
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
AdvancedGardeHello there, I've just done a fresh install of ubuntu on my PC. Ubuntu is automatically mounting my two non OS drives on boot, but they are not present in /etc/fstab - I want to bind my home directory to one of the drives but my entry in fstab is being executed before the drive becomes ready. Where/When might these drives be being mounted?01:13
BigWhaleGood Morning.05:43
didrocksgood morning07:27
didrocks(half an hour to just get the machine starting, nice! :/)07:27
tvosspitti, ping08:12
dpmgood morning all08:13
didrockstvoss: pitti is not there today, what do you need,08:47
didrocksgood morning dpm08:47
didrocksdpm: hey, what do you need me in addition to setup my quickly server up again for developer.ubuntu.com ?08:47
dpmhey didrocks, good morning08:47
tvossdidrocks, smspillaz told me to ping him on my recipe problem :)08:48
didrocksdpm: I check my tutorials, they are still meaningful08:48
dpmdidrocks, if you could copy them to d.u c. too (or point me to which ones we should copy and I can do it myself), that'd be awesome08:52
dpmdidrocks, also, I've noticed that the .pot template in Unity 5.0 has not been updated, so the new strings such as 'Unlock' and such are not in LP. Perhaps it needs updating in the upstream project or the POT update in the package does not work?08:52
dpmargh, got disconnected, let me paste the reply again...08:54
didrocksdpm: yeah, I'm delaying the pot update right now as we will have changes in those translations maybe08:54
dpmdidrocks, if you could copy them to d.u c. too (or point me to which ones we should copy and I can do it myself), that'd be awesome08:54
didrocksdpm: pointing you in pm to not polluate there08:54
dpmdidrocks, ah, ok, thanks08:54
didrockssalut seb128, ça va ?09:17
seb128didrocks, lut, ca va mieux, bien dormis et mon rhume est presque passé ;-)09:18
seb128et toi ?09:18
didrocksben, le rhume s'aggrave un peu, mais je récupère le sommeil petit à petit en me couchant tôt (genre 22h ;))09:19
didrocksmeeting report reminder btw! :)09:19
seb128oh right09:20
seb128didrocks, changing a merge request which got put on "needs review" by unity-mergeer back to "approved" should be enough to get it retried right?09:21
didrocksseb128: exactly09:21
seb128didrocks, I did add a workaround to glib for the libgee issue, I want to retry one of the merges09:21
seb128didrocks, ok, just retried https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/libunity/sources-filtering/+merge/8817709:22
didrocksyeah, just do that, it will be triggered on next run09:22
didrocks(you have 2min30 ;))09:22
seb128didrocks, just did09:22
didrocksde rien :)09:22
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dpmhi desktoppers. Could someone reupload Tomboy? In demoting it to universe it lost all translations. For extra points, it'd be great to fetch the translations from LP, but as a first step just reuploading not to strip translations would do the trick too09:28
seb128dpm, hey, why does it need to go to main?09:29
seb128oh, it's the other way around09:29
dpmseb128, it does not need to go to main09:29
dpmit was demoted to universe with stripped translations09:30
seb128dpm, do you know when it was demoted? I just did an upload yesterday evening...09:30
seb128dpm, seems to me that it doesn't need a rebuild09:31
seb128dpm, ie https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomboy/1.8.0-1ubuntu1.2/+build/309717109:31
seb128$ dpkg -c tomboy_1.8.0-1ubuntu1.2_i386.deb | grep -c locale09:32
dpmseb128, I noticed it a while ago, let me update to see if your upload fixed it09:32
seb128dpm, what is missing?09:32
dpmif translations are there, then nothing :)09:32
seb128seems I pre-emptively fixed your bug then ;-)09:33
dpmI wasn't expecting anything less from you :-)09:34
* dpm hugs seb12809:34
* seb128 hugs dpm09:36
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:36
seb128btw that tomboy upload fixes the timeout of session closing09:36
seb128should make didrocks and some others happy09:36
seb128chrisccoulson, good morning, how are you?09:36
didrockswell, now, if tomboy could start :)09:37
seb128didrocks, hum, did I break it while fixing it? ;-)09:37
didrocksseb128: yeah, just to make it *very fast* to close :-)09:38
didrocksmore seriously, I didn't start it for a while, not sure it's this upload though09:38
didrocksjust tried this morning and see I couldn't start it09:38
seb128didrocks, this upload is from yesterday evening, so "no" ;-)09:38
didrockswell, I've updated this morning ;)09:38
seb128didrocks, do you get any error?09:39
seb128if you run it on a command line09:39
didrockssome horrible C# stuff09:39
didrocksCould not load file or assembly 'gmime-sharp'09:40
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks. how are you?09:40
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks09:40
seb128didrocks, seems to be missing a depends?09:40
seb128didrocks, is libgmime2.4-cil installed?09:40
didrocksseb128: that or that mono is totally screwed :)09:40
didrocksalready checked and I have it09:41
seb128try to install --reinstall it?09:41
didrocksyeah, let's try09:41
seb128otherwise it's a question for Laney and the cli guys09:41
seb128I swear I didn't do it! ;-)09:41
didrocksoh, that fixed it!09:42
didrocks* Installing 1 assembly from libgmime2.4-cil into Mono09:42
didrocks-> this line seems important in the postinst then :)09:43
didrocksweird, the config file was there, and it was fine before09:43
didrocksjust that something didn't get registered on postinst it seems09:43
didrocksseb128: thanks for the suggestion :)09:43
* Sweetshark is back from the dentist.09:44
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didrocksoh, it's dentist day for german it seems :)09:52
