=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [00:45] aquarius: hey? [00:45] dobey, heya [00:45] dobey, If I've got a webview inside a Gtk3 window, and I drag a file onto the webkit widget, the webkit widget gets to interpret the dropped file and my window doesn't. Can I make it so that the webkit widget gets it (so I can trap the HTML drop event in JavaScript) *and* my gtk window gets it (so the drag-data-received signal fires on my window)? [00:46] sure [00:46] i think anyway [00:47] if you set up the drag/drop on the GtkWindow, (or whatever parent widget of the WebView), you should be able to handle the call yourself, and then just call the drop event on the DOM, or just let the event pass through [00:52] aquarius: did you set up the appropriate drag target on the window? [00:52] hmm, i don't guess i would be able to get any more reviews tonight :-/ [00:52] dobey, yep. If I stick a Label in the window instead of a webkit.webview, then the window fires the signal fine [00:53] if I replace the label with a webview, then my window no longer gets the signal :( [00:54] oh, maybe i have the event ordering backward then, and webkit isn't passing it through to the parent [00:54] but why do you want to have both the window and the widget, get it? [00:59] because the widget needs to get it to report *which* HTML element it actually got dropped on [00:59] but the window needs to get it because it's a real gtk thing and can get much more information out of a drop than a webkit in-JavaScript DOM event gets [01:00] so why aren't you binding to the drag-data-received signal on the webview? === gatox is now known as gatox_dinner === gatox_dinner is now known as gatox === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [07:29] any idea when the contacts and notes is going to be fixed, this was the only thing i had planned to use ubuntuone for... [09:52] dobey, what did I not do? [09:56] aloha [10:08] czajkowski, morning, how are the legs/back going? [10:12] Good morning all! :D [10:12] mandel: getting there thanks [10:13] every day is an improvement [10:13] czajkowski, glat to hear that [10:13] JamesTait, morning! [10:13] ok, time for my daily coffee, will be back in 10' [11:06] good morning! [11:09] gatox, buenas! [11:09] mandel, hi! [12:02] hello everyone! [12:03] nessita, hi [12:05] nessita, i've just sent you the e-mail...... i only found 2 problems that we couldn't resolve nicely [12:05] all the situation is explained in the e-mail [12:05] nessita, buenos dias! [12:05] gatox: do we have bug number for each one? [12:05] hola mandel! [12:05] nessita, let me check [12:08] nessita, for the first one about read_link, yes...... for the second one no, because it was something that we said that was going just to be documented [12:08] but maybe brian know how to resolve it in the proper way [12:09] nessita, i sent you another email with the bug number [12:10] gatox: thanks. Can I ask you a couple of more things, to resolve during the day? [12:10] good morning! [12:10] nessita, yes [12:10] ralsina, hi [12:10] gatox: bug! https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/918127 [12:10] Launchpad bug 918127 in ubuntuone-client "U1 for Windows 7 Professional (64-bit) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] [12:10] ralsina, yes.... i saw it..... i need to propose the u1-cp branch [12:11] gatox: ack [12:12] nessita, which things? [12:12] gatox: 1- Add a little detail to the bug #907336 explaining that we're using comtypes, and what problem do we need to resolve (to be able to desreference a link). Assume that Brian will read that and he has to understand what's going on :-) [12:12] 2- Can you please report the bug for the path_exists issue, with the same goal in mind? (that Brian can read it and understand the problem) [12:12] Launchpad bug 907336 in ubuntuone-client "Fix read_link to use a more appropiate api (affects: 1) (heat: 31)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/907336 [12:12] hola ralsina [12:12] buen dia nessita [12:13] nessita, did you read my e-mail?? just to know if you want what it says there or something more [12:14] gatox: I did, something like that works, but please make sure you mention what library are we using and why (ie why the "standard" ones are not enough) [12:14] nessita, of course..... doing that now [12:15] thanks! [12:20] ralsina: would you be able to do a review? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/gtk-ui-executable/+merge/88777 [12:20] nessita: sure! [12:20] I may be a little on and offin the morning: kid is puking [12:21] nessita, I can take a look if you want [12:21] mandel: you do one, I do the other [12:21] mandel: please! [12:22] nessita, on it :) [12:26] nessita, any reason for using argparse instead of optparse? specially when optparse is in stdlib [12:27] are we using positional arguments? [12:27] mandel, i don't think so.... i check the same thing once [12:27] i think we could use optparse [12:28] mandel: argparse as well, an is the recommended library to use since python 2,7 [12:28] (is in the stdlib as well) [12:28] sorry [12:28] argparse is better [12:28] nessita, yes [12:28] mandel: http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html [12:29] je, I'm getting old even for python.. [12:30] mandel: is ok, in reviews we learn as well :-) [12:30] mandel: so, like jdo say, keep asking! [12:30] nessita, I always ask, is my preferred way of reviewing :) [12:30] mandel: if you feel like knowing more, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3217673/why-use-argparse-rather-than-optparse [12:31] nessita, i sent you the e-mail with the bug reports....... [12:31] gatox: thank you!!! [12:31] nessita, please let me know when you have a moment for some reviews [12:31] gatox: I have a moment