
hydrox24LadyGorey: what version of ubuntu are you using?00:00
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LadyGoreyLemme check00:00
fellayaboyhow do i completely remove all forms of logs on ubuntu00:00
fellayaboyhwo do i stop my machine from keeping logs00:00
hydrox24fellayaboy: why is that an issue?00:01
LadyGoreyI don't use Ubuntu often so I'm not sure where to access it, give me a second00:01
LadyGoreyI'm good with Windows and Mac but Ubuntu is kind of new to me00:01
hydrox24LadyGorey: that's fine00:01
mouseoverHow can I pipe netcat's input from the command line itself? For example, netcat -q -1 localhost 5000 < "some text here"00:01
TitomenOerHeks: i have 253 uodates which give me the same error...do i have to do this one by one?00:02
fellayaboycan someone tell me how i can stop my pc from logging00:02
LadyGoreyhydrox, 11.1000:03
hydrox24ok cool00:03
hydrox24try opening "gparted"00:03
LadyGoreyin Terminal?00:04
hydrox24LadyGorey: This isn't the most elegant solution but it will work.00:04
hydrox24LadyGorey: no, anyway you want00:04
hydrox24LadyGorey: should be under system applications00:04
LadyGoreyOh, okay gimme asec00:04
fellayaboyis there any simple way ..a switch on ubuntu to stop logging?00:05
LadyGoreyThis is super confusing, sorry I as a dolt00:05
TitomenOerHeks: look the error i am getting: http://pastebin.com/d3tWNT0W00:05
LadyGoreyI appear*00:05
hydrox24fellayaboy: no, logging is pretty integral to the system (ot most of it is), you'll have to turn off most logs manually00:06
fellayaboyit takes up too much processing, hard drive space and resources..totally useless to a home pc who doesnt troubleshoot an inch00:06
zykotick9fellayaboy: not sure why you'd want to - but "sudo service rsyslog stop" would temporarily stop a lot of logs from being created.  (not a good idea in my opinion)00:07
hydrox24LadyGorey: type gparted into the dashboard00:07
LadyGoreyOh ok00:07
fellayaboythanks zykotick900:07
hydrox24fellayaboy: I suggest against doing that, normally logs are very effficient and usse little memory.00:07
LadyGoreyThat did nothing00:07
hydrox24sorry, I am trying to find the simplest way to do this00:07
fellayaboyyeah i truly dont care, its not the end of the world if i mess up the OS...ill just reinstall and deal with it00:08
hydrox24fellayaboy: go ahead then!00:08
bonhofferany idea how i can see how ubuntu starts mongodb on startup?00:08
pnormanWhat program could I use to convert .wav files to MP3s on the command line?00:08
bonhofferi don't remember how i set it up00:08
ubluntupnorman: lame ?00:08
LadyGoreyIt's okay. I tried to change the journaling setting through the Mac and I was afraid I was going to erase everything on the HD00:08
* benuphoenix hates splits00:08
hydrox24LadyGorey: ok, so do you still need help?00:09
benuphoenixI have 3 drives: 2*320gb and 1*2tb. should i create: 2-volume 320GB RAID-1, 3-volume 320GB RAID-1 (using 320GB of the 2TB drive as well), or a 640GB-ish RAID-5 (using 320GB of the 2TB drive as well)?00:09
fellayaboywhat other ones i could tumble down..such as logging of usb devices, internet, firewall...i know what ur thinking..im trying to hack or something but no..im trying to do this to my own system00:09
hydrox24LadyGorey: can you open a private msg with me? (/msg hydrox24 blahblahablah)00:09
ubluntu benuphoenix raid 0 or 100:10
ubluntukeep 2tb for storage / backups00:10
=== allquixotic_ is now known as allquixotic
fellayaboyzykotick9, what other logging services are running that i could stop00:11
mdel_anyone know how to specify which shell you want when sshing in?00:11
bonhofferi'm not sure where ubuntu puts startup programs00:11
benuphoenixubluntu: thanks00:11
mdel_i have byobu installed and its effed up00:11
mdel_keeps launching itself00:11
zykotick9fellayaboy: sorry, i don't know of any.  Good luck.00:11
fellayaboythank u00:11
hydrox24fellayaboy: good luck!00:12
zykotick9fellayaboy: FYI that "service rsyslog stop" will be restarted on reboot, you'd need to disable it permanently using a different method00:13
fellayaboyi put it on my startup application00:13
fellayaboyidk if its effective00:13
RichiHis there a way to get the Supported: field of all packages in a release?00:14
ypsjd本机系统安装的是ubuntu 10.04 ,昨天用U盘体验了把edubuntu 11.10 今天一开机,edubuntu随机的那些软件都给我装上了00:16
zykotick9!cn | ypsjd00:16
ubottuypsjd: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw00:16
* pehden is away: I'm busy00:17
zykotick9!away > pehden00:17
ubottupehden, please see my private message00:17
pehdenum zykotick9 it doesnt matter. that was 5 minutes ago00:18
Guest74466the next release is in April right?00:20
zykotick9Guest74466: april and october, every year ;)00:21
zykotick9pehden: it does matter - and it wasn't 5 minutes ago, i sent you that message in the same minute we got the away message.00:22
Doodiehi, I am connected to my server laptop through ssh. I want to change password that I need to login to that server. How?00:22
pehdenzykotick9    im on xchat and that was disabled before an update. fixed now.00:23
DoodieMyrtti, tried that but it says I am not the sudoer00:23
Myrttiyou can change your own password with it, don't need sudo for that...00:24
DoodieMyrtti, I get this on passwd myUserName -> "passwd: Only root can specify a user name."00:24
zykotick9Doodie: just "passwd" that's it.00:25
MyrttiDoodie: don't give it the username then00:25
Doodieworking, thanks to both of you00:25
ocmsRzrdoes anyone know why my ubuntu install would be sluggish? when the computer was new things were blazing fast, and now things take too long. I don't think its because I've "redefined" fast...00:26
FuZi0Ni have setup pptp vpn in ubuntu00:29
FuZi0Ni can connect to vpn when im on different network, but if im connected to the same network that the vpn in on then it doesnt work00:29
FloodBot1FuZi0N: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:29
ecd__on 11.10, if I use the included Startup Disk Creator to create a USB stick with a certain amount of Stored Reserve Space, will the end live-usb have nvidia-driver installed on it? If not, will I be able to (or is only a certain directory writable) I00:29
=== Hiz is now known as Guest90688
FuZi0Nanyone familiar with pptp vpn in ubuntu?00:40
aguiteli need to increase memory ram of my system ,how i know what kind of memory the system need ?00:44
tjfaguitel, What's the model of your computer?00:44
tjf(Do you have any idea?)00:44
aguitelis old ,2003 computer00:45
tjiggi_foaguitel, do sudo lshw in the terminal and look at what memory you have there now00:46
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aguiteltjiggi_fo, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/536466/00:47
platiusaguitel,  crucial.com will tell you00:48
Frantic_iceroot: hey, what was that command code again... sorry. Im writing it down.00:48
tjiggi_foaguitel, yes, try crucial cause lshw doesn't know00:49
Frantic_iceroot: i had asked for a mac IRC and you typed some /msg code ali or something i have forgoten00:49
aguiteltjiggi_fo, it works in windows00:50
Flizzophi, I have a problem, my unrared files are always just empty folders.. what do I do about this?00:51
tjiggi_foaguitel, what works in windows?00:52
aguiteltjiggi_fo, the scanner00:52
Frantic_iceroot: you there?00:53
=== arif-ali is now known as arif-ali|afk
Frantic_If im looking for more irc's what do i type, /msg something something something,00:56
piercedwaterCan someone link me to a tutorial on how to get sound to play through spdif instead of pcm in Ubuntu 11.10?00:58
UbuTooter ^ÂÊÎÔÛâêîôûĈĉĜĝĤĥĴĵŜŝŴŵŶŷˆ᷍ḒḓḘḙḼḽṊṋṰṱṶṷẐẑẤấẦầẨẩẪẫẬậẾếỀềỂểỄễỆệỐốỒồỔổỖỗỘộ⨣⨶⩯ꞈ^00:59
rampage73ok anyone want to explain how I can reverse the graphs in mrtg ? or where is a good mrtg channel? please and thank you01:02
Frantic_theres a code you type after /msg and you follow up with #______* and it tells you a list of IRC's with that name in it. theres a word you type after /msg and before #________* i cant remember what it is. could someone help me.01:05
rampage73mrtg anyone?01:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:06
rampage73i am looking to reverse the graph in mrtg and the "-" is not working or I am not putting it in the right Target help01:06
Frantic_iceroot: Hey iceroot you there?01:09
kantlivelongis there a way to fix mptsas driver from mapping dev nodes in desc order? its supposed to be asc01:13
cjokeis there a CLI for turning off my screensaver black screen/monitor ?01:17
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html01:18
Algois there a way to reset my keyring password?01:21
pipehola a todos, muy buenas noches01:22
FuZi0NAnyone know how to modify the maximum number of connections per user for pptp vpn in ubuntu?01:23
LinuX2halfWhen I tried to play video CD, Movie Player gave me an error: couldn't open location; you don't have the permission to open the file.01:27
LinuX2halfWhat does this mean? Do I have to copy the content of the disc to  my hard drive?01:27
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TheLifelessOneis it possible to install ubuntu-server, and then install GNOME2, and have it act in such a way as it did before Unity/GNOME3?01:30
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xangua!gnome2 | TheLifelessOne01:33
ubottuTheLifelessOne: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.01:33
n2diyTheLifelessOne, I'd like to know that answer too!01:34
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:34
TheLifelessOneBah, not the same.01:34
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity01:34
TheLifelessOneAnd Ubuntu Classic is terrible!01:34
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n2diyTheLifelessOne, agree, I bailed on Ub 11.10, and went back to Xubuntu 10.10, now upgraded to Xu 11.04.01:36
TheLifelessOneI would use Xubuntu, but I really like GNOME.01:37
n2diyI've lost sound, I checked that nothing is muted, and the speakers work on my test box. My user.log show pulse audio calling and alsa module, which fails because it can't find  a profile.01:38
LABcrabHey everyone!  Ubuntu bugs out when i try to copy a file of almost 8 GB to USB.  It says the file is too large, even though the USB has lots of room!  Can someone help, please?01:39
go8765hello. can anybody help me please to install cuberok. this is log http://paste.ubuntu.com/808087/01:41
xanguaLABcrab: does your stick use fat¿01:41
TheLifelessOneLABcrab: Jesus Christ, how the hell do you have a ~8GB file?01:41
LABcrabxangua: i don't know if my stick is FAT.  Is that why it bugs out?01:41
lucho/j #ubuntu-ar01:41
xanguaLABcrab: The maximum possible size for a file on a FAT32 volume is 4 GB minus 1 byte or 4294967295 (232−1) bytes - wikipedia01:41
LABcrabTheLifelessOne: tsk tsk, it's a VirtualBox image.  :|01:41
TheLifelessOneLABcrab: Ah, I see. Still, damn that's huge01:42
LABcrabThat's Vista.  Lucky it fits under 10 GB, i think 64 bit takes twice as much.01:42
LABcrabMS won't support XP anymore for IE, SDKs and other things.01:43
TheLifelessOneYeah, which sucks because a lot of people (such as myself) still run XP systems...01:43
LABcrabi'd have preferred XP, but MS is quick to dismiss the OS.01:43
TheLifelessOneI'd upgrade this box to seven if I had the extra cash + hardware lying around.01:44
LABcrabBut anyway, what does FAT have a problem with big files?01:44
LABcrab *why01:44
TheLifelessOneit's just the way it was designed.01:44
TheLifelessOneI believe that's why the NTFS filesystems was designed. Well, part of the reason, at least.01:45
LABcrabTheLifelessOne: specs not an issue, i have triple core, but it's just that XP is on its way out.  Although i'll set it up on netbooks and "just word processing and Internet" machines.01:45
LABcrabSo format the USB using ext4?01:46
TheLifelessOneThat would probably work.01:46
TheLifelessOnebut then again, I'm not an expert of filesystems.01:46
LABcrabWell, i'll give it a try.  Now for a couple of more questions: 1. what is a good Digital TV tuner and 2. what channel talks about over the air TV?01:47
n2diyI've lost sound, I checked that nothing is muted, and the speakers work on my test box. My user.log show pulse audio calling and alsa module, which fails because it can't find  a profile.01:49
LABcrabMS-DOS file system.  No crap Sherlock.01:49
LABcrabWe all watch HDTV with our MS-DOS file systems, eh?01:50
bonhofferis there an easy way to get a file path from a nautilus window?01:50
LABcrabbonhoffer: Ctrl+L?01:50
n2diybonoffer, right click on it, and select properties?01:50
luchohola gente01:51
luchohi people01:51
luchocan anyone help me with my ethernet?01:51
luchoI been detecting problem with the velocity01:52
LABcrabSo FAT32 was being used.  Time to go on a diet!01:52
luchoI have tried testing trafic01:52
luchoand comparing with windows01:52
luchobut the problem01:53
luchoseems to be the ethernet01:53
luchoor the drivers01:53
luchomy OS is ubuntu 11.1001:54
franz_hi, where to download additional languages for firefox nightly?01:58
bonhofferhow do i uninstall: /usr/local/bin/mongo02:02
bonhofferi'm not sure how i installed it02:02
FuZi0Nrm mongo02:02
=== tum is now known as Guest2395
aruncn1Hi, I have installed 32 bit ubuntu on my 64 bit processor. When i try to install additional packages, the error is "not available in current data". Any ideas guys?02:05
atomicspin_So, I setup a 2nd partition for my /home directory and installed everything.02:06
atomicspin_Except I forgot to tell Ubuntu that my 2nd partition was for /home02:06
atomicspin_Is there a way to do it after the fact?02:06
=== Vaelstrom is now known as Vaela
bonhofferseriously -- just rm the installed directory02:07
aruncn1Guys.. any help is appreciated :)02:07
bonhofferhow do i get a list of all packages installed that i can grep02:07
plumhey all02:07
aruncn1bonhoffer: dpkg -l02:08
plumwhat are some good transparent themes for ubuntu unity?02:08
psusiatomicspin_, sure... reboot into recovery mode, mount the other partition somewhere, move all files from /home there, then edit /etc/fstab so the other partition gets mounted in /home, and reboot02:08
atomicspin_psusi:  Thank you!02:09
bonhofferaruncn1, thanks!02:09
n2diyI've lost sound, I checked that nothing is muted, and the speakers work on my test box. My user.log show pulse audio calling an alsa module, which fails because it can't find  a profile.02:12
plumis there a way to enable transparency?02:15
=== jelatta is now known as jelatta_away
atomicspin_psusi:  I don't see where.  Here's that file:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/808103/02:15
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psusiatomicspin_, you need to add a new line for /home02:16
psusiatomicspin_, you can lookup the uuid with blkid02:16
LinuX2halfWhy whenever I insert a VCD, totem player says that I need permission to open the file?02:16
chrisv33Normally when I check top or uptime it says 2 users. I just had some kind of pulseaudio error and it made me log in again. Now it just says 1 user. I'm concerned.02:17
aruncn1hi guys02:17
Guest74466are there any plans for Ubuntu to come out in any version other than x86?  Are there any plans to drop the 32-bit version?02:18
aruncn1I have 32 bit buntu 9.10 installed on my 64 bit processor.  Not able to install packages.. need some help guys02:18
LABcrabYes, it will be released for ARM in Game Boy Advance and for PowerPC G3.02:18
psusiGuest74243, it's currently supported on i386, amd64, and I think arm is just coming out... no plans to drop i38602:18
psusiaruncn1, 9.10 reached end of life when 11.04 came out02:19
Darrow_Does anyone know how to fix weird, snowcrash-like screens appearing while booting off of live cd or drive?02:20
n2diychrisv33, what's the name of the user?02:20
franz_hi, where to download additional languages for firefox nightly?02:20
aruncn1psus1: ok, so it might be the issue with repos right? they are no longer present na?02:20
psusiaruncn1, yep02:20
aruncn1psus1: cool :)02:20
chrisv33n2diy, it's my username, chris02:21
psusiaruncn1, so either install 11.10 or 10.04 instead02:21
n2diychrisv33, root isn't listed?02:21
chrisv33but if I look at top, there are processes running under root02:21
aruncn1psusi: yes. ty02:21
LABcrabPowerPC is a community port.02:22
chrisv33running 11.10, btw02:23
marienza111: don't.02:23
bazhanga111, human please02:23
Darrow_Hello? Does anyone know how to fix weird, snowcrash-like screens appearing while booting off of live cd or drive?02:23
n2diychrisv33, how are you viewing top, in a terminal with "top" command?02:24
chrisv33I was just looking at stupid pictures on imgur when the error occured, and it took me to the normal login screen after that02:25
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n2diyI'm baffled, I don't know how a box could function with out root processes?02:25
chrisv33I can see root processes in top it's just not being listed as a user02:26
chrisv33I did a restart before I came here02:26
n2diychrisv33, oh, ok, so you and root are using processes, but top only reports one user? Strange, don't know that either.02:27
chrisv33yeah, exactly.  Like I was looking at a photo, screen goes black with text saying pulseaudio isn't logging something ( it was gone too fast for me to read it)02:28
chrisv33and then the normal log in screen02:28
jonathon_Hello Friends02:28
jonathon_I have a couple of questions, First, In Terminal, How do I change to a directy that has a space in it?02:29
Darrow_Hello? Could someone please help me? I'm new to IRC, and I'm not even sure if I'm doing this right...02:29
Gentoo64jonathon_: use quotes is easiest02:29
hydrox24jonathon_: use a backslash before the space02:29
Gentoo64jonathon_: you can use \ too02:29
hydrox24jonathon_: both work well02:29
acerimmerjonathon: cd 'this directory'02:29
hydrox24jonathon_: cd this\ directory02:29
hydrox24next Q?02:30
jonathon_Alright, And how do I remove A bulk of files that are in seperate directories, Like let's say I have ten PDF's spread across ten folders?02:30
hydrox24find -type f -name *.pdf -exec rm {} \;02:31
hydrox24that will:02:31
hydrox24find (files, not dirs02:31
hydrox24then look for anything ending with .pdf02:31
hydrox24and then use the rm command on all matching files02:31
jonathon_And will that command only remove files that are in the folder I am currently in?02:32
hydrox24it's recursive02:32
hydrox24so to see the results of the search without deleting:02:32
hydrox24find -type f -name *.pdf02:32
hydrox24will search for all pdf files in the current directory and in directories in the current dir and so on02:33
jonathon_Ok good, that worked, But then How do I make it delete all those?02:33
hydrox24find -type f -name *.pdf -exec rm {} \;02:33
hydrox24that will then execute the "rm" command on all the files that result from the search02:33
hydrox24be careful02:34
Darrow_Hello? Could someone please help me? Ubuntu won't boot, just show a colorful screen.02:34
hydrox24rm is permanent02:34
acerimmerDarrow_: version?02:34
jonathon_Permanent is fine02:34
Gentoo64rm -i is worth aliasing02:34
jonathon_I got this error find: paths must precede expression: exec02:34
hydrox24jonathon_: that's an annoying one, hold on02:35
jonathon_k thanks02:35
nibbl0rHi, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and wanted to test the "convirt" package, installed it by "apt-get install convirt" but at the end convirt gives out a big error: http://pastebin.com/KnhF8zzC   - I believe the problem is, it's searching in /opt/... but there is no such folder02:35
=== corey_ is now known as Guest62356
Guest62356hi im using mint 10 what version of mint is better mint 10 or 12?02:36
Darrow_11.10 I've tried booting off of both a live drive and a cd. Always switching to a weird screen on startup.02:36
bazhangGuest62356, try a mint support channel02:37
bazhang!mintsupport | Guest6235602:37
ubottuGuest62356: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:37
Code-Zombiei tried to install ubuntu02:37
Code-Zombiebut i keep getting this error code:02:37
FloodBot1Code-Zombie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:37
hydrox24jonathon_: sorry02:39
hydrox24jonathon_: use it with quotes like this:02:39
hydrox24find -type f -name "*.pdf" -exec rm {} \;02:39
jonathon_hydrox24, Still getting the same error02:40
Darrow_acerimmer: 11.10 I've tried booting off of both a live drive and a cd. Always switching to a weird screen on startup.02:40
acerimmerDarrow_: and your hardware??02:40
jonathon_I tried both single and double quotes too02:41
hydrox24jonathon_: try this one02:41
hydrox24find . -type f -name "*.pdf" -exec rm {} \;02:41
hydrox24my mistake man02:41
hydrox24jonathon_: worked?02:41
jonathon_hydrox24 Yes it worked, Thank you very much02:42
Darrow_acerimmer: Intel Core 2 Quad, some Nvidea derivative, natively runs Vista. I have ran a previous version ofUbuntu on this computer before, but uninstalled it.02:42
raiunhi, anybody know how to get a background image stretch over dual monitors on 11.10?02:42
PhonicUKthats the guy pasting crap02:43
hydrox24jonathon_: cool, glad I could help02:43
acerimmerDarrow_: nvidia might be giving you some hiccups.  Can you boot safe graphics?02:43
hydrox24acerimmer: can he try the nomodeset thing?02:44
acerimmerhydrox24: be my guest & explain it to him02:44
Darrow_acerimmer: how would I do that off of live drive?02:44
acerimmerDarrow_: hydrox24 has an idea for you.02:45
raylottI'm using ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I installed dictionaryreader.app but the gui seems to start...and for a moment starts to appear at bottom left..but after that nothing. The command line client (dict) works fine. Does anyone have a solution?02:45
kfizzI have an integrated Intel graphics card and I'm try to find out the max resolution supported but can't find any info on it. Is there a way Ubuntu can tell the max resolution of a video card?02:46
Darrow_hydrox24: nomodeset?02:46
hydrox24Darrow_: see: http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/01/ubuntumaverick-blank-screen-problem.html02:47
hydrox24Darrow_: the section on Live CD/USB environment02:48
nibbl0ranyone ever tried the "convirt" package on ubuntu 11.10 ?02:50
jonathon_nibbl0r, Hoave you tried getting it through Synaptic instead of apt-get?02:51
Darrow_hydrox24: my boot menu looks different and does not respond to f602:52
murphyHi all02:52
hydrox24oh, sorry can't help Im assisting someone else right now02:54
hydrox24what version of ubuntu?02:54
acerimmerDarrow_: What?  did you md5 check your iso??02:55
nibbl0rjonathon_: yeah i tried that too, same result :\ it seems it does not recognize 11.10 as convirt-tool setup says: "do not know how to install dependencies for ubuntu 11.10"02:56
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jonathon_Quite odd nibbl0r, You might have to wait a bit til convirt gets an update02:58
jonathon_Lemme try installing it real quick02:58
Darrow_acerimmer: no, I just followed the directions on the Ubuntu site02:58
nibbl0rthats really kind of you thank you jonathon_  :)02:58
jonathon_Not the fastest internet here, So give me a couple minutes02:59
acerimmerDarrow_: the fact that you can't get F6 options suggests a corrupted download.02:59
ubottuDarrow: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:00
Ben64My wifi speed limited to ~150K/s, anything I can do?03:00
StepNjumpHi guys, I would just like to know... I typed sudo apt-get autoremove program name... Is that ok? I saw a list of programs getting uninstalled like (Reading database ... 265586 files and directories currently installed.)03:00
StepNjumpRemoving caps ...03:00
jonathon_Ben64, Mine's the same :P03:00
nibbl0rsure take ur time jonathon_ ^^ thanks for trying :)03:00
StepNjumpBen64: change provider03:00
Ben64StepNjump: wifi, not internet03:01
StepNjumpSometimes in the router, you can increase the transmit power.. that will speed it up03:01
Ben64its a problem with ubuntu03:01
Ben64i've been asking for weeks with no answer03:02
StepNjumpIs autoremove the right command to uninstall an app or should have I done remove only?03:02
jonathon_Perhaps you need a different wireless driver03:02
Ben64StepNjump: remove03:02
Darrow_acerimmer: 62FB5D750C30A27A26D01C5F3D8DF45903:02
StepNjumpwhat is autoremove Ben6403:02
acerimmerDarrow_: check that against Ubuntu's info.03:02
Ben64StepNjump: it says in apt-get man page03:02
vasukiLooking to run 10.04 in production, but need to upgrade to python2.7. Any suggestions for how to do this easily?03:02
maXXerciao, hallo03:03
vasukior run side-by-side03:03
StepNjumpYes I just found it Ben64 sorry03:03
Darrow_acerimmer: where do i look?03:03
Ben64StepNjump: no prob03:03
acerimmerDarrow_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/MD5SUMS03:03
StepNjumpBen64: just food for thought, try to bring your laptop close to your router and see if this will fix your slow speed issue03:04
maXXer anyone got a chicony webcam? i need some drivers :|03:04
jonathon_nibbl0r, Bout 2 minutes left of download03:04
nibbl0ryay :D03:04
Ben64StepNjump: it used to do 1MB/s till I upgraded ubuntu, its within 20' of the router03:04
acerimmerDarrow_: you said you've got an Intel box but the check sum is for the AMD64 iso???03:05
StepNjumpmmm from what version to what version Ben6403:05
Darrow_acerimmer: match03:05
Ben6410.04 to latest03:05
acerimmerDarrow_: but your computer is Intel???03:05
StepNjumpBen64: .... I keep being told its not good to upgrade.. it's not up to par.. I dont know if that is your issue but03:05
dritchieis there a console based ubuntu distro? One with cli by default?03:06
StepNjumpHave you tried a download from the TTY Ben6403:06
acerimmerdritchie: ubuntu server03:06
Ben64StepNjump: yeah nothing goes over 150K03:06
StepNjumpmmm weird.. Well, nothing is weird when we upgrade I guess...03:06
Ben64in iwconfig I get this though.....03:06
Ben64          Tx excessive retries:10  Invalid misc:121949   Missed beacon:003:06
Ben64"Invalid misc" seems bad?03:06
StepNjumpMy suggestion is, try to run your Ubuntu 11.10 off a live USB and see what happens03:07
dritchieis it a LTR? or rolling release like Arch?03:07
StepNjumpif it dowloads fast, then you know you have corruption somewhat in your distro Ben6403:07
acerimmerdritchie: 10.04 is LTS 36 months.  12.04 will be 60 months LTS03:07
StepNjumpyou might be using the wrong driver Ben6403:07
dritchiethanks ace03:08
acerimmerdritchie: da nada03:08
irfanhello everybody03:08
Darrow_acerimmer: the site said 64 bit, not specifying proccessor type, so i thought it didn;t matter >_<. Both the 32bit (labeled i386) and 64 bit live cds give the same result however, though I have not tried a livedrive of the 32 bit iso03:08
irfanhow can i get my IP address by using Ubuntu terminal ?03:08
Ben64irfan: which ip address? internal or external?03:08
acerimmerDarrow_: long story short - it matters.  For your box, I'd got with 32 bit INTEL iso.03:08
brightsparkMaverick reaches end of life this April, yes?03:09
Ben64irfan: theres not a really reliable way to do that with one computer03:09
irfani wanna know my computer's IP address03:10
* WebDawg http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/sopa-strike/03:10
brightsparkirfan: ifconfig should show you all your interfaces' ip addresses03:10
Ben64brightspark: those are internal though03:10
irfani tried it03:10
acerimmerirfan: https://encrypted.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=what%27s%20my%20ip&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCoQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.whatismyip.com%2F&ei=IDgWT9aEJcqjiALCjbH2Dw&usg=AFQjCNGY_VKpSTObxuE1bTe9aqWoRtjHGw&cad=rja03:10
Ben64irfan: do "lynx" and go to http://www.whatismyipaddress.com03:10
irfangot it03:11
Ben64or if you have a server you can use that to return an ip address of a request03:11
OerHeksWebDawg, stupid03:11
almoxarifemaXXer: do you have 'gphoto2' installed?03:11
orlokMy X session resets every tim,e i try to view a specific png file03:11
irfanhow can i find any website's IP address ?03:11
maXXermh nope almoxarife03:11
orlokdoesnt matter if its via thunderbird or firefox03:11
Ben64irfan: host03:11
irfanlike google's IP address03:11
orlokX dies and i get taken back to gdm03:12
almoxarifemaXXer: install it, may help with webcam issue03:12
maXXeralso 4 Skype, almoxarife ?03:12
almoxarifemaXXer: yes03:13
irfangot it03:13
maXXercuz my system don't see the cam anywere03:13
maXXerok i try :p03:13
jonathon_Did nibbl0r die?03:13
almoxarifemaXXer: reboot after install03:13
nibbl0rno jonathon_ still here :D03:13
Darrow_acerimmer: I'm installing the 32 bit iso onto the flash drive...03:13
acerimmerDarrow_: still need to checksum that bad boy.03:14
jonathon_Oh ok, It managed to install fine on my system, here's the installation log if you wanna compare at all, Your apt-get might by skipping a package or something http://paste.ubuntu.com/808141/03:14
maXXerbut all the install/removes 4 USC fails, but after the reboot all works fine :D03:15
Darrow_acerimmer: match :D03:15
nibbl0rhm and you are runnin 11.10 jonathon_  ?03:15
acerimmerDarrow_: see how much you've already learned?  next week you'll be a buntu guru03:15
jonathon_nibbl0r, Yessir03:16
Darrow_acerimmer: Haha, we'll see...03:16
JoakalFresh user here; I can't find anything about why Alt-F2 gives command prompt and gear icons for commands, but when I click it, it clears dash? I went into System -> Keyboard shortcuts -> Says disabled for Command Prompt shortcut. I tried clearing it with backspace then pressing Alt-F2. It automatically opens Dash but same issue.03:16
JoakalRunning Ubuntu64 on Virtual box btw03:17
nibbl0rJoakal: i noticed your procedure stops at ldconfig... etc... mine stops exactly after that core.py:430 error03:17
nibbl0rsorry i mean jonathon_03:17
lwizardlI am wanting to setp autorun/Autoexecute for a machine. So when I place in a Audio CD it runs RipperX and uses a preset for FLAC for each disc I place into the computer, and the for any DVD Video discs it would run handbrake and the preset I have for deafult03:18
jonathon_nibbl0r, Perhaps try removeing and reinstalling python?03:18
oscar76irfan: how did you get it? I was thinking of netstat -tn03:18
nibbl0rjonathon_: a apt-get autoremove convirt should remove python as well right?03:19
irfani tried to ping03:19
irfanand saw ip there03:19
jonathon_Not sure, I would just remove both convirt AND Python03:19
JoakalSecond question; how do I modify unity? I looked in System, right-click shows nothing, am I missing something? A lot of tutorials seem to be for oneiric beta but there's different bugs.03:19
gluegunhello every one!03:20
skplhello gluegun03:20
jonathon_Hello, gluegun03:20
irfanwell netstat -tn working fine :)03:20
jonathon_Don't make a mess in here with the glue :P03:21
gluegunhello skpl and jonathon_ :)03:21
gluegundon't worry jonathon_ not a drop will stick to you ha,ha...03:21
Darrow_acerimmer: same exact result. I get the same black boot menu, I manage to get up to the strobing orange/white dots below "Ubuntu" and then soon it goes all weird and colorful.03:22
nibbl0rjonathon_: 32 or 64 bit of 11.10?03:22
jonathon_I'm runnin 6403:23
nibbl0rme too03:23
moesNeed command to completely remove K3b..It is corrupt..Using Ubuntu 10.0403:23
acerimmerDarrow_: I gotta suspect the nvidia drivers.03:23
gluegunbtw, i'd like to ask *anyone* knowledgeable about storage. i mean, which is better: case 1: many physical volumes in 1 volume group and 1 giant logical volume or case2: 1 physical volume in 1 volume group and many logical volumes?03:23
oscar76irfan: yeah, ping works too03:23
gluegunand why? ha,ha... sorry.03:24
jonathon_gluegun, what exactly are you getting at here? You're asking if RAID or A drive with a bunch of partitions is better...03:25
oscar76moes: can't you remove it from Synaptic?03:25
acerimmerDarrow_: see this:   http://blog.js-development.com/2012/01/help-ubuntu-1110-wont-boot.html03:25
=== braiam_ is now known as braiam
moesoscar76, Yes...But will it completely remove it03:27
coolstar-pcWhat's a good VPN server for Ubuntu 11.10 that I can use with an iPhone client, and on the server side, I want to use it with dnsmasq03:27
almoxarifemoes: running kubuntu?03:27
Darrow_acerimmer: Is it all right that I installed the 32bit iso over the same drive without formatting it first?03:27
moesalmoxarife, Ubuntu 10.04 with K3b installed from synaptic03:28
acerimmerDarrow_: shouldn't matter but format/reinstall to be safe...03:28
gluegunjonathan_: RAID is taken care of. i'm using hardware raid (24drives, 2TB each on RAID6). i'm just confused how to manage them. the computer RAID bios presents me with 1 giant 40Tb unformatted disk. i'm thinking if i'll partition it in many physical volume or 1 physical volume.03:28
gluegunjonathan_: i'll be using 10.04LTS.03:28
coolstar-pcWhat's a good VPN server for Ubuntu 11.10 that I can use with dnsmasq03:28
coolstar-pc!search vpn03:28
ubottuFound: vpn, openvpn03:28
almoxarifemoes: using synaptic 'completely remove' k3b03:28
oscar76moes: in Synaptic try right click, and Mark to remove completely03:28
almoxarifemoes: what oscar76 said03:29
coolstar-pcDoes anyone here know a good VPN server that I can use with dnsmasq?03:29
jonathon_gluegun, Ahh ok, Well I guess that really depends on what you're using it for, I think it's more personal choice at this point, Also I'm jealous, I only have 300gigs D:03:29
moesalmoxarife, Oscar76..Thanks03:29
* coolstar-pc thinks he must have repeated his question at least 3 times by now03:29
gluegunjonathon_: don't be jealous. it's not mine. it's company property ha,ha..03:30
jonathon_gluegun, Ahh ok03:30
ubottucoolstar-pc: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:30
oscar76moes: you're welcome:)03:30
jonathon_gluegun, I guess you should read up also on the filesystem you'll be using, Make sure it does support that much storage, If so, Then it's just whatever you decide then03:30
gluegunjonathon_: one thing i'm considering is if i arrive with a single 40Tb XFS or ext4 filesystem is running out of inodes. :(03:31
jonathon_true, gluegun, Perhaps you should make it partitioned just in case. Possibly to 5 terra's each03:32
jonathon_But then again, Is the company gonna be storing millions of little files or just a bundle of huge files?03:33
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gluegunjonathon_: can not say. maybe both.03:33
jonathon_Better go with multiple volumes then, just to be safe03:34
JoakalFresh user here; I can't find anything about why Alt-F2 gives command prompt and gear icons for commands, but when I click it, it clears dash? I went into System -> Keyboard shortcuts -> Says disabled for Command Prompt shortcut. I tried clearing it with backspace then pressing Alt-F2. It automatically opens Dash but same issue.03:34
JoakalRunning Ubuntu64 on Virtual box btw03:34
gluegunjonathon_: initially, i'm thinking of partitioning that  40TB unformatted drive presented by arrays into 40 partitions of 1tb each and make each partition a physical volume. then i'll create 4 volume groups with 10 physical volumes each and create 1 10tb logical volume per 4 volume group.03:35
Darrow_acerimmer: http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8441/imag0496u.jpg this is what my boot screen looks like03:36
gluegunjonathon_: but i'm not confident because i don't know LVM much. i may be overlooking something that i may regret in the end. so now i'm thinking of creating 1 40tb partition and make it a physical volume, create 1 volume group for that and create many logical volumes.03:37
jonathon_gluegun, Sounds like a good way to go03:37
gluegunjonathon_: and now i'm confused which way to go. ha,ha.. sorry man.03:37
hydrox24I used physical until I ran out and then I used logicals.03:38
hydrox24gluegun: there's isnt much diff03:38
acerimmerDarrow_: did you try the nomodeset during boot of the live iso?03:39
jonathon_gluegun, It shouldn't really be too confusing to do the first option, Just makesure you double check the man to make sure you know how it goes, and you should be fine03:39
gluegunhydrox24: maybe you're talking about primary vs logical partitions? i believe there's a big difference between physical volume vs logical volume. :)03:39
YozapHey I have an Asus EEE 1005 PC, with Ubuntu 10.04 64bits (amd) and I tried Xbacklight, to fix my brightness on the screen, but it wont work, and updating bios wont work. Any idea how to fix it?03:39
gluegunjonathon_: hmn... that's interesting. thanks man.03:39
jonathon_gluegun, No problem03:40
datruth_How can I get rid of the Mac like theme in gnome I just installed gnome-shell andx selected gnome for the login interface03:40
gluegunhydrox24, btw, primary vs logical partition is (i believe) an issue only on msdos partition table. if you're using GPT, you can have many primary partitions as you like. yes more than 4. :)03:41
jonathon_datruth, Use KDE :P, Otherwise, Not my department lol03:41
hydrox24yeh, I do dual-boot03:41
hydrox24gotta hate M$03:41
jonathon_hydrox24, Hate it with a passion03:41
datruth_I see so its a gnome thing?03:42
jonathon_datruth, Yea03:42
* gluegun likes his microsoft keyboard with passion. ;)03:42
* datruth_ debates on installing kde03:42
datruth_jonathon_: just sudo apt-get install kde4 kdm?03:42
YozapWhats up guys/girls?03:42
jonathon_datruth, I believe so03:42
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jonathon_Evenin, Yozap03:43
almoxarifedatruth_: look at plasma-desktop03:43
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datruth_almoxarife: hrmm ok03:43
adbTrhIJx?DCC SEND "^ÂÊÎÔÛâêîôûĈĉĜĝĤĥĴĵŜŝŴŵŶŷˆ̭̂᷍ḒḓḘḙḼḽṊṋṰṱṶṷẐẑẤấẦầẨẩẪẫẬậẾếỀềỂểỄễỆệỐốỒồỔổỖỗỘộ⨣⨶⩯ꞈ^󠁞" 0 0 003:44
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on suspicious links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.03:44
Darrow_acerimmer: f6 doesn't do anything at the screen i snapped and "pressing down multiple times" after that just turns the text on and off03:45
datruth_once kde is installed how do I remove all of gnome?03:45
gliorosguys i need to grep eoeooe.php what is the command to do so ?03:45
jonathon_datruth, It's diffcult since gnome has alot of stuff with it, So You might want to just leave it03:45
jonathon_datruth, Besides, It doesn't take up that much space anyways03:46
almoxarifedatruth_: its simple enough, ask in #kubuntu03:46
datruth_jonathon_: how much space does it normally take up?03:46
datruth_ahh gotxha03:46
atrunois my ubuntu going to screw up when it normally shouldn't ?   first there were tainted packages.  now all this through your mirrors ?03:46
jonathon_That works03:46
Lalaith_i am a new ubuntu user, and need some help with some basics...am i in the right place?03:46
jonathon_Lalaith, Indeed you are03:46
Lalaith_thanks, jonathon03:47
acerimmerDarrow_: you invoked f6 from THIS SCREEN??  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Boot-Options.png03:47
Lalaith_i am trying to install VLC, i have ubuntu 10.1003:47
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glioroshow can i grep ?03:47
Lalaith_i am in over my head. my husband gave me this computer, and i'm just a noob really03:48
gluegunhi Lalaith_, click "Applications" then look down on Ubuntu Software Center. then search for VLC.03:48
qqqqDICKS IN MY AS03:48
Athenonknowing that my ubuntu server is using too much outgoing bandwidth, how can i tie bandwidth usage to servers (ie, 247kbps for IRC, 457kbps FTP, etc etc etc)?03:48
oscar76Lalaith: just go to Synaptic and quick search vlc03:49
Lalaith_gluegun, thank you!03:49
gluegunLalaith_: you are welcome. :)03:49
Darrow_acerimmer: that screen never appears.03:50
Darrow_only the similar screen i snapped03:51
Darrow_acerimmer: only the similar screen i snapped03:51
* gluegun hopes there's a school that offers a degree in system administration.03:51
jonathon_gluegun, There's a school for everything03:52
LinuX2halfHow could I tell Totem Movie Player to play a VCD?03:52
jonathon_gluegun, But yea, there is, Your local college should have some classes you need03:52
glioroshow can i grep ?03:53
ubluntugrep what?03:53
Lalaith_ok, next question *sheepish*   i am trying to open an mp3, and want to do that with VLC03:53
nibbl0rhey jonathon_ , sorry to annoy you again... I just completely removed ubuntu and reinstalled it... after install was done, first thing i did was "apt-get install convirt" everything went fine... but on a convirt-ctl start it gives the same error :\03:53
acerimmerDarrow_: Ok, I guess the boot options are limited when working from a USB live session?  Can you boot a live CDROM?03:53
gluegunjonathon_: i mean, i hope there's a degree program aimed at it. sort of like "bachelor of science in computer systems administration" ha,ha..03:53
Lalaith_dl'ing it from a trusted website and just want to open it and see if it's the one i think it is03:54
jonathon_gluegun, I believe there's something like that, yes03:54
jonathon_lalaith, search synaptic for Ubuntu Restricted Extras03:54
jonathon_nibbl0r, That is an odd one03:54
nibbl0rconvirt-ctl start works for you ?03:55
gluegunglioros,  open a terminal and type "grep". btw, the syntax is grep [OPTIONS if any] [-e PATTERN | -f FILE] [FILE...]03:55
raiunhi, anybody know how to get a background image stretch over dual monitors on 11.10?03:55
jonathon_nibbl0r, Let me check03:55
gliorosgluegun: i want to grep everywhere for the fofofoof.php files03:55
glioroswhat is the command for this ?03:56
glioroseverywhere in my httpdocs folder03:56
somsipglioros: sudo find /httpdocs -name fofofoof.php03:56
gluegunglioros: you may want to use the "find" utility.03:56
jonathon_nibbl0r, Actually I got this error, Similar to yours?03:57
jonathon_PID file is /var/run/convirt/paster.pid03:57
jonathon_No virtualenv found, will try to use TG2 installed in the system03:57
jonathon_Log file: /var/log/convirt/paster.log03:57
jonathon_grep: /opt/convirt/src/convirt/web/convirt/development.ini: No such file or directory has no value.03:57
jonathon_/home/jonathon/.ssh/id_rsa does not exist. Setting it to /home/jonathon/.ssh/id_rsa.03:57
jonathon_/home/jonathon/.ssh/id_rsa not found, Key based Authentication will not be used.03:57
FloodBot1jonathon_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:57
jonathon_Starting ConVirt using virtualenv :03:57
gluegunglioros, generally, if you want to find files, you use "find" or "search" in nautilus. if you want to find a word or pattern in a file, you use grep.03:57
gliorosgluegun: i entered that command and find: `/httpdocs': No such file or directory03:57
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coolstar-pcIs it possible to configure an openvpn server to use a custom dns server?03:58
somsipglioros: you need to state the real path to your httpdocs dir. You gave that dir as an example03:58
gliorosgluegun: yes i need to use grep. please tell me the command to use grep03:58
sammyso lets say someone has a repository set up for their app. and all the directories are in the right place, except there's no master directory called 'dists'. can I get apt to look in an absolute path rather than taking the path in my sources.list deb line and adding 'dists' do the end?03:58
