
=== xplinscott is now known as mlinscott
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=== Seeker is now known as Seeker`
inkernodAlguien que hable español?09:54
head_victim!es | inetpro09:55
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head_victim!es | inkernod09:55
ubottuinkernod: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:55
head_victimsorry inetpro, tab complete failed :/09:55
inetprohead_victim: np09:55
inkernodubottu: hi09:56
inkernodhave you ever used a bt phone in ubuntu for thetering09:58
head_victiminkernod: ubottu is a bot that I used to provide you with a link to a spanish speaking channel (Unfortunately I only speak english)09:59
Myrttiubuntu support is at #ubuntu09:59
Myrttisupport in spanish at #ubuntu-es09:59
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=== DBO is now known as jsmith
=== jsmith is now known as DBO
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=== mdeslaur_ is now known as mdeslaur
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=== bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_
* slangasek waves16:02
* stgraber waves16:02
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jan 18 16:04:15 2012 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.16:04
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired16:04
slangasek[TOPIC] lightning round16:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: lightning round
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e cjwatson brry doko stgraber jodh ev bdmurray slangasek)16:04
evcome on, big money big money, no whammy16:04
slangasekbdmurray cjwatson doko ev jodh slangasek stgraber barry16:04
ogra_is bby barry with a cold ?16:05
slangasekhmm, where did barry's a go16:05
ogra_err brry i meant indeed :)16:05
barrythere's an off-color joke in there somewhere16:05
bdmurrayholiday on Monday16:05
bdmurraydiscovered and issue with apport where bugpatterns weren't being checked16:05
bdmurrayupdated apport package hook for linux not to ask re kerneloops.org16:05
bdmurrayuploaded an enabled version of kerneloops for precise16:05
bdmurraybug triage of ubuntu-installer bug reports I got subscribed to16:05
bdmurraydebugged a cbd issue with bjf16:05
bdmurrayreported bug 917903 regarding apport and gz report items16:05
bdmurrayinvestigation into aptdaemon bug 85539416:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 917903 in apport (Ubuntu) "ubuntu general hook doesn't know how to read .gz files" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91790316:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 855394 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu Precise) "update-manager crashed with AptDaemonError in _convert_dbus_exception(): org.debian.apt: Could not cancel transaction" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85539416:05
bdmurrayupdated update-manager apport hook to include recent Aptdaemon messages from syslog16:05
bdmurrayupdate firefox-lp-improvements to fix bug 91746116:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 917461 in Launchpad Greasemonkey Scripts "stock replies do not work in Firefox" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91746116:06
cjwatsonAdded timestamps to live filesystem builds.  Did a bit of hopeful optimisation of update-initramfs calls but it unfortunately didn't save much.16:08
cjwatsonSpruced up ubuntu-archive-tools a bit, applied GPLv3 to unlicensed files, and did some preliminary modernisation in preparation for Python 3.16:08
cjwatsonPorted germinate to Python 3, by way of practice.16:08
cjwatsonHelped out with lazr.uri port to Python 3.  Ported wadllib.16:08
cjwatsonTrying to drain the python-debian Python 3 swamp:16:08
cjwatson * Packaged six.16:08
cjwatson * Filed Debian #656288 in python3-apt to deal with non-UTF-8 tag files.16:08
ubottuDebian bug 656288 in python3-apt "python3-apt: difficulties with non-UTF-8-encoded TagFiles" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/65628816:08
cjwatson * Filed Python #13815 to make it easier to get Unicode data out of tarfile.16:08
slangasekev: and you're next since doko is having gateway problems16:08
cjwatson * Slogged through huge numbers of bytes/str fiddling and general confusion.  Still in progress.16:08
cjwatsonDiscussed Ubuntu Studio live DVD structure with Scott.  I think I now have a clear enough idea of what they need to be able to implement it pretty quickly.16:08
ev- Fighting apport-retrace. Was missing gdb as apport-retrace didn't have a16:09
ev  depencency on it as the traceback is normally extracted client-side16:09
ev  (add_gdb_info). It may still be advantageous to do that work on the client,16:09
ev  but that (10s) plus adding the needed package information (add_package_info)16:09
ev  to the report (30s) takes no small amount of time.16:09
ev- Updating RT 48667 with the latest requirements and my notes from talking to16:09
ev  James on November 30th.16:09
ev- Including a SHA-512 hash of the system UUID in uploaded reports and core16:09
ev  dumps.16:09
ev- Meeting with Gerry to discuss the downloads marketing campaign and the crash16:09
ev  database.16:09
ev- Privilege dropping in whoopsie.16:09
ev- Dealing with DBus/ConsoleKit fallout from dropping privileges (at_console is16:09
ev  set for NetworkManager).16:09
ev- Reply to Christian and Nick on slideshow questions.16:09
ev- Talked through the crash UI with Matthew16:09
ev  (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker).16:09
ev  - It looks like we'll need a "ignore future crashes" checkbox, after all.16:09
ev    He's working on the right UI for this now.16:09
ev  - We don't need a confidentiality warning like apport currently has, as16:09
ev    the information collected is not being shared with the general public like16:09
ev    existing reports are.16:09
ev  - Matthew will work on the administrator UI, for disabling crash and metrics16:09
ev    reporting.16:09
ev  - I will run these modifications to apport by pitti, then implement.16:09
ev- Including the system UUID with the upload of the report and the core dump.16:09
ev- Figuring out how to handle permissions around /var/crash, now that we drop16:10
ev  privileges.16:10
ev- Fixed a really nasty memory corruption bug that ate up a few hours.16:10
ev- Added tests for get_system_uuid and get_crash_db_url16:10
ev- Worked with pitti to get crash files written with 0640, so that the daemon16:10
ev  can read them as a regular user.16:10
ev- Added a test for hex_to_char.16:10
ev- Move to GNetworkMonitor from NetworkManager for the network connectivity16:10
ev  check. This means no more needing a console (NM uses at_console), and16:10
ev  actually having a "can we reach the crash server" condition.16:10
ev- Ensure that /var/crash is group owned by whoopsie and is chmod g+s.16:10
ev- Isolate whoopsie into its own mount namespace, RO bind mount / and RW bind16:10
ev  mount /var/crash into /var/tmp/whoopsie. Chroot, then drop all privileges and16:10
ev  capabilities but CAP_FOWNER, so that now we can be a regular user who has16:10
