
AlanBellmorning all07:56
TheOpenSourcererMorning all - I note that the cyanogen team have issued the 1st build of ICS for the Touchpad :-) Might be breaking my TP tonight then...08:01
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: Want me to collect you on the way this morning?08:02
MooDoomorning all08:06
Linuxsapienwindy windy bawbag08:22
christelmorning beauties08:26
MooDoomorning ma'am08:26
* daubers has spinny pyramids on his screen :)08:31
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: that would be great08:40
christeloh AlanBell, i want to chat you up about a proposal i have at some point, but we may need to beer so that you're more likely to say yes! <308:48
MooDoochristel: isn't he already married? ;)08:48
christelnot that sort of proposal :P08:49
christeli wouldn't wish to anger mrsbell ;)08:49
MooDooheee /<smartassmodeoff>08:50
* AlanBell looks forward to being chatted up by christel 08:56
AlanBelland beer08:56
daubersWhen's the Easter holidays this year?09:03
gordnot soon enough09:03
daubersgord: In need of chocolate bunnies already?09:04
gordi started seing easter eggs in shop january 1st (no joke)09:04
MooDoogord: i bought my wife one from our local shop Dec 23rd :)09:05
awilkinsI detest <insert shamelessly commercialised seasonal event here>09:07
dwatkinsmorning folks :)09:07
bigcalm_lappyGood morning peeps :)09:19
bigcalm_lappyI'm on a train to London. Sadly going backwards, but I do have a table!09:19
MooDooyay and wifi?09:21
bigcalm_lappyThe train has wifi, but I'm using my phone instead09:22
bigcalm_lappyTethered that is09:22
bigcalm_lappy6 quid for 3 hours isn't bad, but I cba really09:22
bigcalm_lappyI even have a mains socket!09:22
christel6 quid for 3 hours is pretty steep :P09:24
bigcalm_lappychristel: depends upon what you're charging for ;)09:24
christelwell i presume it was for wifi :P09:25
bigcalm_lappyAh, yes09:25
* bigcalm_lappy remembers where he is09:26
dwatkinsMobile broadband is good enough except just south of Edinburgh from what I've seen recently.09:27
bigcalm_lappyI could play minecraft, if I had the table space for a mouse09:28
oimonfound a great way of making apple tea. apple juice + boiling water :D09:29
daubersHmm.... fun bug with new laptop. When i remove the mains powerer, the powersaving on the wifi stops the wifi working09:32
oimondaubers: is that a software or hardware/firmware  issue?09:33
bigcalm_lappyHumm, how do you exit w3m?09:36
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=== Seeker is now known as Seeker`
daubersoimon: Software I think09:39
daubersif I turn off power management with iwconfig it's fine09:42
DJonesbigcalm_lappy: Get some lessons from MMolay on how to play with a touchpad09:42
oimonnew rhythmbox appeared in this morning's 12.04 update09:42
bigcalm_lappyI've done it in the past, but it's just not the same09:42
bigcalm_lappyI gave 12.04 a go and it works well. Sadly, not well enough to be 100% reliable for my dev requirements.09:43
bigcalm_lappyDid I survive the tunnel?09:44
lubotu3another contentless ping... sigh...09:44
bigcalm_lappyJust, phew09:44
* BigRedS is installing 12.04 on his work PC09:46
BigRedSis it less good than Oneiric? At home it seems better09:46
* DJones wonders why piratebay hasn't gone black today :)09:46
BadgerUKhello, in a traceback in terminal, how do i know what the error at the end of the traceback is refering to?  is it the first line in the traceback or the last09:49
gordBadgerUK, do you mean backtrace?09:50
j0nrmornig folks.09:51
gordthat would be the first line, the one with a 1 next to it09:51
BadgerUKgord: no i mean traceback09:51
j0nrI have someone who is an Ubuntu virgin and wanting to set up a home server.09:51
BadgerUKgord: it might be specifically from python09:51
BarryKto serve what?09:51
BadgerUKi dont know as im new to linux and its the only time ive seen a traceback09:51
j0nrI just had a question: Can I set up auto backup of folders on pcs connected to the network?09:52
