
aguitelhow remove xubuntu ?00:05
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome00:06
aguitelneed to install kubuntu00:06
GridCubethen you just install the kubuntu-desktop metapackage00:06
Unit193Might be better to do a !purekde and rest of the questions would go in #kubuntu00:07
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=== Pieman is now known as Paimun
Inzihi guys04:11
Inzidoes anyone know where i could download the xubuntu restrictd extras offline? my pc at home has no internet04:12
stochasticInzi, I'm not sure what you mean.  Download them offline?04:15
stochasticYou probably need to get the files downloaded on a different computer, load them to usb key, then move that key to your home comp04:16
stochasticInzi needed this link: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xubuntu-restricted&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all04:17
Vinetarieveyone knows that Macs are more secure than Lninux06:20
Vinetariit's a fact06:28
Vinetaristeve jobs told me many years ago06:28
bazhangVinetari, thats not a support issue06:50
bazhangtry the offtopic channel please06:50
Vinetariit is a security support issue06:51
bazhangthen go ahead and ask Vinetari06:51
MarzataThe next Xubuntu release, codenamed 'E-Sexy Efe' is coming in June.06:51
Guest60670hi can anyone help my panel no longer shows the programmes running in the backround07:16
Unit193Why? Why not either just reset the panel, or restart the panel?07:20
Vinetaribecuase it's easier07:21
Vinetariit is for me07:22
Unit193Open terminal  xfce4-panel -r  and if that doesn't get it,    mv .config/xfce4/panel .config/xfce4/panel_backup   and restart the panel again07:23
Unit193Guest60670: ^^07:23
TVasEyescan you run xcfe4-panel -r from the Alt-F2 run command prompt too Unit193 ?07:25
Unit193TVasEyes: Yep, but I can't tab complete ;)07:25
Unit193If more than even that gets messed up, xfwm --replace in alt+f207:27
TVasEyesI've been lucky so far, up 11 days+ and no problems with panel or anything else.07:28
Guest60670I tryed that panel restarts but still same problem07:29
Unit193Guest60670: Read the second part now please (figured it wouldn't help)07:30
TVasEyeseven after the suggested mv ?07:30
Guest60670yes it started before this boot of the machine is there anyway to reset the whole thing07:31
Unit193[02:23:52] < Unit193> .... mv .config/xfce4/panel .config/xfce4/panel_backup   and restart the panel again07:31
Guest60670no go would the backup get overwriten after a system shutdown07:36
Unit193Backup is in case you want it back07:36
Guest60670ok I look into this more at least I have some ideas thanks.07:37
Guest60670hi looked for backup files for panel did bot find any07:41
TVasEyes??  you created .config/xfce4/panel_backup and now it's gone?07:45
Guest60670well my programs running in background don't show on the panel. never did a backup just tryed to get back to the way it was07:47
TVasEyesand panel is definitely not running?   ps faux | grep xfce4-panel07:48
TVasEyesoops, is running but progs don't show.07:49
Guest60670well panel is running just not geting programs in background to show on panel07:49
TVasEyesI suggest you go with Unit's suggestion, do the mv to create a backup then restart the panel (it will need to re-create it's settings then)07:50
Unit193Define "Background"07:51
Guest87768hi I was one with panel problem still no go.07:52
vinetariI still say rebooting is faster08:01
TVasEyesGuest87768: radical way of doing (because you'll lose all customisation/settings) is to remove the ~/.config directory tree and reboot; xfce will then have to rebuild all of those files, personally I think that's very much last resort though.08:02
Guest87768ok that might be only way thanks.08:03
Unit193Or just move the folder in case08:03
TVasEyesyes, better safe than sorry.08:04
Unit193But I've done what TVasEyes said when I didn't feel like finding out what it was (While back)08:05
* vinetari hands you a 7 UP ! 7°UP !08:06
TVasEyesvinetari: while in this case it looks like reboot was unavoidable, generally speaking, --restart is quicker and less hassle.08:09
TVasEyesmore often than not there are programs running and whatnot..08:09
TVasEyesas always, ymmv.08:10
Unit193TVasEyes: Another trick, log out and back in08:10
TVasEyesyes, although if restarting after removing xfce4/panel doesn't do it, is bad news anyway.08:11
TVasEyesanyway Unit193, I learned that xfce4-panel doesn't need a shell to run.  happy about that.08:12
Unit193And I know the xfce notify backend is better than the other, had to replace it on another comp08:13
Unit193But I'm starting to get offtopic08:13
TVasEyesthey're strict around here..08:14