nibbl0ryeah jonathon_  totally the same one then03:58
nibbl0rso not an issue with me i see ^^03:58
gluegunglioros, is httpdocs a file or a directory?03:59
jonathon_nibbl0r, Lemme check out that log and see what is up, brb03:59
gliorosgluegun: directory03:59
nibbl0rits checking for a file "develeopment.ini" in a completely wrong folder i think03:59
gluegunglioros, and the fofofoof.php are files inside that directory?04:00
gliorosgluegun: it is a file i need to see to exist. i need to grep even all the php files to see if it is listed in04:00
gliorosif it is exist04:00
jonathon_nibbl0r, It may not be the wrong folder, You might have to run some kind of configuration for convirt first, lemme poke around a bit, see what I find04:00
nibbl0ryeah the setup should be run like convirt-tool setup i believe but that gives out other errors ^^04:02
gluegunglioros, find /httpdocs -name 'fofofoof.php' may work.04:02
nibbl0rDo not know how to install dependencies for Ubuntu 11.10 platform. :\04:03
gliorosgluegun: it is not working ;(04:04
gliorosbash -name command not found04:04
Darrow_acerimmer: tried my 32bit live cd using  nomodeset, and it WORKS (so far). THANK YOU04:04
jonathon_nibbl0r, You could try, If you know how, To go here, http://freecode.com/projects/convirt, And get an older convirt, Like either 2.0.0 or 1.1 and compile them yourself.04:04
acerimmerDarrow_: pay it forward, amigo.04:05
MicahHey, I installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my HP PC that already had Windows 7 Home Premium on it.  Now I have access to Ubuntu, but I can no longer get into windows.  I like Ubuntu, but I need to have access to Windows for school.04:05
jonathon_Micah, Try sudo update-grub04:06
jonathon_Micah, It should list windows being added, If not, You might've removed windows\04:06
MicahJust type that into Terminal?04:06
gluegunglioros, are you sure? try --> find /httpdocs -name  'fofofoof.*'04:06
borillionIs there anyway I can figure out whats almost maxing my processor?04:06
MicahAlright, just a second.....04:07
jonathon_borillion Task Manager?04:07
jonathon_Micah, Ok. If you can, /msg me the results04:07
borillionIm using top but Im not sure what Im looking at exactly tho04:07
jonathon_borillion, Take a screenie, post, and link it here, I can take a look if ya want04:07
osmosiscurious...do power users usually use aptitude? or is apt-get or aptitude just a style preference?04:08
nibbl0rjonathon_: any idea where i could get 2.0 or 1.1 from ? i cant seem to find a dl link on that website04:08
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Darrow_acerimmer: will do :)04:08
gluegunglioros, did it work?04:08
jonathon_nibbl0r one second04:09
gluegunbtw, is there any channel in this server aside from #ubuntu?04:09
jonathon_gluegun, This server has several thousand channels04:09
gluegunjonathon_: wow. :)04:10
borilliongluegun, on almost any subject you can imagine04:10
gliorosgluegun: Yes :) thanks man04:10
gluegunglioros, you're welcome. :)04:10
vitehi youall, I am experimenting with low memory systems. the minimal iso was not recognized by startdisk creator or universal usb creator04:10
jonathon_nibbl0r, Oh joy, I found a big wiki page about setting up convirt, give this a read through, it might have the fix you need http://www.convirture.com/wiki/index.php?title=Convirt2_Installation04:12
viteso I was wondering if I install the server and only put starx and fluxbox as window manager will it take up a lot of ram04:12
borillionjonathon_ http://static.inky.ws/image/1129/image.jpg and http://static.inky.ws/image/1130/image.jpg04:12
borillionwhats gdl_box?04:12
vitei chose the manually install your packages option on the installer04:12
nibbl0rthanks jonathon_ will try that04:12
MicahI did run the sudo update-grub and it found several linux images and also "Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda2" and "Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda3"04:13
somsipvite: use the minimal cd install, not the server edition04:13
jonathon_Micah, Ok good, Now restart and you should be able to get into windows04:13
jonathon_If not, Come back and we'll try again04:13
vitedarnet, now ill have to start over...04:13
jonathon_borillion, I'm not sure, You can try killing it, worst outcome is you'll have to restart04:14
somsipvite: well, you can carry on with what you're doing, but the minimal cd install is the tool for the job04:14
vitewell, i am chatting with you with the experiment04:14
nibbl0rjonathon_:  the step by step procedure http://www.convirture.com/wiki/index.php?title=C2_ubuntu_installation already fails on installing_dependencies because of libxen3 and python-xen-3.304:16
Micahwhen I go to turn on my computer, the grub comes up and there are 2 windows options.  "Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda2)" and "Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda2)".  Neither work.04:16
viteI mean the computer did run the regular desktop edition but it was a bit sloppy on the transitions. So I did the server ed install, chose auto updates but not software. it be sad to start over04:16
jonathon_Micah, What happens when you select them?04:16
jonathon_nibbl0r, Try using synaptic to install those packages?04:17
viteand server editioin allows for encryption04:17
Micahwhen I select the option that ends with 2, I get a windows error Recovery screen.  It says windows failed to start and that I should launch startup repair.04:18
jonathon_Micah, and when you select the other one?04:19
francoisbGood evening! I can't seem to use update-alternatives for Ruby: https://gist.github.com/163094304:20
atrunowhat is an ubuntu employee again this time ?04:21
jonathon_francoisb, And why are you trying to do alternative?04:22
atrunoi have IBS04:22
francoisbjonathon_ Because I also install puppet, and puppet install Ruby 1.804:22
jonathon_So you hbave two ruby installs now :D04:23
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
francoisbjonathon_: Yes, and I'm fine with that, as long as typing "ruby" at the command line gives me 1.9, which it doesn't right now04:23
acerimmerMicah: your windows is almost certainly installed correctly - just needs a bit of help finding it.04:24
jonathon_francoisb, Ahh ok, I see the problem you're facing now04:24
jonathon_Can you type ruby1.9.1 at the CL?04:24
Micahjonathon_: I get a screen titled: "Windows Boot Manager" "Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem: 1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.  2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next."  3. Click "Repair your computer."  there is an error sttus: 0xc000000f Info: The boot selection failed becuse a required device is inaccessible.04:25
francoisbjonathon_: Works beautifully!04:25
Micah@acerimmer: What should I do?04:25
jonathon_good good04:25
francoisbjonathon_: Next problem is installing Bundler which now defaults to Ruby 1.804:26
jonathon_and the problem is?04:26
UBravoI not like the SOPA04:26
francoisbjonathon_: bundle install defaults to installing gems in the 1.8 install04:26
jonathon_UBravo, no one does04:26
francoisbjonathon_: Why aren't alternatives available for ruby? I know they were at one point because I wrote puppet manifests for that04:27
franz_hi, it is possible to virtualize windows 7 ultimate x64 through virtualbox?04:27
jonathon_They may have lost need for em04:27
jonathon_freanz, yes04:27
jonathon_franz*, yes04:27
franz_jonathon when i try this happen04:27
francoisbjonathon_: In the past 3 days? I'd be surprised. I wrote the recipe 2-3 days ago.04:27
jonathon_francoisb, Ahh lol04:28
francoisbjonathon_: Thanks for your help. I'll probably symlink /usr/local/bin/ruby to /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 which will do the right thing for me.04:28
=== Adys_ is now known as Adys
acerimmerMicah: do you have the windows DVD?04:29
MicahI do not have the original instal disc because windows 7 came preinstalled on my computer. I do have the system recovery discs, though.04:30
jonathon_Micah, That should be fine04:31
jonathon_francoisb, Good good04:31
Micahok. I'll put te first of 3 in and boot from them and tell you what happens....04:32
DFan247Is there a specific discussion room for GIMP?04:33
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.04:33
jonathon_DFan247 Yea, /join #GIMP04:34
jonathon_No problem04:34
franz_jonathon when i Try to virtualize windows 7 this error appears http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e299/chamakon/youtube02.png04:34
franz_*windows 7 x6404:35
jonathon_Is your current ubuntu install x64?04:35
jonathon_And hae you tried reinstalling it?04:36
jonathon_The win7 virtual I mean04:36
franz_I never installed it04:36
franz_when I try that appears04:37
jonathon_Ok, That's an odd one04:37
jonathon_You've done virtualization before, right?04:37
franz_with xP04:37
franz_Windows xp04:37
jonathon_And it worked fine?04:37
franz_but an app I need doesn't works on xp04:37
franz_so I need win 704:38
jonathon_Are you installing from an actual disc or an ISO file?04:38
Micahthe recovery manager has come up now. There are several options. "I need help immediately", "I'd like to ientify any problems", and "I'd like to take precautions"04:38
jonathon_Micah, Second one04:38
franz_iso jhonathon04:39
jonathon_Also what kind of menu is that? loll04:39
richin libre office impress, can i make an animation of me drawing a circle? i want to be able to click and have a circle draw itself around an object on one slide04:39
Micahok. Under that is: "Run Computer Checkup"04:39
jonathon_franz, Mind taking a screenie of your Vbox setup for win7 and posting it?04:39
jonathon_Micah, Run that04:39
MicahOk. I have and there are 3 options, but only one is selectable; Open a Command Prompt04:40
jonathon_That probably won't help you04:40
Ascavasaionam I lagging?04:40
jonathon_You might have to wait for acerimmer to get here. He might know more about this04:41
Stormx2Hi. Flash's "Settings" dialog is unclickable. Is there any solutions? I've tried OverrideGPUValidation, WindowlessDisable, AVHardwareDisable, etc04:41
acerimmerMicah: OK, I've done this under a different set of circumstances.04:41
Micahok, What should I do?04:42
acerimmerMicah: wait one...04:43
acerimmerMicah: what version of ubuntu were you using??04:44
Micah32 bit04:44
Micahmy windows 7 is 64 bit04:44
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
acerimmerMicah: going to risk heresy here and suggest you (1) restore windows capability and (2)  reinstall ubuntu...04:47
MicahOk, how should I restore windows capability?04:48
jonathon_acerimmer, What do you suppose the problem is? To me sounds like it didn't partition windows properly and ruined a file04:49
acerimmerjonathon_: my guess as well.04:50
wirelessI installed fluxbox and lost unity and gnome...I still have the gnome panel and stuff...how do I get back unity and gnome...and maybe even kde, while still keeping fluxbox?04:50
acerimmerMicah: http://paste.ubuntu.com/808200/04:50
xanguawireless: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop04:50
incog  ^ÂÊÎÔÛâêîôûĈĉĜĝĤĥĴĵŜŝŴŵŶŷˆ̭̂᷍ḒḓḘḙḼḽṊṋṰṱṶṷẐẑẤấẦầẨẩẪẫẬậẾếỀềỂểỄễỆệỐốỒồỔổỖỗỘộ⨣⨶⩯ꞈ^04:50
wirelessxangua....are you sure that wont mess up fluxbox??? I did sudo-apt-get install fluxbox and lost ubuntu-desktop...wasnt anywhere in the menu where it normally was...04:51
Micahok. I don't have the instaltion cd because windows was already installed when I bought the computer04:52
incogmy computer is all kinds of messed up04:53
acerimmerMicah: try the recovery CD.  Also, go the computer company's website and request your install media cdroms.  Seriously.04:53
wirelessincog: Ever consider reinstalling?04:53
acerimmerincog: more detailed info plz.04:54
incogevery day  ^ÂÊÎÔÛâêîôûĈĉĜĝĤĥĴĵŜŝŴŵŶŷˆ̭̂᷍ḒḓḘḙḼḽṊṋṰṱṶṷẐẑẤấẦầẨẩẪẫẬậẾếỀềỂểỄễỆệỐốỒồỔổỖỗỘộ⨣⨶⩯ꞈ^04:54
wirelesswell I guess Ill go for it and do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop....but I hoope I dont loose fluxbox..04:54
reganizerwhats up guys�04:57
reganizeri have a problem�04:57
ubottureganizer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:57
jonathon_reganizer, I noticed04:57
reganizerjonathon_: ?�04:58
jonathon_Reganizer, Your text is a lil wierd04:58
reganizerpeople ave been pasting things to me that crash my irc�04:58
jonathon_reganizer, but what's up?04:58
reganizerlike that guest guy who just joined�04:58
epodwhat the heck client is crashing on that stuff?04:58
reganizeryou too?�04:58
wirelessHow do I configure the windows manager at login in ubuntu 11.10? and whats the windows manager called?  (the menu that lets me select wheter I want gnome....KDE....fluxbox....etc)04:58
epodxchat2 doesn't.  so switch to that if it's knocking you off.04:58
wootermirc reganizer ?04:59
epodreganizer: no, that stuff doesnt affect my irc client.04:59
reganizerepod: im using xchat�04:59
* wireless likes Konversation best04:59
jonathon_irssi is beast for IRC :D04:59
epodreganizer: no, you're using... something I've never heard of, according to your /ctcp version04:59
jonathon_I like it because it's CLI only, so ye :P04:59
reganizerso are we just advertising oiur clients?�04:59
reganizerepod: lol, it's an automated response that returns the version of the irc of the server im on�05:00
pangolinCan we get back to Ubuntu support please.05:00
jonathon_Sorry, Boss05:00
hydrox24can someone change their nick, I'm testing irssi05:00
epodreganizer: ahh.  well, your xchat may be out of date or something, I dunno.  I'm on xchat2 and I see the gibberish they post, but it doesnt do anything.  If it's affecting you, just apt-get a new client.05:00
=== jonathon_ is now known as ohhai
ohhaihydrox, there?05:01
=== ohhai is now known as Kaleidoscope
hydrox24it's an alias I made to block anything except real chatter05:01
lwizardlI am wanting to setp autorun/Autoexecute for a machine. So when I place in a Audio CD it runs RipperX and uses a preset for FLAC for each disc I place into the computer, and the for any DVD Video discs it would run handbrake and the preset I have for deafult05:01
epodpangolin: well, suggesting someone switch up their irc client to a non-exploitable version so they can not get knocked offline does qualify somewhat as 'ubuntu support' ;)05:01
reganizerepod: how do i do that�05:01
lwizardlany idea on how to do that ?05:01
hydrox24lwizardl: you happy to do shell-scripting?05:02
Kaleidoscopehydrox24, So you like irssi also?05:03
hydrox24ok, I'm back!05:03
hydrox24though I am still getting to grips with it05:03
hydrox24sweet, just setup a few aliases05:03
hydrox24is that how you use irssi Kaleidoscope?05:03
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KaleidoscopeI only use the one alias, So no05:04
hydrox24so how do you connect to chats and stuff when you start?05:04
Kaleidoscope /connect irc.server.com05:04
KaleidoscopeIn this case, freenode05:04
hydrox24what about nicks?05:05
Kaleidoscopethen join your channel and you're set05:05
Kaleidoscopewhat about em?05:05
hydrox24I just use "/nick"05:05
KaleidoscopeAll the commands are basically the same05:05
ubuntu_hi anybody knows a GUI search http engine/spider?05:05
reganizerim still having porblem�05:05
acerimmertry the chatzilla add-on to firefox05:06
wirelessanyone know how to get fluxbox and gnome able to run on one system?05:07
hydrox24just install Fluxbox using apt-get install?05:08
Kaleidoscopewireless, just install them both and select one at the login screen05:08
hydrox24wireless: yes, shouldn't be any issues05:08
wirelessI've had issues though05:09
wirelessI had unity and gnome as options...05:09
wirelessbut then installed fluxbox05:09
nibbl0rjonathon_:  after fiddling around for a while, compiling python 2.4 (as it requires it) and linking it.. i got to a dead end where i dont know what the error means anymore: http://pastebin.com/MUv1XQki05:09
wirelessand now I can only select fluxbox as an option05:09
ubuntu_hey floodbot is flooding the channel05:09
hydrox24wireless: that sucks a little05:09
wirelessyea kindof lame05:09
wirelessI think I'm gonna just go for it and try "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:10
hydrox24sorry, not much experience, I think unity isn't great (not terrible) so I use gnome 205:10
hydrox24gnoem 305:10
hydrox24I mean05:10
Kaleidoscopenibbl0r, Sorry man, I'm out, I've got no ideas here05:10
Kaleidoscopehydrox24, LXDE for the win :D05:10
wirelessI'm not a big fan of unity either05:10
ubuntu_got a malicious hacker turned --dport for iptables off05:11
=== hydrox24 is now known as hydroxAFK
KaleidoscopeWho hacks a ubuntu chat room?05:12
atomicspinOh Wikipedia, you still know how to give me my info, don't you?05:12
ubuntu_interesting to mention even on the cdimages I saved to disc05:12
ubuntu_can anybody hear me?05:13
apporcubuntu_, yes05:14
Kaleidoscopeubuntu_ Loud and clear05:14
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Earthcore
atomicspinOh channel floods, you bring me back to 1995 so well.05:14
=== hydroxAFK is now known as hydrox24
KaleidoscopeLOL WTF05:14
hydrox24what's happening?05:15
KaleidoscopeI'm not sure that was reganizer's actual hostname XD05:15
hydrox24I can't see anything except normal messages05:15
* wireless types "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" and crosses his fingers that he wont loose fluxbox.....05:15
hydrox24using "/ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS"05:15
Kaleidoscopehydrox24    "reganizer [gayirl@imgay.ru] has left #ubuntu []05:15
wirelesslol...ubuntu desktop is already at newest version05:16
wirelesswhats the command to install gnome?05:16
Earthcorecan anybody hear me?05:16
hydrox24Earthcore: yup05:16
KaleidoscopeEarthcore, Hear ya05:16
wirelesssudo apt-get  install gnome?05:16
ejvvoice of Chif Wiggum: "Nothing to see here, move along!"05:16
vert0letlike sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop ?05:16
xanguawireless: ubuntu already uses gnome05:16
wirelessxangua: I cant get it as an option in my login menu05:17
vert0letlol.. yeah but unity05:17
wirelessI'm using fluxbox05:17
wirelessso lame05:17
hydrox24wireless: isn't it sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment05:17
wirelessI'll try05:17
hydrox24wireless: isn't it "sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment"05:17
vert0letjust hit the tab key ^^05:17
vert0letthere u'll see opts05:17
wirelessTHats it05:17
hydrox24didn't u know05:18
hydrox24wireless: sorry, shouldn't have been so elitist05:18
Earthcoretnx for answer @hydrox24,Kaleidoscope05:18
KaleidoscopeEarthcore, No trouble, Is something going on?05:18
Earthcorehas anybody experience with iptables05:18
wirelessgod iptables give me a headache05:19
Earthcorebecause somebody turned the --dport variable off and I am stuck05:19
hekkloin my shared hosting i can see which file is eatng up lots of resources. how do i do it via cli ?05:20
EarthcoreI hate malicious hacking05:20
hekklonot shared hosting, i meant cpanel05:20
trembyi've been having seriously reduced graphics performance on Intel mobile 4 series (laptop) since kernel 2.6.38. 2.6.35-32 works fine, and i've also tried 3.0.0-14, which still suffers the problem. symptoms: glxgears gives an extremely low frame rate, games agree. anything i can try?05:20
Earthcoreit wasnt even the robin hood style thing05:20
Earthcoretremby: kernel regression I guess05:21
Earthcoretremby: noob answer sorry05:22
trembyEarthcore: i just found an article saying there was supposed to be a massive performance fix in 2.6.38. i wonder why i'm seeing the opposite.05:22
hydrox24wireless: have you tried the system settings method of changing the WM?05:23
wirelesshydrox24no I havent...do you know how I'd do that05:23
Earthcoretremby: I really dont know and was just guessing because you said it worked so why upgrading to a regression?05:23
hydrox24go into system settings app05:23
hydrox24or the "control center"05:24
hydrox24if you are able05:24
trembyEarthcore: i guess what i'm asking is whether anyone knew of this regression. i'll google further for bug reports05:24
hydrox24wireless: you there05:26
hydrox24wireless: you there???05:26
wirelessoh yea sorry05:26
BUTTSBUTTERHey. I searched for an item in Nautilus and found it, but when I go to the properties of that item it fails to give me the full file path (it just has /foo/foofoofoo/....)05:26
BUTTSBUTTERHow do I get the full file path?05:27
wirelessI said do you know how do do that?05:27
hydrox24wireless: can you open teh control center05:27
hydrox24not in fluxbox?05:27
wirelessIm in fluxbox05:27
wirelessalso the menu is messed up05:27
wirelessI basicaly am down to the terminal05:27
wirelessfor EVERYTHING05:27
wirelessI like that...but it gets annoying sometimes05:27
hydrox24wireless: try "gnome-control-center"05:28
hydrox24terminal command05:28
hydrox24wireless: feedback?05:29
PseudoephedrineI booted Ubuntu from USB about a month ago, since then i have bought a new computer.. I still have the Ubuntu OS saved on the USB and i am just wondering if i would be able to still use it to boot with, or would i have to redownload it and burn it to USB all over again?05:29
hydrox24Pseudoephedrine: only if you wanted the newest version05:29
wirelessit worked05:29
hydrox24wireless: can you change the WM?05:30
Pseudoephedrinehydrox24 so the USB should to be able to boot then?05:30
hydrox24Pseudoephedrine: yes, most definetely05:30
wirelesshydrox24: i'm looking...where do I go to do that?05:30
Earthcoretremby: dunno, sorry I am just an ?unaccomblished(i cant remember the word)? nerd05:30
hydrox24wireless: "login screen"05:30
Pseudoephedrinehydrox24 thanks heaps05:31
wirelesshydrox24: no login screen...even when I search05:31
hydrox24is gdm installed?05:31
wirelessI thought so05:31
EarthcoreI just need a GUI for searching web pages/domains not google that thing is useless.05:32
hydrox24how is google useless?05:33
hydrox24Earthcore: DuckDuckGo works well05:33
hydrox24Earthcore: http://blekko.com/05:33
hydrox24wireless: what is it?05:33
Pseudoephedrinehydrox24 to boot, do i just need to stick the USB in and restart? Or will i need to select the USB at startup in BIOS or boot menu?05:35
hydrox24yes, the latter05:35
Earthcorehydrox24: I am not searching for a new searchpage05:35
Pseudoephedrinehydrox24 was that to me?05:35
hydrox24Pseudoephedrine: yes, soz05:35
Earthcorehydrox24: I want to search from my local machine05:36
Pseudoephedrinehydrox24 not a prob.. so i select the USB correct? just want to double check ;p05:36
hydrox24that's  OK05:36
Earthcorehydrox24: and I want to download internet pages05:37
hydrox24Earthcore: wget?05:37
Earthcorehydrox24: but the firefox search does not work05:37
Earthcorehydrox24: no CLI05:38
Earthcorehydrox24: GUI only05:38
hydrox24wireless: are you there?05:40
Earthcoretremby: maybe tnx05:40
trembyi wasn't reading the whole problem, but don't be scared of the command line05:41
hydrox24wget is as easy as:05:41
hydrox24wget www.google.com05:42
hydrox24and it will download a local copy to the current dir05:42
fritzjoin #conky05:42
hydrox24fritz: ok05:43
Earthcorehydrox24: wget is not that easy05:45
trembyEarthcore: what are you trying to do?05:46
Earthcorehydrox24: it is not a web page downloader05:46
trembyit sure is that easy if you just want to save the file to your disk05:46
trembyyes it is05:46
trembyif you want all the images etc too, wget -p google.com05:46
hydrox24Earthcore: it really is that easy...05:46
Earthcoretremby: I am trying to fix iptables and need to search for --dport in its documentation05:47
hydrox24then use google05:47
trembyEarthcore: why do you need to download web pages for that? man iptables, then /--dport, then n until you find what you need. or, as hydrox24 says, google for the manpage and use your browser's search05:48
Earthcorehydrox24: http://paste.ubuntu.com/808223/05:48
hydrox24can you give me a link to the docs?05:48
wirelesshydrox24: sorry...my Kitty named Linux wouldnt come inside and its snow rainging with SUPER harsh rain right now.05:49
trembyhuh, it locks you out for using wget. add -U Mozilla to pretend to be Mozilla and it works05:49
wirelesshydrox24: So I'm installing gnome right now...and then Im gonna try and install gdm..I thought I had gdm but didnt...I have some other menu I guess05:49
hydrox24sorry, just google this:05:49
hydrox24inurl:http://www.faqs.org/docs/iptables "--dport"05:50
hydrox24that ok05:50
rigvedwireless: if you are using 11.10 unity, then you have lightdm instead of gdm05:50
hydrox24wireless: that;s finke05:50
hydrox24wireless: rig is right05:50
wirelesshydrox24: I am using 11.1005:51
hydrox24lalala: hello to you too sir05:51
lalalawell im need help05:52
hydrox24wireless: yeh, that uses lightdm, I just forgot soz05:52
hydrox24lalala: sure05:52
lalalawith metasploit05:52
lalalai have ubuntu 10.405:53
Earthcorehydrox24: thanks that should work05:53
ejvofftopic: every US citizen, drop what you're doing and email an anti-SOPA message to your one representative, and two senators! gogogo! :)05:54
trembyalso disable JS if you still want to use Wikipedia. but only after sending that email.05:54
ejvimagine the millions of emails we can generate, with combined effort! /o/05:55
hydrox24tremby: can you explain that?05:55
trembyhydrox24: explain what exactly?05:56
hydrox24tremby: disabling js on wikipedia05:56
trembythe overlay blocking it out comes from a script run when the page finishes loading. if you don't want the content to disappear, one thing you can do is disable javascript. then Wikipedia runs as normal (but obviously without any JS it might have had)05:57
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trembyor use a browser which doesn't have JS like Netsurf or a text based one like links205:57
trembyor potentially your smartphone05:57
fritzcan anyone give me the TLDR; on UBUNTU and JAVA? It never seems to work.05:58
MK`or just hit ESC before it finishes loading.05:58
wirelesshow do I use the find command to find files and then display them by largest to smallest?05:58
ejvor google disabling JS for the browser... and stop being lazy05:58
=== ish_ is now known as ish10
wirelessfritz: You need to run "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restrcited-extras"05:59
hydrox24is that to do with SOPA?05:59
wirelessfritz: that will give you java and all other restricted software05:59
hydrox24why would the pages be blocked05:59
wirelessfritz: I never have problems with java in linux06:00
trembywireless: find . -print0 | du --files0-from=- | sort -n06:00
fritzwireless:after I do that, which java package should I be using?06:01
=== Adys is now known as adys`nosopa
hydrox24anybody there?06:09
hydrox24bit quiet06:10
rigvedfritz: after installing ubuntu-restricted-extras, you will get openjdk06:10
aeon-ltdheh quiet is what we want06:11
hydrox24that's true!06:11
aeon-ltdquiet implies but doesn't guarantee no problems06:11
rigvedfritz: you are welcome.06:11
pehdenor every one is asleep06:12
goddardmy acer monitor isn't showing up in ubuntu06:12
hydrox24goddard: more specific?06:12
rigvedgoddard: which acer model do you have?06:13
hydrox24are you plugging it in and it doesn't do anything or what?06:13
pambosguys how can i ssh download a file from my server? i am using putty06:13
hydrox24pambos: scp?06:13
hydrox24pambos: use scp on your local machine06:14
pehdenis it hdmi or standard06:14
pehdenuse filezilla06:14
goddardhydrox24: im plugging it into my laptop06:14
pamboshydrox24: it returns No such file or directory06:14
goddardi can plug in my dell monitor and it works fine06:14
rigvedpehden: you can use scp. it will use an ssh connection to copy the file.06:14
hydrox24no, I mean use you local linux machine to scp06:15
pehdenrigved yea i forgot that one its better06:15
rigvedpehden: sorry. that was for pambos06:15
rigvedpambos: use scp06:15
pehdenrigved pambos yea scp has gui to06:15
IcemanV9pambos, scp <username>@<server_name>:/directory/to/specific/<filename> .06:15
pambosalso scp returns this The authenticity of host myhost ' can't be established.06:16
rigvedpambos: that is just a warning. ignore that. as long as you know the server is authentic!06:16
zefyxI have a HP dm4 with Intel HD 3000. I've tried wubi 64 and 11.10 ISO. I get video on neither.06:19
zefyxDoes 11.10 x64 have the proper driver support?06:19
kroonrspambos: if you're using putty on windows - download pscp from the same place you got putty06:21
goddardstrange this monitor doesn't wanna work06:22
kroonrspambos: ssh won't download files. pscp is for secure copying of files using the ssh protocol06:22
etfbSo since Single Sign-On is down, how do I sync things like Tomboy Notes?  Is there an alternative way to sync across devices?06:22
WalterNhow is the open source drivers coming along for linux for the AMD radeon HD 6000 series cards?06:22
pamboskroonrs: i tried to download pscp and it seems it is not working on windows 7 64bit06:24
IcemanV9pambos, you don't have to download it. it is part of putty.06:24
IcemanV9pambos, in command terminal (on windows), type pscp <username>@<server_name>:/directory/to/specific/<filename> .06:25
YoHoMoJoanyone running arch linux?06:25
etfbYoHoMoJo: On an Ubuntu forum?06:26
somsipYoHoMoJo: /join #arch plenty of them there06:26
hydrox24no, it's an ubuntu channel...06:26
YoHoMoJoWooow, apologies, thought I was in linux06:26
zefyxno one?06:27
hydrox24YoHoMoJo: that's alright06:27
WalterNYoHoMoJo: heh06:27
hydrox24zefyx: not sure06:28
hydrox24zefyx: is the screen just blank?06:28
=== pnorman is now known as pnorman_win
pambosicemanv9: sorry but i didnt understand what you mean. to enter the command in putty ?06:30
IcemanV9pambos, not in putty. in the command terminal is where you enter the command06:31
pambosicemanv9: ok in the command terminal the command is not recognised06:31
IcemanV9pambos, are you sure? i have used it many times daily at work. :-)06:32
IcemanV9perhaps the path was not set correctly for pscp06:33
IcemanV9pambos, go to the putty directory (i'm on ubuntu right now) somewhere in Program Files directory, then enter command (pscp)06:34
pambosicemanv9: how it is possible to work though the command terminal as far as i cant establish connection with the server using the command terminal ?06:34
tolohi, how can i edit installed font to be displayed correctly,?  it is utf06:34
pambos-bash: pscp: command not found06:34
IcemanV9pambos, bash? you're on linux box, not windows06:35
zefyxI cannot get video while installing 11.10. I have Intel hd 3000 graphics06:35
IcemanV9pambos, are you trying to scp file from the windows box to linux box??06:36
kroonrsIcemanV9: strange, earlier he said Win64bit06:36
zefyxafter the purple purple boot screen with the keyboard video disappears never to return.06:36
pambosicemanv9: I am connected to the server using putty06:36
cvamafter upgrading to oneiric from natty the resolution changed  in second booting. all fonts, icons are look wider and shorter. how reset  as I had  in  natty06:37
kroonrspambos: disconnect from the server, then run the pscp command IcemanV9 gave you using windows "run command" option on the menu06:37
codepython777for some reason, my machine switches itself off every night...any ideas what could be causing it or how to find out?06:37
kroonrspambos: and select the run in terminal option.  If there isn't one, run the command prompt program in accessories06:37
IcemanV9pambos, use the terminal on the windows, not the server.06:37
hydrox24zefyx: have you tried using nomodeset06:38
codepython777is there a way to see what caused the last shutdown?06:38
pambosicemanv9: the terminal on the window does not recognise the command06:38
IcemanV9pambos, bash error again? right? if so, you're still on the server, not on windows06:39
kroonrscodepython777: you can try checking /var/log/messages06:39
hydrox24zefyx: http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/01/ubuntumaverick-blank-screen-problem.html06:39
codepython777kroonrs: anything particular i can grep for?06:39
pambosicemanv9: I am on windows. and pscp is not recognised as a command06:39
IcemanV9pambos, start > accessories > command prompt06:39
pambosicemanv9: I am in the command prompt06:40
IcemanV9it brings up the windows terminal (not putty)06:40
kroonrscodepython777: not sure - the log is timestamped, so look for the time the machine shut down, or if you're not sure of that, look for a gap in the times06:40
IcemanV9pambos, type pscp <username>@<server_name>:/directory/to/specific/<filename> .06:40
pambosicemanv9: I typed that and i am getting an error that pscp is not a recognised command (in the windows terminal NOT in putty)06:41
IcemanV9or c:/Program Files/full path/<putty dir>/pscp <username>@<server_name>:/directory/to/specific/<filename> .06:41
codepython777kroonrs: cant find the time and cause06:41
kroonrspambos: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/pscp.exe - does this file not run for you?06:42
codepython777Jan 18 00:38:10 cg kernel: [   14.097438] ureadahead: page allocation failure. order:0, mode:0xd0 -- is this something serious i need to worry about?06:42
pamboskroors: no06:43
kroonrscodepython777: "uptime" will tell you how long the machine has been up06:43
codepython777kroonrs: thats only 5 minutes...i just switched it on remotely06:43
KaleidoscopeOk guys, I use PCmanFM as my File manager. And if I have exe files I want to launch, I can right click to select either Wine or q4wine. But for some reason if I pick wine, It works fine, but if I pick q4wine, It does nothing. Any ideas?06:44
pambosi am gonna do it in another way06:44
kroonrscodepython777: and what's the last few things in /var/log/messages before the 5-minute ago start-up?06:44
codepython777kroonrs: that should help for sure06:44
codepython777kroonrs: lemme cut and paste06:45
kroonrscodepython777: use pastebin to paste, please06:45
kroonrscodepython777: http://pastebin.com/06:45
codepython777kroonrs: http://pbin.be/show/373/06:46
codepython777these are the last lines before the new boot06:46
codepython777kroonrs: any ideas ?06:47
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kroonrscodepython777: sorry, can't see any issues in that pastebin - perhaps it was the page allocation issue, but perhaps it was also a bug in Xen06:48
IcemanV9ran out of swap memory as it seems?06:48
kroonrscodepython777: were you (or someone else) doing anything on the machine when it crashed?06:48
codepython777IcemanV9: that might be the case. I dont think i've swap06:48
codepython777no, but its a VPS, so it could be the ones who run the VMs?06:48
PseudoephedrineI am trying to set an alias for SSH in .bash_alias but i am having a bit of trouble.. is this line correct alias ghost='ssh -p 15999 svndr@host.name.here' and do i have to close terminal and open it for it to work?06:49
IcemanV9well, it ran out of memory when Xen tried to start, then it's shutdown (automatically)?06:49
kroonrsPassing on to IcemanV9 , gottago06:49
cvamafter upgrading to oneiric from natty on the  restart  on display setting it says "samsung  19'" but after the second login it is "unknown" and all fonts and icons look wider.06:49
codepython777why did xen try to start?06:49
codepython777dpkg -l | grep xen -- null on my machine06:49
IcemanV9apparently, someone or cronjob try to start Xen?06:49
IcemanV9i'm not familiar with Xen though. so i don't know where to troubleshoot Xen06:50
codepython777IcemanV9: but shouldn't it be installed on my machine to cause a problem?06:51
codepython777ah its the xen ethernet driver ? that i do have06:51
IcemanV9something in the kernel have module related to Xen. again, i am not sure.06:52
IcemanV9it is possible kernel have Xen ethernet driver module built-in06:52
codepython777yes i think so06:52
zefyxhydroxy no06:53
codepython777is there a nice gui tool that emails me when one of my machines is down?06:54
IcemanV9codepython777, since your box is rebooted, it should be okay (enough memory). you might want to tailing the message if you want to see if something's trying to start Xen06:55
orlokcodepython777: most are not gui as they run on servers somewhere06:55
codepython777keeps the logs in one place for post-mortem etc.06:55
codepython777orlok: any recommendations?06:55
codepython777easy to use please.06:55
IcemanV9codepython777, you'll have to create a script and put in the cronjob06:55
codepython777I can. I was hoping someone has made it easy by now.06:56
orlokcodepython777: oh, for Xen specifically? Not sure.. i would use a simple shell script, but theres things like nagios, etc06:56
zefyxI'll try, thanks06:56
orlokcodepython777: a GUI tool, so it requires X to be running?06:56
codepython777something lightweight than nagios06:56
IcemanV9nagios is not simple application to use06:56
codepython777i've x running06:56
codepython777i cud live with commandline06:57
orlokcodepython777: But will you if theres an issue that causes your Xen instances to fail?06:57
codepython777orlok: Its not my xen...I got a VPS rented from someone who runs xen...I just need to monitor my VM06:57
orlokcodepython777: you would need X to start up and start this application automatically..06:57
blackshirtwhat does this mean : gpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available ?06:57
blackshirt 06:57
IcemanV9codepython777, script/cronjob would be sufficient if you could roll up your sleeves :-)06:58
codepython777IcemanV9: seems like i'd have to do that06:58
codepython777g'nite :)06:58
orlokcodepython777: and get it to send an email on boot!06:58
codepython777thanks for all the help06:58
codepython777orlok: thats easy :) -- get to send me an email, when its dead actually :)06:58
IcemanV9codepython777, for now, it is until you have time to look for a better one06:58
orlokcodepython777: "Ahh crap i rebooted! i fell down and i dont know where i am!"06:58
codepython777orlok: nah -- "I am dead master...here are the last 100 lines of my /var/log/messages -- please switch me back on " :)06:59
gh0striderhey guys is there a way to downgrade from gnome3 to gnome2 ?06:59
codepython777will write a python script for that soon07:00
codepython777for now, g'nite.07:00
blackshirtwhat does this mean : gpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available ?07:00
gh0striderwhen i upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 it upgraded gnome as well and i really don't like this new gnome especially since i am using blackbuntu and the older gnome used to have a "pentest" menu and this new gnome doesn't have it, unless there is a way i can add a pentest menu on this new gnome menu?07:01
gh0strideris it true that is not possible to use gnome 2 on ubuntu 11.10 you have to downgrade to 11.04 ?07:04
IcemanV9gh0strider, my friend, google said, "select GNOME Classic on the logon screen" and you shall have gnome 207:05
gh0striderIcemanV9: there is no gnome classic on the menu login screen07:06
gh0strideronly gnome and gnome 2D and i tried both and none worked...07:06
gh0striderit is all the new gnome...07:06
pdfmaninstalled additional sta drivers for wireless adaptor but adaptor is not recognized07:07
IcemanV9gh0strider, again, my friend google gave me a suggestion to check this website for yourself -> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-make-ubuntu-11-10-look-and-feel-like-gnome-2/07:07
gh0striderIcemanV9: thanks for your help, on blackbuntu i used to have a pentest menu on gnome 2 that had all the apps that i needed, would you think there is anyway to add this kind of menu to gnom3 or would that not be possible, just wondering...?07:12
IcemanV9sorry, no clue, gh0strider07:13
gh0stridershit there is no "gnome-fallback-session' app available...07:14
gh0striderfuck, i fucked myself big time...07:16
gh0striderafter all the work i did updating blackbuntu i should have never upgraded to ubuntu 11.1007:16
gh0strideri feel like shit...07:16
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:16
gh0striderafter all that customization...07:16
CharminTheMooseI'm having a problem with udev and the bootcd package. The initram creates the /dev filesystem and and fills it with devices, then moves it to the real root under /dev.ro, though the /dev symlink eventually gets linked to what's on the ram disk, but then contains a bunch of extra and even missing devices.. Anyone know what's going on?07:17
IcemanV9gh0strider, you have been warned many times. please refrain from bad language07:17
gh0striderya i apologize, just frustrated07:17
gh0striderthere is no way to downgrade to 11.04 is there..?07:17
PseudoephedrineI just installed Ubuntu on a new laptop and at the moment i cant change the screen brightness in 'screen' and cant change the size of the unity bar in 'compiz'.. any ideas?07:19
theadmingh0strider: No07:21
cvamwindow placement shortcut key doesn't work in  oneiric07:21
gh0stridertheadmin: i am looking for the app "gnome-session-fallback" because i heard that it is possible to use gnome2 on ubuntu 11.10 and i saw a youtbue video where the guy installed it from the repositories with apt-get but when i search for the file i don't find it?07:23
gh0striderany ideas?07:24
theadmingh0strider: It's on 11.04. Gnome2 is unusable on 11.1007:24
coolstar-ipodgh0strider: You can switch over to KDE or Xfce though. :)07:25
plumhey all07:25
plumi'm having an issue where my windows partition is not mounted by default07:26
gh0stridertheadmin: i really want to switch over to gnome2 on 11.10 is the only way to do it with "gnome-session-fallback" ?07:26
coolstar-ipodgh0strider: Are you looking for lightweight, or fancy effects?07:26
plumi'm wondering what i can do to fix this? as all my music resides on my windows partition...07:26
theadmingh0strider: There is NO way to do it. You should try XFCE, which looks a lot like gnome2.07:26
coolstar-ipodplum: Fat32 or MTFS?07:26
plumcoolstar-ipod: ntfs07:26
gh0stridercoolstar-ipod: i just want gnome2, which i am going to have to figure this out07:26
coolstar-ipodgh0strider: If you want fancy effects try KDE07:27
gh0striderwhich i am going to probably have to reinstall...07:27
gh0strideri know all about kde, but thanks07:27
gh0strideri am just really frustrated, i can't believe i did this to myself...07:27
cvamwindow placement shortcut key(ctrl+alt+NUMpad 1,2,3,...,0) doesn't work in  oneiric. why?07:27
coolstar-ipodtheadmin: Can you mount the partition in the File Manager?07:28
theadmincoolstar-ipod: ?...07:28
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coolstar-ipodtheadmin: Open the file manager and you should see it in the left collumn.07:28
theadmingh0strider: You CAN'T use gnome2 on Ubuntu anymore! Finita la comedia. Try Linux Mint, which comes with both gnome3 and gnome2.07:29
theadmincoolstar-ipod: You sure you're talking to the right person?... I have no problems07:29
gh0stridertheadmin: i thank you for your help, but relax okay i get it07:29
* coolstar-ipod is having a hard time scrolling on this tiny screen07:29
