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go8765can anybody help me please to install cuberok. this is log http://paste.ubuntu.com/808087/01:41
go8765can anybody help me please to install cuberok. this is log http://paste.ubuntu.com/808087/01:42
go8765*sorry if repeat01:42
FuZi0NAnyone know how to modify the maximum number of connections per user for pptp vpn in ubuntu?01:48
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moesK3b has corrupted ...what command do I use to remove03:10
metap0danyone here using the default irc client quassel in kubuntu?03:13
metap0dI just installed and this is my first linux distribution ... I want to move the channel list above the chat and not on the left : /03:13
metap0dI feel dumb but I cannot for the life of me find the option03:13
James147metap0d: drag and drop ^^03:13
metap0dI'm tryingg : P03:13
metap0dit doesn't drag except off the quassel main window entirely03:14
James147moes: sudo apt-get remove <packagename>03:14
metap0di can move the topic bar easily03:14
James147metap0d: o, wait, you cannot drag and drop to the top/bottom, only the sides03:14
moesJames147, Do I use purge also03:14
metap0dso there isn't a way? : (03:15
James147moes: purge removes config files, remove dose not... if its a problem with the configs (not the user ones, but the system ones) then purge03:15
moesJames147, Thanks for the info03:16
James147metap0d: Not without editing the source, :) though I bet it would be a one line edit...03:16
James147metap0d: you could file a bug report, though I think it was a done this was as the chat window is normally to long to effenctly display above or below03:17
metap0dthis is the only graphical irc client i've seen that doesn't allow it : P03:17
metap0dbut nah it isn't too much trouble, I'm sure I'll find something else03:17
James147metap0d: thats not the way to get programs fixed :)03:18
metap0dit's not 'broken' : )03:18
metap0dTo be fair I used quassel on Windows and disliked it on that platform too03:18
James147metap0d: depends on your definition... it dosnt do what you want thus it is broken for you03:18
metap0duhm ... another possibly stupid question03:19
metap0dis there a graphical tool to perform updates? I googled and found I could do sudo apt-get update ... but some of the other livecds i tried had their own tool03:19
metap0ddoes it matter?03:19
James147metap0d: there is a gui tool for updating and installing packages on kubuntu... the latest uses muon i believe, but eailer versions use kpackagekit03:20
James147^^ you should beable to get to it from the menu or system settings03:20
James147metap0d: however, it dosnt matter which you use03:21
metap0dah :03:23
James147metap0d: o, and apt-get update only updates the packagelist (equlivent to the "refresh package list" button in the guis) if you want to upgrade you have to update then upgrade: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"03:24
metap0dJames147: Do you mind if I ask how/why you chose Kubuntu? : o03:31
James147metap0d: originally because it mostly just worked and felt nicer to use then the other options I had tried...03:33
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James147metap0d: but mostly because its one of only a few kde and non yum based distros :)03:35
metap0dyes, I understand.03:46
datruth_To install kde am I to just sudo apt-get install kde4 kdm and if so how do I remvoe all of gnome afterwards?03:47
metap0dlol : o03:47
metap0dthis is #kubuntu03:47
James147datruth_: install kubuntu-desktop is the best way to install kde03:47
James147!purekde | datruth_03:48
ubottudatruth_: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »03:48
datruth_James147: great is there a method to remove gnome afterwards?03:48
metap0dJames147: Updating packages seems to have frozen at 52%, and my web browser broke and said it can't handle http protocol : (03:48
ts2I wouldn't try the purekde stuff on > 10.0403:48
datruth_im on 11.1003:49
James147metap0d: 52% download?03:49
metap0dwow ..03:49
James147ts2: that link says different03:49
metap0dI should take a screenshot of how buggy this is03:49
almoxarifets2: there is an updated purekde  for 11.10, wiped ubuntu clean off my system, too clean, i wanted to keep synaptic and a few other apps03:50
ts2James147: Kubuntu ships many GTK parts now, so it's not so simple03:50
James147ts2: I think that page will ahve taken that into account....03:50
James147infact... the command do a removal then install kubuntu-desktop.... so anything removed that shouldnt have been will be installed again03:51
ts2dependencies can be tricky, easy to break and difficult to fix, just a warning03:52
James147ts2: kubuntu-desktop should depend on everything kubuntu ships with... so installing that should pull in anything needed by the default kubuntu03:52
ts2James147: my worry is everything before installing kubuntu-desktop03:53
James147(but yes, always take care when remvoing packages :D  )03:53
James147ts2: like what?03:54
datruth_after kubuntu is installed how would i reinstall all packages to make sure everything works?03:54
James147datruth_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop      ... if it dose nothing then nothing needs to be done03:54
almoxarifets2: you are partially correct, any ubuntu apps that survive the wipe dont work well afterwards, unless the app is reinstalled, which brings back enough of ubuntu to satisfy the app, worked for me03:54
datruth_James147: gotcha even previous programs like virtualbox etc should be fine?03:55
ts2James147: none of the packages specifically, just in general removing all those packages could end badly if a mistake is made03:55
James147datruth_: maby not ^^ just reinstall anythign you need and it should pull in what it needs again... so "sudo apt-get install virtualbox"03:55
datruth_ts2: mistake how?03:55
