
stochastichow are you navsen 04:14
navsenI was just wondering how the project was going and if there are any plans to participate in google summer of code?04:47
navsenok, well I gotta go.04:57
stochasticScottL, ^^  You'd be the one to organize this if it's something we can tap into.10:04
astraljavaWe're doing very little ground-breaking stuff, I think vanilla would be a better place for that, or some of the upstream projects.10:27
knomethinking pretty much the same for xubuntu10:28
knomei'm not sure who would have all the time for mentoring10:29
astraljavaI mean, what is there to code, when you're practically doing integration?10:29
knomeand if somebody did, that probably took all of his work hours away10:29
knomewell, there is bits here and there ;)10:32
astraljavaThat is not to say, if someone found something really cool and interesting, and wanted to work on it, that I would oppose of it. Not at all, I could even find time to mentor, but I have no idea what that would be.10:32
astraljavaOf course, but anything that lasted throughout the summer?10:32
knomemind you, we're implementing a menu editor completely from scratch this cycle ;]10:33
astraljavaWell, that could be something worth pondering about.10:33
knomeyeah, too bad one of my friends already wrote it :)10:33
astraljavaBut we'd be stealing that from you guys anyway. ;)10:33
knomeno, feel free to use that10:34
knomewell, it's not a full-fledged menu editor10:34
knomeso i lied a bit10:34
knomebut you can (un)hide items and add "bookmarks" to the menu10:34
astraljavaWell, of course we'd feel free to use it. It _is_ free software, right? :D10:37
knomelet me think10:42
knomei suppose10:42
scott-workastraljava: can i put you down as the responsible person for some livedvd work items in the blueprint?13:56
astraljavascott-work: Yes, all, if you want.13:56
scott-workastraljava: just the first two are what i'm thinking:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-ubuntustudio-livedvd13:56
scott-workastraljava: well, there are others for ubiquity and others as well, i was hoping to distribute the load13:57
astraljavascott-work: Of course, and since I now have the time, I will try to unload you (as dirty as it sounds) as much as possible.13:57
scott-workastraljava: would you edit the work items as see fit to assign yourself and also make the ones you are currently working on as 'INPROGRESS"?13:59
scott-workmy main concern right now is to update the work items so that the number of TODO items decreases14:00
scott-worki don't want to lie, of course, just accurately reflect reality, at least as reasonably close as possible14:00
scott-workastraljava: i had already suggested to falktx that he try his hand at the ubiquity patch portion14:01
scott-workbut that requires us to make some decisions very soon about work flows14:01
scott-workastraljava: BUT, i don't think we _need_ to reconcile the ubiquity issue right now14:01
scott-worki would mainly like to focus on getting the live-dvd task resolved first, and i think working through ubiquity might retard that progress14:02
astraljavascott-work: Yes of course, I'm sorry I've been a tad lousy with the stuff from the project management point of view.14:02
scott-workand since cjwatson is going to be unavailable soon i think live-dvd is the priority14:02
astraljavaYep, that's my reasoning too.14:02
scott-workastraljava: oh no, no.  not you, but me?  aye, i have been lax lately :/14:03
scott-workbut i'm getting back into the routine again :)14:03
astraljavaI think we all need to participate, and you just can't handle it all.14:03
scott-worknow, if i can just get an answer about REVU and when it might be up, then we can start the lowlatency kernel push in earnest :-D14:04
falktxrevu is being deprecated afaik14:04
falktxit never really worked14:04
falktxand now ubuntu has the software-center app-portal thing14:04
astraljavafalktx: True, but it is still _supposed_ to be there, until the two projects agree on using mentors.d.o, for instance.14:05
falktxjust that I gave up on that a long time ago14:05
scott-workastraljava: when you talked with cjwatson the other day about live-dvd, which channel did you do it in?  i hope to learn some more about it by reading the logs14:07
astraljavascott-work: On #ubuntu-devel.14:07
scott-workthank you14:07
astraljavascott-work: And you mentioned REVU again on #xubuntu-devel, which I'm not sure was the correct channel.14:07
astraljavascott-work: I notified of this, and the fact that I already asked about REVU on #-motu a while ago. You need to pay attention, sir! :D14:08
scott-workastraljava: heheh, thanks :P14:08
scott-workit looks like REVU is still down :(   i want to get the -lowlatency kernel into it :|14:08
astraljavascott-work: I guess you could look into utilizing mentors.debian.org for that.14:09
astraljavascott-work: Or upload to some other public place, and notify necessary people of its whereabouts. Luke springs to mind.14:09
scott-workastraljava: the later is what i was thinking as well, abogani already has it in his ppa14:10
astraljavascott-work: Yeah, but they will want to see the other bits and pieces, on top of the binary package.14:11
astraljavascott-work: That bzr branch Laney suggested isn't a bad idea, either.14:11
scott-workastraljava: but the source is there, right?14:11
scott-workin ppa i meant14:12
scott-workastraljava: so maybe we create a bzr branch under the -dev team?14:12
astraljavascott-work: If you dget the *.dsc from a PPA, it doesn't give you the debian/, does it?14:15
astraljavascott-work: Yes, that would be my suggestion.14:15
scott-workastraljava: not sure about the *.dsc/PPA/debian/ bit... i have always grabbed the source, removed '~ppa*', and then ran debuild 14:20
scott-workastraljava: i have final changes to seeds for theme-ui update and then i'll move onto the lowlatency kernel then14:21
astraljavascott-work: Yep. That's why the bzr branch would be best.14:21
scott-workTheMuso: do you have any input on the fact that REVU doesn't seem to be available, placing the lowlatency kernel into one of our BZR branches for review by you and another MOTU?14:22
astraljavaGiving upload rights to the kernel team would guarantee the best possible cooperation.14:22
scott-workastraljava: good point!  do we have a kernel team?  :grin14:33
* scott-work thinks that he's suppossed to create one per the blueprint and hasn't done it yet14:33
