
StevenKsteven@liquified:~/launchpad/lp-branches/kill-launchbag-with-fire% bzr grep ILaunchBag | wc -l00:01
StevenKwgrant: QA done00:01
wgrantStevenK: Thankyou sir.00:02
StevenKsinzui: XMLRPC is implicated, which concerns me00:02
sinzuiskip it then. change the ones that keep slowing us down00:02
sinzuiStevenK, I looked at the template that makes the bug links00:03
StevenKlib/lp/xmlrpc/application.py:        caller = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user00:03
sinzuiI think the view's .unofficial_tags and .official_tags could make make sane links instead of the template. That would be easier to test00:04
StevenKlib/lp/app/browser/launchpad.py:        self.user = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user00:04
sinzuiStevenK, just focus on bugtask and maybe bugnomination00:05
sinzuiStevenK, the bag is not 100% 20% is useful. We get stuck when it is used instead of the context information.00:05
StevenKBugTasksAndNominationsView.current_bugtask == return getUtility(ILaunchBag).bugtask00:07
StevenKsinzui: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/808023/00:14
wallyworldStevenK: could you "bin/ec2 land" this for me? my precise system is borked https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/subscription-policy-text-912159/+merge/8880800:19
sinzuiStevenK, I think it needs some checking. For example I see in configure.zcml that IBugNomination is the thing that is passed to some the nomination views00:20
sinzuiStevenK, and why would get_assignee_vocabulary_info have self.user, it is an 8 line function00:24
sinzuiStevenK, the two callsites of get_assignee_vocabulary_info are Lp views and do know the user, so they should pass the user with the context00:25
StevenKsinzui: Right, which I just did.00:25
StevenKsinzui: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/808035/ is a updated diff00:25
sinzuiStevenK, BugListingBatchNavigator is not an Lp view. it I think we could use request.user though00:29
StevenKwallyworld: It has been tossed at ec2.00:30
wallyworldStevenK: thanks. looking at your use-combo branch now00:31
sinzuiStevenK, the other option is the make some of the classes inherit from UserAttributeCache which provides .user to lp views00:31
wallyworldyeah, typo00:31
StevenKsinzui: Using request.user sounds fine to me00:31
StevenKI thought after create_initialized_view(), you could call view() to get the actual HTML out?00:36
StevenKsinzui: If you think my launchbag diff is good I can commit, push and create an MP00:37
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: devel broken until r14681 | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: StevenK | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
sinzuiStevenK, I think the bug nomination changes will break the bugtask ones might work00:37
StevenKcjwatson: r=me for https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/archive-copy-packages-source-series/+merge/87942 , shall I land it for you?00:40
wallyworldStevenK: use-convoy doesn't load the yui stuff properly for me, looking to find out why00:42
StevenKwallyworld: Did you 'make clean' and 'make'?00:43
wallyworldStevenK: yep00:43
wallyworldit appears the bootstrap yui.js file is not loaded because of a wrong url00:44
lifelesswgrant: I'd be happier if authenticateUsingBasicAuth wasn't *called* outside the test runner00:44
StevenKwallyworld: Which wrong URL?00:44
StevenKwallyworld: OH!00:44
StevenKwallyworld: You to run sudo make copy-apache-config00:44
wgrantlifeless: It isn't00:44
wgrantlifeless: Which is why it crashes.00:44
wallyworldStevenK: right, i'll do that00:45
wgrantlifeless: See the next hunk, which adds an config.isTestRunner() check to the call00:45
lifelesswgrant: ok, so uhm, comment there that it shouldn't be called00:45
cjwatsonStevenK: yes please, thanks00:45
lifelessI was thinking we could put something in the test runner zcml00:45
lifelessbut I see its not componentised00:45
wgrantI considered that, but it would need a bit of refactoring.00:46
wallyworldStevenK: apache restart fails with: Invalid command 'WSGIScriptAlias'00:47
wallyworldmissing module00:47
StevenKwallyworld: Install libapache2-mod-wsgi00:48
* wallyworld does that00:49
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: StevenK | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
StevenKcjwatson: Right, I've reviewed all four of your branches, I'll toss them all at ec2.00:49
cjwatsonStevenK: neat, thanks00:52
wallyworldStevenK: still issues, trying make clean again00:52
lifelesswgrant: anyhow, I don't have anything significant to say00:53
lifelessobviously there is a risk00:53
wallyworldStevenK: i assume we need to include the libapache2-mod-wsgi package as a launchpad dep now00:53
StevenKwallyworld: That can be done at the same time we add convoy00:54
rick_hwallyworld: I don't think so00:54
rick_hit'll be a convoy dep00:54
wgrantI don't think convoy should depend on it.00:54
wgrantIt can be run in any WSGI server...00:54
rick_hah, right. and we're serving out of the same apache anyway00:55
wgrantlifeless: I think we should eliminate it eventually, but there are so many tests to migrate.00:55
wgrantAnd it's not clear what's best to migrate to.00:55
wallyworldStevenK: so, still broken. i'll see if there's anything in the apache logs00:55
StevenKwallyworld: What does wget --no-check-certificate https://launchpad.dev/combo?yui/yui/yui-min.js give you?00:57
wgrant+combo, please00:57
wallyworldStevenK: will try that. btw, saw this in apache error log00:57
wallyworldTraceback (most recent call last):00:57
wallyworld  File "/home/ian/projects/lp-branches/devel-sandbox/scripts/branch-rewrite.py", line 15, in <module>00:57
