
InHisName@later tell mutantturkey duck duck go    is kinda interesting.  although a bit slower than google in responsivness.00:05
teddy-dbear@later tell InHisName there is no @later because there is no PennBot :-/00:45
EvilResistance@later tell teddy-dbear fail00:46
InHisNameteddy-dbear: you can substitute for PennBot until @later fixed.00:46
EvilResistanceInHisName:  was PennBot supybot?00:47
EvilResistancewhat was the plugin that provided @later?00:47
teddy-dbeartalk to andrew00:47
InHisNamehave to ask the 'owner'  -   andrew was first, then jedijf ? or ??00:47
EvilResistancewell once i fix my netbook, if andrew or jedijf or whoever the last owner was gives me a tar of PennBot i'll load it up on that netbook with is perpetually connected to the interwebs :P00:49
EvilResistanceexcept when comcast explodes :P00:49
InHisNamehot digity doggg00:49
EvilResistancei just need the files00:49
InHisNamea volunteer !   did you guys catch that,  andrew and jedijf ?00:50
jedijfjust install supybot00:51
jedijfand plugins00:51
jedijfand go00:52
EvilResistancejedijf:  i shall do that once i reconnect it to the net00:52
EvilResistancehad to replace the ethernet card because it got burned out by a static shock00:52
EvilResistancehmm i'd need PennBot dropped :P00:59
* EvilResistance has an irc connection sitting on that nick right now00:59
jedijfEvilResistance: Penn_Bot will do01:01
EvilResistancejedijf:  well PennBot is droppable afaict... so if i wanted it i could have just requested it :P01:13
EvilResistancei'm just not willing to request it atm XD01:13
* ChinnoDog loses the Xubuntu on SSD game01:16
ChinnoDoggrub changed. I can't put / on a device unsupported in the BIOS but put /boot on a supported device01:16
EvilResistanceooh never had this before...01:33
EvilResistanceWARNING 2012-01-17T01:32:29 Scheduling a second reconnect when one is01:33
EvilResistance        already scheduled.  This is a bug; please report it, with an01:33
EvilResistance        explanation of what caused this to happen.01:33
EvilResistanceWARNING 2012-01-17T01:32:29 Disconnect from irc.freenode.net:7000: error:01:33
EvilResistance        [Errno 32] Broken pipe.01:33
EvilResistancegetting that repeatedly :/01:33
EvilResistancejedijf:  could it be whining because i already have a supybot running?01:36
jedijfEvilResistance: probably01:37
EvilResistancethat's from my server, not my netbook01:37
EvilResistancei'll have to go kick my netbook later01:37
EvilResistancesee if it'll work01:37
* EvilResistance still has to take the damn thing apart and replace the network card01:37
EvilResistancei should probably head back to my apartment before it gets too cold to walk outside01:37
EvilResistancejedijf:  i take it the supybot version in the repos would do fine?01:39
EvilResistancejedijf:  if i have to make the source from supybot's devs directly i will :P01:40
EvilResistancebut if i can make it simple... :P01:40
EvilResistancejedijf:  the main reason i asked for the tar was so i didnt have to reconfigure the instance of Penn_Bot :/02:20
EvilResistancealso it might lag a tiny bit... can't figure out why though :/02:20
EvilResistance@later tell Resistance This is a test.02:24
Penn_BotEvilResistance: The operation succeeded.02:24
EvilResistancemeh evil automessage02:24
InHisName@later tell mutantturkey duck duck go    is kinda interesting.  although a bit slower than google in responsivness.02:24
Penn_BotInHisName: The operation succeeded.02:24
EvilResistanceoh there it is :P02:25
EvilResistancehiding underneath my status bar02:25
* EvilResistance kicks xchat02:25
Penn_BotEvilResistance: Admin, Channel, Config, Lart, Later, Misc, Owner, and User02:28
Penn_BotInHisName: (lart [<channel>] [<id>] <who|what> [for <reason>]) -- Uses the Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool on <who|what> (for <reason>, if given). If <id> is given, uses that specific lart. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.02:30
EvilResistanceInHisName:  that needs some config02:30
EvilResistanceas does Karma...02:31
EvilResistancebut i cant find the docs on those02:31
InHisNameHaHa  -->lart02:31
EvilResistance@unload Lart02:31
Penn_BotEvilResistance: The operation succeeded.02:31
EvilResistancei was going to give a few of you admin on it02:32
EvilResistancein particular, the people who have access in chanserv02:36
EvilResistance@nick PennBot02:38
Penn_BotEvilResistance: Error: Someone else is already using that nick.02:38
EvilResistanceoh right02:38
* EvilResistance kicks laggy connections02:38
EvilResistance@nick PennBot02:38
=== Penn_Bot is now known as PennBot