almoxarifedatruth_: i think virtualbox will get wiped initially, re-install it, your home-confs are safe, so no damage done03:56
datruth_why is the data getting wiped?03:56
ts2datruth_: for example, a typo03:56
James147ts2: copy and paste the command shouldnt cause a mistake :)03:56
almoxarifedatruth_: data is not! wiped03:56
ts2James147: you assume no mistake on the web page ;)03:56
* datruth_ will install kubuntu first03:57
datruth_then remove the what I dont want03:57
datruth_or just leave it03:57
* James147 cannot remember what apt-get dose if you try to remove a dependency.... thinks it just fails with a message... so he dosnt think anything that was install should be removed anyway03:58
ts2James147: it will _also_ remove anything that depends on the package you have chosen to remove, you are the boss after all03:59
James147ts2: hmm... been using pacman to long now :) I assumed it wouldnt remove dependencies unless told to04:00
ts2you have told it so, by pressing 'y' or enter04:00
almoxarifedatruth_: you dont need to wipe it, you can have both on the machine, its up to you04:01
ts2it tells you it will also remove all these packages, but that's likely to get lost in the other packages you are also removing. so you really have to *read* the output before continuing04:01
datruth_almoxarife: i was thinking gnome and kubuntu would take up alot of space04:01
James147ts2: so it dosnt remove them silently... then it shouldnt be a problem... assuming you dont just "yes | sudo apt-get..."04:01
almoxarifedatruth_: i would think it would add up to a gig maybe04:02
James147datruth_: depends on what you mean by allot... kubuntu is onlt about 2-3gig on a fresh install... and allot of that space would be shared by gnome...04:02
ts2James147: people generally don't like reading lots of information to "do a simple task", peope never read...04:02
James147ts2: yeah :(04:02
James147ts2: though I hope that if they ahve to ask here then they will at least be causious with that they run :)04:03
datruth_hrmm so 5gb for gnome and kde?04:03
James147datruth_: probally, maby less maby more depending on what else you have installed04:04
datruth_does kde have the gnome-shell like desktop where you can pin apps to the side etc?04:04
James147datruth_: it have a pannel which is far more felxable... you can add any app or widget to it... and place it on the side if you want04:06
James147you can pin application to the taskbar as well.... or add a launcher to the panel itself04:06
datruth_hopefully this will fix my graphics lag04:07
James147... moving the panel to the side and removing the other widgets then pinning the applications you want will result in a similar effect to unity04:08
James147I even think there is a plasma script somewhere that will make plasma-desktop look like unity ^^04:08
James147datruth_: heh, there are even widget designed to mimic unitys behaviour -> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/unity-like-launcher-for-kde-icon-tasks.html04:10
datruth_hrmm ok so kde is installed04:12
datruth_err kubuntu04:12
datruth_but every looks the same04:12
datruth_my login screen was different04:12
datruth_i liked that04:13
James147datruth_: logout and change the session type to "kde" or "plasama" and log in04:13
James147datruth_: you can have multiple desktop envroments installed... and you can pick which one you want to launch from the login screen, it defaults to what you picked previously04:14
datruth_ahh okay04:17
datruth_so I can still keep the gnome desktop with kubuntu but the mac theme funtionality will be gone?04:18
James147datruth_: mac theme functionality?04:18
datruth_yes like with the regulare gnome-shell i done have min/max buttons04:20
James147by default kde uses kwin... so you will have what that supports not what unitys window manager supports (same with the rest of the components)04:21
James147so yes, you will have a maximise and minimise button... though in kde you can remove them if you want :)04:21
datruth_i wonder if kubuntu uses more ram then that regular ubuntu?04:22
datruth_James147: i will keep I want the buttons04:22
James147you can also tell kde to use a different window manager if you want to replace it with the old one... though you lose some kde intergration if youu do04:22
datruth_how can this be done?04:22
datruth_and in kde or this window manager my graphics lag seems to have cleared up04:23
almoxarifedatruth_: dont tell the ubuntu people, they might like it04:24
James147system settings > default applications > windowmanager.... or if you just want to try it out for a session you can run you old window manager (ie if it was metacity run "metacity --replace")04:24
almoxarifedatruth_: anyway, welcome to a real desktop04:24
datruth_lol  yeah im liking this better04:30
datruth_almoxarife: do you use the plasma-desktop to?04:30
datruth_and how much ram does this normally use up04:30
James147datruth_: using 244M here... though it will vary allot depending on what widgets you have04:31
almoxarifedatruth_: yeap04:31
almoxarifei run around 398-412 at startup04:32
almoxarifeJames147: how do you keep it so lean?04:32
almoxarifedatruth_: i run plasma with cairo-dock04:33
James147almoxarife: only installed what I needed... (currently running on arch linux rather then kubutnu)04:33
datruth_are there default widgets I can edit to shrink the ram I am use .78 GB during startup04:33
ts2don't use firefox, then you'll see how much RAM you save...04:33
datruth_on a 12gb system maybe I shouldn't even care04:33
James147ts2: same can be said aout most browsers :)04:34
datruth_thx everyone for the help and info04:34
almoxarifeJames147: i try to find crap to offload but i ran out of obvious04:34
James147almoxarife: thats one reason I moved from kubuntu... i prefure building a system up rather then down04:34