wallyworld    import _pythonpath00:57
wallyworldImportError: No module named _pythonpath00:57
* StevenK stabs wgrant00:57
StevenKwallyworld: Unrelated00:57
rick_hwgrant: I'm going to start working on the convoy parsing the path tomorrow. I'll see if I can get the +combo going. I want to try to keep consistant somewhat with the other teams using it00:59
wallyworldStevenK: it gets me a file containing00:59
wgrantrick_h: Right.00:59
wgrantrick_h: LP is sort of special, though, in that our top-level namespace is user-controlled.00:59
StevenKrick_h: I can switch to +combo pretty easily00:59
wallyworldStevenK: https://pastebin.canonical.com/58279/01:00
rick_hwgrant: yea, I need to look into the best way to parse the url our to split on host/$disk_path/$ignoreme_or_something01:00
rick_hwallyworld: ok that means that it can't find the files on disk you asked for01:00
StevenKwallyworld: find /var/tmp/convoy -type f01:01
wallyworldrick_h: yeah, figured as much01:01
rick_hwallyworld: but that means it did get served via the combo loader application01:01
rick_hso yay for partial success01:01
StevenKSucessful failure!01:02
rick_hlol, that's what we decided to call it wasn't it01:02
wallyworldrick_h: StevenK: i suspect the yui tarball is not being unpacked correctly. i think my/deryck's last buildout mods are missing, looking now01:03
StevenKwallyworld: We do that ourselves01:03
StevenKwallyworld: Using bin/combo-rootdir01:04
wallyworldah ok. our buildout mods are for the legacy launchpad.js then01:04
StevenKAnd therefore pointless01:04
StevenKSince LP has no hope to build against 3.4.101:04
StevenKrick_h: /+combo changes pushed01:05
wallyworldStevenK: rick_h: so here's what's under /var/tmp/convoy/yui: https://pastebin.canonical.com/58280/01:05
wallyworldStevenK: the idea was that we would just unpack from the tarball the yui build dir01:06
wallyworldwhich is all the combo loader needs IIUC01:06
wallyworldie we don't want to copy across all the src etc01:06
wallyworldso we may have a slight disconnect here01:06
wallyworldsince what is under /var/tmp/convoy now is not what i was expecting to see01:07
wallyworld/var/tmp/convoy/yui i mean01:07
StevenKwallyworld: Well, everytime I tried to get involved, deryck told me to shush01:07
wallyworldhe did didn't he01:08
StevenKwallyworld: bin/combo-rootdir is built from a buildout template, and it will unpack the yui in versions.cfg01:08
StevenKwallyworld: Oh, and be careful running bin/combo-rootdir01:08
StevenKIf you run it with no arguments, it will attempt to remove /*01:09
wallyworldStevenK: so, why that script and not a buildout recipe?01:09
StevenKwallyworld: Because buildout recipes are a pox01:09
wallyworldbut we have one that works01:09
wallyworldthat we were expecting to be used01:09
wallyworldthat unpacks the yui files in downlaod cache - the versions we wan tto switch between01:10
StevenKwallyworld: Then you and deryck made lovely assumptions01:10
wallyworldso we can use the feature flag to switch between yui versions on the fly01:10
StevenKAnd now you get to keep both pieces01:10
wallyworldStevenK: we talked with rick_h about it, and i thought you as well?01:11
lifelesswgrant: I have a suggestion01:11
StevenKwallyworld: I think that work is premature -- we can't switch to 3.4.1 until we are using the combo loader anyway01:11
lifelesswgrant: in BaseLayer set a global variable somewhere.01:12
wallyworldStevenK: exactly, that's what we were prepping for01:12
lifelesswgrant: on nmodule load have it initialize to None01:12
lifelesswgrant: IFF it is set, it is the basic password01:12
lifelesswgrant: if it is not set, basic auth cannot work01:12
rick_hhonestly wallyworld, I don't think StevenK and I "got" what you guys were headed towards at the time01:12
StevenKwallyworld: In either case, you need to debug what bin/combo-rootdir is doing01:12
wgrantlifeless: I don't think that will work for testrunner-appserver01:13
rick_hwallyworld: since we were honestly figuring out things ourselves as far as the plan for the on disk layout/setup01:13
StevenKrick_h: Given deryck kept shushing me, I kept my opinions to myself.01:13
lifelesswgrant: well, set it in the config then01:13
lifelesswgrant: *that* will work using the same thing we do for transient rabbit etc01:13
wallyworldStevenK: rick_h: ok. i'll debug it. seems like there was a communications fail there01:13
rick_hwallyworld: definitely01:13
rick_hwallyworld: sorry about that01:13
wallyworldrick_h: no need to apologise - it was a collective failure01:14
rick_hwallyworld: I had hoped to get that stuff merged in to "see" what it was up to while we were together but ran out of time01:14
wallyworldrick_h: StevenK: although, i'm trying the use-convoy branch "out of the box" and it's still failing01:14
wallyworldie it should work as is01:14
StevenKIt can't, so far01:15
wallyworldbut i'll find out what's happening in the process of trying to fit the other stuff in01:15
StevenKIt needs changes to lp-meta-deps01:15
lifelesswgrant: this then does not depend on the config name, it only depends on us not setting the global basic password in production configs01:15
lifelesssomething I think we can manage01:15
wallyworldStevenK: what changes? so far, i've installed tne missing deb and updated the apache configs, other than that, it's the vanilla use-convoy branch01:16
StevenKwallyworld: It's *very* rough, currently01:16
wgrantlifeless: Right, but then we depend on lazr.config's somewhat ambiguous behaviour of mapping 'none' -> None01:16
wgrantBut I guess01:16
wgrant(I still don't know how that works)01:16