tkamppeterpitti, hi09:57
tkamppeterdidrocks, is pitti at the dentist?10:09
didrockstkamppeter: yes, he is off today10:09
tkamppeterdidrocks, whole day?10:09
seb128tkamppeter, he's getting wisdom teeth pulled out10:11
seb128tkamppeter, so he's taking the day to recover10:11
tkamppeterseb128, OK, I got all the 4 taken out on one day and also needed the whole day to recover.10:12
tkamppeterAnyone using BZR repos at Debian?10:12
seb128not me10:12
Laneyalioth is down if that's what you're going to ask :P10:12
Laneydidrocks: the --reinstall just fixed it? weird10:13
didrocksLaney: indeed10:13
tkamppeterbzr.debian.org does not work. Is this Alioth.10:13
tkamppeterLaney, when will it come back?10:13
Laneydunno, hardware problem10:13
Laneyit was on debian-devel-announce10:13
Laneyat least with dvcs you can push elsewhere if your branch is up-to-date10:14
tkamppeterLaney, what does this mean? Is the actual repo on another box and dvcs surrounds Alioth?10:15
Laneyno, just that a feature of dvcs is that you don't need a central 'hub'10:15
Laneyi.e. in the meantime if you want to share your branch with someone just push it to launchpad10:15
tkamppeterLaney, my intention was simply to keep the central repo of CUPS at Debian up-to-date. So now it looks like that the my fix will come as SRU before it goes into Precise ...10:17
Laneyyou can always just push when it comes back online ...10:17
tkamppeterThis is what I will do ...10:18
Laneyno problem then :P10:18
Laneyjust means that people can't see your commits until then10:18
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pittitvoss, tkamppeter: hello10:49
pittitvoss, tkamppeter: as seb128 already said, I won't do much today, but I can certainly look into small things; what's up?10:50
seb128pitti, hey pitti, how are you?10:50
seb128pitti, I did the meeting reminder btw (just you don't dup it)10:50
pittiseb128: I saw, merci10:50
pittioperation went well, now sitting here with a frozen gel pack, watching some Star Trek episodes to make me not think so much about my hurting jaw :)10:51
tvosspitti, already solved, I had a problem with bzr-builder10:51
pittiI need to come up with something better than holding the gel pack all day10:51
didrockspitti: hey! was it the 4 of them?10:57
tkamppeterpitti, Alioth is down and so I could not upload my last fix on CUPS, see yuour e-mail. So please apply my fix if you do something on CUPS before Alioth comes back.11:00
tkamppeterpitti, I have prepared an SRU for bug 910272 can you approve it? Thanks.11:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 910272 in cups "USB->Parallel adapter produces crappy device URI and CUPS "usb" backend cannot cope with it" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91027211:36
pittididrocks: no, two today, the other two in a couple of weeks11:40
pittitkamppeter: ah, will do, thanks11:40
pittitkamppeter: you can push your branch on launchpad somewhere for the time being, then I call pull from there?11:41
pittitkamppeter: accepted11:44
pittitkamppeter: nevermind, got your mail; will apply it locally11:45
pittitkamppeter: done11:45
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.11:54
ricotzseb128, hey12:28
Sweetsharkpitti: discussing LO with micahg in Budapest we came to the point that it likely makes sense to have a microrelease exception for LO. opinion on that?12:28
seb128ricotz, hey, how are you?12:30
ricotzseb128, i am good, thanks12:31
ricotzseb128, how are you?12:31
seb128ricotz, I'm good thanks12:32
ricotzi was going to merge the glib2.0 packaging to my ppa and i am worried about the diff12:32
seb128trying to figure what happening in gtk 3.3.8 which broke themes12:32
seb128ricotz, what about it?12:32
ricotzthis part http://paste.debian.net/plain/15256312:32
ricotzi think you need to apply this12:32
ricotz(reverse apply)12:33
seb128ricotz, thanks12:33
ricotzmy other difference are oneiric specific12:33
seb128ricotz, why do I have to redo things you already did? are you sure you don't want to send your work back to the stock Ubuntu packaging?12:33
seb128that's just so ridiculous that we have both to do that work and merge :-(12:33
ricotzseb128, the symbols of my packaged werent updated12:34
seb128I wish I could just apply your diffs for stuff you already did12:34
seb128but that part was correct and I would have welcomed it to review before the update12:34
seb128well, anyway, thanks for pointing it, will do another upload with that fix in12:35
ricotzseb128, i know, a short peak at my package would have helped too though12:35
seb128there is no "short peak"12:35
seb128or do you use a public vcs now?12:35
seb128because downloading a full source, filtering out the oneiric bits and other ppa specific stuff, etc is not "short"12:36
seb128especially when your version is a git snapshot which means different orig tarballs12:36
seb128i.e not even easy to debdiff12:36
seb128well anyway, we already had this discussion ;-)12:37
seb128ricotz, did you notice any theming issue in gtk?12:37
ricotzseb128, sorry, but only looking at the debian.tar.gz is enough12:37
seb128ricotz, well it still mean having to pull12:37
ricotzseb128, comparing the upstream tarball isnt needed12:37
seb128it's like you were asking to gtk upstreams to look at your ppa to get patches12:37
ricotzseb128, ok12:38
seb128the way opensource usually work is that downstream send fixes back to their upstream12:38
seb128which means Ubuntu for the packaging :p12:38
ricotzseb128, yes, light-themes having issues with the newer gtk12:38
ricotzi am not sure if this a unico probkem12:38
seb128ricotz, do you know what specifically in there?12:38
ricotzi am using adwaita which has gone through trouble too and is fine now12:39
