
tiagoscdhello... i just like to divulgate our team work (ubuntu-br-sc): http://www.ubuntubrsc.com00:14
tiagoscdwe released a blog to promote ubuntu at Brazil00:14
pleia2looks nice :)00:15
tiagoscdgreat... i like to request if loco council can help us to divulgate the work00:16
tiagoscdakgraner will publish it into UWN and her blog00:16
CrazyLemonthe page looks quite nice indeed00:16
tiagoscdpleia2, CrazyLemon  thanks :)00:17
tiagoscdczajkowski, itnet7, greg-g if you could help us to promote our job would be great.00:20
tiagoscdi'll go to watch a movie now00:20
dholbachgood morning07:44
AlanBellhello lovely loco-council people09:21
bkerensaHello SergioMeneses 16:32
SergioMenesesbkerensa, hi!16:32
SergioMeneseshow are you?16:32
bkerensaSo I'm having our Asst. Lead present our application to LoCo Council for the most part today although I will be present16:33
SergioMenesesbkerensa, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda16:37
czajkowskibkerensa: either you're leading the session, or can you updat with the contact person as they will be the one that is pinged 16:39
SergioMenesesczajkowski, hi!... meeting today16:40
czajkowskiSergioMeneses: yup dont forget to join the council channel 16:41
paultago/ czajkowski 16:41
SergioMenesesczajkowski, sure... but I'm working right now... 16:41
czajkowskipaultag: hi got your mail just been a  bit busy16:43
paultagczajkowski: I was just saying hi :)16:43
bkerensaokie dokie16:43
mhall119paultag misses us already :)16:43
paultagmhall119: :)16:44
bkerensaczajkowski: If the council prefers I can lead the session however I just wanted to get our asst lead and other members faces out there ;)16:44
bkerensado you guys prefer either way? If not I will update wiki16:44
paultagmhall119: what's new, champ?16:44
czajkowskibkerensa: wel usually the team lead leads it and then folks join in 16:44
mhall119paultag: still procrastinating on finishing up my qimo-launcher package for debian :(16:44
paultagmhall119: yeah, same here for python-icalendar :(16:44
mhall119got distracted by lenses16:44
bkerensaok then Ill lead it and let other join in16:44
paultagupstream had some issues and stuff16:44
paultagmhall119: hey, want to write some lenses for me?16:45
mhall119paultag: for what?16:45
paultagmhall119: Well, I was thinking of playing with some more of our openstates data - it'd be cool if we could get a lens working for .us folks :)16:45
paultagbe able to lens search for state legislation and stuff, or put in someone's name and get information about their politics16:46
mhall119paultag: sounds interesting, do you have a nice API for me?16:46
paultagmhall119: I have about 20 billion16:46
paultagmhall119: but this would be the coolest (imho) - http://influenceexplorer.com/16:46
mhall119one would be better16:46
paultagmhall119: after that would be http://openstates.org/16:46
mhall119paultag: sounds like a good use case for Singlet to target16:47
mhall119I'm in, let's do it (notice the plural)16:47
paultagmhall119: you rock. I'll help! :)16:48
mhall119I automatically see categories for "People" and "Legislation", as well as filters for federal and per-state16:48
paultagtotally :)16:48
mhall119Politics lens, here we come!16:48
paultagmuhaha :)16:49
bkerensamhall119: I have a very cool Lens idea16:49
bkerensaPopvox Lens16:50
paultagmhall119: I'm stoked :)16:50
bkerensayeah its a site that lets people get involved in bills that are introduced in congress16:51
paultagmhall119: I can spend some work tim on it if we get it rockn'16:51
bkerensaone of Maco's friends works for them and I happen to use it16:51
mhall119paultag: cool, I'll need to add Scope and Filter support to Singlet for this, but I'll get something started for you16:53
paultagmhall119: I love you, man. I'll blag it like crazy if we can get some goodies going16:54
mhall119paultag: can you find me an icon to use for the lens in the dash?16:56
mhall119paultag: lp:~mhall119/onehundredscopes/politics-lens16:58
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie
paultagmhall119: yeah, gimme a sec. I'm sure I can get one of our graphics folks to do something if it's not urgent17:01
paultagmhall119: in the meantime, we have a cool sunlight one17:01
paultagmhall119: actually, for now, let's just put a placeholder in. I'll ask one of the designers. How big should the logo be?17:02
* paultag kicks back17:24
* czajkowski hugs paultag 17:42
* paultag hugs czajkowski 17:43
paultagI've missed y'all :)17:43
czajkowskiI miss you and your antics :)17:43
paultagme and my antics are still around17:46
paultagjust more mild and now mostly software :)17:46
mhall119paultag: svg is best, that way it can scale it to whatever size it needs18:22

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