
RAOFbryce: In Melbourne, yes.  Not in Heathrow.00:08
Sarvattheathrow is hands down the worst airport i've ever been to.. terminal 5 wasn't as bad as 3 though00:09
Sarvatttelling you what gate your flight will be at 30 minutes before the gate closes, and it takes 20 minutes to get to it if you're in the wrong place?00:10
Sarvattthen making you take a bus out to the plane and stand in the cold waiting to board on the tarmac00:10
bryceI got stuck in chicago once where they didn't let us offload luggage.  Had to scrounge up a change of clothes and toiletries from hotel gift shops.  Ugh.  Was a nice hotel though.00:15
bryceever since, I always carry a change of clothes and toothbrush in my carryon bag00:16
RAOFI'm going to consider that.00:16
RAOFParticularly since the lounges I've got access to often have shower facilities (the BA/Qantas lounge in Terminal 3 is really nice).00:17
Sarvattbryce: BA gives you toothbrushes :)00:18
SarvattRAOF: which lounge did you go to in terminal 3? the new one?00:18
Sarvattwith a spa and crap00:18
RAOFI don't think it's new, but it does indeed have a spa and crap :)00:19
Sarvattthere was one that was new for priority pass this year in the back of the book and not with the other heathrow ones, missed that we could use it00:20
bryceRAOF, of course after getting all that set up, I've never needed it.  But I figure the one time I don't bring it, I'll get stuck somewhere.00:20
RAOFThe nice (?) thing about travelling from Australia is that your first flight is always super-long-haul, so it's always worthwhile to change into a new set of clothes at the end of it ;)00:20
Sarvattsounds like me bringing all manner of medicines in case i get sick and i haven't gotten ubuflu since that first trip :)00:21
RAOFcnd: You had some autofoo droppings in your xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse upload to ubuntu-x-swat/x-staging.  There's nothing you need to do, this is just a friendly reminder to pay attention to the files dpkg says are modified :)00:23
cndRAOF, I don't remember uploading vmmouse...00:23
cndRAOF, was it just autogen.sh?00:23
RAOFcnd: It was a log from a failed configure run.00:24
cndhmm... I wouldn't have ever built that00:24
cndso I don't know where the genesis of that is :)00:24
RAOFhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-staging/+sourcepub/2143616/+listing-archive-extra says otherwise :)00:24
cndyeah, I signed it and uploaded00:24
cndI probably saw the message, but didn't bother to do anything because it would require a change in the packaging and I was lazy :)00:25
cndoh wait, I did have to change the packaging00:25
cndhmm.. yeah, I should have caught that00:25
cndthanks for pointing it out :)00:25
cndI guess I do need to pay a bit closer attention00:26
RAOFYou've got core-dev now, right?00:27
RAOFLooks like utouch-frame needs build-dep loving.00:32
cndyes, looks like it does00:32
RAOFpowerpc has tried to build it before libxi and x11proto-input :)00:32
RAOFThanks, PPC.  At least you've done *something* useful in the last year :)00:33
cndargh, second time I hit that today, libxi-dev is in epoch 2...00:33
RAOFLooks like libxi also needs inputproto bump?00:35
RAOFI can fix these up for you if you like.00:35
cndI fixed utouch-frame00:36
cndI thought libxi was set up properly00:36
RAOFfailed to build on armhf; it tried to build before x11proto-input again, and didn't dep-wait.00:36
cndahh yes, it needs to be bumped to depend on
cndbecause of the precise folly00:37
cndRAOF, yeah, if you don't mind, please fix up libxi00:37
cndthe good news is that because we are building all the arches, we get put into the "real" archive queue00:37
cndso we're not stuck behind all the PPA builds00:38
cndsomething like that00:38
RAOFPity it doesn't auto-retry dep-waits :)00:38
cndand IS was nice enough to bump the prio on the x11proto-input build, so that's done too00:38
RAOFYou haven't pushed xi 0ubuntu2 to git?00:40
* RAOF folds that in.00:40
SarvattRAOF: did you already merge intel?01:42
Sarvattits not in git so was wondering, experimental or unstable? :)01:42
Sarvattuxa is in maintenance soon to die only important fixes mode in git so experimental disabling sna might be a good idea01:44
SarvattRAOF: should i get intel merged in git for ubuntu tomorrow is what i'm asking basically :)01:51
RAOFSarvatt: I've merged 2.17; 2.18 isn't released yet, is it?01:52
Sarvattnope but kibi has some git snapshots in experimental and there are only a handful of really conservative changes01:52
Sarvattbut if you have 2.17 already done locally that works too01:52
RAOFIt's not in the ubuntu+1 branch?01:53
Sarvattit was just if we were starting from scratch i was asking which would be preferred01:53
Sarvatti didnt see it, lemme double check..01:53
RAOFIt's been in the staging PPA forever ;)01:53
Sarvatttheres no ubuntu+1 branch01:53
RAOFUrgh.  Apparently I didn't push it.01:54
Sarvattubuntu branch has my changes at HEAD for 2.15.90101:54
Sarvattah ok01:54
Sarvattwhy +1 branch?01:55
RAOF2.17 pushed to git.01:55
RAOFBecause I didn't particularly want to upload it twice :)01:55
RAOFAnd it wasn't clear how long the 1.11 transition was going to take.01:56