ts2James147: firefox is more of a hog that most other things, it's apparently using nerly 1GB here, and I'm not even viewing anything flash-y04:35
almoxarifeJames147: i take the system and squeeze it slowly till its bone thin and begging for a little sugar in the diet, :)04:36
James147ts2: true..04:36
James147almoxarife: the 400M ram for plasma is with or without shared libs?04:37
almoxarifeJames147: not sure i am understanding, its total ram usage at idle with tracker at login from a boot04:38
James147almoxarife: so not plasma but the whole system?04:39
almoxarifeJames147: of course04:39
James147almoxarife: :) mine was for what plasma is currently using... at about 2.5G total ram04:40
James1471.2G if i close chromium:D04:41
almoxarifeJames147: at 1.5 gig abouts with chromium04:42
almoxarifeJames147: 1.104:42
James147have about 17 tabs open on mine :)04:42
datruth_how can I kill the startup sound?04:43
James147system settings > notifications04:43
datruth_awesome thx04:43
dies_iraeanyone chillin open dis pice??04:44
dies_iraekan axe a questino here??04:44
almoxarifei have yet to figure out how to increase the volume of system notices04:47
dies_iraeok here we go04:47
dies_iraebest amarok plasma widget for KDE??04:48
James147!best | dies_irae04:48
ubottudies_irae: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:48
dies_iraealmoxarife: i'd would find that annoying as hell.04:48
James147dies_irae: though I just use veromix (pulseaudio volume control widget) which has amarok controlls04:49
dies_iraemm.. amma check it out04:49
* almoxarife stripped pulse from plasma, excect where dependencies required some portion of it, runs great04:51
James147almoxarife: I have more issues with setting up alsa to work properly when I ahve with pulse :)04:51
dies_iraedamn, veromix crashed the desktop04:51
dies_iraehow to kill veromix??04:52
James147dies_irae: its a widget so is running as part of plasma-desktop...04:52
dies_irae:( seems like the entire windows engine is compromised. that'd suck if I have to kill my desktop!!!04:52
dies_iraeI mad as hell now!!!04:52
James147run "plasma-desktop" in a shell or krunner to relaunch it04:53
dies_iraenothing happens04:53
dies_iraekmenu killed as well04:54
James147run it in a shell and see what it outputs04:54
dies_iraeno output04:54
dies_iraedoesn't even return04:54
metap0dhrm so I just followed a short guide to get my nvidia optimus setup working, and it did indeed work. BUt when I followed the guide to update the graphics driver I lost a ton of fps in glxgears, is there an easy way to revert?04:55
James147metap0d: ignore glxgears framerate04:55
James147metap0d: a decrease means nothing04:55
metap0dJames147: I hope so ... I lost like 3,500 fps : P04:56
James147and an increase means nothing... it is not a benchmarking util04:56
James147metap0d: what is it now?04:56
dies_iraeJames147: whats' that supposed to do?04:57
metap0dit's incredibly sporadic ..., anywhere from 2500 to 340004:57
* dies_irae wishes didn't install bug ridden veromix04:57
metap0dsorry I was reading frames04:57
metap0daround 690fps as an average04:57
metap0dwhich is like 300 above my intel card :/04:57
skierpageIn Kubuntu 11.10 I used `sudo aptitude remove` to uninstall some unnecessary packages before an update That worked, but then I got a different system tray (i) notification about updates. I now have muon-updater and apper --updates running.04:57
dies_iraeJames147: the widget got a question mark.04:57
James147metap0d: I wouldnt worry about it... its quite common to get a decrease in fps on glxgears while getting an increase in fps form actual graphics programs04:58
James147dies_irae: then remove the widget04:58
skierpageI guess it doesn't hurt, but it seems strange I've got two updaters. I think normally Apper appears from the gear with a download arrow.04:58
metap0di see04:59
metap0dbrb reboot needed : P04:59
skierpageHmmm, http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=97650 says "apper (and kpackagekit) was replaced by Muon in Kubuntu 11.10." True?05:00
James147skierpage: yup05:00
datruth_how can I increase my volume it seems like I have to drag the volume bar up 4bars before I hear anything?05:00
James147skierpage: you might still have both installed... should be safe to remove one (or even both :)  )  you can always use command line to install them again05:01
dies_iraeJames147: how?? the whole thing is frozen up!!05:01
dies_iraeJames147: I don't have right click anymore!!05:01
skierpageJames147 thanks, hmm, interesting the 11.10 system update didn't clean them out.05:01
James147dies_irae: "killall plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop" in krunner05:01
dies_iraewhat can I kill that wont bring down the windowing system??05:01
datruth_And how can I use my nvida hdmi sound?05:02
James147datruth_: look at phonons settings in the multimedia section of system settings05:02
dies_iraeJames147: PHHHEEEEWWW!!!! that did it!!05:02
dies_iraeI was terrified of losing my 200 opened tabs in firefox!!05:03
James147dies_irae: you should close or bookmark them if your that worried...05:03
James147dies_irae: also, firefox tends to have a good crash handler and restores tabs if that happens05:03
almoxarifedies_irae <-- troll05:03
dies_iraeJames147: why veromix crashed plasma?? any other amarok widget that won't crash my OS??05:03
skierpage`sudo aptitude remove apper` got rid of it, and libpackagekit-qt2-2. Thanks!05:04
James147dies_irae: not sure.... and look at kdelook.org for other widgets05:04
dies_iraealmoxarife: who u callin troll??05:04
dies_iraeJames147: I am running 11.1005:05
datruth_James147: ok so i've tested sound out of the nvida hdmi how do I make it the master channel?05:05
James147datruth_: set it as the prefered device for all the outputs on the first tab in the phonon configs05:06
almoxarifedies_irae: you, 200 tabs open??? no, cant see it05:06