ev  the sole added ability of being able to delete files in /var/crash (which is16:10
ev  +t).16:10
ev  - The rationale for this is that users need to be able to drop 0-byte16:10
ev    .upload files in /var/crash to notify the daemon that they want the crash16:10
ev    uploaded.  The daemon then needs to be able to delete these.16:10
* doko is joining from the ac10016:10
slangasekdoko: you're up then, if you're ready to report :)16:10
jodhWorking on getting lp:upstart building daily. Started to write a python16:10
jodhscript to autogenerate a comprehensive set of test Upstart jobs (and16:10
jodhhopefully also to autogen a script to check the results). Working to16:10
jodhresolve failing unit tests for bug 912558.16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 912558 in upstart (Ubuntu Precise) "log.c Assert failed - err=>number == EIO" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91255816:10
dokomay I skip? no summary on this host16:11
slangasekdoko: yeah - send by email later?16:12
dokowill do16:12
stgraberjodh: let me know if you need any help with the daily builds, I have that setup for quite a few projects16:12
barrydoko: please take a look at debian bug 655793 (forwarded from #debian-python)16:13
ubottuDebian bug 655793 in pyzmq "pyzmq: FTBFS: test_queue (zmq.tests.test_monqueue.TestMonitoredQueue) ... Assertion failed: !inpipe && !outpipe (pair.cpp:49)" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/65579316:13
jodhstgraber: thanks!16:13
dokobarry: seen, maybe some issues with the branch version16:14
barrydoko: we thought, maybe some of the compiler flag changes in -3 perhaps?16:14
barrydoko: check with jtaylor16:15
dokobarry, I get same test results with and without lto16:15
slangasek * management sprint + travel back, Sat-Tue16:15
slangasek * uploaded command-not-found to fix the 'sudo' group name16:15
slangasek * helped with the new queue last week, unity 5.0 ftw16:15
slangasek * uploaded crda, needed some tweaks for multiarch to enable a fixed apt upload16:15
barrydoko: ah16:15
slangasek * more work on hiring for our openings16:15
stgraber- Testing tracker16:15
stgraber - Production instance has been updated16:15
stgraber - Bugfix: Handle case where we don't have any build in the build list16:15
stgraber - Add report to look for results for a given bug number16:15
stgraber - Admin: Add a field to set the comment we'll add to bugs16:15
stgraber - Add lp-integration script to the branch with needed changes for new tracker + lucid16:16
stgraber- Networking16:16
stgraber - dnsmasq and IPv6 privacy extensions are now turned on by default for everyone (thanks to cyphermox!)16:16
stgraber - Merged ifupdown and went through its buglist which is now a lot shorter16:16
stgraber - Prepared an SRU for bug 876829 and talked with upstream about fixing ifdown when dealing with labels16:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 876829 in ifupdown (Ubuntu Precise) "Oneiric's ifupdown breaks ip aliases" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87682916:16
stgraber - Expecting another ifupdown upload this afternoon with the cherry-picked commit and upload of the Oneiric SRU16:16
stgraber - One more fix to bridge-utils to deal with VLANs16:16
stgraber - Some discussions on resolvconf and its interaction with NM's dnsmasq and libvirt16:16
stgraber- ARB16:16
stgraber - Got unity-lens-askubuntu into Ubuntu 11.10 extras16:16
stgraber - Did the same with unity-lens-utilities (published on Monday evening)16:16
stgraber - Did some queue review/cleanup, discussed about improving MyApps and the ARB workflow to deal with the current backlog16:16
stgraber- Containers16:16
stgraber - Started working on a fixed util-linux using Serge's patch16:16
stgraber- TPM16:16
stgraber - Uploaded current trousers to my experimental PPA (build dependency for current tpm-tools)16:16
stgraber - Started fighting with a buggy upstream tarball of tpm-tools until they eventually released a working one (a few hours ago)16:16
stgraber - Got both of them built but still not quite working, now trying to also go with the latest opencryptoki, then rebuild tpm-tools using it.16:16
stgraber- Other16:16
stgraber - Uploaded bugfix/translation update of Arkose to Precise and backported in the PPA16:16
stgraber- TODO16:16
stgraber - Cherry-pick ifupdown's last label fix to Precise and include in the SRU for Oneiric16:17
stgraber - Test the new tpm stack from the PPA16:17
stgraber - Some more bugfixes for the ISO tracker16:17
stgraber - Continue bug review on vlan, ifenslave-2.6, bridge-utils and resolvconf to see if I missed anything with the recent fixes16:17
stgraber(and switched from empathy to using bitlbee, now managing everything through irssi in a screen session, no more empathy/telepathy crashes or issues syncing my status across protocols!)16:17
barryfixed the lintian warnings in dbus-python and got all the binary packages looking good (with help from cjwatson...thanks!).  still waiting in new queue.  build retries a few times to get success on arm* and powerpc, but now all is green.  currently working on feedparser - 5.1 (new upstream) supports it, but we have 5.0.1, upstream tarball is missing some data files and has test failures when python-chardet is installed, so reporting16:17
barrythose upstream and working around them in the packaging; should hopefully be ready later today.  met w/launchpad guys to helped out with general packaging questions.  done.16:17
slangasekstgraber: how's bitlbee's VoIP integration? ;)16:19
slangasekany other questions on statuses?16:20
stgraberslangasek: hehe, that's the only bit where I'm keeping empathy (and it actually works great for that!). I just have my VOIP account, Canonical VC account and the "people nearby" account in empathy now, everything moved to my IRC server16:20
cjwatsonI would look at dbus-python in NEW but the NEW queue has been going in the wrong direction for me all day16:20
stgraber*everything else16:20
slangasek[TOPIC] Bugs16:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bugs
slangasekbdmurray: what's hot in the insect world?16:21
barrycjwatson: ouch ;}16:21
bdmurrayI've run across a couple of "hot" bugs16:22
bdmurraybug 916299 seems like it would be important16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 916299 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity uses grub-efi instead of grub-pc on non-GPT disk" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91629916:22
bdmurrayadditionally does anybody know what this Boot-Info-Script is?16:22
cjwatsonEFI is not intrinsically tied to GPT16:22
cjwatsonI mean not in both directions16:23
cjwatsonbdmurray: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/16:23
* cjwatson marks incomplete16:24
bdmurrayhmm, hadn't seen that before thanks16:25
bdmurraythen bug 916209 regarding recovery mode and wubi16:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 916209 in lupin (Ubuntu) "Recovery mode incorrect on wubi installs" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91620916:25