plumcoolstar-ipod: it opens fine if i open it from the left pane07:30
plummounts fine and everything, i can access my files etc07:30
coolstar-ipodplum: Do you know how to mount it from the terminal?07:30
plumnot exactly, but i imagine it might have something to do with some dirty fstab work07:30
plumis that correct?07:30
* coolstar-ipod needs to check since it mounts in userspace07:31
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coolstar-ipodplum: Or you can edit /etc/rc.local and add a line to be run on boot up07:31
plumi'm using a program called pysdm to try and mount it automatically, that works for my other drives but not this one for some reason07:31
coolstar-ipodplum: it runs as root, so you can do sudo -u plum <command>07:32
coolstar-ipodI'm assuming07:32
plumer, it's graphical07:32
coolstar-ipodYour user is plum07:32
plumrequires a password to run the program though07:32
coolstar-ipodplum: The startup script runs as root07:32
plumah i see07:33
coolstar-ipodRoot = super administrator (for win32 guys)07:33
cvamwindow placement shortcut key(ctrl+alt+NUMpad 1,2,3,...,0) doesn't work in  oneiric. why?07:34
plumi know what root is xD lol07:34
* coolstar-ipod hopes canonical fixes up Unity in 12.0407:35
* coolstar-ipod will use KDE meanwhile even though it takes a long time to log in07:35
xZyohHey, I've got a slightly annoying problem while installing perl with apache, does anyone have the time to look at it?07:36
coolstar-ipodxZyoh: Ok sure go right ahead :)07:37
andyni'd like a wmaker-esque unity. time to fork?07:37
coolstar-ipodandyn: ?07:37
plumhey guys i'm gonna go get some sleep07:37
plumtake care all07:37
andyncoolstar-ipod: have you ever used windowmaker?07:37
xZyohI've apt-get'ed apache, php, perl, sql and so on, but when I try to view a perl file in my web browser, it automatically goes to download07:38
xZyohAny idea to why?07:38
xZyohI'm slightly new to ubuntu by the way xD07:38
coolstar-ipodxZyoh: Did you check the config files?07:38
llutz_xZyoh: you installed and activated libapache2-mod-perl2?07:38
xZyohHow do I activate it? I have seriously no clue what to look for in the config files07:39
xZyohllutz_: yeah07:39
llutz_xZyoh: sudo a2enmod perl2 && service apache2 reload07:39
llutz_sudo service* even07:40
xZyohllutz_: ERROR: Module perl2 does not exist!07:40
coolstar-ipodandyn: No. Only gtk-window-decorator, emerald, unity-window-decorator, xfwm4, and kwin07:40
xZyohroot@np-srv-nagios:/# apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl207:41
xZyohReading package lists... Done07:41
xZyohBuilding dependency tree07:41
xZyohReading state information... Done07:41
xZyohlibapache2-mod-perl2 is already the newest version.07:41
FloodBot1xZyoh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:41
xZyoh0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:41
coolstar-ipod!enter | xZyoh07:41
ubottuxZyoh: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:41
llutz_xZyoh: try: sudo a2enmod perl07:41
xZyohSorry, won't happen again07:42
coolstar-ipodxZyoh: please use paste.ubuntu.com07:42
coolstar-ipod!search perl2 apache | xZyoh07:44
coolstar-ipodNothin in the repos07:44
llutz_!info libapache2-mod-perl207:44
ubottulibapache2-mod-perl2 (source: libapache2-mod-perl2): Integration of perl with the Apache2 web server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.5-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1035 kB, installed size 3736 kB07:44
xZyohThat's the package07:45
coolstar-ipodllutz_: he installed that already. Look at the paste07:45
llutz_xZyoh: have you tried: sudo a2enmod perl07:45
llutz_coolstar-ipod: yes? i read it07:45
coolstar-ipod!search perl207:45
Kost68Как вернуться с 11. На 10 убунту?07:45
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.07:45
xZyohllutz_: Yeah07:45
xZyohllutz_: It says: Module perl already enabled07:46
xZyohllutz_: But it still doesn't work07:46
llutz_xZyoh: restarted apache?07:46
coolstar-ipodllutz_: how did you recognize that language of his?07:46
coolstar-ipodllutz_: I had no clue07:46
coolstar-ipod!search libapache07:47
llutz_!botabuse | coolstar-ipod07:47
ubottucoolstar-ipod: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".07:47
YerushalmiSince I'm somebody who's only ever installed things automatically using Ubuntu Software Center, can somebody how to install zsnes, which no longer appears there and which I was only able to obtain from their website as a .tar.bz2 file?07:47
coolstar-ipodllutz_: I was trying to search for a package. Much faster to use the bots than apt-cache07:48
gh0striderwell it is possible to have gnome 3 look like gnome 207:48
llutz_not very successful as you may have seen07:48
gh0striderbut it is still not the same...07:49
gh0striderwhich means that i am going to have to reinstal...07:49
gh0striderdamnit i am so pissed...heh07:49
coolstar-ipodgh0strider: Have you looked at mate?07:49
coolstar-ipodThats the name07:49
xZyohllutz_: Do you have any idea on what I can do?07:49
coolstar-ipodIt's a fork of gnome207:50
llutz_xZyoh: nope, i'm not very versed with webservers. you may ask in #httpd or #apache07:50
gh0striderthanks for the tip i just wanted others to know that it is possible to tweak gnome3 with "gnome-session-fallback" to make it look like gnome207:50
gh0striderbut it isn't the same07:50
gh0striderif you don't like gnome3 do not upgrade to 11.1007:50
gh0striderwhich i didn't know that it would...07:51
gh0stridernow i have a lot of work ahead of me to get things right again...07:51
gh0strideri will see you all much later07:51
xZyohwth, I am banned from #apache o.O07:52
coolstar-ipodYerushalmi: depends on what's in the bz207:52
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llutz_Yerushalmi: theres a README or INSTALL file inside those tarballs normally. you should check it07:55
Yerushalmillutz_: *finds several such files, reads* Well hell this looks complicated. I'll try to follow the instructions and let you know if I get stuck. Thanks :)07:58
coolstar-ipodYerushalmi: is there a configure file in there?07:58
AlecTaylorUbuntu suffers from the Y2K bug. I mean, what version will they have in a 100 years? *trolololololololololo*07:59
coolstar-ipodYerushalmi: or a makefile?07:59
SlartAlecTaylor: 111.04 and 111.10 .. or that didn't work for you?08:00
Yerushalmicoolstar-ipod: All of the above. Readmes, installs, makefiles, configures, even several of each. o_O08:00
xZyphNo one wants to help in #httpd -_-08:00
coolstar-ipodYerushalmi: you probably got source code08:01
AlecTaylorSlart: But then we'd be running 011.10 now :P08:01
pdfmanwireless adaptor fails to switch on???08:01
Yerushalmicoolstar-ipod: I do indeed have the source code. It was the only thing available :(08:02
SlartAlecTaylor: =) version number don't really obey standard math rules08:02
llutz_!compile | Yerushalmi read the readme, read this08:02
ubottuYerushalmi read the readme, read this: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall08:02
llutz_!checkinstall | Yerushalmi and read this :)08:02
ubottuYerushalmi and read this :): checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!08:02
AlecTaylorSlart: I protest!08:03
AlecTaylorIt's very important that we have a vision for ubuntu in 100 years :P08:03
coolstar-ipod!ot | AlecTaylor08:03
ubottuAlecTaylor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:03
llutz_AlecTaylor: 128 or 256bit?08:04
Yerushalmillutz_: The irritating thing is that zsnes /used/ to be installable through the package list. It's in fact still listed, but when you try and open the details it says it doesn't appear on the list.08:04
AlecTaylorcoolstar-ipod: This is very important Ubuntu discussion. Don't you care about the version of Ubuntu your grandchildren will use? :P08:04
llutz_!info zsnes08:04
ubottuzsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510-2.2ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 893 kB, installed size 4108 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)08:04
pdfmanhow do i get to terminal?08:05
llutz_Yerushalmi: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install zsnes08:05
AlecTaylorsudo apt-get install sl08:07
* AlecTaylor toots08:07
Yerushalmillutz_: Wow, it worked! Thanks!08:08
Yerushalmillutz_: But this is weird. I noticed it uninstalled several things along the way. Like vlc. Why'd it do that?08:10
llutz_Yerushalmi: it depends on stuff conflicting with vlc etc.08:11
Yerushalmillutz_: ...Well, /that's/ not good.08:11
r4yI can't click advanced search with Firefox because I made Ubuntu have black background and white text with a blue bar and made Firefox set to system colors. I have had this sort of problem with other little things using Firefox, but it never really messed up much so I didn't mind.08:12
llutz_Yerushalmi: apt-get should have told you _what_ the conflicting packages are08:13
Yerushalmillutz_: It might've and I didn't notice? I'm used to only using Ubuntu Software Center, I'm afraid.08:13
llutz_Yerushalmi: well, cli has some advantages, imho08:14
Yerushalmillutz_: cli?08:14
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Yerushalmillutz_: Ah. Do you have a suggestion for a video player to replace vlc, if I can't install it with zsnes?08:15
llutz_Yerushalmi: no08:16
llutz_Yerushalmi: sudo apt-get install vlc -s          watch the output, it should tell you why it would remove zsnes (if it would)08:16
llutz_Yerushalmi: -s = simulate, so no worries08:17
Yerushalmillutz_: *nods* I'll try that.08:17
coolstar-ipodAdd a -v to that08:17
coolstar-ipodIt will make it verbose08:17
coolstar-ipodGive full detail08:18
Yerushalmillutz_, coolstar-ipod : Didn't really say anything about removing anything.08:18
YerushalmiAlthough in Ubuntu Software Center it said I would need to uninstall zsnes, libsdl1.2debian, and libsdl1.2debian-alsa.08:19
llutz_Yerushalmi: so" sudo apt-get install vlc" and be happy08:19
llutz_Yerushalmi: softwarecenter might install recommends too, which _might_ cause that. i really don't know, i never used that08:20
Yerushalmillutz_: LOL. I was going to say that I'll have to just consider it carefully and decide which one I prefer having on my computer. It uninstalled some other things as well, like a game called anagramarama that I like. I'll think on it.08:20
Yerushalmillutz_: Thanks for all the help!08:20
Laibeus_Lordhi, 'have a problem currently: i can not browse the net on my desktop.  Things that are working: [1] I can connect to my XMPP account; [2] I can connect to my modem/router admin cp; [3] connection is working (which I'm using right now with my netbook). However, browsing, chatting, synaptic, etc. is dead. ifconfig shows my connection is fine, however pinging anything returns "unknown host". Add to that, if I try chromium's change proxy it returns "...or t08:21
Laibeus_Lordhere was a problem launching your system configuration." I'm out of ideas.08:21
llutz_Laibeus_Lord: ping
afidegnumhello good mroning all, pls I have been following the procedures but got stuch along the way. I need ur help....  I have Ubuntu with Vbox installed.... I have installed Debian inside teh new vbox   how do I install the vbox guest additions?08:22
WaltherF1llutz_: which is that?08:23
Laibeus_Lordllutz_, it works08:23
llutz_WaltherF1: google dns08:23
llutz_Laibeus_Lord: check your dns (/etc/resolv.conf)08:23
WaltherF1llutz_: also, heh, http://tekcert.com/blog/2011/04/16/why-4222-will-always-beat-888808:24
Laibeus_Lordllutz_, set to and; but if i ping say www.google.com, returns unknown host08:25
llutz_WaltherF1: nice08:25
llutz_Laibeus_Lord: dig @ www.ubuntu.com08:26
Laibeus_Lordllutz_, returned fine with results like the Answer section: www.ubuntu.com. 533 IN A (or should I post the whole results?)08:31
llutz_Laibeus_Lord: thats odd, since its the same nameserver you should use by default...08:31
llutz_Laibeus_Lord: dig +short www.ubuntu.com    fails?08:32
Laibeus_Lordllutz_, nope it returns
llutz_even more strange...08:33
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: could you please pastebin your /etc/resolv.conf file08:34
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: ok - so if you now do "nslookup wwww.google.com" what do you get ?08:37
eitchhi guys. I've got a weird problem. All files I delete can not be moved to trash. The files are on a local file system... I don't know what the reason is. Anyone have an idea?08:37
ikoniaeitch: permissions on the tash directory /08:38
Laibeus_Lordikonia: I get Server: Address:; non-authoritative answer: then a list of IPs for www.l.google.com08:39
jasefLaibeus_Lord: Try typing wget www.google.com08:39
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: ok so when you ping www.google.com what happens08:39
eitchikonia, which directory would that be? in my home?08:39
ikoniaI think the issue maybe your nsswitch.conf as libresolv is clearly responding08:39
ikonia!trash | eitch08:40
ubottueitch: Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.08:40
ikoniaeitch: I'm assuming you are using a gui to remove the files08:40
Laibeus_Lordjasef: resolving www.google.com... failed: Name or service not known.  wget: unable to resolve host address 'www.google.com'08:40
Laibeus_Lordikonia: unknown host08:40
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: ok, please pastebin /etc/nsswitch.conf08:41
llutz_Laibeus_Lord: grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf08:41
jasefLaibeus_Lord: So basically, lookup tools such as nslookup and dig work, but nothing else seems to be able to look anything up...08:41
eitchikonia, the folder didn't exist, I now created it, but still it won't work. Logout required?08:41
ikoniaeitch: what version of ubuntu is this ?08:41
eitchikonia, yeah, i'm in normal ubuntu oneiric using nautilus to delete the files08:42
coolstar-ipodeitch: open nautilus as root08:42
ikoniaeitch: not sure if anything has changed in 11.04 onwards, trying to find out08:42
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: why ?08:42
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: why should he open nautilus as root ?08:42
coolstar-ipodSo it can delete08:42
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: it can delete as a normal user08:42
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: the problem is the files are not going to the trash directory08:43
coolstar-ipodikonia: can't he just rm it?08:43
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: if you cannot understand simple questions, don't respond08:43
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: he CAN delete files, he wants them to go to the trash directory as they should08:43
Laibeus_Lordikonia, llutz_, http://pastebin.ca/2103738  (I skipped the lines with # [have to type manually])08:44
ikoniaeitch: I'm just seeing if there is any reference to way trash works for 11.04 onwards, but I can't see anything08:44
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: that looks fine08:45
Laibeus_Lordjasef: yep. And the only thing that connects on my desktop right now is xmpp and local network08:45
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: what version of ubuntu is this ?08:45
eitchikonia, ok. Nautilus as root works fine, but i can't find the deleted file now... in root's home their is no .local folder and neither is the file in my trash08:45
ikoniaeitch: using root is not the answer08:45
Laibeus_Lorddesktop is Lubuntu 11.10 64-bit08:46
ikoniaeitch: that will not change the way the trash folder works08:46
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: if you do netstat -rn what is the gateway for
eitchikonia, i know. I'm just saying that using root didn't ask for confirmation about really deleting the file, so it should have gone to some trash...08:46
coolstar-ipodLaibeus_Lord: Try pinging google.com08:46
ikoniaeitch: no it shouldn't, root works different that's why I told you not to use root08:47
jasefcoolstar-ipod: That's been tried. Twice.08:47
eitchikonia, ahh, ok08:47
Laibeus_Lordikonia: my modem/router's
coolstar-ipodLaibeus_Lord: that means DHCP is working08:47
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: no it doesn't,08:48
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: ok - so it's forwarding out of your router and your router appears to forward dns requests without issue, and we know the resolver works fine, so why are tools such as ping or wget when they call libresolv not making the request08:49
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: lets try a test to see if it's actually the call to libresolv or the lookup it's self08:50
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: can you please add a line in your /etc/hosts file for a test, put wwww.google.com and map it to
coolstar-ipodLaibeus_Lord: try pinging
coolstar-ipodIt's google's ip08:51
ikoniawe know ip addresses work08:51
ikoniait's been tested08:51
coolstar-ipodikonia: ok08:51
jasefLaibeus_Lord: Well, I don't know how to help from here, so I'm going to go. Good luck with your problem, and do yourself a favour and don't listen to anything coolstar-ipod says. No offence, coolstar-ipod.08:51
Laibeus_Lordikonia: ok done, added08:52
coolstar-ipodLaibeus_Lord: try pinging localhost08:52
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: ok, now try ping www.google.com08:52
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: enough, stop08:52
coolstar-ipodOk. Fine08:52
jasefcoolstar-ipod: Stop, seriously.08:52
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: if you have no idea how to help, don't08:52
Laibeus_Lordikonia: it works08:53
* coolstar-ipod is gonna keep quiet08:53
jasefcoolstar-ipod: It's clear you don't understand the problem, and I understand you want to help, but trying to help when you don't even understand the problem doesn't help.08:53
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: ok, so we now know that libresolv works fine08:53
llutz_Laibeus_Lord: could you pls change hosts-line in nsswitch.conf for a test into:   hosts: files mdns4 [NOTFOUND=return] dns              and try again08:53
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: so......thinking08:53
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: (remove that /etc/hosts entry, you don't want to keep that there)08:53
theadminWhat's the problem we're dealing with anyway? I was looking away from the channel08:54
coolstar-ipodtheadmin: Laibeus_Lord's DNS isn't workin08:54
theadmincoolstar-ipod: They just determined it is working :/08:54
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: again, please stop08:55
theadmincoolstar-ipod: (s)he can ping Google, it works08:55
* coolstar-ipod cant help though08:55
theadminikonia: Mind telling me what the problem is? lol08:55
ikoniatheadmin: give it a minute and you'll see the issue,08:55
theadminikonia: Ok08:55
Laibeus_Lordllutz_, ok did the change08:55
llutz_Laibeus_Lord: ping -c1 www.google.com08:55
ikoniatheadmin: I'll fill in the gaps once llutz_'s test is done08:55
Laibeus_Lordllutz_, unknown host08:55
llutz_Laibeus_Lord: i assume you removed the google host-entry08:55
Laibeus_Lordllutz_, yep08:56
llutz_Laibeus_Lord: wrong guess of mine, sry08:56
ikoniatheadmin: so, he's using the google dns servers as a test, we know they work as dig/nslookup query them fine, we know libresolv works fine as if you put entries in the host file, they get looked up, however when applications make a call to libresolv that requires dns looks, they don't happen08:56
justin______wikipedia is down.... crap08:56
llutz_justin______: SOPA protest08:57
theadminjustin______: Not the russian one :P08:57
theadminjustin______: But yeah... Also, offtopic08:57
justin______fix up ur bloody political issues with ur senators you bloody yankies08:57
jasefjustin______: If you really need English Wikipedia, turn off Javascript or use the mobile site instead08:57
ikoniajustin______: stop it please08:57
Jallbergsosat' blyadinbi08:57
ikoniathis isn't wikipedia support - try #wikipedia08:57
justin______that's okay, je parle le francais08:57
ikoniano, English only here08:57
justin______ie fr.wikipedia.com08:57
theadminikonia: Huh... Weirdest network problem ever, then.08:58
ikoniatheadmin: it's an odd one for sure08:58
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: just thinking this through, not ignoring you08:58
etu_Hi! I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas about making firefox load faster. It currently takes about 3 seconds. I tried cleaning the SQLite database using a script, but it didn't do much for me. I'm on Ubuntu 10.10.08:58
jasefI don't mean to overly simplify this, but is there any chance rebooting would help this? If there's anything Windows taught me it's that rebooting fixes things it really shouldn't sometimes.08:59
Laibeus_Lordtheadmin: yep, it just happened a few hours ago after I turned on xampp, which I have been using regularly, never happened before08:59
theadminetu_: 3 seconds ain't long... It loads for like 1.5 minutes for me, hey08:59
Laibeus_Lordikonia: np ^^08:59
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: turn off xampp, does it make a difference09:00
theadminHm... xampp really shouldn't be doing something like this09:00
Laibeus_Lordikonia: yep, turned it off, then rebooted, still the same.09:00
Laibeus_Lordjasef: let me try another reboot09:00
ikoniaLaibeus_Lord: ok, so that's good at least, it's persistant outside of xampp09:00
llutz_Laibeus_Lord: just blind trying, nsswitch.conf: hosts: files dns09:01
etu_theadmin: Ah, ok. I was thinking, like most programs such as Abiword take maybe 1.5 seconds at most, so Firefox might too. How does it take 1.5min? That seems kind of slow. Then again I'm not a particularly patient person :-P09:01
theadminetu_: Anyway, on Extensions Manager -> Plugins disable those you do not use, especially the "VLC Multimedia Player Plugin" (if that's there), that takes ages to load.09:01
spimIs this the place to ask about VCD?09:01
theadminspim: You can ask here (if you're using it on Ubuntu)09:02
spimI am. ;)09:02
spimSo there's no dedicated VLC serv?09:02
Laibeus_Lordbrb, might as well restart everything09:02
etu_theadmin: Ok, thanks!09:03
llutz_#videolan spim09:03
theadminetu_: As for how it takes 1.5 minutes, extensions, tons of them (like twenty). Chrome with almost same number of extensions starts up in just a few seconds though ^_^09:03
spimUgh, sorry. Not VLC.09:04
Coreyspim: What's the real world problem you're trying to solve? :-)09:04
spimI can't type coherently.09:04
llutz_spim: there are some more tla with V :)09:04
spimSo yeah. Is there a dedicated VNC chan, or is this the place to discuss it?09:04
llutz_!alis | spim09:05
ubottuspim: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*09:05
etu_theadmin: Ah, hmm. I disabled the VLC plugin, but didn't notice much difference. Then again I have about twenty plugins and extensions too. It's funny that you say that because I switched away from Chromium because it was too slow. :-P09:05
spimAight apparently not.09:05
theadminetu_: Huh. Weird. Okay lol09:05
jasefetu_, wow, that IS strange. I use Google Chrome (not Chromium but very similiar) on both Windows and Ubuntu on a pretty low powered netbook, and it's REALLY fast.09:06
_TristanI used to be able to edit groups and users, now I have gnome 3 and that functionality is gone. How can I add a user to a group?09:06
Coreyspim: Again, what's the real world problem you're trying to solve?09:06
llutz__Tristan: sudo adduser user group09:06
etu_theadmin: Ah, it's way faster in safe mode. Must be an extension or a plugin that's the culprit…09:06
spimCorey: I apoligize. Just want to make sure I'm in the right place.09:06
theadminetu_: I suppose so.09:06
_Tristanllutz_: thanks09:06
theadminetu_: I haven't used Firefox for a few months now, and the last one I used is Aurora anyway09:07
spimAnyway, just as you asked I finally got it to work after three days of configuring and troubleshooting. :-P09:07
spimHowever, it's giving me an error.09:07
Coreyspim: Fire away, if you're not we'll point you in the right direction.09:07
* coolstar-ipod isn't sure about Firefox or chrome09:07
spim"The panel encoutnered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet". Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration?"09:07
spimSomething I should be concerned about?09:07
coolstar-ipodspin: no09:07
theadminspim: Meh, go ahead and remove it09:07
spimWhat is it?09:07
almoxarifetheadmin: NO09:08
coolstar-ipodspin: Alt+F2 killall gnome-panel09:08
theadminspim: It's outdated. User switching is now done by the indicator applet09:08
spimAh, ok.09:08
spimJesus, this is cool.09:08
theadminalmoxarife: ?09:08
spimI think I'm falling in love with Linux.09:08
spimA little at least.09:08
jasefcoolstar-ipod: ... what are you doing?09:08
coolstar-ipodjadef: that restarts the gnome panel09:08
spimAlso, stupid question perhaps, but is it possible to give Linux/Ubuntu unorthodox screen resolutions?09:08
theadminjasef: (s)he's firing random suggestions which make no sense... With one word, trolling09:09
spimThat don't conform to 4:3 or 16:9.09:09
coolstar-ipodspim: yes09:09
spimIs that a bad thing?09:09
theadminspim: Yeah, just add them manually to xorg.conf, but I don't see a point09:09
coolstar-ipodspim: No09:09
etu_theadmin: lol, yup, 14 plugins09:09
spimtheadmin: The point is that I'm accessing it from my iPad, so I want the screen res to fit my window.09:09
jaseftheadmin: I know, it was really more of a rhetoric question.09:09
=== mk is now known as Guest25175
KimbleHey. I'm bored and looking to remove unnecessary processes from ps aux. I run 11.10 on a laptop with one built-in SATA HDD, and two attached USB flash drives. I notice 8 scsi_eh processes, 0 through 7. Do I need all these?09:09
jasefcoolstar-ipod: I KNOW what it does, I can see the command.09:09
jasefcoolstar-ipod: Stop answering questions, seriously. You're not helping anyone. There was absolutely no reason to kill gnome-panel.09:10
llutz_coolstar-ipod: in german we'd say "Nuhr!". so pls stop09:10
theadminllutz_: How do you even read that? lol09:10
coolstar-ipodjasef: that command worked for me since forever......09:10
Coreyspim: Firstly, I'm doing something similar.  The iPad3 will help this.09:11
coolstar-ipodJust satin09:11
etu_theadmin: Not to mention 13 extensions. No wonder it's slow.09:11
theadminetu_: lol09:11
brodockKimble: I don't use ps aux a lot, but htop. Are you sure that they are process and not just "forked process" nor "threads"? At htop we can hide they very easily09:11
jasefcoolstar-ipod: Yes, the command -works- but it doesn't work to fix the message that spim was getting.09:11
spimCorey: iPad 3? Has it even been announced?09:11
Coreyspim: Secondly, I do everything via GNU screen and the console, so I can't lend much wisdom on the GUI side.09:11
etu_theadmin: The ridiculous list: http://pastebin.com/TYGww0UF :-D09:11
Coreyspim: No, but it's going to have better resolution.09:11
Coreyspim: Release in probably two months or less.09:11
IamTryingDoes this sound card work with Ubuntu? http://www.trust.com/products/product.aspx?ProductCategory=SOUND&ProductGroup=SOUNDCARDS&artnr=1413409:11
theadminetu_: lol09:12
spimCorey: Cool.09:12
Coreyspim: http://yieldthought.com/post/12239282034/swapped-my-macbook-for-an-ipad09:12
etu_theadmin: Now for going through and figuring out which ones are the culprits… :-P09:12
spimWell, I don't mind having a low resolution.09:12
spimI just want it to fit the window is all09:12
spimBecause this VNC app has a bunch of toolbars.09:12
Kimblebrodock: sorry, what I mean is I'd like to kill unnecessary processes entirely, not just hide them. Is it safe to blacklist some of these scsi modules?09:12
SlartIamTrying: you did try googling for it before you asked us, right?09:12
=== Guest25175 is now known as millun
brodockKimble, well, do you have any scsi device plugged on?09:13
jasefspim: Well, my laptop's default resolution is 1024x600, but it can display in 1024x768, it just looks kinda weird. Only Windows offers it by default though, but it helps sometimes when windows are to tall to fit on my screen (happens a lot with configuration windows in Ubuntu)09:13
brodockKinble if not, I'm pretty much sure that there will not have any side effect09:13
spimjasef: yeah, i don't want it to look weird09:14
=== jocker is now known as Guest58576
jasefspim: What's your default resolution?09:14
=== zaba_ is now known as Guest66041
spimI don't know. I'm on an iPad.09:14
spimSo I want to set my VNC server up to run on the same res09:14
Kimblebrodock: no, not a single one. But doesn't linux do something funny like equate SCSI to SATA somehow?  I'm sure I've come across SCSI drivers being somehow involved with SATA on linux.09:14
Guest58576ada orang indonesia,,?09:15
jasefspim: Oh. Well, I think upping the resolution wouldn't help, in my experience VNC clients just let you scroll, they don't scale it out.09:15
theadminetu_: lol not bad, these are mine: http://i.imm.io/eNLh.png09:15
jasefKimble: Yes, my SATA drive is mapped as SCSI, I believe.09:16
etu_theadmin: hehe. That looks like plenty09:16
Kimblejasef: ah, thank you. I knew linux was funny that way :)09:16
spimjasef: My client scrolls.09:16
spimYou can pinch and zoom09:16
spimhowever, I just got it to run in fullscreen09:16
spimso it's OK now :)09:16
brodockKimble: well, not sure about it, but I think you have a point. They all use the same /dev starting words09:16
theadminetu_: pm? lol09:16
IamTryingSlart, yes search shows that it does not support, some says does support , confusing. How do i verify it supports before purchase is there any database i can search to find the product id or etc?09:16
theadminetu_: We went a bit offtopic09:17
etu_theadmin: hmm, good point :-S09:17
theadmin!hardwaresupport | IamTrying09:17
theadmin!hardware | IamTrying09:17
ubottuIamTrying: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:17
SlartIamTrying: I didn't find anything suggesting it worked.. just lots of "doesn't work" or "just outputs distorted sound" posts..09:17
theadminUbottu really should understand what I want better xD09:17
ubottutheadmin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:17
jasefspim: Alrighty, I better go have my dinner, so have fun.09:17
jasefubottu: You say that now. Eventually, someone will make you emergent.09:18
ubottujasef: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:18
spimThanks jasef.09:18
spimAnd everyone else who helped, like theadmin and Corey.09:18
SlartIamTrying: you can try connecting the soundcard and then running the command "lsusb" in a terminal.. it will give you a list of connected usb-devices with a usb id in the first column..  something like 1234:5678 try googling for that id09:18
spimMuch appreciated.09:18
Kimbleso, can anyone enlighten me as to why I have 8 scsi_eh modules loaded on my laptop? Are they all required?09:18
jocker_please help me,, i want to study SQLi,,, anyone can help me,,,?09:19
theadminKimble: Most likely they're just threads09:19
coolstar-ipodjocker: try #sql...?09:20
Kimbletheadmin: ah, understood. Thanks.09:20
jocker_coolstar-ipod : where,,,?09:20
coolstar-ipodjocker_: /join #sql09:20
jocker_i dont understand what you means brother,,?09:21
jocker_oyeh i understand09:21
thisistheaussietI added the daily ppa for software centre, updated it and ran dist-upgrade and it still says that the package is kept back. Why?09:22
spimBtw one last question, the server I'm running has like, 512mb RAM.09:22
spimShould I run Ubuntu on it?09:22
n0x00jocker_ https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection09:22
KimbleCan anyone enlighten me as to the importance of the following modules: netns; kblockd; ecryptfs-kthrea; crypto?09:23
coolstar-ipodspim: if you want a lightweight distro, Ubuntu Server. For a GUI server, Xubuntu09:23
jocker_n0x00 : thanks bro09:23
spimWell, if I want to run vanilla ubuntu09:23
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: ?????09:23
spimwith unity and all that09:23
spimwhat would you recommend?09:23
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: xubuntu09:23
IsennWhere is this repo found now? (deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic)09:23
spimLike, how much RAM?09:23
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.09:24
SlartIsenn: check that link from ubottu.. it might some info on that09:24
coolstar-ipodspim: Xubuntu only needs 128 MB to run so you'll have plenty. Unity is laggy on my computer with 3 GB of memory, so I doubt you want it on 1/2 of a GB09:25
IsennYeah, i know it's "dead" but i still need to get some old packages .. and ubottu didn't state if it's relocated09:25
coolstar-ipodspim: I was talkin about RAM btw09:25
spimcoolstar-ipod: Alright.09:26
SlartIsenn: no, I kind of hoped it would.. hang on.. let me see if I can find it09:26
spimMan, if it won't even run on 3 gigs that's pretty bad. :(09:26
=== peter__ is now known as fr33r1d3
rfxIn previous Ubuntu versions I was able to customize the top bar, putting in cpu/net usage; now it only has predefined actions on the top right but I unable to figure out how I can add those, I think they where called applets?, there. Any hint? thx09:26
rfx(Using 11.10 64bit)09:27
coolstar-ipodspim: that's why I dumped unity for KDE09:27
SlartIsenn: try the repos mentioned here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:27
jigocan anyone know best mac theme for ubuntu 11.10?09:28
coolstar-ipodjigo: Cairo-dock for a part of it09:28
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:29
jigocan anyone know best mac theme for ubuntu 11.10?;09:29
coolstar-ipod!patience | jigo09:29
ubottujigo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:29
spimcoolstar-ipod: I'm not a big fan of trying solutions that sort of stray from popular/vanilla distros.09:30
spimBecause they usually don't feel as polished.09:30
spimIs Unity going to be standard from now on?09:30
ikoniajigo: the mac theme "macbuntu" is available, however I'd strongly advise against it due to the problems it has caused users in the past09:30
spimOr is it merely a test.09:30
ikoniaspim: unity is the default ubuntu desktop going forward09:31
theadminspim: It's going to be the standard dekstop for Ubuntu, Ubuntu TV and Ubuntu Liquid.09:31
theadminspim: Try Xubuntu if you want something gnome2-like09:31
* coolstar-ipod is hoping Unity is fixed in Ubuntu 12.0409:31
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: you've said that many times - stop09:31
=== peter__ is now known as fr33r1d3
jazz9Hello, anyone know how to downgrade lucid-updates/main openjdk-6-jre-lib 6b20-1.9.10-0ubuntu1~10.04.2 to a previous version on 10.04 server ?09:32
spimtheadmin: Okay.09:32
spimThanks pals.09:32
theadminjazz9: We don't support downgardes, however, look if the previous version is still hanging somewhere in /var/cache/apt/archives09:33
jazz9hmm, its a fresh install... so its not in there09:33
coolstar-ipodtheadmin: what's Ubuntu liquid?09:33
trijntjeHow can I find out which repository a certain program (virtualbox) is located in?09:33
theadmincoolstar-ipod: Ubuntu for phones (not out yet)09:34
jazz9The app that I run doesn't support the latest version09:34
n2diyI've been working on getting message notification sounds working, I have Thunderbird working, can someone send me a message here with my nick, to test xchat?09:34
ikonian2diy: test09:34
Slartn2diy: try #test.. or ##test09:34
jazz9n2diy : hi09:34
llutz_trijntje: apt-cache policy package09:34
Slartn2diy: they have bots to do all kinds of weird things to you09:34
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zennigi am having problems with authentication while updating certain softwares of some repos. where can i find these authentications?09:34
n2diydidn't work, let me check my settings here.09:35
trijntjellutz_: nice, thanks a lot!09:35
Slartn2diy: /join #test09:35
IsennSlart: Thanks, old-releases repo still had karmic09:35
n2diySlart, ah ok, thanks.09:36
SlartIsenn: ah.. good.. those repos don't get any upgades though.. just a warning09:36
IsennI know, it's just for PHP 5.2 i need it09:36
SlartIsenn: no worries then.. just thought I would give you the heads up =)09:36
=== Gskellig|away is now known as gskellig
seliteHello, kdevelop doesn't save when I adjust the font and line numbers can someone help me out?09:45
norishi there09:45
jutnux!repeat | selite09:46
ubottuselite: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:46
norisi will ask jim what this is09:46
selitejutnux: I didn't repeat the question. Are you blind or something?09:46
jutnuxselite: Was just for reference.09:47
seliteHello, kdevelop doesn't save when I adjust the font and line numbers can someone help me out?09:50
CaptainQuirkI'm using screen multiplexer and I can't find the command to display a prompt in a newly created region of a window09:50
RaTTuS|BIGCaptainQuirk - terminal09:50
CaptainQuirkRaTTuS|BIG, I did C-a tab to switch in the newly created region then C-a : to enter screen command line and typed "terminal"09:53
CaptainQuirkIt says unknown command09:53
MonkeyDustterminal is not a command09:53
RaTTuS|BIGCaptainQuirk - try ctrl-alt-t or even gnome-terminal09:54
MonkeyDusti havent followed, what are you trying?09:54
CaptainQuirkI split the window vertically09:54
CaptainQuirkI have a new region without terminal prompt09:54
CaptainQuirkI would like to have one so I can use commands in the second region09:55
MonkeyDusti did that with c-a | , but i didnt like it09:55
CaptainQuirkc-a | splits the window but does'nt prompt with usual shell prompt09:55
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overcluckerare we talking about screen?09:56
CaptainQuirkfound it, it's c-a c09:57
overcluckerc-a c will start a terminal in the current container09:57
MonkeyDusti use byobu/screen09:58
inkernodhave you ever used a bt phone in ubuntu for thetering10:00
Myrttiinkernod: Nokia phones, yes10:00
Myrttiinkernod: this was years ago tho, the cable is a lot more dependable10:00
Laibcomsback (was Laibeus_Lord), it was miredo.  After uninstalling teredo, connection on my desktop is back.  Not sure if my ISP blocked it or something, they're preparing to roll-out IPv6…10:01
overcluckerdon't forget c-a S10:01
Laibcomsthanks again ^_^10:01
inkernodMyrtti: im tring to make i work under bt5 but i cant10:01
Myrttiinkernod: well you can try asking in their channel10:02
faryshtaHi. How do I use tor with wget?10:02
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition10:02
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl10:03
inkernodbut bt5 is an ubuntu?10:03
overcluckerfaryshta: export http_proxy nad https_proxy, they are envionment variables10:03
Myrttiinkernod: no, it's BT510:04
faryshtaoverclucker, I get this error when I tried. ERROR 501: Tor is not an HTTP Proxy.10:04
inkernodok tnks10:05
BatHow may create a unix ffmpeg that works on every sort of linux distro?10:05
overcluckerfaryshta: ah, riight10:05
overcluckergotta use it as a sock proxy, i forgot10:05
faryshtaoverclucker, how?10:05
ikoniaBat: you can't really as each linux distribution is slightly different10:05
llutz_faryshta: tsocks or socksify10:05
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faryshtaoverclucker, I already set SOCKS_PROXY variable.10:06
faryshtallutz, how do I use them?10:07
pangolin!msgthebot > faryshta10:07
ubottufaryshta, please see my private message10:07
htmlinkernod, backtrack is ubuntu based10:07
faryshtapangolin, already tried ubottu10:08
overcluckerfaryshta: an easier alternative would be to use curl10:08
pangolinfaryshta: ok well please use /msg ubottu to search10:08
Bat If i say to you that im running a simllár to ffmpeg on windows on every linux rekeases statically? what you say?10:09
faryshtapangolin, already did -.-10:09
faryshtaoverclucker, never used curl, let me check.10:09
overcluckerfaryshta: curl --socks5-hostname localhost:9050 http://icanhazip.com -o filename10:10
jolarenI get error when trying tologin to my server.. works from all other ips but mine, first it complained about keys but then I created new and then it doesnt complain about that but just says  sshd[2135]: refused connect from when trying to connect10:12
jolarenwhat can I dp10:12
stud5glol ;-D10:12
faryshtaoverclucker, cool. I connected, thanks.10:12
cjokeI have some ppa in /etc/apt/sources.list.d from 10.04 lucid things. I run 12.04 now. I should just delete those ?10:13
metaspikehey, what's a good way to determine cputemp from terminal?10:13
pangolinstud5g: please stop10:13
Slartmetaspike: tried lm-sensors?10:14
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.10:14
metaspikegah must fix router :p10:14
BatI have a static ffmpeg unix that run on every sort of linux distros10:14
metaspikethanks, im using boinc to donate some power to the projects abroad, but dont want to cook my cpu in the process10:15
Batwhat you say?10:15
faryshtawhere does chromium store its cookies?10:15
Batsay any10:15
cjokeis there a wasy way of finding out what repository a package come from CLI?10:16
htmlfaryshta,  if thats a joke , its funny10:16
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro10:17
Slartfaryshta: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1841901/cookie-file-for-google-chrome-unix10:17
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:17
cjokewhat is the best way if finding out what packages a repository contains from CLI ? :-)10:17
Slartfaryshta: not sure if that info is accurate or outdated though.. might be a good start though10:17
faryshtaSlart, thanks.10:17
rigvedcjoke: apt-cache search <pattern>10:18
pangolincjoke: apt-cache show package10:18
metaspikeor use synaptic/packagesearch10:18
BatWho is able?10:18
SlartBat: do you have a ubuntu support question?10:19
BatI have a opinion10:19
MonkeyDustBat  wrong channel10:20
SlartBat: try #ubuntu-offtopic for discussion and opinions10:20
metaspikelm-sensors, sensors-detect, a couple modprobes and sensors was all it took. thanks Slart10:20
deitarionmetaspike: A little something else you might want --> https://github.com/ssokolow/profile/blob/master/supplemental/cpufreqd.conf10:20
Slartmetaspike: you're welcome10:20
jigowhen i download apps from ubuntu software one error displayed like "Requires installation of untrusted packages" how can i solve the error..???10:21
metaspikealso that thanks deitarion.10:21
metaspikejigo, i think it might has something to do with GPG authentication key missing something or a rather. tried - apt-get update from terminal?10:22
jigoi tried aptget update but still....10:22
metaspikeit sounds more like a warning than an error10:23
jigoi tried aptget update but still....its not working10:24
varikonniemihow come i do not need to enter a password when updating with update manager10:24
jigowhen i download apps from ubuntu software one error displayed like "Requires installation of untrusted packages" how can i solve the error..???10:24
Batffmpeg linux equal ffmpeg windows anyone has done dis?10:25
varikonniemiyou have not added the gpg key for some ppa10:25