* James147 knows some people that can ahve that many open :s and dosnt under stand how they can use their browser 05:07
dies_iraeah alright, sometimes is more when I have other browsers opened simultanously. But since I am on LiveUSB I try to keep it small.05:07
James147though i guess taht 200 is an exagration05:07
datruth_James147: by doing that I have no sound now05:07
datruth_James147: that sound must only be for the hdmi port?05:07
dies_iraewhy exageration?? there are many sites on da intrawobz.05:08
James147^^ thats what book marks are for05:08
datruth_James147: how  can I adjust my volume so it can play louder than what the volume bar is allowing me to hear05:09
James147datruth_: not sure you can... though run "alsamixer" in a terminal and check the volumes there (f6 to switch devices)05:10
romeyrohello guys, anyone know how i can use my desktop like the older kde version. I can not create folder and file on my desktop :S05:10
James147romeyro: kde4 uses widgets on the desktop bydefault, you can place file and folders there as widgets, or you can use the "folder view" widget to display the contents of a single folder (and interact with them).... or you can change the activity type to "folder view" to get legicy behaviour05:12
James147romeyro: the folder view widget has the advantage that you can have multiples of them pointing to different folders...05:13
James147(and can also be placed in the panel)05:13
romeyroits a good idea James147, its how i set it on my desktop but my laptop screen is small and i always need to create really quick a file or a folder. With the desktop accessibility it ll be faster05:17
* James147 tends to use a terminal when he needs ro quickly create files and folders :D05:18
James147romeyro: but anyway :) switch the activity type to folderview to turn the background into the folderview widget05:19
romeyroi use a terminal too but when u have to copy files really quick from another media :P a quick drag and drop couldnt be bad :)05:19
romeyroJames147: Thank you for your help :)05:21
dies_iraebest app to take screenshots?05:23
James147dies_irae: ksnapshot05:23
James147is the default kubuntu/kde one05:24
datruth_James147: in ubuntu /  gnome there was a button to make things larger05:25
James147datruth_: there is a kwin effect to do that05:26
James147datruth_: system settings > desktop effects > all effect > zoom (make sure its enabled)05:26
James147meta+- and meta+= to zoom in and out meta+0 to reset05:27
datruth_James147: hrmm05:30
James147datruth_:  ^^05:35
datruth_those settings didn't make a change at all05:41
datruth_oh what is meta+=?05:41
datruth_got it thats works thx05:42
datruth_err windowsx key i mean05:42
James147datruth_: yeah, meta means the windows key on most keyboards05:44
datruth_doesn't work like it did in ubuntu05:44
James147datruth_: how did it work?05:44
datruth_there was zoom option and something that just enlarged the desktop and words etc05:44
James147font size?05:44
datruth_yeah i clicked a button and my font changed for everything05:44
datruth_making it more readable05:44
James147datruth_: do you switch font sizes allot?05:46
datruth_clicked one button and made life easier05:46
James147datruth_: then system settings > app appearnce > fonts05:47
datruth_yeah that didn't really help05:49
datruth_it made everything bigger but my chat window05:49
datruth_i'll just adjust the fonts manually for each app05:49
James147datruth_: chat window for what?05:50
datruth_like right now im in a terminal window05:50
datruth_on irssi05:50
datruth_and the font that I see now of this chat05:50
datruth_hasn't changed05:50
James147datruth_: konsole can override the systems font setings05:50
James147datruth_: settings > configure current profile > apperance05:51
James147also crtl+shift+= and ctrl+- change font size in konsole05:51
datruth_yeah i'll just use that05:52
datruth_thanks everyone for the help06:23
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dies_iraeis it possible to see file torrent completion in Dolphin??07:08
dies_iraeI'd find that to be useful07:08
dies_iraeso I know when to open the file.07:08
jessie_dies_irae: I don't believe so.07:09
e_t_Not in Dolphin, no. But you can minimize KTorrent to the systray and keep an eye on it that way.07:09
dies_iraethere's an appropiate meme for this sorta situation.07:10
dies_iraebut I can't say it though.07:10
dies_iraee_t_: I am not using ktorrent, rtorrent07:11
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:16
dies_iraeI have a question07:23
dies_iraehello? anyone?07:23
Tm_Tdies_irae: hello, you should just ask your question (:07:23
dies_iraeI know07:23
dies_iraeit's about kubuntu laptop install.07:24
dies_iraeit had a funky overlay, not the full desktop. anyone have an idea why would that happen?07:24
dies_iraeit was awfull but when back to regular kde desktop after a few reboots.07:25
dies_iraesomeone care to explain this bizarre behavior?07:25
Tm_Tdies_irae: patience (:07:27
Tm_Tdies_irae: do you have plasma-desktop and plasma-netbook installed?07:28
dies_iraeTm_T: now that you mentioned that, I might've dowloaded a netbook edition ISO.07:28
Tm_Tif unlucky, you might have them both running and fighting on which one is on top07:28
dies_iraebut I am still curious why did it default to regular KDE?? The weird overlay did crash a few times too.07:29
dies_iraehow to fix 99% stuck torrent??07:37
dies_irae^^^ First World Problemo07:37
raymearshi everyone. using 11.10 with kde 4.8 rc2 from the beta ppa. i have this issue of virtuoso hogging one cpu core.. on and off..but still... on a dual core with a vm running in parallel it tends to be rather tedious..08:26
raymearsany ideas what i can do about it?08:26
raymearsmy cpu fan is spinning up like mad!08:40
raymearsi have even disabled strigi08:42
