
snadgeopenssh needs to be 20x faster? would never have guessed00:16
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atrunois pangolin impressive ?01:54
snadgeoh man.. i loled02:43
snadgeim running it though.. me likey.. pro tip though, can we be a bit more snappy about including fglrx-updates ?02:44
snadgei thought fglrx-updates.. meant that it was actually updated ;)02:44
snadgewe shouldn't have to add the edgers repo.. or *gasp*.. download it from amd02:44
snadgeand the latest catalyst is massively improved02:44
snadgeyeah i know.. the only two reasons to do it are oil rush and minecraft02:45
snadgebut they're great games02:45
Ben64My wifi speed limited to ~150K/s, anything I can do?02:59
snadgeyes.. use an ethernet cable ;)03:04
snadgeturn off encryption03:04
snadgetry a different operating system03:04
snadgeimprove the signal strength by physically moving.. replacing the wifi adaptor and/or wireless router03:05
Ben64encryption is off03:05
Ben64this is ubuntu channel :|03:05
Ben64it worked faster on 10.0403:05
snadgeahh okay this information is useful03:06
snadgehave you tried 11.10?03:06
snadgei guess it would help to identify when the regression in performance was introduced03:06
Ben64i guess i could try livecds03:07
snadgeor usb03:07
Ben64who would i bring this to once i figure out when it started03:07
snadgeumm.. well im not really an ubuntu dev.. but my guess would be you would possibly submit a bug against the kernel package03:08
imnicholIs anyone able to use the U1MS with Rhythmbox, or is that functionality just not added yet?03:43
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snadgeanyone use sflphone here?07:15
psypher246gooday all, anyone else been downed to unity-2d since last update, using the default nouveau driver07:28
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richard_Is Unity mandatory in 12.04?10:44
jokerdinowhat do you mean by mandatory?10:45
pangolinrichard_: Unity is the default UI10:45
richard_can I use GNOME instead?10:46
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic10:46
richard_without having to crack open my system with a spanner10:46
pangolinyou may want to upgrade your flux capacitors10:46
pangolinbut that is optional10:46
richard_I think I want GNOME 210:47
richard_It works for me10:47
rigvedrichard_: like pangolin said, use GNOME fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 210:48
richard_ what does similar mean?10:48
richard_Is it GNOME 2?10:48
pangolingnome2 is no longer being developed10:49
rigvedrichard_: it looks like Gnome 2. it has Gnome 2 like menu10:50
pangolingnome-fall back looks like gnome2 but with some differences10:50
rigvedrichard_: there is also the cinnamon desktop environment. it is an attempt to re-create gnome 2 environment using gnome 3 technologies. but it is not officially available in the repos. see this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/cinnamon-project-keeps-gnome-2-style-desktop-alive/10:54
rigvedcinnamon is not officially supported in ubuntu10:54
psypher246gooday all, anyone else been downed to unity-2d since last update, using the default nouveau driver11:14
psypher246although I must say unity-2d is looking way better than in natty11:14
jo-erlendthis new look in Nautilus... It's not supposed to be that way, I hope?14:51
BluesKajHey all15:10
blizzowAnyone here having difficulty starting xorg?18:12
blizzowMine only seems to start about 50% of the time.18:13
blizzowIt looks like /var/log/xorg.failsafe.log has nothing of value in it.18:13
blizzowI've tried sudo init 3 to drop out to a regular prompt, but even that isn't working.18:13
blizzowI can't even get to a vty to diagnose and I have to ssh or vnc into the box to do anything.18:14
blizzowSometimes doing a system update fixes the issue for a couple of boot cycles.18:14
blizzowoh, and if xorg comes up, icons only show up as little white squares until I log out and log back in again.  Then they'll show up.18:16
rigvedblizzow: i do not know how to help you with your problem but i would like to point out that Ubuntu uses Upstart, not the SysV Init system. So, there is no way to get to init 3. only init 1, 0 and 6 are possible, afaik.18:35
Ian_Cornewhat opens pngs?18:40
Ian_Corneit's not working atm :p18:40
gnomefreakimage viewer?18:50
Ian_Corneit doesn't function, what's it's executable?18:51
