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bkerensaISK: I think you need to go through MOTU process00:54
micahgISK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages01:00
ISKbkerensa: How to do I do this?01:06
ISKmicahg: I have a launchpad account, and I made 2 packages from a sources of new software that is not part of Ubuntu distro yet.01:06
micahgISK: I gave you a link on how to get new packages into Ubuntu if that's what you're asking01:18
bkerensamicahg: Do you know how to do canned messages with the launchpad greasmonkey script02:55
micahgbkerensa: install the package from the PPA?02:55
bkerensamicahg: I have it installed but I'm not sure how to use a canned reply02:57
micahgbkerensa: click on it?02:57
bkerensaI think the script is still not working in Precise.... bdmurray had said something about that02:58
ubot4`Launchpad bug 917461 in launchpad-gm-scripts "stock replies do not work in Precise (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]03:02
brokenfingersCan someone please change 164932 to Triaged, Wishlist? Thank you in advance.05:07
micahgbug 16493205:10
ubot4`Launchpad bug 164932 in vkeybd (Ubuntu) "Suggestion for a new keyboard map" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16493205:10
micahgbrokenfingers: done, thanks05:11
brokenfingersmicahg: Thanks!05:12
brokenfingersIs 151536 good to triage?07:11
micahgbug 15153607:11
ubot4`Launchpad bug 151536 in evolution-data-server (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[MASTER] E-D-S hangs on login and uses 100% cpu (affects: 15) (dups: 6) (heat: 20)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15153607:11
brokenfingersbug 817326 can someone change importance of LibreOffice Productivity Suite to Critical?07:51
ubot4`Launchpad bug 817326 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[Upstream] Previously-saved LibreOffice document lost by power outage (became 0 bytes long) - LibreOffice should call fsync (affects: 13) (heat: 64)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81732607:51
micahgbrokenfingers: already is07:57
micahgbrokenfingers: oh, you mean upstream, that's set upstream07:57
brokenfingersmicahg: yah. not LO in ubuntu, the other one07:58
micahgbrokenfingers: no fixable07:59
micahg*not fixable, it's an enhancement upstream07:59
brokenfingersoh ok thank you08:02
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Wellarkhello! Could someone in bug control set the importance of this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/894340 ?10:27
ubot4`Launchpad bug 894340 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Release Upgrade Fails: depency cycle for libtinfo5/libncurses5 (affects: 3) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:27
seb128Wellark, do you get that issue?10:28
Wellarkseb128: yes10:28
Wellarkit's on my primary development machine10:28
seb128it's being discussed on #ubuntu-devel at the moment10:29
Wellarkok, joining there10:29
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Ursinhachrisccoulson, why is bug 917317 invalid?13:57
ubot4`Launchpad bug 917317 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Your G&%D#@$ useless sh86ware deleted all of my bookmarks and saved passwords!!!!!!!!!! (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91731713:57
chrisccoulsonUrsinha, because I'm not going to waste my time dealing with people who don't even have basic manners ;)13:58
seb128Ursinha, didn't read the bug but such titles don't help to get anyone reading your bug reports usually13:58
chrisccoulsonand from experience, dealing with them really is a waste of time13:59
UrsinhaI know, but I would at least give the user the canned response about not following the CoC13:59
chrisccoulsoni did mean to do that actually13:59
chrisccoulsonfeel free to add that if you want :)14:00
UrsinhaI just really want to not give ppl reason to say "see, they don't care about what we say and blablablabla they invalidated my bug and said nothing blablablabla"14:01
Ursinhanot that it would stop them from doing so14:01
chrisccoulsonsure, but i think most people would appreciate why it's closed :)14:01
PiciEech, the bug description is even worse than the title.14:01
hggdhI certainly do.14:01
Ursinhabut the ball would be in their side of the court ;)14:02
hggdhthe actual border is unknown, but experience has shown that when it starts this way, the *start* is the high point14:03
Ursinhahggdh, what do you mean?14:03
hggdhthis is the best you can expect from the OP14:03
hggdhno always, etc, etc, but most times14:04
Ursinhaso you invalidate the bug because it won't be useful?14:04
hggdhand -- no matter what -- if you cannot keep civilised on an error, there is no discussion possible14:04
UrsinhaI just think we could invalidate the bug being more clear about why, to avoid more flames14:06
hggdhyou invalidate it because of all: (1) aggressive, testosterone-driven behaviour; (2) lack of civility; (3) absolute disregard to others; (4) lack of paragraphs (makes it even more painful for me to follow)14:06
Ursinhahe might have a valid problem, and it's not because of they way it put it it's not a bug14:07
hggdhUrsinha: if you want to, add a comment about education, civility, respect to others, and the CoC14:07
UrsinhaI agree that if it's not possible to discuss, invalidating it is the way, but with at least the canned response mentioning the CoC14:07
hggdhgo for it, I agree14:08
hggdh(or I will do it)14:08
Ursinhahggdh, whatever suits you best :)14:09