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rethusi still read at the kubuntu-page about office-suite "Open office" isn't it libre office anymore?11:10
saad_Hi all.11:51
saad_lethu: Hi.11:51
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sb1980hi! what's the recommended driver/setup for a "ATI Technologies Inc RV610 video device [Radeon HD 2400 PRO]" with 2 monitors11:53
sb1980i'm feeling like catalyst is slowing down my system11:54
ikoniasb1980: why do you feel that12:00
rethusmaybe try the default kubuntu driver.. but catalyst is speeding up my system a lot... java3d is not working without it12:00
sb1980ikonia: i've got 2 stations running kubuntu. 1 desktop pc with catalyst driver and 1 laptop without (nvidia card). the desktop has 8GB ram, laptop 4GB and the desktop has more CPU. it's still slower then my laptop12:02
sb1980and by now, the driver is the only big difference i see12:03
ikoniasb1980: nvidia doesn't use catalyst12:03
ikoniasb1980: they are totally different systems with display engine there is no reason to blame catalyst12:03
sb1980that's why that one is faster... its the one without catalyst and nvidia. catalyst & ati is slow12:03
ikoniasb1980: that's a crazy way to approach it12:03
sb1980ikonia: i'm just guessing. because i feel the system slowing down when it comes to window effects etc12:04
sb1980which are running smooth on the nvidia system12:04
ikoniasb1980: ati support in general is poor,12:04
sb1980ikonia, rethus: so i guess switching to defualt driver would be worth a try12:07
ikoniayou probably won't get hardware accelleration12:07
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saad__Hi all.12:15
yon_how can i install kde themes manually12:20
yon_how can i install kde themes manually12:22
saad__Hi all.12:23
yon_how can i install kde themes manually12:23
saad__Can someone please help me install the the brcm80211 driver for the Broadcom 4313 wireless chipset on Ubuntu?12:24
yon_how can i install kde themes manually12:25
yon_this thing sucks, gnome rocks12:26
sb1980are there any other ideas why the system is slowing down that much?12:41
ikoniapoor ati support ?12:44
noaXesssince laste kate update. executable fiels wil be executed instead of opened in default application, like kate... eg. .py files will be executed if execute bit is set.. before update, they are opened in default app kate..12:58
noaXessany hint how to set that behavior back?12:58
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noaXessor maybe it's a dolphin issue, change13:02
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noaXessin dolphin executable files will be executed.. but i want, that they are opened in eg. kate... how to change that behavior?13:20
yon_hellow hellow13:50
yon_i can run blender 2.58 portable in kubuntu 11.1013:50
yon_i cant run blender 2.58 portable in kubuntu 11.1013:50
Torchyon_: i thought you were going to use gnome?13:52
JumpJiveAndHailHey folks.  Need help setting up wireless.  I've got Ubuntu server LTE 10.04 with the KDE desktop on top of it.  Can't get the sucker to work for the life of me.14:05
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LynoureI have a really strange problem14:58
prodigywhat kind of problem?14:58
LynoureIf I use G+ hangout, or other Google video chat on my Chromium, the image flickers rapidly, and does that through (sic!) other windows14:58
LynoureHave not tried with firefox yet.14:59
prodigyCheck it out..  On the other hand also try re-installing Chromium15:00
prodigyYour codex might be f##ked15:00
LynoureBut a chromium problem should not cause such flicker through other windows...15:01
LynoureI think. So which package should I reinstall, any idea?15:01
prodigyWhich one have you got?15:02
LynoureI don't know what codex it is....15:03
prodigyjust use the software center15:05
BluesKajHey all15:10
sakljdfaklsjdfaAny Backtrack 5 users??15:47
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OmarHi all.15:53
OmarI have this problem with my Broadcom 4313 [14e4:4727] Wireless chipset which I later discovered is not supported, unfortunately. But I still think there should be something I can do about it. Can someone please help me?15:55
new2netSomething I am running is making an excessive number of DNS queries. How would I find the process responsible? I am using kubuntu 11.04 (natty), if that matters.16:19
BluesKajnew2net,  tell us what you're running16:20
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new2netBluesKaj, ps ax ?16:21
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rp12_hello there, 2 things i did and now kubuntu keeps annoying me every boot. i set up kmail to see what its like and later removed, but now every book kwallet asks me for password, and i already deleted all the itens in the only wallet i have.16:23
rp12_and also, i disabled nepomuk indexing and every book a message pops up about akonadi needing nepomuk indexing to work properly.16:24
rp12_any fixes?16:24
jessierp12_: You may want to try deleting the whole wallet, and stopping Kmail from running.16:24
jessieDoes it say anything about what program asked to open the wallet?16:24
rp12_jessie: nope, it just say its for gmail access. and kmail is already purged from my system.16:25
rp12_jessie: ill try to remove the entire wallet.16:25
jessierp12_: Ah. Akonadi seems to be how the IMAP server gets interacted with. I believe it is a 'Akonadi Resource' that does it. You may also want to go into the Akonadi resources and check to ensure it is gone from there too.16:27
rp12_jessie: yep! the "google mail" thing is listed in akonadi resources and has a note "user rejected wallet access".16:29
rp12_jessie: thank you man!16:29
SpenserWildeHi all.16:29
jessierp12_: Sure thing!16:29
rp12_jessie: looks like akonadi is whats causing all my problems16:29
