
stefan`hi guys - short question: does your "kwin_gles" start when you start your session in precise?09:05
stefan`it fails for me and i'm wondering if i'm doing something simple wrong or if i should file a bug09:05
Riddellstefan`: well are you using arm and gles?09:26
stefan`Riddell: i have an intel graphics chip, 64bit precise and use kwin_gles. i don't know if "kwin" would work, though.09:27
Riddellstefan`: self compiled?09:28
stefan`Riddel: no - official repos09:29
Riddellstefan`: from what package?09:31
stefan`Riddell: ii  kde-window-manager-common 4:4.7.97-0ubuntu1         K window manager (KWin) Common Files                                   09:34
stefan`ii  kde-window-manager-gles   4:4.7.97-0ubuntu1         K window manager (KWin) - OpenGL ES binary09:34
Riddellstefan`: and that works fine starting manually?09:35
stefan`Riddell: sometimes.09:35
stefan`Riddell: i should probably upload my xsession_errors somewhere09:36
Riddelloh it's in universe that's why I don't see it09:37
Riddellwell I don't know how kwin is ment to start, something in the startkde script but I'm not sure what, so I don't know how kwin_gles is supported to start09:40
Riddelland mgraesslin is not here09:40
stefan`Riddell: ksmserver(1903) KSMServer::wmProcessChange: Window manager "kwin" failed to launch09:41
Riddellwell it launching the non-gles kwin there isn't it?09:42
Riddelldo you still have that installed and is there a reason it wouldn't work?09:42
stefan`Riddell: uhh... that could be :)09:42
Riddellyou can set KDEWM manually to kwin_gles09:42
Riddellwhich is what would make the startkde script work09:42
Riddellbut really there should be a mechanism for it to do that magically09:43
stefan`Riddell: ok - i will try that. kwin_gles is the only kwin installed09:43
Riddellksmserver is what starts kwin09:44
Riddellso the question is has that been adapted to start kwin_gles if it exists09:44
stefan`Riddell: doesn't look like that to me09:46
stefan`Riddell: it tests if KDEWM is set and if not "makes sure that kwin is started"09:46
stefan`Riddell: quoting from a comment there09:46
stefan`Riddell: i export the KDEWM now in my bashrc - will test if that works.09:48
stefan`Riddell: it didn't help09:51
stefan`Riddell: at least it still didn't start automatically and i have the same error again in .xsession_errors09:52
stefan`Riddell: just tested: with normal kwin installed, things work as they should10:01
stefan`Riddell: will stick to that for now10:01
Riddellstefan`: do you even know if your X supported gles?10:02
stefan`Riddell: it worked for me in 11.10, so i assumed it would10:04
stefan`Riddell: and manyually starting it worked10:04
Riddellksmserver might lack good support10:05
Riddellyeah doesn't mention it in the source10:06
Riddellstefan`: time to take this upstream, do you know how?10:07
stefan`Riddell: no, sorry10:08
Riddellstefan`: do you want to?  I can but I also have 50 other things to do so it might not be a priority10:08
stefan`Riddell: i'm happy to help10:09
Riddellstefan`: you can either ask mgrasslin when he appears on IRC in #kde-devel or ask on the plasma-devel mailing list10:09
Riddellask if kwin_gles is supposed to start automatically if that is the only kwin installed10:09
Riddellbecause ksmserver doesn't seem to mention it in the source code10:10
Riddellthen report back your findings :)10:10
stefan`Riddell: ok - i will ask him. thanks and i will :)10:10
Riddellcnd: did qt compile in your ppa?10:55
Riddellcnd: yes it did and I don't see any symbol changes but I think we'll let it compile on arm to be sure before upload11:01
Riddellshadeslayer: what's the state of kdevelop?  do you still expect to package kdevelop-php and kdevelop-custom-buildsystem ?11:08
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Riddelldamn calligra lnk error can't be recreated on amd64, will need a slow job on arm to find it12:08
shadeslayerRiddell: I intend to, just can't do it today, will finish it off tomorrow12:43
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Riddellshadeslayer: cool thanks13:07
Riddellshadeslayer: cmake was good, uploaded13:07
Riddelloh thanks goodness I got the linker error to fix13:47
Riddellonly took 2 hours13:47
RiddellMamarok: are you still keeping an eye on kubuntu-users?  I sent reply which could be taken as being grumpy a while ago should I respond again?14:18
* Mamarok checks14:19
