
Kilosmorning superfly and others07:26
superflymorning Kilos! :-)07:27
Kilosi must learn to add these :-)07:27
KilosJabberwockyA19, you still going strong?07:28
Kiloslo nuvolari 07:28
JabberwockyA19goeie more oom Kilos :)07:31
JabberwockyA19I'm still going strong, mostly anyway.07:33
Kilosgood. hou so aan07:33
Kilosaan hou, kop hou, moed hou, bek hou07:33
JabberwockyA19Had internetlessness syndrome for a while, also fractured my wrist a week ago07:36
Kiloseish thats eina07:36
JabberwockyA19hehe nes jy daar sê07:36
Kilosyo ghostknife 07:51
KilosMôre maiatoday 07:51
nuvolarimornings oom Kilos, JabberwockyA19, superfly, ghostknife 07:51
maiatodayhi all07:52
Kilosals goed daar nuvolari 07:52
JabberwockyA19good morning nuvolariu07:52
Kiloshehe JabberwockyA19 you like typing hey07:52
Kilosyou dont use tab to complete nicks07:53
Kilosah or you got a doff irc client07:53
JabberwockyA19doff client :P07:58
Kiloshiya morgs 08:03
nuvolariKilos: aan die gang oom08:08
nuvolarimeh :-/08:08
somaunnhello guys14:20
superflytumbleweed: know anything about Apache's mod_rewrite ?17:16
somaunnhello guys17:21
inetprogood evening18:14
inetprosuperfly: what are you trying to do with mod_rewrite?18:15
Kilosevening all18:24
Kiloshiya kbmonkey 18:24
Kilosdid you arrive at your destination18:25
kbmonkeyhello Kilos 18:27
kbmonkeyinetpro o/18:27
kbmonkeyI was in Bloem yesterday Kilos. Drove past kroonstad, harrysmith, ladysmith today18:28
Kilosah you going to where 18:29
kbmonkeythrough the Karoo, some bug flew into the window onto me and started eating me alive. ha ha. had quite a bite I say18:29
kbmonkeysome kind of miniature wasp, but luckily nothing with venom18:29
kbmonkeyprobably a male. small wings18:30
Kilossmall red wasp?18:30
kbmonkeywish I kept it18:30
Kilosnever seen green ones18:30
Kilosmust be a genetically modified one18:30
Kilosdidnt you splat it?18:30
kbmonkeyIndeed I did18:32
Kiloslol then not worth keeping18:34
inetproheh kbmonkey18:45
kbmonkeywikipedia is blacked out today18:48
kbmonkeyto protest the US 'stop online privacy act'18:48
superflyinetpro: some issues with an app20:06
tumbleweedsuperfly: yes21:51
superflytumbleweed: no worries, I think I've got a better solution21:51

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