StevenKwallyworld: And installed mod-wsgi01:16
lifelesswgrant: you don't want to.01:16
wallyworldStevenK: yes, that's the deb i was referring to01:17
lifelesswgrant: you can check 'if basic_password and basic_password.upper() != 'NONE':'01:17
rick_hwallyworld: yea, something is up with your paths for the yui files that got unpacked. I don't think "yui-yui3-f332140/src/" should be in the path01:17
StevenKwallyworld: There's two -- convoy and mod-wsgi01:17
lifelesswgrant: if you want less reliance01:17
wgrantlifeless: That's what I was planning.01:17
wgrantBut still, ew.01:17
rick_hStevenK: he's getting successful requests from convoy via apache01:17
wallyworldStevenK: ah right, sorry. that's what i meant01:17
rick_hStevenK: it's just saying that it can't find the .js files01:17
wallyworldrick_h: yes, the unpacking of the tarball appears wrong, or incompatible with what the combo loader expects01:18
StevenKrick_h, wallyworld: I've pushed a small change to bin/combo-rootdir that will blow up if you run it with no arguments, rather than attempting to remove /*01:18
rick_hwallyworld: the lp and the yui2 directoryes look right from that pastebin01:18
wallyworldrick_h: yes, agreed01:19
wallyworldStevenK: thanks01:19
rick_hwallyworld: but the yui3 isn't correct, I'm not sure why off the top of my head. I've not pulled StevenK's latest stuff yet. On the docket for tomorrow01:19
StevenKI'm not looking forward to merging devel01:19
wallyworldrick_h: StevenK: so, the buildout recipe unpacks the yui tarballs to build/js/yui01:19
rick_hwallyworld: right, which should now be /var/tmp/convoy/yui01:20
wallyworldand then i expect this will be what's copied over to /var/tmp/convoy01:20
StevenKAll tarballs?01:20
wallyworldStevenK: yes, so we can switch between them01:20
wallyworldusing the js.yui-version feature flag01:20
StevenKAt the moment, we don't deal with multiple yui versions in our use of the combo loader01:20
StevenKThis is why I said it's premature01:20
StevenKWe haven't even figured out all the pieces and stuff is moving out from under us01:21
wallyworldok, for now we just need to get it working with the expected version for prod01:21
wallyworldbut one of the value props here is the ability to easily test qastaging against another yui version for example01:21
wallyworldor locally as well of course01:22
StevenKBut let's get the combo loader working first before we start changing other stuff01:22
wallyworldthat was my plan for now :-)01:22
rick_hand a fine plan that is01:23
rick_hwallyworld StevenK, I'm going to head offline in a bit for the night. Shoot me an email with where things are so I can pick them up tomorrow. I've got a call with deryck to go over the details on where to head from here01:24
wallyworldrick_h: StevenK: so, i don't think i'll have to do much - just take the tarball unpacking out of combo-rootdir and replace with a copy from the buildout stuff01:24
wallyworldrick_h: np. goodnight. thanks01:24
rick_hwallyworld: ok, let me know where that's at once working and I'll make sure to pull that in locally as well01:25
rick_hwallyworld: or get StevenK to update his branch with it before EOD for you guys01:25
StevenKwallyworld: build/js/yui/yui-3.3.0 is empty for me01:25
wallyworldrick_h: will do.01:25
wallyworldStevenK: let me poke a bit on my disk to have a look01:25
wallyworldStevenK: my dir has all the expect yui stuff. try rm .installed.cfg and rerun buildout01:27
StevenKwallyworld: make clean and make results in the jsbuild stuff being unable to find lib/canonical/launchpad/icing/yui/yui/yui.js01:31
* wallyworld scratches head01:32
wallyworldStevenK: did you rm .installed.cfg to force buildout to run from scratch?01:32
StevenKwallyworld: Yes01:32
wallyworldStevenK: maybe try manually rm the yui dir in icing?01:33
wallyworldi'm not sure what's happening to be honest. i'm running directly off the use-convoy branch01:34
StevenKwallyworld: lib/canonical/launchpad/icing/yui links to build/js/yui/yui-3.3.0 which is empty01:36
wallyworldStevenK: is your download cahce up to date?01:36
wallyworldStevenK: the tarball has been renamed01:37
StevenKWhich was a pointless renaming01:38
wallyworldthere's a yui-3.3.tar.gz and also a yui-3.3.0.tar.gz    the 3.3.0 version is new01:38
wallyworldStevenK: no, not pointless. the contents are different01:38
wallyworldthe 3.30 version is hand packed to contain just the yui build files01:38
wallyworldthe 3.3 version i mean01:38
wallyworldthe 3.3.0 version is a direct download off github and the untar cmd is modified01:38
StevenKwallyworld: Which is why bin/combo-rootdir is broken01:39
wallyworldah, that makes sense01:39
StevenKSo you changed all this stuff out from under me, complains when it breaks, and you didn't tell me any of this?01:40
wallyworldStevenK: so we wanted to eliminate the need for a manual packaging step. better to just download straight of github01:40
wallyworldStevenK: no, it would have worked if your download cache was up to date01:40
wallyworldi think?01:40
wallyworldor maybe not01:40
StevenKThe make would have worked.01:40
wallyworldthis was done last thing friday and we ran out of time for a proper wrap up :-(01:40
StevenKBut then my convoy rootdir would be wrong, like what you see.01:40
wallyworldif we had not lost 5 hours on thursday.....01:41
StevenKwallyworld: What annoys me is that you didn't tell me anything01:41
wallyworldall this is a symptom of rushing to get stuff done right at the end :-(01:41
StevenKRight, I finally have a test case01:41
wallyworldStevenK: it wasn't deliberate01:41
StevenKWe really don't handle tags with a + in them01:42