* cjwatson looks, thought I fixed that ...16:25
cjwatsonah, ok, right, I'll deal with that thanks16:26
bdmurraythat's about it then16:27
slangasekbdmurray: cool, thanks16:28
slangasek[TOPIC] burndown charts16:29
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: burndown charts
slangasek[LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-foundations.html16:29
* barry hides16:29
slangasekthere was some very good progress last week during the rally16:29
slangasekand the workitems are now more accurate, which is a good thing even though it doesn't help move the graph in the right direction ;)16:29
cjwatsonI'm happy to keep helping out with py3, if that's wanted - not much else on my list is desperately urgent16:30
slangasekand in fact, if we were to discount the workitems on our blueprints belonging to non-foundations people, we'd be below the trendline... so we'll blame them if anyone asks :P16:30
barrycjwatson: great!16:31
slangasekall the same, rickspencer3 wants us to be realistic about what work we're going to get done and postpone things we aren't, so that other teams know what they can rely on from us this cycle16:31
slangasekso if there's anything you think we should postpone, talk to me16:32
slangasekand if you don't think there's anything you should postpone, I'll talk to you ;D16:32
stgraberyeah, looking at it, a sixth of my work items are non-Canonical/Foundations stuff (Edubuntu website, ubiquity plugin, ...). Though I actually need to spend a weekend or so going through these :)16:33
slangasekright, it doesn't help the graph that we have overachievers taking on non-Canonical blueprints :)16:33
barryslangasek: i want to push on as much as possible this month, and then postpone whatever's left when i switch to stable+116:34
slangasekbarry: I think that's reasonable, yes16:35
slangasekparticularly since most of those new workitems for python3 should be on the small end16:35
slangasekand if cjwatson can help with them too, that's all to the good16:35
barryyep.  of course, the biggest risk is that we don't know what we don't know16:36
slangasekusually :)16:36
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB16:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekanything else on your minds?16:37
slangasekreminder that I'm off this Friday, swapping for the bank holiday here16:37
slangasekbarry: did you decide what day you're swapping to?16:37
slangasekor is that "later" :)16:37
ScottKpython3-defaults is now sync'ed from Debian.16:37
barryslangasek: not yet16:38
slangasekScottK: \o/16:38
barryScottK: thanks!16:38
ScottKIt's much easier than with python due to barry's upstream work on various PEP's to improve multi-version support.16:38
ScottKBTW, just uploaded ipy with python3 support to Debian ... So we're making progress.16:40
slangasekgood to know16:41
cjwatsonI think I'll use it a lot more once we have -debian and -launchpadlib ported.  Pretty much all the archive tools could be python3 then.16:41
barrynice.  i'll submit feedparser to debian when it's ready16:41
barrycjwatson: wow, that would be fantastic16:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jan 18 16:44:12 2012 UTC.16:44
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-18-16.04.moin.txt16:44
slangasekthanks, everyone!16:44
balloonshello everyone16:59
balloonslet's let the fun begin17:00
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jan 18 17:00:09 2012 UTC.  The chair is balloons. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.17:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:00
balloonsso I see we have at least a few folks.. everyone ready?17:00
retoadedand me too17:01
balloons[TOPIC] Previous Actions17:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Previous Actions
balloonsok, so there were a couple previous actions, one of which was mine :-)17:01
alourieand one was mine :-)17:01
balloonskubuntu and ubuntu studio are on the agenda now, so that should be good going forward17:01
balloonsalourie, how did the wiki migration go?17:02
alourieballoons: it went fine17:02
alouriesince about couple of hours we have a new wiki page17:02
alourieso everyone is invited to provide a feedback17:02
balloonscan you let us know how you did it? I know we were wondering if it was possible to copy, etc...17:02
alourieI actually like this layout17:02
alourieballoons: ah17:03
alouriewell, considering that you already merged a hefty part of it, it went quite fast17:03
alourieI just copied over relevant parts17:03
albrighaalourie: to be clear, is this the page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam17:03
alouriealbrigha: yes17:03
alouriethere are still a lot of digging required for the nested stuff, I'm on it17:04
alouriebut it'll take some time, as there's a /lot/ of stuff17:04
albrighaI was going to ask about that..it seemed like AutomatedTesting has a lot of info and is rather hard to get to. but sounds like you are already looking at it :)17:04
alouriealbrigha: yes, I am17:04
alourieI am looking into all things /QA wiki/, so if anyone has ideas/suggestions/questions, fire them up to me17:05
balloonsyes, I agree.. General page cleanup is next and the more eyes on it the better17:05
gemaalourie: link AutomatedTesting in a visible place17:05
gemaI am taking care of linking all the important new stuff we do for automation there17:05
gemathanks !17:06
alouriegema: there's an "Actions" link on the main page, that leads to all activities17:06
alourieincluding Automation17:06
alouriewould you like Automation to be special and have a separate link on the main page?17:06
gemaI don't find the Actions link17:06
albrighaI don't see it either17:07
balloonsi see activities17:07
balloonsand it's there.. it's not a prominent link though on the main page17:07
alourieI meant Activities17:07
gemathat may be it, yep, it needs to be on the main page not just under activities17:07
* balloons likes the beaker graphic with the cd in it17:07
alourieballoons: for ISO testing? :-)17:08
gemamaybe a bullet point under What kinds of things does the Ubuntu QA Team do or so17:08
alouriegema: maybe we could bulletlist activities alltogether?17:08
gemaalourie: indeed17:08
balloonsdo we want aactivities on the top of the page next to roadmap, schedule17:09
alourieballoons: I'm not sure17:09
albrighaI say so..it seems like it's pretty important..17:09
alourietesting is not the only thing we do17:09
gemaI think we should discuss this on the list17:09
gemaand move on17:09
gemaor else we won't get through :)17:09
balloonsok, so no actions right now17:09
alourieballoons: put this on my actions list17:09
balloons[ACTION] alourie to feature AutomatedTesting wiki page prominently in wiki, based upon list discussion17:10
meetingologyACTION: alourie to feature AutomatedTesting wiki page prominently in wiki, based upon list discussion17:10
balloonslet's move on then17:10
alouriethanks for the feedback!17:10