MonkeyDustvarikonniemi  either you are in a live session, or the password was entered less than 10 minutes earlier10:25
jigohow can i add gpg key10:25
MonkeyDustvarikonniemi  in a terminal, that is10:25
varikonniemiMonkeyDust, i just woke up, so i have certainly not entered the password in hours and hours10:26
Slartjigo: either through terminal or in the software sources settings thingy10:26
deitarionBat: You're not making any sense.10:27
varikonniemiand i have noticed this lack of password on all my 11.10 machines, for the last some months10:27
MonkeyDustBat  wrong channel10:27
Batffmpeg linux equal ffmpeg windows not dreaming ha?10:28
BatWithout wine too10:29
htmlMonkeyDust,  we still support it somewhat  and he can be  here... that how i got it is here10:29
ikoniaBat: what are you talking about ?10:29
SlartBat: I'm sure it is wonderful in all kinds of ways but this channel is for ubuntu user to user support. Take it to #ubuntu-offtopic10:29
htmlbat ?10:29
ikoniaBat: is this somehow related to ubuntu10:30
deitarionBat: Your English is nonsense.10:30
BatBut still have a problem with ffplay10:30
ikoniaBat: what is your question for the ubuntu support channel you are in10:30
htmlBat,  what do you want to do with ffmpeg?10:31
AdvoWorkif ive got 8GB of files(1000's of files) is there a way I can speciify a size of say 3GB and split all of those files into folders of that size?10:31
deitarionAdvoWork: Do they need to be ordered or grouped in any specific way?10:32
ikoniaAdvoWork: you could use du to get the sizes, bc to add up the files and when they hit 3036 copy that list of files into folder 1, and repeat10:32
BatAny supporter has done a ffmpeg linux equal dis is on windows? unix nothing more10:32
deitarionI think Bat is somehow under the misconception that ffmpeg for Linux is an inferior port of ffmpeg for Windows.10:33
AdvoWorkdeitarion, no, aslong as the file names stay the same(as they are recorded conversations (timestamped filenames)10:33
MonkeyDustAdvoWork  use the find command and filter the files on size, cp them to a map10:33
ikoniaBat: you are in #ubuntu, and ubuntu support channel, do you have a question regarding ubuntu that you need help with yes/no10:33
deitarionAdvoWork: `apt-get install gaffitter`. It's a tool that, given a list of files, will spit out sublists to efficiently fit them to volumes of a specified size.10:33
BatIm trying to display the future10:35
deitarionI'm thinking either Bat is a troll or his grasp of English is too poor for us to help him.10:35
LjLBat, i think #ubuntu-br could help you better, they speak portuguese there10:36
jigoanyone know some funny server for telnet10:36
LjL!ot | jigo10:36
ubottujigo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:36
BatA simple ffmpeg bin on linux hoW a simple ffmpeg bin on windows ha?10:36
faryshtaBat,  I don't understand your question.10:37
sipiorBat: are you asking how to take a linux binary of ffmpeg and run it under windows?10:37
deitarionI think he's actually asking how to compile a static, single-file ffmpeg binary.10:38
=== SilenceSLC is now known as Bogdaniel
htmlBat,  what do you want? ffmpeg  install  here it is...       http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78609510:38
Batsome day you may understand10:38
metaspikedownload ffmpeg source, get full dependencies then cross compile with mingw32 - would be ok i guess, but it wouldn't display the future10:39
sipiorBat: some day you may learn to communicate properly. could we hasten that day slightly?10:39
MonkeyDustBat  has invented a Windows equivalent to ffmpeg, that's what he is saying10:39
BatI have ffmpeg dont need10:39
LjLBat: Sinto muito em dizer isso, mas as pessoas aqui (inclusive eu) não entende o seu Inglês. Join #ubuntu-br para obter suporte em Português, por favor.10:39
Batyou very well understood!10:40
LjLif you say so10:40
LjLeveryone here is guessing as to what you mean10:40
James13433anyoe know where my mai;lboxes will be located on my ubuntu server?10:40
llutz_James13433: /var/mail10:40
James13433llutz, using shh to see in that folder nothing comes up when I do ls10:42
htmlMonkeyDust,  did he really?10:42
deitarionIf so, he needs to look at http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/10:42
htmlLjL,  said (translated) to Bat: Sinto Muito los dizer ISSO, MAS como Pessoas Aqui (eu inclusive) nao entende o Seu Inglês. Join # ubuntu-br parágrafo obter Suporte em Português, por favor.10:43
llutz_James13433: so no mails there10:43
LjLhtml: eh?10:43
htmlBat: I'm sorry to say this, but people here (myself included) do not understand your English. Join # ubuntu for support in Portuguese, please.10:43
James13433llutz, but there is.10:43
htmlLjL, sorry10:44
faryshtaWhat does this means? curl: (7) Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to (4)10:44
LjLhtml: well he's gone anyway10:44
llutz_James13433: do you run procmail or similar, delivering mails into users home or whereever?10:44
Stormx2faryshta, what are you trying to do?10:44
htmlLjL,  but did you see all the helping hands that try to get him to here he need to be?10:45
James13433to be honest llutz I don't know. I just know I login wiht webmail.domain.com and use that10:45
faryshtaStormx2, use curl with a socks proxy to connect tor.10:45
LjLhtml: still you were all shooting in the dark as to what he actually meant to say10:45
YozapHello anyone have brightness problems on their laptop? been searching for 2 days now. Asus EEE 1005P i got10:46
htmlLjL, im half here anyways, so what did he want10:46
LjLhtml: who knows? something about ffmpeg, that's all i managed to ascertain10:47
YozapUbuntu does not have that helping community it says on install screen lol10:48
xaashihi, i'm trying to build custom kernels, in there a repository with the ubuntu default kernel config files10:49
llutz_who cares about a troll, keeping this channel busy for nearly 60 mins10:49
faryshtaWhat does this error means? curl: (7) Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to (4)10:49
LjLYozap: and you say that after asking a question and waiting two minutes? maybe it's true, but that doesn't seem enough to judge.10:49
LjLYozap: also i don't have a laptop, but still, you may certainly want to explain the actual problem you're having for people to help10:50
=== 18VAAJMZW is now known as jost
rigved!kernel | xaashi10:51
ubottuxaashi: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)10:51
nikos_kanenas elinas edw?10:52
MonkeyDust!gr| nikos_10:52
ubottunikos_: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes10:52
josthi! I want do transcode a video to mp4 using h264 codec, but ffmpeg only allows for decoding h264. Whats could be the problem? I tried using libx264 and h264 as encoders, the libx264 and x264 packages are installed.10:52
MonkeyDustjost  ask Bat :p10:53
nikos_i m from greece10:53
LjLnikos_: /join #Ubuntu-gr for greece10:53
YozapSorry for my rapid dissing of the community before hehe. But here i explain my problem better10:54
xaashirigved: i need to do some kernel dev, and and would like to start of with the Ubuntu kernel's  many default modules enabled10:54
YozapMy problem I have is that the hotkeys for brightness just randomly switch between completely dark or little light, no good light. Ive tried doing a bios update, and ive tried install the xbacklight packadge with no great success of better light, the pc i am running is Asus EEE 1000P with fully 100% installed Ubuntu 11.04 with no other OS. What should i do to get better light?10:54
faryshtaWhat does this error means? curl: (7) Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to (4)10:54
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deitarionfaryshta: It means something is wrong with your proxy settings.10:55
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stevegjacobsjoin #openstack10:56
MonkeyDustfaryshta  http://curl.haxx.se/mail/archive-2007-02/0015.html10:56
faryshtadeitarion, my proxy settings are curl --socks5-hostname localhost:9050 http://site.com10:56
rigvedxaashi: the kernel compile link will tell you how to download the ubuntu kernel source. you can continue from there to do your kernel dev work.10:56
deitarionfaryshta: Tor?10:56
faryshtadeitarion, yes.10:57
LjLYozap: already been through this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1412922 ?10:57
=== html is now known as htmlinprogress
xaashirigved: thanks10:57
deitarionfaryshta: I've used Tor and I wish I could help, but it just worked for me the last time I did and I never needed to use curl (downThemAll! or wget for me), so all I know is what I've said.10:58
faryshtadeitarion, how do you use wget with tor?10:59
rigvedxaashi: you are welcome.10:59
faryshtadeitarion, tried HTTP_PROXY but it no longer works with wget.10:59
deitarionfaryshta: I forget, but probably HTTP_PROXY. It was a while ago. Let me see if Google has anything.11:00
LjLfaryshta: maybe you should try http_proxy instead, i'm no longer sure which one of the two is correct...11:00
faryshtaLjL, I get this error when I tried. ERROR 501: Tor is not an HTTP Proxy.11:01
llutz_faryshta: curl -x socks5://localhost:9050  http://site.com11:01
faryshtallutz, let me try :)11:01
llutz_tor is not a http_proxy, as the error states11:02
LjLfaryshta: i think you should chain tor to privoxy11:02
deitarionfaryshta: I think, at the time, I was using privoxy to bridge the gap.11:02
deitarionEither that, or you could use Polipo in non-caching mode.11:02
deitarion(Polipo is a proxy designed to act as a web accelerator using a configurable mix of caching and request rewriting)11:03
jocke-lkqr: är inte /n11:05
mbutubuntuhello folks, where is the X conf file on Ubuntu 10.04 ?!11:07
ikoniambutubuntu: it's removed as it's dynamic11:08
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faryshtaLjL, deitarion how do I use privoxy with wget or curl?11:09
YozapLjL: Thanks, I have now fixed my screen brightness!11:11
mbutubuntuikonia, I've a problem with Video playing... I have a dual-head configuration and I haven't updated any package but yesterday I see "cutted" videos on the big (Full HD) Monitor. It seems that viewable size with vlc (and all players, ffplay too) is less than the whole screen.11:11
LjLYozap: nice11:12
LjLfaryshta: for wget, you put localhost:port in http_proxy, i don't remember the default port though11:12
deitarionfaryshta: Same way you tried to use Tor with curl... but with Privoxy sitting between Tor and curl, you won't get "ERROR 501: Tor is not an HTTP Proxy".11:12
mbutubuntuxsessiox-errors doesn't give me any useful information so I don't know how to solve this problem11:12
deitarionfaryshta: Do you need help with setting up Privoxy or just with pointing wget or curl at it?11:13
faryshtaLjL, doesn't work. It sends a 501 error since tor isn't an http proxy anymore.11:13
mbutubuntuikonia, even if dynamic I think exist any utility or [temp]file in which I can see the problem.... ! I've used this Ubuntu configuration for months but yesterday appered the problem11:13
deitarionfaryshta: You misunderstand.11:14
deitarionfaryshta: You point wget or curl at the port for Privoxy and then point Privoxy at the port for Tor.11:14
faryshtadeitarion, anything that works :) I want to download files from tor using wget or curl.11:14
ikoniambutubuntu: what ?11:14
faryshtadeitarion, how do I do that?11:14
LjLfaryshta: you mustn't put the *tor* port there, but the *privoxy* port. look at the privoxy config file (/etc/privoxy.conf i suppose) to find out what it is11:15
deitarionfaryshta: http://yoodey.com/using-http-proxy-tor-privoxy-ubuntu-natty-110411:15
mbutubuntuikonia, what problem? about a third of the second screen is viewable, but not viewable with videos... I haven't compiz.11:15
ikoniambutubuntu: I have no idea what you are talking about, I've not been talking to you / helping you11:16
mbutubuntuikonia, you're right but you said that the Screen configuration is dynamic. I can't think there is no way to watch the configuration...!11:18
llutz_mbutubuntu: use xrandr11:18
sweet i have an external hard disck and  when iam trying to mount in ubuntu 10.10 it is not possible to mount when i was try to sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/my external hard disck name after that when i hit enter it display "mount: you must specify the filesystem type" please help me?11:18
ikoniambutubuntu: it will read the file if it's there, if not it goes to dynamic11:18
ikoniambutubuntu: just create a file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:18
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mbutubuntuikonia, ooohhh, so the conffile is always /etc/x11/xorg.conf... wonderful11:19
Guest39990real problem11:19
Guest39990ikonia is right11:19
ikoniambutubuntu: if you create a file in that location it will get read11:19
LjLsweet: that's not a good sign, but are you very sure sdb1 is the right partition? try doing "sudo file -s /dev/sdb1"11:19
ikoniambutubuntu: /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:19
sweet i have an external hard disck and  when iam trying to mount in ubuntu 10.10 it is not possible to mount when i was try to sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/my external hard disck name after that when i hit enter it display "mount: you must specify the filesystem type" please help me?11:19
ikoniambutubuntu: note the "X" in X1111:19
LjLsweet: no use repeating your question after a minute...11:20
th^2what would be the most effective way to make ubuntu faster?11:20
LjLth^2: getting a faster computer11:20
MonkeyDustth^2  not using compiz / eye candy11:20
th^2LjL, idiot11:20
mbutubuntuikonia, yes the X is uppcase11:20
LjLth^2: language and respect, please kthx11:21
th^2MonkeyDust, well im using 2d11:21
AreEssayHello. My wireless functionality on the latest Ubuntu is non-existent. Can anyone help me get it fixed?11:21
MonkeyDustth^2  using a different / lighter desktop environment11:21
deitarionth^2: Have you tried using LXDE via `apt-get install lubuntu-desktop`?11:22
deitarionThat's about the lightest desktop environment you can get without MacGyvering up something yourself from bits and pieces.11:22
sweetLjL:when i try "sudo file -s /dev/sdb1" it display /dev/sdb1: DOS executable (COM)11:22
LjLsweet: uuuuh.11:23
th^2MonkeyDust, yes that maybe the best way. wanted to know if theres any known issues11:23
LjLsweet: virus? i don't know, that really should have told you about the partition type. have you used that drive under windows?11:23
LjLsweet: what filesystem is it *supposed* to contain?11:23
th^2deitarion, X11 you mean?11:23
MonkeyDustth^2  and install preload and add vm.swappiness = 10 to sysctl.conf11:23
MonkeyDust!gr| Kost6811:24
ubottuKost68: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes11:24
LjLMonkeyDust: wasn't greek11:24
th^2MonkeyDust, hmm my swappiness is very small always.11:24
deitarionth^2: X11 is the graphical subsystem on which all full-featured X11 desktops depend. Using it in this context isn't really meaningful.11:24
LjLalmoxarife: please don't CTCP people randomly :)11:25
sweetLjL:i  do no the file sysytem  but the hard disck name is " my passport"11:25
MonkeyDustth^2  preload loads the most frequently used applications faster11:25
Kost68Joined #ubuntu-ru11:25
th^2deitarion, sub-system? like unity? :S11:25
onreth^2, you might try using some very lightweight window manager on top of X11, such as xmonad, twm, etc11:25
LjLsweet: maybe sdb1 is some kind of special partition. try mounting sdb2 instead?11:26
th^2MonkeyDust, i may need to take a look at that11:26
deitarionth^2: How much do you know about how a Linux desktop is put together?11:26
onreth^2, that way you lose the "desktop metaphor" functionality but still have windowing, so you can run graphical applications and terminals11:26
LjLKost68: /join #ubuntu-ru11:26
juniour1i want to browse ubuntu home folder in in win 7 how to do this.........??11:26
onreth^2, be warned though, most of these window managers are configured by editing text files :)11:27
th^2deitarion, theres the X server :D11:27
juniour1i have installed ubuntu 10.10 via wubi11:27
juniour1and i wanna browse yhe home folder of ubuntu 10.10 in win 711:28
juniour1can nay one help me here11:28
th^2onre, well maybe I just switch to lubuntu because my PC isnt the oldest possible. quad core and everything11:28
deitarionth^2: The X server handles managing access to the screen, keyboard, and mouse between multiple applications. On top of that, you have a window manager (draws window borders, handles focus, resizing, and dragging, etc.)11:28
MonkeyDustjuniour1  i guess you need explore2fs11:28
onreth^2, sure, whatever suits you. i used twm from '90s until 2008 or so, and still occasionally consider switching back to it because of its speed and lightness ;)11:29
deitarionth^2: You also have a program which draws your desktop icons (if you have them) and a program which draws your panels (launcher menu, task bar, etc.)11:29
juniour1Monkey Dust idient got you man11:29
juniour1explain briefly11:29
deitarionjuniour1: Windows doesn't normally understand Linux hard drives. There's a program for Windows called explore2fs that can read them.11:29
MonkeyDustjuniour1  explore2fs is win program you can use to read ext partitions11:29
th^2deitarion, so in basic ubuntu installation theres xserver and top of that unity? what else?11:30
th^2onre, looks pretty old :D11:30
deitarionth^2: Unity is the panel program. The window manager is Compiz. Last I checked, the desktop icons were drawn by Nautilus. There's also a bunch of other components. All of them are heavy because they value glitz.11:31
onreth^2, yup, i just configured it so that menus, window list and window decorations were black and different shades of green. one non-computer-oriented friend commented something about my computer being "just like they are in the movies" :p11:31
MonkeyDustjuniour1  on your own risk http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/media/explore2fs-1.07.zip11:32
th^2deitarion, its funny because linux is considered as light weight alternative for windows..11:32
deitarionth^2: SOME Linux is considered a light-weight alternative.11:32
th^2onre, :D maybe i boot to that when my friends come to visit11:32
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:33
deitarionth^2: The combination of Unity and Compiz is trying to compete with Windows and MacOS for graphical glitz, so it's not lightweight.11:33
habananyI need help , anybody can tell me how to apply this on my HTC EVO 3d [06:26] (372) :- SSC Networks (www.ssc.no) for sponsoring this server!11:33
th^2deitarion, to me basic ubuntu doesnt seem to be any faster than win7...11:33
LjLth^2: well if people told you it would be, they weren't particularly right.11:34
deitarionth^2: It probably isn't... but it was faster than Vista and, if you start into something lighter than Unity+Compiz, it WILL be faster.11:34
habananySi tienes problemas al escuchar el audio, abre cualquier reproductor de MP3, y utiliza la opcion de abrir URL y coloca la siguiente direccion mms://media.enet.cu/radiorebelde11:34
deitarionth^2: KDE 4 is about as heavy as Unity+Compiz, so that's out.. but Xfce is as light as GNOME 2 and LXDE is even lighter.11:34
MonkeyDust!es| habanany11:35
ubottuhabanany: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:35
mbutubuntuhow to know what video driver is using X ?11:36
ikoniambutubuntu: it's in the log11:36
mbutubuntu.xsession-erros ?11:37
mbutubuntuor /var/log/messages?11:37
deitarionth^2: The main thing you have to understand is that what you know as "Linux" is a stack of bits and pieces that you can mix and match. Replace the heavy bits and your system will look more plain, but be faster.11:37
ikoniambutubuntu: the xorg log11:38
th^2deitarion, yes im aware of that. have been using zenlinux on my laptop for 2 years. its pretty fast but not suitable for desktop11:38
habananyThanks obottu11:39
deitarionth^2: Give LXDE a try with `apt-get install lubuntu-desktop`. That's reasonably polished (I use it as my only desktop interface) and quite light. If it turns out you need something a little more polished, explore `apt-get install xubuntu-desktop`. You can mix and match components from the two to get the feature set you want. (eg. Xfce devs explicitly refuse to implement tabbing in their file manager)11:40
jolarenI get connection refused when I try to connect from my work laptop.. it has always worked well before, but I tried to fiddle with keys and then removing them causing my server to refuse the connection. Now I have to use my other server for socks5 proxy in order to connect - what can I do?11:41
dxd828hey people!11:41
ikoniajolaren: undo what you did11:41
ikoniajolaren: sounds like you've messed up the keys11:41
ikoniajolaren: please don't do that11:42
jolarenikonia: thats what I did11:42
ubuntuaddictedmorning, I have gzip in the background tearing up my CPU and memory. I lsof it but I can't understand what's doing it, can someone help if I post a picture11:42
jolarenikonia: sorry, it was lag.. i use socks5 for proxy now between my servers11:42
jolarenikonia: causing them to become unresponsive11:42
ikoniaubuntuaddicted: what does it matter ? it's zipping your file11:42
deitarionth^2: Here's an example screenshot from someone's Lubuntu desktop --> http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NREnK3_XnLE/ThBrUm-TpwI/AAAAAAAAHXc/RrEBxtfqtyE/s1600/capture.png11:42
ikoniaubuntuaddicted: what more do you want to know11:42
ubuntuaddictedi want to STOP IT11:42
ikoniaubuntuaddicted: kill it11:43
ubuntuaddictedBUT want to learn what's backing up11:43
ikoniaubuntuaddicted: nothing, it's gzipping the file11:43
deitarionubuntuaddicted: Have you tried the pstree command?11:43
ubuntuaddicteddeitarion, no11:43
ikoniaubuntuaddicted: if you don't want to wait for it to finish, kill it11:43
ikoniaubuntuaddicted: if you want it, wait for it to finish11:43
ubuntuaddicteddeitarion, any special syntax?11:43
deitarionubuntuaddicted: Nope. Just run it.11:43
ubuntuaddictedikonia, i don't know what it's backing up, plain and simple.11:44
ubuntuaddicteddeitarion, thanks11:44
ubuntuaddictedwill check  it out11:44
ikoniaubuntuaddicted: it's not backing anythign up11:44
ikoniaubuntuaddicted: it's gzipping something you've told it to11:44
ikoniaubuntuaddicted: it's probably log rotation if it's an automatic process11:44
ubuntuaddictedikonia, sigh, it's archiing something and I don't know what. understand now?11:44
ikoniaubuntuaddicted: no, as you're not being clear11:44
deitarionikonia: He didn't explicitly start gzip and he wants to know what's going on.11:45
ikoniaubuntuaddicted: if this is an automated process that you didn't start, it will be something like log rotate, and a simple "ps -ef | grep gzip" will show what the command it's running is11:45
ubuntuaddicteddeitarion, thank you, that answered my question. appreciate your help. have a good day11:45
ikoniadeitarion: there you go, simple explination11:45
LedMwhere is the ffmpeg channel??11:46
deitarionLedM: Google for something like "ffmpeg IRC" (without quotes)11:46
LjLLedM: it's surprisingly called #ffmpeg11:46
ikoniaLedM: ##ffmpeg maybe ?11:46
ikoniaoops #ffmpeg11:46
ikoniaLedM: or #ffmepg ?11:46
ikoniathis channel isn't a yellow pages for freenode channels, really starting to get old11:46
LedMit is not11:47
ikoniaLedM: just joined it - it is11:47
sam___hi, i have a multi-wan setup and want to setup a static route for my outgoing email (postfix)11:47
ikoniaLedM: either way, not an ubuntu issue to help you find a channel11:47
LedMa ubuntu issue: is that ffmpeg, VLC, and other softwares running in ubuntu, may be equals on windows without Tra-shared libraries11:49
ikoniaLedM: no, sorry, we don't help you find channels, nor do with help you with windows libraries11:49
aum___Hello everyone, i have manually remove gnome packages from ubuntu because i wanted a command line system, its booting fine but if have to press "Alt + Ctrl + f1" to go to command line . is there any way to do this automatically , like changing runlevel or something ?11:50
ikoniaLedM: you where in here earlier asking the same question - do not ask again11:50
htmlinprogressLedM,  ,  huh? we  can help you with gettin it to work on ubuntu11:50
ikoniahtmlinprogress: his question has nothing to do with ubuntu - please let it go11:51
LedMwindows libraries run statically, ubuntu libraries run in tra-shared libraries in lib dir, and i broke the tra-shared, in ubuntu turning the .so libraries into a container how windows use UNDRSTND??11:51
ikoniaLedM: no, try #ffmpeg11:52
ikoniaLedM: or #ubuntu-br11:52
htmlinprogressikonia, ok11:52
LedMubuntu is a mistake windows trying to seduct with lib dir11:52
xslhi there, is it possible with the CD of xubuntu make a default install on a RAID1 configuration?11:52
ikoniaLedM: #ubuntu-br or #ffmpeg please - last warning11:53
LedMxsl yes11:53
ikoniaxsl: depends on the raid type11:53
xslLedM: im missing out something, i didnt see the place where i can define the raid11:53
ikoniaxsl: hardware raid, sure, software raid no, fakeraid, most likley not depending on the device11:53
xslikonia: i wanted MDADM raid ( software raid )11:54
aum___Hello everyone, i have manually remove gnome packages from ubuntu because i wanted a command line system, its booting fine but if have to press "Alt + Ctrl + f1" to go to command line . is there any way to do this automatically , like changing runlevel or something ?11:54
LedMin a new server ext211:54
ikoniaxsl: you'll need to use the alternative install CD for that11:54
deitarion!repeat | aum___11:54
ubottuaum___: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:54
xslikonia: its all command line install right?11:54
LjLaum___: removing the login manager doesn't suffice?11:54
ikoniaxsl: no, it's ncurses menu drive, quite easy11:54
xslikonia: ok ty... going to take a look11:55
xslbtw.... on a raid1 configuration (2 discs no hotspare) - if one disk breaks .. the system still boots up right?11:55
ikoniaxsl: correct11:55
aum___LjL , Now the size of my desktop is "726 MB" so i think i have removed sufficient  thing ...11:55
LjLaum___: eh, if the login manager is still there, you will still get a graphical login prompt. "sudo apt-get remove lightdm" or "sudo apt-get remove gdm" depending on your Ubuntu version.11:56
xsli will need to rebuild the raid later wen i insert a new disk ( still a bit new to software raid  :P )11:56
xslthx for your support ikonia11:56
ikoniaxsl: it's one command to add a new disk and tell it to mirror across to it11:56
aum___LjL, how can gdm can reside , i have removed every instance of X server ...11:57
LjLaum___: then if you've removed X i really don't see why you'd need to press ctrl+alt+f1 to login textually... what do you *see* before pressing ctrl+alt+f1?11:57
llutz_aum___: removing gnome won't remove X11:58
aum___LjL: blank screen with a blinking "_" on on the top11:58
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LjLaum___: funny. i don't know, maybe it's plymouth (the boot splash) that switches to terminal 7 or 8... try removing plymouth if you don't mind not having a splash screen12:02
rooksis there a way to add some extra option to boot parameters in ubuntu's grub2 autogened mess?12:05
overcluckeraum___: have you tried out any window tilers? they beat the heck out of ttys12:06
aum___LjL, yes i have also removed plymouth themes , but when i remove plymouth it gives me warning and also try to remove mysql and linux-generic-*12:06
LjLaum___: ugh :(12:06
LjLrooks: is /etc/default/grub not enough?12:07
NimeshNeemaHow do i open SWF file (Shockwave flash i suppose) ? I am not too sure whether they contain code or are they like executables ?12:08
rooksLjL, that what i was looking for! thanks :)12:08
LjLaum___: tried putting "nosplash" instead of "splash" in the linux options?12:08
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aum___LjL , ok let me try12:09
rom4everhi guys12:11
rom4evercould you help me ?12:11
MonkeyDustrom4ever  if you're sweet12:11
rom4everok MonkeyDust12:12
[ptr]xyzso, whats your problem?12:12
rom4evermy wonderful 11.10 works well but every time I reboot machine12:12
theadminNimeshNeema: If you have Flash installed, open them with any browser with NPAPI support (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Chromium)12:12
rom4everI get this error : running /scripts/init-bottom ... done adding 2096444k swap on /dev/sdb1 ecc EXT3-fs (sda2): using internal journal12:12
rom4everand boot stops there12:13
rom4everblinking cursor12:13
rom4everand stop :(12:13
rom4everso I noticed that if I start in recovery mode12:13
MonkeyDustrom4ever  it says ext3, i bet you're using it in combination with ext412:13
NimeshNeematheadmin: i actually am working on source code of a web-site and found some flash files. wanted to know if i can read the code from .swf files. they open up in browser12:13
rom4everand remount disks all goes well12:13
MonkeyDustrom4ever  ext4 has journalling, i think ext3 has not12:13
rom4everbut anytime I have to make same thing12:14
theadminNimeshNeema: No, you can't, they're pretty much like compiled binaries (like Windows .exe files, for instance)12:14
rom4everah ok12:14
NimeshNeematheadmin: oh kewl. thanks a ton !!!12:14
rom4everso what can I do to fix it ?12:14
aum___LjL: same blank screen with a blinking "_" on on the top12:14
rom4everthnx MonkeyDust12:14
MonkeyDustrom4ever  i'd say: backup important files and format ext3 to ext412:14
aum___LjL: ok just tell me how to boot to tty1 directly...12:15
rom4everthis machine is in production state cause it's used for monitoring...12:15
rom4everand I don't understand why this issue is raised now12:17
rom4everMonkeyDust: I have one only disk with 2 partition one for data and second for swap12:18
g00seI've lost count of the number of times i've used a live disk and found a problem with wireless proprietary drivers - usually Broadcom. Of course, the mandatory system restart is then impossible. Is there a standard way of packing them all into an extra partition or something?12:19
noordungHi guys. Where can I talk to some Ubuntu (Ayatana/AppMenu) devs?12:19
LjLaum___: err, i would of course if i knew how12:21
noordungWell, its #ayatana if anyone wonders.12:21
NimeshNeemag00se: this isn't an issue with the current releases of Ubuntu12:21
NfisherHi all! Im in need of a terminal-chat-tool with which i can chat to a friend of mine over the net.. any recommendations?12:21
LjLNfisher: chat over what protocol?12:21
=== zero is now known as Guest45165
NfisherLjL, i want a direct connection12:22
texashey yall12:22
NimeshNeemag00se: u can activate wireless drivers without a restart. Infact i have a Broadcom wireless chip as well12:22
NfisherLjL, like machine-to-machine12:22
texashey im having a crazy time with my broacom too12:22
beyondhey all12:22
g00seNimeshNeema: How current? I was using 11.412:23
NfisherLjL, pretty much like netcat but more handy, since netcat cuts of the other-one typing when one issues a line12:23
noordungg00se, type "sudo modprobe <driver name>"12:23
rom4everMonkeyDust: and nothing, only one disk12:23
Guest45165I am using oracle vmware on ubuntu12:23
noordungg00se, in the terminal, of course12:23
NimeshNeemag00se: 11.04 should work fine (as far as i remember)12:23
NimeshNeemaor u can boot from a pen-drive12:24
Guest45165I want 2 add wireless interface on this vm12:24
g00senoordung: I was going to try that but wasn't sure what the module was12:24
Guest45165is it possible to add12:24
texasi have 11.04 (fresh download) but i dont have acces to a ethernet cord just the wifi in the house12:24
texasso the only way i can get online is usuing a old 10.04 live cd12:25
noordungg00se, I use the wl broadcom driver, so sudo modprobe wl usually does it for me... you can "locate bcm | grep /lib/modules" to see what other bcm drivers there are :/12:25
Guest45165I am using oracle vm on ubuntu and I want to add wireless interface on this vm12:26
auronandaceGuest45165: oracle vmware? do you mean virtualbox? why do you need a wireles interface?12:26
Guest45165I added ethernet card on this vm12:26
ikoniaGuest45165: you won't be able to add the wirless card directly to the vm12:26
aum___LjL, then can you please tell me who knows...12:26
ikoniaGuest45165: you'll have to do a bridge12:26
g00senoordung: I wonder why the system claims to be 'downloading' it when it handles prop drivers?12:26
Guest45165ya auranadace12:27
Guest45165I have bridge12:27
LjLNfisher: i can't find anything like that, apart from a graphical "qchat" :\12:27
g00senoordung: (As if it really did, locate would fail)12:27
=== luigi is now known as Guest74601
NfisherLjL, me neither.. but i guess there has to be something liek it12:27
noordungg00se, hm... It must be trying all over then. BTW, make sure your Wifi's switch is on.12:27
Guest45165I run lspci  but wireless wasn't display it12:28
noordungg00se, how come?12:28
g00senoordung: Because the locate database wouldn't have been updated since the 'download'12:28
noordungg00se, "sudo updatedb" then ;)12:29
texaswhen i try to open jcoky for my drivers i get an error package indexes failed please check your network status  most drivers will not be available12:29
texasim seriously about to pull my hair out12:29
g00senoordung: I wonder how it downloads without a network connection though ? ;)12:29
noordungg00se, I wonder how you want them to work without having them installed. Or am I missing something?12:30
texasany one?12:30
noordungg00se, Usually you plug in a wired LAN, let it take care of that, and then see if the drivers work12:31
g00senoordung: Well i was thinking more of copying them if they were missing12:31
Guest45165any one help me out how to add wireless interface in oracle virtualbox12:31
noordungg00se, that *can* work, but it may take you a while to get all of the dependencies right.12:31
LjLNfisher: there is of course "talk", but it requires a daemon running12:31
FloodBot1loculinux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:32
noordungtexas, Jockey works over the Internet. You need to have a connection.12:32
texasthen why does it work when i use my old live cd12:33
NfisherLjL, yeah, i might read into talk a lil12:34
noordungtexas, it probably isn't. just telling you that it is.12:34
texasi dont have acces to a hard line12:34
g00senoordung: Yes. It would just be a way around no network problem. I'm guessing that the 'downloading' thing is false and that they're really in the ramdisk. If so, i'll try modprobing it, though i'm surprised about the 'system requires restart' business. But of course there could be firmware issues too...12:34
texasbtw im pretty green for future warning12:35
noordungg00se, "system requires restart" is an easy way of telling someone to modprobe :)12:35
noordungg00se, the kernel loads modules upon modprobe or restart.12:35
texasafter removing bmwl-kernal -source i used the one thats in the restricted folder on the cd and i cant activate it12:36
texasbecasue its not showing up on jockey12:36
g00senoordung: >>is an easy way of telling someone to modprobe Yes - slightly too dumbed down perhaps? ;)12:37
JneHello everyone.12:38
JneIs this a chan help for ubuntu ? )for newB like me ? )12:38
noordungg00se, no not really. From a design point of view, it's the best thing ever. Telling your normal office worker to open a terminal and write "sudo modprobe" is too difficult. Making a script that does that is too risky.12:38
texasJne know any thing about broadcom drivers12:38
theadminJne: Yes12:38
totalanonI've got a question for anyone who's willing to help. I've messed up something, it seems.12:39
James13433the only way to copy a dirstory to the ver root of my server /var/qmail would be with SSH right?12:39
JneSo can i read PDF v7 with xpdf on ubuntu 11.1 ?12:39
theadminJne: Why not try it? lol. xpdf reads pretty much everything. If not, try Okular.12:39
noordungtheadmin, everything PDF on linux is based on xpdf (pretty much)12:40
g00senoordung: Maybe, yes.12:40
JneThanks very much !12:40
theadminnoordung: Okular does things that other readers don't seem to do though. For instance it reads cbz. Who knows...12:40
totalanonI can't use apt-get anymore. I definitely screwed something up.12:40
LjLtotalanon: what's the error?12:40
g00seActually in most cases the system reports that it's installing 'Broadcom STA' drivers. I suppose that could cover more than just one module?12:40
texascan anyone help me to get my broadcom to work on my old compaq12:41
noordungtheadmin, it's PDF renderer is based on xpdf code (if not xpdf itself)12:41
totalanon'E:Type 'ain' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-gnome3-oneiric.list, E:The list of sources could not be read., E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'12:41
g00setexas: We're just talking about Broadcom12:41
LjLtotalanon: backup that file to somewhere else and remove it12:41
noordungg00se, get a connection because you cannot download drivers without any internet12:41
texasi saw that12:41
totalanonI tried adding a PPA, following a tutorial to make GNOME like ICS (Android 4).12:41
LjLtotalanon: mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-gnome3-oneiric.list ~/webupd8team-gnome3-oneiric.list.backup12:42
texasbut came in at a point where i was lost12:42
LjLtotalanon: then "sudo apt-get update"12:42
texasi can only get online using a old live cd12:42
g00senoordung: But this is where we came in ;) They must be already there as the system 'downloaded' them with no net connection - or did it?12:42
texasits a 10.04 lts12:42
noordung!broadcom g00se, texas12:43
ubottunoordung: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:43
noordungoh crap12:43
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:43
noordungg00se, texas ^^12:43
theadminnoordung: It's !fact | name12:43
noordungtheadmin, thanks :)12:44
g00seOK, thanks. I'll take a look. In my case, at least, live raises the bar12:44
texasi have been through that thing 1000 times if once12:44
texasive done the ofline steps12:44
texasand nothing12:44
noordungtexas, 1. Have you established a connection to the Internet on the machine you want the drivers installed?12:44
texasi only have acess to wifi12:45
AdvoWorkif im doing su user  and then mysql .......  how can I find out exactly what path its using to call mysql?12:45
totalanon@LjL It says permission denied for that file.12:45
texasbut i can get it going with a live cd12:45
LjLtotalanon: use sudo12:45
texasso no i have not for the 11.04 that is installed12:45
theadminAdvoWork: which mysql12:45
noordungtexas, then I don't know how much more can you do. Offline help is difficult for the dependencies. The driver needs to be built for the specific kernel. It won't work from other kernels.12:46
texasyeah i know if i could hook it up i could fix it12:46
texasbut i dont have a way12:47
llutz_AdvoWork: why do you run mysql as root? "mysql -u root -p"12:47
llutz_AdvoWork: ignore me12:47
noordungtexas, sorry. try and download the packages on a thumb drive, and install them manually on the machine. but that can be tricky. are you sure you cannot find any place where you can connect a LAN cable with internet to your computer?12:48
glebihanllutz_, you actually had a point even though he's not running as root12:48
auronandace!test  | ubuntuDan12:48
ubottuubuntuDan: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )12:48
Guest45165can  wireless interface  manage though script like ifcfg-wlan012:51
texasive done that to no avail when i try to open additonal drivers it it gives me an erron and come up blank12:51
icerootGuest45165: iwconfig12:51
Peste_BubonicaHi... variants of Ubtunu, like Lubuntu uses normal software repositories, as the main version12:51
icerootPeste_Bubonica: is that a question?12:52
Guest45165ya iceroot12:52
Peste_BubonicaI mean: I will receive software updates, as normal as the normal versions?12:52
llutz_Peste_Bubonica: all use se same repos12:52
icerootPeste_Bubonica: yes12:52
Peste_Bubonicaim a new user at ubuntu, and im intersting in use LXDE..12:52
Peste_Bubonicathanks for the answer12:52
icerootPeste_Bubonica: just an info about the next release, while the next release is lts (5 years support) the lubuntu version will not be supported on all packages12:52
Guest45165I run this command but it shows no wireless extensions12:53
icerootPeste_Bubonica: but they all use the same repos and packages12:53
g00setexas: Look at the link above under "For temporary use with the LiveCD and LiveUSB environments.."12:53
g00seThanks folks12:53
Guest45165I run iwconfig command but it shows no wireless extensions12:54
Peste_Bubonicaiceroot, so, what you recommend, use xubuntu instead?12:54
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Peste_BubonicaI dont want to use the full gnome version... I will use only for java devepment, etc12:55
Peste_Bubonicabecause that, im seeking for a lightweight version12:55
theadminPeste_Bubonica: How about the server edition?12:55
icerootPeste_Bubonica: no using lubuntu is a good idea12:56
Peste_Bubonicatheadmin, im new on ubuntu... :)... im coming from gentoo12:56
icerootPeste_Bubonica: but you will only have 18 month of support (of the lxde packasges) with 12.0412:56
theadminPeste_Bubonica: You can use the server edition and apt-get install, say, openbox12:56
Peste_Bubonicaiceroot, hmmm..12:57
Peste_Bubonicabut this version will not be discontinued?12:58
PedroGomeshi, shouldn't this mean that whit an apt-get update and install, I should be able to install the the ganglia-monitor without errors ?13:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 854866 in ganglia (Ubuntu Oneiric) "some ganglia packages won't install because of useradd" [High,Fix committed]13:00
fil_iceroot, what does 'no support' actually means? an existing program doesnt get an update or it does but the update doesnt guarantee safe usage?13:00
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auronandacefil_: no more updates, bug fixes or technical support13:07
auronandacefil_: essentially it means use at your own risk, if something goes wrong we can't help you13:08
theadminfil_: No updates. You also can't install anything (the repositories will just go down)13:09
fil_auronandace, thanx13:10
icerootfil_: "no support" means that there are no security-updates or bugfixes13:10
iceroot!eol | fil_13:10
ubottufil_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:10
icerootfil_: "end of life" is a better description then "no support"13:10
texashey guys i wanna try a irc on a network not listed under the connect drop down13:10
iceroottexas: /connect network13:10
fil_iceroot, the admin : thanx13:11
fil_is there a way to get these information through terminal?? If repositories are  down or up to when my distro is Still-Alive ? :)13:12
icerootfil_: the tome of support?13:12
icerootfil_: apt-cache show packagename   there is a field called support and normally have the value 18m13:12
icerootfil_: apt-cache show vim   gives me Supported: 5y13:13
