
qman__Titomen, run sudo apt-get update00:01
qman__that error is usually caused by an out of date package list or a failed download00:01
qman__or a bad source00:01
Titomenqman__: ok let me try00:03
Titomenqman__: look what i am getting: http://pastebin.com/d3tWNT0W00:05
qman__means either your internet's down (link or DNS) or you're being blocked from accessing the mirror00:05
Titomenqman__: if i can putty into the server from home..i guess the porblem is not the internet?00:06
qman__could still be DNS00:07
Titomenqman__: whta options do i have?00:07
qman__try to ping google.com00:07
qman__then try to ping ubuntu.com00:07
qman__if neither works, try to ping
Titomenfrom putty?00:07
qman__from your server00:07
DREDNOFEARanyone have any ideas on how to trouble shoot a dig SERVFAIL?00:08
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Titomenqman__: 64 bytes from gx-in-f106.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=88 ttl=47 time=25.7 ms00:10
Titomen64 bytes from gx-in-f106.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=89 ttl=47 time=26.0 ms00:10
Titomen64 bytes from gx-in-f106.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=90 ttl=47 time=25.3 ms00:10
Titomen64 bytes from gx-in-f106.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=91 ttl=47 time=26.1 ms00:10
qman__so you have internet and dns00:10
qman__are you able to ping ubuntu.com?00:10
l0nDREDNOFEAR: can you telnet to port 53 on the server running bind?00:11
qman__or, to be more specific, archive.ubuntu.com00:11
Titomenqman__: let me try00:11
qman__if you can, and apt-get update still doesn't work, it means your web traffic is being filtered00:12
DREDNOFEARno can't telnet on port 5300:12
l0nDREDNOFEAR: sounds like it could be a firewall issue or you aren't binding to the correct IP address on the server00:13
osmosiswhats the recommend protocol to use for file transfer between two servers on a local network?  SSH is gettting cpu bottlenecked.00:14
Titomenqman__: 64 bytes from cursa.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=42 time=147 ms00:14
Titomen64 bytes from cursa.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=42 time=141 ms00:14
Titomen64 bytes from cursa.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=42 time=138 ms00:14
Titomen64 bytes from cursa.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=42 time=149 ms00:14
Titomenqman__: so what are my options00:14
qman__attempt to wget archive.ubuntu.com or telnet archive.ubuntu.com 8000:15
l0nosmosis: off the top of my head, you could use: NFS, SMB or FTP00:15
qman__if those do not work, that confirms that your web traffic is being blocked00:15
qman__in which case, check your firewall00:15
Titomenqman__: so that is the comand i have touse: wget archive.ubuntu.com00:15
* pehden is away: I'm busy00:17
Titomenqman__: this is what i get: http://pastebin.com/GVKjW0AB00:20
qman__that means it worked and you're online00:20
qman__try to sudo apt-get update again00:20
SpamapSDaviey: fyi, the bug in juju that causes the test suite to fail is bug 91795400:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 917954 in juju "juju.providers.orchestra.tests.test_digestauth fails with twisted 11.1" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91795400:22
Titomenqman__: i believe i am getting the same errors: http://pastebin.com/NvMCzyTu00:23
qman__oh, I just noticed it00:24
qman__you're running karmic00:24
qman__karmic is old and unsupported00:24
qman__so the mirrors aren't there00:24
l0nqman__: they've been renamed haven't they?00:25
qman__AFAIK they're just gone00:25
qman__if they do still exist, that's news to me, and good news00:25
Titomenqman__: how easy is to upgradfe...00:26
qman__it's much easier if you do it before the release goes unsupported00:26
qman__but you can upgrade from a 10.04 lucid disc00:26
qman__and the official doc, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:28
qman__and yes, looks like they are up at old-releases.ubuntu.com00:28
qman__which is good to know00:28
l0nYou may be able to fix it like this if you don't want to upgrade: Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and replace all instances of archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com with the very fitting old-releases.ubuntu.com. After that, run sudo apt-get update and watch the repository indexes roll in!00:28
l0nyeah old-releases, that's what I was thinking of00:28
DavieySpamapS: thanks00:29
Titomenl0n: well is not that i do not want to upgrade...i am a newbee..i have this server which is backing up  my computerws very nicely...if the upgrade process is easy...i have no problem....00:37
qman__if your server is hosting anything to the internet, you should upgrade00:37
qman__if it isn't, and is only used locally, you may not want to upgrade, because there's a possibility it can break things00:37
twbIf his machine is networked *AT ALL* he should upgrade to a supported release00:38
Titomenqman__: for now it backups all the data of my 5 office windows computer with delta copy and rsync... even though i know that you guys do not like webmin...i use it to monitor the server..and if i need to do command i use putty...00:38
qman__the upgrade process itself is easy00:39
qman__but bugs and things happen00:39
qman__webmin could make upgrading a total disaster00:39
Titomenis there  away to do an image and if this does not work easily foo back untill i have much more time to dedicate for00:40
qman__if you have a drive which has enough free space to back up the entirety of your server00:40
qman__you can back it up with programs like partimage or dd00:40