balloons[TOPIC] Blueprints Updates and Community Tasks17:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Blueprints Updates and Community Tasks
balloonsalourie, your welcome.. at a glance the wiki is already nicer17:10
balloonsok, does anyone have any updates on tasks to sharE?17:11
balloonslet's start with you alourie17:11
alourieI think we need to get moving with test cases rework. I have no updates yes, but I intend to get started with rewriting. gema - is there any update on the meeting with Mozilla folks?17:12
gemaalourie: on my todo list17:13
gemaalourie: I need to talk to them this week17:13
gemaballoons: give me an action17:13
balloonsalourie, I also wanted to discuss the rework.17:13
alourieoh, great17:13
alourieballoons: go ahead17:13
balloons[ACTION] gema discuss case conductor with mozilla folks and provide update17:13
meetingologyACTION: gema discuss case conductor with mozilla folks and provide update17:13
* txomon|nqas has arrived17:14
balloonssure. So I wanted to make sure I understood the process for how the test cases were being reworked17:14
balloonstxomon|nqas, welcome :-)17:14
alourieballoons: ok17:14
balloonslet me find my steps..17:14
alourieso we have decided to rewrite them, mainly because wiki doesn't seem to be a good management tool17:15
balloonsyes.. in a nutshell, essentially using the gdoc to rewrite then place back in the wiki17:15
gemano, we have decided to rewrite them because they were wrong17:15
gemaand we are moving to case conductor because the wiki is not a good management tool :)17:15
njinthey where old17:15
gemanjin: +117:16
balloonsyes gema is correct there17:16
alourierewriting allows us to review them, fix ambiguities, update the content to a more relevant one, and remove the obsolete ones17:16
alouriebecause many of them are not relevant anymore17:16
alourieand just not clear enough17:16
balloonsso I'm up to speed on that now :-) So the next step is to get some traction going on re-writing them, reviewing them, and getting them back into the wiki17:17
alourieballoons: wiki, for now17:17
alourieand CC later on (or any other system of choice)17:17
* gema nods17:17
alourieballoons: so action here would be getting on with it :-)17:18
balloonsyes, I will take an action to solicit some folks on the list and get some cases written for next week17:18
gemaballoons: maybe you could make it a bit easier for people by making sure we have a list of test cases that haven't been worked on yet available17:18
alouriegema: +!17:19
alouriethat's +!17:19
gemabecause now that we've started the whole thing got a bit messy x)17:19
balloonsI was going to focus on an app or two at a time -- what do you think?17:19
gemasounds good to me17:19
alouriegema, balloons: I recommend going for ISO testing actually17:19
gemaalourie: indeed, so that we are ready for alpha 217:20
alouriesay, begin with simple desktop 38617:20
alourieand continue from there17:20
alourieor it is x64 now?17:20
balloonsdid we go default 64-bit?17:20
alourieI don't know17:21
gemadoesn't matter, none of them are simple by any stretch of imagination, if we are talking installs17:21
alourieand they would be quite similar17:21
alouriein terms of test cases17:21
alourieballoons: just pick one :-)17:21
balloonssure, so I will take an action to review what's out there for i386 and x6417:22
balloonsand send to the list asking for help on rewrites17:22
hggdhall archs are important -- and we will need people to work on PPC, ARM, etc17:22
alouriehggdh: true, but we need to start somewhere17:23
balloons[ACTION] balloons to review test cases for i386,x64 and coordinate updates17:23
meetingologyACTION: balloons to review test cases for i386,x64 and coordinate updates17:23
balloonshggdh, I agree, and as long as we get one arch done we can model the rest after it17:23
jibelballoons, if you start with intel you'll need to cover mac too17:24
balloonsmac as in efi boot?17:24
balloonsor as in ppc?17:24
hggdhmac intel17:24
jibelyes efi. amd6417:24
gemabut the test cases are similar, aren't they?17:24
gemaare we discussing test cases or execution?17:24
jibelif you're talking about test case there should be no difference between intel archs17:25
gemathat's what I thought, we were just talking test cases, then balloons will need to move to the execution phase17:26
gemaand help coordinate that17:26
gemawith you, probably, jibel17:26
alourieI still say we pick one, handle its test cases, see next17:26
gemaalourie: +117:26
balloonsok, so yes test cases first17:27
balloonsjibel can help coordinate execution17:28
balloonsthat's probably an discussion point for next week17:28
balloonsmake sure we followup17:28
balloonsok, let's move on17:28
balloons[TOPIC] Ubuntu Derivative Updates17:29
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Derivative Updates
balloonsAnyone from kubuntu on?17:29
* alourie is out for few minutes17:29
ScottKAlthough Kubuntu isn't really a derivative.17:29
balloonshello ScottK17:29
ScottKAs I mentioned last week, we've got KDE SC 4.7.4 in oneiric-proposed for testing.17:30
balloonsI never know what to call them.. spins, etc.. can someone give me the right term?17:30
ScottKIt's the last planned 4.7.x update.17:30
balloonswill 4.8 be in precise?17:30
ScottKI prefer flavors or siblings.17:30
ScottKIt's a 4.8 rc now and 4.8 final due out soon.17:30
ScottKIMO something like Mint is a derivative.17:31
balloonsScottK, noted. I'll use flavors17:31
jibelballoons, flavors is good as per http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/derivatives17:31
balloonsjibel, perfect thank you17:31
balloonshow about lubuntu? phillw?17:32
phillwfairly quiet, still working on one bug. the other bug that we shared with xubuntu re:language being altered when hitting return seems resolved17:32
ScottKBTW, the new multitouch stack is about to land on precise and if someone has appropriate hardware it'd be great to get some testing with Qt apps.  None of the Kubuntu developers have hardware.17:32
balloonsScottK, ohh really? I've been waiting for it to land to try out with my chromebook which has a multitouch pad17:33
phillwbut my daily buold from yesterday has just failed after install.17:33
ScottKballoons: I understand the qt4-x11 build on armel is the last thing they are waiting for.17:33
ScottKIt takes about a day and a half to build.17:33
balloonsphillw, do you know why it failed yet?17:34
ScottKI think this needs a touch screen though.17:34
phillwballoons: no, It just sent my VM crazy when I 1st launched it. I've only just put it on so need to have a dig around.17:34
* alourie I must leave now, sorry, will read logs later17:34
* alourie thanks balloons for the chairing :-)17:35
balloonsgoodbye alourie!17:35
balloonsphillw, ScottK thanks for the updates17:35
balloonsHow about xubuntu?17:35
gemacharlie-tca doesn't seem to be here17:36
balloonsastraljava, anything on ubuntu studio?17:36
njinunity-greeter[1589] trap int3 ip:7fec4fbe4b3b sp:7fff55e32490 error:017:36
astraljavaNothing much. We're picking up speed in getting our first ever live-dvd developed soon-ish.17:36
