you need module-assistant. I am not sure about it. I just remember doing something like running following commands will help.  try running the following13:44
IAmNotThatGuy1) sudo apt-get install module-assistant build-essentail13:45
IAmNotThatGuyDid you get the driver from sourceforge?13:45
IdanSuperand Yes..13:46
IdanSuperi don't know how to install the firmware13:47
IdanSuperE: Unable to locate package build-essentail13:47
IAmNotThatGuyI am not sure whether I got the right link. Just try reading http://helloubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/04/install-d-link-dwl-650-on-debian-40.html and tell me whether you have gone trough the steps before13:50
IdanSuperOkk Hope it works!!13:52
IdanSuperI need it connect to my computer during the installation?13:53
IdanSuperand one more thing13:56
IdanSuperI don't have any file in that folder13:56
IdanSuper /etc/apt/sources.list.d13:56
IdanSuperwhat Can I do.. I can't continue with the process..13:59
IAmNotThatGuyIdanSuper: you dont have /etc/apt/sources.list ?? (no .d)14:02
IdanSuperI found it14:03
IdanSuperthank you very much again14:03
IdanSuperand I found one more thing on this process14:03
IdanSuperthe firmware link doesn't work14:03
IdanSuperon the prepare the firmware14:04
IAmNotThatGuyIdanSuper: Get the firmware from sourceforge. Sorry for the late responses. I am held by some other works too14:06
IdanSuperI don't have the url that I need to add to that file14:09
IdanSuperso I try to edit it and I don't have a permission..14:09
IAmNotThatGuysudo ?14:11
IdanSuperwhy sudo will help me?14:12
IdanSuperI'm using leafpad14:12
IdanSupernot lxterminal.. its like notepad.. and it say that I need permission to save my modified file with the line that I need..14:13
IAmNotThatGuyyou can set the permission by running the following to get the write permission: sudo chmod +w "file name with path"14:14
IdanSupercan't open file to write14:16
IdanSuperafter run that command14:16
phillwIdanSuper: if you need to edit the sources.list, first do a sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.JIC so you have a backup, then issue gksudo leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list so that you can save your edit.14:22
IdanSuperW: GPG error: http://ftp.debian.org unstable InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY AED4B06F473041FA14:27
IdanSuperso I can't download that:apt-get install wireless-tools module-assistant acx100-source14:29
phillwIdanSuper: give me a mo & I'll get you the link...14:34
IdanSuperwhat is mo?14:34
IAmNotThatGuyhe was supposed to say min*14:35
phillwIdanSuper: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/KeyServerInformation14:35
IAmNotThatGuyphillw: searching for this? ^14:35
phillwIAmNotThatGuy: nope, i was searching for how to add a key :P14:35
* IAmNotThatGuy prefers debian first ;P14:35
IAmNotThatGuyphillw: the link I gave has all ;P14:36
* phillw prefers instructions we know work with lubuntu :P14:36
IdanSuperokey.. I don't understand how phillw link can help me?14:37
IAmNotThatGuyyou have to add a key first and that is your issue14:38
phillwIdanSuper: use it to add the key AED4B06F473041FA14:38
phillwsudo apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu  --recv-keys AED4B06F473041FA14:39
phillwIdanSuper:  ^^14:39
IdanSuperthank you!14:40
IdanSuper                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ┌────────────────┤ module-assistant, error message ├─────────────────┐           │                            14:51
IdanSuperIgnoring this package. Maybe you need to add something to                      │ sources.list, maybe the contrib and non-free archives14:51
IdanSupermany trubles :(14:53
Ken8521running 11.10, i've got a realtek 8188ce wireless device, it works out of the box, but it is extremely slow (it maxes out around 100k)  functions fine under windows... not even sure where to start in looking at this.15:20
pmatulisdo we really need the zeitgeist stuff on lubuntu?15:30
venik212Tried to install NVIDIA 290.10, but was told to turn off the X server.  How do I do that?  Init 3 and cntrl-alt-F1 did not work18:29
venik212lubuntu 6418:29
venik212how do I kill the X server in Lubuntu?18:30