twbwebmin makes everything a total disaster00:40
Titomenwebmin is only to monitor...like my softwere raids..i have 4 software raids...00:40
qman__or even tar00:40
twbIt is turnkey disaster software00:40
qman__webmin is webmin00:40
qman__it doesn't matter what you use it for, its mere presence introduces lots of issues00:40
qman__especially for this type of situation00:41
Titomenso if i need to check the server in a easy was i understand that everybody does not like guis?00:41
qman__it depends on what you're checking00:41
qman__there are lots of full blown monitoring solutions which work much better than webmin and are nice to the system00:42
qman__like nagios, icinga, mrtg, ...00:42
qman__if you only need simple things, you can write it yourself, like I did: https://qman.strangled.net:8443/stats.php00:43
Titomenmayinly..with webmin i can chek the file manager so i can see the windows doc files and even open them directly if needed...also even though i know hte comand to repair a degrade raid..with webmin takes 2 sec..or if i need to edit any of the etc files...from there is like working on a word document and then safe?00:44
qman__the problem is the way it works00:44
qman__webmin is not cohesive with the way debian and ubuntu packages work00:44
qman__it breaks configs00:44
twbwebmin takes over00:45
twbThen it makes a mess and leaves everyone else to pick up the pieces00:45
twbIt's like having a toddler as senior engineer00:45
Titomenso if i would like to make an image i have a 1 tb disk usb i can cnect to the server...how willi do the image...also my raids are as follow..md0 is boot for 100mb, md1 is 2 gig for swap, md2 is 10 gig for system and md3 is 1 tb for home....teh image should be of the system or of all the server?00:47
patdk-lapdepends on what you care about00:48
patdk-lappersonally, I normally do one backup per filesystem00:48
twbI typically backup files, not filesystems00:49
patdk-laptwb, depends on what kind of backup your doing :)00:49
patdk-lapsome I only backup files, other I backup filesystem images00:49
Titomenis this case if i want to do an upgrade and be protected that if it fails can go back to the previous state00:50
twbThen back up the entire disk00:50
Titomenaany easy way00:51
twbBut since you have installed webmin, it would be safer to throw the system away and do a completely fresh install00:51
Titomenthat is fine but if i have trouble i can place back the image and trouble shoud so i do no thave downtime with te oiffice computers00:52
Titomenany easy way to do a complete computer backup?00:52
Patrickdktechnically, you don't have to backup /home for that00:52
Patrickdkunless you royally mess it up00:53
Titomenqman__: which monitoring solutions you recomend00:54
* patdk-lap loves munin, easy, quick, simple00:55
twbI (grudgingly) use nagios for availability monitoring, and collect for performance monitoring.00:57
twbI'm substantially more impressed with collectd than munin00:58
twbMost of the others I shit-canned because they wanted PHP00:58
qman__pigeon holed01:05
twbblacklisted, boycotted, rejected01:05
TitomenThanks everybody foor the help...which will be the easiest wqay to do that image of the system, if i cinnect a usb external hard drive01:06
qman__partimage works pretty well01:07
qman__and is conveniently on systemrescuecd01:08
qman__otherwise I'd pipe dd through gzip01:08
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Titomenas you can see i am very neewbe on this which can make my life easy01:08
Titomenso is partoimage something i copy on a cd and boot the server from it and then do the copy?01:10
qman__that's the best way to do it, to avoid accidental corruption01:11
qman__the interface to partimage is a little bit clunky but it's not that hard01:11
qman__it's in the repos and can be installed in an ubuntu live environment01:12
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Titomendo you mind to tell me in simple words what " installed in an ubuntu live environment"means01:14
qman__it means, you can boot a desktop CD to the live environment, and install and use the partimage package within that environment, without modifying your filesystem01:16
Titomenso i can not just download partimage burn it as an iso on a windows computer to a cd and boot the server on the pasrtimage cd...i shoudl do it from a ubuntu desktop cd and then run it?01:19
qman__partimage itself is a program01:19
qman__it's available on many different linux CDs01:19
qman__systemrescuecd is one, and you can use it in ubuntu too01:19
qman__the problem you're going to run into is your raid01:20
qman__you have to reassemble it in the live environment, so use what's most familiar to you01:20
qman__I guessed that would be ubuntu01:20
TitomenAnd if i am able to do first a copy fit partimage..for security reasons, and then if a keep my raids..wound that isntal in the md0 which is the system...should the md3 which is the home stay the smae?01:23
TitomenThanks everybody for your help and also for your patient and understanding01:30
Titomeni was reading and would liketo knowif anybody has any coments about EBOX01:38
FuZi0NAnyone know how to modify the maximum number of connections per user for pptp vpn in ubuntu?01:48
twbFuZi0N: it's probably configurable01:51
FuZi0Nany idea how?01:51
FuZi0Nive been searching everywhere but dont had no luck finding it01:51
osmosiscurious...do power users usually use aptitude? or is apt-get or aptitude just a style preference?04:08
twbI use aptitude for things apt-get/apt-cache can't do, like complex searches04:08
twbaptitude starts substantially slower on my machine04:08
DREDNOFEARhey all04:46