jessierp12_: I know how you feel. Great idea in theory, but it still needs some work.16:29
SpenserWildeIt's me again, with the same problem as yesterday. My Broadcom 4313 [14e4:4727] isn't working properly. :/16:30
jessieSpenserWilde: This is on that new HP?16:30
SpenserWildejessie, Yes. The Core i5 HP 9 series.16:31
jessieDid you get it to work very well at all yesterday, SpenserWilde?16:32
rp12_oh noes, wikipedia is offline to protest sopa :(16:32
SpenserWildejessie, Nope. I'm still having the same problem. It detects and connects to the wireless but it doesn't detect the whole signal (only 80% of it at best), and the internet speed is extremely slow. Not a single webpage loads.16:33
rp12_using firebug you can block the wikipedia blocking message and use it normally :) heh16:34
jessierp12_: Or you can disable Javascript. No JS, no problem.16:36
rp12_jessie: heh, even easier :)16:36
SpenserWildejessie, Now for some reason, after I tinkered with it for some time, I don't even have an "Enable Wireless" option, and typing "rfkill list all" in a terminal yields not results at all.16:40
jessieSpenserWilde:  Well... I dunno. I've never had that problem.16:41
SpenserWildeWell.. Then I wish somebody else can  help me.. :(16:41
BluesKajjessie,  run in the terminal, sudo dhclient wlan0 , or whatever you wlan has been assigned..thi s should autoconfigure an existing connection16:50
BluesKajerr not jessie , SpenserWilde , read above16:51
OliveGreenBluesKaj, it says "cannot find wlan0".16:52
OliveGreenBluesKaj, Plus, there is no "Enable Wireless" option available for some reason. After I tried to fiddle with it for some time.16:53
jessieOliveGreen: Are you sure you have the hardware switch on? Is the wireless light on the laptop on?16:54
OliveGreenjessie, Yes it is.16:55
OliveGreenI am trying to pastebin the relevant parts of the Jockey.log for you to take a look at but the file is huge!16:59
BluesKajOliveGreen,  sudo ifconfig wlan0 up , then run this to find the network , sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid17:00
omarBluesKaj, tyt (This is SpenserWilde).17:02
BluesKajwish you guys would keep the same nicks17:08
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SpenserWild_It's me SpenserWild (from the HP laptop).17:10
SpenserWild_BluesKaj, are you there?17:11
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datruth_During boot up right before my login screen appears I get a funky background like it got broke or something then after login everything is fine can anyone explain tbis?17:18
ScuniziSince installing and using the kubuntu-desktop *after* ubuntu-desktop was installed, the software updates program (kde version) will list what is available but will not download/install as it errors our about propert authorization not being provided.  There's never a dialogue for entering the password. What's the fix? or is there one. CLI upgrades with apt are painless.17:18
BluesKajSpenseWilde_,  yup , i'm here17:19
datruth_Scunizi: i get that same problem17:20
BluesKajScunizi,  using sudo with apt-get ?17:20
datruth_so I use apt-get in terminal17:20
ScuniziBluesKaj: apt-get works fine17:21
BluesKajthen use that muon package manager is buggy17:21
Scunizidatruth_: that's what I've been doing.. actually have a bash_aliases entry for full upgrades called "up"17:21
BluesKajuse apt-get , that is17:21
datruth_does anyone else have this werid screen boot problem?17:22
ScuniziBluesKaj: okie dokie.. how do normally fresh installed kubuntu users find out how to upgrade?17:22
datruth_werid patterns and colors17:22
Scunizidatruth_: could be a video driver issue17:22
Scunizidatruth_: not being loaded at that moment17:22
datruth_so this is normal behavior?17:22
Scunizidatruth_: I wouldn't sweat that one either.17:22
BluesKajsudo apt-get update , then, sudo apt-get upgrade , Scunizi17:22
datruth_ahh I see17:23
ScuniziBluesKaj: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:23
datruth_alright then thought it was an issue that needed to be addressed before it got worse17:23
BluesKajalso sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will keep your kde version up to date17:23
ScuniziBluesKaj: you mean with new point releases?17:23
ScuniziBluesKaj: I thought that was done through backports or someplace17:24
Scunizior PPA's17:24
BluesKajScunizi,  I don't run that string , in case there's someting in the update that I don't want and so i can see what's going to be upgraded17:24
SpenseWilde_BluesKaj, Typing "rfkill list all" yields no results at all.17:24
SpenseWilde_BluesKaj, Also, trying to activate the driver from the Restricted Drivers gives me an error in Jockey.log.17:25
ScuniziBluesKaj: I've never run into that situation.. mostly for my production desktop.  no additional servers loaded like apache etc.17:25
BluesKajScunizi,  no matter , i ike to see what's being updated :)17:26
BluesKajScunizi,  , but it's your choice17:26
ScuniziBluesKaj: how to you reference what is in the list for dist-upgrade prior to actually upgrading?17:26
BluesKajby just running the upgrade , before saying "Y"17:27
BluesKajI have all my apt commands aliased , so it's nor biggie17:28
Scuniziah.. even using that string in a bash_aliases file I still get quired (sp?) to enter "Y" with each section of upgrade.17:28
BluesKajSpenseWilde_,  what wifi card? , lspci | grep -i net17:30
BluesKajoops , wrong command SpenserWilde '17:31
datruth_looks like in kubuntu ive lost my virtualbox17:31
datruth_and I can't seem to install the .deb from the site17:31
Scunizidatruth_: what happens?  I've not had that issue17:31
Scunizidatruth_: are you installing by trying to double click the deb? if it doesn't then the execute bit is probably not set. Right mouse click > Permissions or use CLI and sudo +x <file_name.deb>17:33
datruth_i get he install logo17:34
datruth_it pretends to install17:34
