
Myrttiopinions about asmbot?00:27
MyrttiI believe Mr-Linux to be a troll00:35
bazhangno response from asmbot afaict00:37
bazhang+1 on Mr-Linux00:37
pangolinHow e feeling about the nick Ass_KoB ?04:23
ubottuBen64 called the ops in #ubuntu (underline_)05:37
elkycharming individual05:43
EvilResistancewho here's an op in #ubuntu-offtopic06:01
EvilResistancei want to ask you guys to slap someone before i have freenode staff do it for me06:01
Tm_TEvilResistance: there's this magical ops call that can be used in case of emergency, but what do you need?06:08
EvilResistanceTm_T:  this asshat's been privmsging me since i told him off about random privmsging... https://pastebin.com/QqRALEtC06:09
EvilResistancenote i already poked freenode staffers, they're acting on it06:09
EvilResistancebut he was in #ubuntu-offtopic, shortly after i mentioned he shouldnt randomly privmsg users links to stuff, he started going in the intermittent cycle, and most recently, every minute or so06:10
Tm_TEvilResistance: language, please06:12
pangolinfirst off you should know better than to name call06:12
* pangolin backs away.06:12
* EvilResistance grumbles06:12
EvilResistanceindeed, he's now trying to call be very...06:12
EvilResistance... obscene... names06:12
* EvilResistance puts the user on his most harsh of ignore lists06:13
EvilResistancethere, he shouldnt be able to bug me anymore >:)06:13
Tm_TEvilResistance: we cannot help much with PMs anyway...06:13
Tm_Thmh, atruno stopped the activity on -ot an hour ago? "... and most recently, every minute or so"06:14
* Tm_T leaves it06:14
bazhang* [CheapSexAndBooze] (~aaron@74-61-19-221.war.clearwire-wmx.net): nun ya bitch06:55
bazhanghow charming06:55
elkyOur users are such sophisticated and well adjusted members of society.07:09
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* mneptok thunders past15:45
ubottupangolin called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (thequakenbush)16:43
=== Corey_ is now known as Corey
AlanBellyall OK pangolin?16:51
AlanBellooh, I have gone all southern16:51
MyrttiAlanBell: we've got some trollish tendency people in -ot at the moment, keeping an eye on it16:52
pangolinAlanBell: yup, Myrtti just gave me a lesson in patience :)16:52
MyrttiI'm trying to control them without actually kicking them, I've got a budding headache again so I'd rather deal with them without needing to drag them here to be lectured ad nauseatum why they're wrong16:53
* AlanBell notes Myrtti's zen like calm16:53
Myrttiyeah, I can look calm on the outside while I'm panicking in real life about a misplaced piece of paper I can't find16:55
Myrttifunny that.16:55
h00k!away > arif-ali|afk19:33
h00kOH, come on, irssi lag20:01
LjLmeh as much as i like konversation, i will have to switch to something else20:02
LjLthis just locks up all the time20:02
h00kI want to test this for a few20:03
h00kI'll remove it in a few minutes, see if it continues20:03
h00kmaybe it was just a confused user, maybe it was spam/garbage, etc20:03
LjLi think confusion doesn't justify spamming20:03
h00kI concur20:04
svensk_a1question in the spirit of humanity may i post a pettition to abolish the forced sterilisation laws in sweden?21:51
Myrttiin #ubuntu? no21:51
svensk_a1http://www.allout.org/en/actions/stop_forced_sterilization this21:51
svensk_a1no in #ubuntu-offtopic21:52
Myrttidoes anyone else have an opinion?21:52
knomei don't think it is the right place, really21:53
svensk_a1it ***IS**** in the spirit of humanity21:54
svensk_a1ie promotion of human rights21:54
knomethe #ubuntu* channels are not designed for that cause.21:54
knomethere are other more relaxed channels, like ##defocus21:55
svensk_a1http://www.tgeu.org/joint_letter_by_TGEU_and_ILGA-Europe_to_Swedish_Premier - thats what i was meaning (even hrw agree its an abuse of human rights)21:55
svensk_a1but ok21:56
AlanBellit is a perfectly valid topic of conversation between ubuntu contributors, but if your objective is to get eyeballs on a link you are better off in ##defocus21:56
svensk_a1i can raise it in a conversation though?21:57
Myrttiyou already did21:57
h00kmy slash key is funky.21:58
h00kAlso, I concur with ##defocus probably being the better place21:58
svensk_a1"look at www.example.com" would not be ok but "has anyone got an opinion on xzy" nd later in the discussion may be ok?21:58
funkyHatI don't see a particular problem with posting that link in #ubuntu-offtopic21:59
AlanBellif people want to discuss it21:59
MyrttifunkyHat: there is a risk that it'll slide to trollfest tho21:59
svensk_a1i am a trans activist21:59
funkyHatMyrtti: yes, but that's true of a lot of things, I don't think we should ban all mention because it might be used as troll ammunition22:00
MyrttifunkyHat: yes, I know, I just mentioned that the risk excists22:01
svensk_a1notice how i am consulting you instead of just talking in channel - i recognise the same issues22:02
Myrttithanks ♥22:02
h00kit is quite appreciated!22:02
svensk_a1Myrtti: i understand the potental to harm, i dont wish to harm...22:03
svensk_a1so what is the consensus?22:05
svensk_a1Myrtti: ? h00k? funkyHat?22:06
h00kI'm okay with it, it has the potential for creating issues, and ##defocus is better if you're looking for more eyes, but I'm not going to say you can't22:07
* Myrtti agrees with h00k22:07
* funkyHat too22:07
svensk_a1hpes what i said was ok22:10
svensk_a1please tell me if i overstep the line ect22:16
svensk_a1thats why i am still here22:16
Myrttistill going fine22:16
svensk_a1on a fun note, the other day a person stopped me on the tube here in stockholm and thanked me for my hard work :)))) i was so chuffed22:18
* AlanBell thought only English people said chuffed22:19
MyrttiAlanBell: I'm not English...22:19
* svensk_a1 holds a Brittish passport is aged 23 and thus works abroad (youth unemployment is between around 15%22:20
svensk_a1in the uk*22:21
h00kWhat does that mean?22:22
h00kIt sounds like an insult :( "Stop being so chuffed."22:22
AlanBellh00k: it means jolly pleased22:22
AlanBellso I might say I am chuffed to bits with the boot time of my laptop22:23
h00kBITS no pun intended \o/22:23
mneptoksvensk_a1: at some point someone will point out that we do not allow idling. i guess that point is now and that someone is me.23:30

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