ricotzseb128, i pinged Cimi about it and was hoping he will take a look12:39
ricotzbut isnt using the gtk3 git versions12:39
ricotzso i guess he will noticed and fix it when it hits precise12:40
seb128ricotz, I'm discussing it with him12:42
seb128scping debs on a people page so he can have a look12:43
seb128he has no clue about the issue, so I'm holding the precise upload12:43
seb128ricotz, would be nice if you raised such issues here when you hit them ;-)12:43
seb128so next time I can push Cimi before the tarballs12:43
seb128rather than to notice the bug when the new version is packaged and getting stucked ;-)12:43
ricotzseb128, i see i was hoping he would have a look12:44
pittiSweetshark: if the changes to their microreleases are generally bug fixes only, yes12:46
ricotzseb128, ok, you need to update glib anyway before ;)12:46
ricotzi was thinking gtk3 would fail while not finding glib-compile-resources though12:46
ricotzpitti, hello12:46
Sweetsharkpitti: bug 91762012:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 917620 in libreoffice "[FFE] LibreOffice 3.5.1 for precise, MRE for LibreOffice" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91762012:47
seb128ricotz, seems to work fine without glib-compile-resources, well at least I built and installed it locally with my glib build12:56
ricotzseb128, hmm, i guess the generated file are disted and doesnt need to be rebuilt12:58
seb128likely, well I will fix glib anyway ;-)12:58
ricotzyeah, that is needed ;)12:59
ogra_Sweetshark, unless policy changed recently, upstream microreleases dont need FFe's12:59
ricotzSweetshark, hi, does 3.4.5 have a higher priority than 3.5.0b3 for you?12:59
Sweetsharkricotz: hard to tell.13:00
Sweetsharkricotz: yes, a bit. I am currently working on 3.4.5 for oneiric13:01
ricotzSweetshark, would be nice to see 3.4.5 first ;)13:01
ricotzSweetshark, nice, thanks13:01
Sweetsharkricotz: I had a patch update prepared on wednesday/thursday last week already for 3.4.5, but now still have to cut through all the red tape ...13:02
ricotzSweetshark, alright, i was hoping to get it built on lucid soon13:03
Sweetsharkricotz: btw, we might skip beta3 as upstream is already wettening the stamp to tag 3.5.0rc113:08
ricotzSweetshark, oh, i see, shouldnt it get some testing?13:10
ricotzmeaning if rc1 isnt already coming out to be this week13:11
Sweetsharkricotz: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan/3.513:13
Sweetsharkricotz: for beta3 the blocker is actually that alioth.debian.org is down and I wanna pull changes from there (before I am on vacation from next week)13:17
ricotzSweetshark, thanks, look at this schedule you could wait every week for the next release :P13:17
ricotzSweetshark, oh, havent noticed this, that is an excuse of course ;)13:18
Sweetsharkricotz: and with armel building three days on a LO release, I would own half a buildd alone ;)13:18
ricotzSweetshark, hehe, right13:19
Sweetsharkricotz: actinidiaceae is actually building since 4 days on it ...13:20
ricotzSweetshark, yeah, that was the reason to split l10n in a separate package13:21
ricotzwhich makes sru way faster where no language updates are needed13:22
ricotzor simple build fixes13:22
Sweetsharkricotz: huh? there are no l10ns build on armel (only on i386)13:22
ricotzSweetshark, yes, arch all is build on i38613:23
Sweetsharkricotz: I can run the subquesttests and l10n stuff on i386 and amd64 and would still be 3 days faster there ...13:24
ricotzright, armel is pretty slow13:25
nessitahello all! I updated yesterday my Precise install and now that computer will not start my eth0 interface. dmesg shows, among other things: "init: Failed to spawn network-manager main process: unable to execute: No such file or directory"13:27
nessitapitti: hi there! would you know about that? ^13:28
seb128hey nessita13:28
seb128cyphermox, ^13:28
nessitaI also tried setting up the eth0 iface manually, and when running ifconfig eth0 up, the iface will come up but the IP address is not configured (even though I set one in the /etc/network/interfaces)13:29
nessitahola seb128!13:29
seb128nessita, how are you?13:30
ricotzseb128, oh, does the scrollbar patch break api? :\13:30
nessitaseb128: well, I've been better, starting the day with an useless computer (no internet == useless) makes me cranky :-)13:30
seb128ricotz, only in ubuntu_ functions which were not used outside of gtk13:30
seb128ricotz, i.e shouldn't make any difference13:31
ricotzseb128, yes, so this shouldnt break on oneiric?13:31
nessitaseb128: any idea if there was an update for nm that may have caused this error I'm having?13:31
seb128ricotz, should not13:31
ricotzseb128, i see13:31
seb128ricotz, scrollbars didn't get an update for the gtk change in precise either13:31
seb128nessita, dunno that's why I tried to ping cyphermox13:32
ricotzseb128, ok, thanks13:32
seb128nessita, can you pastebin a dpkg -l | grep network-manager?13:32
nessitaseb128: so, an apt-cache policy network-manager will say 'Installed: (none)' :-/13:32
nessitathat would explain the no such file or directory :-P13:33
seb128that's likely your issue13:33
seb128did you dist-upgrade without reading what it was going to uninstall?13:33
nessitaseb128: no, this is a clean precise install from weeks13:33
nessitaseb128: yesterday, I apt-get update and apt-get upgrade13:33
seb128nessita, hum, grep network-manager /var/log/dpkg.log?13:34
nessitaseb128: there is a remove from yesterday, and install and another remove13:35
nessitaseb128: I will download the .deb, install, and paste the log somewhere for you13:36
seb128nessita, you clearly did stuff that were an "upgrade"13:36
seb128were *not*13:36