ablomenhas anybody else noticed firefox crashing like crazy after the last update?09:45
Marzataablomen: version?09:50
ablomen11.10, firefox 9.0.109:51
ablomenI'm just checking to see if it's just me09:52
ablomenhmm it seems to be related to firebug not working with firefox 9, i guess ill downgrade firefox then10:03
Marzatasame version of ff here, no problem.10:09
ablomenMarzata, hmm weird, the firebug google group has some people with the same problem. Anyway the downgrade to ff 7 seems to have fixed it10:37
johanharSo... I just installed xubuntu. All partitions/volumes are put on the desktop. I cant right-click and remove shortcut... wtf? :D14:32
TheSheepjohanhar: you can disable the desktop icons completely14:34
autifjohanhar - behave, we are family friendly, this is not windows, things work slightly differently - try settings -> settings manager -> desktop -> icons14:35
johanharif I go to /home/user/Desktop , I see none of the icons :P14:35
johanharAh ok thanks14:35
johanharWorked... thanks14:36
johanharAny settings to resize a window. In windows I click <super> + arrow and send window to a side, aero snap using the mouse.14:37
autifwhat version of xubuntu are you using?14:38
autifto the best of my knowledge, the equivalent does not exist14:39
autifXFCE is meant to be light weight14:39
johanharHow tedious to resize and move windows then, no problem, I'll get compiz or something ;)14:39
TheSheepjohanhar: you can see all the keybindings for moving windows in settings->window manager->keyboard14:40
johanharIm looking there now :)14:41
johanharOh, nice, <super> + tab ... very nice, just like OS X - changing windows within the same application ;)14:42
johanharAnyone tried compiz with xubuntu?14:44
trkemistanyone know how I can make chromium my system wide browser?15:11
holsteintrkemist: i enabled gnome services or whatever its called.. you can try update-alternatives –config x-www-browser15:14
johanharI cant find my external monitor... works when booting in w7 :(15:15
johanharsettings -> monitors ... cant find it15:15
holsteinjohanhar: i use arandr to manage dual head15:18
holsteinyou could likely not have driver support though... you can search for a proprietary driver which may add that functionality15:19
johanharfrom where holstein15:19
holsteincould also make things worse.. so you might want to do a bit of google searching and see if anyone else has posted experience with that hardware15:19
holsteinjohanhar: depends... let me link you the overall generice graphics wiki page15:19
johanharhmm, no GUI for updating drivers... I had that in ubuntu and debian.15:21
holsteinjohanhar: sometimes it just doesnt work well.. no reason to compare you experience to window either... you can just let hte manufacturer know you are having issue under linux, and hope that eventually we will get full support from everyone15:21
holsteinjohanhar: you are not updating drivers.. ther a GUI for package management.. several of them15:22
johanharhmm ok15:22
holsteinyou dont need to update drivers, you need to (potentially) install a driver that ubuntu *cant* provide15:22
johanharthought that I had a "normal" graphic card... ThinkPadT42015:23
johanhara regular work-laptop15:23
holsteinjohanhar: that guide should help you determin your graphics card... assume nothing ... i thought that was intel, but maybe not15:24
johanharok hmm15:26
johanharI think it has got to do with my dockingstation15:27
johanharlaptop uses VGA, but it is connected to a docking, using DVI15:27
holsteinjohanhar: reducing variables is a great troubleshooting step15:27
holsteinjohanhar: its going to be driver related15:45
holsteinwhat drivers have you tried?15:45
johanharonly the default drivers...15:46
holsteinalso, if it were my hardware, i would try several live CD's.. i would try 10.04, the last LTS, and 12.04, the upcoming LTS, and a knoppix live CD.. that is an easy way to try several drastically different kernels without effecting your machine in any way15:46
holsteinjohanhar: right.. ubuntu *cant* include proprietary drivers assuming thats what you need.. i also wouldnt expect the dock to work, nor internal + VGA + DVI15:47
johanharit works with VGA now15:47
johanharjust not DVI15:47
holsteinjohanhar: cool!... thats what i would expect15:47
johanharwhere can I find some GUI panel for drivers?15:49
johanharused to be in ubuntu, "additional drivers" or something like that15:49
johanharunder system15:49
johanharlink is gone in xubuntu15:49
holsteinjohanhar: that link i gave should explain some alternatives to that process in detail... i forget if that jockey-gtk or what15:50
holsteinjohanhar: if its intel, there wont be one... you could look report what graphics hardware you have15:50