datruth_but does nothing17:34
datruth_so i've done apt-get install virtualbox17:34
datruth_hoping i can override it17:34
BluesKajdatruth_,  open a terminal in the folder with deb file , then sudo dpkg -i nameof.deb , or whatever the name is17:35
Scunizidatruth_: that command gives you a different version of vbox without usb support and other things.. you'll have to uninstall that prior to installing the .deb.. you might also have to install build-essential if you haven't done so already.. also install dkms17:35
Scunizidatruth_: BluesKaj's way typically will also work if the extra packages are not needed.17:35
BluesKajit's just the generic dpkg install command17:36
BluesKajif VB needs other associate apps then that's  another story17:37
datruth_cool thx got it installed17:44
Scunizidatruth_: with the dpkg command only??17:47
datruth_Scunizi: yes17:59
datruth_I uninstalled the previous virtualbox version18:00
datruth_and reinstalled the new version with the above command18:00
secforus_ehansenIs Kubuntu a rolling release now?18:34
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James147secforus_ehansen: no, and it never will be18:38
secforus_ehansenJames147, so it's going to stick with the same 6-month RC its always had?18:39
James147secforus_ehansen: yup... though they have introduced upgradeing some packages (like firefox) during the release cycle18:40
secforus_ehansenJames147, thanks!  Makes me glad to know not all Ubuntu-derivatives are going that way.18:41
James147secforus_ehansen: which ones are?18:41
secforus_ehansenJames147, not sure to be honest, I've only really used Ubuntu and Kubuntu, but I remember reading a while ago Ubuntu was going on a rolling release, so I was worrying all the derivatives were as well18:42
jessiesecforus_ehansen: I believe Mintt is.18:42
James147secforus_ehansen: since ubuntu and kubuntu are effectivly they same (they share the same repos and base system... just have diffent packages installed) kubuntu will always follow ubuntu release cycle.... though I dont see why ubuntu would switch to a rolling release18:43
James147secforus_ehansen: are you sure you wernt reason something that was talking about ubuntu updating `some` packages after a release?18:44
secforus_ehansenI don't think Mint is, but I could be wrong.  I'm sure, though, on what I read.  It was just in talks when the articles were made, so it wasn't anything set in stone, but they were talking about Ubuntu wanting to go on a rolling release18:45
metap0dHI everyone, I freshly installed kubuntu 11.10 on my laptop and used muon to update my system. It froze at 53% after an hour of waiting so I hard reset.18:47
James147secforus_ehansen: I don't see that happeneing... ubuntu gets most of its money from supprot contracts... which is much easier to do with a fixed release cycle18:47
James147metap0d: the update froze or your system froze?18:48
metap0donly the update18:48
metap0dit actually happened yesterday too, i tried reformatting with kubuntu again and same thing18:48
secforus_ehansenJames147, that makes sense.  It might've been a rumor that caught on, like usual.18:48
metap0dexcept yesterday it froze at 52%, not 53%18:49
James147metap0d: run the update on command line and see what it says (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade)18:49
metap0danyways ... every time i try to launch the muon package manager it crashes with a segmentation fault :(18:49
metap0dyeah i did18:49
James147metap0d: and what did it say?18:49
metap0dright after the crash when I restarted .. it told me to run something like sudo dpkg --configure -a or something18:50
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metap0dafter doing that then running sudo apt-get update ... it downloaded/installed some more stuffed18:50
metap0dand was successful18:50
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metap0deverything seems to work fine now ... except the software manager crashes every time18:51
James147metap0d: try purging and reinstalling it... "sudo apt-get purge <package name>"18:52
metap0ddumb question James ... but how do I find out its package name? I tried right clicking on it in the menu to see if there was a target like windows18:54
James147metap0d: its probally muon ^^ but "apt-file <file>" will tell you what package file belongs to18:56
James147^^ no wait... cannot remember the syntax of apt-file :p18:57
JumpJiveAndHailHowdy all.  I've got KDE on top of Ubuntu Server LTE (10.04) and I can't get wireless networking to work for the life of me.18:58
metap0di tried removing/reinstalling 'muon' but it was only 300kb18:58
BluesKajMetaBot,  muon in it's latest offering is buggy ...had at least 20 complaints about it crashing in the last few days . forget muon , use adept or synaptic or better yet apt-get in the terminal19:01
BluesKajoops too late19:02
JumpJiveAndHailFolks, can I get some help setting up my wireless network connection?19:24
James147JumpJiveAndHail: What problem are you having with it?19:27
JumpJiveAndHailKubuntu detects my wireless card, on wlan0.  Network manager finds the local network -- Belkin... It's using WPA/WPA2, and I've typed in the passkey.  It still doesn't connect to the network.19:28
secforus_ehansenUsing AES or TKIP for encryption?19:29
JumpJiveAndHailI am not sure which.19:30
secforus_ehansenCheck your router's wireless settings.  TKIP can sometimes cause issues with connectivity19:32
JumpJiveAndHailI'll try mucking with that, thank you.19:32
secforus_ehansenAlso, are you able to connect wirelessly using any other devices like laptop or smartphone?19:32
JumpJiveAndHailI can connect using other laptops (Windows machines).19:33
JumpJiveAndHail& can connect when I boot into Windows XP on this laptop.19:33
secforus_ehansenProbably the TKIP/AES issue as said, or your settings are incorrect somewhere in the wireless config19:33