icerootfil_: the length of support depend on the ubuntu version, normal ubuntu versions have 18 month, lts releases (until 10.04) have 3 years (desktop packages), 5 years cli packages, 12.04 will have 5 years for everything (but not lubuntu packages)13:15
icerootfil_: and there are also repositories which dont have the full length of support (imo universe and multiverse)13:15
fil_iceroot: i am running 'show vim' and it says 18m (ubuntu 10.10).. vlc says nothing about supporting.. but i get the picture... thanx! Although i am still in a dilemma concerning upgrading the distro (i dont like gnome 3 & unity :))13:18
fil_thanx guys..13:18
jigijigiNo wireless extension.what does it mean?13:18
auronandacefil_: there are other desktop environments13:18
aum___LjL, thanks for your support, the solution of my problem was to edit a line in grub.cfg --> " console= tty1" :)13:19
auronandacefil_: my favourite is xfce13:19
_furyDid anyone use glx-gears -stereo?  It gives an output but it does not look 3D.13:19
ikoniaglx gears is 3d13:19
LjLaum___: oh. i grepped for "tty" in /etc/ and /boot/ but couldn't quite spot it.13:20
sattu94you mean 3D 3D or just 3D.. ?13:20
iceroot!info vlc13:20
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.12-2~oneiric1 (oneiric), package size 1375 kB, installed size 3516 kB13:20
_furyikonia do you have shutter glases and tested it?13:20
icerootfil_: vlc is in "universe" which is not supported13:20
icerootfil_: universe is managed by the community and not canocial, normally you get also 18month support but that is not 100% sure13:20
VoolooI have like 10 kernel selections in grub at boot, how do I reduce this to 3 at most?13:21
_furyikonia im trying to get it working for 2 days now :(. It would be great if you could help me :).13:21
theadminVooloo: Remove old kernels13:21
fil_auronandace: true... i should not say what i dont like, but i should say what i do like (gnome 2.x).. do you know how i can in install xfce but without any apps besides the one i do have already?? just the GUI?? i am running a stripped down version of ubuntu and i would like to keep it that way...13:22
theadminfil_: Then just "sudo apt-get install xfce4", what's the problem?13:22
fil_theadmin: doesnt this install also basic programs included in xfce??13:23
theadminfil_: Well, yeah, XFCE can't work without those :/13:23
_furyIs anyone here who got glxgears -stereo working?13:24
theadminfil_: "xubuntu-desktop", on the other hand, will install everything the XFCE edition of Ubuntu comes with (which is a lot more)13:25
fil_theadmin: "Xfce also provides numerous additional applications and plugins so you can extend your desktop the way you like, for example a terminal emulator, text editor, sound mixer,ical etc"... i mean without these..13:25
theadminfil_: Uh, okay, let me search for it13:25
theadminfil_: I can't find any other way around it13:26
fil_theadmin: i would like to keep, for example nautilus in gnome, but whatever xfce uses when i login with xfce(or nautilus again).. from what i understand i might have problems with different file manages co-existing in the same system... and since it is a stripped down edition, who knows what kind of error might come up:(13:27
theadmin!purexfce | fil_: You're still going to need those anyway, so just follow this guide13:28
ubottufil_: You're still going to need those anyway, so just follow this guide: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »13:28
fil_theadmin: thanx for the effort and information!!!13:28
auronandacefil_: nautilus and thunar can co-exist fine as far as i know13:29
Picifil_, theadmin: Just don't install the suggests for the xfce4 metapackage and you should be fine.13:29
theadminPici: "suggests"? Sorry, I forgot how APT functions. Is that the "optional dependencies"?13:29
robinducketttheadmin: yes13:30
_apostate_what about just installing xfce4-panel and xfce4-session?13:30
Picitheadmin: essentially. The xfce4-goodies package has a lot of the extra bulk that isn't really needed to have a functioning xfce4 desktop.13:30
theadminPici: I know, but, say, Thunar is not in the -goodies, but in xfce413:30
totalanonwebupd8team/gnome3 doesn't want to work for me. Any idea why?13:32
auronandace!dontwork | totalanon13:32
ubottutotalanon: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.13:32
totalanonIt eats all my food and then begs for money to go out.13:33
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totalanonBut really, I try to add the repository and it adds it to sources.list.d, but says in terminal that it remains unchanged at the end of doing it.13:34
m4kHow to install oneiric packages maverick13:34
bazhangm4k, you dont13:34
OerHeksm4k, not13:34
auronandacetotalanon: repo? so it is a ppa then?13:35
totalanonAye, it is.13:35
auronandacetotalanon: ppas aren't supported here13:35
totalanonHm. Well, just thought someone might possibly know.13:35
m4kI updated the kernel of maverick to oneiric now virtualbox not woking13:36
auronandacem4k: if you updated just the kernel then i'm not surprised13:37
fil_theadmin, pici : thanx ppl for the information...13:37
LjLm4k: that was FAR from a good idea.13:37
theadminm4k: You have to reinstall vboxdrv: sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup13:37
LjLm4k: revert back to the Maverick kernel if you want any support.13:37
theadminLjL: Virtualbox works just fine even on the 3.2 kernel, you just have to deal with vboxdrv manually13:37
LjLtheadmin: ok, his system is still unsupported though ;)13:38
theadminLjL: Huh... Indeed. Updating the kernel alone is weird13:39
m4kI want just upgrade the vb13:39
AivardI'm sorry. I have a question here. I'm a beginner though13:39
theadminAivard: Just ask.13:39
AivardI downloaded the GNOME desktop environment, with extra componets13:39
Aivardfrom the software center13:40
jutnuxAivard: Go on...13:40
theadminAivard: Okay. Please try to keep all of the question on ONE line, so it's actually readable13:40
Aivardthen I removed it. are all the cache completely  removed from my computer?13:40
m4kIs possible to install libreoffice in maverick ?13:41
ubuntu_how are you noha13:41
garymci dont seem to be having much success editing a file using Vi or VIM13:41
garymchow is the best way to edit a file13:42
garymcin putty13:42
jutnux !best | garymc13:42
ubottugarymc: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:42
nohaWhat is this irc ?13:42
jutnuxgarymc: Nano is good, however.13:42
garymcI forgot about that ione13:42
ubuntu_sry but what is the full form of irc13:42
jutnuxubuntu_: internet relay chat, now stay on topic please.13:42
ubuntu_from which country ?13:43
nohaI am a noob.13:43
jutnuxubuntu_: What are you talking about?13:43
ubuntu_what do you mean by noob13:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:43
ubuntu_ooh me too for ubuntu13:44
ubuntu_you are male or female ?13:44
m4kIs posble to install libreoffice in maverick13:44
nohaI don't know.13:44
ubuntu_what do you mean ?13:44
LjLplease, keep this about Ubuntu support13:44
jutnuxubuntu_: Stay on topic13:45
DJonesubuntu_: noha: This channel is a support channel for the Ubuntu operating system, if you have a question about that, please ask in the channel, or use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat13:45
nohaI don't know .13:45
ubuntu_byee then13:45
nohaHow can I came here back then ?13:46
m4kIs possible to install libreoffice in 10.1013:46
jutnux!repeat | m4k13:46
ubottum4k: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:46
AivardI'm sorry. When I install something from the Ubuntu Software Center and removed it, will all the caches be removed as well? as for my example, I installed GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. Will it be completely wiped out after I remove it? I'm using Ubuntu 11.10.13:47
jutnuxm4k: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-LibreOffice-in-Ubuntu-10-10-and-Ubuntu-10-04-177762.shtml13:47
icerootAivard: cache is something different then components13:47
icerootAivard: please be more specific13:47
SLayeRDKnoha: /join #ubuntu-offtopic13:48
fil_Aivard: he probably means autoclean or the --purge option13:48
fil_iceroot:  he probably means autoclean or the --purge option.. wrong recipient earlier..sorry :)13:50
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Aivardfil_: I really don't know what is - -purge :P13:54
Aivardi'm super noob here13:54
MonkeyDustAivard  noob is not a nice word13:54
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ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.13:55
Aivardi'm really sorry13:55
private_metaFunny how you can circumvent the Wikipedia SOPA protest by just disabling wikimedia.org javascript13:56
phibxrprivate_meta, the Wikipedia article actually states why you are able to do it.13:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:56
private_metajutnux: how is noob an acronym?13:58
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jutnuxprivate_meta: I don't know, nor do I care - but what I do know is that it is not welcome in this channel.13:58
LjLprivate_meta: how is this ontopic?13:58
eein_can anyone recommend a hdd diagnostic program or do you just use smartctl?13:59
jutnuxLjL: I've told him as well.13:59
Tm_Teein_: that's what I use13:59
LjLeein_: they're all kind of equivalent when it comes to SMART data, after all it's always the same data coming from the HDD... so yes, i just use smartctl. the only thing i can think of in addition would be something that tracks SMART data over time.14:00
eein_Tm_T, what about if the drive isn't performing well but hasnt generated errors14:00
eein_like measuring its speed14:00
Aivardhow do I completely remove an application I installed from Ubuntu Software Center from my computer? Does the Remove button in the Ubuntu Software Center enough of a removing?14:01
eein_randoms seeks etc14:01
fil_Aivard : what do you mean cache?? maybe you can check in google 'apt-get remove --purge package' or 'sudo apt-get autoclean autoremove'. Check in google BEFORE using them to see if this is actually what you want  to do14:01
LjL!info bonnie++ | eein_14:01
ubottueein_: bonnie++ (source: bonnie++): Hard drive benchmark suite.. In component main, is optional. Version 1.96 (oneiric), package size 69 kB, installed size 236 kB14:01
Aivardfil_: Thank you :)14:01
eein_LjL, thanks i'll give that a look14:02
fil_Aivard: hope i helped.. the thing is IF these are the commands you need, they are run through a terminal... i dont use software center so i dont know how to do it there, probably there is an option14:02
elo_anyone know if its easy to install ubuntu on an ASUS EEE PC 1011PX ?14:07
icerootelo_: normally there should be no problem14:08
eein_elo_, nope but i would try to liveboot it first14:08
iceroot!hardware | elo_14:08
ubottuelo_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:08
dr3mrohey . is it acceptable to  create a post install script to add a new ppa in a user system ?? i am maintaining an application on launchpad and did change the ppa to a new ppa and the old is depricated now and i did changed the info about the ppa but users right now using the old one can i make postinst script to make the move ?? or that wont be acceptable ?14:09
_cbwant to boot from a into a hypervisor and have the hypervisor load a Windows 7 VM. What hypervisor should I look at. Any distro better for this  than ubuntu server?14:09
MonkeyDustdr3mro  rather inform the users that a new version is available for download14:10
auronandacedr3mro: ppas are unsupported here, so if there is a problem with the ppa then we won't be able to help them (aside from advising them to remove the ppa)14:11
elo_im obviously kinda new to linux. but if i plug in a usb wireless network card into an ubuntu machine. does it have to have some specific drivers for it to work ?14:11
robinduckettelo_: sometimes14:12
robinduckettit may require the original windows drivers and ndiswrapper14:12
menguhi. i am setting up two screens but this is how it changes after that http://i.imgur.com/E979y.jpg14:13
menguhow can i fix this?14:13
robinduckettelo_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NDISwrapper14:13
elo_so it would not be that hard really to just get ahold of the windows driver and get it to work ?14:13
mengui think it is removing the theme14:13
elo_oh ndiswrapper. i see14:13
auronandacemengu: i don't use unity but i've seen plenty of people complain about multi monitor support14:15
elo_in what cases would i have to use ndiswrapper ? O_o14:15
ikoniacanonical are working hard to improve multi display support14:15
auronandaceelo_: when there are no linux drivers14:15
bazhangelo_, for the eeepc? hardly likely14:15
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alkelieis there a way to add empathy to the tray in gnome-3?14:16
auronandacemengu: using nvidia and xfce, my 2 monitor setup is working great14:16
menguauronandace: it definitely sucks.14:16
elo_bazhang. yeah well i was thinking on connecting an external wifi antenna and for that i need a usb wifi card. so i just asked myself. perhaps ubuntu wont recognize the usb wifi. i really have no idea :)14:17
ikoniaelo_: doesn't your machine already have a wirless network card in it ?14:17
bazhangelo_, the eeepc has an internal wifi already14:18
cyclicfluxWhats happening fellow tech-enthusiasts14:18
elo_ikonia yes it does. but it doesnt have a rp-sma connector14:18
jasefcyclicflux: This is a support channel, there's #ubuntu-offtopic for other chat :)14:18
ikoniaelo_: do you need an external connection ?14:18
elo_for the external antenna. to boost the signal strength14:18
ikoniaelo_: do you think it will make a big difference ?14:19
elo_actually i dont know. but an external antenna should make a big difference compared to none at all14:19
ikoniaI can't see it personally making a big difference14:19
bazhangelo_, not really. it's quite good as is14:20
cyclicfluxI had a question. Its  kind of strange, on this machine I am using ubuntu 10.04, with gnome, and I have the monitor intermittently hibernate, and then not turn back on. When I leave the computer it hibernates, and then it is able to restore. However, interestingly enough while using it, it will intermittently hibernate and then it will not restore thereafter.14:20
elo_ikonia. what. :) are you saying an antenna in the eee pc is so good. it will not make any difference to connect an antenna ??14:20
bazhangelo_, do what you wish. won't make much of a difference though. and Ubuntu runs fine on those14:21
ikoniaelo_: I'm saying arials like that rarley make a difference in home user situations14:21
elo_not sure how you define home user. but i think i will get more range with an external antenna. and that was all i was saying :)14:22
auronandaceelo_: how much more range do you expect and how much do you need?14:23
elo_was thinking of building a yagi antenna. that would probably get me a few hundred meters14:25
satya how to give permissions for document root files to writable by ftp and apache users14:25
auronandaceelo_: few hundred meters? where do you plan to use it?14:26
elo_suburban like environment i guess i can call it14:27
sharky1i am setting the environment variable on ubuntu like that export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH and export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH, but it works only for the current shell. How do I make this global for all shell sessions?14:27
elo_im sorry my english is weak14:27
PolahIs it possible to remove packages like the GNOME Bluetooth packages without apt forcing the removal of gnome-shell and the like?14:27
linuxearthcan i merge pdfs using xournal?14:28
elo_well thanks for your time. bye14:29
lucaciao a tutti14:34
bazhang!it | luca14:35
ubottuluca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:35
caaakeeeyhey, is there a way to stop tar -zxvf removing periods from the file path when extracting?14:36
cyclicfluxDo you know how to configure gdm?14:38
ian_Ive installed 11.10 on a 12 inch Mac Powerbook G4, using a Precise Alternate PowerPC download, which I burned onto a DVD. I have two problems - 1) There are no desktop icons, and on Firefox Im getting dropouts or gaps on the pages. The System settings  seem to suggest that the Graphics Driver is unknown. 2) I cant connect to the internet wirelessly - the wireless symbol at the top of the screen tells me that I need firmware for a wireless connection to be establi14:39
ian_shed. Not sure what this means, but imagine that it has to do with Airport needing to be turned on. Where do I start? Ian14:39
bazhangian_, 12.04?14:39
trirnothUbuntu 10.04. Gnome 2.32.1 Way to force close a file manager (folder view) window? or restart gnome session without having to log out/ close all other applications?14:40
Bogdanieli'm having a problem with iptables when i restart the computer the save is not restored ( added the command for restore in rc.local) can someone help me ?14:40
LjLtrirnoth: "killall nautilus" should destroy all your file manager windows14:41
trirnothLjL: Cool. Thanks. Worked.14:41
englaian_: install firmware for your wifi, should be in the repository (I don't know what kind you have, maybe broadcom/b43?)  Then check if you can install the proper graphics driver14:42
LjL!br | ramon14:42
ubotturamon: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:42
trirnothBogdaniel: Check the options in /etc/network/interfaces. I've used   pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules14:43
ian_Thanks Engla. Ițm using a Netgear N150 router (Orange package deal) or are you referring to the Airport card in the Mac?14:45
englaian_: wifi card of course14:45
robinduckettI have two servers. I need them to expose one Samba share, but replicate data and samba configuration, passwords, etc to eachother just incase one dies14:45
robinduckettI was using CTDB and GlusterFS to do this14:45
ian_OK, thanks14:45
robinduckettdoes anyone know of any alternatives as CTDB/Samba/GlusterFS doesn't seem to allow user passwords to be distributed14:46
adomcan anyone help me with getting Dropbox working in Ubuntu? stopped working the other day and i cant tell why.14:50
robinduckettadom: reinstall it14:50
adomrobinduckett: did that. twice.14:50
adomafter hte install i do a "ps aux |grep dropbox" and there's nothing14:50
robinduckettadom: uninstalling the deb/pkg and reinstalling it isn't the same thing14:50
robinduckettcheck your .config or .local files for any leftover crap14:51
adomrobinduckett: please explain. what exactly should i do to uninstall first.14:51
adomshould i apt-get purge?14:51
robinduckettcheck there for crap leftover14:51
robinduckettthen you may want to check if it installed any libraries14:51
adomthose are both folders, should i just do a "find ~/.config" -iname "dropbox"?14:52
adomor do i need to grep the files?14:52
adomjust did find commands and grep commands for both .config and .local directories and nothing found14:53
yermandufopen: Permission denied14:54
elementzhi all. i have two wireless nics and need to create a private access point. i have created a bridge, but when trying to add a nic to the bridge via 'sudo brctl addif br0 wlan0' i get 'can't add wlan0 to bridge br0: Operation not supported'14:54
elementzis that even the proper way to do it? what i need is to provide wpa encrypted access point to a friend. my first try was by using network-manager, but that did not work at all14:55
elementzanyone got an idea what i could do?14:55
yermanduelementz: could be the card, could14:56
adomrobinduckett: how do i check if dropbox installed any libraries?14:56
elementzyermandu: hm. what makes you think so?14:56
yermanduelementz: because if connect more or less so, the card is most best probly issue14:57
AdminSetupHi...Any Software available to open a password protected rar file ? (I have forgotten my Password of rar)14:59
dubbei have a problem where i can't save edited information in network-manager, when changing a vpn-connection. It just doesn't save the changes (i can click on the save-button)14:59
AdvoWorkHi there, Whats the quickest method to search through a file, and return an email address if any exist in that file? there could be 0, 1 or more emails that match anything@anything. Any ideas please?15:00
iwannaflingpooif you live in America email your representation in congress today to tell them not to pass PIPA/SOPA15:00
bazhang!ot | iwannaflingpoo15:00
ubottuiwannaflingpoo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:00
LjLAdminSetup: not in the repos, but http://rarcrack.sourceforge.net/15:00
_nedRiwannaflingpoo: yeah.. Why don't you try not using the net for 24hours in protest like wikipedia15:01
LjLAdvoWork: something like "grep '\b[^@]+@[^.]+\.[^\b]+'"15:02
LjLAdvoWork: but i'm hardly a regexp master ;)15:02
alecatI have some troubles with ssh keys15:02
AdvoWorkLjL, thanks, ill have  aplay :)15:02
alecatevery user seems to need a key to log to my server now. Even the root15:03
ikoniaalecat: you can't login as root15:03
ikoniaalecat: the root account is locked/disabled by default in ubuntu15:03
alecatikonia, it's not really ubuntu15:03
alecatbut ssh is the sale15:03
LjLalecat: then why are you asking here...?15:03
madm1kehi, is there a way to query what packages a ppa/ressource provides?15:03
ikoniaalecat: then why are you asking in here15:04
ikoniaand why is LjL so fast15:04
jattwhat is sopa15:04
ikoniajatt: something that's nothing to do with this channels topic15:04
Picijatt: offtopic for this channel. Try #ubuntu-offtopic15:04
alecatikonia, come on it's *nix stuff15:04
ikoniaalecat: no, it's not, this is ubuntu stuff15:04
Picialecat: Use ##linux then.15:04
alecatforget about it15:05
alecatthank you15:05
_nedRjatt: a typo of soap.. your welcolm15:05
AdminSetup<LjL> I have downloaded the file...I dont know how to install it...Will you help ?15:06
fosa_hello, i'm trying to load a database into mysql and it gives me the error "incorrect database name"15:06
fosa_i type: mysql database.sql but it gives me the error message15:06
adomfosa_: #mysql15:07
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fosa_adom right thanks15:07
vBmHello, since i've upgraded to 11.10 i can't use remote control via VNC anymore ... I'm trying from windows7 to ubuntu 11.10 ... any hints what might be the problem ?15:07
LjLAdminSetup: first you need the package "build-essential" installed to compile it. "tar xf filename.bz2" to extract the archive, then "cd rarcrack-0.2" to go into its directory, then "make"15:08
_nedRhello.. i am getting BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5  errors for oneiric-security and oneiric-updates.. googling  provides a couple of solutions to get the keys.. but how do iknow that these errors are not some security warnings15:09
ix_is kde3 in the repos?15:09
LjLix_: no15:09
_nedRto some real threat15:09
LjLix_: but look into Trinity if you want it15:09
ix_I know, thanks15:09
ix_that servers fails a lot15:10
adomdropbox stopped working for me in ubuntu, can anyone help me find out why? can't find anything in log files by grepping for "*dropbox*".15:10
geirhaadom: Without the *s I hope15:10
adomgeirha: im dumb. thanks.15:11
adomwas thinking of find command15:11
adomonly thing that shows up is dpkg.log of installs. no errors.15:12
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AdminSetupLjL : Thanks :)15:17
_nedRi have gotten these BADSIG errors before and each time follow some instruction off the internet without understanding what they're (something about cache inconsistencies or something)... but how do i know whether i am not unwittingly installing malware15:18
adomso i installed dropbox from the .deb package from their site, how do i uninstall it so i can reinstall it?15:21
adomis there like a -u flag for .deb files?15:21
auronandace_nedR: the only way to prevent you doing anything unwittingly is to understand what you are doing (read and learn)15:21
LjLadom: you can use apt-get to remove packages installed with dpkg15:22
LjLadom: (anyway, dpkg -r)15:22
adomLjL: i tried "sudo apt-get purge dropbox" but it said no dropbox package found15:23
Lin-ESynaptic ?15:23
LjLadom: you very sure it's installed and has that name?15:23
icerootadom: dpkg -l \*dropbox\* | grep ^ii15:23
blitzkevI'm having trouble installing samba4 using apt-get15:23
icerootadom: that will show you al packages installed with dropbox in the name15:23
blitzkevim going to pastebin my errors15:23
adomwell, i guess it might not be fully installed, because ps aux |grep dropbxo returns nothing15:23
adomdpkg -l \*dropbox\* |grep ^ii15:24
adomwrong terminla >.<15:24
_nedRauronandace: thanks for reply... the google results provide only instructions without much explanations.. i am looking for some simple explanation which doesn't hopefully involve learning the entire architecture of deb package systems15:24
adomiceroot: nautilus-dropbox comes up15:24
flintwingel_nedR: it's not always easy to know whether or not you're installling malware. More likely in this case though is that you've added a new repository without adding the keys as well15:25
icerootadom: then hat package is installed15:25
sovereignentityI have ubuntu 10.04 installed with music on another drive how can i gett the path of that drive?15:25
adomiceroot: so if its installed, why cant i apt-get purge it?15:25
icerootadom: what is the output of "apt-get remove --purge nautilus-dropbox"15:26
icerootadom: why should that not work?15:26
LjLadom: the package that's installed is "nautilus-dropbox", not "dropbox" which you tried to purge15:26
_nedRflintwingel.. no i haven't done anything of the sort.. this seems to be the cause : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/2406115:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 24061 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "GPG error with apt-get/aptitude/update-manager behind proxy (BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5)" [High,In progress]15:26
PiciYou can't remove a random .deb that you've installed manually by using apt. The apt database won't know anything about it. Use dpkg instead.15:27
_nedRbut don't really understand what it means15:27
adomiceroot LjL: that did some good. nautilus-dropbox purged successfully. however, my problem was always with the daemon not running. ill see if that works now on reinstall.15:27
flintwingel_nedR: wow... thats an old one15:27
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_nedRits still an open bug15:28
auronandace_nedR: that bug report is for 12.0415:28
auronandace!12.04 | _nedR15:28
ubottu_nedR: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:28
g[r]eekHi fellas. We've got an Ubuntu server running on our LAN, which is plugged into our ADSL router. We also have 2 client laptops plugged into this router. When we connect to the router, we can access the internet from our clients. We can also ping the server by specifying its IP, ie: pine - however, despite the server being correctly mapped in /etc/hosts, we cannot access it in our browser, ie: http://apollo/ - but ping apollo15:29
g[r]eekworks. Any tips?15:29
Piciblitzkev: Take a look at some of the workarounds listed on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba4/+bug/83246515:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 832465 in samba4 (Ubuntu) "upgradeprovision: guess_names: 'realm =' was not specified in supplied /etc/samba/smb.conf. Please remove the smb.conf file and let provision generate it" [High,Triaged]15:29
ikoniag[r]eek: what OS are the clients running ?15:30
adomiceroot LjL Pici: before i attempt to reinstall from .deb pkg, should i first do "dpkg -r dropboxpkg.deb"?15:30
adomto remove previous package installed15:30
g[r]eekUbuntu and Windows ikonia15:30
Piciadom: without the .deb at the end.15:30
icerootadom: not dpkg -r foo.deb  just dpkg -r foo15:30
LjLadom: it doesn't seem to actually be installed, so no, but no harm trying15:30
ikoniag[r]eek: where (which machine) did you update /etc/hosts ?15:30
g[r]eekikonia, on Ubuntu client15:30
icerootadom: when "dpkg -l \*dropbox*\ | grep ^ii is not showing anything dropbox is not installed15:31
ikoniag[r]eek: can you access the server in your browser by IP address, eg:
adomok i understand15:31
alexandre_hello guys,  How can I make to run my applications anywhere by its binary name e.g. firefox %u15:31
ikoniag[r]eek: (or whatever the servers IP is)15:31
ikoniaalexandre_: echo $PATH - anything in those directories you just need to type the binary name15:31
stevegjacobswhere are images 'stored' in open stack? I thought they were in /var/lib/nova/images/ but on my system, that folder is empty..15:32
adomthis is weird15:32
alexandre_ikonia: thanks going to check it!15:32
blitzkevunfortunately the comments in this bug don't help very much since I don't already have a working smb.conf file from samba4-common-bin15:32
flintwingel_nedR: from a v. quick scan of the thread it looks like apt can have problems with repos that are accessed via web proxies.15:32
_nedRauronandace.. well i am on 11.10 and the first comments on the bug seem to be from 2005.. anyway see those instructions.. my question is: are they safe.. or could they do something like download some self-signed malware or something15:33
bobweaverhello there I install ubuntu 11.10 server and am alittle confused about  how to mange it publicly and ow to mange it localy could someone please help me thanks15:33
adomiceroot LjL Pici : when i open downloaded 32bit .deb file for dropbox, Software Center is saying "Sorry, 'nautilus-dropbox' is not available for this type of computer (i386)" but i KNOW this is a 32bit machine15:33
ikoniabobweaver: what are you not sure about15:33
adomyet Software Center still has an "install" button15:33
flintwingel_nedR: does this keep happening even after you're cleared down the apt cache as per the instructions in the thread15:33
icerootadom: output of "dpkg --print-architecture"15:34
_nedRflintwingel: no15:34
adomiceroot: i38615:34
_nedRit has happened occasionally15:34
icerootadom: ok then its 32bit15:34
adomthis is an optiplex 360, we use all 32bit optiplexes for our workstations15:34
icerootadom: output of "sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox"15:34
bobweaverikonia: so I installed ubuntu server ad ticked lamp and ssh open I when into /etc/ssh/ssh_config and changed the port number and everything is great there but when I go to the ip address of the server it does not show up on a network outside of my own15:35
_nedR_nedR: thats probably because the ISP i am using now puts us behind a proxy15:35
adomiceroot: E: Unable to locate package nautilus-dropbox15:35
_nedRoops sorry for talking to myself15:35
icerootadom: output of "cat /etc/issue" and "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"15:35
bobweaverad| ans15:35
vitehi youall15:35
iceroot!paste | adom15:35
ubottuadom: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:35
flintwingel_nedR: I wouldn't be too concerned in that case. You have to work hard to install a package from an unsigned repo15:35
Piciiceroot: He said that he downloaded the .deb file from dropbox's website.15:35
bobweaveraghhh sorry about my fat fingers15:35
ikoniabobweaver: what IP address are you using to access it ?15:35
vitewhat is the command to install the sound driver on ubuntu 11.10 server15:36
MonkeyDustadom  try apt-cache search dropbox15:36
icerootPici: and what does that have to do with "nautilus-dropbox"?15:36
icerootadom: what are you doing exactly?15:36
bobweaverikonia:  it is in the local 192.1.blah15:36
ikoniabobweaver: ok - so thats why you can't access it outside your network, that is a private network15:37
MonkeyDust192.168.blah, you mean15:37
Piciiceroot: That may be the name of the package that dropbox's website has, however only oneiric and precise have that in their repos.15:37
bobweaverikonia: do you know how to use apache2 and /etc/host to fix it add domain name keep it local15:37
_nedRflintwingel: so the workaround commands do not potentially open me to any vulnerability?15:38
bobweaverikonia:  I want to keep local untill I figureit out15:38
adomsituation: dropbox worked for a long time, then stopped working. dropbox folder still there, but "ps aux |grep dropbox" showed nothing running. i assume the dropbox daemon isnt working. trying to reinstall dropbox (whether from .deb file from their site or from repos i dont care, but i dont see dropbox or nautilus-dropbox in repos)15:38
ikoniabobweaver: you want to resolve it by name locally, etc http://bob15:38
auronandace_nedR: they don't seem to15:38
ikoniabobweaver: is that what you want ?15:38
adomrunning ubuntu 10.0415:38
bobweaverikonia: yes change the local ip 192.168.blah .blah   to http:// somename15:38
adomer...10.10 i guess15:38
MonkeyDust!info dropbox15:39
ubottuPackage dropbox does not exist in oneiric15:39
flintwingel_nedR: no, they are just clearing out the corrupted information then forcing it to be refreshed15:39
ikoniabobweaver: how many clients are accessing this ? eg just your laptop or many ?15:39
_nedRok thanks thats what i wanted to know really.. i wondered whether the commands could potentially download some new fraudulent keys15:39
bobweaverthere will be about 5 people15:39
bobweaveronly on local15:39
adomMonkeyDust: im on maverick15:39
adomnot oneiric15:39
ikoniabobweaver: the easy way is to just put the machines IP/name in their local /etc/hosts file15:39
ikoniabobweaver: that would be the most simple and fast approach15:40
MonkeyDustadom  maybe you have to download dropbox from the website15:40
adomMonkeyDust: i have. i have the .deb file.15:40
bobweaverikonia: I read about virtualHost with apache215:40
ikoniabobweaver: you don't need that15:40
MonkeyDustadom  and did you install it?15:40
ikoniabobweaver: just put the hostname/ip address in the host file on the clients and you will be fine15:40
adomMonkeyDust: however, when opening with Ubuntu Software Center, it says not available for this type of computer (i386). problem is, this IS an i386 computer.15:41
adomwhats also weird is that even though the software center says that, there's still an Install button15:41
adomshould i go ahead and click it?15:41
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MonkeyDustadom  can you not open it without something other than software center?15:42
adomMonkeyDust: give me something to try and ill do it. im not super familiar with using dpkg from the command line15:42
g[r]eekikonia: regarding your question - "can you access the server in your browser by IP address, eg:" - the server's name is apollo, and when I try access its IP via my browser it tries to forward to www.apollo.com15:43
MonkeyDustadom  try dpkg -i [package] <-- -i stands for install15:43
adomMonkeyDust: i must do that from within the folder with the .deb file right?15:44
MonkeyDustadom  yes, or include the path in the file name15:44
mneptokadom: are you running the x86-64 or i386 version of Ubuntu?15:45
MonkeyDustadom  use TAB to complete the filename15:45
mneptokadom: i386 packages will often require lots of i386 dependecies to run on x86-6415:46
adommneptok: this is 32bit/i38615:47
mneptokg[r]eek: using the name "apollo" will not work unless you have a DNS server inside your network that knows who "apollo" is, and all the machines are using that DNS server15:47
mneptokadom: what package?15:47
adommneptok: what do you mean what package? do you mean what distribution/version of ubuntu? meerkat 10.1015:48
mneptokadom: what package are you trying to install?15:48
MonkeyDustadom  what's the outcome of uname -i15:48
adomMonkeyDust: uname -i returns "unknown"15:49
adombut i think dropbox is working now15:49
adomits syncing correctly15:49
MonkeyDustadom  how did you do it?15:49
adomMonkeyDust: first checked through ~/.config and ~/.local for anything dropbox, found a couple lines that said start required and restart required, deleted them, did sudo apt-get purge nautilux-dropbox, then just the dpkg -i line to install from .deb.15:50
adomin retrospect, prob shouldve done the purge first, then grep around for leftovers to delete.15:51
adommeh, worked15:51
adomLjL Pici MonkeyDust [everyone else] : thanks for the help15:51
MonkeyDust\o/ now you're the expert15:51
g[r]eekmneptok, ok thanks. Does that fact that we've installed dnsmasq on apollo help at all? Currently our ADSL router that connects us to the internet is where we get our nameservers from - but yes these are for public / internet websites and don't include our local server apollo15:52
mneptokg[r]eek: most consumer routers include a DNS server. tell the router to use a public DNS. setup names and static IPSs in the routing tables for hosts that need it, and tell local machines their DNS is the router.15:53
mneptok^^ like so ^^15:54
akpkHow to instal chess in ubuntu ??15:54
akpkHow yo install Chess in Ubuntu 11.10 ??15:54
LjLakpk: Software Center will certainly give you a few chess programs.15:55
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akpkLjL : But I wanna install it through terminal15:55
LjLakpk: then "apt-cache search chess", find one you like, and "sudo apt-get install one-you-like"15:55
OmarHi all.15:56
OmarI have this problem with my Broadcom 4313 [14e4:4727] Wireless chipset which I later discovered is not supported, unfortunately. But I still think there should be something I can do about it. Can someone please help me?15:56
akpkLjL : Thank you15:56
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eXeC001erWhat can i use to repeat functionality of packages.ubuntu.com for my local repository?15:58
chromaticwtis there a way to disable lightdm?16:02
chromaticwtI want to use startx to start my wm.16:03
g[r]eekmneptok, ok that makes sense. This is where it gets tricky however. Basically, we want wildcard subdomains to work on our LAN server. So if we go http://sub1.apollo/ and http://sub2.apollo/, our Apache's configuration (which is configured to handle VirtualHosts), knows to handle the subdomains. The only way we managed to get this wildcard to work (by wildcard I mean not having to configure each subdomain in our clients' /etc/hosts files),16:03
g[r]eek was by installing dnsmasq on the LAN server. So yes, if we configure each subdomain manually in /etc/hosts, then it works no problem. But we have hundreds of these subdomains and so as you can imagine, configuring each on manually on each of our clients' /etc/hosts files is tedious. Does that make sense?16:03
skilzHow do I change the login theme?16:04
skilzThink I'm using lightdm16:05
Ivozis there any particular reason that ubuntu decides to run like **** whenever I transfer large files between hard drives?16:07
MonkeyDustIvoz  rsync is faster than cp16:08
ikoniaIvoz: if you have to star out a word, just don't use it please16:08
sskalnikIs DKMS only for .ko and .o files, or can it be used to re-compile additional files when the ABI changes? E.g., can it be used to trigger re-compilation of a kernel module and a daemon that goes with it?16:09
g[r]eekmneptok, I've gota dash, but I'll stay here, if you would be so kinda as to send me a private message if you happen to know the answer to my previous question, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks16:09
sovereignentityIs this the correct command for a symlink16:10
sovereignentity mklink /J /media/Music16:10
Dualityomfg wikipedia doesn't work!!!16:10
LjL!ot | Duality16:10
ubottuDuality: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:10
sipiorsovereignentity: "ln -s"16:10
LjLsovereignentity: no, "ln" is the symlink command16:10
sovereignentitydistrowatch dosent work16:11
joe__rebelwhat do I need to do to register for a particular channel16:11
LjL!register > joe__rebel16:11
ubottujoe__rebel, please see my private message16:11
skilzHow do I change the login theme?16:12
g[r]eekmneptok, FYI - this explains our wildcard subdomain requirement and why we installed dnsmasq - http://serverfault.com/questions/118378/in-my-etc-hosts-file-on-linux-osx-how-do-i-do-a-wildcard-subdomain - but yes, my previous question still stands. Thanks16:16
xslHi all, there are no seahorse-plugins for oneiric ? how do I have context menu in nautilus to encrypt files with gpg ?16:18
caoticis there a way to get a list of all the packages i have manually isntalled via apt-get ?16:21
w3bg33kI have a VM that's running Ubuntu 10.04...I want to add a CPU to it, but I'm wondering if the OS will recognize it.  Or is there something I have to do for it?16:21
sipiorcaotic: "dpkg -l"16:21
xslcaotic: dpkg --list16:23
caoticw3bg33k: I think it will be fine, linux allways does hardware recongnition at boot16:23
caoticw3bg33k: hardware does not work when there is no drivers for it, so cpus is most likely supported :P16:24
caoticxsl: sipior : thanks16:24
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nak_please how can i create an acoount e-mail in thunderbird ?16:31
nak_i don't konw server names16:32
henbasalut bonsoir quelqun pourai maider svp16:32
Pici!fr | henba16:32
ubottuhenba: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:32
James13433Anyone know how too merge two directorys with ssh16:32
henbaoui fr dsl je suis novice je vien de DL xchat et connais pas tro16:32
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LjLhenba: /join #ubuntu-fr pour converser en français, ici seulement anglais16:33
henbaok merci16:33
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nak_please how can i create an acoount e-mail in thunderbird ?16:34
oscar76hey, has anyone here heard of the SOPA innitiative?16:34
Pici!ot | oscar7616:35
ubottuoscar76: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:35
Thiago_MagalhaesJames13433, what you mean with "merge two directorys" ?16:35
MonkeyDustoscar76  type /join ##sopa16:35
oscar76Thanks MonkeyDust16:36
oscar76I wanna know more about it16:36
LiroXIVOkay, question: I have a computer lab here. Two computers are hooked to a router (only one runs Ubuntu, but both use NetworkManager), but do not access the internet.16:36
LiroXIVYet, I still want to connect them on a sort of LAN. What settings do I use?16:36
MonkeyDustLiroXIV  a router with modem?16:36
LiroXIVMonkeyDust: its not one of those.16:37
stjohnmedranogood day, i need help in my nokia bluetooth headset, ubuntu cannot detect the device, but it works fine with my android phone. thnx16:37
MonkeyDustLiroXIV  so without modem?16:37
LiroXIVI'm just helping set up a networking demo in a seperate lab here at school (yes, and I'm using Linux distros here; just to show off how good they are :D )16:38
LiroXIVyes, no modem16:38
MonkeyDustthe modem is to get you online, on the internet16:38
nak_please how can i create an acoount e-mail in thunderbird ?16:39
LjLLiroXIV: if the router serves DHCP, you should not need to use any particular settings16:39
MonkeyDustnak_  http://products.secureserver.net/email/email_thunderbird.htm16:41
MonkeyDustyes, the router is for NATting, but not to get you online16:41
LiroXIVMonkeyDust: I'm not gertting them online16:42