nessitaseb128: I also installed a couple of indicators... but that shouldn't be the cause, no?13:37
seb128nessita, dunno, indicator-network is based on conman, it might conflict with network-manager13:37
nessitaseb128: yes, confirmed I installed indicator-network. I though that one was the "usual" network indicator... :-(13:45
seb128nessita, no, the "usual indicator" is installed, no reason to go and install it ;-)13:46
seb128nessita, the one we use is network-manager-applet13:46
seb128it has indicator support13:46
nessitaseb128: ack, thanks for the info. Question: if I remove the indicator-network and connman packages, and install the nm.deb, shall I get my interfaces back?13:47
seb128nessita, you should I think yes13:48
nessitahum, nothing here, will restart jic13:49
=== nessita1 is now known as nessita
seb128kicking u113:53
nessitaseb128: it worked, thanks for the help!13:53
seb128thanks for syncing my files and working now, it was an hour ago I was trying to share that screenshot, I scped it on my people page for a while :p13:53
seb128nessita, yw13:53
nessitaseb128: yeah, service performance is not good these days, we're working on that13:53
seb128nessita, good to know it's beeing worked ;-)13:54
seb128I didn't try to use it for a while to share something and that has been pretty frustrating today, I ended having to scp the files on my people page to share it13:54
seb128but seems now it decided to sync, it only took it over an hour ;-)13:55
seb128it was server side issues anyway, I connected to the website and uploaded the file from there to share it but it returned a "could not locate object" error on the url13:56
seb128well anyway, seems it started working again so I guess somebody did something ;-)13:57
nessitaseb128: our foundations team is working hard to get performance issues solved, the amount of users increased a lot lately (which is good news)13:59
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
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ricotzseb128, a short question, is eog running for you?14:34
ricotzassuming you have gtk and glib updated already14:35
seb128ricotz, seems not14:35
ricotzhmm, weird, just noticed it now14:35
seb128ricotz, do you use eog 3.2 as well?14:36
seb128or is that also an issue on newer versions?14:36
ricotzyes, i am using the precise version14:36
ricotzseb128, sorry, g2g (i notified you ;) )14:37
seb128ricotz, thanks14:37
cyphermoxnessita: haven't seen this before. Do you have a file /usr/sbin/NetworkManager?14:39
nessitacyphermox: hi there! the problem was that I installed indicator-network thinking it was the "regular" net indicator14:40
nessitacyphermox: which installed connman, and automaticallt removed nm14:40
cyphermoxah, right14:40
nessitacyphermox: so, sorry for the false alarm14:40
cyphermoxso you've reinstalled network-manager network-manager-gnome and all is well?14:41
nessitacyphermox: I downloaded the nm deb and installed that, rebooted and all is good :-)14:42
cyphermoxwouldn't you then be missing the indicator?14:43
Ursinhapitti, hi :) where can I find weekly meetings and such that I should be attending?14:44
BigWhale18 hours for a build? :'(15:03
Riddelllibglew1.6-dev provides libglew-dev but is in universe while libglew1.5-dev is in main15:08
Riddellwho's into libglew?  X people?15:08
seb128Riddell, X people I guess yes, but 1.6 makes unity segfault on start on intel which is why we still have 1.515:09
Riddellshouldn't libglew-dev be kept on glew1.5 then?15:10
* Riddell nudges bryce and RAOF 15:11
seb128Riddell, no, I think the idea was that 1.6 should be the default15:16
seb1281.5 is only for unity15:16
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Riddellseb128: hum then it shouldn't be in universe15:17
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seb128Riddell, likely not15:17
seb128well I guess if it's in universe that's because nothing use it?15:17
seb128otherwise it would show on component mismatch?15:17
Riddellmaybe but calligra is wanting to use it15:18
Riddellor will be shortly15:18
Riddellbryce, RAOF: are we right and glew1.6 should be promoted?15:18
seb128Riddell, well I would say just build-depends on it and promote it when something tries to pull it in15:23
Riddellseb128: it duplicates what's already in main, we normally try to avoid that, so I'd like to double check first15:24
mvohey deskopers (and seb128 ;) - is there a gtk3/gir version of gtkspell? or what should I do for spell checking? or am I just blind15:25
seb128mvo, hey15:28
seb128mvo, gtk3: libgtkspell-3-015:28
seb128but no gir apparently15:28
toabctlcan some have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~toabctl/gnome-shell/ubuntu/+merge/88584 please?15:30
seb128hey toabctl15:30
mvoseb128: who needs gir if ctypes is available!15:30
* mvo takes out the sledgehammer15:30
seb128toabctl, I will ask jbicha to have a look when he's around, he's working on gnome-shell15:31
kenvandineseb128, i assume the gtk3.3.8 upload is what is causing all the weirdness?15:31
toabctlseb128, ok. thx15:32
seb128kenvandine, define "weirdness"15:32
kenvandineweirdness being menus and labels looking insensitive15:32
seb128kenvandine, known issue are: themes being broken, eog not starting15:32
kenvandineand eog refusing to launch15:32
seb128kenvandine, actually light-themes is fixed in bzr, if you want to sponsor that15:32
seb128kenvandine, I'm trying to sort the eog not starting issue with desrt15:33
seb128kenvandine, thanks15:33
agateauseb128: hi, it seems lightdm packaging branch does not have the latest changes. Can you push it?15:33
seb128kenvandine, I confirmed Cimi's patches work and fix the default theme15:33
seb128so it just needs packaging15:33
kenvandineseb128, great, thx15:33