MamarokRiddell: you mean about the beta packages?14:20
RiddellMamarok: mm I don't even remember14:33
Riddellyes very likely14:33
Riddellpeople were moaning that KDE was getting worse or something14:33
Mamarokyes, just let them moan, it's always the same 2 or 3 who do, some of them not even using Kubuntu14:35
MamarokI don't think anybody is taking them seriously, they are so full of their own importance14:35
RiddellMamarok: ok I'll do that, but let me know if there's anything I should respond to14:41
MamarokOK, will do :)14:43
Riddellagateau: do you feel the need to test the new qt xi patch from cnd?16:13
Riddellit's in canonical-x ppa if you do16:14
agateauRiddell: I don't have any multitouch device here, so I don't think I can really test it16:14
agateau(assuming the patch is about multitouch)16:14
Riddellyes it is16:14
Riddellagateau: does unity-2d do multitouch?16:15
agateauRiddell: it does, at least to reveal the launcher16:15
Riddellagateau: who knows about that enough to test it?  (except for cnd, that's cheating)16:16
cndRiddell, it will be rather hard right now16:16
agateauRiddell: I would say greyback (hi Gerry!)16:16
cndprecise doesn't have touchpad multitouch support yet16:16
cndso it will have to be someone with a touchscreen16:17
Riddellcnd: oh ok we'll just upload and trust the testing you've done16:17
Riddellstill waiting on arm compile16:17
Riddellwhich might take a while16:17
cndRiddell, the plan was for us to pocket copy all the stuff when everything is ready16:17
cndso please don't upload it yourself16:18
Riddelloh ok, you can just do that then16:18
cndgiven how everything looks in the ppa, it looks like we'll be uploading as soon as qt is done building for arm anyways :)16:18
greybackRiddell: Testability can send gestures to a Qt application, so yep this can be tested16:19
cndgreyback, but can Testability send raw multitouch?16:20
cndbecause this patch is merely hooking up the raw multitouch from XI 2 to the existing Qt touch and gesture plumbing16:20
greybackcnd: it's not raw multitouch16:21
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greybackcnd: I'm guessing it goes straight to Qt touch (not investigated it really)16:22
cndit wouldn't hurt to have extra tests run on it, but I don't think we have any way to test the patch itself16:22
ScottKAnyone here running Kubuntu Oneiric?17:01
ScottKKDE SC 4.7.4 in oneiric-proposed needs testing.17:02
RiddellScottK: tried the mailing list?17:04
ScottKI did.17:04
Riddelldoesn't even need someone running it I guess, debootstrap and xnest would work17:04
ScottKkubuntu-devel anyway.17:04
Riddelljust wish I had the bandwidth17:04
ScottKMamarok: Would you be willing to send a call for testing for KDE SC 4.7.4 on kubuntu-users?17:05
RiddellScottK: good thing I started using your arm boxes for calligra, I've found a bunch more arm issues17:05
MamarokScottK: I will, yes. But why testing? Isn't it in the backports PPA since quite some time already?17:06
ScottKMamarok: We need a test of the as built packages for the archive to get them into oneiric-updates for all users.17:07
Riddellneeds testing again17:07
ScottKAnd then people need to comment in Bug #913928 17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 913928 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Tracking bug for KDE updates for 4.7.4" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91392817:07
yuriyanybody run valgrind on a Qt/KDE application lately? I am getting thousands of errors just opening and closing my app18:40
yuriya lot in fontconfig18:40
ScottKyuriy: Are you on oneiric?18:40
yuriyScottK: yes. on Natty it produced a lot fewer bogus errors18:42
ScottKCould you install 4.7.4 from oneiric-proposed and test it?18:42
ScottKIt might do better and I need help with SRU verification.18:42
ScottKIf you try it, please comment in Bug #913928.18:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 913928 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Tracking bug for KDE updates for 4.7.4" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91392818:42
shadeslayerRiddell: awesome, working on KDevelop now18:50
yuriyis there a proposed for universe too? it's complaining about qt4-qmlviewer requiring a specific version of qt18:52
shadeslayeryuriy: could you be more specific as to what the errors are?18:58
shadeslayerpastebin and/or steps to reproduce them18:58