JumpJiveAndHailThe encryption type is AES.19:38
secforus_ehansenFor fun switch over to TKIP19:38
JumpJiveAndHailDo I need to specify the BSSID in Network Manager?19:43
secforus_ehansenNot sure, I wanna say yes19:45
ninociao a tutti19:47
BluesKaj!it | nino19:47
ubottunino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:47
JumpJiveAndHailOk.  When I mouse over Network Manager in the tray, it shows my network, a green icon, and a full blue bar.  Does this mean I'm connected after all, and the issue is elsewhere?19:55
BluesKajyes, I think so . altho I haven't used wifi in a while . JumpJiveAndHail19:57
Sune__Does anyone know how I can set the display screen rotation to also work with the login screen?19:59
BluesKajdid you enter your wep or wpa-psk pwd and does the NM gui indicate a connection , JumpJiveAndHail?20:00
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BluesKajSune__,  I beleive that only works with the virtual desktops20:03
JumpJiveAndHailI've entered my wpa-psk key; the gui appears to indicate a connection.20:03
Sune__I hope not, otherwise my login will forever be upside down : /20:04
BluesKajcan you surf to a website , JumpJiveAndHail?20:04
Sune__is there a way to set the default destop rotation to load previous to the user select prompt?20:05
John-_-Oneillhello, does anyone use monodevelop here ?20:07
JumpJiveAndHailNo, I can't.  I think I'm going to connect via a wired connection to install Wireless Assistant and see if that gets me anywhere.20:11
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BluesKajJumpJiveAndHail,  which wifi chip ?20:11
rg12_hey guys... anyone knows how to configure the mouse movement so it behaves more or less like in windows? I just can't get used to the acceleration and precision of the mouse on linux. i have to use both win7 and linux (kubuntu) and there's a difference20:13
JumpJiveAndHailIt's an Intel Centrino Ultimate-N Series 802.1120:13
rg12_i've tried playing with the settings like acceleration multiplier and thereshould but couldn't manage to achieve something good20:14
JumpJiveAndHailSorry, Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 (3x3)20:15
BluesKajJumpJiveAndHail,  sudo modprobe iwlagn20:16
soeeBluesKaj, hi got one question20:17
soeeany idea why when running dolphin as root im loosing sound in my system?20:17
soeebut notifications works in dolphin20:17
BluesKajsoe do you kubuntu sounds or just audio in general , soee ?20:18
soeeBluesKaj, no audio in movies, cant play mp3 etc20:18
JumpJiveAndHailI entered that, however there was no response in the terminal window.20:19
BluesKajare you opening your ~/music folder with root permissions , soee ?20:19
BluesKajJumpJiveAndHail,  that's good , now try to connect altho a reboot might be in order first20:20
rg12_looks like the mouse on windows accelerates based only on a multiplier and has no thereshold20:21
rg12_so the speed is proportional20:21
soeeBluesKaj, i cant play music files from dolphin running as root nor with normal user20:22
BluesKajsoee,  have you setup alsamixer and pulseaudio in phonon , if pulse is installed20:23
soeeBluesKaj, normally ihave sound - no problem with that20:23
rg12_only thing i know is that on linux my medium-quality mouse moves like a 200dpi cheap china mouse20:23
soeejust when i run kdesudo dolphin20:23
soeemy sound is gone :o20:24
BluesKajsoee,  strange , I have no idea , sorry :)20:24
BluesKajgotta go ...errands to run before the next storm hits us ..bb in an hr or so.20:25
soeeBluesKaj, yeah i know its strange :/ this root things are strange,20:25
JumpJiveAndHailHmm.  No luck.20:27
JumpJiveAndHailThanks much for your help, though, BluesKaj & all.  Got to run.20:27
bassokubuntu aint that bad20:43
lwizardlI was wondering how to I tell ktorrent to stop using archive manager for opening files and instead use the one default in the normal click option. I think th default on my system was document viewer but in ktorrent it tried to open them as archives20:50
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Martthi evrybody21:14
jolathe title bar from all windows disappeared and they can't be resized, and alt+tab doesn't work. why?21:38
jolathe windows don't even come to the foreground after clicking on them21:38
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RiotingPacifistkubuntu doesn't autosuspend when left idle22:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:00
RiotingPacifistubottu is now ignoring my PMs :(23:01
ubottuRiotingPacifist: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:01
ts2RiotingPacifist: have you told it to?23:18
RiotingPacifistts2:  yes the powersettings should suspend (to ram) after 1 minutes23:21
ts2and is the power profile active?23:21
RiotingPacifistts2: none of the powerprofiles suspend they do dim and blank screen though23:23
ts2RiotingPacifist: works for me, just tested it23:29
RiotingPacifistts2: thanks but I can't seem to find much on how to look into this as suspend,etc do work when clicked in kde i think it might be a polkit problem as i've had problems with that but then why can i susped it "manually" (still via kde not cli)23:31
ts2there should be no difference, all I can suggest is make sure you have configured which profiles are active when on/off AC etc23:33
RiotingPacifistts2: the profiles are correctly configured and I'm specifying my testing profile (suspend after 1 minute) manually23:33
ts2that's pretty much what I did, but it worked here23:35
hobbes13i've looked everywhere online //  my top panel keeps dissapearing and moving all around. any suggestions?23:35
hobbes13is this a bug?23:37
RiotingPacifisthonik: is it set to disapear (unlock it click the configure icon, more settings, visibility -> is it set to windows can cover or auto-hide)23:50
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