seb128agateau, no15:33
seb128agateau, hey15:33
* agateau is confused15:33
seb128agateau, I did a dirty snapshot from a bzr version with hacks for the ppa, I don't want that in the official vcs15:33
seb128agateau, I need to rebase on the real tarball and then push15:34
agateauseb128: oh ok15:34
seb128agateau, I will do that once I'm done dealing with gtk issues ;-)15:34
agateauseb128: did you have to work around issues like lightdm-set-defaults and gdmflexiserver getting installed in /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm?15:35
seb128agateau, no, that was changed yesterday or today in trunk15:36
seb128agateau, i.e after I did my snapshot15:36
seb128agateau, or I'm confusing what you ask with some other commit15:36
agateauseb128: mmm, actually the current lightdm package in the archive has the problem15:36
agateaudpkg -L lightdm | grep default15:37
seb128agateau, yeah, seems so15:37
agateauseb128: ok, I am going to look into fixing it upstream, but I am not sure there is an easy answer for gdmflexiserver15:37
seb128agateau, what's the issue?15:38
seb128agateau, I mean why should it be hard?15:38
agateauseb128: the patch from this bug has been applied, https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/914086 ,15:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 914086 in lightdm "ghtdm-1.0.6 automake fails with automake-1.11.2 due to "pkglibexecdir" usage" [Low,Fix released]15:38
agateauseb128: so gdmflexiserver is installed in legacydir = $(libexecdir)/lightdm15:39
agateaubut on Ubuntu we have libexecdir = /usr/lib/lightdm iirc15:39
agateauseb128: so I don't know how to make gdmflexiserver install in /usr/lib/lightdm in the package, but still go in $(libexecdir)/lightdm from an upstream point of view15:39
agateaudefining libexecdir as /usr/lib is probably not an option :)15:40
seb128no it's not ;-)15:40
seb128agateau, well I'm not sure it's worth spending time on15:40
seb128it's not like the current situation was creating any bug or confusing any normal user ;-)15:40
agateauseb128: I am working on a debconf key for lightdm greeters, so I need at least lightdm-set-defaults to be where I expect it to b15:41
seb128agateau, how,where is lightdm-greeter-session installed?15:42
agateauseb128: lightdm-set-defaults is easy to fix though, so I may just fix that one15:42
seb128because that's in the correct dir15:42
agateauseb128: I guess it uses libexecdir, not pkglibexecdir15:43
20QAAK923yikes, I wonder how I got this nickname15:43
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jbichathere, that's better15:44
agateauseb128: that can be done for lightdm-set-defaults, but not for gdmflexiserver15:44
seb128jbicha: hey15:44
seb128jbicha, I noticed that you updated libsoup, webkit and gnome-games in the ppa15:44
seb128jbicha, we probably can update those in precise, do you want to do the uploads there? do you need some reviews?15:45
jbichaseb128: I need help with webkit in the install stage, I'm a little blind working with webkit as I don't have enough free harddrive space to build it locally15:46
seb128jbicha, ok, I will have a look15:46
seb128jbicha, did you have specific issues?15:46
agateauseb128: mmm, actually lightdm-greeter-session comes from the packaging :)15:47
agateauseb128: anyway, will figure something out of that, no worry15:47
seb128agateau, thanks15:47
seb128agateau, I think you can work on it without issue, my changes shouldn't conflict with that15:47
seb128I will try to get the update cleaned and pushed in a bit15:47
agateauseb128: ok thanks15:47
jbichaseb128: well you can look at the logs, http://is.gd/XKqhIn15:48
jbichagnome-games has a few bugs still, I was having trouble getting LPI to work with the games that were ported to vala15:48
jbichahttps://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=666851 https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66682415:49
ubot2Gnome bug 666851 in gnomine "gnomine has ugly gap above menubar" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:49
jbichaseb128: do you want new gnome-games in precise now or wait for those things to be worked out?15:50
seb128jbicha, can you maybe commit your gnome-games work to the official vcs and note in the changelog what is blocking the update?15:50
seb128jbicha, I will email robert_ancell to check out what he thinks and Cc you on the email15:50
seb128but I'm leaning toward landing it, though maybe first fix lpi and the majhong not starting issue15:51
seb128I can have a look at the lpi patches later on if you want15:51
seb128jbicha, btw <toabctl> can some have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~toabctl/gnome-shell/ubuntu/+merge/88584 please?15:51
seb128jbicha, if you are interested by reviewing it15:52
mvopitti: is there a way to get the pointer to the actual gobject from a pygi wrapped gobject? I'm looking at the spell check support (or lack thereof) and was wondering if ctypes or annotating libgtkspell-3 is quicker15:55
jbichaseb128 toabctl I might not get to merging the gshell patch until later in the week16:00
seb128jbicha, that's fine, thanks for looking at it ;-)16:00
toabctljbicha, ok. thanks16:01
jbichaseb128: ok I pushed my gnome-games work to the desktop branch, talk more later!16:01
seb128jbicha, thanks, ttyl!16:01
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mvopitti: found it http://paste.ubuntu.com/807553/ - but I guess actually adding annotations to gtkspell makes more sense16:14
kenvandinemvo, more generally useful for sure16:15
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, Sweetshark, tkamppeter: less than 10 minutes before meeting time if somebody gets an agenda item for it (none so far)16:23