yuriyshadeslayer: are you asking about the update or valgrind?19:00
ScottKyuriy: There's also a new version of qt4-qmlviewer in proposed.19:02
yuriyok I was being a little silly. If I actually close the program it's about 100 errors instead of 600+.  But I still get a lot of the same ones19:08
yuriyshadeslayer: http://pastebin.com/t3vhdAxp19:08
yuriyScottK: adding universe helped. anything in particular to check for with this update?19:11
ScottKyuriy: No, just general goodness and keep an eye out for any regressions, then comment in the bug.19:11
shadeslayeryuriy: okay, I see lost memory and illegal read/writes to memory19:24
shadeslayeryuriy: This is something that you wrote yourself or a KDE Program?19:24
shadeslayeralso, printing/accessing uninitialized vars19:26
DarkwingRiddell, ScottK, apachelogger, neversfeld, JontheEchidna. There is a CC meeting on the 19th at 5pm UTC. We have been invited. 19:35
* Darkwing shrugs19:36
DarkwingI'll attend for the Council in the Community Council meeting if you guys want.19:36
DarkwingI think out of the members I was elected for my Community stuff. :P:P19:36
ScottKI suspect it may have something to do with me objecting to Kubuntu being referred to as a "Derivative" the other day.19:39
yuriyshadeslayer: I know what the errors mean, but they are not in my code. It's initialization code in Qt and Fontconfig19:39
DarkwingScottK: You want me to attend then report?19:39
ScottKI think things like Mint are a derivative, while things like Kubuntu that are co-developed in the Ubuntu project aren't.19:39
ScottKDarkwing: That'd be great.  I may be around too.19:39
shadeslayeryuriy: Uh okay, I'd say contact upstream since I doubt it's a packaging issue19:40
ScottKMy preferred terms are sibling or flavor.19:40
DarkwingI prefer blue headed... nevermind. 19:40
* Darkwing grins19:40
DarkwingYay... My hotel was confirmed for this weekend.19:41
DarkwingSouthern California Linux Expo. I'm doing my anti-SOPA rant this weekend.19:41
ScottKDarkwing: The fundamental language problem is that the term Ubuntu is overloaded.  It's Ubuntu the project, Ubuntu the distro (the whole archive), and Ubuntu the desktop (a set of packages installed from that archive).19:41
shadeslayerCan someone check if cmake is installable in a chroot?19:41
DarkwingScottK: I agree 110%. 19:42
ScottKKubuntu is a sibling of Ubuntu the desktop.19:42
ScottKIt is part of the Ubuntu archive and one flavor of the Ubuntu project.19:42
DarkwingIt's Ubuntu with KDE instead of Gnome/Unity19:42
DarkwingThat's really what it is.19:42
ScottKIt's a bit more than that.19:42
DarkwingBut, it's more accurate then a Derivative.19:44
shadeslayerdarn, looks like someone broke libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev19:45
micahgDarkwing: ScottK: the reason for the invite is here under Team catch-up: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda19:54
* Darkwing blinks19:54
DarkwingMy question is... why do they suddenly care?19:55
ScottKmicahg: It seems like the CC thinks KC is subordinate to it.19:55
ScottKIt's actually not since it predates it.19:55
micahgScottK: well, that might be part of it19:56
ScottKDunno.  I find it odd that it says add yourself if you want a slot, but AFAIK, no on on KC added themselves.19:56
DarkwingI didn't do it.19:56
ScottKyuriy: Thanks for testing.19:57
micahgno, they signed up everyone for at least 1 go, I don't know if it'll continue past that19:57
DarkwingTeam Reports? Heh.20:00
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shadeslayerI'm not entirely sure what's happening, but, cmake wants libxmlrpc-core-c3, and I see libxmlrpc-core-c3 using apt-cache search libxmlrpc-core-c3, but when doing a search in the chroot, I can only see libxmlrpc-core-c3-020:05
shadeslayer( Everything is updated from the main server )20:06
shadeslayerlibxmlrpc-core-c3 is the newer package I believe20:07
yofelare you sure the chroot is on precise?20:07
yofellibxmlrpc-core-c3-0 is oneiric20:07
yofelapt cache in chroot too old?20:08
shadeslayerlike I said, everything is updated20:08
yofeldunno then20:10
yofelno idea, works fine here in a precise pbuilder chroot20:13
* shadeslayer looks again20:14
shadeslayerquassel is being ported to QML?20:17
yofelis it?20:17
shadeslayerWell, there has been no activity on master for quite some time20:18
shadeslayerand I just pulled and there was a new branch called QML20:18