astraljavaOther than that, it's been slow.17:37
balloonsjust curious, how much kernel testing does your team undertake?17:37
njinXubuntu today install like a charm17:38
astraljavaSomewhat, as we're going to include the -low-latency kernel.17:38
njinin my test17:38
astraljavaBut it hasn't reached the repositories yet.17:38
phillwnjin: I'll wait for todays build. Mine is dated 17th.17:38
njinI too17:38
* txomon|nqas would like to ask a question at the end17:38
njinalso the build useed to report the bug is 1717:39
balloonsok great.. thank astraljava17:39
balloonsOne more update njin and txomon|nqas  :-)17:39
balloonshighvoltage, anything from edubuntu?17:39
balloonsor anyone else care to comment on edubuntu? stgraber? I know they said they were not usually around17:40
balloonswe'll move on then17:40
highvoltagehey balloons17:40
highvoltageah sorry I forgot about this meeting17:40
balloonshello :-)17:41
balloonsno worries -- anything to share?17:41
highvoltagenothing that I have prepared now, but I'll give an update next time!17:41
balloonssounds great17:41
highvoltagehow often does this meeting occur?17:41
balloonsevery weds at 1700 utc17:41
balloons[TOPIC] Other Discussions17:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Other Discussions
balloonsok, lastly anything from the list or otherwise anyone wants to bring up17:42
balloonsfire away njin17:42
balloonstxomon|nqas, how about your question?17:43
njinjust that today kubuntu and Xubuntu installs ok in every modality17:43
njinon real hardware17:43
txomon|nqasI have been thinking about this for a large time. I have several computers that I don't use, and that would like to use for testing, is there any app the qa has to make automated installs?17:44
txomon|nqasI mean, automatically running tests, and sending reports17:44
balloonsnjin: sweet!17:44
gematxomon|nqas: not yet17:45
txomon|nqashave been looking at the Orchestra project, but that is mainly focused on server deployment17:45
balloonsgema, what work would need to be done to enable such things?17:45
gemaballoons: we are working on a project that will allow people to do this at home17:45
gemaballoons: but we are barely gathering requirements at the moment17:46
txomon|nqasgema: good to know.17:46
gemaballoons: having an orchestra server would be good for the time being17:46
gemaand I have been told it is very easy to use17:46
gemabut not everyone will be up for it17:46
* txomon|nqas tryed orchestra...17:46
gematxomon|nqas: and?17:46
txomon|nqaspuf, that was difficult to use in a home enviroment. It was very focussed on servers, and17:47
ScottKThis week I'm expecting we'll get postfix 2.8.7 into precise and then there will be post-release updates for natty and oneiric that need testing.17:47
txomon|nqasthere were lots of things not quite modularized17:47
gematxomon|nqas: agreed17:48
txomon|nqasI mean, the orchestra-provisioning17:48
balloonstxomon|nqas, any other thoughts on tools? certainly I would encourage you to see what you could come up with to do the automated testing, even if there wasn't a good way (yet) to feedback17:48
txomon|nqaswhich is what I mainly wanted, is quite strange to my eyes (alone at least)17:48
txomon|nqasballoons: I have been using apt-cacher-ng to cache, instead of squid17:49
txomon|nqasand speeds up quite a lot installations17:49
txomon|nqaseasy to configure (doesn't need btw)17:49
balloonsand your mainly looking at iso installing or ?17:49
txomon|nqasballoons: I was intending to create automatic installation systems, with kickstart files17:50
hggdhScottK: do we have tests available for postfix, or is it ad-hoc?17:50
* hggdh wonders if the meeting lost focus17:50
balloonsjust dual convo's :-)17:50
gemahggdh: +1 :D17:51
ScottKhggdh: I think it's ad hoc, but postfix upstream is one of the most careful and reliable there is.17:51
balloonstxomon|nqas, i would say keep us informed of your work and progress.. Gema as you can use feedback on requirements gathering let's plan to share and make sure txomon|nqas sees it17:51
hggdhScottK: k17:51
gemaballoons: ok17:52
txomon|nqasI would be quite interested on that17:52
txomon|nqasnothing more on my side17:53
txomon|nqaswill discuss this in #ubuntu-testing17:53
ScottKNo.  Nothing more.17:53
balloonsalright -- our time has come to an end then.. great meeting everyone. thanks for coming17:53
nuclearbobthanks for chairing17:53
gemathanks for chairing!17:53
bil21alok yw17:53
balloonsand for dealing with me as the chair ;-) See you all next week17:53
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jan 18 17:54:14 2012 UTC.17:54
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-18-17.00.moin.txt17:54
hggdhScottK: I will keep an eye for it17:54
phillwballoons: thnks for chairing17:54
njinballons, thanks17:57
jibelthanks for chairing balloons18:00
bdmurrayTime for the bug squad meeting18:02
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jan 18 18:02:55 2012 UTC.  The chair is bdmurray. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.18:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:02
bdmurray#topic Previous Actions18:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Previous Actions
bdmurrayACTION: bdmurray to perform SRU of fix for bug 904527 for Oneiric18:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 904527 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu Oneiric) "apport package hook no longer installed" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90452718:03
bdmurrayPedro had asked that I upload a fix for Oneiric for that18:04
bdmurraywhich I've done but it could use verification18:04
bdmurrayIts really simple ;-) just make sure /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_rhythmbox.py exists!18:04
bdmurraySo if anybody still running Oneiric could check that out it'd be much appreciated18:05
bdmurraymoving on18:05
Ursinha(I can do that)18:06
bdmurrayUrsinha: that'd be great!18:06
bdmurray#action Ursinha to perform SRU verification of bug 90452718:06
meetingologyACTION: Ursinha to perform SRU verification of bug 90452718:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 904527 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu Oneiric) "apport package hook no longer installed" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90452718:06
bdmurray#topic Engineering Team Bug Status18:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Engineering Team Bug Status
bdmurrayUrsinha: do you have anything for us?18:07
Ursinhabdmurray, not really no18:07
bdmurrayUrsinha: oh with regards to that openoffice package install failure bug18:08
bdmurraycome to find out apport wasn't checking bug patterns in precise18:08
bdmurraythis is fixed now18:08
Ursinhaoh, argh and cool :)18:08
Ursinhathanks for fixing the world, bdmurray :)18:08
bdmurrayIn all fairness pitti fixed it, I just found it. ;-)18:08
bdmurrayjsalisbury: Do you have anything to report?18:09
Ursinhawhich is fairly important too ;)18:09