johnthenewguyhi is it possible to get macvtap working on ubuntu-server maverick?05:19
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papertigersanyone know how to build a ubuntu vm that can be used for virtual machine cloning07:40
papertigersis there a better way then logging in and resetting ssh keys, hostname, etc07:41
henkjanpapertigers: http://libguestfs.org/virt-sysprep.1.html07:42
RoyKhenkjan: thanks - I didn't know that :)08:01
papertigersRoyK: you are just everywhere :P08:04
RoyKnot really :P08:04
papertigersRoyK: atleast the same channels lol08:05
RoyK#openindiana and #ubuntu-server, but that's about it (add #illumos in there, though)08:05
papertigersim in illumos too08:05
papertigersim playing with smartos08:05
RoyKhm... smartos?08:06
* RoyK reads up08:06
papertigersRoyK: figured youd already know hah08:09
RoyKany amd support yet?08:09
papertigerssomeone in the community is working on it08:10
papertigersI think they are close08:10
koolhead11hi all08:19
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smbjamespage, I wonder whether in order to pxe boot VMs I have to have either one VM or the hosting server setup as provider. Or whether there is a magic way to change the libvirt bridges into transparent...10:34
smbjamespage, How do you do in the testlab?10:34
jamespagesmb: in the lab the libvirt managed dnsmasq provides the TFTP in addition to DHCP10:35
smbjamespage, Like that <orchestra server> ---> <vm server> --> <vm pxeboot>?10:36
jamespagesmb: orchestra does not manage any VM's in the lab10:36
jamespage(i think - well at least not any I know about)10:37
jamespagejibel might be able to help - I know he's being looking at this10:37
smbThought it would be convenient to not only provision physical machines but also vms by the same server10:37
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dax_rocShould work no problem from pxe point of view, I'm doing it here with proxmox (vm host) and in virtual box guests ( testing )10:39
dax_rochave to say the kickstart files run smooth too10:39
smbThe trick might be to tell the dnsmasq for the virtnet to have server-next and a filename10:39
dax_rocoption 066, 067 need to be set on the dhcp10:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #918170 in clamav (main) "Update error WARNING: Clamd was NOT notified: Can't connect to clamd through /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91817012:51
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=== mdeslaur_ is now known as mdeslaur
EMKOI bet if I spit it will freeze before it hits the ground here13:02
EMKOI think it hit -50 windchill13:05
xranbyEMKO: running overclocking experiments in the server hall?13:07
xranbywhat do you use for cooling?13:07
EMKOLol no its just out side weather13:07
xranbyhmm.. try file a bugreport, but i am not sure we can fix it13:08
EMKOI was talking in a different channel and I typed here by accident sorry13:09
xranbyheh ok :)13:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #918179 in nova (main) "Can't run commands as root" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91817913:11
eutheriawhich package has the sambaSamAccount schema in it?13:13
cwillu_at_workEMKO, you must live near me13:16
cwillu_at_work-47.5°C w/ windchill at the moment13:16
EMKOLol its crazy13:18
cwillu_at_workwe had +5 just last week too, so this really caught me off guard13:18
EMKOU in Calgary?13:18
cwillu_at_workclose enough :p13:18
EMKOYea it was weird hot winter then in a few days hell13:19
smbjamespage, rsyslogd: Could not open dynamic file '/var/log/orchestra/rsyslog/2012/01/18//messages'... anything beyond ryslog  seems not to exist... (running on oneiric) Does not seem to be so sensible not to create the path. Or do I miss something?13:23
jamespagesmb: I think that is a know bug - you can fix the perms on that directory to sort that out13:27
smbjamespage, sigh, known to be broken ... I need to remeber that for kernel bugs... :-P13:29
adam_gjamespage: ive been looping jenkins jobs for the last 14 hours or so. openstack deploy -> test/setup -> teardown -> deploy again with pretty good results. seems we've isolated all deployment failures to errors that can happen during the installer13:43
cwillu_at_workwhat do you suppose an rsync exit code of 255 means?13:44
cwillu_at_workit's not in the man page13:44
cwillu_at_workoh, I bet it's from the command I'm providing to use as the tunnel, being passed through13:45
jamespageadam_g, nice one13:47
DREDNOFEARhey all i am having trouble getting my dns server recognized, i have disabled the firewall, and comcast tech can't ping me on port 53, any ideas as too what is happening?13:53
cwillu_at_workDREDNOFEAR, and you can access the port locally?13:57
DREDNOFEARyeah i can listen on 5313:58
cwillu_at_worknot what I asked13:58
DREDNOFEARwhat do you mean13:58
cwillu_at_workwith the dns server listening, can you access the dns server locally over port 53 from the machine?13:58
cwillu_at_workthen it's probably a configuration error13:59
cwillu_at_worki.e., for whatever reason, the dns daemon is not in fact running, or is not listening on the right network interfaces, or ports, or whatever14:00
DREDNOFEARany files i should look at, or is it the cable modem.14:00
DREDNOFEARcomcast couldn't telnet in on 53 to the computer14:01
jasefDREDNOFEAR: If you can't access it locally, then it's not the modem.14:01
DREDNOFEARwhat is a good command to check on wether the port is up locally?14:02
DREDNOFEARi may not be doing the diagnostic correctly14:02
jasefDREDNOFEAR: Type 'nslookup www.google.com localhost'14:03
DREDNOFEARand tx for the help14:03