wallyworldwe really needed to have another few hours on the day01:42
StevenKwallyworld: Anyway, I'm looking01:42
wallyworldStevenK: i don't mind hacking on it01:43
wallyworldi can get it work with the buildout stuff01:43
StevenKsteven@liquified:~/launchpad/lp-branches/devel% bin/ec2 ls | tail -n 101:43
StevenKSummary: running: 501:43
wallyworldif you want01:43
StevenKwallyworld: Just waiting for my download-cache, and I'll push01:43
wallyworldsorry about the confusion01:44
StevenKwgrant: So my test fails, we do just spit out unencoded tag names and slap it into a generated URL in TAL.01:50
wgrantStevenK: Of course :)01:51
StevenKwgrant: ${tag} => ${tag/fmt:url} ?01:52
wgrantIt's not an fmt:url.01:52
StevenKwgrant: Or am I better off doing this in the view?01:53
wgrantlifeless: It's all in the config now.01:53
wgrantStevenK: Probably the view.01:53
StevenKwgrant: cgi.escape, or will that make you kill me?01:54
wgrantIt won't even do what you want :)01:56
StevenKwgrant: urllib.urlencode? Or is that wrong too?01:57
wgrantThat sounds more likely.01:58
wgrantOr urllib.quote if you just want to use it to generate the value, not the full k-v list01:58
lifelesswgrant: great02:08
* wgrant stabs postgres in the eye.02:16
nigelbClearly, I need coffee.02:17
StevenKwallyworld: use-convoy fixed02:19
wallyworldStevenK: i'm just about to push a change to fix it also02:19
wallyworldusing the new buildout stuff02:19
wallyworldStevenK: how about i push my change and you have a look02:19
wallyworldStevenK: there's a few issues in the console logs i was looking at02:20
wallyworldthe sorttable js is not being loaded02:20
wallyworldnor are some of the lazr-js assets02:20
wallyworldStevenK: lp:~wallyworld/launchpad/use-convoy https://pastebin.canonical.com/58281/02:23
StevenKwallyworld: You can't use ln02:28
wallyworldworks for me02:28
StevenKOh, I see what you've done02:28
StevenKI shall ponder that02:29
wallyworldit's sort of an interim step, till we support specifying the yui version02:29
wallyworldnot sure why the sorttable stuff isn't getting found02:29
wallyworldthat's under lp02:30
wallyworldand i think we're missing copying some of the lazr-js stuff across02:30
wallyworldStevenK: also, merge in trunk so you get the last of the mochi fixes from yerterday02:32
wallyworldthere will be a few LPS usages to change02:32
wallyworldStevenK: ah, sorttable.js doesn't have a requires02:34
wallyworlddo you want to add an empty one?02:34
wallyworldin your branch?02:34
wgrantStevenK: Could you find some time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/hardcoded-password/+merge/88966 and https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/no-passwords/+merge/88971 this afternoon?02:50
mwhudsonis sorttable stuff broken on production currently?02:54
mwhudsonbecause it certainly isn't working for me02:54
wgrantIt's not meant to be, but it quite possibly is.02:54
mwhudsone.g. try to sort by assignee on https://launchpad.net/lava/+milestone/2011.1202:54
wgrantIn Firefox02:55
wgrantMore attractive than the old version, too.02:55
* wgrant fires up Chromium.02:55
mwhudsonmessed up in both chrome and ff for me02:55
mwhudsonwell chromium02:55
StevenKwgrant: Does lifeless still have objections?02:55
wgrantStevenK: Doesn't seem to.02:55
wgrantmwhudson: Oh02:56
wgrantmwhudson: It's all off by one column.02:56
mwhudsonhah yes02:56
wgrantwallyworld, StevenK: ^^ sorttable regression02:56
mwhudsonit's off by one for the blueprint listing02:56
mwhudsonnot sure about the bug listing, that seems a bit more random02:57
wgrantHm, indeex.02:57
wgrantImportance sorts by summary, status by project.02:57
StevenKwgrant: Do we need to revert prod again?02:57
wgrantNot if we fix this now.02:58
mwhudsonthere was a change to de-mochi sorttable or something recently?02:58
mwhudson  [r=deryck][no-qa] Make sorttable a proper YUI module. Also updates to02:59
mwhudson   latest version, which fixes sorttable on our site for Chrome users.02:59
wgrantYes, the origin of the breakage was reasonably obvious :)02:59
wgrantIt's just not clear why it's broken.02:59
wgrantOr how wide it is.02:59
StevenKWhy can't I save MP comments?03:02
wgrantOh no not again.03:03
StevenKOh, there we go. Just took *ages*03:03
wgrantIt does that sometimes :/03:03
wgrantI think it's unrelated.03:03
StevenKwgrant: r=me * 2, but you may want to wait until we sort this crap out03:03
mwhudsonchrome's developer tools doesn't like launchpad.js very much03:04
StevenKI wonder why that is. :-P03:05
StevenKWho would have thought a 3.3MiB JS file was a good idea.03:05
StevenKwgrant: I fear my lack of JS knowledge won't help debugging sorttable03:06
wgrantIt's unlikely to be a very javascripty sort of thing.03:06
wallyworlda brand new version of upstream sorttable was used03:07
wallyworldsince the previous one was broken in chrome03:07
wgrantThe new one doesn't seem to handle colspan at all.03:10
mwhudsonthat would explain some things03:11
wallyworldlooks like it works on the new bugs listings03:12
wallyworldbut those pages perhaps use their own sorting03:12
wgrantThey don't use sorttable.03:12
mwhudsonmy money is on wgrant's observation03:12
wallyworldexplains that then03:12
mwhudson-        colspan = td.getAttribute("colspan");03:12
mwhudson-        if (colspan) {03:12
mwhudson-            SORT_COLUMN_INDEX += parseInt(colspan) - 1;03:12
mwhudson-        }03:12
wgrantThe new one doesn't even respect sortkey03:12
wgrantIt's useless.03:12
mwhudsonwith no corresponding +s03:12
wgrant(they were local patches, AFAIK)03:12
mwhudsonso um03:13
wgranttimestamp: Mon 2007-03-19 17:14:53 -030003:13
