
tjaaltonalioth (git.d.o) down12:57
mdeslaurI'm preparing a security fix for CVE-2011-4613 in xorg. Debian fixed the issue by backing out a change that we added for starting X directly from within upstart wihout using a display manager.14:11
ubot4`mdeslaur: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-4613)14:11
mdeslaurIs anyone aware of anything that actually uses that that could get regressions from that update?14:11
mdeslaurbryce: ^14:11
mdeslaur(fyi, this is the CVE: http://www.debian.org/security/2011/dsa-2364)14:12
tjaaltonmeh, git.d.o is down, can't check what the change was14:14
jcristaui'm not, fwiw14:15
mdeslaurtjaalton: basically this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/807415/14:15
mdeslaurjcristau: hi!14:15
jcristauhi mdeslaur 14:16
mdeslaurjcristau: I can't seem to locate anybody who remembers the exact reason we had added that change in the first place :P14:16
jcristaui talked to lool when i did the revert14:17
jcristauhe agreed it was the right thing to do14:17
mdeslauryeah, I talked to him too, and he can't recall the exact use case14:17
jcristauok :)14:17
mdeslaurI agree it's the right thing to do, I'm just trying to figure out what the use case was that I will be breaking :P14:18
mdeslaurall I can think of that wouldn't use a display manager would be some oem project, maybe unity light or something14:18
tjaaltonthat was over three years ago14:19
tjaaltonwell before unity14:19
tjaaltonah right14:19
mdeslaurwhoops, I meant ubuntu light14:19
loolmdeslaur: I think this predates ubuntu light, but it might have been in some moblin / maemo / moblin 2 / meego based projects ; albeit I suspect none of them shipped, but ICBW14:39
loolit's hard to tell whether some hacks might have been used at a later date or not14:39
mdeslaurlool: hi! well, in theory the oem stuff should vet updates before they are pushed, so I'll just put them in -proposed for a week or two and make sure nothing terrible happens14:40
loolmdeslaur: I think that's fair14:40
mdeslaurlool: thanks14:40
loolmdeslaur: Also, I believe OEM is not pulling updates which concern only local root exploits on single-user devices such as netbooks14:40
mdeslaurlool: don't say stuff like that, you make me sad :)14:43
looloh sorry14:44
jcristaubecause clearly there's never any code execution flaw in, say, browsers, that would turn a local root into a remote root14:46
* jcristau hides14:47
seb128tjaalton, libwacom has a new upstream tarball btw if you want to do the update while you fix the copyright and reupload ;-)15:54
tjaaltonseb128: yeah I noticed that it got rejected15:58
tjaaltonseb128: are you planning on putting the new g-c-c in precise?16:55
seb128tjaalton, no16:56
tjaaltonjust wondering why the interest in libwacom :)16:56
seb128it helps for those of us who work on GNOME patches and want to build g-c-c from git16:57
tjaaltonhmm, can't seem to work out a watch file for it16:57
seb128we don't need to jhbuild or do a git build of libwacom16:57
seb128just copy any GNOME one?16:58
seb128http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/libwacom/([\d\.]+[02468])/ \16:58
seb128        libwacom-(.*)\.tar\.xz16:58
tjaaltonit's hosted on sourceforge..16:58
tjaaltonas a subdir on linuxwacom16:58
seb128it's mirrored there then, track the GNOME side?16:59
tjaaltondo we support that yet?16:59
tjaaltonsourceforge has only .bz216:59
seb128yes, since oneiric at least16:59
seb128GNOME does .xz only since this cycle16:59
jcristautjaalton: "http://sf.net/linuxwacom/ libwacom-(.*)\.tar.gz" doesn't work?17:00
tjaaltonwith or without the space :)17:01
jcristauhmm. http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/linuxwacom/ has a libwacom tarball, but maybe it's ood17:02
tjaaltonyeah, it is17:02
tjaaltonoh well, I'll see what the status is tomorrow, maybe even alioth is up again :)17:03
tjaaltonah, is already17:03
jcristauyep, came back up a few minutes ago17:04
tjaaltonthat's nice17:05
tjaaltonseb128: I'll have it done tomorrow, just the copyright left to fix17:06
seb128tjaalton, thanks17:12
bhearsumi filed a bug about automatic detection not working properly (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-desktop3/+bug/888134) a couple of months ago. i just now figured out that it's a problem with either only with awesomewm, or with all non-unity/gnome ones - i'm not really sure what else to do to try and debug it, or find a fix - is there anyone that can point me in the right direction?20:23
ubot4`Launchpad bug 888134 in gnome-desktop3 (Ubuntu) "automatic detection of plugged in / removed monitor is too aggressive (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Incomplete]20:23
brycemdeslaur, right that's the old mid stuff20:34
mdeslaurbryce: ok, so nothing to worry about?20:34