seb128didrocks, btw sawing that your did some blogging about the nautilus bookmarks, you get some bugs reported as well ;-)16:25
mhr3mvo, synaptic still crashes with P :(16:25
didrocksseb128: I commented on the bug report16:25
didrocksseb128: tell me what you think16:25
mhr3mvo, still the came atk bug16:25
seb128didrocks, oh, "Desktop Merger" is you, gotcha16:25
micahgricotz: AIUI microreleases need FFes if they have new features (or don't if they have a standing freeze exception)16:25
* didrocks unlogs from launchpad16:26
mvomhr3: meh16:26
mvomhr3: could you check if lp:~mvo/synaptic/gtk3 works and does not crash16:27
mhr3woo, there's gtk3 synaptic?16:27
* mhr3 branches16:28
seb128didrocks, I'm not sure to get your comment, is that reply to the "nautilus doesn't get focussed" issues? the "desktop menu" seems to spawn new dialogs when you open something, the ql use just change the location of the open nautilus16:29
didrocksseb128: it depends in fact of the use case16:29
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, Sweetshark, tkamppeter: it's meeting time if anyone has something to discuss16:30
didrocksseb128: ok, you're right, I was puzzled when I got multiple windows in fact16:31
Riddellhow was budapest?16:31
seb128hey Riddell, how are you?16:32
Riddelloh slowly recovering thanks, not going to be driving for a while I think but I can do most other things16:32
mvomhr3: its looking for help, but it did build/work for me in my short tests16:32
seb128Budapest was good though not really cold, seems to be a weird winter for the weather ;-)16:33
ricotzmicahg, huh, what?16:33
seb128Riddell, good to hear that you are getting better16:33
micahgricotz: huh what?16:34
ricotz<micahg> ricotz: AIUI microreleases need FFes if they have new features (or don't if they have a standing freeze exception)16:34
Sweetsharkmicahg, ricotz: huh what?16:34
ricotzdid i miss something?16:34
micahgricotz: not sure, what's the question ;)16:35
ricotzmicahg, i just got your message16:35
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, Sweetshark, tkamppeter: ok, no meeting needed it seems, everybody can go back to work (for those who stopped at least ;-)16:35
* Sweetshark goes back to simulate work.16:35
cyphermoxseb128: blasphemy!16:35
cyphermoxwhat's this stopping work thing you speak of?16:36
didrocksseb128: hum, wondering how to get the quicklist safe. Not really fancy to spawn a new nautilus process for that from without nautilus. I'll need to dig a little bit more in the code to see if: 1. I can get from the accelerator the shortcut and 2. how to open a new window from there16:36
Sweetsharkcyphermox: its the things you do after death ;)16:36
cyphermoxSweetshark: O_O16:36
mhr3mvo, yey, it doesn't crash! :)16:36
seb128didrocks, can't you just do the same thing that the menus are doing?16:38
mvomhr3: cool! thanks for testing!16:38
seb128cyphermox, speaking about working, bluez and network-manager-applet are showing as outdated on version ;-)16:39
cyphermoxyeah :/16:39
cyphermoxbluez I should be able to upload today, nm-applet I'm working on the flickering fix, so it will take a bit16:39
didrocksseb128: you mean the desktop menu, right?16:40
seb128didrocks, yes16:40
didrocksseb128: also, ou will notice that it's not alphabetically ordered :)16:40
didrocksseb128: I'll have a look there, nice suggestion!16:40
cyphermoxseb128: this and it all doesn't fix the bluetooth issues on oneiric, the patches on bugs don't seem to help, they just make it crash slower :)16:41
seb128didrocks, great ;-)16:41
didrocks(and no desktop)16:41
seb128cyphermox, hum, ok16:41
seb128didrocks, right, the menu seems to be in the same order than your list before sorting16:42
seb128so I guess nautilus is inconsistent between its sidebar and menu16:42
didrocksseb128: indeed, I'll look at the callback function to see if I can plug to the same16:42
didrocksseb128: right16:42
seb128will mention it to upstream16:42
seb128but I know that federico was speaking about getting that code in gtk to have gtk and nautilus behaving the same way16:43
seb128that would probably help for what you do as well but it's not done,available yet16:43
didrocksyeah, let's see if we can get something first :)16:44
seb128didrocks, btw there is a chance that bug #917739 is due to your patch as well16:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 917739 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_is_a()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91773916:44
didrocksseb128: I'm afraid this is something that need work in unity: if you refresh a quicklist while it's opened, it's not refreshed16:46
didrocksseb128: and as nautilus likes a lot refreshing the bookmarks list, if you click afterward, the callback function isn't good16:46
* didrocks tries to think how to workaround that16:47
seb128didrocks, I guess there is work to do on both side, making nautilus robust and making unity refresh the ql correctly16:47
seb128didrocks, oh, and "nautilus to refresh the bookmarks" seems like a good bug to put on the performance,power,etc list ;-)16:48
didrocksseb128: well, if the ql is opened, and nautilus refreshes the ql meanwhile, not sure how I can tell "this dbusmenuitem" doesn't exist anymore16:48
didrocksseb128: yeah16:48
seb128ideally it wouldn't refresh that list when nont needed16:48
didrocksseb128: it's doing it 30 times at startup, at least16:48
didrocks(with the same list)16:48
seb128that's crazy16:48
seb128can you register a bug about it?16:48
seb128I will put it on the list for precise16:49
didrockssure, will do16:49
seb128didrocks, try asking kenvandine or tedg maybe, I'm sure they had to deal with such issues for i.e the messaging menu16:49
didrocksindeed, kenvandine ? ^16:50