shadeslayerlast activity, 8 weeks ago20:18
shadeslayeralso, fails to build20:18
shadeslayerWell, managed to make it build, doesn't *look* different20:26
shadeslayeryofel: https://twitter.com/#!/herpderpedia20:29
yofelyeah, sas the wikipedia redirect earlier today20:30
* yofel wonders though what so*f*a stands for ^^20:31
shadeslayerhah :D20:32
ScottKshadeslayer: #quassel is probably a slightly better place to ask, but the upstream developers don't have a lot of time for it right now.20:35
schnelleScottK: I don't know is this imortant, but on ubuntuforums one user is complaining about 4.7.4 from proposed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191120520:38
schnelleconfiguring printers doesn't work anymore20:39
ScottKIt works here.20:40
ScottKschnelle: It is important.  Thanks for pointing it out.  It works for me both from systemsettings and from printer-applet.20:42
shadeslayerkdevelop-php uploaded to https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental20:48
shadeslayerso, all that's left is kdevelop-custom-buildsystem20:48
ScottKschnelle: Thanks for pointing it out.20:58
schnelleScottK: glad to be part of the community :)21:02
shadeslayertarballs up21:02
ScottKGood thing you're about done with kdevelop.21:03
shadeslayerScottK: Actually ... kdevelop is the last package I can do ... I need to study for my last exam :P21:03
shadeslayerWell, I could help out a bit21:05
shadeslayerWhat do we do with tets that require X to be running?21:07
schnelleguys, I think you should consider gdebi-kde for default deb installer in precise. muon keeps failing to install some debs (some debs from kde-look, kernel debs etc) in oneiric21:08
shadeslayerschnelle: Could you elaborate? Fails? How?21:09
schnelleand jontheechidna is not responding to bug reports (seems he is very busy last months)21:09
schnelleshadeslayer: for example try to install this icon theme deb from kde-look: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/H2O+Icon+Theme?content=12714921:10
schnellemuon will fail to install it. on other hand, gdebi-kde or konsole dpkg installs it without problems21:11
shadeslayerschnelle: downloading is going to take some time ;)21:15
schnelleshadeslayer: to be precise. muon package manager works okesh, muon updater works, but muon for installing (external) deb files fails very often (that was gdebi-kde's job before oneiric)21:17
shadeslayerI get it, but why is it failing, that needs to be investigated21:17
ScottKschnelle: I don't think your forums reporter has a 4.7.4 specific problem, but I'm trying to help him out.21:23
shadeslayerschnelle: hmm ... interesting21:25
schnelleScottK: well if it works for you it's probably something else. I am already on 4.8rc2 so i cannot test it :(21:25
schnelleshadeslayer: it says "done" but in reallity package is not installed, isn't it?21:26
shadeslayerAnd I get no debug output on my terminal as well21:27
schnellehere is the bug report: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29051021:29
ubottuKDE bug 290510 in muon "Muon (still) fails to install some deb packages" [Normal,Unconfirmed]21:29
shadeslayeryofel: do you remember any kde packages have dep5 copyright formats?21:38
yofelkdeedu stuff should21:38
shadeslayerhmm ... can't find any GPL-3+ test21:45
schnelleshadeslayer: if you can bring to attention this muon problem to other kubuntu guys. it is present since oneiric and i think it musn't end up in next lts21:46
micahgshadeslayer: /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3?21:48
shadeslayermicahg: will that work when using the dep-5 format?21:48
yofelthe short form will21:48
yofeljust add the part where it says that it can be found in that file on debian systems21:49
micahgyeah, you're supposed to reference the long version on the system where it exists, idk offhand what the format is21:49
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shadeslayerCould someone just check if everything is fine in this package ? https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/kdevelop-custom-buildsystem_1.2.1-0ubuntu1~ppa2.dsc21:57
shadeslayerAnd then KDevelop up for testing from : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+packages21:57
shadeslayerI'm off to sleep, night :)22:06
RiddellDarkwing: "Team catch-up" is it?23:40

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