brycemdeslaur, they used to launch ubuntu on those devices using a startx type script rather than a display manager20:34
brycemdeslaur, let me dig up some background info just to fill in all the details but yeah I'm sure that's utterly obsolete by now20:35
brycemdeslaur, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/09/08/%23ubuntu-devel.txt start around 10:4720:36
brycemdeslaur, that was one of the hacks to get poulsbo working20:36
mdeslaurbryce: awesome, old stuff...thanks!20:37
brycemdeslaur, which we no longer maintain in the distro, so I believe it can be killed with fire with no prob.20:37
tjaaltonmdeslaur: for precise, we could just merge xorg20:43
mdeslaurtjaalton: yeah, that sounds good20:46
tjaaltonmdeslaur: ok, I could prepare that tomorrow if that's fine20:47
mdeslaurtjaalton: that wouldbe awesome, thanks!20:48
tjaaltonhmm actually, I'll check it the staging ppa already has it20:52
tjaaltonmaybe this should be uploaded there first21:03
cndRAOF, I *think* all the input-related stuff is in ppa:canonical-x/x-staging22:29
cndin the email I sent out, I mentioned having to rebuild utouch-grail, but that isn't the case22:30
cndI also added the breaks clause for xorg-server myself22:30
cndso now it just needs all the other bits that you can upload (and for the build queue to fall down so something will actually build)22:30
RAOFcnd: Awesome.22:33
cndRAOF, we may be able to do a syncpackage for libxi and libx1122:34
cndI haven't looked into it22:34
RAOFFrom Debian?  I'll check.22:34
cndthe bug there is that we have x11proto-input-dev
cndand most of the debian libs depend on >=
cndso if we want to sync with debian, we need to bump the depends in debian :(22:35
cndto x11proto-input-dev >=
cndI'm going to switch to upstream synaptics multitouch work now22:36
RAOFI can take it from here.22:36
RAOFAh, we've even got the Qt in there.22:37
RAOFHeh.  1 package building: qt4, armhf.22:38
RAOFI guess that buildd will be ready to do something else tomorrow :)22:38
brycethe buildd's seem slow again today22:47
bryce(at least for ppas)22:47
RAOFarmhf is motoring along.22:48
RAOFBut that would be becuase general PPAs don't get to build on arm :)22:49
cndRAOF, and on top of that, armhf is new and I had to specifically ask for it22:52
cndthere's probably only two or three PPAs with armhf turned on :)22:52
RAOFDo we need to build for both armel and armhf, or just armhf?22:52
cndRAOF, it's covered in ubuntu-devel, but they aren't sure yet if they want to support armhf or armel for the LTS yet22:53
cndogra insisted we build for armhf22:53
RAOFYeah, I saw he wanted us to additionally build armhf.  The PPA is only building armhf, though.22:54
cndoh, hrmph22:55
cndlet me ping the lp folks again22:55
RAOFAh, there's more to that thread I haven't read yet.22:55
Sarvattcnd: the upload all at once and let depwait fix it really fails in PPAs where we dont have auto retries for depwait, they need manual retries that are automatically at the end of the build queue and scored lower23:13
Sarvattmakes lots of sense to upload protos, wait for published, repeat for libs then server then driver23:13
Sarvattwith the bonus that build depends dont matter that way :P23:14
cndSarvatt, I planned on watching the ppas and retrying :)23:15
Sarvattthey go to the end of a 9 hour queue with a retry, at least new uploads are scored a bit higher :(23:16
Sarvattheck maybe we should make the ppa private for a bit, then it'd get like +10000 build score and skip the queues :)23:16
cndthey were going to make it private, but I didn't like the idea of a private ppa for ubuntu-specific content23:18
Sarvattcnd: this stuff is going to be copied into ubuntu right?23:19
cndRAOF, all the arches should be turned on now23:19
Sarvattxserver-xorg-input-synaptics 1.5.0+git20120101-1ubuntu1~nomt323:19
cndSarvatt, that ~nomt3 was meant to be temporary, it probably will be whacked off23:20
cndthe initial X upload may be without the multitouch on trackpads23:20
cndcause I'm working on that right now :)23:20
RAOFI don't mind having a ~nomt upload to the archive.  But given the PPA queue you'll probably have a fair amount of time to work on synaptics MT before it's an issue :)23:21
Sarvattmultitouch seems to be working with 1.12 and synaptics from git with debian's debian/23:23
Sarvatt    Event code 334 (BTN_TOOL_TRIPLETAP)23:24
Sarvatt    Event code 335 (BTN_TOOL_QUADTAP)23:24
* Sarvatt tries to figure out how to really test it23:24
cndSarvatt, that's not multitouch :)23:29
cndthat's multifinger23:29
Sarvatt4 finger taps were supported before?23:45
Sarvattyeah http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~whot/multitouch agrees on the no multitouch aspect :P23:48
SarvattRAOF: wow, 2 nights in hotels between flights?23:53
RAOFIt was awesome.23:54
bryceRAOF, did they let you have your luggage?23:59

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