Ian_Corneokular works18:51
rigvedIan_Corne: try using the terminal: xdg-open file-name.png18:51
Ian_Cornejust returns18:51
Ian_Corneno error, nothing18:51
Ian_Corneokular works18:52
gnomefreakis it only that png or do all have same issue18:52
gnomefreakah ok18:52
trismIan_Corne: eog by default, but have you updated yet? I just saw a line in the gtk changelog about reverted a change that was causing eog not to start18:54
Ian_CorneI'll try it18:54
gnomefreakyay!!! lots of broken packages not updating :(18:58
gnomefreakanyone else getting pinged with no reason? i get the sound but no highlighting19:04
BluesKajgnomefreak,  no pings showing in the server text here.19:06
gnomefreakbrb bank19:07
Ian_Cornegnomefreak: apt-get upgrade went without a hitch19:14
gnomefreakIan_Corne: i fixed it i think. i use dist-upgrade most of the time19:15
Ian_CorneI always upgeade first19:15
Ian_Corneto narrow the search :)19:15
* BluesKaj goes outside to push some more snow...had a storm last night , first real snow of the season19:22
yofel_hm, does ubuntu-vm-builder create any kvm images for anyone? Here it crashes with some device-mapper error20:02
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litropyPeeps, indicator-datetime-service is eating as much of my CPU as it can get.20:45
litropyJust lots of shoulder shrugging in the bug reports ...20:46
Ian_Cornenot for me20:48
litropyI have no freakin clue what to do next. I tried nicing it and I striaght up froze on what looks like a kernel panic readout.20:53
Ian_Corneapt-get remove it :p20:53
litropyYa, actually Ian_Corne ... what would that do, really ... Do I need it if my alarm clock tells me what time it is?20:54
Ian_Corneah no20:54
litropygish durmit20:55
Ian_Cornei don't know!20:55
trismlitropy: attach to it with gdb or strace and see what it is doing?20:55
litropyIt's acting like it's counting time at the MHz level lol ... k will do, once my system successfully boots.20:57
litropyJesus ... I keep getting that kernel panicky thing before I can do anything. Gonna let it cool off for a few mins and see if that does anything.20:59
litropyIt's just an eeepc 1005ha. shouldn't take long.20:59
* litropy crosses his fingers in hope it's not hardware21:00
Ian_Cornewhat kernel version you on litropy ?21:01
Ian_Cornealso, just load a different DE21:01
DaekdroomWow, they changed the overlay-scrollbar design again.21:06
Ian_CorneI don't get that21:07
Ian_Cornethere's always enough horizontal space anyways..21:08
Ian_Corneand if you make somethin that scrolls horizontally, you suck :p21:08
DaekdroomThere's enough horizontal space specially now that nearly every screen available is wide21:10
lamalexanyone else having really chopping output on and intel hda card?21:27
patdk-wkhow exactlly does a harddisk controller chop it's output?21:30
Ian_Cornehda is audio :p21:31
lamalex:) indeed21:35
lamalexalso i meant choppy21:35
BluesKajlamalex, got pulseaudio installed ?21:36
lamalexBluesKaj, ^21:37
lamalexBluesKaj, maybe the better term is garbled21:38
BluesKajsetup your audio output to work with your soundcard in phonon/hardware /pulseaudio , lamalex21:39
lamalexlike the buffers are being overwritten before the data is read21:39
lamalexdid i set it up? .. no i just upgraded to P and this started21:39
BluesKajlamalex,  may pulse is the problem , it doesn't play nice with all soundcards but it should be fine with intelhda21:42
lamalexBluesKaj, its always worked21:43
lamalexthis is definitely an O to P issue21:43
litropyK, got the strace. As stated earlier, indicator-datetime-service is eating as much of my CPU as it can get. pastebin.com/jwPN4KJx21:46
litropy^^ for those clients that look for the prefix21:47
litropyuname -r: 3.2.0-9-generic, Ian Corne21:49
litropyth strace ran for about 10 secs ... and this is just a fragment of it. As you can see, it appears to be repeating, anyway.21:50
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litropyIndicator-datetime-service is eating as much of my CPU as it can get. strace: pastebin.com/jwPN4KJx22:37
DaekdroomWere there subtle changes to the Ambiance/Radiance theme lately?23:47
DaekdroomEvery button suddenly seems smaller23:48
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DaekdroomAh. Found the changelog in launchpad. There were changes indeed.23:51

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