
akgranerwillcooke, ping15:06
willcookeakgraner: pong!  How's you?15:09
akgranerwillcooke, great - do you have a few mins for a PM?15:10
* mhall119 hopes this means an interview with Will Cooke coming soon :)15:37
tgm4883Saviq, so does that mean that this doesn't exist in a way I can insert mythtv recordings in?  http://www.extremetech.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/tv-experience-spongebob.jpg15:49
tgm4883or that it doesn't exist at all?15:49
Saviqtgm4883, I mean there's no API for it to do so yet16:34
Saviqat least last I checked, you would be better off asking that in #ayatana16:34
Saviqbut AFAIK that's supposed to change, soon16:34
tgm4883Ok, I'll check in there then16:35
Saviqtgm4883, the term is "preview" - that's what there on the mockup16:36
Saviqit's supposed to come to the desktop, too, but is not yet there16:36
tgm4883Saviq, yea, it sounded like it the effort is to try and ship this as something you can turn on a laptop in 12.0416:37
mhall119Saviq: is there an 'official' PPA for Ubuntu TV?  I know someone made one, and OMG!Ubuntu! has featured it, but I don't want to link so some random guy's PPA and tell users to try it19:04
Saviqmhall119, there is none, and on that's on purpose19:34
Saviqsince it breaks the usual unity-2d session19:34
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