jsalisburyJust a heads up, there are a bunch of duplicates coming in for bug 91796218:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 917962 in linux (Ubuntu) "BUG: scheduling while atomic: swapper/3/0/0x10000100" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91796218:09
jsalisburyThis bug seems to have only started today.  I'm in the process of bisecting to find what caused the regression.18:09
bdmurrayI wouldn't say its only started today, we might now just be seeing it since I turned on kerneloops18:10
jsalisburybdmurray, ahh, yes, correct18:10
Ursinhabdmurray, you turned on kerneloops again?18:10
bdmurrayUrsinha: yes, I disabled the question regarding uploading it to kerneloops.org and enabled kerneloops again18:11
Ursinhagreat :)18:11
* Ursinha takes notes18:11
jsalisburybdmurray, it's doing its job ;-)18:11
bdmurrayjsalisbury: yeah so it seems.  let me know if you need any help writing a bug pattern for that bug18:12
balloonshehe, I feel like I should be afraid to update today...18:12
jsalisburybdmurray, will do.  I'll create the bug pattern once the root cause is identified.18:12
bdmurrayjsalisbury: why wait? duplicates will just keep coming in18:13
jsalisburybdmurray, That's the only major update I have.18:13
jsalisburybdmurray, Just need to have time later today.18:13
bdmurrayjsalisbury: okay, I wasn't sure if it was hardware specific or something18:13
bdmurraySo as previously mentioned I've turned on kerneloops now18:14
jsalisburybdmurray, no I don't believe so.  I should have the pattern done this afternoon.18:14
bdmurrayI also uploaded an updated update-manager apport package hook to include Aptdaemon messages from syslog18:14
bdmurrayAnd there will be a new version of firefox-lp-improvements shortly18:15
bdmurrayThat'll fix bug 91746118:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 917461 in Launchpad Greasemonkey Scripts "stock replies do not work in Firefox" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91746118:15
bdmurray#topic Bug Escalations (any High or Critical bugs that community members have seen that need attention)18:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bug Escalations (any High or Critical bugs that community members have seen that need attention)
bdmurrayAre there any bugs that we need to be aware of or that need some love?18:16
bdmurrayokay that's good news I hope18:18
bdmurray#topic Other Topics18:19
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Other Topics
bdmurraySpeaking of SRU verifications18:19
bdmurrayThere is a version of update-manager in oneiric proposed that could use some verification18:19
bdmurrayit fixes bug 88070418:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 880704 in update-manager (Ubuntu Oneiric) "On kubuntu, update-manager hook crashes with ImportError: No module named gconf in hookutils.py attach_gconf" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88070418:19
bdmurraybug 873432 and bug 87342418:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 873432 in update-manager (Ubuntu Oneiric) "check-new-release-gtk: Release Notes link/button doesn't send to a release notes page" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87343218:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 873424 in update-manager (Ubuntu Oneiric) "ask me later fails" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87342418:20
bdmurrayI'm familiar with the bugs if anybody needs help verifying them18:21
bdmurrayIs there anything else to discuss?18:21
bdmurrayWell then, thanks everyone18:25
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jan 18 18:26:01 2012 UTC.18:26
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-18-18.02.moin.txt18:26
jsalisburythanks, Brian18:26
Ursinhathanks bdmurray18:29
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
gilir#startmeeting Lubuntu Team Meeting20:05
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jan 18 20:05:45 2012 UTC.  The chair is gilir. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.20:05
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired20:05
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Lubuntu Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic:
* gilir takes a seat20:06
MrChrisDruifSit down already ;-)20:06
giliras ususal, aganda is here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/IRC%20Meetings/Agenda20:06
gilirno action from previous meeting20:07
gilirso we will go directly to team report :)20:08
gilir#topic phillw - Weekly report - Update from QA meeting and team20:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Lubuntu Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: phillw - Weekly report - Update from QA meeting and team
phillwSadly, one big bug has just surfaced.20:08
phillwI've just gotten confirmation of it & it prevents a new install of lubuntu 12.04 from running. Does not affect xubuntu or kubuntu.20:09
gilirphillw, you have a bug number ?20:09
phillwgilir: I got confirmtaion about 3 minutes ago!20:10
phillwgilir: I'll get it raised but the issue is unity-greeter[1589] trap int3 ip:7fec4fbe4b3b sp:7fff55e32490 error:020:10
phillwalso the build useed to report the bug is 1720:10
phillwsame errors for me in 18 on real hardware20:10
gilirphillw, hum, we should not have unity-greeter at all on lubuntu20:11
jmarsden|workwhy would there be a "unity-greeter" ... exactly!20:11
phillwthat is what njin from the QA team saw when he tried to confirm it for me. It fails crazily on VM. He used a 'real' machine.20:11
gilirphillw, I'll look at a daily ISO to check, maybe the last update of lighdm was not so nice :)20:12
phillwokies, I got it 1st on 17th, we re-tried once 18th came out.20:12
amjjawadthat black wallpaper is so bad20:12
michaelrawsonlightdm won't run at all for me. I'm all for keeping lxdm for now.20:13
phillwother than that, the new front wiki for the main QA team has been redisgned and will gradually filter through to update everything.20:13
amjjawadfor me, I got it after I updated and upgraded my system20:13
gilirmichaelrawson, report a bug instead, we can't just switch this type of application when a bug arise20:14
phillwThe current push is to have everything needed for alpha 2 testing.20:14
phillwend of QA report.20:14
michaelrawson@gilir, I have. Sorry for chipping in :)20:14
meetingologymichaelrawson: Error: "gilir," is not a valid command.20:14
michaelrawsongilir, I have. Sorry for chipping in :)20:14
gilirthanks phillw20:15
gilir#action gilir to check the unity-greeter / black wallpaper bug on ISO20:15
meetingologyACTION: gilir to check the unity-greeter / black wallpaper bug on ISO20:15
gilir#topic Unit193 - Weekly report - Update on IRC OP's team20:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Lubuntu Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Unit193 - Weekly report - Update on IRC OP's team
Unit193The IRC council call for OPs has been closed and we should hear from them later this week.20:16
Unit193I'm also still looking for someone to do the OPs interview20:16
jmarsden|workUnit193: Use a mirror?20:17