gordsounds like a python thing09:52
BadgerUKgord: thnx09:52
Myrttij0nr: dejadup does that if you set it up to do it09:52
j0nrNow I think usually, you would use software on the client, to push backups to the server, can it be pulled the other way?09:52
j0nrbaring in mind the pcs might not be linux09:53
MyrttiI even got a prompt in Oneiric on my tablet to set dejadup backups09:53
BarryK@j0nr: So long as the servers have read access to the folders in question it shouldnt be a problem09:53
Myrttioh, that way09:53
j0nrBarryK: That's what I thought, all the folders desired to be backed up would have to be 'shares'09:54
j0nror somethign similar09:54
j0nrI'll tell him to do it the other way09:54
BarryKyeah pretty much, though depending on where you want to do it and what you want to back up you might bump into a few permission issues09:54
BarryKI'd just have the clients push their backups, that way you can make sure its when the client is idle09:55
MooDoomorning czajkowski09:57
oimonis imgur.com down for SOPA reasons?09:58
dwatkinsoimon: looks like it's simply down09:59
BarryKdown here too09:59
dwatkinsI think they were considering a protest, though.09:59
j0nrBarryK: Going to recommend use of samba shares. Mount server directories and use them to either work in or 'put stuff in' to be backed up.09:59
j0nrthen of course backup the backup ;)10:00
BarryKI'd put the backups somewhere else if i were you but yeah sounds like a plan10:00
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BarryKif they're all windows machines have a seperate user acc run the scheduled backup and deny the normal user access to the backup location10:01
BarryKif that makes sense lol it is very early10:01
JamesTaitGood morning all! :D10:12
MooDoomor   JamesTait h w ar ou?10:12
MooDooi'm blacking out my responces ;)10:12
JamesTaitMooDoo: I caught that. ;)  V ry w ll th  ks.10:13
Myrttispkng witht vwls s s f yv hd trnng wth t rlr10:17
Myrttin thr nws https://twitter.com/#!/Encarta95/status/15952611256369561610:17
bigcalm_lappy1st tunnel to kill my connection and now I'm at Watford Junction10:18
j0nrBarryK: Do you just mean don't give users access to the backup of the shared drives?10:19
dwatkinsbigcalm_lappy: travelling North or South?10:23
bigcalm_lappydwatkins: South10:24
bigcalm_lappyAbout to enter Euston station I hope10:24
dwatkinsheh, say hello to the warm beer for me, bigcalm_lappy ;)10:24
BarryKyeah I wouldn't but it depends on where the roll out is.  You don't want someone wiping the backups by mistake10:26
BarryKbut if it's for home use or something like that I wouldn't worry too much, it's a fair bit of extra effort compared to just creating some extra smb shares10:26
bigcalm_lappyRight, time to pack away!10:29
bigcalm_lappyToodles for the day :)10:29
czajkowskienjoy the wet and rain10:35
zleaphow do i search for things using unity,  with gnome i can click on places and search, but this option seems hidden10:41
zleapoki can search for them but the files and folder utility does not tell me where these files are located on my system so i can copy more files in to that folder10:45
DJonesHeh wikiepedia's "blackout" is so good, you just search for what you want, press escape as the page is loading and the blackout is cancelled :)10:48
czajkowskihttp://theoatmeal.com/sopa :)10:49
sagaciI actually wanted to search for something a few hours ago10:49
MyrttiDJones: or use en.m.10:49
gordquality of homework handed in tomorrow morning is going to be severely reduced10:50
zleapwell there are other sources of information for homework10:51
MooDooczajkowski: i laughed when i watched that :D10:51
zleapgordon the other hand,  if wikipedia was to go off line fully the quality of homework could be affected longer term10:51
dwatkinsI wonder how many kids will google how to work around the wikipedia javascript this evening...10:53
gordrather serendipitous typo10:53