LiroXIVI'm just trying to get them to be able to connect to eachother16:42
LiroXIVMonkeyDust: I tried setting them both to link-local, but they're both showing the same IP address16:42
MonkeyDustLiroXIV  ok, i missed that part16:42
SpenserWildehi all.16:43
sovereignentityI now know how to make symbolic links16:43
LiroXIVMonkeyDust: should I just use static IPs?16:43
sovereignentitypat me on the back16:44
LjLLiroXIV: you should use static IPs only if the router doesn't serve DHCP16:44
MonkeyDustLiroXIV  DHCP provides IP addresses to each of the machines16:44
LiroXIVMonkeyDust: when I set them to DHCP, network manager both says they're disconnected16:44
LjLLiroXIV: then maybe the router doesn't serve DHCP. in that case, either set the router to serve DHCP, or configure statically.16:45
DoctorDHi all. I have ubuntu 10.04 and a laptop and my wireless doesn't work. it doesnt show me the wireless when i type ifconfig in the terminal..what is the problem? can someone help me?16:45
DoctorDalso, my video board doesnt seem to work properly16:45
SpenserWildeMy Broadcom 4313 [14e4:4727] isn't working properly. :/ It detects the wireless network (does not detect the whole signal though, just 80% of it at best) and the connection speed seems extremely slow.16:45
sovereignentityMonkeyDust, are those DHPC addresses static16:45
MonkeyDustDoctorD  try iwconfig16:45
MonkeyDustsovereignentity  no, D in DHCP means Dynamic16:46
sdousleyHi all,. I have an 11.04 machine that I've just put Windows XP on as a second OS.  Unfortunately, due to time restrictions, I had to do Ubuntu before XP, so now am Trying to work out how to get grub working with options.16:46
DoctorDMonkeyDust: it shows me 3 things: lo, eth0 and pan0. also it say between each other: no wireless extension16:46
MonkeyDustbut once a machine got an IP address, it won't change16:47
sdousleyI have grub working, so it now boots ubuntu, but not sure how to get it to add the Windows option16:47
MonkeyDustDoctorD  which OS's?16:47
DoctorDjust ubuntu 10.04 , now upgrading to 10.1016:47
theadminsdousley: It would normally autodetect it. Can you run "sudo update-grub"?16:48
DoctorDit is possible to work on 10.10 ?16:48
MonkeyDustDoctorD  sorry, i was addressing somebody else16:49
theadminDoctorD: Define that... It's possible to work on any OS, even DOS.16:49
sdousleytheadmin: ah, so it does :) that's cool.  And if I wanted to change the timeout? Would that be in /boot/grub/grub.cfg somewhere?16:49
DoctorDtheadmin: what do you mean?16:50
theadminsdousley: Yeah, but because this is Ubuntu with it's carefullness, you shouldn't edit the file directly, instead see /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/16:50
TechnicusHello, I have a pdf form that I was able to import with Libreoffice, however there are lines on the form that did not render after import.  Is there a way that I can tweek the import feature so that it picks up all the features of the pdf?16:50
theadminDoctorD: You asked whether it's possible to "work" on 10.1016:50
DoctorDyes..because on 10.04 it doesnt work16:50
DoctorDmaybe its not support16:50
sdousleytheadmin: ah, yeh, I meant /etc/default/grub actually from what I was readin :)16:50
theadminTechnicus: Yeah, get the sourcecode and edit it manually. Otherwise - no.16:50
DoctorDi have a samsung np300 laptop16:50
LiroXIVLjL: It's an old router. Anyway, my Sabayon computer DOES correctly configure DHCP. However, my Ubuntu Natty one is not16:51
WargasmI'm running ubuntu 11.10 with a lxde DE.  The battery monitor in lxde is stuck at 100% but the gnome power manager is working accurately.  Anyone know how I can fix the lxde battery monitor so it can work properly?16:51
theadminOh, Sabayon still exists? lol16:51
sdousleythat's looks like what I need thanks theadmin16:51
LiroXIVif it matters, the sabayon computer has a newer version of NetworkManager (the one from Gnome 3)16:53
DoctorDwhat i'll do ?16:53
DoctorDi'll be back with updates16:53
DoctorDafter i upgrade to 10.1016:53
WargasmI'm running a separate battery monitor so I can monitor my battery level lol16:53
DoctorDmaybe it will work :(16:53
theadminWargasm: Why not just disable the LXDE one and run batti or whatever it is you're running only?16:54
* AlecTaylor is IRCing through mIRC on WINE using Ubuntu LIKE A BOSS16:55
cautionwhat other shell variables are there like $RANDOM?16:55
cautionwhere can I find a list?16:55
theadmincaution: Type "export" to see most of the current values. However, certain "special" variables like $IFS and $RANDOM won't be listed16:56
MonkeyDust!bash| caution16:56
ubottucaution: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:56
Wargasmtheadmin: thats what I currently have going but it runs behind all my windows... its not in plain sight... its not too big of a deal, just wondering if someone knows a fix16:56
sovereignentityWill Ubuntu ever fully support the new intel chips16:56
theadminsovereignentity: Someday, sure.16:56
KRizAn00nAnyone help me? I'm using Lucid and everytime I start up firefox it wont open. there are no instances of firefox already running and typeing firefox in the terminal returns Bus Error16:56
cautiontheadmin: I want to know the special ones like $RANDOM that aren't listed16:56
theadmincaution: Okay, well, I don't know then16:56
sovereignentitytheadmin, great16:57
tortaI have a 9.10 version of ubuntu and I 'd like to upgrade to 11.00 but I don't know how exactly, some one could help me?16:57
theadminKRizAn00n: 1) is dbus running? 2) If it is, try removing ~/.mozilla and trying again. 3) If that doesn't help, switch to Chrome.16:57
theadminKRizAn00n: lol, the last part is a joke, no offense meant16:57
scottj_does this new itunes legit music thing where they give you legit versions of non-legit songs, does it look at the audio of the song or just the id3 tag? Anyone know if you can create a ton of empty mp3 files with the right id3 tags for songs you want?16:57
LjLcaution: they're all in a list in "man bash"16:57
cautionhow do I copy the current line without using the mouse in bash?16:58
LjLcaution: copy to the clipboard? don't think you can16:58
KRizAn00ntheadmin: dbus-daemon and dbus-launch are sleeping16:58
martian_scottj_: that's pretty far off topic.16:58
cautionshift+ctrl+c does it, but I can't work out how to select the text without the mouse16:58
theadminKRizAn00n: Fair enough. Okay, try removing the profile folder then16:59
scottj_martian_: agreed :)16:59
theadmincaution: You can't really do that.17:00
martian_scottj_: ...but clever; you should try it...but #ubuntu is the wrong place :)17:00
tortasomeone could help me?17:00
theadmincaution: Clipboard is an X thing, and X expects you to have a mouse17:00
KRizAn00ntheadmin: im new to linux, what is the command for removing?17:00
tortaI have a 9.10 version of ubuntu and I 'd like to upgrade to 11.00 but I don't know how exactly,17:00
sovereignentityIf OsX is based on unix and Linux is based on Unix why cant windows see the file system of both17:00
theadminKRizAn00n: rm... You want "rm -r ~/.mozilla"17:00
theadminsovereignentity: Windows isn't based on Unix :/17:00
LjLsovereignentity: ... what17:00
theadminsovereignentity: Also, Microsoft will do *everything* to make Windows INcompatible with Linux17:00
MonkeyDusttorta  easiest, fastest and safest way is to backup important files and do a fresh install17:00
KRizAn00ntheadmin: thanks, what does -r do?17:00
sovereignentitybut windows can see a mac drive17:01
theadminKRizAn00n: Allows removing folders (default is to only remove files)17:01
Wargasmtheadmin: lol, well said17:01
theadminKRizAn00n: Type "man COMMAND" to see detailed help on COMMAND. For instance, "man rm"17:01
theadminWargasm: ?17:01
LjLsovereignentity: uh no it can't, not when it's HFS formatted. anyway, Windows, Mac OS and Linux all use different filesystems.17:01
murfiedon't confuse it with "rm man" of course17:01
Wargasmthe admin: Also, Microsoft will do *everything* to make Windows INcompatible with Linux17:01
theadminmurfie: That won't do much17:02
KRizAn00ntheadmin: thanks, you type fast :S now do i sudo apt-get install firefox?17:02
theadminmurfie: That is, unless a file called "man" exists.17:02
theadminKRizAn00n: No, just start Firefox17:02
theadminKRizAn00n: That was a user-settings folder17:02
luketCan anyone comment on the possibility of backports being accepted for weechat & bitlbee? I happen to be stuck on 10.04 at work.17:02
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:02
theadminluket: // on the possibility of backports being accepted for weechat & bitlbee? I happen to be stuck on 10.04 at work.17:02
theadminluket: Sorry, couldn't hold back xD17:02
theadminluket: Never mind me, I'm crazy17:03
KRizAn00ntheadmin: no luck, all that happens is firefox-bin process starts and then goes away again after 5 seconds17:03
theadminKRizAn00n: Hmm... Is the system up-to-date?17:03
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theadminKRizAn00n: If it isn't, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade". Should fix potential bugs.17:03
KRizAn00ntheadmin: its been been upgraded17:04
KRizAn00ntheadmin: wait i'll do dist-upgrade17:04
theadminKRizAn00n: That's mostly same as "upgrade" except it does a smarter dependency resolution, won't do much if you're up-to-date17:04
MonkeyDusttorta  stop pm'ing me17:04
theadminMonkeyDust: /ignore torta PRIVMSG17:05
KRizAn00ntheadmin: im all up to date17:05
theadminMonkeyDust: There just are some people like that ;)17:05
theadminKRizAn00n: Okay, I'm out of ideas. Can you try the official Firefox build from their PPA?17:05
MonkeyDusttnx theadmin <317:05
KRizAn00ntheadmin: what sorry?17:05
theadminKRizAn00n: Ubuntu uses a modified Firefox version... You can install the official build (if you don't mind) to see if that will work17:06
theadminMonkeyDust: np17:06
KRizAn00nthe admin: what's the command?17:07
theadminKRizAn00n: Just a sec, gotta remember the address17:07
KRizAn00ntheadmin: ok, thanks17:07
theadminKRizAn00n: Okay, here:17:07
theadminKRizAn00n: echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/firefox-stable.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:08
* LjL looks at theadmin's way of adding a ppa, raises eyebrows, decides to say nothing17:08
theadminLjL: "add-apt-repository" doesn't work on older Ubuntu releases, better safe than sorry ;)17:09
KRizAn00ntheadmin: err im on a pc while typing to you, just tried copying it by eye, didn't work :S17:13
theadminKRizAn00n: Huh. It's supposed to work, at least.17:13
TechnicusDoes anyone have a suggestion for an opensource pdf editor?17:13
theadminKRizAn00n: Sure you didn't mistype anything?17:13
KRizAn00ntheadmin: anychance you could put it in a pastebin?17:14
theadminKRizAn00n: Sure thing17:14
NeverHeretheadmin, ?17:14
NeverHereme gusta17:14
theadminNeverHere: ?...17:14
KRizAn00ntheadmin: thanks17:14
nak_please how can i create an acoount e-mail in thunderbird with pop3 ??17:15
nak_client side17:15
javier_hi! Is it possible to install java under wine? I need to run a window's java application17:15
NeverHerejavier_, say what?17:15
NeverHerejava is universal >.>17:15
theadminjavier_: err, there is no such thing as a "Windows Java Application". Java is Java.17:15
NeverHerei thought17:15
isis___hello all, im in toruble loading GL, and my resolution is 1024x768 after an update, really sucks, I need some guidance....thanks17:15
StephenN(Technicus) OpenOffice 3 edits PDF's17:15
theadminKRizAn00n: http://paste.ubuntu.com/808787/17:15
NeverHereholy busy day today17:16
isis___Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0".17:16
theadminKRizAn00n: Sorry, that pastebin doesn't quite get lines right, but yeah, anyway, there you have it17:16
NeverHereso i am trying to make this .sh file to make it easier to start some bots running eggdrop, only problem is i keep getting a permission denied error17:17
NeverHereanyone got some hints for me?17:17
theadminNeverHere: Post the script?17:17
NeverHereone sec lemme open it ^^17:17
theadminNeverHere: Actually, permission denied on what?17:17
javier_neverhere, theadmin: I see... so, I have an application (Mesquite), which is .exe, but when I try to open it in wine, I get a java error. What can be happening?17:17
NeverHereaccess to the dir i think17:17
theadminjavier_: Ah, so it's a compiled Java app... err... odd.17:18
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KRizAn00ntheadmin: its all right.. returns No such file or directory deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu lucid main17:18
NeverHerethis is all screwy bc i been trying to make it work :s17:18
NeverHerecd egggdrop17:18
NeverHere./eggdrop NZNC.conf17:18
theadminHuh? This is weird17:18
theadminNeverHere: Not here, pastebin >.>17:18
NeverHereno pastebin :s17:18
theadminjavier_: Ahem. http://mesquiteproject.org/mesquite/download/installationUNIX.html17:19
codeshahhey guys, I want to redirect a bunch of URL requests to new ones… I was told this should be done in the virtual host config of apache. Can I do this in .htaccess instead?17:19
theadminjavier_: They haz Linux version.17:19
bradjEvery process that attempts to read a particular directory, say, foo, is ending up in state D - uninterruptible sleep.  What might cause this?17:19
bradjI can't even rm -rf the directory17:20
NeverHereany ideas theadmin ?17:20
theadminNeverHere: Is that the whole script? Do you have permissions to access all files/folders it reads?17:21
NeverHerei can start it manually17:21
NeverHerebut i want to do17:21
FloodBot1NeverHere: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:21
NeverHeresh <file.sh>17:21
KRizAn00ntheadmin: any ideas? maybe another browser I could dl?17:22
NeverHereFloodBot1, is a little slow17:22
theadminNeverHere: You can't run a bash script with "sh", you use "bash". Or simply make the file executable.17:22
NeverHereits on a unix shell17:22
theadminKRizAn00n: Chromium or Google Chrome. Great browsers, both of them (they're the same thing but Chromium is open-source)17:22
PiciNeverHere: So this isn't Ubuntu?17:22
NeverHeremebe not >.>17:22
theadminKRizAn00n: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser I beleive17:22
NeverHereidk where else to go to get help :s17:22
NeverHeregoogle fails17:23
theadminNeverHere: What does "lsb_release -sc" return? If this isn't Ubuntu we can't help17:23
PiciNeverHere: ##unix or ##linux or #yourdistro17:23
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NeverHereor just #unix?17:23
PiciNeverHere: I mean't what I said.17:24
gharzguys, how do i use my blackberry phone to tether my internet connection on ubuntu?17:24
nak_please how can i create an acoount e-mail in thunderbird with pop3 ??17:25
downbeamcan someone help me please?17:25
theadmindownbeam: Ask the real question first17:25
hydrogenous<r00t4rd3d> everyone join #ubuntu and say "Howard Sterns Penis" and then leave.17:26
hydrogenousin #reddit about 5 seconds ago17:26
KRizAn00ntheadmin: its installed ok and it works but still doesn't stop the fact i /hate google :L17:27
downbeamhydrogenous can you help me?17:27
theadminKRizAn00n: Well you can also try Konqueror if you want but don't expect Flash to work then17:27
theadmindownbeam: Don't ask random people. Just ask the question.17:27
KRizAn00ntheadmin: is there no patch?17:28
theadminKRizAn00n: Nah. I myself use Chromium and am fully satisfied.17:28
KRizAn00ntheadmin: thanks for your help17:29
kvgeorge1I need some help with ubuntu 11.10 dealing specifically with an audio issue and KDE.  I did not install kubuntu, just added KDE to Ubuntu.17:29
javier_theadmin: ah, linux version! great! I thought I checked that... thanks!17:29
NeverHereno one online in ##unix T.T17:29
magnus_so, im trying to forward a X11 window from another machine. I have connected to the remote host using ssh -X, but when i start apps, it states that it can't open display. any ideas?17:29
downbeammy lubuntu wont let me activate a driver.17:29
kvgeorge1My issue specifically is that the volume control on the keyboard only controls the system sound volume, not the volume for things like youtube and flash players in FF and Chrome17:30
xanguanak_: see your webmail isntructions17:31
kvgeorge1and this is only seen when using KDE plasma, not Gnome or Unity17:31
theadminkvgeorge1: Open kmix, set default channel to "Master" or "Speaker" (or "PCM" when using a laptop) Problem solved.17:31
kvgeorge1thought of that, but KMIX will not launch17:32
nak_please how can i create an acoount e-mail in thunderbird with pop3 ??17:32
kvgeorge1do I need to launch kmix as root?17:32
theadminkvgeorge1: No, you generally don't run anything graphical as root17:33
theadminnak_: Ask your e-mail provider. Not us.17:33
kvgeorge1getting weird errors for kmix: Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-kvgeorge1" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.17:34
kvgeorge1Error: "/tmp/kde-kvgeorge1" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.17:34
kvgeorge1Error: "/tmp/ksocket-kvgeorge1" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.17:34
kvgeorge1Error: "/tmp/kde-kvgeorge1" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.17:34
kvgeorge1kdeinit4: Shutting down running client.17:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:34
downbeamcan someone help me?17:34
mang0!ask | downbeam17:35
ubottudownbeam: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:35
karthick87Port 80 is blocked in ubuntu 10.10. How to release it?17:35
LjLdownbeam: try asking a question that makes sense, with all the relevant details17:35
ikoniakarthick87: it's not17:35
theadminkarthick87: It ain't. Check your router.17:35
downbeammy computer wont let me activate a driver!17:36
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LjLdownbeam: which part of "all the relevant details" wasn't clear? "A" driver? what driver? for what? what did you try? how did it fail?17:36
kvgeorge1anyone know how to reinstall kmix?17:36
LjLkvgeorge1: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install kmix" but i doubt that's your problem17:36
downbeamSorry, installation of this driver failed.17:37
downbeamPlease have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log17:37
NeverHeredownbeam, what drive?17:37
NfisherHI all! ive a little problem: a friend of mine wants me to connect to his ubuntu box via ssh... he sits behind a router and has no access to it in order to forward ports.. i sit behind a router and have the access to forward ports.. how can i establish a ssh-connection into his amchine?!17:38
llutzNfisher: http://www.howtoforge.com/reverse-ssh-tunneling17:39
israelNfisher: install ssh in the pc, and theres not problem with port 22 to pass trought17:41
theadminNfisher: You can't. Not unless he configures port forwarding.17:41
LjLor unless they use a VPN17:41
NeverHeretheadmin, for ssh from command correct command is ssh <host> -l <users> right?17:42
llutzNfisher: HE creates the reverse tunnel, YOU connect through it17:42
Nfisherso, is it possible or not?17:42
llutzNfisher: http://www.howtoforge.com/reverse-ssh-tunneling17:42
theadminNeverHere: ssh user@host17:42
llutzNfisher: read this follow this, done17:42
NeverHereah ok17:43
Nfisherllutz, yes but "theadmin" says its not possible.. and it didnt work17:43
llutzNfisher: it works17:43
Nfisher"Connection timed out"17:43
LjLNfisher: it's not possible for you to connect to his machine, it'll have to be his machine connecting to yours, but aside from that technical detail, it's possible for you to access his machine through a reverse SSH tunnel (see link) or by using VPN17:43
downbeami need to talk to some one smart17:43
NfisherLjL, oh ok17:43
Nfisheri see17:43
theadmindownbeam: You're not giving any details at all, what help do you expect?17:44
llutzNfisher: why do you think i post the link for you? just for fun?17:44
downbeamSorry, installation of this driver failed.17:44
downbeamPlease have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log17:44
bazhang!ati | downbeam17:44
ubottudownbeam: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:44
downbeamSorry, installation of this driver failed.17:44
downbeamPlease have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log17:44
Nfisherllutz, u crazy? i followed it, but it didnt work... i told u17:45
LjLdownbeam: did you have a look at the log file for details?17:45
Nfisherllutz, and it still doesnt17:45
llutzNfisher: then you/he made it wrong, reverse tunneling works17:45
pangolinNfisher: if that is too much you can use teamviewer which handles all the forwarding for you, it will need to be installed on both machines.17:45
Nfisherllutz, thats possible :)17:45
downbeamLjL how do i look at log files?17:45
Nfisherpangolin, thx17:45
LjLdownbeam: type "cat /var/log/jockey.log" in a terminal17:45
llutzNfisher: HE creates the reverse tunnel to YOUR machine which needs sshd running and being accessible from WAN, then YOU connect through it17:45
Nfisherllutz, ok17:46
tudor32how can i delete read only files from an external card..i keep receiving this error when deletin.. i use ubuntu 11.1017:46
pangolinNfisher: I recommend you use teamviewer 6, when I last tried the version 7 beta i had problems.17:46
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Nfisherok thx folks17:47
Nfisherill try a lil here17:47
LjL!pm | downbeam17:47
ubottudownbeam: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:47
pippo_&&/EXEC wget http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft/Software/Linux/buduscript/buduscript_3566_2808.tar. gz tar xvzf buduscript_3566_2808.tar.gz -C $HOME/.xchat2 && cd $HOME/.xchat2/buduscript && ./install.sh17:47
LjLdownbeam: put the result into the pastebin ( http://paste.ubuntu.com ) for the people here to analyze17:48
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
downbeami cant connect my bluetooth phone!17:53
downbeami cant connect my bluetooth phone!17:55
downbeami cant connect my bluetooth phone!17:55
downbeami cant connect my bluetooth phone!17:55
FloodBot1downbeam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:55
DragonSlayhow can i shutdown the computer using a command line (no sudo )17:56
codeshahhey guys, with rewritemap, how do I make it so if no rewirte rule is found, it just goes to the original request?17:56
x34643who is there?17:57
NeverHereno one its your imagination x3464317:57
JosseDragonSlay, i know shutdown -h now does the job.17:58
BuddDragonSlay: as root, type /sbin/shutdown -[rh] now. As an unprivileged user, look for a power switch :)17:58
JosseNot sure if sudoing is necessary, tho.17:59
Picicodeshah: Probably a better question for #httpd (apache2's support channel)17:59
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tudor32how do i format an external card in ubuntu 11.10?17:59
=== luigi is now known as Guest16805
iElectricis there any way to instal python2.4 on oneiric?18:00
sipioriElectric: sure, you can always build it yourself.18:01
kron`NeverHere :o18:01
PiciiElectric: There is no python2.4 package in the repos. Is there a reason that you can't use 2.7 (or 2.6 or 2.5)?18:01
NeverHerekron`, >.>18:01
NeverHerewtf are you doing here18:01
LjLiElectric: if you really need it for some reason, this unsupported PPA might possibly work https://launchpad.net/~python24-team/+archive/python2418:03
kron`spying :o18:03
NeverHereon multiple networks!18:03
LjLPM is over there --->18:03
kron`are FloodBots yours?18:03
bazhang!ot | NeverHere kron`18:03
ubottuNeverHere kron`: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:03
eRespondneed help18:03
eRespondhow install netselect on ubuntu ?18:03
eRespondam need install netselect on ubuntu18:04
eRespondfor make mirror some site18:04
eRespondplease give me some ide18:04
=== Bogdaniel is now known as SilenceSLC
iElectricLjL: by lying im usig lucid?18:04
LjLiElectric: oh yeah, it's just for lucid :( well it might work, or it might break things, no guarantees.18:05
tudor32no help in here..18:05
iElectricit won't work.18:05
PiciiElectric: Again, is there a reason you can't use the current version of python?18:05
blizzowdammnit, grrrr, xorg starts only about 50% of the time.  I see a failsafe-x process running and it doesn't want to stop or start via an upstart command.  Anyone have any ideas what might be going on with xorg?18:05
iElectricyes, because XBMC developers used to be stupid.18:06
blizzowthe /var/log/xorg-failsafe, is worthless.18:06
eRespondhai all, need to know how to install netselect ???18:06
PicieRespond: What is netselect?18:06
iElectricPici: I have a very good reason and would do anything to switch for 2.718:06
iElectricwould save dozens of hours atleast.18:06
=== russf_ is now known as russf
sipioriElectric: you can build a 2.4 interpreter inside of ten minutes.18:06
eRespondpici Use the site closest to you for the fastest downloads possible whether it is a primary or secondary site. The program netselect can be used to determine the site with the least latency; use a download program such as wget or rsync for determining the site with the most throughput. Note that geographic proximity often isn't the most important factor for determining which machine will serve you best.18:07
JosseGuys, if i get segfault erros quite often, does that mean that my memory is damaged???18:07
LjLJosse: it could be, but it could be other things too. use memtest86+ to check your memory, it's available from the boot menu18:07
eRespondPici, : am need install netselect on my ubuntu http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/README.mirrors.html18:08
blizzowalso none of my vtys come to life.  I can't even alt+f1 to another vty to diagnose.18:08
blizzowI have to ssh into the machine to do anything.18:08
JosseLjL, I did it and I get quite a lot of errors, so guess i should start looking for new sodim, right?18:08
PicieRespond: There is no netselect package for Ubuntu, its only a debian tool.18:08
LjLJosse: yes.18:09
eRespondubuntu form debian ?18:09
MonkeyDust!netselect| eRespond18:09
eRespondbut why i can't install debian package... and any alternative package for me18:09
LjLJosse: or if you don't want to, you *could* possibly use the badmem feature of the kernel to work around the broken part... but if you can just get a new stick, by all means do18:09
PicieRespond: You should not use packages desinged for Debian on Ubuntu.18:10
JosseLjL, It used to be my mothers comp. When she had windows it worked fine (for win standards, of course) Could it be some sort of incompatibility.18:10
JosseOk, so definately it's memory.18:10
JosseLjL, Can you please tell me how i can activate this feature?18:10
eRespondso Pici what package i can used for download mirro wordwild debian18:10
PicieRespond: Are you running Ubuntu or Debian right now?18:10
eRespondPici,  ubuntu18:11
eRespond!netselect { MonkeyDust18:11
ubottueRespond: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:11
intrusesWhere to find linpopup for Ubuntu Natty ? I just find the source archive :(18:11
PicieRespond: Then you cannot and should not use repositories for Debian on Ubuntu.18:11
Nfisherllutz, hi ! uhm.. i dont quite get it yet.. so on the destination amchine i have to issue " ssh -R 19999:localhost:22 user@sourcehost"?18:12
MonkeyDustintruses  what's linpopup?18:12
eRespondPIci so what i can do for make or can download mirror site18:12
eRespondwith command line ?18:12
intrusesMonkeyDust: Winpopup for Linux, is it a mistake ?18:12
MonkeyDustintruses  and what does it do?18:12
PicieRespond: You would need to do that manually.18:12
intrusesMonkeyDust: Display samba message (sent by smbclient -L)18:13
eRespondPici, manually what you mean18:13
llutzNfisher: user@yourhost18:13
PicieRespond: By editing /etc/apt/sources.list and by looking at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors18:13
llutzNfisher: HE (the one you want but cannot connect to) issues:       ssh -R 19999:localhost:22 validuser@your.wan.ip.nr18:15
llutzNfisher: then YOU type: ssh -p 19999 localhost18:15
Nfisherllutz, thx we try!18:17
MrKeunerwhat is utmp group fro?18:17
MrKeunerwhat is utmp group for?18:17
Nfisherllutz, THX it works :D18:18
eRespondPici, what you program recomend for me for mirror download list18:18
pangolinMrKeuner: The utmp file allows one to discover information about who is currently using the system18:18
pangolinman utmp 518:18
Guest16805 /budus macro xdcc d 5218:18
llutzNfisher: sure it does :)18:18
eRespondPici, what you program recomend for me for mirror download mirror list i mean18:18
MrKeunerpangolin, can I safely add my users to utmp group?18:18
pangolinMrKeuner: I don't know.18:19
eRespondPici, how i can donwload http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/18:19
Skynightsi need help18:19
pangolinMrKeuner: but if the user wasn't added to that group on creation I wouldn't.18:20
Guest16805 http://xdcc_SEARCH_X132691074618:20
PicieRespond: You cannot use Debian repositories in Ubuntu.18:20
MonkeyDusteRespond  what you want to do is not possible18:21
eRespondPici, yes i know. but did you can recomend for me what application ubuntu support for download mirror site18:21
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PicieRespond: I can't.  Maybe someone else can help you.18:22
ScuniziAnyone else wait for what feels like an eternity to get libreoffice to show you a dialogue box after clicking "Save As"?  Is there a fix?18:23
eRespondPici http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/mirror/list.html18:25
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aelingilI have a computer that updated from 11.04 to 11.10 they did not back anything up and it crashed after 11.10 was installed. They recovered the system however now they cannot find anything in the Var/www folder and now asking me to find the files for them. Is there any simple way to find these lost files?18:26
MonkeyDustaelingil  for a start, type locate index.htm18:29
aelingilMonkeyDust, from terminal?18:30
MonkeyDustaelingil  yes18:30
aelingilMonkeyDust, good lord.. maybe i should have |less'd that...18:30
aelingilMonkeyDust, k, now what?18:30
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MonkeyDustaelingil  ctrl-c to stop it18:31
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aelingilMonkeyDust, it finished already.18:31
MonkeyDustaelingil  see if you find what you're looking for18:31
MonkeyDustin that list18:31
aelingilMonkeyDust,  the files or the folder?18:32
Nfisherllutz, got to bother u one more time :].. uhm i im now connected via ssh to his machine.. now i would like to issue a program such as cheese but open the window on my local machine, how can i do that?18:32
javier_Hi! I'm trying to create a .bat file to execute a java app. In the bat text, I need to specify the route to java. Where is java in my /??? thanks!18:32
ses1984hi, i'm trying to make an ISO from a CD using dd, but I keep getting "Input/output error" on /dev/sr0, I think that's where the CD is,18:32
MonkeyDustaelingil  if you find the file, it may lead you to the folder18:32
llutzNfisher: needs ssh -X   (X-forwarding)18:33
Nfisherllutz, oh ok18:33
ses1984but it's not mounted in /etc/mtab, evne though I can browse it. in my file browser it looks like cdda://sr018:33
aelingilMonkeyDust, Got'cha i will look through this and see if i can find any of his files. Thank you.18:33
ses1984i tried to unmount it becuase i thought that might be the problem, but umount says it's not mounted, either,18:33
MonkeyDustaelingil  if you remember any other filename, you can 'locate' that, too18:33
aelingilMonkeyDust, He is out to lunch at the moment, i was trying to find the whole folder. I think it was replaced after his "restore"18:34
* specialpow ,18:34
* specialpow !18:34
FloodBot1specialpow: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:35
* specialpow uke47*ik=x uke47*ikO18:35
* specialpow M$49Ð9µ-6¥µ18:36
llutzses1984: you cannot make an iso of an audio-cd, it doesn't contain an iso-filesystem. use cdrdao18:36
cowfishcan anybody help me with a routing issue?18:38
aelingilMonkeyDust, No luck.. file is not on this hard-drive..18:38
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specialpowhigh win18:39
specialpowdj spooky18:39
specialpowuke47*=x M$49Ð9µ-6¥µ18:39
llutzspecialpow: do you have any ubuntu-relate question or do you want just to spam?18:39
skypcehi guys18:40
skypcehow can i edit a squashfs file?18:40
llutzskypce: "unsquash foo.img" unpacks it18:41
llutzskypce: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/SquashFS-HOWTO/mksqoverview.html18:41
skypcethank you llutz18:41
specialpow<-uk ?-M$49Ð9µ-6¥µ18:42
skypcellutz, and later i need recompress squash?18:42
llutzskypce: yes, thats when mksquashfs comes in18:43
skypcethank you again18:43
ses1984can anyone help me make an iso from a cd?18:45
llutzses1984: audio-cd?18:46
llutzses1984: cat /dev/sr0 >foo.img18:46
ses1984i tried to dd if=/dev/sr0 of=foo but i got an error18:46
ses1984cat gave me an input/output error18:47
ses1984from cat: "cat: /dev/sr0: Input/output error"18:47
ses1984from dd: "dd: reading `/dev/sr0': Input/output error"18:47
ses1984i can read the disc just fine through nautilus, in the address bar it says cdda://sr0/, and it's not listed as mounted in /etc/mtab18:48
llutzses1984: broken drive? broken cd? "copyprotected cd"?18:48
llutzses1984:  cdda://sr0/   IS an audio-cd18:48
ses1984i dont remember putting copy protection when i burned it18:48
llutzses1984: compact-disc-digital-audio = cdda18:48
ses1984it has audio on it but also data afterwards, i want to get a complete exact copy18:48
ses1984i believe that's called redbook format?18:48
ses1984for the process of making an exact iso, it shouldn't matter what format the disc is, i think..i just want an exact copy regardless of what's on there18:50
llutzses1984: 1st you have to rip the audio part, then get the data-part18:50
llutzses1984: you cannot make an iso of an audio-cd, it doesn't contain an pc-readable-filesystem. use cdrdao18:50
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ses1984i'll try that18:50
cowfishcan anyone help me with routing?18:50
llutzses1984: try: cdrdao read-cd --read-raw --datafile foo.bin --device /dev/sr0 foo.toc18:52
MonkeyDustcowfish  shoot18:54
cowfishbasically i need to tunnel the traffic from a xbox through a vpn, but the xbox can't do this on its own. so i set up a simple server with 2 nics to connect to vpn and then i have the xbox plugged into that but it doesn't connect.  does this make any sense?18:56
MonkeyDustcowfish  how is it ubuntu related?18:56
cowfishthe servers running ubuntu :p18:56
NeverHerenice cowfish ^^18:57
cowfishi guess pretty much what I'm wondering is there a way to route the traffic from say eth1 to tun0?18:57
NeverHerei have a laptop running ubuntu 11.10, am trying to get my eggdrop shellscript to run on there ( i am fed up with unix :x) my script is basically the same. problem is i need to get it to change into another dir and start a eggdrop bot :/ anyone know how to make a shell script cd into another director?19:00
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cowfishidk much about egg drop but can you just use cd?19:03
Pnoexzhey, having partitions problems with fdisk. http://pastebin.com/S8Z0qaJu Why is the 3rd partition marked with + on the blocks column? could this cause for the system not to work, and force busybox shell on start up?19:03
NeverHerewell the eggdrop is not important19:03
cowfishhmm well idk the only way i know is cd19:04
NeverHereidk if a shellscript will cd :s19:04
* NeverHere tries19:04
PiciNeverHere: You may want to check out the topic in #bash as well as the folks there for shell scripting help.19:04
NeverHereyou sent me to ##unix before and no one was there :s19:05
PiciNeverHere: I'm in #bash right now19:05
mneptokNeverHere: why not use the entire directory path when calling the executable?19:07
mneptokNeverHere: IOW, why cd?19:07
NeverHerewell the znc and eddgrop is in two different dir19:07
_cbAny tricks to keep the unity app bar from popping up every time the cursor is on the left hand side of the screen?19:08
mneptokNeverHere: oh, so it's not an issue with eggdrop configs. it's your script that runs multiple things.19:08
MilesgIs it possible to install vm tools on ubuntu server?19:10
vBmwhen built in remote desktop in ubuntu 11.10 doesn't work ... and teamviewer is too slow ... to what should i reffer ? (i'm trying to control 11.10 from within windows 7)19:11
MilesgVBM ssh?19:12
rypervenchevBm: I personally use x11vnc19:12
rypervenchevBm: As far as the client on Windows, I don't know what you could use. I use Remmina for Linux.19:13
vBmMilesg, haven't tried it ... do you have a link to some wiki page for it or should i just google :)19:13
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MilesgErr, Well ssh will only give you command line, not the desktop.19:13
vBmrypervenche, i used to use TightVNC while i had ubuntu 10.10 ... but now after update i can't get in at all19:14
vBmMilesg, oh ... then i'm already using that way of controling :D19:14
rypervenchevBm: Are you doing this over LAN or over the Internet?19:14
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Milesgssh is used a lot in ubuntu server. since its commandline only.19:14
vBmrypervenche, over LAN ofc ... need to control pc that's in the attic19:15
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vBmrypervenche, x11vnc looks a bit 'poor' in quality if i dare to say ... any way to show desktop as is ?19:19
MilesgWell, what do you want quality or speed.19:19
vBmMilesg, some sort of balance i guess, before on 10.10 using built in desk sharing option i had that :x19:20
Milesgteamviewer should be fine for you unless you have crappy bandwidth19:21
vBmMilesg, i'm using it over LAN so it's a bit of overkill, no ? (to use internet connection to control pc in lan)19:22
mithrophi here. I have a little problem with my Plymouth : sometimes at the shutdown, plymouth it is not displayed, or only the loading bar is displayed and at the startup I see a black screen for a long time then plymouth flash up for 2 seconds only. Somebody have an idea ?19:23
perlsyntaxIs the Dell Wireless 1502 supported by linux?19:24
perlsyntaxi not sure if it is or not.19:24
rypervenchevBm: Just type "x11vnc -localhost -forever -display :0" without the quotes19:24
Milesgperlsyntax, install ubuntu and find out.19:25
rypervenchevBm: Then you can use any client to access it using port 590019:25
perlsyntaxi was thinking of buy the laptop but i not sure about the wireless card ok?19:25
rypervenchevBm: Actually, get rid of the -localhost19:25
perlsyntaxOk Milesg19:26
perlsyntaxanyone have that wireless card?19:27
Milesgdell wireless 1502 WLAN Half mini-card? there is a linux driver for it. Try google.19:27
xiambaxndiswrapper works aswell19:28
acer_aspire8930hi guys, I have set up an LTSP network and most of my old computers I use as thin clients connect using PXE boot with no problem, but I have a couple of machines that only give the option to boot from just LAN, but when I start them up they go straight to CDROM or Hard disk, the BIOS is set to boot off LAN first.  Can anyone help me out here, the motherboards are Gigabyte and should ok to use as thin clients19:28
perlsyntaxsound like no one knows in here.19:28
Milesgacer_aspire8930: update bios?19:28
xiambaxacer_aspire8930: Have you tried updating the bios? Tested other cables? checked cables? etc?19:29
Milesgperlsyntax: Milesg> dell wireless 1502 WLAN Half mini-card? there is a linux driver for it. Try google.19:29
Milesgoh god, he left. :|19:29
vBmrypervenche, thank you very much, that works the way i need ... any way to start it up upon reboot ... so i don't need to type it everytime ?19:29
acer_aspire8930Not checked for bios updates, I know the cables work fine, I'll give that a shot, but if the new bios updates do not support PXE boot, is there another way with out purchasing something that does?19:30
xiambaxYes. You can use a distro to force pxe boot.19:30
acer_aspire8930oh great please tell :)19:31
acer_aspire8930would I have to assign an IP to Mac addr of the NIC? rather than allow the thin client to use DHCP?19:33
fijalI'm trying to upgrade to oneiric and I get19:33
fijalE: pycompile:240: Requested versions are not installed19:33
fijalanyone ever seen that?19:33
xiambaxacer_aspire8930: http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php/PXELINUX and http://etherboot.org/wiki/index.php19:33
rypervenchevBm: Make a script for it, then put the script in your startup programs19:33
acer_aspire8930thanks for your help xiambax19:34
natschilHello. I have this really annoying "feature" of both evolution and ubuntu one that they both assume they know when they are connected to the internet only if network-manager says so. Is there some way I can change this? (I use wvdial to connect to the internet)19:34
xiambaxnatschil, theres probably a boolen value you can edit to do this19:39
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natschilxiambax: where?19:41
natschilxiambax: i'm guessing gconf....19:41
javier_Hi. I need to find in my files in / the file that executes java, cause I'm creating a .bat to execute a program based in java. Where is such file? (guess is .jar) Thanks!19:41
ubluntuyou don't use .bat on linux19:42
Zyrexhey guys, i need help with a crashing jdk on ubuntu 10.04lts19:42
MilesgYour creating a .bat in linux?19:42
ubluntuyou need to learn how to make a bash .sh script19:42
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llutzextensions say nothing, name it however you like19:42
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ubluntuwell you don't name a bash script .bat anyway19:43
ubluntuidc who you are19:43
Zyrexcan any1 here help with a jdk problem?19:43
revan12_did you know that the microsoft xchat client crashes if you put ^ÂÊÎÔÛâêîôûĈĉĜĝĤĥĴĵŜŝŴŵŶŷˆ̭̂᷍ḒḓḘḙḼḽṊṋṰṱṶṷẐẑẤấẦầẨẩẪẫẬậẾếỀềỂểỄễỆệỐốỒồỔổỖỗỘộ⨣⨶⩯ꞈ^󠁞 into the chan?19:44
javier_I mean, I need the route to java executable file19:44
ubluntu!ops > revan12_19:44
ubotturevan12_, please see my private message19:44
llutzjavier_: "which java"19:44
ubluntusomeone ban the exploit kid19:44
llutzjavier_: that is a command19:44
WarDekarhey so I'm setting up a new Linode server, never used Linode before, anyway it's Ubuntu 10.04 and I'm trying to get mysql running... I do "service mysql start" it says it's running19:46
WarDekarbut when I do "ps aux | mysqld" nothing shows up19:46
WarDekarany ideas?19:46
llutzWarDekar: missing grep19:46
WarDekarllutz: right sorry, obv i have grep in there :)19:47
WarDekarjust didn't type it in chat for some reason19:47
WarDekarit's not starting for some reason even though it claims it has19:47
mneptokWarDekar: ps aux | grep sql19:47
WarDekarit's alright i'm an idiot... i copied a my.cnf file and forgot to change the bind-address19:49
WarDekarso it was stalling on trying to start because of that19:49
