
aguitelhow remove xubuntu in 12.04 ?00:04
aguitelto install kubuntu 12.0400:04
urlin2uaguitel, you can have both, without a complete list of xubuntu apps it is knid of hard to just remove all of it, on realeased ubuntu's the psychocats website has such lists.00:20
aguitelurlin2u, ok00:27
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.00:34
bazhangmkanyicy, ^00:34
mkanyicyif i install ubuntu 12.04 alpha1 can i be able to upgrade it to the subsequent aphas and betas and even to the final version00:35
mkanyicybazhang, ok thanks!00:35
litropyPeeps ... indicator-datetime-service is holding at ~85% on my dual core 1.6GHz CPU. Any ideas? Just lots of shoulder shrugging at bugs.launchpad.net.07:53
litropyIs this an ubuntu-specific package? Maybe ##linux could help.07:55
chmacThings are getting worse. Not only do I have no apps in my launcher, but now whatever I type into the "run command dialog", it tries to launch firefox.08:41
chmacNot even my default profile, an empty profile, very strange.08:41
chmacAnyone having similar launcher issues by any chance? :-)08:41
varikonniemisound like a fresh install is your best bet :P08:42
chmacvarikonniemi: Nah, can't be, it all works fine in a guest profile, or at least it did last time I checked.08:46
chmacvarikonniemi: I think it must be something in my home directory, which I'm pretty sure I've copied over from the last half dozen ubuntu versions08:46
varikonniemiwell you said you tried with a fresh profile?08:59
varikonniemijust create a new user, it will create a new home directory08:59
varikonniemiif it works then just move over the stuff you need from the other users home dir08:59
varikonniemiand finally delete that user08:59
chmacvarikonniemi: Yeah, I was thinking about that. I could also just delete my home dir and restore it piece by piece, which is definitely an option.09:21
chmacvarikonniemi: It'll take a while though :-)09:21
chmacvarikonniemi: Also, it'll screw with my backup regimen, although that's fairly solvable09:21
chmacvarikonniemi: Thanks for the suggestions09:21
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snadge64 bit flash?12:32
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vegaflash = crap13:08
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webm0nk3yhello I just updated precise which removed *a lot* of stuff  and now after logging in, I just get a terminal window. I tried installing ubuntu-desktop, but it seems more is needed14:07
webm0nk3yI did get my networking fixed at least so i can update/install packages14:07
psypher246hello all, I have been googling a bit but cannot find anything concrete, anyone else have ALL their MSN contacts seen as offile all the time. Gtalk is fine, MSN connects fine yet all my contacts stay offline?14:10
Daekdroompsypher246, did you set up your MSN account through gnome accounts or empathy?14:11
psypher246online accounts are blank14:11
DaekdroomI'm using online accounts and empathy is working ok.14:12
psypher246just tried that quick, didn;'t work14:14
psypher246i am logged in14:14
psypher246but all is still offline14:14
psypher246shouldI delete my empathy config data?14:15
DaekdroomNot quite delete. Rename the folder so you can have the config back if it doesn't work14:15
psypher246yeah was gonna do that anyway :)14:15
* webm0nk3y seems to have lost global menus for various applications14:16
psypher246Daekdroom: should have tried that first, working now :) thanks14:22
BluesKajHiyas all14:25
webm0nk3ydoes anyone know how to fix the missing global menus?14:58
webm0nk3ysofar terminal and empathy do not have global menus14:58
Daekdroomwebm0nk3y, have you tried restarting your session?15:00
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AlanBellhi, can someone try running onboard please16:39
AlanBelljust type onboard from a terminal, I am getting 2012-01-17 16:38:25,184:ERROR:Config: gsettings schema for 'apps.onboard.lockdown' is not installed and I am not sure if it is because I broke it or because someone else did16:39
pangolinAlanBell: gimme a sec to load VM17:04
pangolinAlanBell: wall of errors17:05
pangolinhmm having more issue than just onboard with this VM17:07
