
paultaghey gilbert04:03
paultaggilbert: came accross http://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2011/09/msg00522.html04:03
paultaggilbert: the if/if/if conditionals can be condensed into cc_dict = { "java" : "debian-java@l.d.o", "python" : "debian-python@l.d.o" ... }04:04
paultagand use that, and on key error, fall through04:04
paultagalso haskel is marked as python04:04
paultag+    if section == 'python':04:04
paultag+        headers.append('X-Debbugs-CC: debian-python@lists.debian.org')04:04
paultag+    if section == 'python':04:04
paultag+        headers.append('X-Debbugs-CC: debian-haskell@lists.debian.org')04:04
paultagyou can also += """ \n\n\n\ """04:05
paultagminor crap, but totally cool04:05
dzhowhee, <60min to blackout04:07
* Unit193 is so scared </sarcasm_for_now>04:09
* Cheri703 is trying to decide if it is a good idea to send an angry/frustrated email when suffering from sleep deprivation04:25
dzhomight be ok to compose it, to get it out of your system, but postpone it.04:26
dzhouse all that energy to drive the writing, sure.04:26
Cheri703well, I *do* need a response on part of it as soon as possible, and I'll be asleep when he is likely to get it / respond04:26
dzhodoesn't sound like there's much choice, then, really.04:26
Cheri703short version: purchased something, in setting it up, running into ALL SORTS of quality control issues, have had to make multiple trips to purchase parts that should have come with it, will have to make more trips to fix a spot that has stripped threads, just all around ridiculous...and I'm pissed. also bought x specifically to mount y, explicitly mentioned I was planning to use y, guy recommended y, and there is NO POSSIBLE way that y will04:28
Cheri703fit securely onto x...04:28
Cheri703so I'm super annoyed04:28
Cheri703the mounting issue is the part I need a reply on, we've discussed some of the rest of it, but he's all "oh, no big deal, just go get replacement thingy, I'll pay for the part" but it requires driving across town, waiting til a car is available, and coming home from the store to realize I will have to go RIGHT BACK for another part is ridiculous04:29
jrgiffordpaultag, i didn't know opencongress.org was your guys thing.22:18
jrgiffordnice work!22:18
paultagjrgifford: thanks! :)22:21
paultagyeppers, sunlight as hell22:21
paultagfeel free to contribute, it's all f/oss!22:21
jrgiffordi noticed, i'm like, watcher #50 on github. :P22:21
jrgiffordi really need to get my act together and stop writing docs and helping people and start writing code. :P22:22
paultagjrgifford: dude22:22
Unit193Looks like they have a SOPA thing up too22:22
paultagjrgifford: docs are tragic with sunlight, i've come to notice22:22
paultagUnit193: :)22:22
jrgiffordyeah they do Unit193. :)22:22
paultagjrgifford: if you wanted to get into doing developer stuff, I'd be bloody impressed22:22
paultagjrgifford: shame you're not in BOS, we're looking for an intern22:22
Unit193jrgifford: Was looking for a few earlier :P But now I :x22:23
jrgiffordpaultag, sad story of all f/oss unfortunately, have a small project that needs docs?22:23
paultagjrgifford: yeah, actually. They all do - a few HOWTOs on how to help with openstates would be super ultra kickass22:24
jrgiffordalso, if you're interested in informally formal relationship with a remote intern-ish type idiot, just tell me and i'll do my best to convince my parents. :P22:24
paultagjrgifford: we're looking for someone to work here in BOS :(22:24
paultagsome of it sucks to do remote22:24
paultagand we already have one remote intern :(22:24
* canthus13 wonders how crappy of a company GXS is...22:24
jrgifford:( oh well. i'll look into openstates after I finish calling portman and brown about PIPA. :)22:25
paultagCheri703: http://influenceexplorer.com/organization/gxs/f01803a0885147faac4e49f137e44a3422:25
paultagjrgifford: :)22:25
paultagerm crap22:25
paultagsorry Cheri70322:25
paultagcanthus13: http://influenceexplorer.com/organization/gxs/f01803a0885147faac4e49f137e44a3422:25
canthus13paultag: I'm more interested in what it's like to work there.22:26
paultagcanthus13: ahhh. Right.22:26
* canthus13 is looking at a TSS position in Brook Park.22:26
jrgiffordportmans voicemail box is full. :D22:27
jrgiffordand all the lines are busy.22:27
jrgiffordthat says something about the power of the internet right there guys.22:28
paultagjrgifford: you know that zipcode thinger on wikipedia?22:28
paultagjrgifford: sunlight data ;)22:28
jrgiffordi haven't visited wikipedia all day.22:28
jrgiffordwell, everyone uses sunlight now that i look at it.22:28
jrgiffordalso, govtrack.us is evil. :P22:29
paultagjrgifford: yeah, sunlight is everywhere22:29
paultagand it's awesome22:29
paultagall up on the news too22:30
paultagwhich is cool22:30
jrgiffordthank the lord for free domestic US Google Voice calls. If I didn't have that, I wouldn't be calling DC. :(22:34
canthus13jrgifford: You must have a crappy cell carrier?22:34
jrgiffordcanthus13, i'm 15 and without a cell phone. :P22:34
canthus13jrgifford: Ah. Makes sense. :)22:34
jrgiffordpaultag! opencongress is 502'ing on me! where do I send money for another server?! :D22:35
Unit193jrgifford: I don't think I remembered/knew you were 1522:51
jrgiffordUnit193, i seem to remember putting it on my wiki page.22:52
jrgiffordbut i might have edited it out after someone said something22:52
Unit193Hmmm... Not that it really matters though22:53
jrgiffordIt does if you're trying to get any sort of job type thing. :P23:05
Unit193There it would23:10
Unit193Better chances at 16 w/ permission from school23:10
jrgiffordI have permission from school. In fact, school is forcing me to do this. ("yay" for homeschooling. :P)23:10
Unit193*Permission from local school super23:11
Unit193I was homeschooled (Did better for my sisters), my sister went through this years ago23:11
jrgiffordoh, thats easy to get, particularly if job start date is after May 20th or something like that. But I can't get that until I get a offer.23:12
Unit193Language warning: Lookup Cyanide and Happiness and view the source for today23:12
Unit193Would volunteer also work? I had that for a while (not required) and I loved it23:13
Unit193jrgifford: Source is funny, but like paultag23:14
jrgiffordUnit193, volunteer could work, its just not where I want to be.23:14
Unit193jrgifford: Was in a hospital IS dept for a while, was awesome (They trusted me so I got to do all sorts of fun stuff wtih the little crappy parts)23:16
jrgiffordoh? That could be fun.23:16
* Unit193 got the domain admin pass, and his own account with cool privs :D23:18
gilbertpaultag: thx 4 the suggestions23:40
gilbertpaultag: btw how did u come accross that?23:41
gilbertpaultag: i didn't seem to get much interest after i put it together...felt a bit discouraged23:41

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