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d3enizerhm... anyone with some ftp experience? I'v got a dynamic dns running and a ftp server client on my comp. When im connecting to my local ip i get the login screen and enters the password and username correctly and can login. When i connect via my ddns i get the login screen of the ftp but gets 425 Failed to establish connection afterwards :S19:49
auronandace!yay | WarDekar19:50
ubottuWarDekar: Glad you made it! :-)19:50
mang0haha, that bot is awesome19:50
mang0<3 ubottu19:50
flintwingeld3eniz: is your ddns connection going through a firewall?19:53
CharminTheMooseI'm having a weird problem with udev and booting an ubuntu livecd. initrd fills /dev with nodes, then moves it over to /dev, but sometime during the rest of the bootup sequence, those get mounted over by another udev FS. Why's this happening?19:54
javier_llutz: I'm not sure actually, but java files are somewhere between files in /. I need the one executable. I have openJDK java6 Policy tools19:54
d3enizi thought of that aswell and disabled my router firewall19:54
CharminTheMooseI'm having a weird problem with udev and booting an ubuntu livecd. initrd fills /dev with nodes, then moves it over to /dev, but sometime during the rest of the bootup sequence, those get mounted over by another udev FS. Why's this happening?19:54
llutzjavier_: find ./ -type f -iname \*.jar19:54
CharminTheMoose*moves it over to /dev on the real root19:54
flintwingeld3eniz: do you apprecaite how complex the ftp protocol is (i.e. a right pain to get working through a firewall)19:55
JimuI'd like a relatively normal install on my USB - currently I've got the Universal USB Installer of U11.10, but I read this might use /tmp on the USB rather than the system RAM?19:56
javier_llutz: you mean I should search for that command? (./ -type f -iname \*.jar)19:56
flintwingeld3eniz: the initial connection is made out from the client to a "well known port". under normal circumstances the server will then make a connection back to the client on a random port number19:56
llutzjavier_: aeh, you are trying to find your .jar-files or did i get you wrong?19:56
flintwingeld3eniz: have you tried PASSIVE?19:57
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flintwingelwith PASSIVE the second connection goes from the client to the server rather than the other way round19:58
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kikiboanybody use myth tv?19:59
javier_llutz: I think you got me wrong. In windows, you can create a .bat file to execute a java file. That .bat file is a text with: "direction of java:programfiles/java/... and more things". I want to create the same tipe of file in Ubuntu. So, in the first part, I need to specify where to find java.19:59
d3enizflintwingel: so how do i make it passive?19:59
javier_llutz: sorry, it's a bit difficult to explain19:59
llutzjavier_: java should be in your path, type "which java" to get the path20:00
vBmone more question ... i keep loosing amsn icon from taskbar in ubuntu 11.10 (using gnome fallback) ... any way to bring it back (amsn is in background all the time)20:00
flintwingeld3eniz: depends on the client.... if you're using a text mode client just try typing "passive"20:00
llutzjavier_: then just add into your script "/usr/bin/java -jar  /path/to/file-to-start.jar"20:01
javier_llutz: what I mean, in windows I have c:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre6/bin/java.exe20:01
javier_llutz: I need the equivalent in my ubuntu machine20:01
llutzjavier_: type "which java"20:01
flintwingeld3eniz: with graphical clients it's usually an option (tick box) associated with the connection20:01
llutzinto a terminal javier_20:01
d3enizflintwingel: using vsftpd20:01
rcmaehlI need help. I am coding a secure bridge, so to speak, that will allow Wine programs to execute commands in the linux terminal as well as move windows and such in the Linux enviroment. This is an attempt to attract more users such as program developers to Linux as they will not have to change their programming language. However, I need a few recommendations on packages that can be run from a terminal command and cause a GUI based action (such as a wind20:02
rcmaehlow movement).20:02
javier_llutz: /usr/bin/java20:02
javier_llutz: I guess that's it :)20:02
llutzjavier_: that it is20:02
flintwingeld3eniz: vsftpd is the server.. it will accept the PASSIVE option but it's the client end that sets it.20:02
llutzjavier_: since it is inside your $PATH, you don't need to write "/usr/bin/java" just "java" does20:03
d3enizflintwingel: im using the browser atm but got filezilla installed aswell20:03
flintwingeld3eniz: it's been a while since I used filezilla but you should find an option for passive connection somewhere is the connection setup20:04
rcmaehlI already have zenity for message boxes20:04
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flintwingeld3eniz: vsftpd has the option to strictly limit the port numbers it will use to make an ACTIVE connection. The other option would be to restrict the port range from vsftpd and open all those ports on your firewall20:05
javier_llutz: Thanks, but it doesn't work. In windows that would be the way, but in ubuntu something may be different. It would be something like "/usr/bin/java -mx3500 -jar jModelTest.jar" what I want, but I don't get any answer here, it doesn't execute the program20:06
d3enizflintwingel: what port range is a good range to restrict / open?20:06
p1l0tCan one use cat on the cli to get just the last line or last page of a file (like an error log)?20:07
llutzjavier_: "/usr/bin/java -mx3500 -jar  /path/to/file-to-start.jar"   you need to specify where the .jar file is20:07
javier_llutz: I'll try20:08
llutzjavier_: yours only would work, it the jModelTest.jar is inside your actual directory20:08
llutzp1l0t: tail -1 file20:08
p1l0tllutz: thanks20:09
flintwingeld3eniz: anything between 1024 and 65535 ;)... generally something like 50000 to 50009 would be ok for a small server. How many simultaneous connections are you expecting?20:09
d3eniz1-2 top ^^20:09
llutzp1l0t: thats last line, last page... "tac file"20:09
p1l0tllutz: :D works great I wish I knew about this years ago20:10
llutzp1l0t: "tac file|less"  sry20:10
javier_llutz: "/usr/bin/java -mx3500 -jar /home/javier/Master biodiversidad/Herramientas moleculares/Programas/jmodeltest0.1/jModelTest 0.1 package/jModelTest.jar". There is where I have it. It doesn't work that way20:10
llutzp1l0t: theres also "head" for the start of a file20:10
javier_and the .bat file is in the same folder as jModelTest.jar20:11
p1l0ttail worked20:11
llutzjavier_: you need to escape the spaces in the path,  /usr/bin/java -mx3500 -jar "/home/javier/Master biodiversidad/Herramientas moleculares/Programas/jmodeltest0.1/jModelTest 0.1 package/jModelTest.jar"20:11
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p1l0tllutz: cool20:11
llutzjavier_: this time the quotes " are important20:12
roger21hello, my ubuntu don't boot apparently because it can't access a cifs drive, i don't evan have a prompt to modify the fstab, what can i do?20:12
javier_llutz: you mean I remove spaces in the path (what is inside quotes)?20:12
javier_so, write Herramientasmoleculares20:12
roger21obviously this drive is just external data20:12
llutzjavier_: no, you cannot remove the spaces, it would break the path20:12
javier_llutz: I see. Then?20:13
llutzjavier_: try this, exactly as here:     /usr/bin/java -mx3500 -jar "/home/javier/Master biodiversidad/Herramientas moleculares/Programas/jmodeltest0.1/jModelTest 0.1 package/jModelTest.jar"20:13
styelzroger21: boot from a live cd and mount the drive and modify20:14
javier_llutz, no luck. Guess is something more complicated...20:15
llutzjavier_: whats the error?20:15
javier_llutz, just, it doesn't start anything. Nothing happens after executing the file20:15
ActionParsnipllutz: could you symlink the file to make the path simpler?20:15
soeehmm strange, im running dolphin as root and im loosing sound in videos, music files etc but when deleting files in dolphin  (runs as admin) i have sound notification20:16
soeeany ideas what ius wrong ?20:16
javier_llutz: I see what can be the problem. I neet it to be .bat file, but I have .txt. How to create a .bat file in text editor?20:16
llutzjavier_: type "cd  /home/javier/Master biodiversidad/Herramientas moleculares/Programas/jmodeltest0.1/jModelTest 0.1 package/"  or better copy/paste into terminal20:16
SteMwhy my 10.04 doesn't ask me to upgrade to a newer version?20:16
llutzjavier_: start your bat file with "sh file.bat"20:17
javier_llutz, you mean I start it from terminal with sh nameofmyfile.bat?20:17
llutzjavier_: yes20:17
javier_llutz, but shouldn't I save it as .bat before?20:18
llutzjavier_: the extension doesn't matter, its just characters..20:18
javier_llutz, ammm20:18
ActionParsnipsoee: what groups is the user in?20:18
javier_llutz, I'll try20:18
llutzjavier_: this is different from dos/win20:18
soeeActionParsnip, what user ?20:19
styelzSteM: you probably have updates set to only LTS version, load up Software Sources app and change the Updates option to any new version.20:19
ActionParsnipSteM: you probably have the system set to ONLY upgrade to LTS, Considering Precise (also LTS) is out in April, I'd just wait it out (or upgrade now and use the Alpha release)20:19
ActionParsnipsoee: the one you cannot gets sounds from....20:20
javier_llutz, I get this error: Error occurred during initialization of VM; Too small initial heap20:20
llutzjavier_: ask the java-gurus about that... no idea20:21
SteMstyeltz: yes, it is, but why it was not upgrated to 11.04?20:21
javier_llutz, jejeje. Ok. Thank a lot anywayt20:21
javier_is there a java room in the chat?=20:21
ActionParsnipSteM: you will need to upgrade to Maverick, then to Natty... you cannot leapfrog releases, unless you upgrade LTS to LTS20:21
ActionParsnipjavier_: #java20:21
llutzjavier_: ##java20:21
SteMActionParsnip: how can i upgrade to Maverick?20:22
llutzjavier_: add "java -Xms128m "20:22
javier_llutz, in which part?20:22
llutzjavier_: "  /usr/bin/java -mx3500 -Xms128m ....rest of the line"20:23
llutzjavier_: just a thing from google, not sure if that helps20:23
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ActionParsnipSteM: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core; gksudo gedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades     change: Prompt=lts   to: Prompt=normal   save the new file and close gedit then run: sudo do-release-upgrade20:24
javier_llutz, no, the same thing as before. But thanks again!20:24
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styelzStem: you could do it all from Terminal.. apt-get update ... then apt-get dist-upgrade  should get it going . but if i were you id install a fresh 10.10 and copy your data over manually.20:24
llutzjavier_: so better to ask the guys with a clue in ##java20:24
ActionParsnipSteM: personally I'd not do any of that and run:  sudo update-manager -d    and jump straight to Precise l(20:25
catcherIt's new computer time, any recommended docs on picking out hardware?20:25
ActionParsnipstyelz: dist-upgrade  doesn't take you to the next release20:25
ActionParsnip!hcl | catcher20:25
ubottucatcher: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:25
auronandacecatcher: intel wifi and cpu and nvidia graphics20:25
llutzintel graphics too20:26
catcherthanks - so intel or nvidia for graphics?20:26
ActionParsnipnvidia has great linux support :)20:26
styelzActionParsnip: yea, then do update-manager20:26
llutzActionParsnip: but still not free20:26
auronandacecatcher: nvidia, avoid the hybrid graphics20:27
mneptokmy AMD APU works just fine with 11.1020:27
ubluntunvidia ftw20:27
ActionParsnipstyelz: its just update-manager, dist-upgrade keeps the user on the same release20:27
ActionParsnipllutz: is free a necessity?20:27
llutzActionParsnip: nice to have (for me)20:27
ActionParsnipllutz: I just use what works, nvidia hav supported Linux for ages so they get my cash20:28
zimacan anyone tell me how to get rid of the "sh: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory" warning?20:28
llutzActionParsnip: intel works AND is free:)20:28
ActionParsnipllutz: I'm sure most nvidia chips willperform better than most of even the most recent intel gpus20:29
llutzzima: you are in a dir, you just deleted20:29
zimallutz: lulz?20:29
auronandacellutz: given time nouveau will catch up20:29
zimallutz: haha, indeed20:29
llutzActionParsnip: well, xterm performs well even with intel :)20:29
milen8204Хелло, то алл20:29
catcherWHere's the most accurate list of supported video cards?20:29
mneptokmodel name: AMD E-350 Processor  <-- works spledidly with the 3.x kernel and Free 'radeon' driver20:30
milen8204hello all20:30
catcherI need a 3-head card20:30
milen8204ActionParsnip, hello my virtual friend20:30
ActionParsnipllutz: true but ifpower is needed I'd shoot for nvidia20:30
llutzActionParsnip: me too20:30
YozapHey everyone, any idea what program to use for overclocking your GPU in linux?20:30
fission6how do i set an ubuntu timezone to east coast?20:31
llutzfission6: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata20:31
Varazirhi is it posible to run dreambox on a ubuntu client ?20:31
fission6thanks llutz20:32
Socket-why would this happen:  scp -i idrsa root@ip:/file /home/user/ works, yet scp -i idrsa user@ip:/file /home/user doesnt work.  I have the same public key in both root/.ssh/authorizedkeys, and user/.ssh/authorizedkeys20:34
dyllanHi all. I would like to move my /opt folder to /home/opt and create a link from /opt to /home/opt can i do this safely, ie. without breaking anything?20:35
ActionParsnipfission6: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime20:36
acer_aspire8930dyllan I think I would be right in saying yes you can have a look at fstab20:37
ActionParsnipdyllan: sure, should be ok. I'd do the move in liveCD, then boot to root recovery mode and make the link20:37
dyllanThanks guys. Unfortunately im accessing the install remotely, guess ill have to wait until im in front of it.20:38
Socket-sudo mv dopt /home/dan/20:38
Socket-sudo ln -sf /home/dan/ dopt20:38
Socket-i did that as a test and it worked20:38
Socket-sudo mv /opt /home/ && sudo ln -sf /home/opt/ opt20:39
acer_aspire8930would anyone recommend running a vm of xp in a thin client setup, would it put a lot of strain on the ltsp server?20:39
dyllanthnx Socket ill try20:40
Socket-do a test first ;)20:40
ActionParsnipacer_aspire8930: on the serverside, depends how much grunt you have20:40
dyllanwill do :)20:40
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acer_aspire893010 users and 16gb of memory on a xeon 3.12ghz20:41
habmalaHi all20:41
ActionParsnipacer_aspire8930: should be ok, could trial it.20:41
Damei got an error while installing java on ubuntu 1120:42
ActionParsnipacer_aspire8930: why do you want to run something so bulky?20:42
ActionParsnipDame: how are you installing it?20:42
acer_aspire8930I would like to, but don't want to spend company cash just testing i :)20:42
habmalaI'm looking for the ubuntu netbook remix for a friend, but can't find it, has it been removed?20:42
DameActionParsnip, i followed the steps here - http://brunoreis.com/tech/intalling-java-ubuntu-natty/20:42
ActionParsniphabmala: netbook remix hasn't been coded for a while afik20:42
phibxrDame, if you just do "sudo apt-get install icedtea-plugin" it will install everything you need.20:42
phibxrDame, if you're using 11.10 at least.20:43
Varazirnoone ?20:43
Dameok.. so if i followed all these steps, i have to undo them?20:43
ActionParsnipDame: what is the output of:  uname -m20:43
phibxrVarazir, I don't even know what dreambox is. :P20:43
habmalaActionParsnip: K, I'll give him the regular version then.. thanks20:43
Dameacer_aspire8930, i68620:43
acer_aspire8930I have to run Sage 200 client unfortunately that's why I need the bulky20:43
ActionParsnipDame: I'll give you my script to install it.20:44
Damei got an error in the final step. command : sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-7-sun20:44
Dameupdate-alternatives: error: no alternatives for -javaplugin.so.20:44
Guest81385Is there a way to manipulate a upnp router via the command line?20:44
zodoanyone know how i can turn on remote x connection on ubuntu?20:44
Dameum, ActionParsnip, if you could tell me how to take care of this error..20:45
Damei've done everything else20:45
MonkeyDustzodo  try ssh and startx20:45
Damei can't find a solution online for this, though others seem to have come across the same issue20:45
ActionParsnipDame: not sure if the mirror works or if it violates oracles licensing20:45
MonkeyDustDame  you need open-jdk, not sun-jdk20:45
Dameyeh, one solution said that the folder will be renamed to oracle, ActionParsnip20:45
ubluntuI think im gonna just boycott java20:45
ActionParsnipDame: http://paste.ubuntu.com/809025/20:46
DameMonkeyDust, i had open -jdk, i wanted to install the latest one.20:46
zodoMonkeyDust, did not work20:46
Dameok, ActionParsnip20:46
MonkeyDustDame  sun-jdk is no lopnger supported20:46
ActionParsnipDame: assuming you use Chromium browser, you can just change the link command to link to whatever browser you use plugins folder20:46
zodoMonkeyDust, you have a website link? for ubuntu x connections?20:47
MonkeyDustzodo  http://vanemery.com/Linux/XoverSSH/X-over-SSH2.html20:47
Dameso i'll do an ln command and link this to the plugins folder of firefox?20:47
Damei use firefox20:47
puchatyreinstalled my touchpad20:47
puchatyand headphones are working just fine20:47
puchatyI think even better (no issues with plugging and "quiet") :P20:48
Damelet me try using your script, ActionParsnip. thanks. i think the last two lines is what was required.20:48
dyllanseemed to have worked Socket- thnx20:49
matthijsfor some reason unity doesn't recognize that terminal is started and every time I click the icon a new window is created (also doesn't show up in the alt-tab list). Anyone know what might be causing this?20:50
zodoi really dont understand what is coded differently from other linux distros to get remote x to run on ssh..20:50
ActionParsnipDame: its not hard to install manually. I believe there is a new ppa on omgubuntu but again, watch the licensing...20:50
Damei found this now - http://askubuntu.com/questions/55848/how-do-i-install-oracle-java-jdk-720:50
ActionParsnipzodo: it's set in /etc/ssh/sshd_config20:50
ActionParsnipzodo: you can disable it for security, ubuntu has it enabled by default20:51
Dameand the version is correct on my system20:51
Dameso.. i'm thinking it worked20:51
MonkeyDustzodo  use ssh -Y remote-user@remote-IP "some-program"20:51
DameActionParsnip, thank you for the help. :)20:52
ActionParsnipDame: np20:52
ActionParsnipzodo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/809031/20:52
fission6how can i update my system time?20:52
MonkeyDust<3 hot milk20:53
ActionParsnipfission6: http://codeghar.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/manage-time-in-ubuntu-through-command-line/20:53
mneptokfission6: sudo ntpdate tick.usno.navy.mil20:54
fission6mneptok: 18 Jan 15:59:16 ntpdate[19999]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting20:54
mneptokfission6: then you are running NTP as a background service already20:54
javier_Hi! I downloaded a tar.gz file, and I need to install it, but don't know how... any idea?20:57
zodoActionParsnip,  i still get an error saying the following.. (xchat:14762): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:20:57
fman23zodo what r u trying to do?20:57
Humbedoohjavier_, run 'tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz' to unpack it20:57
mneptokzodo: 'ssh -X hostname' WFM. just used Firefox on a remote machine.20:58
Humbedoohthen it should have a readme file or something20:58
cordycepsanyone have a clue why I can't run ppp0(dialup) and eth0 or wlan0 at the same time?20:58
danno7_hey, just starting to use unity. Haven't decided if I like it or not. Where the heck is Gparted and the system tools for managing harddrives???20:58
guntbertdanno7_: open the dash and start typing disk....20:59
ActionParsnipdanno7_: press ALT+F2 and run:  gksudo gparted     should be ok, if not then install gparted to make sure it is present20:59
llutzcordyceps: same time to connect to the internet?20:59
danno7_guntbert: oh for petes sake...21:00
cordycepsllutz can't be done, have to disconnect wifi and ethernet21:00
danno7_I guess its not called gparted anymore?21:00
guntbertdanno7_: I beg your pardon?21:00
llutzcordyceps: no, just set default route to ppp021:01
danno7_guntbert: an expresion...means ffs21:01
Humbedoohdanno7_, did you install gparted in the first place? :>21:01
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Humbedoohit's not installed by default iirc21:01
javier_Humbedooh, ah, thanks. That's for unpacking. But I see now I need to compile the program, which is going to be too difficult for me. But thanks!21:01
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Humbedoohjavier_, usually, you just run ./configure and then make and make install21:02
diverdudeI have just connected a new HD. How do i see if it has been detected in my ubuntu (termninal only)21:02
* cordyceps googling "set default route"21:02
danno7_I dont think I have ever installed gparted. I thought it was part of the base install of Ubuntu21:02
ActionParsnipdiverdude: sudo fdisk -l21:02
llutzdiverdude: dmesg, sudo fdisk -l21:02
Humbedoohdanno7_, no, it's part of the livecd, but not the installed version afaik21:02
ActionParsnipdanno7_: worth running:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install gparted     just to be sure21:02
javier_Humbedooh, ah, I did ./configure. Now just type "make" and later just tape "make install"?21:03
danno7_hmm, I guess maybe I had installed it at some point on my other versions of ubuntu. Go figure21:03
danno7_anywho, thanks for the help. I can take it from here21:03
ActionParsnipjavier_: make install will need sudo21:03
javier_ActionParsnip, but with make it doesnt make anything21:03
ActionParsnipjavier_: what are you compiling?21:04
Humbedoohjavier_, yes, and as PactionArsnip said, make install will require sudo21:04
Humbedoohor, in most cases it will21:04
diverdudellutz, hmm ok... in the list is only mentioned /devsda[1,2,5]...so its not there...but below there is a block of text describing the disk (1500GB - so its that one) and its named /dev/sdb. Why is it not named sda?21:04
ActionParsnipdiverdude: is it a PATA drive?21:05
llutzdiverdude: sda 1st hdd, sdb 2nd hdd, sdc 3rd ....21:05
sneezewortIs there a way to view the update history in ubuntu server?21:05
zodoif ubuntu is so user friendly why isnt there a gui app that will turn on and off remote x connections?21:05
diverdudeActionParsnip, its sata21:05
ActionParsnipsneezewort: /var/log/dpkg.log21:05
ActionParsnipdiverdude: hmm, strange21:05
diverdudellutz, ahh ok...so all i need to do now is format /dev/sdb and mount it?21:06
llutzdiverdude: your /dev/sdb contains no partitions yet21:06
ActionParsnipdiverdude: i'd read through:  dmesg | tail  to see what's going on21:06
MonkeyDustzodo  i guess there are plenty programs for remote connections in ubuntu21:06
llutzdiverdude: sudo fdisk /dev/sdb    to create at least one partition, if you don't want to use the raw-drive21:06
deebOk this might be a question that could be asked in #mysql as well, but as it is ubuntu I am working on I am asking it here: What is the difference between the "mysql"  and "php5-mysql" package?21:06
zodoMonkeyDust, really?  all my other linux distros i have tested work fine on remote x apps..  ubuntu does not21:06
sneezewortActionParsnip: Thanks.21:07
diverdudellutz, whats the advantage of creating a partion over using the rawdrive? Im gonna only use a single partition anyway21:07
MonkeyDustzodo  you could make a list of things you're missing in ubuntu21:07
ActionParsnipdiverdude: you'll need to partition it to format it21:07
llutzdiverdude: theres no, but some automatisms (udev, hal) might fail as say expect partitioned-drives21:08
diverdudeActionParsnip, ahh ok..21:08
ActionParsnipdiverdude: plus you'll get the journal which keeps data consistent21:08
llutzActionParsnip: he doesn't21:08
diverdudeActionParsnip, great...ill just format it then :)21:08
ActionParsnipllutz: it makes life easier21:08
diverdudeand partion hhehe21:08
llutzActionParsnip: true21:08
zodoMonkeyDust, where do i post it at..21:08
meerkatsam I the only one having probloem with xsan under 11.10?21:09
meerkatsam I the only one having problems with xsane under 11.10?21:09
javier_Humbedooh: it's a bioinformatics app called Garli21:09
llutzdiverdude: sudo fdisk /dev/sdb    "c" "p" "1" "w" "q" ;)21:09
diverdudellutz, it says something about DOS-compatible mode is deprecated...its a warningshould i just ignore that?21:09
MonkeyDustzodo  don't know exactly, launchpad is always a good place to start21:09
javier_Humbedooh, after make I write the name of the program?21:10
diverdudec p l w q ?21:10
zodoMonkeyDust, launchpad?21:10
Humbedoohno, just make21:10
llutzdiverdude: shouldn't harm21:10
Humbedoohthen it spits out a bunch of text for a while, and when it's done, you write 'sudo make install'21:10
Humbedoohand enter your super secret password21:10
llutzdiverdude: sry,  n p 1 w q   that will create one primary partition in fdisk :)21:11
diverdudellutz, what are those option flags you wrote? i dont see them in man fdisk21:11
ActionParsnipjavier_: what are you compiling?21:11
MonkeyDustzodo  or look here, maybe this is a place to submit your ideas http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/21:11
javier_ActionParsnip, a bioinformatics app called garli21:11
ActionParsnip!info garli21:12
ubottuPackage garli does not exist in oneiric21:12
diverdudellutz, w,p and q is not in the options list21:12
llutzdiverdude: "sudo fdisk /dev/sdb"   then press "n" for "new partition", p for primary, 1 for sdb1, "w" to write, "q" to quit21:12
diverdudellutz, n also not21:12
diverdudeok i get it :D21:12
zodoMonkeyDust, ok cool.. i can see that ubuntu is way behind on some very user friendly options that most other distros have allready implemented21:13
lm1If you do a whois in via GUI, does that info get logged on server or is it only displayed privately?21:13
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MonkeyDustzodo  work to be done! good luck! ;)21:13
ActionParsnipjavier_: are you compiling  garli 0.96b8-2?21:13
nronksrAnybody know an enterprise ticketing system that is gnu?21:13
ActionParsniplm1: private21:14
javier_ActionParsnip, no, garli 2.021:14
ActionParsnipjavier_: gah, found a ppa and everything :(21:14
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Votarywhere does ubunut still the xchat conf files?21:14
Votarystick evven21:14
ActionParsnipVotary: in $HOME21:14
Votaryok thanks21:14
diverdudellutz, First sector (2048-123456432, default 2048): Do i press w or just enter?21:14
llutzdiverdude: sry, just enter/enter21:14
guntbertVotary: ~/.xchat221:14
javier_ActionParsnip, I see...21:15
diverdudellutz, hmmm i pressed enter/enter and then w...and then it wrote "The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. Syncing disks.     and then it just automatically quit21:16
zodothe idea is to give the user an options they need, without hitting the command line and putting all that stuff in for a remote x connection21:16
diverdudellutz, wasn't it supposed to format it?21:16
llutzdiverdude: nope, sudo mkfs.ext4 -m0 /dev/sdb121:16
guntbertzodo: please stop that ranting - start coding instead21:16
xanscaleneed help with fglrx amd ati drivers21:17
diverdudellutz, ahh now its doing stuff21:17
diverdudellutz, for 1.5 TB...will this take a while?21:17
xanscalewhy with fglrx unity works great and gnome-shell works but top bar are green/blue ?21:18
llutzdiverdude: not too long, time to grab a beer21:18
diverdudellutz, haha i like your way of thinking :D21:18
phibxrxanscale, is that radeon?21:18
diverdudellutz, ahhh got me 1 beer :D21:20
diverdudellutz, nice cold special brew...just the way i like it :P21:20
cordycepsllutz: ppp0 is the default according to route :default         *              U     0      0        0 ppp021:21
diverdudellutz, done...was that it? or is there more?21:22
lm1Anyone using nvidia SLI?21:22
llutzdiverdude: thats it, no select a mount-point, add a line to /etc/fstab and enjoy your beer21:22
ActionParsnipbeer goooood21:22
cordycepsllutz: also I just need to modprobe the wifi driver and ppp0 will drop off21:23
diverdudellutz, /media/storage ?21:23
diverdudeActionParsnip, beeeer much goood21:23
llutzdiverdude: what do you want to use it for?21:23
diverdudellutz, storage :D21:23
llutzdiverdude: hrm, just one user or more?21:24
diverdudellutz, welll maybe its good to put in a place for multiple users21:24
diverdudeActionParsnip, me drinking special copenhagen carlsberg brew :D gooooooooooooooooood21:25
llutzdiverdude: ok, you'll have to adjust ownership/permissions then. id mount it to /storage, /media is more for dynamically mounted stuff21:25
ActionParsnipdiverdude: not had copenhagen brew, I have a cup of PG Tips :)21:26
diverdudellutz, whoo its the first time i have ever created a new dir in root :D21:26
llutzdiverdude: there is always a 1st time, so do it.  "Schussenrieder Schwarzbier No1" btw :)21:26
llutzdiverdude: sudo mkdir /storage && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /storage21:27
diverdudeActionParsnip, whooooo i like their presentation movie : D http://www.pgtips.co.uk/21:27
diverdudellutz, ahh Schussenrieder Schwarzbier No1   i like the dark ones21:28
diverdudellutz, ahh ok... and also add it to /etc/fstab?21:28
llutzdiverdude: yes21:28
meerkatsshould a very unstable GUI worry me? it just changed withouth warning21:29
ActionParsnipmeerkats: gui to what?21:29
meerkatscrap, my mouse just stopped working21:29
diverdudellutz, so i just add a new line to /etc/fstab : mount /dev/sdb1 /storage ?21:29
joe__rebelHow exactly do I register for a particular channel?21:30
meerkatsforgive the noob ActionParsnip , but GUI = graphical interface?21:30
ActionParsnipdiverdude: I suggest you use UUIDs21:30
llutzdiverdude: naaaa, "/dev/sdb1   /storage  ext4   default,noatime 0 0"21:30
HSarenaHi! My touchpad does n't work, plz help me, i have Vaio Laptop and have 11.1021:30
diverdudemeerkats, yes21:30
diverdudeActionParsnip, UUIDs ? Is that difficult to use?21:30
ActionParsnipmeerkats: yes, but to what thing. Like xsane is a GUI for sane, gparted is a gui to parted.21:30
llutzdiverdude: or UUID=  from "blkid /dev/sdb1" instead of /dev/sdb121:30
meerkatshelp with this one: im stuck here, my mouse does not work, how can I use the keyboard to change between open windows? I need to access the terminal and circle to firefox too...21:31
ActionParsnipdiverdude: no, the default install uses them. You can see the UUIDs of your partitions by running:   sudo blkid21:31
meerkatsActionParsnip, ubuntu GUI21:31
ActionParsnipmeerkats: so you mean Unity...21:31
meerkatsActionParsnip, im using fallback, if that means something21:31
DLCNHi, is there a way to re-take my terminal after an SSH session has timed out in it?21:31
HSarenais there anyone can help me????21:32
DLCNit seems to have become unresponsive21:32
diverdudellutz, so that line i should add to /etc/fstab is : "UUID=  from "blkid /dev/sdb1" ?21:32
ActionParsnipmeerkats: you can use a terminal to unload then reload the mouse module21:32
llutzdiverdude: nnoooo21:32
llutzdiverdude: either "/dev/sdb1   /storage  ext4   default,noatime 0 0"21:32
llutzdiverdude: or UUID=(from "blkid /dev/sdb1")   /storage ext4 ......."21:33
DualityI am not so used to command line, i know some things to get my way around, but i installed ubuntu Server, and also want it to share network to other computers, in normal ubuntu with gui i did edit connections and set ipv4 settings to shared to other computers, how can i accomplish this on ubuntu server?21:33
meerkatsActionParsnip, somethin really strange: I connected an independet mouse via USB and this one works (craptop user here, with an embedded mouse area)21:33
ActionParsnipmeerkats: what make and model system?21:33
diverdudellutz, whats the ....... ?21:33
llutzdiverdude: the rest from the line before like "UUID=411c1a24-092e-4400-aee0-07e618cd9dbf       /storage           ext4  defaults,noatime 0 0"21:33
meerkatsActionParsnip, the independent mouse is a logitech M18021:34
ActionParsnipmeerkats: no, the system, not the mouse21:34
meerkatsa lol21:34
HSarenaHi! my touchpad doesn't work, how to fix it???21:34
diverdudellutz, hmm21:34
ActionParsnipHSarena: what make and model system?21:35
llutzdiverdude: "blkid /dev/sdb1" to get the easy-to-remember UUID-string21:35
diverdudellutz, cant i do something like blkid /dev/sdb1 >> /etc/fstab ?21:36
diverdudellutz, to append it21:36
HSarenaActionParsnip : i have Vaio laptop and have ubuntu 11.1021:36
ActionParsnipHSarena: thought so21:36
catno7is this #ubuntu-unregged21:36
llutzdiverdude: as root, yes21:36
elfrannei added a second hdd on my ubuntu server but it is not showing up in ls -l /dev/sd* (it is a sata disk)21:36
diverdudellutz, ofc. im root :D21:37
meerkatsActionParsnip, sorry, do you mean kernel and gnome information?21:37
diverdudellutz, but im not drinking root beer :P21:37
ActionParsnipHSarena: add the boot option:   i8024.nomux=121:37
ActionParsnipmeerkats: no, the make and model of the laptop. Sony Vaio, Acer Aspire, Dell Lattitude??? Nothing at all to do with the operating system at all21:37
juruami frem21:38
HSarenaActionParsnip : How??21:38
meerkatsActionParsnip, sorry, AHTEC21:39
juruahelp kubuntu21:39
auronandacejurua: you'll need to explain the problem21:40
elfrannei added a second hdd on my headless linux server but it is not showing up in ls -l /dev/sd* (it is a sata disk) any idea why ?21:40
ActionParsnipHSarena: in /etc/default/grub    the default boot options are:  quiet splash    add the option in there then run:  sudo update-grub      Instead of immediately asking for clarification, you could do just a tiny bit of searching and find guides based o what I replied....21:40
chrischwhi everyone...21:40
chrischwi need some help with kdenlive21:40
n000bhi chrischw ;)21:40
diverdudellutz, sweet so i now have in my /etc/fstab:    /dev/sdb1: UUID="dsa fdsaf -fds as fdsa f" TYPE="ext4"   Should i change it so that the line reads:      UUID="dsa fdsaf -fds as fdsa f"        /storage           ext4  defaults,noatime 0 0 ?21:40
chrischwcan anyone help a lost newbie?21:40
juruami proxy help21:40
MonkeyDustchrischw  shoot21:41
llutzdiverdude: without the quotes around the UUID21:41
n000bsomeone who knows kdenlive out there? o.O21:41
th^2hello. i can choose a DNS server in my routers LAN conf. i dont understand what does that mean...21:41
ActionParsnipmeerkats: try the boot option: i8042.reset21:41
chrischwok, so kdenlive works fine on 11.10 64 bit, but the rendering does not work...21:41
meerkatsActionParsnip, open terminal, copy that, right?21:42
llutzth^2: that means, if you don't like the one your ISP offers, use your own21:42
lm1Anyone game under linux?  If so, whats your hardware?21:42
chrischweverything results in the meaningless error "rendering crashed"21:42
diverdudellutz, and then restart system?21:42
ActionParsnipmeerkats: see the long line I gave HSarena earlier21:42
llutzdiverdude: why?21:42
ActionParsniplm1: i do a little21:42
chrischwany idea?21:42
diverdudellutz, to make changes take effect :D21:42
ActionParsniplm1: Dell D420 plays urban terror just dandy21:43
llutzdiverdude: no need21:43
th^2llutz, but my eth0 is configured to use googles dns :S21:43
diverdudellutz, ok...how do i then make the changes take effect0+21:43
llutzdiverdude: sudo mount /storage21:43
bastidrazordiverdude: sudo mount -a  will mount anything in fstab that isn't mounted21:44
llutzdiverdude: that'll mount it now. next time you boot, it will do automatic21:44
sskalnikFor some reason, chromium under Ubuntu has left part of an image stuck on my screen. Even when I exit chromium part of a page's image is stuck on the screen. :/21:44
sskalnikAh, nvm, fixed. Bizarre.21:44
Dualityhow can i share a network connection on ubuntu server?21:45
diverdudenow i have enlarged my playground with 1.5 TB :D21:45
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diverdudenow i have room for so much nitty gritty linux warez :D21:45
sskalnikNevermind again; looks like that patch of the screen just got replaced with another image21:46
ActionParsnip!ics | Duality21:47
ubottuDuality: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing21:47
Dualitythat's gui ..?21:49
LjLDuality: it gives both a GUI option and a command-line option, scroll down.21:49
ActionParsnipDuality: it can be21:49
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ActionParsnipDuality: try reading the link, then ask questions...21:50
diverdudeuhhh i wish cp had some output to see its progress like scp has21:51
LjLdiverdude: cp --verbose21:51
ActionParsnipdiverdude: you can use rsync which can give a progress bar21:51
sskalnikcp -v21:51
popeydiverdude: you can use pv to get status of cp command21:51
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diverdudeActionParsnip, nice... rsync -r src dest ?21:52
sskalnikhttp://www.picvalley.net/v.php?p=u/1708/106125308416437584541326923465ujtHJRHtMUIkH0JMgcWE.PNG <---- any idea what's going on here? After bringing up a chromium menu, this section of the screen is stuck.21:52
HSarenaActionParsnip : Sorry, but i don't understand. you mean add "i8024.nomux=1" in "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= "21:53
bugalooHi all! Here is the thing: I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed in a broken notebook. I was able to start this broken notebook enough to make an image of its hd. I want to know if/how I use this image and run it in a virtualbox machine. anyone?21:54
HSarena ActionParsnip : sometimes one of the clicks don't work, sometimes i can't clicking, and sometimes a pointer won't move21:55
LjLbugaloo: it's probably better to just mount it and save the data...21:55
theadminbugaloo: What kind of image? dd?21:55
bugalootheadmin, I have dd image of the partition where ubuntu was running before21:55
ActionParsnipHSarena: change this line:   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"    to:    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i8024.nomux=1"21:56
bugalooLjL: this isn't enough for me... I need to run the machine21:56
ActionParsnipHSarena: I can't put it any plainer.21:56
n000bhello? some one here who can help me with kdenlive?21:56
theadminbugaloo: If so, well, you need to convert it to a vdi: http://dd2vmdk.appspot.com/21:56
theadminbugaloo: This needs a working system though... There are other tools around too21:57
bugalootheadmin, I already converted it... but once my image is from "sda1" and not "sda" it seems the virtualbox thinks my image has a hd with no partition table21:57
theadminbugaloo: Ah, well, you have a partition image... That ain't gonna work at all21:57
theadminbugaloo: VirtualBox doesn't deal with partitions, only drives >.<21:58
bugalootheadmin, yes, sorry... I miss explained ... it's a partition image21:58
bugalootheadmin, but I guess there is a way to use it yet... with some work of course21:58
theadminbugaloo: Well if there is then I dunno21:59
bugalootheadmin, I can "mount" the partition image converted in vdi on my virtualbox running a live ubuntu iso21:59
geekbriis there a dry run mode for apt-get ?21:59
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LjLgeekbri: --dry-run works22:00
theadmingeekbri: Yeah, apt-get --dry-run22:00
bugalootheadmin, so I'm trying right now to do this: I created another vdi (with partition table, sda and sda1) and I mounted both vdi's (my sda1 and sdb with the partition image) and I did "dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb1"22:00
geekbritheadmin, LjL: well then, thanks... that was easy :)22:00
bugalooI hope my partition image sda goes to the sdb1 partition22:00
bugaloobut I'm not sure if this is going to work, and takes a bit to do it because it's a large partition22:00
bugalooso i'm looking for another idea in the mean time22:01
hydrox24bugaloo: another idea for what exactly?22:01
bugaloohydrox24, i just said it all hehe22:01
HSarenaActionParsnip : Thank you and Sorry about my stupid question but can you tell me what  this action do? , just to know22:02
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hydrox24bugaloo: sorry :/22:02
ActionParsnipHSarena: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub     change the file, save the new file, close gedit then run:  sudo update-grub22:02
bugaloohydrox24, that's ok... I'd repeat but it was a long explanation, hehe... and I'm lazy :P22:03
epaphusHello guys... what is the best way to install java6 (from sun) in firefox as a plugin? I have 10.0422:03
ActionParsnipepaphus: there is no best way22:03
epaphusActionParsnip, ok.. what would be my options..22:03
ActionParsnipepaphus: what is the output of:  uname -m22:03
bugaloojava plugins is always a pain22:03
diverdudellutz, ok..moving 250GB takes some time22:04
diverdudellutz, *copying22:04
ActionParsnipbugaloo: not hugely. I have it scripted22:04
bugalooActionParsnip, nice22:04
llutzdiverdude: time for the next beer ;)22:04
diverdudellutz, hahahahaa22:04
bastidrazori agree22:04
RadiumCathi, how do i switch input languages in xubuntu 11.somethng?22:05
kentping abatoo22:05
diverdudellutz, many beers :D22:05
akstonDoes anyone else get intermittent uPNP connections w/ Ubuntu? I can't quite figure out what's going on but think I've eliminated the router and database as causes22:05
diverdudellutz, ill do some programming meanwhile :P22:05
diverdudellutz, afterall..i am a geek22:05
ActionParsnipepaphus: if you can give the output of the command, I can give you a script and it will install Java for you...22:05
llutzdiverdude: have fun, i'll keep sorting mp3s :(22:06
diverdudellutz, ohh nice..i should do that as well...im just to lazy22:06
epaphusActionParsnip, yes one min please22:06
bugalooActionParsnip, you should but a "uname -m" variable in your script, hehehe... just kiddin' :)22:06
ActionParsnipbugaloo: was thinking about it actually :)22:07
bugalooActionParsnip, it's a good idea if you already have the scripts separated22:07
ActionParsnipbugaloo: it's just the downloaded file which would change22:08
goddardcan i use gpg in gmails web interface?22:08
lm1lm1: tst22:08
diverdudellutz, i wonder when a mp3 sorter will  be invented22:08
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diverdudellutz, a proper one22:08
goddardbugaloo: sweet how!22:09
goddardHOW HOW22:09
lm1ActionParsnip: tst22:09
LjL!test | lm122:09
ubottulm1: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )22:09
ActionParsniplm1: tst to you too22:09
llutzdiverdude: i'd like a working service, where i just can upload some checksums of untagged files and get id3-tags back22:09
LjLllutz: musicbrainz sorta does that22:10