zleapgord yeah see your point regarding the typo,10:55
zleaphello s-fox10:55
s-foxHello zleap :)10:55
s-foxHow are you doing?10:56
DJonesgord: The quality may be reduced, but the accuracy might be improved10:56
zleapok so back to the ubuntu search tool,  i can search for files but the tool does not actually tell me Where the files are  which is i guess fine in most cases i want to know where these files are so i can create 1 foilder will all the downloaded .deb files in for example10:56
zleaps-fox, i am good thanks10:58
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MooDoohowdy s-fox11:05
gordzleap, <super> - type search, use the search for files... app11:07
* smittix taps MooDoo on the shoulder o/11:14
MooDoonot here smittix11:15
MooDoohello :D11:16
MooDoosmittix: how are you?11:16
brobostigongood morning everyone.11:18
smittixMooDoo: Im great and you>11:22
MooDoosmittix: yeah pretty good, got man flu11:22
MooDoosmittix: i'll cope :D11:30
oimoni've had 2 bouts of it, lasting over 1 month :(11:31
czajkowskidaubers: I have the house for you http://9gag.com/gag/189759311:50
MooDoowhat a wonderful house11:51
oimonis that a gaping hole in the roof?11:54
s-foxIt's to let the sunshine in ;)11:55
oimoncan't be the uk then11:56
oimonsunshine in the uk is liquid11:56
daubersczajkowski: awesome :)12:01
Myrttiof course the joke is that it's not a joke12:05
popeya guy who used to work for canonical has an underground house12:06
brobostigonskype for android is huge, 16MB, that is abit big, for memory limited devices.12:07
czajkowskipopey: wow12:14
gordonjcppopey: I considered building an earthship up north12:14
gordonjcphttp://earthship.com/ <- probably not as ornate as that12:15
gordonjcpand more dug into a hillside12:15
Myrttipretty much impossible to do in Finland :-(12:17
DJonesDid anybody notice a "nationwide failure" of VM Broadband? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1661168612:46
MooDooyeah it was down yesterday12:48
DJonesI'm surprised they didn't blame it on SOPA12:49
oimonbbc are reporting that you can't get info off wikipedia12:51
MooDoojust press esc as the page loads :)12:51
oimonor a million other ways..but that's the easiest :)12:51
oimoni had to look up chun li street fighter this morning12:52
oimonthe bbc even featured a quote from orlowski from the register...even worse12:52
Neoti_Laptophey all12:57
Neoti_Laptopdoes anybody have any details of the internet outtage on virgin media and peers like level3 ?12:57
DJonesNeoti_Laptop: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16611686 Any use?12:58
Neoti_Laptopthanks DJones...13:00
Neoti_Laptopalso have you heard of problems with level3 peering and linkz peering on the core network ...13:01
DJonesI hadn't heard anything, only heard about the VM problem last night when I saw that article a few minutes ago13:01
Neoti_Laptopoh .... doh .... lolz..... yeah some peering providers have problems .... still .... big problems for me and voip network ... lol ... doh...13:02
bigcalmGood afternoon peeps :)13:04
bigcalmIs there an option to display whitespace types in NetBeans? Like Eclipse would be good13:04
oimonjust been looking at yahoo's financial results to work out how they make money13:23
oimonit seems they still make a huge amount from search/advertising. who would use them over google i wonder (for search or advertising?)13:27
directhexgenerally, partner agreements13:40
directhexi.e. "hey $OEM, we pay you $3 to change the default search engine on every new PC"13:40
ali1234the same people who use yahoo mail instead of gmail13:40
oimon= the same people who think wikipedia is actually unavailable today13:42
DJonesJust looking for something, I came across this ppa https://launchpad.net/~canonical-pse/+archive/guinness "A very irish set of packages, with a correctly spelt name!"13:49
oimonare they green? upside down?13:51
DJonesGood question, I wondered that13:53
