
CoreyNo worries, thanks for your help.00:06
Coreyhttp://pastebin.com/fua09b5C is my lintian output so far.  Whee, progress.00:18
ScottKtumbleweed: On these DMB replacement announcements it'd be nice to know if the incumbent is running for re-election.03:16
=== santiago-ve is now known as foursixnine
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dholbachgood morning07:45
geserScottK: no, I'm not (for re-election)07:53
geserajmitch: Hi, are you still available for getting nominated for DMB?07:54
iulianMorning dholbach.09:23
dholbachhey iulian09:23
iuliangeser: I reckon he is, otherwise we'd be very disappointed. :)09:26
iulianGo go ajmitch!09:26
* nigelb cheers for ajmitch as well!09:27
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ajmitchgeser: yeah I may as well :P10:46
Laneygogo ajmitch11:09
Laneywhat's this "*still* available"? …11:10
geserajmitch mentioned in the past that he would be available for election, and I hoped he didn't changed his mind11:12
LaneyI'm sure I trolled him about this before :P11:12
ajmitchLaney: yeah but you troll about everything11:24
Laneyyou love it11:25
Laneyit's Our Thing11:25
ScottKgeser: Thanks.13:46
astraljavaHiya masters! Heard REVU is still down. Can someone look at it, or has someone already?13:47
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
scott-workis REVU supposed to still be up and used?14:07
Laneyprobably, but it is down14:08
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: REVU is down | Precise: open for business | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://bit.ly/fz6AyQ | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/
scott-workLaney: is there any recourse if i wanted to get a kernel (per an approved blueprint) into the archives?14:09
Laneyare you working with the kernel team?14:10
Laneythey use git afaik14:10
Laneyotherwise you could use mentors.debian.net or make a bzr branch14:10
scott-workLaney: per the blueprint we were supposed to submit to REVU and have two MOTU approve it (themuso being one of them)14:11
scott-workmy understanding is that since this would be a community maintained kernel, the kernel team would not have direct purview over it14:11
LaneyI don't know what it is, but they might be interested in working with you anyway14:11
Laneyanyway one of the other places I mentioned should be fine14:12
scott-workthanks for you help, Laney  :)14:13
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=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
koolhead17hello all15:23
koolhead17Is it common practise to  package a software in n-number available language separately?15:30
koolhead17how is patch applied to all of them in that case?15:30
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l3onudienz, about bug 913513 ... well, debian has added:17:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 913513 in libomxil-bellagio (Ubuntu) "Please merge libomxil-bellagio 0.9.3-1 (universe) from Debian testing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91351317:21
l3onCFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable -Wno-error=unused-but-set-parameter"17:21
l3onas a workaround of problem17:22
l3onwe should delete that and insert the patch you mentioned ?17:22
micahgif the patch properly fixes the issues, you might want to ask the Debian maintainer why it wasn't applied (this might be documented in a bug already)17:23
l3oncjwatson, around ? you're the author of the patch :)17:24
l3onhave you forwarded that to debian ?17:24
udienzl3on: i think we can use cjwatson patch, you can take liberty to forwarding to Debian17:26
udienzdon't forget to CC cjwatson in bug reports17:27
l3onudienz, ok, I'm going to prepare the new debdiff17:27
micahgl3on: you can reference debian 625367 in your bug17:28
ubottuDebian bug 625367 in libomxil-bellagio "libomxil-bellagio: ftbfs with gcc-4.6 -Werror" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/62536717:28
l3onthank you micahg17:28
udienzyou can reopen it http://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control17:29
micahgyes, but it's technically fixed, so best to open a new bug17:30
cjwatsonl3on: I don't remember, sorry.  But you really shouldn't need to ask me about every instance where you find a build-fixing patch of mine in a package; if it's a build fix, use your judgement to determine whether it's still needed17:31
cjwatsonand if it is and I forgot to forward it then feel free to just go ahead and forward it17:32
CoreyHmm.  I've been playing around with my pbuilder sid chroot, and I'm getting http://pastebin.com/sHc8p54f.  What've I broken now? :-)19:52
CoreyPut another way, I've got compiled python modules (cython) that are arch specific; do they belong in dist-packages?19:55
jtaylorbut not in usr/local19:58
Coreyjtaylor: Ah, so I want to stash it in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages instead.  I presume there's a way to inform setup.py of this fact? :_)20:01