johanharok, 2 sec, ill try15:50
johanharthere... didnt understand any of that...15:53
holsteincool... so there will be some options for you then15:53
johanharhmm ok15:53
holsteinnot that they will give you DVI support15:53
holsteinagain, i would search around and try and find someone with that hardware and running linux15:53
johanharhmm isn't there just some "stuff" i could put into a config file, telling it to use DVI and not VGA..15:55
johanharif not I have to use w7, because I cannot use VGA, its painful15:55
johanharmy monitor won't take it...15:55
holsteinjohanhar: yup.. its challening, but you do have several driver options to explore15:56
holsteinjockey-gtk not what you are looking for?... theres likely a more current version than what you will find there at the nvidia site15:58
johanharmaybe, if that gives me a list of drivers i can use15:58
johanharwith GUI15:58
holsteinjohanhar: right... but as i am suggesting, that is only one of the driver options you have15:58
johanhargnome user interface, but this is xfce, how does that work? :P15:59
johanharok, so it gives me nothing, "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"16:00
johanharit was looking for drivers at startup, didnt find anything I guess...16:00
johanharmy old room-mate had a lenovo thinkpad, with docking, using both vga and dvi at the same time.. xfce and arch I think, arch is too hardcore for me...16:01
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trkemistholstein: I can't seem to figure out how to set it to chromium-browser :/16:09
trkemistholstein: I did it @ exit16:11
trkemistI did its in preferred apps you put in this string: /usr/bin/chromium-browser16:11
holsteintrkemist: it?... you mean default browser?.. i enabled gnome services and the changes seemed to "stick" for me better... also running that command in the terminal is an option, though i know there is a GUI for it somewhere that may work... update-alternatives –config x-www-browser16:12
holsteini did finally get it working... chromium in xubuntu16:12
holsteinjohanhar: you should ask your old roomate about drivers... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia16:14
holsteinat the end of the day (so to speak) this is not trivial, and is really something you might want to just deal with til you get a bit more comfortable with the process... the fact that its XFCE instead of gnome has very little to do with your situation.... i remember the first few times i installed the proprietart nvidia drivers, i got just a black screen16:15
johanharthanks holstein , I did speak with him, apt-get install nvidia-current was his answer16:16
johanhardidnt do much, maybe I have to do something more, restart the computer or something :P16:17
holsteinjohanhar: this is going to be a kernel module that i would expect requiring a restart16:18
mucushiya, i need a bit of advice16:20
mucusi'm trying to connect to a wireless connection from xubuntu, is there a way that it can automatically scan for networks?16:20
johanharholstein: restart didnt help... hmm16:23
holsteinjohanhar: right, you are just getting started..i would literally expect this to take you a few days to sort out16:25
johanharoh... :(16:25
johanharits my setup at work, I dont have days..16:25
holsteinand mabye not provide you the support you are looking for16:25
holsteinyour friend with the same hardware is your best resource16:26
johanharI see16:26
holsteinyou also have not tried ubuntu 10.0416:26
autifjohanhar - just trying to think out of the box - why do you need the nvidia driver? Does the frame buffer driver work at all or are you seeing just the console?16:28
autiffrom your comments, it looks like your graphics can limp on framebuffer - while you research the nvidia driver16:30
johanharautif: the problem I am having, is that I cannot detect an external monitor using DVI, only VGA (VGA on my laptop, DVI given through my dock)16:30
autifand external dual monitor configuration is definitely a driver issue, it does not look like framebuffer supports multiple monitors - that I believe is inherent in the graphics card16:31
autifall the best :-)16:32
holsteinautif: johanhar says his roomate had the dock in question working as johanhar wants16:32
holsteini would get an adapter before i would lose sleep over this though16:33
holsteinyou can literally waste days with these kind of driver questions16:33
autifyup, I got that - but roommate may or may not be available - I am following16:33
mucusnvm, i figured it out16:35
johanharEhm, my mate tells me that I have two GPUs, and I have to switch which one is being used or something16:39
holsteinhmmm... mabye your mate is not as helpful as i thought...16:40