hggdhI will do it14:09
Ursinhahggdh, thanks :) will use your comment as canned response next time I find one :)14:21
hggdhUrsinha: heh14:21
mr_pouitmmh, "9d9" user on lp changed the status of many bug reports a few hours ago, without explanation..14:25
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Ursinhamr_pouit, do you have an example? if the user is messing up data, we can talk to launchpad people to have him suspended...14:26
mr_pouitBug #19188914:27
ubot4`Launchpad bug 191889 in baltix (and 22 other projects) "[MASTER] [WORKAROUND] "Offline Mode" feature fails to detect proper online state for networks that are managed outside of network manager. (affects: 73) (dups: 17) (heat: 672)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19188914:27
Ursinhaold bug?14:27
Ursinhawhat the..14:27
mr_pouit(and many more, mostly changing statuses bak to incomplete without a comment)14:28
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hggdhthere we go14:28
Ursinhamr_pouit, I've triaged a bug from this user days ago, it was a valid one14:28
Ursinhahe might be only trying to help14:28
hggdhUrsinha: still, it goes to what we chatted about: a status change == one more comment14:30
Ursinhahggdh, no no, I completely agree, I mentioned that because we might want to talk to him prior to blocking his user :)14:31
hggdhoh yes14:31
hggdh*always* try a contact before a more hard approach14:31
Ursinhahggdh, well, unless the user is trying to sell viagra :P14:36
roadmr"Ubuntu, Viagra, they all sound the same to me" :P14:38
Ursinhain the firefox bug subject yet, it could be worse, we could start giving such users this: http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/funny-gifs-than-six-words-appear.gif14:41
hggdhmr_pouit: I emailed 9d9 asking for an explanation. Meanwhile I guess we just suck up to it ;-)14:43
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om26erwhich package is responsible for low battery dialog?16:53
seb128what version of ubuntu?16:54
om26erseb128, precise16:54
seb128gnome-settings-daemon I guess16:55
wagafoI think bug #880299  can be nominated for SRU to Ubuntu 11.10, it is now fix released for Precise. I wrote a justification as a comment in the bug.17:03
ubot4`Launchpad bug 880299 in tomboy (Ubuntu Precise) (and 2 other projects) "Tomboy causing delay on logout or shutdown (affects: 54) (dups: 4) (heat: 296)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88029917:03
micahgwagafo: are you preparing the fix?17:05
* om26er volunteers 17:06
* micahg gives a task then17:07
wagafomicahg: no, I'm just a newbie triager17:09
htorqueom26er: hi, do you know a duplicate for bug 917522?17:12
ubot4`Launchpad bug 917522 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "panel doesn't resize when screen changes (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91752217:12
om26ernot sure about a duplicate but it embarassed me at a presentation :/17:13
om26erhtorque, its a common issue, i will look for a duplicate17:13
* om26er looking17:13
htorquei had a compiz restart during the setup for a presentation, hehe.17:13
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om26erthat also happened to me last thursday, and wow :p17:14
om26erhtorque, bug 907939 is one example17:17
ubot4`Launchpad bug 907939 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Unity launcher positioned incorrectly after external monitor detach (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90793917:17
htorquesame class, different bug :P17:18
htorqueguess that will all be fixed if/when both displays get a launcher17:18
bdmurraymvo: How does a bug like 917173 get fixed?17:30
Ursinhabug  91717317:33
ubot4`Launchpad bug 917173 in update-manager (Ubuntu Precise) (and 1 other project) "lucid -> precise upgrade failed: Resolver failed to calculate the upgrade - dpkg-dev held back (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91717317:33
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=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu Bug Squad - next meeting 01/18/12 | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
mvobdmurray: hm, puzzling I need to looks at this in detail, but I don't see why apt complaining it looks like libdpkg-perl should be fine to install20:25
mvobdmurray: I followed up in the bugreport20:27
Muphridhi, i reported a bug and apport said it was a duplicate and linked to a non-existant page23:32
dlentzMuphrid, what number?23:34
Muphriddlentz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nux/+bug/91793023:34
dlentzThe duplicate bug is marked as private. It should be changed and usually is23:35
dlentzIf it doesn't get changed soon. you can remove the duplicate stauts23:37
Muphridok thanks23:38
bdmurrayand if it does get changed you should put your test case in the other bug23:41
bdmurrayMuphrid: there I've made that other one public23:45
Muphridbdmurray: link?23:47
ubot4`Launchpad bug 916088 in nux (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::GridHLayout::KeyNavIterationRowOrder() (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Medium,Confirmed]23:47
Muphridok will add info23:48
bkerensabdmurray: Who handles ubiquity?23:58
ubot4`Launchpad bug 902479 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "LiveCD Installer Progress/Details Expander Does Not Show Progress (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:58
micahgbkerensa: the ubuntu-installer team23:58

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