jasefDREDNOFEAR: What was the ouptut of the command I gave you?14:05
DREDNOFEARhold on comcast tech on phone14:06
cwillu_at_workpoor tech14:06
jasefUgh, ISP techs never help14:06
cwillu_at_workwith the user's server's configuration errors?  of course not14:07
jasefNot just that :P They never help with anything, tbh.14:07
cwillu_at_workyou don't have support-fu14:07
jasefSupport-fu? O-o14:08
cwillu_at_workthe trick is to understand the reasoning behind the scripts that the first two levels of support are for, so that you can help the operator through them as quickly as possible14:08
DREDNOFEARno help so far14:08
cwillu_at_workthis does not mean explaining to them why the answer to their question doesn't matter14:08
cwillu_at_work(that would be "not having support-fu")14:08
DREDNOFEARhe's trying to telnet on port 5314:08
jasefAh, I see.14:09
cwillu_at_workDREDNOFEAR, do you understand the implications of the test we had you do?14:09
jasefI just go on forums when I need any help with my ISP, their forum staff is great.14:09
cwillu_at_work(there's no sense spending their time when we don't know that it's working even on the local machine)14:09
cwillu_at_workDREDNOFEAR, have you done the nslookup test yet?14:09
cwillu_at_workand what was the output?14:09
cwillu_at_workalso, I'm not sure telnet is actually relevant, as dns can operate entirely over udp14:10
jasefThat's why I suggested nslookup, actually.14:11
DREDNOFEARserver locahost Address
jasefUhh, is that the only output?14:12
DREDNOFEARthe tech said that he got screen  but not a prompt on the login14:12
=== bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_
DREDNOFEARnon autoritative answer:14:12
DREDNOFEARwww.google.com canonical name = www.1.google.com.14:13
jasefA prompt on the login... to a DNS server...?14:13
DREDNOFEARto the root server14:13
DREDNOFEARName: www.1.google.com14:14
jasefSounds like the DNS is working to me then.14:14
jasefWould you mind giving me the IP address so I can test how it works from outside your network? If you don't want to post it in the channel, you could also PM it to me.14:15
zullynxman: seen mdeslaur's comment about swift?14:16
lynxmanzul: hmm lemme check14:17
lynxmanzul: hah, changelog :)14:22
lynxmanzul: will fix asap14:22
zullynxman: i thought it was a new meme14:29
lynxmanzul: I couldn't attach your picture so... :D14:32
lynxmanzul: but that's what I normally do for Orchestra since Andres always packages it, just followed the same14:33
lynxmanzul: will do as mdeslaur suggests from now on14:33
Bogdanieli'm having a problem with iptables when i restart the computer the save is not restored ( added the command for restore in rc.local) can someone help me ?14:38
adam_groaksoax: will a preseed'd late/early command that just exits 1 halt an installation?14:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #917660 in linux (main) "Installing qemu-user-static in an i386 lxc container applies the binfmt changes to the host, breaking execution in that host" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91766015:03
smbjamespage, FWIW I think I found now a good way for me to have the VMs and physical machines be supplied by one orchestra server: don't use the virtual networks provided by libvirt. :)15:03
roaksoaxadam_g: it shouldn't15:03
roaksoaxadam_g: well, it will display a message that showed that something failed, but if you confirm reading the message15:04
roaksoaxit will resume15:04
smbhallyn, Oh, you are around now. Wanted to bother you about the nfs4 thingy and now what bugbot said last15:04
roaksoaxadam_g: so yeah, I guess that if by "Showing an error message that requires user attention" means halting the installtion, then it would15:04
jamespagesmb: just bridge the VM's to the physical nice or something?15:05
jamespagenice -> nic15:05
smbjamespage, Right, define your own bridge outside as transparent one15:06
jamespageadam_g, what was the solution for the archive consistency errors?15:06
apwhallyn, i see a bug about /proc/binfmt causing issues to the LXC host from inside a container, bug #917660, is that something that you own ?15:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 917660 in linux "Installing qemu-user-static in an i386 lxc container applies the binfmt changes to the host, breaking execution in that host" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91766015:10
apwhallyn, and there are test kernels out on that bug with LXC and /dev/ttyN15:12
smbapw, Funnily bugbot just announced it here...15:12
smbapw, Though hallyn seems to be in a hole ;-P15:12
smbor needs more coffee first15:12
adam_gjamespage: in the charms, something like: apt-get update || (rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && rm -rf /var/cache/apt/* && sleep 5 && apt-get update)15:14
* apw boggles at the sleep 515:14
adam_gjamespage: can't realy do that in the installer, im trying to hack a preseed that will use lvm snapshotting instead of doing a full install15:15
jamespageadam_g, that would be really great to get working15:15
Bogdanielanyone here know's how to setup openvpn ?15:16
adam_gjamespage: working on it now, hoping to have something that works.... and then figure out a good way to get it to break out of the snapshot/restore loop an do a full install when we need it.15:16
adam_gapw: 5 secs seems to be long enough to let the archive servers settle down and sync back up15:17
DREDNOFEARthanks jasef15:33
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
mdeslaurlynxman: one more small change, please remove the [Marc Cluet] line from the changelog15:47