DJonesczajkowski: Can you answer that question? ^^13:53
czajkowskiDJones: answer....13:55
* czajkowski peers at TREllis wtf are ye on over there! 13:56
DJonesczajkowski: Wondering whether you knew what the difference was on the "guinness" ppa I mentioned above13:56
czajkowskiDJones: no idea ask TREllis13:56
czajkowskiUCD is a university13:56
oimonit's dangerous to update these kind of packages from a PPA that isn't official13:58
oimon(captain obvious)13:58
TREllisczajkowski: that's a set of packages I've backported (and fwdported)14:01
TREllisczajkowski: for a project14:01
TREllisDJones: your mileage may vary, may eat babies, you get to keep all the pieces etc14:02
TREllisDJones: Although, they work for me (tm).14:04
oimonon twitter, does preceding a @user with a dot mean the message is private?14:44
gordi wouldn't assume anything on twitter is private14:45
MooDoonot that i'm aware of, what you need is D for direct message iirc14:45
oimonhmm maybe it was an old functionality14:46
simondbullthe more pressing issue i find is why didn't twitter take part in the anti-SOPA protest?14:47
oimonor why there wasn't a liberal campaign on twitter about it?14:47
oimonit's not as if twitter is making $$14:48
simondbulloimon:good call :)14:48
simondbulloimon:money, what money?!14:48
oimongord, it amazes me the stuff i read on people's twitter feeds, as if they've forgotten this isn't personal email inbox14:48
oimontwitter should try charging those with 1000 followers for a pro account.14:49
oimonif they want to monetize their current popularity with the trendies14:49
Myrttisimondbull: I'm not sure if money was the reason14:50
MyrttiI would hope they didn't blackout because they considered it to be more helpful if they'd keep the "channel open" for reporting other protests14:50
popeyputting a dot in front of the @ makes the tweet public14:51
oimonpopey: cheers14:51
AlanBelloimon: if a tweet starts with @name then it doesn't show on other people's feeds (thought they can find it easily enough) people put a dot in front so that the conversation is more public14:51
popey^^ that14:51
oimoni get it now14:51
* oimon doesn't communicate on twitter14:51
oimoni use it like radio14:51
simondbullalanbell: i like the designs you did for the UbuntuTV14:55
Pendulumsimondbull: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/sopa-twitter-will-not-join-wikipedia-reddit-in-blackout/2012/01/17/gIQAvDta5P_story.html?tid=pm_business_pop (has some of the reasoning why they won't take part)14:57
AlanBellwell it was more a framework for other people to design on, but thanks simondbull14:57
simondbullpendulum: thanks :)14:58
oimontwitter is a business?14:58
ahayzenalanbell: Have Canonical starting talking to hardware manafacturers yet, or is that information not public?14:58
Seeker`Jabber \o/14:59
AlanBellahayzen: I don't work for canonical, but they were at CES where therer are lots of hardware manufacturers to talk to14:59
MyrttiPendulum: did I get my assumptions right?14:59
ahayzenalanbell: Thanks...would love a Ubuntu TV :)14:59
Myrttilooks like I kinda did15:00
Myrttiin other news, I blacked out some pictures of Lamar Smith in Flickr15:00
oimonwho he?15:02
oimonmmm flapjacks with ginger15:03
ahayzenoimon: mmm flapjacks15:04
MattJJABBER \o/15:04
MattJJabber flapjacks15:04
ahayzengotta try this at some point :) ... http://ubuntu-uk.org/2010/11/10/5-minute-chocolate-cake-in-a-mug/15:04
simondbulli wouldn't like to clean up my microwave after tht....15:05
jutnuxI tried it and failed15:06
jutnuxit tasted disgusting15:06
ahayzenjutnux: lol15:06
simondbulljutnux: my mum would kill me if i left the microwave in that state....15:06
gordhttp://s0.2mdn.net/2768331/PID_1883817_default.jpg <-- why would you choose that to advertise fibre internet? - what is it trying to say?15:10
ahayzengord: confused...15:11
oimonwhat's the diffrence between seagate barracuda and barracuda XT?15:11
oimoncache, rpm , etc seem the same15:11