seb128the indicators don't refresh when open to avoid the items changing while you click16:50
didrockstedg: ^16:50
* achiang discovers an annoying bug in xchat-indicator16:51
tedgActually they do refresh while it's open... that's an open bug.  We've got a proposed fix from mpt, but it really needs to be implemented in GTK.16:51
tedgIt's kinda a tricky thing really, we want to have the most current data given to the user.  But avoid accidental clicks.16:51
achianghm, it's actually an old bug. #58790216:52
achiangkenvandine: is there any chance of adding that above bug into your queue?16:53
didrockstedg: so, should I annoy gord or MacSlow about it?16:54
tedgdidrocks, Uhm, sure, if you'd like :-)16:55
didrockstedg: I would love it even! :)16:56
kenvandineachiang, that is a hard one16:58
kenvandinei've tried, i can't handle that as a plugin16:59
achiangkenvandine: oh. ok, i didn't know if it was bitesized or not; else i would have taken a crack at it16:59
kenvandineachiang, the plugin api doesn't expose a way to handle that16:59
kenvandinexchat could be modified to expose that, but it wouldn't be trivial17:00
achiangkenvandine: i see. it's rather annoying.... is it that xchat keeps sending a notification, or that the messaging indicator won't acknowledged it already got the notification?17:00
kenvandineit is just because the nick has changed17:01
kenvandinewe don't see the change17:01
kenvandinei've considered doing some substring matching to handle some cases, but i fear that would cause more problems17:01
achiangright, but you can clear the indication in the messaging indicator... until it comes back17:01
kenvandineclearing the indicator based on string matching seems icky17:02
achiangthat's the real issue, imho17:02
achiangi clear it, but then my envelope keeps turning blue17:02
kenvandinei can't though17:02
kenvandineso the channel stays the same, even though the nick changed17:02
kenvandinesort of...17:02
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kenvandineachiang, the clear menu item doesn't help at all in this case17:03
kenvandinenew messages keep showing up on the existing channel17:04
achiangkenvandine: ah17:05
kenvandinebut i can't get a reference to the channel, just the string17:05
kenvandineso that is the best i can map it, unless the channel itself was exposed via the plugin interface17:05
kenvandinekind of annoying17:05
achiangkenvandine: got it. maybe we list this in the papercuts project and see if someone else wants to take it up? :)17:06
kenvandinei would love for someone else to fix that :)17:06
achiangme too.17:07
achiangoh, a papercut is "trivially fixable" :(17:08
kenvandineachiang, i'll try to take a look again when i get some free time17:12
achiangkenvandine: it's not a huge deal. i'd be more interested in getting that empathy crasher fixed. :)17:12
kenvandineachiang, me too :)17:13
* kenvandine heads out for a bit, bbl17:18
didrocksgood night everyone18:00
bryceRiddell, if unity is depending on it, then yeah probably does make sense to promote it, and maybe sort out the crash so we only ship one version.18:06
bryceRiddell, seb128: glew is actually not part of X.org and since it's been in universe, it's not a package we've maintained or paid much attention to.18:07
bryceRiddell, seb128: If you could link me to the bug # for the glew1.6 crash, I can look into getting a fix for it, if you would like to not have glew1.5 in main.18:12
Sarvattit's highly probable the glew 1.6 problems aren't an issue anymore too with newer mesa, i haven't been able to dig up the old bug reports18:14
seb128bryce, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glew/1.5.7.is.1.5.2-1ubuntu118:15
seb128bryce, you did the revert ;-)18:15
brycedid I!18:15
seb128oh, yeah, you did ;-)18:15
seb128Sarvatt, well I couldn't get the nux test to segfault as it used to on my box during the rally but kamstrup got a bug that seemed like glew1.6 issue18:16
seb128it was maybe a different one though18:16
seb128https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glew1.5/1.5.7.is.1.5.2-1ubuntu3 suggest didrocks opened a bug but he didn't let the reference18:17
seb128bryce, Sarvatt, Riddell: I will coordinate with didrocks to do a test ppa for unity on glew 1.6 so we can get some uptodate testing and infos18:18
bryceseb128, that would be great18:18
bryceI seem to have blocked out all this glew work from my memory ;-)18:19
Sarvattyeah nux/unity had to be built against 1.6 to have the problem, that would be a big help18:19
ricotzseb128, didrocks was obviously missing to bump the soname in rhythmbox18:22
seb128ricotz, of course you did that update in your ppa or somewhere and bumped the soname? ;-)18:23
ricotzseb128, just noticed it while this update came trought :\18:23
ricotzyeah i did :(18:24
seb128no comment, though I start being really annoyed by the situation18:24
seb128thanks for pointing it18:24
seb128will tell it to didrocks tomorrow, I guess it will not break anything since nothing uses that lib18:25
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ricotzseb128, ok, but when i actually did a merge proposal for glib it was ignored18:26
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seb128yeah, I'm sorry about that, it didn't show up on version due to some bug18:27
ricotzseb128, this change isnt in yet though :\18:27
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ricotzit isnt a problem though18:27
seb128it was an update build-depends version right?18:27
seb128or libpcre or something?18:28
seb128sorry I totally forgot about that during holidays18:28
seb128but please don't stop on one badly handled merge request18:28
seb128stuff like rb should be trivial to get sponsored18:28
ricotzseb128, also the glib 2.30.2 update diff for oneiric18:28