bobweaverhello there thanks for taking the time to read this. I am very new to the server world. I have a couple of questions 1) how do I make my server public  ?   2) what is the  virtualhost option  when installing server ? 3) how in the world do I use /etc/hosts and apache2 ? thanks again15:47
mdeslaurlynxman: ping me once you've done it, and I'll upload it15:47
lynxmanmdeslaur: it's done :)15:48
lynxmanmdeslaur: eer okay last change15:48
lynxmanmdeslaur: 1 sec15:48
lynxmanmdeslaur: now it's done15:49
mdeslaurlynxman: thanks15:50
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
lynxmanmdeslaur: thank you for your review15:51
mdeslaurlynxman: np15:51
ikoniabobweaver: didn't we just cover this in #ubuntu ?15:53
bobweaverkinda ikonia I am just trying to learn15:54
ikoniaok - so what part is not clear now ?15:54
bobweaverwell I do not understand how I get the server to the public15:55
bobweaverikonia:  thanks for the help15:55
ikoniabobweaver: ok - you need your server to be visible on a public IP address15:56
ikoniabobweaver: currently you are using a private IP range that is private to your network, so people on the internet can't see it15:56
ikoniabobweaver: do you understand that at this point ?15:56
ikoniagreat, so the question is how do you get it on the internet15:56
ikoniaeither a.) get your ISP to assign you a public address for it15:57
ikoniab.) use the technology within a lot of home routers do to "port forwarding"15:57
ikoniathat port forwards your ISP's public IP to the private IP on your machine for specific ports15:57
ikoniathat would be the most common method15:58
apwbobweaver, and remember to firewall your machine as it will now be exposed15:59
apwand keep it up to date regularly, and ... be scared15:59
bobweaverthanks ikonia and apw  apw I have a ipcop box15:59
ikoniawell not with port forwarding if only certain ports are forwarded15:59
ikoniabe aware though a lot of ISP's will block certain ports, eg: 25 so you won't be able to run services such as mail15:59
ikoniaor port 8015:59
apwikonia, i always assume its going to do the wrong thing or i am going to open more than i intended16:00
ikoniaa lot of ISP's don't like non-comercial services being used for comercial services such as web / mail so block it at the network level16:00
bobweaverikonia: I see16:00
ikoniabobweaver: either way, your ISP should be able to a.) tell you your limitations b.) help you configure the router to do this16:00
bobweaverwhat about when installing what is the Virtualserver when it asks what I would like to install what is this?16:01
apwcirtainly my home ADSL has no blocks, but my contract with the ISP says i won't run "services available to all of the internet"16:01
bobweaverlike where it asks if I want to install lamp open ssh mail server virtualserver ect ?16:02
bobweaverwhat is virtual server ?16:02
SpamapSapw: does advertising your availability for secret missions in your tiny car count as providing services to the internet, danger mouse?16:03
ikoniabobweaver: you don't need virtual server16:04
ikoniabobweaver: it's for virtualization16:04
bobweaverlike qermu  ?16:05
bobweaverqemu *16:05
ikoniathat sort of thing yes16:05
bobweaverthis is what I am usiong the server for. I want to be able to gather infromation  about charitys like how many backlinks they have and seo stuff  I want to pass the values of X <-- backlinks    from sql table  to tell them what they could do to get more seo stuff ect16:07
bobweaveronly for charitys16:07
apwSpamapS, :)  maybe16:09
hallynDaviey: if anyone is looking for me, i'm trying to recover from a bad update.  boot from livecd takes about 15 mins so i should be able to check for msgs every 20 mins or so :)16:09
bobweaverI deal with alot local charity stuff amvets homeless selters ect  alot of them are losing there funding so I thought that If they have no site then I could host for them  if they have site that is all messy thhen I fix and facelift  also would like to post how much the owner is making and what is the value16:09
ikoniabobweaver: hosting a site on a home dsl line is not a good idea16:10
mdeslaurzul: swift has Vcs-Bzr: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/essex/swift in the control file, but that repo doesn't seem to exist16:11
mdeslaurzul: where does your team put that now?16:11
bobweaverikonia:  I work at a hosting place I could use there network  but.. I am not a networking guy more of a php asp sql web dev16:11
ikoniabobweaver: off you go then, good luck16:11
zulmdeslaur: ubuntu-server-dev is the right place i need to fix that16:12
bobweaverikonia:  so I have to configure server right 1st before I can use it16:12
mdeslaurzul: where? /me can't find the exact repo16:12
zulmdeslaur: ill fix that today ill take care of it today16:12
mdeslaurzul: here? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/swift/essex16:12
mdeslaurzul: I'll change it now16:12
zulmdeslaur: k16:12
bobweaverikonia:  looks Like I am off to a wonderfull world of  learning about server configuration  exsample how apach works is lttPd better ect16:13
ikoniabobweaver: you're not using your server at home, you said you'd use the one in your hosting place, that should be configured already16:13
bobweaverikonia:  no I would bring the box in and use on my "own time "16:13
ikoniabobweaver: ok, so the private networking issue goes away, as you'd be staight on the net in the hosting center16:14
bobweaveryep it is about learning  how to configure it for a there network also how to add more then one site ect BUt before all that I have to test test test at home16:15
bobweaverlocal then to public I thought was a good idea ? but I am new to this16:16