Unit193jmarsden|work: Last one I tried broke :/20:17
gilirUnit193, interview for the comm team ?20:18
Unit193gilir: Yes sir!20:18
gilirwell, it's not mandatory :)20:18
gilirlet's see how the first ones go, maybe people will be interested after :)20:19
amjjawadno one replied Jens except me and Phill :/20:19
giliramjjawad, I done it off list ;)20:20
Unit193Yeah, there isn't much info as to the questions and sych20:20
amjjawadgilir: aha :D20:20
phillwamjjawad: also chris druif has replied.20:20
amjjawadphillw: that's cool :)20:20
gilirUnit193, anything else ?20:20
Unit193That's all I can think of for now20:21
gilirok thanks Unit193 :)20:21
MrChrisDruifYOU FORGOT ME?20:21
gilir#topic MrChrisDruif - Weekly report - Update on Wiki / Docs team20:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Lubuntu Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: MrChrisDruif - Weekly report - Update on Wiki / Docs team
gilirMrChrisDruif, I follow the agenda order ;)20:21
MrChrisDruifWe've had a small issue regarding installing non-platform apps like ktouch on lubuntu20:22
MrChrisDruifI asked if others could look up if others could find any info on the wiki regarding this issue. I've not had any response yet20:23
gilirMrChrisDruif, is there a bug report somewhere (upstream or on launchpad) ?20:23
MrChrisDruifAnd still haven't really started with the restructuring of the wiki and help pages20:24
MrChrisDruifgilir; No, it was a question coming from amjjawad from the forum.20:24
amjjawadMrChrisDruif:  we need to talk sometime soon regarding that :)20:24
amjjawadI mean regarding the Wiki Pages and the re-organization of it20:25
MrChrisDruifIf it had performance issue. gilir; if you know anything about it, info would be appreciated20:25
gilirMrChrisDruif, no sorry, never use it20:25
MrChrisDruifAlright, then I'll send a query to the mailing-list to find info about it20:26
gilirbut maybe you could report a bug on upstream bug tracker, if you can't find information about this issue20:26
giliryes, maybe someone on the mailing know something20:26
MrChrisDruifOther then that nothing to report20:27
amjjawadand I'll try to do some search on the forum in case I can find something useful :)20:27
gilirthanks MrChrisDruif :)20:27
MrChrisDruifamjjawad; thanks. About restructuring the wiki you can post to the wiki mailing-list20:27
amjjawadMrChrisDruif: please CC me when you will send that email :)20:27
MrChrisDruifIf you've got ideas, just share them20:27
amjjawadMrChrisDruif: I thought we can chat ?20:27
gilir#topic gilir - Weekly report - Devs teams report20:28
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Lubuntu Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: gilir - Weekly report - Devs teams report
gilirNo big and visible progress here20:28
StephenSmallyi have to say a thing20:28
gilirwork on lxfind continue20:28
StephenSmallygilir: yes, i'm implementing popup menu right now20:29
MrChrisDruifgilir; Q: will LSC ever replace gdebi?20:29
wxlyey lxfind!20:29
gilirsome progress on the packaging of the artwork, if you have the staging PPA, you may see some new stuff soon20:29
wxl(sorry just had to say thank you)20:29
amjjawad+1 for MrChrisDruif Q20:29
gilirand an update of gnome-mpalyer is in progress, available in PPA staging too20:29
gilirStephenSmally, yes ?20:30
StephenSmallymmm, no, for the moment20:30
amjjawadwhy not to keep it?20:30
gilirStephenSmally, you said you had something to say :)20:30
StephenSmallyah, excusme :)20:30
StephenSmallya last bug on LSC should be fixed now (using non english translation)20:31
StephenSmallyso i think we will be ready to release 0.0.3 soon20:31
gilirStephenSmally, cool :)20:31
gilirStephenSmally, ping me when it's ready, so I can test it and update it on the repositories20:32
StephenSmallyof course20:32
gilirStephenSmally, and remember, feature freeze will be here soon, be sure to include most feature you want before this :)20:33
StephenSmallymm, but if lsc is already in the repo...20:34
gilirnothing more from devs, unless StephenSmally or jmarsden|work want to add anything20:34
StephenSmallyshouldn't be possible update it without problems?20:34
jmarsden|workNothing from me, except that lightdm/black screen issue needs fixing :)20:34
gilirStephenSmally, yes, but feature freeze applied to all packages in repo20:34
jmarsden|workStephenSmally: You can't add new features even to an existing app after Feature Freeze without getting an FFe20:35
gilirStephenSmally, after this, we can't add new feature, we focus on bug fixing20:35
StephenSmallyArgh, ok, i will be fast as possible ;-)20:35
StephenSmallyanother little things,20:35
gilirthat's mean I need to finish the session manager really soon :/20:35
amjjawadStephenSmally: will LSC do the same function that Gdebi does?20:35
wxlooh i forgot to ask, does lxfind do regex at all?20:35
wxlprobably not20:35
StephenSmallyi opened a topic on the Ubuntu Italian forum to collect feedbacks and hints about lubuntu20:36
StephenSmallywxl: since you use find as backend, yes, no with the native glib backend20:36
wxlStephenSmally: so if i understand you correctly, you're saying part of the backend does, but the other doesn't, so long story short, no20:37
StephenSmallyLxFind supports 3 kind of backends20:37
StephenSmallyLocate, Find and the Glib one20:37
wxlah so it just selects the right one; got it20:38
amjjawadStephenSmally: will LSC do the same function that GDebi does?20:38
StephenSmallyamjjawad: no, not at the moment20:39
amjjawadbut in future yes, right?20:39
amjjawadStephenSmally: and for me to know more about LSC and can answer such Qs on the Forum ... will user be able to install and use LSC on any variant?20:39
StephenSmallyamjjawad: we will see, if gdebi is too old or if is unuseful have to apps instead of one yes20:39
michaelrawsonamjawad; I have LSC on ubuntu, if that helps.20:40
StephenSmallyYes, LSC haven't got any dependencies related to Lubuntu specifically, runs on any Debian Base distro20:40
amjjawadmichaelrawson: that is good to know :)20:40
amjjawadStephenSmally: thanks :)20:40
amjjawadone last Q20:40
amjjawadwill LXFind be available in 12.04?20:40
StephenSmallymm, i think gilir will ask better20:41
amjjawadgilir: ?20:41
StephenSmally(Feature freeze, you know, we need tester and need fast builds, launchpad takes hours to build)20:42
giliramjjawad, not by default, it's too short, but yes in the PPA20:42
amjjawadgilir: thanks a lot. I need to be ready to answer that on Forums :)20:42
michaelrawsongilir; permamently in PPA, or in 12.10?20:42
jmarsden|workWho knows what will be in 12:10, at this point? :)  probably lxfind can be in 12.10 if it matures by then...20:43
gilirmichaelrawson, no, we can reconsider it for 12.1020:43
michaelrawsonyup, thanks gilir.20:43
MrChrisDruifStephenSmally; I'm not seeing a definitive answer if it'll support .deb installation20:43
amjjawadgilir: what about LXScreenshot?20:43
giliramjjawad, as I said on the ML, we need to compare it with scrot, to see if we can replace it20:44
StephenSmallyMrChrisDruif: not in Precise20:44
