
tjfHi! Can someone tel me if the floodbots are open source, and where their sources are if they are?00:21
Myrttithey're not yet00:21
Myrttiwork is being done to open source some part of them though.00:22
tjfOkay, thanks.00:22
Myrttisome, if not all.00:22
tjfIs there an ETA?00:22
Myrttinot that I'm aware of.00:22
tjfAlright. Thanks :-)00:22
marienzwhat a111 just sent was an attempt to crash xchats (may only affect the windows build, but I'm not 100% sure yet). See ##linux a while back, if you're on it.02:24
bazhangok thanks marienz < and yes I am>02:25
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:44
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:44
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:44
h00kI removed < qqqq > DICKS IN MY AS03:50
h00kfrm #ubuntu03:50
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Guest80983 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)04:57
n2diyhello, something happened, and now I need to be "tested manually"?05:48
ikoniais the !trash factoid still valid in current ubuntu releases ?08:42
ikoniainteresting, so that location hasn't changed or the way trash is used hasn't changed either ?08:43
pangolinthe location is the same08:45
justin______gday iknonia08:58
justin______im sorry08:58
ikoniajustin______: next time you're asked to stop by people - stop,08:58
justin______im sorry i was just making conversation. im sorry that i have offended ur political system too.08:59
ikoniait's not a conversation channel08:59
ikoniayou where told that08:59
ikoniayou where asked to stop discussing wikipedia08:59
justin______i have no ego, so, my apologies.08:59
ikoniayou where given the correct support channel for wikipedia08:59
ikonia- get the hint, stop08:59
ikoniajustin______: no problem, the topic for #ubuntu is ubuntu support discussion, you can rejoin if you need that topic08:59
justin______are you a chatbot?09:00
ikoniaclearly not as I'm talking to you09:00
Myrtti!backtrack > inkernod10:02
ikoniawhat's the factoid for how to find channels11:47
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:47
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*11:47
ikoniaHmmmm maybe that11:47
popeyer, oops13:55
bazhanghey yo13:55
ikoniacool popey daddyo13:56
bazhangluca__, hi14:45
h00kbazhang: scared away by you:(15:29
=== maco2_ is now known as maco
bazhanghehe beat me to the !ot16:35
bazhangjust program the floodbots to respond to SOPA the next 24hrs16:36
mneptokand PIPA. and ACTA.16:37
h00kand NDAA16:38
bazhangnah, no one cares about that one16:39
mneptokbrb. police coming through the windows.16:39
mneptokthere's an apocryphal story that Keith Richards actually had to say that to someone on the phone16:42
LjLjrib: still updating your list? [18:00:28] <sovereignentity> If OsX is based on unix and Linux is based on Unix why cant windows see the file system of both17:03
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (NeverHere appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)17:18
h00kLjL: thanks17:24
* h00k adds it17:24
bazhang<hydrogenous> <r00t4rd3d> everyone join #ubuntu and say "Howard Sterns Penis" and then leave17:26
bazhangsounds like he's creating a troll raid17:27
LjLtold him to report in -ops next time17:27
bazhangstaff may want to see that17:27
bazhang<downbeam> i need to talk to some one smart17:43
pangolinI guess LjL wasn't that person :/17:44
pangolinGood morning,.17:44
bazhangI think it's how ati card but that was all I could figure out17:44
bazhangerr his17:44
LjLmaybe they need to sound smart on their turn17:44
LjLi'm not talking to someone i have to painfully extract information from :(17:44
pangolinLjL: I was being sarcastic.17:47
LjLre: what throwing non-existant factoids at people does18:11
h00kMyrtti: that's enough spaces for ##club-ubuntu21:13
Myrttioh man21:13
h00kyeah...I counted.21:13
h00kMyrtti: Hah!21:14
Myrttih00k: you sick little...21:14
MyrttiI won't even...21:16
Myrttioh right21:17
Myrttithat was *my* imagination and internal discussion, not public or yours21:17
LjL"mr_evil" has joined #ubuntu from a tor server, just ftr22:59

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