ikoniathere is no need to make it public16:17
ikoniayou are just testing it, so keep it private,16:17
ikoniathat way you can pick up the box, take it to the hosting place, change the IP and you are done/working16:18
bobweaversweet that is what  I wanted to hear16:18
bobweaveris it hard to chang the ip ? I also have to option of staic16:18
ikoniaif you are going to host in the DC you'll get a static IP16:19
ikoniait should be a 10 second job to change the IP16:20
bobweaverat work we are are own isp/phone company. ikonia thanks bro. what about apache2 and having multi sites running on this thing ? is that possible ?16:20
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ikoniabobweaver: totally possible, just need valid DNS entries (your hosting guys can do that for you) and then use "name based hosts" in apachge,16:22
bobweaverthe book that I have is kinda old (red hat)  it says to change the /ect/hosts file and add the site and ip or the   and to add stuff to /etc/apache2/confg       but there is no such file16:22
bobweaveradd the sites name ..16:22
bobweaverthen after all of that I read that it is beeter to work out of ~ and not /var/www16:23
bobweaverso I have to point apache config to documentroot = ~/somedir    ?16:23
bobweaverinstead of /var/www16:24
bobweaverthen I also read that it is "best" to have not only your ~ dir in a differnt partition but also apache should also be on a different partition I have no clue how to do this    I guess that I make room (gparted) then make new partition then then install or mv apach files to it then set up rc to mount that partition ?16:26
bobweaveron boot16:26
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Davieyhallyn: happy days :)16:28
sconklinI need some advice on rebuilding a RAID1 - the Intel BIOS (Intel matrix Storage Manager) shows it as "Repair" and needing to be fixed from the OS, and it all looks OK from dmraid, but I'm not sure I'm looking in the right places16:36
sconklinrunning precise, fwiw16:37
ikoniabobweaver: don't follow a redhat book for uubntu16:40
ikoniabobweaver: maybe worth speaking to the guys at your hosting company, they may give you a bit of friendly help16:40
ikoniabobweaver: also https://help.ubuntu.com - good basic introduction16:40
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SpamapSsconklin: so this is a fakeraid ?16:51
* SpamapS has never been able to work with those things. :-/16:52
sconklinSpamapS: yes16:52
sconklinit's apparently running fine in degraded mode, and I can't figure out how to resync it16:52
sconklinI found the command to force repair of one of the volumes, but haven't found a way to tell which of the two is the 'good' one16:54
_rubenfakeraid .. yuck16:54
sconklinI ~think~ I may have also found something that causes a failure to boot if you're using fakeraid and upgrade from Lucid, but I want to get this problem solved before I look at the other more deeply16:57
jamespagezul, Daviey: can we do nested KVM in precise?16:59
zuljamespage: not sure...check with hallyn16:59
jamespagehallyn: ^^16:59
Davieyjamespage: yes.17:02
Davieyjamespage: amd64 has been a yes for longer, but intel is new in precise aiui.17:02
sconklinSpamapS: the right answer is to nuke the server and rebuild it with software raid. Not the answer I wanted, but fakeraid looks pretty screwed up17:06
RoyKif it's fakeraid, then just don't use it17:08
RoyKturn OFF that thing and use software raid instead17:08
RoyKor get a hardware raid controller if you really need "hardware" raid17:08
SpamapSsconklin: have only dealt with it once, and I took that exact path... dusted off.. nuked from orbit.. it was the only way to be sure.17:18
cwillu_at_workSpamapS, run the drives through an industrial shredder?17:18
SpamapSI think we'll just let Triumph the insult comic dog poop on them17:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #918301 in puppet (main) "package puppetmaster 2.6.4-2ubuntu2.6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91830117:21
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sconklinSpamapS: actually, it turned out to be pretty trivially easy to turn it into a non-raid system. I removed the volumes from the RAID in bios, (which said it would destroy the data but didn't), then pointed grub at /dev/sda1, and it's all good on a single drive. Running fsck now, but I think that's the easy way to get off of fakeraid17:38
sconklinI did actually poke around from initramfs to make sure sda was the one I wanted17:39
SpamapSsconklin: but to convert to md, you'd need md superblocks17:43
sconklinSpamapS: I think I'm just going to leave it non-raid, and rsync the stuff I care about to the other drive.17:43
sconklinRaid docs for Ubuntu are pretty bad and scare me17:43
SpamapSthat makes me sad17:44
sconklin"Note: Be aware of the fragile state of RAID support in Ubuntu and what it takes to get a reliable raid setup"17:44
sconklinand in the same document:17:45
sconklin"The RAID software included with current versions of Linux (and Ubuntu) is based on the 'mdadm' driver and works very well."17:45
hallynjamespage: not that i know of, unless yo'ure on amd17:55
hallyni'd be delighted to be proven wrong17:56
hallynwhat the heck lemme try17:56
roaksoaxbjf: ping17:56
bjfroaksoax: what can i do for you ?17:57
roaksoaxbjf: howdy. Just wondering whether you were using a mini ISO or an alternate, or server ISO when you saw the koan errors?17:57
bjfroaksoax: you asking which one i installed and am running koan on ?17:59
smoserhallyn, what is the escsape for lxc console again ?17:59
roaksoaxbjf: nope, sorry, the ISO imported into cobbler?17:59