ricotzwhich you said is a bit to invasive for a sru18:29
seb128right, true story ;-)18:29
seb128well bottom line is that normal unstable update should be no issue18:29
ricotzi hope you still have a link18:29
seb128see how many stuff jbicha got sponsored18:29
bryceseb128, hmm, the last changelog entry in glew says "Orphan package".  Is this no longer being actively maintained in debian?18:30
seb128bryce, http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/glew/news/20111227T234736Z.html18:30
seb128bryce, just changed maintainer it seems18:31
brycehmm, when I reverted the bug  I assigned it to ayatana to look into more, since the crash was something in nux.  However no one looked into it; it just got unassigned.18:33
brycelooking again at the stacktrace, the crash definitely is nux, not glew.  the new glew version just triggered it, not sure why.18:34
seb128bryce, jay said that glew report of the card,driver capabilities was buggy18:36
seb128like that it was claiming supporting power of 2 textures when glxinfo was claiming it doesn't, or the other way around18:36
seb128which was leading to nux trying to use features that it shouldn't since the hardware,driver didn't really support them18:36
brycemm yeah that could do it18:37
ricotzseb128, did you have a look at what went wrong with eog?19:14
seb128ricotz, yes, it's a bug in gtk, desrt reverted the commit that broken it in git, I will upload that revert to precise in a bit19:15
ricotzseb128, ah ok, thanks19:15
jbichaseb128: maybe I kept libsoup in the PPA because I didn't have commit rights https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/+junk/libsoup2.4-2.37.419:25
jbichait's needed for new webkit19:26
seb128jbicha, hum, it should be in the desktop set, can you email cjwatson about it?19:26
seb128jbicha, can you also do a merge request for it? I will review it tomorrow (I'm about to go for dinner, not sure I will still do a lot tonightà19:27
nessitahello! if anyone is free to do a couple of sponsorhips, you can take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/precise/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-2.99.2/+merge/88926 and https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/precise/ubuntuone-control-panel/ubuntuone-control-panel-2.99.2/+merge/8892519:41
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seb128nessita, hey, I can do that20:08
nessitaseb128: shouldn't you be having dinner instead? :-p20:10
seb128nessita, I had dinner! 40 minutes is enough time to eat ;-) I will just upload your stuff, finish reading email and then go watch some tv ;-)20:11
nessitaseb128: enjoy then :)20:12
seb128nessita, thanks ;-)20:12
seb128nessita, hey again21:14
nessitaseb128: hola!21:14
seb128nessita, so I sponsoring sso, will do the control panel tomorrow since dobey didn't roll ubuntuone-client 2.99.2 yet21:14
seb128which you depends on21:14
seb128doh, sponsoring -> sponsored21:15
nessitaseb128: makes perfect sense, thanks!21:15
nessitaseb128: enjoy your evening21:15
seb128nessita, you're welcome ;-)21:15
seb128thanks, you as well!21:15
* nessita heads to Pilates soon21:15
seb128nessita, what is "Pilates"?21:15
nessitaah... an activity like yoga21:16
seb128nessita, ok, google says some sort of sport ;-)21:16
TheMusoMorning folks.21:16
jbichagnome-games builds in my sbuild but chokes in the PPA, and I don't understand why21:22
TheMusojbicha: Perhaps your chroot has a package already installed that the PPA chroots don't, and its not in build-depends?21:26
seb128jbicha, you lack a build-depends on gobject-introspection21:27
seb128jbicha, it has the aclocal macros required21:27
seb128jbicha, well I would think, not sure if,why it's install in your local build though21:27
jbichaseb128: ok thanks for helping me interpret the error21:32
seb128jbicha, you're welcome21:32
seb128jbicha, can you confirm that the package is install in your local build?21:32
jbichaseb128: yes, it was; maybe I need to do a better job cleaning my sbuild21:34
seb128jbicha, ok, good, so that's it for pretty sure ;-)21:34
seb128jbicha, yeah, or use pbuilder or similar21:34
jbichaI have it set for purge_build_deps = 'successful'21:35
seb128hum, no idea about that, I never used sbuild ;-)21:36
TheMusojbicha: How was your sbuild chroot built?21:36
TheMusoMorning RAOF, how was your trip?22:11
RAOFLonger than expected!22:12
TheMusoThats no good.22:13
dobeywho wants to see a crazy unity rendering bug?22:13
TheMusoWhat happened?22:13
RAOFQF 10 got delayed, so we stayed a night in a hotel at Heathrow.  That made me miss the last Melbourne→Hobart flight on Monday, so I spent Monday night in a hotel at Tullamarine.\22:13
RAOFdobey: Always!22:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 917911 in unity "Firefox icons are rendered very oddly in dash" [Undecided,New]22:14
TheMusoRAOF: Oh man that really sucks!22:14
dobeypretty sure it's not a hardware/x/driver issue :)22:14
TheMusoI remember hearing about QF10 being delayed when I flew into Singapore on Sunday.22:15
TheMusoBut didn't know what flight you were on from London...22:15
* TheMuso is kinda glad he got the flights he did. :)22:15
RAOFOooh, multi-head Unity bug!22:16
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chrisccoulsonRAOF, sounds like you had an eventful trip back ;)22:46
RAOFYes, it was.22:46
RAOFI've now been to the UK, though :)22:46
bryceRAOF, wb22:47
chrisccoulsonRAOF, you probably saw the best parts of it already ;)22:47
bryceRAOF, did you get a chance to see anything, or just sleep?22:47
chrisccoulsonj/k :)22:47
RAOFI got to see the inside of a hotel 3 minutes drive from the Heathrow arrivals car park :)22:47

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