RAOFYay!  XServer has almost built!01:56
Sarvattwell thats orthogonal to xserver, and yay you had it using origin/ubuntu not a new branch anyway :)01:57
Sarvattthanks for pushing it01:57
RAOFWell, it would have needed a rebuild against the newer server.01:58
RAOFOk.  I'm off for lunch and errands.  By the time I get back xserver should be done and I can finish pushing the world to staging.02:24
SarvattLIBGL_SHOW_FPS=1 is so kick ass, being able to show speed differences between gpus in arbitrary things like webgl in chromium is really handy :)02:42
Sarvattwow, at this rate tomorrow i might be able to put xserver 1.12 in edgers03:57
Sarvatti only had it all prepared on jan 6th :)03:57
Sarvattdarn ppa builders have been backed up since then, having upgrades broken for 8+ hours isn't an option this time03:58
Prf_JakobSarvatt: cool!05:01
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tjaaltonricotz: I assume you meant GPL-2+ for the libwacom packaging?11:59
tjaaltonupstream has no mention on GPL on it, weird12:00
tjaaltonor any other license for that matter12:00
tjaaltonah, MIT of course12:03
tjaaltonricotz: meh, put GPL-3+ since I had it handy..12:08
ricotztjaalton, hi, yeah please do12:19
ricotztjaalton, i hope you have seen 0.212:19
ricotznice, hoping jonathan is happy now ;)12:32
tjaaltonapparently was12:40
tjaaltonseb128: libwacom is now in precise12:41
seb128tjaalton, I noticed, thanks!12:41
jcristaugpl packaging for mit package?12:41
tjaaltoncan't be mixed?12:42
jcristaucan be mixed, but the result is gpl, so it's a bit weird12:43
tjaaltonhmm right12:44
jcristau(that said for hysterical raisins the x packaging is at least partly gpl, so it's not like there's no precedent)12:45
tjaaltonwell, now that I look at the dep5 page, "permissive" might be an alternative for the packaging..12:46
tjaaltonricotz: http://pastebin.com/PfifLp2K ?12:48
ricotztjaalton, it is fine with me12:50
tjaaltonthanks, I'll commit that change12:51
tjaaltonhm, source format 1.0 doesn't like .bz2 tarballs?12:54
tjaaltonso it's a native package now, meh12:55
tjaaltonhow hard would it be to include autogen.sh in the tarballs12:57
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bhearsumchrisccoulson: i just attached my gsd-debug-randr log - i hope it's helpful14:07
bhearsumchrisccoulson: i also tried disbling the media keys, like you mentioned yesterday, but that mad eno difference at all14:07
ricotztjaalton, hmm, you changed libwacom to debsrc v1.0 :\15:58
tjaaltonricotz: yes, but git has it in 3.0 again15:58
ricotztjaalton, this is really a step backwards15:58
tjaalton3.0 is bad for vcs15:59
tjaaltoni removed autogen.sh, which isn't in the tarball15:59
ricotzi am prefering to use the proper upstream tarball15:59
tjaaltonit is the upstream tarball15:59
ricotztjaalton, i am fine with using pristinetar though15:59
tjaaltonwith 1.0 you have the diff in diff.gz16:00
ricotzi only saw the ubuntu upload so far16:00
tjaaltonwith 3.0 in separate patch blob16:00
ricotzi know the difference between them16:00
tjaaltonand basically, if you have other patches you're screwed16:00
tjaaltonafter working with several packages in git I realize why 3.0 is making people crazy..16:01
ricotzhmm, works for e16:02
hallynto switch from nvidia to vesa, can i just add 'Driver: vesa' to xorg.conf (from rescue boot)?16:12
hallyn(i'll try in a min, but if it fails it'll take me 15 mins to reboot from livecd, so thought i'd ask first)16:13
hallynall right, off to go try16:14
tseliottjaalton: are we aiming for mesa 7.12 for precise?16:22
tjaaltontseliot: it's 8.016:22
tjaaltonand yes16:22
tseliottjaalton: thanks16:23
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cndwoot, qt4-x11 built for armhf20:35
cndand it only took 14 hours, 57 minutes, 58.2 second20:35
tjaaltonI've done some work on mesa, but the current debian-experimental branch has lost all the history about debian/, and merging to ubuntu is a huge PITA because of that20:42
cndRAOF, what's going on with xserver-xorg-video-glide?23:02
cndit doesn't seem like it should be arch: any23:02
RAOFcnd: I think that's right.  It's just that its build-deps are only satisfiable on amd64 i386 ia64 alpha.23:03
cndso it will perpetually be in dep-wait on arm*?23:04
cndthat seems wrong to me...23:06
RAOFThat's how it is in the main archive.23:06
RAOFI think that's the expected behaviour for packages with arch-specific dependencies.23:07
RAOFWhich aren't arch-specific themselves.23:07
cndso we're just waiting on qt4-x11 armel23:08
RAOFAh, poor armel :)23:10
RAOFThinking of poor armel, that's reminded me that I also need to rebuild some stuff for it.23:10
RAOFAnd do the proprietary drivers, too.23:11
RAOFI shall move out to the veranda and do those uploads.23:13
* cnd wishes he had a veranda, though he wouldn't use it today23:16
cndslush all over the ground here23:16
brycecnd, has it finally gotten wet enough for you?23:17
cndummm, yeah, you can call off the dogs now :)23:17
cndthough I'd probably be fine if it weren't quite so cold and didn't come down as snow/sleet23:18

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