roaksoaxbjf: nope, sorry, the ISO imported into cobbler, is it a mini, alternate, or a server ISO?18:00
hallynsmoser: 'ctrl-a q'18:00
smoserit doesn't seem to be working in one of my windows18:00
hallynsmoser: i might have to give the 'no-clear-screen' option to getty so you can see that msg on login :)18:00
smoserprobably ran lxc-start without some flag18:00
hallynit doesn't work in the lxc-start one18:00
bjfroaksoax: it's whatever cobbler imported as part of the install18:00
smoserso what do i do on the lxc-start one?18:01
roaksoaxbjf: a mini then. Cool thanks!18:01
hallynsmoser: nothing18:01
hallyngive the -d flag when starting it, is all i think you can do18:02
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hallynjamespage: i'm trying with 'kvm_intel' loaded with nested=1.  lessee how it goes18:04
smoserhallyn, thats not the default?18:07
hallynsmoser: seems no18:08
hallyngoing by linux-2.6/Documentation/virtual/kvm/nested-vmx18:09
hallyn(obviously, if it works, i'll make the default in the shipped upstart job)18:11
hallynjamespage: they *claim* if you just do 'modprobe kvm_intel nested=1" and add '-cpu host' to the qemu args, it should work18:11
jamespagethanks for taking a look BTW18:12
hallynnp, i've been hoping for this for years18:12
smoserhallyn, are you going to do performance metrics on nested versus non-nested?18:20
smoserthat'd be neat18:20
hallynsuppose i'll have to18:20
hallyni assume you mean nesting enabled and not, but only the first layer?18:20
hallyni don't intend to do measurement of a nested one unless i suddenly have a glut of time...18:21
hallynanywya let's first see if this even works :)18:21
hallyni'm still limping on half a cylinder, x hates me18:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #918327 in lxc (main) "lxc-start exits success on failure when non-root" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91832718:26
smoserhallyn, well... i guess you should check the cost of nested enabled on the first layer18:28
smoserif you're going to enable it.18:28
smoserbut i was hoping that you'd be able to show the benefit of "nested" in the second layer18:28
smoseri've just always been curious18:28
smoserand i was curious in general as to the outcome of your testing18:28
smoserso this would hvae been another interesting data point18:29
zulsmb: xen works with libvirt-bin with me so far (had to patch it)18:29
hallynsmoser: i'll do a simple kernbench in there18:29
hallynand compare to first layer18:29
smoserand also to non-nested support second layer.18:29
smoserbut yea18:30
smoseri look forward to reading18:30
patrickmwjamespage, any objection to me changing the "problem checking" jobs to run hourly or daily, vs URL checker?18:39
sconklinroaksoax: you here for a cobbler note/question?18:55
smosersconklin, if he's not around i might be able to help.18:55
sconklinI'm curious - cobbler chec says this, which is fine:18:56
sconklinsome network boot-loaders are missing from /var/lib/cobbler/loaders, you may run 'cobbler get-loaders' to download them, or, if you only want to handle x86/x86_64 netbooting, you may ensure that you have installed a *recent* version of the syslinux package installed and can ignore this message entirely.  Files in this directory, should you want to support all architectures, should include pxelinux.0, menu.c32, elilo.efi, and yaboot18:56
sconklinbut when you run cobbler get-loaders, they are fetched from here:18:56
sconklin http://dgoodwin.fedorapeople.org/loaders18:56
roaksoaxsconklin: here18:57
sconklinwhich seems like we're making some ciritcal bit of infrastructure dependent on an outside entity18:57
roaksoaxsconklin: well that's really fedora specific, but given that we have syslinux we should not really need that18:57
sconklinroaksoax: then would it be reasonable to change the cobbler check message to indicate that?18:58
roaksoaxsconklin: i guess it would. this cycle I'll be doing more cobbler cleanup. Coiuld you please file a bug and assign it to me?18:59
roaksoaxsconklin: thank you!18:59
* roaksoax bbl, off to lunch19:00
jamespagepatrickmw, none at all19:09
patrickmwjamespage, I set them to run once a day.  Feel free to update the cron args if needed19:10
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adam_groaksoax: any debugging tips... ive got a cobbler preseed, and one of the $SNIPPET() sections isn't being rendered, its showing up in the processed kickstart while the others are being rendered correctly. cant find any errors anywhere.19:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #918348 in mcollective (universe) "mcollective upstart script starts too many processes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91834819:15
smoseradam_g, how are you doing this snapshot stuff ?19:22
smoserearly_command ?19:22
adam_gsmoser: a late_command to do the initial snapshot, and partman early command to look for the pristine snapshot+restore+reboot19:24
adam_gsmoser: trying to do it in snippets with some logic around whether or not to restore the snapshot or do a full install again, based on profile name19:24
smoserbased on profile name19:25
adam_gsmoser: yeah.. as in,  if  system1 is assigned to profile precise-lvm-install, it will do a full install and create snapshot. if its assigned to precise-lvm-restore, it will restore from snapshot+reboot19:29
smoserah. yeah, that makes sense.19:29
smoseri was thinking you meant management class19:29
smoserwhich i thought owuld interfeer with juju19:30
smoser(just confused mysefl)19:30