wgrantmessage: Fix for bug 62495: Milestone bug list doesn't sort properly. Make the Javascript sorting code cope with COLSPANs. Based on a patch by BjornT. Also adds a sortkey to ensure that the sorting by bug number works.03:13
_mup_Bug #62495: Milestone bug list doesn't sort properly <lp-bugs> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by kiko> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/62495 >03:13
mwhudsonrewrite it in YUI?03:13
wallyworldwgrant: so you saying we did local patches to upstream?03:14
wgrantwallyworld: Yes03:14
wgrantThis apparently wasn't checked before we upgraded.03:15
wallyworldwe could port those to the current version03:15
mwhudsonmaybe we can just set fire to the west midlands!03:15
wgrantThat may be the best plan for now.03:15
wallyworldmwhudson: we ultimately want to go all yui, but were not planning on a rewrite just now03:15
mwhudsonit's only 450 lines, and would be ~200 with yui?  but sure03:16
mwhudsoni'm certainly not going to fix it :)03:16
wallyworldmwhudson: it's just that we have no bandwidth atm03:17
wallyworldwe are supposed to be working on disclosure - the sorttable stuff came up with the move to a combo loader, a project meant to be completed at last week's Epic03:17
StevenKwallyworld: sinzui said we should work on stuff from last week so it actually gets finished.03:20
wallyworldStevenK: sure, but not a rewrite in yui, that's all i meant03:20
wallyworldi just was saying we could do the minimum - port the previous fixes03:20
wgrantDammit Ubuntu, why do you have so many bugs :(03:22
* wallyworld has got the sorttable diff from r 3970 and will port across03:24
wgrantwallyworld: There are two03:25
wgrantAt least03:25
wgrantsortkey and colspan03:25
wgrantDiff from the original version.03:25
wgrantThe diff is 316 lines :)03:26
lifelessStevenK: objections t ?04:28
lifeless-> dinner for familty05:31
wallyworldwgrant: quick look at this? https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/sorttable-fix/+merge/8898205:42
wallyworldbah, just saw a mistake, fixing05:43
wgrantwallyworld: It works for sorting by dates, and on milestone pages (which have complex columns)?06:03
wallyworldwgrant: the branch listing has date columns and the first header has colspan = 2. but i could see any milestone pages with data on lp.dev06:04
wgrantwallyworld: Firefox apparently has some.06:05
wallyworldso i thought06:05
wallyworldi'll see if i can some something06:06
wgrantha ha hahahhahhah06:11
wgrantBeen debugging a test for ages.06:12
wgrantQuery count ends up larger with hardcoded-passwords06:12
wgrantTurns out it was authenticating with 'test' as the password before, but that was in fact incorrect.06:12
wgrantSo it was inadvertantly making an anonymous request.06:12
wallyworldwgrant: i creaed some sample data and it appears ok sorting blueprints and bugs tables on a milestone page06:34
wgrantwallyworld: With all columns? Great.06:36
wallyworldwgrant: if you +1 it could you please lp-land since lp-land is broken on my precise atm06:37
wgrantwallyworld: Will land.06:42
wgrantSeems like it would be about 80% smaller in YUI, though.06:43
StevenKlifeless: Bah. We're the Purple squad06:44
wallyworldwgrant: yes, yui would be better. but no time. thanks for landing06:44
wgrantActually just going to test it a bit more first.06:44
wallyworldStevenK: i already sent a correction :-)06:44
wgrantBut it looks good.06:44
wallyworldyeah, there was a corner case of two due to the new codebase06:45
StevenKwallyworld: So lp-land is broken. Why is ec2 land broken?06:46
wgrantNo point ec2 landing that06:46
wallyworldStevenK: same issue06:46
wallyworldmissing method06:46
StevenKwallyworld: Just read your MP for your fix to the ITeam:+edit bug I reported -- the screenshot looks awesome06:50
wallyworldStevenK: thanks.06:50
wgrantwallyworld: I don't think sortkey is working properly.06:50
wgranteg. modify a few branches on https://code.launchpad.dev/firefox 30s apart06:51
wgrant(just change the description)06:51
wgrantYou'll see that "a moment ago" sorts between "33 seconds ago" and "2007-12-06"06:51
wallyworldit will use the sortjey if one is provided06:51
wgrant        <td>06:52
wgrant          <span class="sortkey">2012-01-18 08:50:13 SAST</span>06:52
wgrant          <span title="2012-01-18 08:50:13 SAST">a moment ago</span>06:52
wgrant        </td>06:52
wallyworldhmmm.  not sure why it's misinterpeting it then06:52
wallyworldwill have to look06:52
wallyworldi tested the sortkey stuff with enum columns eg bug status06:53
wallyworldbah, the whole code structure around guessing column types is different06:57
wallyworldmore work needed06:57
wgrantHow much more?06:58
wgrantIt may be worth landing this anyway.06:59
wallyworldjust had a more thorough look. i think it just may be a change to the re used to guess that a column is a date07:00
wallyworldit doesn't like datettimes07:01
wallyworldi think worth landing now, with another landing to fix the dates07:01
wallyworldmwhudson: fix for sorttable is merged into trunk. date columns still need a little work but other than that it's ok i think07:16
wallyworldhopefully will be out of buildbot etc by tomorrow07:16
* wgrant is confused about bug #91803707:17
_mup_Bug #918037: launchpad: please enable some shorter URLs for bugs <Launchpad itself:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/918037 >07:17
lifelessStevenK: bah, sorry.08:37
StevenKstub: Sorry, channel fail08:51
StevenKstub: If you have a look at the branch linked to bug 909240, you can see that I've rewritten the query that the method uses.08:52