ahayzenoimon: u pay more for the XT? lol15:12
oimon£40 it seems15:12
oimoncan't find any other diff15:12
ahayzenoimon: the XT series is SATA 3 (6Gb/s)... is the non XT SATA2?15:14
oimonhttp://www.ebuyer.com/319641-barracuda-2tb-sata-3-5in-7200rpm-64mb-6gb-s-in-st2000dm001 and http://www.ebuyer.com/176584-seagate-2tb-barracuda-xt-hard-drive-3-5-sata-iii-7200rpm-64mb-st32000641as15:14
ahayzenoimon: seems that they are the same...15:14
ahayzenSeagate website15:15
ahayzenCapacity 2TB–3TB (XT) 250GB–3TB (non-XT)15:15
ahayzenAnnual Failure Rate 0.34% (XT) <1% (non XT)15:15
ahayzenoimon: they are the only differences I can see15:16
oimonlonger warranty?15:17
oimonit's weird.15:18
ahayzenoimon: probably15:18
oimonalso, ebuyer are much cheaper than insight for these drives15:18
oimonebuyer prices are really fluctuating tho15:18
oimondell told me they couldn't supply 2tb drives for my system since there is a 60 day lead time15:18
BarryKShort supply of hard drives all over place due to the floods in thai land15:19
Seeker`MattJ: you're getting slow in your old age :O15:23
MattJSeeker`, afraid so :/15:24
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=== juliet is now known as christel
gordonjcpis there a way to install Ubuntu from a running Ubuntu?15:44
gordonjcpie. same idea as when you boot from a CD and click the installer15:45
oimonwhy would you want to do that?15:56
AlanBellso you want to run ubiquity from an installed ubuntu and have it overwrite itself?15:56
oimon(still doesn't answer why...but) you can't unmount system partitions that you are using15:57
gordonjcpno, install on a drive to put into another machine15:58
gordonjcpie. I have a running laptop with Ubuntu, and a drive in an external caddy which I want to install Ubuntu on to then put into a desktop15:58
oimonah that's slightly different16:00
AlanBellhmm, in theory you can run ubiquity from a running desktop, but it just crashes for me right now16:01
popeyi have done an install from inside an install16:01
popeyusing chroot16:01
popeyand/or debootstrap16:02
shaunoI was about to say, debootstrap used to rock for that16:02
AlanBellthen install ubuntu-desktop and it should haul in all the stuff16:03
AlanBellif you want all the stuff that is16:03
gordonjcpyeah, this is for a desktop16:03
oimoncouldn't you use usb-creator and write the iso to the /dev/sdb instead?16:03
gordonjcpdoesn't that just give me a bootable install disk on my drive?16:04
AlanBellprobably involves a bit of grub and maybe fstab tinkering to get it to boot16:04
oimoncan't you use reconstructor to customize the live cd for persistence mode16:06
oimonthis would allow persistence mode and custom apps,16:08
gordonjcpoimon: I don't want a livecd though16:08
gordonjcpI just want to install a fresh install of Ubuntu, from a machine that is already working, onto a drive for a machine that is flaky as all hell about booting from USB16:09
gordonjcpbut it's too late now anyway because I'm heading home in 20 minutes and it's going to take longer than that anyway16:10
oimoni had that issue the other day with a dell. i used a CD16:10
gordonjcpcan't use a CD16:11
gordonjcpno way to create a CD, not sure if the target machine has any sort of CD drive16:12
AlanBellgordonjcp: one way to do it would be use virtualbox and set the external disk up as a raw disk, and boot a vm from an iso16:16
oimonor PXE boot16:16
gordonjcpyeah, I might do that16:17
oimonof course the easiest answer is to replace the disk in another PC and move it back after install16:17
oimonbut PXE booting is useful to learn16:18
gordonjcpoimon: well that's what I'm trying to do16:20
oimonwhy not boot from usb then?16:21
gordonjcpbecause I don't want to interrupt other stuff I've got running16:21
gordonjcpand it seems inelegant16:21
TheOpenSourcererlol - we didn't make many calls on our company voip service during december. Our bill was £1.83 :-D16:30
oimoni prob use my work phone once a week16:31