mucushow do i set root privileges to something like a zip extractor?16:40
johanharvga_switcheroo hye talked about16:40
holsteini would be interested in seeing ubuntu 10.04 with the proprietary driver16:41
mucusnvm, i'll extract to desktop then copy over16:41
mucus>_< that's not working16:42
mucusalright, so can i get some advice?16:43
mucushow do i give myself root access to my folders?16:43
holsteinsudo -s16:44
holsteinthat gives you a root session (basically)16:44
mucuswhat's the -s mean?16:44
holsteinsession for all i know16:45
johanharI give up, w7 here I come...16:45
johanharcya ;)16:45
mucusyeah, that's still not working16:45
mucusi'm trying to copy a file from desktop to /opt/16:45
holsteinhehe... i would have said "i give up.. intel, here i come!" ;)16:45
holsteinmucus: sudo mv it16:45
holsteinor cp16:46
mucusi don't know frig about the commands16:46
mucusi'm a total noob16:46
holsteini used to run nautilus as root16:46
holsteinthat looked like this... gksudo nautilus16:46
holsteinbut, sudo cp /path/to/file.tograb /path/to/where.ever16:47
mucusi'd rather just have root access in the file manager16:47
holsteinright... so that'll look like gksudo thunar16:48
mucusthere we go16:48
mucusyeah, i just found that it's thunar16:48
mucusthanks holstein16:50
mucus>_< i don't get it17:00
mucushttp://chatzilla.rdmsoft.com/xulrunner/ i'm trying to follow these easy steps, but i'm not making any progress17:01
holsteinmucus: chatzilla is not in the repos?17:05
mucusit is17:05
mucusno wait17:05
mucusalright, i got it installed17:06
mucusfor some reason terminal wasn't accepting my xulrunner command17:06
mucusso i had to drag the file from the folder into terminal17:06
mucusthen enter the commands, which to me makes no sense17:06
holsteini usually use full path names, just to be sure17:06
mucushow do i register chatzilla into my internet applications list?17:07
holsteinregister?.. you can add it, but it runs inside of FF right?17:07
mucusno, it's a stand alone program now17:08
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mucusthat's why i was following those steps17:08
holsteineh... i would just use xchat personally17:09
mucusit's a matter of taste really17:09
mucusbut i come back to the same question, how can i register it in the list of applications?17:09
holsteinmucus: you just add it17:10
holsteinyou add whatever command starts it17:10
mucusthat sounds easy17:10
holsteinif you run /opt/path/to/whatever.. you just add that as a launcher and put it where you like17:10
mucusi mean in the upper left, where i have my applications dropdown17:11
mucusand then each category is listed, with applications in each category17:11
holsteinyou just add a custom launcher to whatever you like17:11
holsteinthats what you have asked for.. by installing a custom applicaton like that *not* using a package manager... you are saying "i would like to take care of this on my own"17:11
mucusokay i get that17:12
holsteinthats why i asked if there was not one in the repos17:12
holsteini see seamonkey-chatzilla.. ive never used chatzilla17:12
mucusyeah, that's a broweser plugin17:12
mucusfor seamonkey17:12
holsteinthats what i thought the point was... that its in browser...17:13
mucusthat was why i did it this way, so it would be standalone17:13
mucuswhich it is right now17:13
holsteini guess i just thought that was all it had going for it17:13
mucusi prefer the layout and am keenly familiar with how it operates17:13
holsteinsure..im just saying i personally found it sub-par, and thought the in-browser action was the only real attribute of interest17:15
mucuscan we back up holstein, how do i add a custom launcher?17:15
mucuspretend i'm a dummy, which really isn't pretending :P17:15
holsteinmucus: right... just determine what command launches the application, and create a launcher for it17:15
holsteinyou can place that launcher anywhere... on the desktop, in the menu17:15
mucusi don't understand how to create a launcher...17:15
mucushang on a sec17:16
holsteinmucus: you can right click on the desktop AFAIK, and try making on there17:16
mucusi got it17:16
mucus>_< i'm such a dope17:16
holsteinthat would be a good first step... then you can learn to edit the menu from there17:16
holsteinthats an extra step, and i think it looks different than the desktop ones17:16
holsteinit being the process by which they are created lookd different...17:16
mucusokay, so i've created my desktop launcher17:18
mucusbut... how would i put it in the apps list?17:18
holsteinmucus: its the menu.. AFAIK theres a menu editor17:19
holsteinyou'll create another launcher in the menu... you wont move the one you made17:20