_mup_Bug #909240: Can't display New queue due to timeouts <qa-ok> <queue-page> <soyuz-core> <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by stevenk> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/909240 >08:52
stubYay. Loaded a LP page and firefox crashes08:53
StevenKstub: wgrant and I did some investigation and we both think the a new index on BPPH will speed up the query a lot. I have a WIP MP at https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/db-add-bpph-index/+merge/8882408:53
stubStevenK: ok. That looks fine. Got an example query handy for me to test?08:56
stubOr have you already done tests on staging and know the new index wins out over the existing index just on binarypackagename?09:00
wgrantstub: I tried on dogfood, and it cut it down to 30ms.09:01
wgrantI don't remember exactly what it was without the index, but it was more than 10x that.09:01
* wgrant digs up the query.09:01
stubOk.  Sounds like we just want to land it and apply live then.09:01
stubMP is WIP though... what still needs to happen?09:02
cjwatsonStevenK: I'm failing to comprehend that failure mail about archive-copy-packages-source-series09:24
cjwatsonTests hung, but doesn't seem to be related to my change?09:24
StevenKcjwatson: Let me have a dig.09:29
* StevenK nails bigjools to IRC.09:29
bigjoolsprecise hates me09:30
bigjoolsusb kernel module crashes which takes out the mouse and keyboard09:30
nigelbStevenK: lol09:30
StevenKcjwatson: Hm, that is strange.09:31
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
StevenKcjwatson: Nothing is jumping out to my flu-alded brain, sorry.09:32
StevenKstub: MP is WIP because I wanted to talk to you, if you came up with a better index or so09:33
StevenKbigjools: It seems my nail helped. Did I catch any important bits? :-P09:34
cjwatsonStevenK: is it worth throwing it against the wall again, or is this unlikely to be transient?09:49
wgrantWhere was the hang?09:50
cjwatsonsuccessful: lp.testing.tests.test_zope_test_in_subprocess.TestZopeTestInSubProcessLayer:tearDown09:51
cjwatsonWARNING: A test appears to be hung. There has been no output for 600 seconds.09:51
cjwatsonlast real test was lp.translations.utilities.tests.test_superfastimports.TestSuperFastImports.test_query_timeout09:52
cjwatson(which succeeded)09:52
StevenKstub: I shall fiddle with the MP and toss it at db-devel09:52
wgrantI haven't seen that one in a long time.09:53
wgrantProbably over a year.09:53
wgrantThrow it at ec2 again, I say.09:53
StevenKcjwatson: Link me the MP again and I'll re-toss it along with my db patch09:54
cjwatsonStevenK: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/archive-copy-packages-source-series/+merge/87942 - ta09:54
StevenKWhich just got hit with FDT09:56
adeuringgood morning09:57
Laneysince the dev wiki seems to be joining the blackout, what do I need to do to QA my db change branch which has landed on qastaging?09:59
wgrantLaney: Hm, works for me.10:02
Laneyyeah, back now10:03
Laneywas down for at least 30 minutes :-)10:03
wgrantBut DB change branches don't land on qastaging, but staging itself. For this sort of thing we mostly just check that it applies.10:03
wgrantI'll check once fdt is over.10:03
Laneyoh, http://lpqateam.canonical.com/qa-reports/deployment-db-stable.html says qastaging10:03
wgrantIt's a lie :(10:04
wgrant2012-01-18 05:44:34 INFO    2209-02-0 applied just now in 5.5 seconds10:06
wgrantA little on the slow side, but it'll do.10:07
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
wgrantLaney: The dev wiki issue was a firewall misconfiguration that lasted about 15 minutes, I believe.11:32
wgrantLaney: I've scheduled that patch for deployment tomorrow11:32
Laneywgrant: Oh OK, thanks. How will I know when it's done? The bug will be flipped to Fix Released?11:32
wgrantI'll comment and flip the bug back to In Progress.11:33
wgrantSince it requires further landings.11:33
Laneybonus, thanks a lot.11:34
LaneyMaybe I'll look into UI for creator and sponsor next ...11:34
Laneybut that would probably require figuring out how to get test data into my local instance.11:35
wgrantFilling in sponsor is probably more important than displaying it.11:35
wgrantSince there's not much to display at present :)11:35
StevenKUrsinha: Your patch is now live on production, so if you need help with the code, or anything, give me a prod.11:35
Laneyit would be nice to have it on +source11:35
wgrantLaney: Indeed.11:35
Ursinhathanks StevenK12:27
rick_hmorning all12:27
wgrantMorning rick_h.12:31
cjwatsonallenap: would it be worth doing a lazr.uri release?  It, er, doesn't seem to get changed very often ;-)12:56
allenapcjwatson: Yes, a very good idea. I am waiting for flacoste to appear so he can authorize me on PyPI.13:55
deryckMorning, all.14:03
rick_hparty on14:03
flacosteallenap: what package?14:04
flacosteon it14:04
flacosteallenap: what's your pypi username?14:06
allenapflacoste: gavinpanella14:06
flacosteallenap: done14:07
allenapflacoste: Right, now to try and remember the runes, thanks.14:07
deryckwallyworld, you around still?14:16
deryckrick_h, wallyworld says in email we need "apache wsgi lib" in dependencies.... he means mod_wsgi?  Or something else?14:17
rick_hderyck: right, libapache2-mod-wsgi14:18
deryckrick_h, right, ok, cool.14:18
rick_hit's not currently a dep since LP doesn't use it yet in the default setup14:18
deryckrick_h, I'm about to paste you my notes for remaining work, and if it looks good, we can coordinate on launchpad-dev list.14:18
rick_hderyck: ok, sounds good. I'm working on getting their changes from last night up and running14:18
rick_hderyck: they hit issues getting your branch and ours to combine/work14:19
deryckrick_h, my branch being the multi-yui buildout stuff?14:19