oimonand my mobile even less16:31
christelTheOpenSourcerer: that's a bit high, i think you should have words with AlanBell about his personal use of the company voip service..16:32
* czajkowski tickles christel 16:35
AlanBellthis is a real phone bill http://www.met.police.uk/foi/pdfs/disclosure_2011/december/2011110000259.pdf16:36
oimonthat's our tax bill down the drain16:38
czajkowskiwhy on gods green earth would you need to spend £18,401.6516:40
czajkowskion a talking clock16:40
gordGreat clock shortage of '0916:40
christeljesus that is a lot of calls16:41
AlanBellso you can be busy on the phone for the last 5 minutes until your shift ends16:41
oimonAlanBell: only a devious person would do that16:41
DJonesWhy would you spend ~£100K on directory enquiries...isn't it quicker/cheaper to look them up on the BT website16:43
AlanBellwell I can understand that one to be honest16:44
czajkowskiAlanBell: you're missing from surrey16:44
oimonreally? you can implement your own directory enquiries for less16:44
DJonesI know it says that a large number of staff aren't office based16:45
czajkowskioimon: if you can I'm sure BT would like to know16:45
czajkowskiand everyone else would to be cheaper than using it16:45
tugrikI presume its onsite officers checking the exact time for reports / witness statements / etc ?16:45
AlanBelloimon: ok, so have 4 staff in a calling pool in the internal telephone system doing directory enquiries for the force and you just spent £100,00016:45
oimonhowever they probably have a call centre performing similar services16:46
tugrikthat's just the cost of the staff though, wouldn't access to the equivalent database cost more?16:47
oimonso no need to setup a new one. maybe employ only 2 extra staff. and train them to speak robot and cover the 1-2-3 calls too16:47
oimonyou can buy disks from BT pretty cheap16:47
tugrikyah, but then you've got to set up the interface to them16:47
tugrikand you need more than four staff to cover illness and holiday leave, and shift patterns as it needs to be 24/716:48
oimonit appears they haven't looked into it though16:48
tugrikand I ***presume*** you need the authority of the source of the time to be verified in some way to prevent prosecution lawyers questions the timing of events in court, whereas I presume the speaking clock is verified?16:48
tugrikI wouldn't expect so - I would think it would cost quite a lot just to look at the possibility of looking at setting it up ;)16:49
oimondigital watches are quite good at telling the time accurately16:49
oimonmaybe one guy rang 123 and left the phone off the hook for a year16:50
tugrik"quite good" isn't good enough in court, I'd guess.  I'd check with a Met Police friend, but I always ask her about police matters ;)16:50
oimonhalf the work has been done by the FOI request16:51
tugrikbe interesting if they can use that, or whether an investigation would require looking at the figures again16:52
AlanBelldunno if they use the speaking clock in interview rooms to get a timestamp on tape, that would kind of make sense16:58
AlanBellbut if that was my data I would be correlating it against shift end times16:59
oimoni read that a 19year old girl posed as a boy during a 7 month relationship with 15 and 16year old girls....how?17:00
oimonit turns out they even knew her as a girl at the same time....weird.17:01
gorddid you read this in the daily mail?17:01
oimongoogle news17:02
oimoneven in the telegraph17:02
oimonif it happened on tv i wouldn't believe it17:03
popeyclick the link17:06
oimonisn't t.co down for SOPA?17:07
oimonserver toobusy17:08
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czajkowskidaubers: http://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/minister-considering-broadcasting-charge-whether-you-have-a-tv-or-not-536421.html18:00
Myrttithe law for that passed in Finland18:00
Myrttithere was much rejoicing18:00
MartijnVdSSame in .nl -- it's part of normal taxes18:04