mucusi'm still not understanding it . . .17:22
mucushm, but i'll have to tinker with it later17:24
mucusthanks for hte help holstein17:24
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a7i3nJust did an update, now all I have on login is a blue screen with no wallpaper etc...18:46
a7i3nanyone out there?18:47
n2diyI just did an upgrade, and now have no sound!?18:49
n2diya7i3n, can you log in?18:50
GridCuben2diy, check that your sound isnt mutted18:56
GridCubeit sometimes get mutted for no reason18:56
n2diyGridCube, double checked, nothing is muted.19:16
TVasEyesre update manager.  if I de-select one or more updates, then run the remaining, the manager will list the de-selected again (and again...).  how can I make it 'forget' those items?20:07
TVasEyeshello? anybody here with some knowledge of update manager and how to tweak its behaviour?20:23
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto20:24
Unit193I never use that program, but there should also be a wiki page on it20:25
TVasEyesthanks, will read now.20:25
n2diyTVasEyes, I asked that in the past, and the answer then was, you can't ignore them.20:25
TVasEyesn2diy, Unit193: thanks, seems there's no way (yet):  "NOTE At the time of the making this Wiki there is not a known way to Pin a package with Update Manager."20:29
TVasEyesvery tedious, to say the least.20:30
Unit193sudo apt'get updateñ sudo apt'get dist'upgrade )only with the right keys=20:30
Unit193Some people don't like dist-upgrade though20:31
TVasEyesUnit193: in other words, stop using update manager altogether and do everything manually?20:31
Unit193Well, in the end what works best for you is what you should use, but I have an alias where I just type in terminal "updates; clean"20:32
TVasEyesok, I see.  shame though because update manager is convenient.20:35
TVasEyesyour alias based on apt then?20:35
Unit193!dist-upgrade |I use this mostly20:36
ubottuI use this mostly: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.20:36
Unit193This is my line, YMMV sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get autoremove --purge && sudo apt-get autoclean20:37
TVasEyesok, thanks, the question arose over Firefox update, not wanting the unity and french language etc.  also, last virtualbox update (few weeks ago) broke existing setup.20:38
Unit193I use Aurora and I don't use VBox on that computer20:40
Unit193(Aurora being alpha firefox)20:40
TVasEyesah, googling Aurora confused me. ;)   I'd installed virtualbox from oracle site, added oracle to apt sources but update chose from canonical and -- kaputt. ;(20:43
TVasEyesanyway, thanks again Unit193, need to think this thorugh.20:44
Unit193Yeah, pinning is always fun. You can pin that repo higher than the other one though20:44
xubuntu545busy place21:52
knomeyou say that after being here a minute? :)21:53
Marzataknome: 56 seconds22:01
Marzataknome: why 12.04 only 3 years LTS?22:01
Myrttiall desktop LTS's have been 3 years22:02
Marzatathe other buntus are 5 for 12.0422:03
Myrttiwell this'll be the first lts for xubuntu so I'm sure it has something to do with not potentially making it too difficult to support22:05
Unit193It's had 10.04 as an LTS (and a few more)22:07
Marzataknome: why?22:07
Unit193They don't have the dev power to do it22:07
Myrttihold on, is my irssi broken22:08
Unit193Myrtti: This is Xubuntu ;)22:08
MyrttiUnit193: I know that but it looks like I'm missing a line or my brain isn't working, or Marzata is out of sync somehow22:09
* Marzata is very well rsynced. 22:10
Unit193Myrtti: Alrighty (knome hasn't said anything if that's the line)22:11
Marzatasee this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xubuntu#Xubuntu_12.0422:12
Unit193Anywho, this is offtopic, so you should take it to #xubuntu-offtopic I'd say22:13
Marzataoff topic?22:37
knomeMarzata, we can't give support for xfce longer than 3 years, that's why xubuntu is "only" 3 years lts.22:39
Marzataknome: for desktop and server?22:39
knomeMarzata, there is no "xubuntu server", only ubuntu server.22:40
Marzataknome: oh, yes, I'm sleepy...22:40
Marzataknome: but is ubuntu desktop with 5 years LTS support?22:41
knomeMarzata, that's correct22:41
Marzataknome: anyway, xubuntu is still the best disto, and 3 years LTs is quite great. And thank you for the great job.22:42
knomethanks, and you're welcome22:42
knomein the future, if we have more contributors that can sustain their contributions, we can think the 5 year lts again22:43
knomeright now, we just can't do that22:43
Marzataknome: xubuntu has the best usability and let's hope many ppl will move to the project.22:46
knomei hope so too22:46

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