eagles0513875ikonia: isolated the virt-manager issue to a bug in virt-manager bug 55143219:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 551432 in virt-manager "virt-manager create disk image with LVM hangs for ever" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55143219:32
zulhallyn: ping can you have a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/808934/19:35
adam_gsmoser: this is what ive got working for the restoration http://paste.ubuntu.com/808939/19:39
adam_gsmoser: need to figure out how to get properly get dm-snapshot.ko  via udeb or some such19:40
adam_guh. that is, how to get dm-snapshot.ko properly installed19:40
smoseri'd recommend the late_commadn base64 garbage to avoid shell quoting19:40
smoserbut that doesn't seem so bad.19:41
adam_gsmoser: where does the shell that gets encoded come from, in that case?19:41
hallynzul: looking19:42
smoseradam_g, looking for something i did iearlier19:43
hallynzul: in src/xen/xen_hypervisor.c,19:43
hallyndon't you want /usr/lib64/xen-default for one of them19:43
hallynif not, you can get rid of the whole ugly ' ? : ' bit19:44
DarkwingSpamapS: You going to be at Ubucon on friday?19:45
smoseradam_g, http://paste.ubuntu.com/808943/ (copied from http://pad.daviey.com/smoser-cobbler-late-command)19:46
SpamapSDarkwing: yeah I'll be around. 1:30 - 4:30 we are holding a juju Charm School.. you should stop by and write a charm. :)19:46
smoseradam_g, that doens't really solve any problems for you, but maybe makes things easier for writing.19:46
zulhallyn: both x86_64 and i386 use both the same qemu-dm for xen19:46
smoserin that you can have a snippit that just says "run the stuff in this file early"19:46
DarkwingSpamapS: I'll stop by. I'm working SCALE staff so, I'll be all over the place.19:47
hallynzul: so you can get rid of the "STREQ(hostmachine, "x86_64") ?19:47
adam_gsmoser: it might end up being a better idea when i move on to reinjecting juju's metadata19:47
zulhallyn: gah...i should but the patch works as well :)19:47
hallynall right, good enough :)19:48
smoserhm.. yeah, th ere-injecting that is goin got be not so fun.19:48
zulhallyn: thanks19:48
DarkwingSpamapS: I might stand in as I need to learn more about juju19:48
Darkwingspeaking of...19:49
Darkwingjcastro: ping19:49
adam_gsmoser: im thinking the commands that are run in late_command could be run in partman_early_command as well, since that ks_meta stuff will ideally be in cobbler at that point too19:49
smoseradam_g, right.19:50
smoseryou'll just have to kind of cheat "in-target"19:50
smoseras they use that (i think)19:50
smoseryou're going to have to set up the mount pristine mount point and then run hijack in-target i think.19:50
roaksoaxsconklin: ping20:23
sconklinroaksoax: o/20:24
roaksoaxsconklin: where you trying to import an ISO when you found bug #918357 ? Cause I can't seem to reproduce it20:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 918357 in cobbler "cobbler import fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91835720:24
roaksoaxsconklin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/808992/20:25
sconklinroaksoax: I just entered the command as shown with no parameters20:25
roaksoaxsconklin: uhm can't reproduce it as it doesn't fail in my case20:26
roaksoaxas per the pastebin20:26
sconklintrying again20:27
sconklinstill fails20:27
roaksoaxsconklin: ok, I'll further investage. Thanks!20:28
sconklinI haven't rebooted or logged out since I installed cobbler, does cobbler require environment setup?20:28
roaksoaxsconklin: no it doesn't. But will try to reproduce on a fresh install without rebooting/restarting the service.20:29
roaksoaxbjf: ping21:25
bjfroaksoax: yo!21:25
roaksoaxbjf: cobbler/virtinst arefixed now! just uploaded virtinst so just wait for the update and should be working like a charm21:25
roaksoaxs/wait for the update/wait for the build21:26
bjfroaksoax: very nice! thanks!21:26
roaksoaxbjf: welcome, if you find any other issue feel free to ping me21:26
bjfroaksoax: will do21:26
Lcawtelewiscawte@lcserv:~$ ssh lcawte@translatewiki.net21:28
LcawteSegmentation fault21:28
Lcawte 21:28
LcawteWhats up with that?21:28
* roaksoax will be back later21:29
mgwany ideas what's wrong with this installer late_command:21:30
mgwd-i preseed/late_command string chage -d 0 ubuntu21:30
hallynjamespage: the double buffering of network is killing me on net instll, and I ran out of disk space the first time near the end :)  but so far no correctness issues on doing net install inside a nested kvm vm21:46
hallyn(it's my own fault for doing -net user, fwiw)21:47
stgraberhallyn: nested kvm?? does that stuff actually work now?21:48
hallynstgraber: seems to be!21:50
hallynI'm still testing.21:50
hallynsmoser: fwiw i'm hoping to do lxc fixes tomorrow (and friday)22:28
undecimI have 3x 1TB drives and < 1TB of data that I'd like to preserve (currently on a single drive).... Is there any way to setup a software raid in a RAID 5 configuration without erasing my data?22:30
patdk-wkundecim, sure, but raid5 won't preserve your data, very well22:33
patdk-wkyou just setup raid5 with one dead drive22:33
patdk-wkmove your data onto it, then replace the dead/empty drive with your other one22:34
undecimWhat do you mean raid5 won't preserve my data very well?22:37
undecimI mean... If less than two of the drives go out, I still have all my data, right?22:38
undecimAlso, setting up the raid with a dead drive is painfully obvious now that you mention it, lol22:39
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sconklinroaksoax: does the DHCP server installed as part of Orchestra only serve to the configured MAC addresses, or will it serve to anyone?23:25
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