pangolinlet me update and try again17:07
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AlanBellpangolin: never mind, it was me17:15
AlanBellI had a built from source version in /usr/local and it was finding bits and bobs of that version17:16
pangolinhehe, no problem. needed to update this VM anyhow17:16
AlanBellneed to get onboard updated in precise to get the themes made from pure awesome added17:16
pangolinonboard runs fine here, admittedly i don't have much experience with it.17:38
pangolinwhen i click the Ubuntu key it should open Dash?17:40
pangolinit isn't.17:40
pangolinAlanBell: ^17:41
AlanBellthat is arguable18:05
AlanBellin my opinion if you are a pointer user you can click the BFB to open the dash18:05
AlanBellif you hit the superkey on onboard you are more likely to be using it as a modifier18:06
AlanBellyou can't do various things like alt+tab18:06
cjokeI install alsa-tools-gui, and with a apt-cache show alsa-tools-gui it says the package contains hdspmixer, but after install a dpkg -L alsa-tools-gui, there is no path too /usr/bin/hdspmixer. the other packages are there, like , /hdspconf and hdsploader. why is that ?18:13
Ian_Cornemy libreoffice is still broken :p18:18
DaekdroomMine is ok, it seems, but not translated.18:22
Ian_Corneupdating atm18:23
Ian_Corneso i can report :)18:23
Ian_Cornei did however, did a fix myself when it crapped out earlier18:24
Ian_Cornea few days ago18:24
Ian_Corneanyone tried unity5 yet?18:24
DaekdroomUnity5 is on the repos.18:24
Ian_Cornethought it was only in ppa18:25
Ian_Corne  Installed: 5.0.0-0ubuntu118:25
DaekdroomRight click the Dash button on the launcher. If it has a quicklist with the lenses, then you're using unity5.18:25
Ian_Corneok :p18:25
DaekdroomOr do that18:25
AlanBellin precise are terminal windows supposed to be semi-transparent?18:55
AlanBelland how do I turn it off? it is set to a solid colour in the gnome-terminal profile preferences18:56
JanHolboHi all!19:21
JanHolboI am having problems with Eclipse on Precise .....   Eclipse cannot find a JRE when I launch it. I've added a path to JRE in .profile so I can now run it from terminal19:22
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bencerhi all, what's the way to request a manual sync from debian unstable to be included in precise?20:27
jtaylorbencer: see the requestsync tool in ubuntu-dev-tools20:31
bencerjtaylor: ok, thanks20:31
jtaylorbencer: during LTS cycle it is prefered to sync from testing20:32
jtaylorso maybe wait a bit before requesting the sync20:32
jtayloror explain why its needed now20:32
bencerwe need this depend for new Zentyal packages20:32
aguiteli try kubuntu 12.04 live cd (daily build) but it dont load,any know this ?20:55
aguitelany know this ?21:00
trismcjoke: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-tools/+bug/891390 the package is missing a build-dep21:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 891390 in alsa-tools (Ubuntu) "No hdspmixer in alsa-tools-gui (" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:04
aguitelanyone try kubuntu 12.04 ?21:08
BluesKajaguitel,  did you run a checksum on the live cd after burm=ning it ...it might be flawed21:12
BluesKajerr burning21:12
aguitelBluesKaj, yes it is ok21:14
cjokethank you trism, is there any way I can help to make this happen ? I dont know what requirements you need, I got some pythonskills, ive been using linux since kernel 2.0.* I know howto compile source. where do I find some info about what experience you need :)21:28
trismcjoke: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix documents the basic workflow, although in this case, the linked branch should fix it once someone reviews it21:48
Ben64My wifi speed limited to ~150K/s, anything I can do?22:23
osmosiswill the next ubuntu include  OpenSSH with HPN ?23:30
trismosmosis: looking at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/162253 my guess would be no23:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 162253 in openssh (Ubuntu) "openssh: want hpn-ssh for 20x speed improvement!" [Wishlist,Triaged]23:38
cjokethanks again trism :)23:46
osmosis5.0 was a long time ago23:48

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