MartijnVdSalso, you can become a member of broadcasting orgs (they're associations, legally)18:05
MartijnVdSand number-of-members is a factor in the determination for who gets the most tax money18:05
MartijnVdSbye s-18:09
shaunoa bit weak that bbc news 24 haven't mentioned the wikipedia blackout, but keep repeating their thing about a town in the middle of nowhere turning their lights off so they can watch the rain better19:30
brobostigonshauno: they did mention it, while i was having lunch, wikuipedia and sopa.19:31
shaunohm.  I tuned in for the 6 o'clock news, and haven't heard anything yet19:32
brobostigonok, but it has been mentioned and reported on, it was just after pmq's.19:32
gordonjcpBBC Radio Scotland mentioned it a couple of times19:33
TheOpenSourcererIt was discussed several times on Today BBC R4 this morning.19:39
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brobostigoncrime spree in dulverton with lights off, hmm, interesting rumour.20:07
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/535/Crime+Wave.html20:10
brobostigonMartijnVdS: it is a light off, in a town, in order to have no light contamination for star viewing. an  experiment.20:11
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: ah, sounds cool20:11
MartijnVdSwe need that here :(20:11
brobostigonMartijnVdS: havew a LOOK ON BBC2.20:11
* MartijnVdS switches channels20:11
MartijnVdSBBC HD too \o/20:12
brobostigonbbcstargazing. :)20:12
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: if you love that, http://www.youtube.com/deepskyvideos20:14
brobostigonMartijnVdS: let me look.20:14
brobostigonMartijnVdS: physics is one of my hobbies.20:15
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: not many videos yet, but they're going to do the entire Messier catalog20:15
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: and it's by the same people as youtube.com/sixtysymbols (the physics channel)20:15
* brobostigon subscribes.20:15
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: also check his other channels (periodicvideos, numberphile, and a few others)20:16
brobostigonthank you.20:16
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: here's the list:  http://www.bradyharan.com/20:17
swat_evening all21:28
=== MH0 is now known as NOPA-SOPA
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
awilkinsIt's Wednesday, Wednesday, gotta get down on Wednesday, everybody's working 'til the weekend, weekend.23:15
zleapwell at least the SOPA issue made the news23:21
zleapi am surprised there is nothing on the google site23:21
awilkinsthere was a Doodle on for it in the states23:21
directhexbut not on google.com/ncr, oddly enough23:22
directhexusually that shows us-only doodles23:22
awilkinsAnd they have a page about it. I think they should have made it global.23:22
awilkinsJust because it's a US policy, it still affects the rest of us.23:23
zleapi think murdoch making comments about all this and attacking google is a laugh,  his integrity became zero with the newscorp hacking scandel23:24
zleapits like bill gates or steve balmer accusingsomeone of having a monopoly23:24
awilkinsOld media hate new media. The Metro was snarky about Wikipedia being full of false biographies and dogy facts.23:26
popeyyet the metro quotes wikipedia as fact regularly23:26
zleapyeahm,  thing is with wikipedia is that errors can be corrected,  print media can't be corrected until the next issue23:26
* zleap has just made website back to normal ready for upload on Thursday23:27
ali1234is it just me or is rupert murdoch's twitter sound a bit like the ramblings of a crazy person?23:32
directhexAlanBell, it *is*23:36
directhexerm, ali123423:36
ali1234each tweet reads like a cryptic crossword clue23:37
ali1234"Brilliant, visionary but just too much baggage!  And erratic."23:37
ali123422 across, 6 letters23:37

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