rick_hderyck: right14:19
rick_hderyck: honestly StevenK and I weren't sure what you guys were up to and we never got to merge them before we left14:20
rick_h deryck looks like they got it sorted out last night though, so merging with devel, StevenK, and wallyworld right now to build a super branch with everything together14:20
deryckrick_h, right, that's what I was going to say.... I read wallyworld's email as saying it was sorted out now.14:21
rick_hderyck: yea, just need to see it to believe it at this point lol14:21
deryckrick_h, ok, so here's my notes:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/808615/14:23
deryckrick_h, we can discuss on list, but generally, does it look like I've got everything there.  anything glaringly missing?14:24
rick_hderyck: looking, sec14:24
allenapcjwatson, flacoste: lazr.uri 1.0.3 is out.14:24
cjwatsonallenap: cool.  shall I file a Debian bug or have you already done so?14:27
rick_hbah, is there really no way in the pastebin to reply/change a paste without manually copying/pasting?14:27
allenapcjwatson: I didn't realise I had opened a can of worms ;) I haven't filed a bug and I don't really know the form for doing so; I'd be grateful if you could do it.14:28
cjwatsonallenap: it's not a can of worms, just the next step - OK, I'll take care of it14:28
allenapcjwatson: I was joking, but I started this thinking "I know, I'll do a quick review". I'm happy that it's progressing.14:29
rick_hderyck: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/808625/14:31
deryckabentley, adeuring -- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/808615/14:32
bigjoolsjelmer: how does dailydeb find upstream tarballs?14:39
jelmerbigjools: by tags in the branch14:40
jelmerbigjools: generally speaking, recipe builds should be native14:40
bigjoolsjelmer: ah ok, I won't worry then, thanks14:41
cjwatsonallenap: hey, *I* started thinking "I know, I wonder what I can do to help port launchpadlib to Python 3" ...14:42
cjwatsonstill a fair bit left in that stack14:42
allenapHaha :)14:42
* bigjools chortles14:42
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: abentley | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
jcsackettsinzui: have a few moments to chat?15:05
abentleyrick_h: Why do you say to test in google chrome, when the bug is Firefox?  Google Chrome is not available on Ubuntu AFAIK.15:06
rick_habentley: sorry, just force of habit. I ran the updated tests in both browsers and copied the last command I ran15:07
rick_habentley: updated15:07
rick_hderyck: is there anything we can do to help https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/184522 by manually touching the data?15:11
* deryck looks15:11
rick_hderyck: he's in #launchpad asking and the book is still in progress, but not finding any way to help him right now15:12
deryckrick_h, I think we need to refer him to ubuntu-sso.  sinzui, can you confirm that? (from ^^ question)15:12
abentleyrick_h: r=me15:12
rick_habentley: ty much15:12
deryckrick_h, I'll take over on IRC and handle it.15:15
rick_hderyck: ok, thanks15:15
stubderyck: I'm the person who has to fix the data in these cases. We had one of these at the Epic and wgrant tracked down and filed bugs on why these problems keep happening.15:20
deryckstub, ah, ok.  Can I assign you the question then?15:21
stubderyck: Sure15:21
deryckstub, awesome!  Thanks!15:21
stubJust email me if you do that in the future as I seem to never see emails from Questions for some reason I haven't been bothered to investigate.15:22
deryckstub, will do.15:22
rick_hderyck: fyi, I've done all the merging/conflict resolution and pushed to my use-convoy branch in case you want to shortcut all that15:25
deryckrick_h, ok, will do, thanks.15:30
deryckrick_h, and your branch is different from StevenK's branch now?15:30
rick_hderyck: yea, it's merged with devel and the js branch from wallyworld, etc15:31
deryckrick_h, oh, ok.  I thought StevenK had already done that in his branch.15:31
deryckrick_h, np, though.  we just need to let him know.  Almost done with my coordination email.15:31
=== salgado is now known as salgado-brb
bachi sinzui, you doing lp development on precise?15:53
sinzuibac, in a manner of speaking. I am about to put a branch up for review that permits me to run lp and the the test suite.15:54
bacsinzui: what did you do about python-tickcount, which precise only packages for 2.715:54
bacsinzui: i'll be happy to review your branch15:55
sinzuibac, this is my hack http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/808705/15:58
gary_postersinzui, wow, so LP works with 2.7 with your branch?15:59
sinzuigary_poster, walks, not runs16:00
gary_postervery cool16:00
sinzuigary_poster, bac: some tests do fail16:00
gary_postergood start then16:01
=== salgado-brb is now known as salgado
bacsinzui: your makefile patch does not work for 2.7.  it returns 'pythonpython2.6'16:16
sinzuibac: damn. I gave you the non-commited change to support lucid.16:17
bacsinzui: oopsie16:17
sinzuiit does not work16:17
sinzuibac: this one includes the anchors to only match the full string16:19
bacsinzui: cool.  so you have a diff?16:23
sinzui^ That is my entire change to make my branch and run tests16:24
sinzuibac: if my hack works for you, maybe you can approve this so that I can send it to ec2 https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/precise-makefile-python/+merge/8907416:36
allenaplifeless: Any chance of a testresources release? I'd like FixtureResource and use of super().16:51
bigjoolsallenap: you expect lifeless to be awake at 6am in NZ? Oh, wait ...16:56