EvilResistanceits probably missing tons of plugins too :/02:40
InHisNameyea probably.  Start empty and add as we go02:45
EvilResistancefwiw, i would be using niko's ircd-seven-specialized version of supybot, but i'm lazy and didnt wnat to ./configure @@ make02:47
EvilResistancelart's not enabled, nor is Karma...02:49
EvilResistanceusing either results in system-side WARNING statements02:49
EvilResistanceand ERROR statements in stdout02:49
InHisNameguys love karma around here    karma++02:49
EvilResistanceyeah, well the one thing is even if i load it, and try to configure it, it doesnt work02:50
* EvilResistance doesnt have detailed-enough docs for the Karma plugin02:50
InHisNamebetter luck tomorrow02:50
rmg51morning JonathanD09:55
rmg51your way too early this morning09:55
JonathanDMorning rmg5110:09
JonathanDI think I have an idea for the ultimate alarm clock.12:05
JonathanDA bed which becomes more and more uncomfortable.12:06
rmg51that sounds like a bed that has kids jumping in early in the morning :P12:29
rmg51off to work now12:29
InHisNamegood morning, the rest of you13:29
EvilResistancei greet thee all15:26
EvilResistancehow is everyone this fine, rainy morning?15:27
EvilResistanceas you all will notice, and as InHisName is aware, PennBot exists again.  Its a vanilla supybot atm, its got Later loaded though15:34
EvilResistanceyou can thank my micro-hub of computers hooked up to the internet here at my apartment :P15:35
ChinnoDogomg. I did something stupid and locked myself out of my truecrypt volume. That is good.15:41
ChinnoDogI was using a key file and I accidentally wiped it out a couple days ago because I forgot it was hidden15:42
ChinnoDogI have a another copy at home. sigh15:43
EvilResistance@later tell MutantTurkey This is a test message using @Later in pennbot.15:45
PennBotEvilResistance: The operation succeeded.15:45
ChinnoDogThey ruined ubuntu-tweak16:16
ChinnoDogI only use the source center in there and they took it out16:16
InHisName@later tell MutantTurkey  PennBot is back, so far only @later is working.16:19
PennBotInHisName: The operation succeeded.16:19
EvilResistanceInHisName:  not loaded16:19
EvilResistanceInHisName:  and even if i load it, its not configured :/16:20
InHisNameIf jim Fisher is bored, you could give him privs and he might setup a couple from his memory.  Leaving you another dozen for later.16:22
EvilResistancewell when he shows up and asks, i'll throw him into the admin category :P16:23
jedijfandrew was/is pennbot's original owner....prolly can throw the db's your way16:30
jedijfor better to start fresh, as most stuff is new16:31
InHisNameeven better idea !16:31
EvilResistanceits using the version of supybot sitting in the repos16:31
EvilResistancei'd have used niko's modified supybot but i'm lazy and dont want to ./configure and then install it16:31
ChinnoDogI installed Xubuntu on ext4 last night but it so sloooow16:32
jedijfhave to setup sqlite too iirc16:32
JonathanDWho's heard of kiva?16:32
EvilResistancejedijf:  that's the one thing i need to do, make the sqlite db(s)16:32
EvilResistancejedijf:  i did install sqlite support :P16:32
jedijfi need to eat16:33
EvilResistancei need more coffee16:33
InHisNamether's always your bread16:33
jedijflast resort16:33
InHisNamelast resort is dumpster diving and finding 'gold' - burger with only one bite missing.16:35
EvilResistanceno, last resort is eating grass :P16:35
InHisName2nd to last16:36
jedijfi am speaking for myself16:38
lamalexbts3685, remember that geo ip script you wrote for ace?17:19
adomso we got 9 new Optiplex 580s in today.17:33
adomi stole one of the keyboards17:38
adomsoft keys and flat to my desk17:39
ChinnoDoggobble gobble19:49
jedijfChinnoDog: he;s officially the hamburger man now; drop the triptophan stuff20:05
ChinnoDoghamburger man?20:11
ChinnoDogjedijf: How is he the hamburger man?20:21
jedijfhe works at a hamburger joint that has a hamburger costume20:24
jedijfiirc he was hired for the costume, but his immense skills and work ethic got him promoted to director of homepage20:25
ChinnoDogWe need to go there.21:11
waltmanRoad trip!21:14
waltmanThe big question is whether he has to wear the hamburger costume while he works on their website.21:16
jedijfwonder what the duck duck go intern uniform is :D21:27
jedijfpoor kid21:27
MutantTurkeycmon guys21:34
MutantTurkeyI'm just trying to catch up on dexter!21:34
Joe_CoTI thought they took dexter off the air years ago. My favorite childhood cartoon21:35
MutantTurkeyDexter is a show about a serial killer21:35
MutantTurkeynot dexters lab21:35

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