smilevenik212: start a terminal and run sudo lxtask :)18:35
smileview => show root tasks18:35
venik212what does that do?18:35
smilekill xorg process :)18:36
smilevenik212: it starts the task manager of lubuntu :)18:36
smileright click on xorg => force close (or something similar - i'm using the Dutch version )18:36
venik212I think I need to be in a non-gui (command line) mode18:36
venik212I'll try that18:37
smilevenik212: you can start a terminal with ctrl + alt + t :)18:37
bkmthat is interesting! didn't know it existed.18:38
smilevenik212: you understand? :)18:38
smilebkm: you mean lxtask? :)18:38
bkmGtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" <- i get that all the time. does not seem to hurt anything18:39
smilebkm: not a problem :)18:39
smileJust that you started a Qt program :)18:39
smile(looks uglier)18:40
bkm13107 bkm       20   0 14264 1240 1240 R 83.2  0.2   1150:23 openbox <- this has been going for quite a while. not sure what is causing it to take over my meagre resources. it DOES seem to hurt something18:41
smileI think venik killed his Xorg server ;)18:41
smiletry to install a package for the canberra problem: sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk-module18:42
smilei've done it too ;)18:42
bkmsmile: that sounds familiar...18:43
bkmsmile: interesting. it's installing. i wonder if i typoed or something. why would not some dependency have installed that for me?18:45
smilebkm: because they didn't think about running a Qt program maybe :)18:45
bkmi see it a lot. i would think at some point there would be a dependency!18:46
bkmhow about the openbox runaway. i'm not really sure where openbox fits in the stack (or pile, or scheme)18:47
smilebkm: yeah, strange ;)18:47
smilei don't know how to fix the openbox issue :)18:48
bkmi think i just pkilled open box and nothing bad or good happened. seemed kind of extreme!18:48
smilecrazy. :p18:49
bkmi have this bad feeling that a reboot will fix it, but i would like to avoid that if possible18:49
wxlsmile: what's your issue again?18:50
bkmopenbox started using 80-90% of my meagre, modest cpu18:50
smilewxl: QGtkStyle is not working properly :p18:50
wxlqt = poo18:51
wxlsorry, that's my unhelpful comment18:52
smilewxl: Qt WARNING: QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.18:52
bkmare openbox and qt related at all?18:52
smilegtk-qt-engine isn't part of Ubuntu repos? :p18:53
venik212killing xorg from lxtask freezes the machine (not surprising)-- cannot use keyboard, etc.18:54
smilevenik212: so? :) What did you expect to happen? :p18:55
venik212so to install NVIDIA driver I must kill the X server, but then I can do nothing18:55
venik212self defeating... ;-(18:55
venik212the Nvidia people must not want us to install their driver18:56
venik212although I did do it under Ubuntu, where sudo service lightdm stop did work18:56
smileyeah. Tried Nouveau driver? :p18:56
venik212but it does not work in lubuntu, of course18:56
smileoh :s18:59
smileI have a problem too18:59
smileCannot find gtk2-engines-gtk-qt18:59
bkmsmile: indeed, the canberra message is gone. i wonder wth i tried to install last time!19:02
smilebkm :)19:02
smilebkm: you did sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk-module19:03
bkmnot last time; the penultimate time19:03
smilehuh? :p19:04
bkmthe last OMEGA time, installed libcanberra-gtk-module; the OMEGA-1, OMEGA-2, etc. times, i installed things that did not help or did not work.19:05
wxlneed some help helping someone: trying to get jackd2 installed on 11.10 64 bit. unlike in my experience (x86) a blue screen pops up confirming real time scheduling. he never sees that. is there a way we can make it manual?19:44
wxlyou've seen those blue configuration screens, right?19:44
wxli'm happy to dig through source files to figure out what it's actually supposed to do if i kind of know where to look19:45
=== wiintendo is now known as winbittin
winbittinHello i bought an 2.5"/3.5" SATA Dock today and almost done sorting through 600GB old SATA disks :p20:27
=== robotman is now known as AlexAv
punkmexichi my mouse preferences are not saved can someone help?23:39

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