allenapbigjools: Precisely.16:56
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
bacsinzui: done, with one question18:05
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
lifelessallenap: yes, sure19:17
rick_hso let's just say someone accidentilly blew away their lp-branches directory...19:30
rick_hand they recreated it using a normal bzr branch as they find in the rocketfuel-setup script19:30
rick_hbut now making branches takes forever and a day19:30
rick_hwhat would someone look at? to get things back where a branch wasn't such a big deal?19:31
lifelessyou need a shared repository19:32
lifelesslp-branches should be 'bzr init-repository [--no-trees] lp-branches'19:33
rick_hah, up a level. Ok, was searching branch options19:33
lifelessthen bzr branch lp:launchpad lp-branches/devel19:36
lifelessand you're back to the starting point19:36
rick_hrgr, running that now. Thanks lifeless19:37
lifelessthe --no-trees thing is largely personal preference - whether you want to run multiple wokring trees, or one that you switch between19:37
lifelessthe rf default is with trees19:37
rick_hyea, I still need to spend some time on my bzr setup to find a happy place19:38
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
abentleyrick_h: If you're starting again, I recommend using bzr-colo instead.  Been using it for weeks.20:23
abentleyrick_h: It implements the git-style layout where you have one working tree and many branches.20:24
allenaplifeless: Thanks.20:25
abentleyrick_h: Also, it can fluidly switch to using pipelines.20:28
lifelessderyck: hey20:30
deryckhi lifeless20:31
lifelessderyck: a thought on pages that were timing out and don't when we reevaluate; might like to still check for warning signs20:33
lifelessderyck: like high query counts (> 30), slow page (multi second rendering)20:33
lifelessderyck: when I'm not ill, I would also like to catch up w.r.t. root-cause-fix-opportunities, but probably next week is best20:34
derycklifeless, ok, sure.  I did a basic assessment like that.  but re: the 30 count page, we have many that are more than that, right? in fact most, no?20:35
lifelessderyck: I wouldn't say most20:35
lifelessderyck: many pages have a fixed amount of content and a high query count; they generally don't get better or worse; things with batches on them are where it gets bad rapidly20:36
deryckok, I'm just going by the query count at the top of the page.  I don't find a page with 30 queries or less.20:36
lifelessderyck: aiee :P So, pick a number, 70 then :)20:37
derycklifeless, also, I'd love to catch up about the root-cause opportunities stuff as you say.20:37
lifelessderyck: the main thing is the number should be less than the rows in a batch20:37
derycklifeless, ah, I follow now.  gotchas.20:37
rick_habentley: thanks, I'll check out the colo stuff.20:50
abentleyrick_h: Cool.  Let me know if you have any questions.20:51
jcsackettsinzui: do you know why we have both test_team and test_team_view in browser/tests? they seem to be a random selection of browser tests in each.21:03
sinzuijcsackett, both tests were created in separate places, then apocalypse happened21:06
sinzuijcsackett, They can be merged, and maybe checked for duplication21:06
jcsackettsinzui: hurray!21:06
* jcsackett goes to collapse files.21:06
* sinzui did the same for personset a few weeks ago21:06
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
huwshimiHello Precise users, how do I resolve the import errors when doing rocketfuel-get?23:14
huwshimi(I'm assuming these are standard issues)23:14
wgranthuwshimi: sinzui was working on that.23:16
wgranthuwshimi: But try hacking Makefile to use python2.7 instead of python2.623:17
wgrantThen make clean && make23:17
wgrantlifeless: Around?23:18
huwshimiwgrant: OK thanks. It's definitely a version thing because the packages exist23:18
wgranthuwshimi: Yeah, Precise doesn't really do python2.623:18
huwshimiwgrant: Ah I see23:19
wgrantwallyworld_: Worked out the sorttable date sorttkey stuff?23:29
wallyworld_nope. on my agenda after breakfast23:30
wgrantThat's a good idea, actually.23:30
wallyworld_yeah, can't work when hungry23:31
wallyworld_at least sorting is mostly fixed after next NDT23:31
wgrantShould be done soon.23:31
wgrantlifeless: Am I likely to be slain if I combine three marginally related DB patches into one for deployment efficiency?23:33
wgrant(-AccountPassword, -EmailAddress.account, +Person.account_status)23:33
huwshimiwgrant: The make clean and make worked fine but rocketfuel-get is still failing. Is there another way I can update that might work or something?23:49
wgranthuwshimi: How's it failing?23:50
huwshimiwgrant: Sometimes it fails with "ImportError: No module named bzrlib"23:51
wgranthuwshimi: Hm23:51
huwshimiwgrant: and others it fails with ImportError: No module named tickcount or something like that23:51
wgrantSounds like it's still running with python2.623:51
huwshimiwgrant: I modified the Makefile in devel23:51
huwshimiwgrant: And did the make clean/make there23:52
huwshimiwgrant: Is that what I was supposed to do?23:52
wgrantSo, rocketfuel-get basically just: bzr pull -d ~/launchpad/lp-branches/devel; bzr up ~/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps/download-cache23:52
wgrantAnd then make23:53
wallyworld_StevenK: we should land your use-convoy branch today. with your latest change, we should use ${buildout:yui-directory} instead of hardcoding to build/js/yui23:56
huwshimiwgrant: Well that all appeared to work23:57
huwshimiwgrant: So now how do I do the equivalent hackery instead of doing rocketfuel-branch?23:58

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