amjjawadso that means not yet decided. Thanks G20:44
gilirany more questions ? :)20:45
amjjawadgilir: wubi?20:45
MrChrisDruifBut eventually yes? Maybe with backports eventually in Precise?20:45
amjjawadin 12.04?20:45
giliramjjawad, I had no news about it, still in progress for 12.0420:46
phillwamjjawad: wubi will support 12.04 lubuntu20:46
amjjawadOk, thanks gilir  :)20:46
amjjawadphillw: so is it official?20:47
gilirphillw is more up-to-date than me :)20:47
phillwamjjawad: the fix has been made, we awair beta1 for full testing.20:47
amjjawadok then it's kind of official :) thanks phillw20:47
amjjawadI'm done with Qs so far20:48
phillwamjjawad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/907524 20:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 907524 in Wubi "No Lubuntu option" [Medium,Fix released]20:48
gilir#topic jmarsden|work Mailing list migration20:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Lubuntu Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: jmarsden|work Mailing list migration
amjjawadthanks phillw, I subscribed to that bug :)20:49
gilirjmarsden|work, I planned to just close the team for new member, and remove current members to be sure nobody post to the old mailing list20:49
gilirjmarsden|work, if you have a better idea, go :)20:50
amjjawadgilir: why we do this? because we have sub-teams now?20:50
jmarsden|workThat's fine, I was wondering when we will do it, I am still seeing some people (phillw and amjjawad from memory) use the old list...20:50
giliramjjawad, no, because we have a new-and-more-official mailing list20:50
amjjawadgilir: ok but what about the members?20:51
amjjawadthey need to join the NEW one first!!20:51
gilirjmarsden|work, I planned to wait some days after the annoucement of the new mailing list, but I can do it shortly now20:51
giliramjjawad, I already send 2 mails on the old mailing about it20:51
gilirI think it's enough :)20:52
amjjawadgilir: true but I'm sure most did not read it yet :(20:52
jmarsden|workI think we need a clear decision; it's Ok with me if the etam thinks we need a longer period for people to move over... but ... yes, peole alread had notice.20:52
gilirI'll see if I can send a message with the kick of the members20:52
amjjawadgilir: I'll make sure to update the threads on UF20:52
amjjawadso that most of them who are already there will be informed20:52
jmarsden|workThinking about this... which "team" is responsible for the mailing list? :)20:53
amjjawadmichaelrawson: where do you think we need to put that? what thread?20:53
michaelrawsonIDK. all of them!20:53
Unit193One last email to say why they were removed, and remove them all, simple20:53
amjjawadI can't put that on all of them, it's cross posting and you know what is next ;) michaelrawson20:53
michaelrawsonI meant LOST and LOSG and possible the 12.04 thread. :)20:54
gilirjmarsden|work, I don't know if we really need a team on this :)20:54
amjjawadjmarsden|work: I say we don't need that20:54
amjjawadeach sub-team will take care of its own list20:54
amjjawadlubuntu-user will be for everyone20:54
Unit193If people are subscribed to the mailing list, they should just need an email about it20:55
amjjawadmichaelrawson: I'll see where to put that, most likely Lubuntu One Stop Group :)20:55
michaelrawsonyou could also possible ask the fridge, etc to put out something. IDK, I agree with gilir in part.20:56
michaelrawsonis it possible to send a message every time someone posts to that list, warning them it's closing soon, and where to look for new one?20:56
gilirmichaelrawson, maybe a blog post on a Ubuntu Planet should be enough ?20:56
michaelrawsonprobably. :)20:56
michaelrawsonI am googling ubuntu planet. :)20:57
wxlas an aside to the topic but consistent with this current tangent, amjjawad i think you should create a facebook GROUP for us20:57
wxlpages are easy to ignore20:58
gilirany ubuntu member volunteer for this blog post ? :p20:58
amjjawadwxl: there is a group but i have no clue who is in charge???20:58
phillwgilir: I'll giver it a go :)20:58
gilirphillw, your blog is aggregate on the planet ?20:58
wxlamjjawad: we'll chat later about this. i'm sure you could get in touch and have him/her make you an admin20:59
phillwgilir: I thought you wanted s.o. to report it ubuntu planet?20:59
amjjawadI tired and he/she ignored me as usual wxl20:59
wxlamjjawad: then make a new group! :D20:59
amjjawadphillw: what do you think? new group?20:59
wxlamjjawad: e.g. "Official Lubuntu"20:59
amjjawadI'm not an admin on Lubuntu Page yet??? so what gives? phillw ?20:59
amjjawadI've been calling for that since ages!21:00
phillwamjjawad: I rarely use fb!21:00
amjjawadmany do phillw21:00
amjjawadI'm UP to this as forever21:00
amjjawadmy requests were being ignored21:00
amjjawadI'm active on Fb21:00
amjjawadjust like UF21:00
gilirphillw, we will talk about it later, maybe I can do a blog post about Lubuntu devs for 12.04, include this information21:01
wxlACTUALLY i'd be happy to help out with a facebook group as part of support21:01
amjjawadI'm creating too many pages but I don't think it's very good idea. We need to focus on few official pages21:01
phillwokies gilir21:01
michaelrawsonwell...me too, but I'm with phill on fb usage.21:01
gilirok, it's time, if nobody have important stuff to add, I'll finish the meeting21:01
wxlpages don't push notifications, but groups do, which is why i suggest groups21:01
amjjawadwxl: i don't mind :)21:02
* MrChrisDruif uses fb a lot. But google+ for Ubuntu related stuff21:02
wxlsounds like this is our personal project amjjawad :D21:02
amjjawadI need the green light21:02
amjjawadI already made G+ for Lubuntu ;)21:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jan 18 21:02:46 2012 UTC.21:02
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-18-20.05.moin.txt21:02
amjjawadLubuntu page on fb has more than 3K users21:02
wxli hate G+21:02
phillwgilir:  thanks for chairing :)21:02
Unit193gilir: Thanks21:03
gilirthanks guys :)21:03
amjjawadwxl: and michaelrawson  let's talk on the offtopic :)21:03
amjjawadmeet me there ;)21:03
michaelrawsonokay. :)21:03
wxlthanks all21:03
michaelrawsonyup, thanks gilir, everybody.21:03
michaelrawsonhi StephenSmally21:13
=== AndrewMC is now known as Andr----
vibhavWhen will the meeting start?23:48
benonsoftwarevibhav: Which meeting?23:49
vibhavNorth and South American regional approval board23:49
benonsoftwarevibhav: This time tomorrow23:49
vibhavWhy tomorrow?23:50
benonsoftwareLet me double check23:50
vibhavthanks benonsoftware23:50
Pendulumvibhav: the meeting is tomorrow. (Americas board meetings are always Thursdays)23:50
benonsoftwareIts Thursday for me but TZs are crazy :P23:50
vibhav:( I had to wake up early morning :(23:51
vibhavI must sleep then23:53
vibhavCan anybody visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/Americas and tell me what have I done wrong?23:58
benonsoftwareWhat do you mean?23:59
benonsoftwareAh I'll fix it for you23:59

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