jtaylordh_auto_build usually does it correctly20:02
jtaylorif not it probably did not find your setu.py20:02
Coreyjtaylor: You'd think: https://github.com/KB1JWQ/salt/blob/master/debian/rules20:02
Coreysetup.py is in the top level dir.20:03
jtaylorwell thats wrong20:03
jtaylordrop the overrides20:03
jtaylorfor _build and _install20:03
Coreyjtaylor: Without them setup.py never gets called.20:03
jtaylorhm is there a makefile too?20:04
jtaylortry this: dh $@ --buildsystem=python_distutils20:04
Coreyjtaylor: That github fork is "life"20:04
CoreyLive, even.20:05
Coreyjtaylor: Huh, build completed successfully.20:05
Coreyjtaylor: But I'm still not seeing the build having compiled the stuff that setup.py build compiles.20:06
CoreyAnd nothing's getting stashed anywhere but in /usr/share20:06
jtaylorwhats the setup.py line shown when you build with DH_VERBOSE=120:11
Coreyjtaylor: Throw DH_VERBOSE=1 into rules?20:15
jtaylorexport in front20:16
Coreyjtaylor: The install is python setup.py install --force --root=/tmp/buildd/salt-0.9.5/debian/tmp --no-compile -O0 --install-layout=deb20:19
jtaylordo you copy the stuff from debian/tmp in an install file?`20:19
Coreyjtaylor: Nope.20:19
CoreyThat... would probably explain it, wouldn't it...20:20
jtaylorthan thats the reason the result is empty20:20
CoreyThis package will work with python 2.6 or 2.7; how do I reflect that in the .install file?20:20
jtaylorif you build depend on python-all-dev20:20
Coreyjtaylor: And I only want to include the compiled stuff?20:23
jtaylorthen make that more specific20:23
CoreyI'm asking, the rest is just copied in.20:24
CoreySo that stuff is already being copied in from the source itself to /usr/share, I don't need to redo that I figure.20:24
CoreyBut for the msgpack stuff, I'd want to have the install line look like: debian/tmp/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/msgpack /usr/share/python2*/dist-packages/salt/msgpack ?20:25
jtaylorsome stuff is handled by default, e.g. copyright20:25
jtayloreverything else you have to do explicitly20:25
jtaylorusr/lib/python2*/dist-packages/salt/msgpack is enough20:26
jtaylorfor compat >= 720:26
Coreyjtaylor: Right, but I've explicitly had it done from the topdir-- it's static python files.20:26
Coreyjtaylor: Ah, and that'll know where to find it?20:26
CoreySee, what I've been doing is this: in the tarball, there's a salt directory, so I have lines like salt/utils /usr/share/salt/20:27
jtaylorcompat >= 7 will fall back to debian/tmp if not found20:28
jtaylorsry you do need a destination too20:29
jtaylorhm no, if the path in debian/tmp isok you can skip it20:29
CoreyYeah, it seems to have worked.20:29
CoreyI threw the python-dev-all into the control file, now it looks like I'm building the socket a few times.  I have a /usr/lib/pyshared/python2.7/salt/msgpack/_msgpack.so and a ./usr/lib/pyshared/python2.6/salt/msgpack/_msgpack.so as well.20:30
jtayloryou can use wildcards20:30
CoreyI just want to verify that installing the package isn't going to deb both versions of python. :-)20:30
CoreyI'm seeing a few python-script-but-no-python-dep errors, my control file looks like https://github.com/KB1JWQ/salt/blob/master/debian/control; what did I blow up in my deps?21:51
Corey^ crossposted from #debian-packaging on OFTC, in case it looks familiar.21:51
CoreyFound it.  Stupid nagging bug.22:02
CoreyTO fix it, I have to have my packaging process patch the original source code; how do I do that properly?22:03
CoreyI mean worst case I can have a DH_build that does it with sed, but that's inelegant.22:03
jcfpCorey: use a patch system, like quilt or dpatch.22:14
jcfpalso, python-support is deprecated these days, see http://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2011/06/msg00136.html for info.22:15
micahgdpatch is deprecated these days as well :)22:16
jtaylorbut you need to use it if you want to support lucid22:16
jcfpoh damn :)22:17
CoreyYeah, Lucid is required.22:31
CoreyWill DHPython2 work with Lucid?22:31
jcfpdoesn't look like it's available there22:34
CoreyOkay, then as nice as it would be to use the latest shiny, that's not an option for me.22:34
jcfpjust dodn expect you to be targeting lucid, since you were using a sid chroot22:34
Coreyjcfp: I'm trying to target everything reasonable in production.22:35
CoreyThis'll be submitted to Ubuntu, Debian, it'll go into an autobuilder for nightlies, etc.22:35
maxbjtaylor: why do you say that you need to use dpatch to support lucid? why not use quilt?22:38
jtaylormaxb: I never said that22:38
jtayloroh, you could interpret it that way22:38
jtaylorI responded to dh_python222:39
jtaylor3.0 is fine in lucid22:39
maxboh right, you were talking about python-support22:39
CoreyOkay, https://github.com/KB1JWQ/salt/blob/master/debian/control still throws a number of python-script-but-no-python-dep, even after I stripped out the version qualifier for Python.  How do I sanely fix this?23:34

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