diverdudellutz, ohh yes that would be awesome22:10
llutzLjL: unfortunately not really good when it come to Blues/rock (music for old men, you know) :(22:10
epaphusActionParsnip, i68622:11
diverdudellutz, hey...i like blues and rock.....are you calling me old22:11
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llutzdiverdude: never22:11
ActionParsnipepaphus: sweet, ok run this lot. You'll need to change the link command to copy it to Firefox's plugins folder: http://paste.ubuntu.com/809110/22:11
ratcheerI like blues and rock. And I am old.22:12
ActionParsnipratcheer: not at all22:12
llutzi guess it's time to leave or to change to !ot22:12
epaphusActionParsnip, ok cool . ill try it22:12
ratcheerActionParsnip: Thanks!22:12
ActionParsnipratcheer: np22:12
diverdudeohh yes.. llutz, ActionParsnip thx for the help b422:13
ActionParsnipdiverdude: always a pleasure, thanks for the gratitude22:13
diverdudeActionParsnip, i dont think i could run linux without these help channels...really22:14
Wargasmdiverdude: agreed22:14
ActionParsnipdiverdude: the community helps itself :)22:16
bugaloofor guys who like this kind of support, dont forget to come back when you know enough to help someone22:16
diverdudeActionParsnip, but i have fallen in love with opensource...dont think ill ever leave it again22:16
diverdudebugaloo, certaainly...i also try to help where i can22:17
heoahow can I run many files in bin at the same tim?22:18
heoaerr time?22:18
heoaIt runs only one file, I want some easy way to run many -- I know how to do that with a file but there must be some straightforward wildcard or some shell-based solution22:19
hydrox24heoa: like, tun many of the executables in parralell?22:19
bugalooheoa, use "&"22:19
bugaloolike... ./file1 & ./file2 & ./file322:20
bugalooit'll run all them22:20
hydrox24heoa: that's right, the "&" will put each command run into the background allowing the next one to being immediately22:20
hydrox24heoa: "./bin/* &"22:20
hydrox24the & puts the command in the background22:20
hydrox24DFan247: loud & clear22:21
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muni have a server that has 2 interfaces connected: wlan0 and usb0 (tethering). the usb0 was connected first and all traffic seems to be going through that. is there a way to force traffic through wlan0 via console?22:21
heoahydrox24: sorry but that is not right, it puts the one file to background22:21
bugaloomun, change your default route22:22
munbugaloo, how do i do that?22:22
llutzmun: sudo route del default && sudo route add default wlan022:22
bugaloomun, route del default ; route add default gw wlan022:22
bugaloomin, execute it as root22:22
Guest54531where's the free porn?22:22
bugalooGuest54531, off, against sopa hehehe22:22
pangolinGuest54531: wrong network22:22
munbugaloo, llutz thanks so much.22:22
hydrox24Guest54531: Only tech porn here, and yes, pangolin is right22:23
imbezolheoa: ls -1 | while read FILE ; do $FILE ; done22:23
Guest54531haha, sopa22:23
hydrox24bugaloo: WIN22:23
imbezolheoa: though that does them one at a time22:23
Guest54531internet is funded by taxpayers, it should be censored22:23
TitomenHi..has any body done an image with partimage on a system build on software raid: raid1 boot- radi1 swap, raid 5 system, raid 5 home?22:23
ActionParsnipGuest54531: that is offtopic here, try #ubuntu-offtopic22:24
pangolinGuest54531: This is a Ubuntu support channel, please stick to the topic.22:24
bugalooGuest54531, ok... I have nothing against your porn question, but now you're getting my hate, hehe22:24
Titomen Hi..has any body done an image with partimage on a UBUNTU system build on software raid: raid1 boot- radi1 swap, raid 5 system, raid 5 home?22:24
Guest54531the porn thing was a joke. I'm against porn and stealing so logically for sopa22:24
pangolinGuest54531: last warning.22:25
ActionParsnipGuest54531: that is offtopic here, try #ubuntu-offtopic22:25
hydrox24heoa: You could use the "gnu parrallels" program to run multiple programs concurrently.22:25
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Titomenpangolin: thanks to be so polite and educated, ActionParsnip: Thanks for the real help..That is what this should be for "Help....Thanks ActionParsnip22:26
hydrox24no gnu, no wikipedia, how the hell am I supposed to help people!!!!22:27
ActionParsnipTitomen: always a pleasure :)22:27
hydrox24I live in australia and support the anti-SOPA cause but this is getting really annoying!22:27
ActionParsniphydrox24: when did gnu stop?22:27
redlegorengHello ! I'm trying to install ubuntu on my ThinkadW520. I used universal usb installer to copy the ISO to an external usb harddrive. Everything worked, but now, when i choose my external drive in the boot menu, it does not load (goes back to the load menu). Does it matter that it's a hard drive and not a flash drive ?22:27
ActionParsnipSOPA is offtopic here22:27
hydrox24ActionParsnip: don't know22:27
imbezolheoa: ls -1 | while read FILE ; do $FILE & done22:27
imbezolheoa: that does them all at once22:27
laptop_What happened to Ubuntu? It used to be great but now UNITY sucks. Are windows developers trying to destroy it?22:27
Wargasmhydrox24 wiki works, you just have to click stop before it goes to the SOPA page22:28
hydrox24sorry, was trying to lookup parrallels info on the gnu.org site22:28
ActionParsnipredlegoreng: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded22:28
Night-hackssynaptics disable key doesn't works on my ubuntu 11.04 (toshiba portege)22:28
TitomenActionParsnip: Thanks22:28
hydrox24Wargasm: might just use lynx22:28
phibxrlaptop_, yes, we actually are.22:28
redlegorengno, I'll do that now22:28
krummehey all is ther some one the know if i can install Ubuntu on my iphone22:28
Night-hackssynaptics touchpad disable key doesn't works on my ubuntu 11.04 (toshiba portege)22:28
hydrox24krumme: only a basic version of linux known as busybox... what sort of phone is it?22:29
laptop_iphones are for stupid people22:29
krummehydrox24 iphone 422:29
hydrox24Night-hacks: Unfortunately those are the sorts of issues you'll have to test your google-fu with.22:29
phibxr!trolling | laptop_22:29
ActionParsnipkrumme: seems to be an ARM CPU, so you could22:29
phibxrCrap, didn't exist.22:29
[deXter]phibxr, you just got trolled by ubottu  ;)22:29
Wargasmlaptop_: try a different DE, thats what I did and its great when you find one that works for you22:29
hydrox24krumme: The first few iPhones can run a busybox linux, but no touch support, so basically only potential for hacking and geeks. it isn't practical22:29
laptop_No, really. Have windows developers tried to kill Ubuntu? This Unity thing is HORRIBLE.22:30
yorkziphone 4 suxxxx22:30
lm1How did the SOPA bill do anyway, did they vote today or was it just the blackout?22:30
Night-hackshydrox24: is there any way to get any input values in x input ? wanna check if linux gets any signal from that key ?22:30
redlegorengActionParsnip: where's the checksum ? i dont see it on the download page22:30
krummehydrox24 :( soo no Ubuntu for my iphone22:30
phibxrlaptop_, we hired the same team that designed windows vista. pretty, isn't it?22:30
ActionParsniplaptop_: you don't have to use Unity or Gnome..22:30
Humbedoohlml, just blackout22:30
hydrox24krumme: Android works kinda OK on older iPhones: http://linuxoniphone.blogspot.com/2010/04/ive-been-working-on-this-quietly-in.html22:30
epaphusActionParsnip, worked perfectly. If I download a .jnlp file (to be executed by the JRE directly without the browser) How could i do this...? do you know?22:30
hydrox24krumme: Essaentially no.22:30
alien2050laptop_: there are many other options all using ubuntu, like gnome-shell, e17, kde, lxde, etc.... so you're not bound to use unity...22:30
Humbedoohlml, wait till January 24th for the good voting stuff :)22:30
ActionParsnipHumbedooh: if you are quick on the STOP button in your browser, you can read wikis22:30
HumbedoohActionParsnip, uhm, I know?22:31
hydrox24laptop_: I use gnome 3. I love it to bits22:31
laptop_PHIBXR, that's what it appears like. This stupid bar on the left sucks. Going over to Mint22:31
yorkzwell unity is sort of a failure imo22:31
ActionParsnipepaphus: not sure, I only use java in browser22:31
alien2050hydrox24: +122:31
epaphusActionParsnip, thanks22:31
Wargasmlaptop_: I use lxde... I love that so far... except for the battery monitor GRRR22:31
epaphusAnybody know how i can run a .jnlp with the JRE in Ubuntu?22:31
ActionParsnipHumbedooh: well, I'm not fully up on what you know and what you don't know, do I, uhm?22:31
* Humbedooh slaps ActionParsnip 22:32
hydrox24yeah, I find gnome 3 has a steep learning/comfort curve but stick with it for a week or so and you'll be addicted22:32
alien2050epaphus: yep it should work... I did it before with sun ELOM apps22:32
laptop_I am using gnome and I still have this stupid bar on the left like windows22:32
hydrox24I stuck with unity for 2 weeks atleast to break it in and still didn't like it THAT much... its OK22:32
epaphusalien2050, double cliking it just opens a window to select how to open it.. not sure what i should do though22:32
hydrox24laptop_: you'll find that unity is infact a baked-on extension for gnome22:33
ActionParsniplaptop_: install xfce4  you will not have Unity and you can run all your favourite Gnome apps22:33
nronksrAnybody know an enterprise ticketing system that is gnu?22:33
hydrox24nronksr: This probably isn't the right channel22:33
alien2050epaphus: it's been some time, but I think it needs to find your java bins... try from command line it should give you more info22:33
hydrox24ask that on the whirlpool or linux forums22:33
laptop_Action, I'll try that22:33
ActionParsniplaptop_: there are plenty of desktops you can use22:33
hydrox24laptop_: I also recommend xfce4 for simplicity and stability, but I think gnome-shell is more efficient and fun.22:34
kentabout shh tunneling, downloading files through the server does that strain its connection speed? anythoughts?22:34
hydrox24laptop_: I reckkon xfce4 is outdated but then again, that IS why people love it so much22:34
redlegorengActionParsnip: i compared checksums, it's ok... i'll try once more, but it is supposed to work as well on external hard drives as well, right ?22:34
ActionParsniplaptop_: here is my desktop in Precise. I use LXDE: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/Desktop.png22:34
hydrox24kent: more specific?22:35
ahammondkent: it incurs some processor overhead and creates additional latency.22:35
laptop_hydrox I installed gnome shell but still have the stupid bar on the left22:35
ActionParsnipredlegoreng: ot sure then, try making the bootable device with a different app22:35
heoaimbezol: yes, takes some time to kill some tex -bugs (apparently in the paralellel I should also automate pressing enter while compiling latex documents...)22:35
glebihanlaptop_, then you didn't run gnome-shell, there isn't a left bar on gnome-shell22:36
kent trafficking my downloads throught the server...22:36
heoaimbezol: (or to fix the latex errs...  on time)22:36
imbezolheoa: you could add "yes" to your command22:36
munbugaloo, llutz hi again. regarding sudo route add default wlan0 it seems that the original flags for default is UG ut the new flag for default is U. does it make much difference?22:36
laptop_My brother owns a company that sends people tickets for illegal downloads22:36
ActionParsnipglebihan: I thouht the default was this: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4hgJe6HCdAY/TnyV4cq_SgI/AAAAAAAACik/w3kJJy5kCZc/s1600/gnome_shell_ubuntu_oneric.png  whih has a bar22:37
TitomenI open this uestion to anybody here who can help me, since i am new...i ask a question, and not politelyand with warnings that i should leave, very kindly ActionParship Advise me to go to the  #ubuntu-offtopic, which i did, once i place the question there, pangolin one more time in not a very helpfull way place this comment: "this channel is not a replacement for when you don't get an answer22:37
Titomenin #ubuntu  but yeah, it's not good to come here for support"...So this is my question FOR UBUNTU.....i have an ubuntu sytem on software raid with a computer that is having some problems...i have to create an image so i can restored to a new computer....can somebody help me on this....22:37
heoaimbezol: yes well now I freezed it :P22:37
imbezolheoa: :) have fun with that22:37
glebihanActionParsnip, well that's the overview, this isn't visible on the desktop until you actually open it22:37
ActionParsnipTitomen: you can use partimage or dd to make an image of the partition22:38
heoaimbezol: I did  do ./$FILE | yes & <-- getting nice amounts of yes :P22:38
NfisherHi all ive a little probleme here. i jsut added a new user and now i logged in as it... now when i type "who" it doesnt list the loged in new user.. whats wrong here?22:38
ActionParsnipglebihan: I guess but the bar is still there ;)22:38
ActionParsnipNfisher: try:  who -a22:38
TitomenActionParsnip:..well that was my intention to the original question...but since the sistem is on a Software raid..can that be possible?22:38
ActionParsnipTitomen: not sure, I dont use software raid22:39
glebihanActionParsnip, right :)22:39
imbezolTitomen: there are lots of options depending on the problem22:39
laptop_If you use limewire you're going to get a ticket22:39
imbezolTitomen: what's going on with the system?22:39
NfisherActionParsnip, no, neither working22:39
TitomenActionParsnip: imbezol: My concer is that if you image the complete system i believe the raid wont be able to be copy22:40
imbezolTitomen: what's the problem with the system?22:41
TitomenI was trying to see if anybody uses software raid and has being able to do that22:41
hydrox24Here is my gnome-shell desktop: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6833827/Screenshot%20at%202012-01-19%2009%3A36%3A09.png22:41
Titomenimbezol: i have 9.10  would like to upgrade and there is no more support..so i guess i need to do i clean instal..but before that i would like to do an image so if something goes worng, i can go back to my previous state22:42
hydrox24Titomen: Clonezilla?22:42
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imbezolTitomen: ah.. well the experienced user might do something like toss another harddrive in, add it as a raid 1 mirror, break it off and keep it as a gold copy... or boot off a rescue disk, mount the existing partitions read only and dd image to another drive.. lots of options22:43
imbezolTitomen: if you're not that experienced with software raid, then yeah, something like partimage is probably your best bet. it understands linux software raid just fine22:44
shadalooanyone recommend a tool to convert .avi to a burnable DVD format22:44
ahammondI want to install upstart 1.4 on ubuntu 10.10. Haven't seen a PPA. What's the best course of action?22:44
imbezolTitomen: you can even just tar up your whole filesystem and save the tar.. if you need to restore you'd just create whatever type partitions you want, extract, fix your fstab if needed, and reinstall your bootloader22:45
ahammonds/install/upgrade to/22:45
mundoes anyone know how to find my gateway address?22:45
ahammondmun: have you looked in /etc/network/config?22:45
owenllshadaloo: DeVeDe22:45
munahammond, i haven't got the config file22:45
Titomenimbezol: i am not so experienze...but trying to avoid hre previous type of answer when i came here i read a lot and suposely because of the raid issues there migth be problems..that why i was trying to get some advise?22:45
ahammondmun: er… sorry, that would be /etc/network/interfaces22:46
cypher-neoshadaloo, videotrans is good, but I'm not sure it accepts AVI.22:46
munahammond, ah right. well there's no address in it. just auto lo and iface lo inet loopback22:46
imbezolTitomen: raid gives you more options if anything22:46
imbezolTitomen: don't be scared of it22:46
ahammondmun: oh, dhcp? try netstat -nr | grep
shadaloocypher-neo: is it command line22:46
cypher-neoshadaloo, Yes, it is.22:46
imbezolTitomen: if you really don't want to mess around with losing it.. your best option is to remove the harddrives and install on different ones22:46
munahammond, yep got something. which row should I look at? the one with UG?22:47
Jerubwhat's the easiest way to install a 3.1+ kernel on ubuntu? I want to use a later version of btrfs.22:47
imbezolTitomen: or at least back up your /home directory before trying to upgrade22:47
hydrox24I would just use tar to backup?22:47
munahammond, basically i'm asking because i'm trying to change the default route from usb0 to wlan0. using sudo route del default && sudo route add default wlan0 doesn't give the new default the UG flag.22:47
ahammondmun: the desitination row is the default. look for the gateway in that row.22:47
munahammond, so i wonder if i'll need sudo route add default gw <gateway> wlan0?22:47
ahammondmun: default routes are at the IP layer, not the interface layer.22:48
cypher-neoshadaloo, There's also dvdauthor22:48
Titomenimbezol: well i gues i can do a backup of the home data also..tehn try part image and if something goes wrong...the worst is to do the iinstallation and configuration.....is clonezilla to differetn form partimage?22:48
NfisherHi all! is there a possibility to view the stream of a remote box's webcam on the local machine?22:48
Jerubmun: /sbin/ip route replace default via $gateway_ip dev wlan022:48
ahammondmun: you want to be editing that /etc/network/interfaces file. The man page is pretty good for that one.22:48
shadaloocypher-neo: thanks22:49
imbezolTitomen: never used clonezilla22:49
ahammondJerub: seriously? coolness has happened recently. :)22:49
imbezolTitomen: i've used partimage lots though and it's been solid for me22:49
munbasically i have 3 rows when I run netstat -nr | grep
ahammondany suggestions about getting upstart 1.4?22:49
Titomenimbezol: i try to upgrade, but because i have 9.10..it wont let me do that, that is why ithougth about protection first and then try to do clean isntall22:49
Nfisher..since i dont want to x-forward cheese which is pretty unhandy22:49
Nfisherand doenst work well22:49
AelingilCan anyone show me / link to me a walkthrough How to recover a folder that was deleted during a restore? I've tried finding the old files, and they are no where on the system.22:50
munonly one row has the UG flag -- so that's the one with the gateway ip?22:50
imbezolTitomen: if you download a 10.04 disk and stick it in, it won't let you upgrade?22:50
Jerubahammond, mun: what i really meant was, don't use 'route', use the iproute2/'ip' tool, because it will work better.22:50
=== Nfisher is now known as mayan
imbezolTitomen: then you could see if you'll be able to do a "do-release-upgrade"22:50
Jerubmun: 'U' means up, 'G' means gateway.22:50
milamber!recover | Aelingil22:50
ubottuAelingil: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:50
Jerubmun: I would be more interested in the output of 'ip route'22:51
munJerub, ok. i get: default via dev usb0  proto static22:51
munJerub, but i'm trying to change it to wlan022:52
Jerubmun: ip route replace default via dev wlan022:52
Titomenimbezol: well i am getting a lot of permissions denied and not fetching error, somebody told me i have to do an upgrade..but i do not want to loose andy of my configurations untill i can do that and have the time to repair i something goes wrong22:52
munJerub, i get "RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted"22:52
Jerubmun: is wlan0 up?22:52
Jerubyou might need to do it as root, of course :)22:52
munJerub, yeah it's up22:53
munJerub, with sudo I get "RTNETLINK answers: No such process"22:53
sn00pWhen is the next ubuntus release because unity sucks22:53
imbezolTitomen: ah.. well i'd be surprised if the CD upgrade way needed to fetch anything22:53
meerkatsi need a command to scan via terminal, maximum size per scanned page: 1Mb22:53
ActionParsnipsn00p: april this year, it is LTS and has Unity22:53
ActionParsnipsn00p: try installing XFCE and use that, you don't HAVE TO use Unity22:53
imbezolTitomen: i could be wrong though.. :)22:54
Jerubmun: that's very strange. please pastebin the output of 'ip route show table all' and 'ip link' and 'ip addr'22:54
ActionParsnipsn00p: the package you want for minimal xfce is xfce422:55
munJerub, sure.22:55
JakeHHello, I am a newby at Ubuntu, just started a couple of weeks ago ... I am getting used to the command line but there is still something I don't understand properly: in most guides/manuals/documentation online the instructions about command line actions are always given without "sudo", but when I execute them I usually always get "Permission denied", which I understand, as I need super user priveliges to execute certain actions, but no22:55
meerkatswhat will for i in `seq 1 800`; do scanimage > image$i.png; sleep 2; done;22:55
meerkats do?22:55
sn00pUnity is great but it does weird things like  close my terminals and other stuff22:55
munJerub, here you go: http://pastebin.com/gsFA07vL22:55
ActionParsnipJakeH: is your user in the admin group?22:55
JakeHnot mention "sudo", while on command line, it is required? I was under the impression logging in as a super user is a bad idea and you should (almost) always opt for sudo as it is safer. Could someone explain this to me?22:55
zorklatGrub hanged on boot; unknown file system.22:56
ActionParsnipmeerkats: scan 800 images afaik, with the filename having the number, with a 2 second pause between22:56
ActionParsnipJakeH: once the OS is setup, you will need it very rarely22:56
Wargasmsn00p: like ActionParsnip said, you're not stuck to Unity... there are many other environments to choose from... I like LXDE myself22:57
meerkats"for i in `seq 1 80`; do scanimage > image$i.png; sleep 4; done;" where should I specify the output format? png, jpg22:57
ActionParsnipWargasm: lxde +122:57
meerkatsa sorry22:57
meerkatsre read it22:57
ActionParsnipmeerkats: ;)22:57
JakeHhmm, I got disconnected, did anyone answer my question yet?22:57
meerkatsActionParsnip, how do I limit the size to 1 MB maximum?22:57
ratcheerI am giving gnome-shell a long tryout.22:58
ActionParsnipmeerkats: not sure22:58
ActionParsnipJakeH: yes, I replied22:58
ActionParsnipJakeH: once you setup the OS, sudo is used very rarely22:58
cypher-neoratcheer, Need any help with gnome-shell?22:58
ActionParsnipJakeH: is your user in the admin group?22:58
Jerubmun: okay, so you're on a different /24 on the wlan and the usb devices.22:58
sn00pActionParsnip, how do I switch environments ? and which ones are there22:59
JakeHActionParsnip, I am guessing it is not, I am using a fresh install and didn't really do anything to my user after that ...22:59
zorklatwhere can I go for help with grub>?  I'm getting "hd0: out of disk" and "unknown file system" instead.22:59
munJerub, ah right. so is there anything i should do differently?22:59
ActionParsnipsn00p: log off and you choose it at login screen using cog22:59
Jerubmun: and you've got a dud route on the wlan0 device without a gateway, remove that first.22:59
JakeHActionParsnip, as I said, I am still a nooby so I must be missing that, and that's probably why I'm sudo' ing all the time22:59
Jerubip route delete default22:59
ActionParsnipJakeH: if you run:  groups     what is output?22:59
Jerubmun: you need to find the ip of the gateway on the wireless network, and use that.22:59
Jerubip route add default via $correct_ip dev wlan022:59
psusizorklat, sounds like your drive is borked... can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -lu?23:00
munJerub, where $correct_ip is
ratcheercypher-neo: No thanks. Everyone was just talking about what DE's they are using.23:00
JakeHActionParsnip, well, it says I am part of it ...23:00
benccwhat file should I edit to add something to a user's PATH?23:00
Jerubmun: unknown, that's your network, but that's in the right range.23:00
Jeruber, not the right range.23:00
cypher-neoratcheer, Ah! I use GNOME-Shell as well. :)23:00
Jerubit's got to be 192.168.1.XX23:01
JakeHActionParsnip, my name and then: adm, dialout, cdrom, plugdev, lpadmin, admin, sambashare ...23:01
munJerub, hmm how do I find out the right gateway ip?23:01
ActionParsnipJakeH: then sudo will work, type your password (you will get no feedback) and hit ENTER and you can run admin tasks and get all the access you need23:01
psusibencc, their ~/.profile23:01
Jerubanyway, someone got a hint on where i can apt-get a 3.1 or 3.2 kernel from?23:01
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Jerubmun: dhcp is a popular way :)23:01
Jerubwhich should autoconfigure everyting :)23:01
benccpsusi:  thanks23:02
JakeHActionParsnip, I can do everything, it's just that I have to do "sudo" in front of (almost) every command I do ... while in online guides etc you never see sudo in the command ...23:02
munJerub, ok i'd better install it23:03
zorklatwhat's the preferred pastebin?23:03
ActionParsnipJakeH: some commands don't need it, you only need sudo to change tings outside of your home folder, like updates and so on23:03
cypher-neozorklat, Any pastebin that doesn't multiline it in chat.23:03
JakeHActionParsnip, for example, when I want to edit a file I'd have to do sudo nano ... instead of just nano, when I want to install a package with apt-get I' ll have to do sudo, removing, renaming, moving, all that requires sudo. Is that how it's supposed to be?23:03
ActionParsnipzorklat: any, one isn't preferred over aother23:03
JakeHActionParsnip, ah, that's probably why then, I've been mostly working in a folder I created in my root for development (switched to linux for development purposes)23:04
ActionParsnipJakeH: if you are using nano to edit outside of home then yes, you will need sudo23:04
WargasmJakeH: I think I sudo everything also lol23:04
zorklatok, fdisk lu at http://pastebin.com/bxcniRpJ23:04
ActionParsnipJakeH: if you run:  sudo -i     you will get an (i)nteractive sudo and not have to type it until you type:  exit23:04
psusizorklat, holy crap, why so many partitions? ;)23:05
JakeHActionParsnip, so for that terminal session I am root so to say?23:05
ActionParsnipJakeH: effectively, yes23:05
zorklat4 distros w/ /boot, /, and /home and one for wine, and one for all my files.23:05
ActionParsnipJakeH: but its slightly easier to break your OS23:06
alien2050ne1 knows if (and where) I can configure my X session to start on a specific display ie CTRL-ALT-F3 for example ?23:06
JakeHActionParsnip, thanks a bunch for clearing that up for me ... I was thinking I was doing something wrong for a moment. And yeah, I read about super user and why you should avoid being a permanent super user (breaking OS indeed)23:06
alien2050instead of ctrl-alt-f7 which is default...23:07
JakeHActionParsnip, one more thing though, is it normal that apt-get/cache etc require sudo too?23:07
psusizorklat, goodness!  why not share one /home?  or use LVM to manage that second disk as well?  anyhow, which one is the boot drive?  also let's get some more info... download and run this script and pastebin the results plz: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/23:07
munJerub, thanks a lot for the help23:07
ActionParsnipJakeH: yes as the command updates the files for your apps, which are outside your home23:08
zorklatsdb is boot drive.23:08
CharminTheMooseWhy does upstart have .conf files for mounting sys and proc, when the initrd does it already?23:08
CharminTheMooserunning 11.04 here23:08
Titomenimbezol: but you agree that will be good to have an image of it before doing that?23:08
JakeHActionParsnip, aha ok, yeah figured as much, just wanted to check! Thanks :-) I will be off doing some more nooby nerdy stuff now :P23:08
sn00pActionParsnip, if I chose something else than unity will gnome still be the main one?23:09
charly_hi all23:09
ActionParsnipsn00p: if you log into XFCE, XFCE will be the 'main one' but your gnome apps will be runnable23:09
ActionParsnipsn00p: xfce is made using gtk too....23:09
charly_first time using xchat23:10
dannelSOPAcharly_, congrats23:10
hydrox24charly_: congratz!23:10
charly_tnx!!! XD23:10
hydrox24dannelSOPA: jynx23:10
charly_what for it?23:11
hydrox24charly_: so what ta here for?23:11
charly_what does it mean - ta?23:11
hydrox24charly_: typo23:11
hydrox24I meant "ya"23:11
hydrox24as in "you"23:12
zorklatpsusi, here you go:  http://pastebin.com/1qjfuQyA23:12
hydrox24well, I gotta go, cya all!23:13
charly_where are you came frome?23:15
munJerub, although i can change it with your command, it reverts back to usb0 after a bit for some reason.23:15
psusizorklat, it looks like you installed grub using blocklists... you sholdn't do that... you might want to reinstall grub23:16
zorklatpsusi, ok, how would I do that from the live disk?23:16
psusizorklat, which install do you want to own grub?23:17
zorklatpsusi, ubuntu.  is this thread on the right track?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435123:18
psusizorklat, that's a very large and old thread, but if it tells you to mount your root fs ( of whichever OS you want to own grub ), chroot into it, and run grub-install, then that's what you need to do ;)23:20
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psusizorklat, run grub-install /dev/sdb that is23:20
* zorklat goes off to learn about chroot.23:21
psusizorklat, also if your ubuntu install is in an lvm volume, you'll need to install the lvm2 packge on the livecd to recognize it23:22
zorklatpsusi, nope, no lvm23:22
mvdkWhat's the process for submitting a new package?  I have packaged JBIG-KIT in a PPA, and wish to submit it23:22
psusizorklat, hrm... which partition is your ubuntu install that you want to be the main os?23:22
zorklatpsusi, sdb3.23:23
psusizorklat, hrm... beause the grub currently installed is looking for a volume with a uuid not found there, so I assume it is an lvm volume that isn't being recognized23:24
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mvdkpsusi, grub2 knows how to read LVM - grub does not23:25
zorklatgrrr.  it may be hunting on sda, which ought not be boot flagged at all!23:25
psusizorklat, anyhow, mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt, mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev, mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys, mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc, chroot /mnt, then grub-install /dev/sdb should do it23:25
benyusshello guys. anybody can help for me? i have issues with my ati radeon 200m card driver.23:25
psusimvdk, right23:26
Titomenimbezol: i just try partimage on systemrescucd, this is what i see i see the sda1 sdb1 sdc1 sda2 sdb2 sdc2 sda5 sdb5 sdc5 sda6 sdb6 sdc6 sda7 sdb7 sdc7 and then i see the md124 md125 md126 md127..which interestly the last one should correspord to the assemby raids md0 md1 md2 md3...Why it has that diefretn configuration and is this something that on retore should be change?23:26
psusizorklat, the boot flag only means anything to the dos/windows boot loader23:26
mvdkbenyuss, have you installed the proprietary driver, or the open source one?  And what is the nature of your problem23:26
mvdkTitomen, the numbers on the mds mean almost nothing on a different installation23:27
mvdkTitomen, they are assigned by udev23:28
benyussmvdk: yes i was installed proprietary driver but its looks like doesn't works because when i tried to run ati catalyst center it says i haven't any ati driver so i must to configure with aticonfig or install a driver.. but i was installed it with the catalyst center.23:28
Titomenmvdk: so when i do a restore of the software raid i can keep the new name md124 or should i change it to what it was md023:28
Autoethhoping someone in here can explain when i issue command ip tunnel add (name of my choice ) i get a new interface but on top of that i also get an automatic interface sit0 why is linux doing this .23:28
zorklatlet this be a lesson to y'all, btw:  do NOT hibernate from LDM with an account logged in!23:29
Captain_Crowhow do i add more sides to the cube in 11.10?23:29
mvdkTitomen, whatever you put udev will be what you get23:29
mvdkbenyuss, what hardware was it again?23:29
psusizorklat, huh?23:29
mvdkbenyuss, What does lspci call it?23:30
benyussmvdk: ati radeon 200m23:30
zorklatpsusi, that's when the problems started.23:30
zorklatpsusi, also:  http://pastebin.com/qVhgiajQ23:30
psusizorklat, this didn't happen after installing a new os?  that's weird23:30
mvdkAutoeth, suggest you look at the Documentation directory in the Linux sources.23:30
imbezolTitomen: it doesn't matter what they show up as in partimage.. they will still be whatever they were originally after restoration23:30
zorklatpsusi, I wound up blanking the entire disk and repartitioning it with cfdisk from the issues arising from trying that.23:31
Titomenso when i do a complete system backup i should copy eveything, now if i just want ot image the date which is md3 or md127, do i also have to copy sda7 sdb7 sdc7?23:31
psusizorklat, ohh, crap... your sdb1 partition starts on sector 30... that's goofy... it should start at least at sector 63, if not 204823:31
Titomensorry the data23:31
oldIT781Anyone have a minute to help with a Ubuntu 11.04 ati graphics card question?23:32
mvdkbenyuss, does the open driver not work?23:32
psusizorklat, maybe you can use gparted to move the start of that partition over a hair?23:32
zorklatpsusi, ok.  well, I'll go and fix that.  there's nothing I'm afraid to lose on sda1, as everything is also on sda.23:32
mvdkbenyuss, see "http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ATI_Mobility_Radeon_Xpress_200M"23:33
zorklater, nothing I'm afraid lose on sdb123:33
mvdkbenyuss, the proprietary driver has not supported your chip for some time now23:33
occupantSo I have some VMs that are going to be fucked-upon-reboot because /boot ran out of space upon a kernel upgrade. If I clear space on /boot and try to reinstall the latest kernel fresh, would I just want the linux-image package or more stuff?23:34
mvdkbenyuss, that driver is by AMD/ATI, and nothing can really be done about it23:34
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benyussmvdk: i dont know.. i know only 2 things.. : when i enter to the hardware drivers menu it's full empty.. 2: i must to upgrade my driver because sometimes my screen is frozen, at youtube the videos is lagging on 1080p and i cant play with my favourite game.. on windows i haven't these problems:/23:34
PureRumbleHi all! Running 11.10! I want to have multiple login sessions for the same user, is it possible?23:35
psusioccupant, good reason not to use a separate /boot partition... yes, reinstalling the linux-image-xxx package should do it23:35
mvdkbenyuss, you could try the latest open source drivers23:35
oldIT781If I am using the propritary Ati/nvidia drivers with a ati 5750 card does that mean it will still read a xorg.conf file?23:35
mvdkThere is a PPA for them23:35
benyussmvdk: where i can find them?23:36
benyussmvdk: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ATI_Mobility_Radeon_Xpress_200M it will be doesn't work?23:36
mvdkbenyuss, your googlefu is waning.  I'll google it, but some of what we do is trying to teach you how to catch fish...23:36
mvdkbenyuss, The latest *proprietary* drivers do not work23:37
* oldIT781 looks for a que to stand in. 23:37
benyussmvdk: ok i see. im looking for an open source driver. pls wait23:38
zorklatpsusi, a few megs should do the trick?23:38
mvdkbenyuss, https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/drivers-only23:38
MyrttioldIT781: it will read it if such exists - but it doesn't necessarily do23:38
psusizorklat, just one will do... grub needs like 55 sectors or so23:38
Jerubmun: sounds like you're running NetworkManager or something23:39
mvdkoldIT781, you're looking for an xorg.conf?  Recent ubuntus don't make one23:39
benyussmvdk: which version i need?23:39
oldIT781Myrtti: Thanks! I just switched from a nvidia card to an ATI card. I used to add a line that inverted my screen.23:39
occupantati proprietary would still use xorg.conf23:40
mvdkbenyuss, Sorry, put the wrong thing there, just looked at the dates23:40
oldIT781mvdk: I just want to have my screen inverted. I can create one using a template from the nvidia xorg.conf i had. I just want to know if its going to break anything.23:40
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
oldIT781So for example ... the proprietary ati drivers allow me to invert my screen. but in games it still is not inverted.23:42
oldIT781adding a line to the xorg.conf file seemed to invert the OS at a deeper level. ... am I correct or way out of line?23:42
zimaondemand governor failed, too long transition latency of HW, fallback to performance governor; any ideas guys?23:42
zimaor is this unfixed and never-going-to-be-fixed-bug?23:43
psusizima, what kind of cpu is this?23:43
mvdkbenyuss, this looks like the place: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa23:43
zimaceleron M 1.5 (p4 based)23:43
psusizima, doesn't support cpufreq23:44
zimathere is a driver and cpufreq-info says: cpufreq stats: 188 MHz:0,00%, 375 MHz:0,00%, 563 MHz:0,00%, 750 MHz:0,00%, 938 MHz:0,00%, 1.13 GHz:0,00%, 1.31 GHz:0,00%, 1.50 GHz:100,00%23:44
mvdkbenyuss, I have used this before, the notice at the top about it setting stuff on fire isn't quite right, but it isn't guaranteed to work, either ;-)23:44
zimapsusi: ↑23:44
psusizima, what's the driver?23:44
psusizima, is it p4-clockmod?23:45
psusizima, it's bogus... the cpu doesn't support cpu frequency scaling23:45
htmlhow  do i add a account?23:45
zimapsusi: i see23:45
mvdkWhat's the process for submitting a new package?  I have packaged JBIG-KIT in a PPA, and wish to submit it.23:45
zimai'm fscked then23:45
oldIT781does anyone know if the xorg.conf line "RandRRotation" will work with the proprietary ATI driver?23:45
psusizima, why do you say that?23:45
benyussmvdk: if i will install it my video performance will be as on windows? so i will can run 1080p videos without lag?23:46
mvdkoldIT781: Why not try it?23:46
zimapsusi: i've read that it's a kernel bug and i even compiled 3.2.1 kernel on this machine, it took more than 2 hours23:46
mvdkbenyuss: No one can say for sure - I don't use an X200M23:46
zimaso it's impossible23:46
zimai should come here and ask in the first place23:46
benyussmvdk: ok thank you so much. you helped a lot !:)23:47
zimapsusi: kthx23:47
psusizima, nope, not a bug... that driver doesn't actually scale the cpu frequency, it just stalls the cpu part of the time... so they intentionally made the scaling governor refuse to use it23:47
oldIT781mvdk: because im scared my display wont work.23:47
mvdkbenyuss: No probs23:47
mvdkoldIT781: And it will enter low-res mode23:47
mvdkoldIT781: Where the problem?23:47
htmlhow  do i add a account?23:48
oldIT781mvdk: so your saying even if it doesnt work, i can still get into low graphic mode. correct?23:48
mvdkoldIT781: Yep23:48
ActionParsniphtml: account for what?23:48
juruaapt-get install23:48
mvdkoldIT781: And if X doesn't start, Ctrl-Alt-F1 gets you a text terminal23:48
catno7does ubuntu 11.10 have compiz? my windows blink when I move them and lag23:49
ActionParsnipcatno7: yes it does23:49
* oldIT781 bows to mvdk. thanks ill give it a try. 23:49
ActionParsnipcatno7: I assume you mean gnome based Ubuntu...23:49
zimapsusi: actually, scaling is possible but only ondemand governor fails23:49
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psusizima, nope, it's not... the p4-clockmod driver is a farse.. it doesn't actually change the cpu frequency, just forces it to halt for part of the time, so it feels slower, but does't save any power, in fact, it uses more23:51
oldIT781mvdk: Since i will be creating a xorg.conf ... do i need to do anything special while creating it? or could i just use gedit and make sure it gets in the right directory?23:51
zimapsusi: i'll prove you that it's possible in a moment23:51
=== Psi-Jack_ is now known as Psi-Jack
mvdkoldIT781: gedit is your friend, but it needs to be written as a privileged user23:52
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zimaunless /prc/cpuinfo lies23:52
htmlActionParsnip,  just for ubuntu  , my gf wants to get on but i dont want to give admin rights , just a web based account23:52
mvdkoldIT781: Remember, nano or vi are text editors if you have an issue later and you're in text mode23:52
oldIT781mvdk: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf      would that work?23:52
mvdkoldIT781: Yes23:52
oldIT781great thanks.23:53
ActionParsniphtml: sudo adduser name      change name for her name, she will not be in the admin group by default23:53
ActionParsnipoldIT781: gksudo for gedit, not sudo23:53
mvdkActionParsnip: sudo works just fine for it23:53
oldIT781ActionParsnip: whats the difference?23:53
mvdkActionParsnip: Instead of getting a dialogue, you get a text prompt for password23:53
psusizima, see kernel commit e088e4c9cd, they intentionally prevented it from being used any more and it is scheduled to be removed23:54
ActionParsnipoldIT781:  mvdk: it doesn't setup the environment correctly, you can damage the ownership of ~/.ICEauthority23:54
diverdudeif i have a symb link and i do rm symblinkname...its only the link thats removed and not what it points to right?23:54
zimapsusi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/809191/23:54
htmlEnter new UNIX password...... whats this ?23:54
ActionParsniphtml: set the password for the account...23:54
ActionParsniphtml: isn't that clear?23:55
zimapsusi: you mean what will be removed? p4_clockmod?23:55
psusizima, yes.. the reduced frequency is a lie23:55
htmlActionParsnip,  ive never done this or seen this before23:55
Titomenimbezol: so to do a complete image of the system...i have to copy all of them into an external drive23:55
zimapsusi: show the link please23:56
psusizima, here's the full commit msg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/809193/23:56
ActionParsnip!gksudo | html23:56
ubottuhtml: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:56
htmlActionParsnip,  i always do it with a gui23:56
zimapsusi: ok, fair enough23:56
=== Psi-Jack_ is now known as Psi-Jack
ActionParsniphtml: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/11218723:57
zimapsusi: but what's the link to the original post?23:57
psusizima, huh?23:58
zimaah, nvm23:58
mvdkActionParsnip: I didn't know that, thanks :)23:58
ActionParsnipmvdk: np, the kde equiv is kdesu23:58
psusizima, I pulled it out of my local git repo, but you can look it up on git.kernel.org I suppose23:58
* psusi LOVES git23:59
mvdkActionParsnip: Yeah, I don't use kde - it usually sucks balls :)23:59
htmlActionParsnip,  thanks alot!!!23:59
ActionParsnipmvdk: I find it better than the current gnome setup23:59
ActionParsniphtml: np :)23:59
mvdkActionParsnip: And it seems to have some obsession with JACK23:59
zimapsusi: kthx23:59
mvdkActionParsnip: And so no sound stuff ever works right23:59

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