astraljavascott-work: We don't, but the Ubuntu project does, and they will want to work with you (okay, us|US).14:34
scott-workastraljava: i'm not sure the kernel team does want to work with us|US14:47
scott-workthat wasn't meant to be deragatory or mean14:47
scott-workbut i think the kernel team has been very clear that the lowlatency kernel will be a community maintained kernel and they will not support it14:48
scott-workand they (apw, leann, steve c.) seemed quite okay with us making it as long as we base off of the ubuntu kernel and maintain security updates14:49
astraljavascott-work: Fine, I don't really mind. But still, having it publicly shared would make it easier to maintain, community or not.14:50
scott-workastraljava: oh, i should have pointed out as well that abogani already has a git repo set up for it as well14:53
astraljavascott-work: That's good, too. But having it under the studio-dev, for instance, would make it much more efficient, privilege-management-wise, for instance. But yeah, we probably have to think about it more.14:54
scott-workgood point14:55
scott-worki like the idea of putting it under a -dev bzr branch myself, not sure i can justify that desire though14:57
astraljavaI do understand that it's Alessio who's going to work with it the most, so we will have to respect his opinions about it the most.14:58
astraljavaBut, if it is, by definition, community-maintained, others would have to have access to it as well. But there should be certain limitations to 'others', it's a kernel after all, FCOL! :D14:59
scott-workhehe, good points, again15:00
scott-workmy understanding (limited and inferred) from the uds session was that if alessio maintains the code in git, it can be rebased on new/updated kernel fairly easily due to some automation15:02
scott-workthis apparently applies to security updates as well15:02
astraljavaYeah. And I do understand that kernel is exclusively developed and maintained in git, and that is in strong favor of keeping it in git in the future. git is fairly easily managed, privileges-wise, though, so we shouldn't have problems there.15:04
scott-workprogress looks much better after updating the blueprint work items :)   http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-ubuntu-studio.html18:09
scott-workthank you for helping with that astraljava 18:09
ailoscott-work, Read that each distro must decide for themselves if they will be LTS or not. Xubuntu is named as being one. Does UbuntuStudio need to sign up for that as well?18:12
scott-workailo: yes we do, i had forgotten about that18:17
scott-workailo: is this something you would like to head up?18:17
scott-worki would really appreciate it18:17
scott-workalthough i think astraljava and i talked about this we considered discussing it at this week's meeting (yes, we REALLY will have one)18:18
scott-workso maybe a first step is to send an email to the -dev list noting that we need to apply, asking for opinions on what time durations (old LTS is 3 years, new LTS is five years - although we can choose what we want), and then mention discussion will occur in the meeting18:19
astraljava...which reminds me to check up on the agenda.18:20
scott-workthis is the email about the LTS approval for other derivatives:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2012-January/000922.html18:21
scott-workastraljava: i'm not too worried about populating the agenda with unnecessary items if you are not as well18:21
scott-worki wouldn't mind keeping it short and sweet...maybe the LTS items and then an update on where we stand for 12.0418:21
scott-workunless you think we need to have more and i'm agreeable to that as well, of course ;)18:22
astraljavascott-work: Define unnecessary. :)18:23
scott-workuhhhh, anything we don't need?  :P18:25
scott-workhmmmmm, good question, actually18:25
scott-worki would rather have a nice short, but effective meeting, rather that address a bunch of topics, for which we aren't prepared, because we are trying to emulate another team's meeting agenda or style18:25
scott-worki suppose that is really what i meant18:26
scott-workalthough i am not intending to be deragatory about any other teams or their agendas18:26
astraljavaSatisfactory? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2012January2218:29
scott-workhehe, yeah, that's pretty lean18:32
scott-workthanks for updating that, to be honest i had completely forgotten about some of the items under "old business"18:32
scott-workastraljava: are you making any progress so far on the live-dvd?18:32
scott-worki hadn't actually had a chance to read or digest what cjwatson told you in the irc logs18:34
scott-workastraljava: hmmm, i was hoping cjwatson would have given more explanation18:37
scott-worki'm confused actually18:39
scott-workother than not including that installer, what would we not want available on the live dvd?  maybe i need to reread the irc log18:40
scott-works/that installer/the installer18:42
scott-worki also realize that we probably will need a new pacakge:   'ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntustudio'18:42
astraljavaI don't know, really. I haven't had much time today, in fact, to spend on that.18:42
astraljavaUhh... yeah. :-/18:42
astraljavaWho's got artistic skills in here?18:42
* astraljava sent a meeting reminder on u-s-devel@18:43
scott-workastraljava: you rock!18:44
* astraljava bows18:45
scott-workinteresting, a "professional DAW for linxu"  http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2012/01/bitwig-professional-music-creation.html19:02
falktxlol, "professional"19:10
TheMusoscott-work: I know nothing about revu not being available, and a kernel tree in a bzr branch is only going to cause much pain.20:59
lenJust wondering. Is there any web page that has the work flows we want and the applications and usage that goes with them?22:03
astraljavalen: You're probably looking for this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows22:39
astraljavalen: Also of considerable source of information, this is a good point to start from: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-precise-flavor-ubuntu-studio22:40
ScottLTheMuso, we weren't going to host the code necessarily in the bzr branch, it was just to get the code reviewed22:40

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