for some reviews [12:32] gatox: links pliz? [12:33] nessita, let me check first for conflicts and everything before giving you the links :P [12:33] nessita, line 1027 that setUp is not needed, is it? [12:33] gatox: great [12:33] mandel: looking [12:33] mandel: True, I delete something that was there. Removing! [12:33] ok [12:36] mandel: fixed and pushed [12:37] mandel: made another push since I have to remove an unused import for defer [12:37] ok [12:39] nessita, this one need a re**9-review: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/network-detect/+merge/77049 [12:40] gatox: re**9-looking! [12:41] nessita, a small idea: http://paste.ubuntu.com/808523/ [12:41] nessita, but it might not bring much to the code [12:42] mandel: I can add that if you want :-) [12:42] nessita, as you prefer, is a coding style thing more than anything.. I though, well if we are writing all the time the same, lets be lazy ;) [12:42] nessita, at your discretion, I'm not going to add a needs fixing for that :) [12:43] mandel: the only thing I guess is better from the current approach is "explicitness", but I also like your way [12:43] ralsina: wanna untie this? [12:44] reading backlog... [12:44] nessita, I think both have their pros and cons, your is more explicit, mine is pure lazyness hehe [12:44] the setattr is ok with me [12:45] ok, changing that [12:45] but really, it saves about 50 characters by making the code obscure-r [12:45] so +0 [12:45] ok, not changing it [12:45] sorry at the failure to untie :-) [12:45] :-) [12:45] nessita, mandel this one is ready for review too: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/network-detect/+merge/88545 [12:45] I will not change it just because I'm with "fiaca" [12:46] mandel: also, the setattr doesn't do the same thing as the other code (login_only is missing) [12:46] nessita, fiaca? I don't know that term [12:46] ralsina, yeah, is because login_only has a bool, it was more an example than anything else :P [12:46] mandel: fiaca is... http://buscon.rae.es/draeI/SrvltGUIBusUsual?LEMA=fiaca [12:47] "desgana" [12:47] mandel: I know, butthat makes the saving even less :-) [12:47] nessita, ah, ok, new word :) [12:47] Now, if we had kwargs and did self.__dict__.update(kwargs) that would save cde! ;-) [12:47] nessita, smaething can be done for 388 with tuples, but who cares :P [12:48] ralsina, and at some point we start being perl developer playing golf code :P [12:48] mandel: which is why I am not proposing ways to write shorter code ;) [12:48] mandel: right [12:49] nessita, all the code looks good now, I just need some explanation for lines 472 and 473 [12:51] mandel: in the backend mocker, I want to keep trac of signals connection and disconnection so I can assert that all the signals have been connected when needed and disconnected when needed. In 472, if no handler remains connected to a signal name, I pop the signal out of the internal dict [12:51] mandel: so I can assert callbacks == {} [12:51] meaning that every handler was disconnected [12:52] makes sense? [12:52] nessita, processing the info :) [12:52] nessita, ok, got it, makes sense [12:53] (notice that callbacks is a defaultdict, so callbacks['foo'] will always return, at least, the empty list) [12:53] yes, got that detail at the beginning [12:53] nessita, let me run the tests and will add a +1 [12:54] nessita, just linux, or windows too? [12:54] mandel: should run OK in both, but this code will not work on windows (no gtk support on windows in our end) [12:55] nessita, I can of depend on this branch for my work, can you take a look: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/and-post/+merge/88949 [12:55] nessita, ok, running them on both just incase [12:55] mandel: yes! right after gatox's [12:55] thx [13:07] nessita, I get the following when running the tests on windows: paste.ubuntu.com/808555 [13:08] nessita, I suppose you have to change something in run-tests.bat to ignore the tests that use gtk [13:10] mandel: looking [13:10] nessita, I'll add it to the review, that way is easier to find [13:10] mandel: ack [13:11] nessita, added [13:12] Hallå #ubuntuone! [13:13] alecu, hi! [13:14] hola alecu! [13:15] buen dia alecu [13:15] gatox, I gave you a very stupid needs fixing because I went to the wrong tab in chrome, sorry [13:16] alecu, hola! [13:16] mandel, ok..... no problem! [13:16] alecu, the first review for https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/and-post/+merge/88949 is done, I think we can reuse the dic from twisted [13:16] gatox, well, that will force me to do the review ;) [13:16] mandel, please!!! :P [13:17] mandel: fixed the gtk thingy, IRL tested as well [13:17] nessita, let me pull, run tests and give a +1 :) [13:17] mandel, using the dict from twisted sound like a good idea. I'll take a look. [13:19] mandel, btw: sorry about your teeth. I found chad's suggestion a good solution for that. [13:20] alecu, haha don't worry, is not the first time :) [13:20] alecu, most of my bottom teeth are broken already :P [13:20] mandel, please, post some photos so we can all laugh too. [13:21] gatox: so, now when running the windows-installer, I get the "network-detect" page even if I have connection. Clikcing on Try again will fix it... but any idea why that page is shown? [13:21] alecu, hahaha I'm not doing that [13:21] nessita, weird..... that is not happening here [13:21] gatox: can I send any log to help debug? [13:21] nessita, ahhhhh maybe because i'm testing it with --install [13:21] mandel, luckily your head is not being hit that hard in order for your neurons to start deteriorating faster, right? [13:21] gatox: run it with no params [13:22] alecu: how can you tell? :-P [13:22] mandel, oh, right, I forgot: "sports are healty" [13:22] nessita, ....... ¬¬ sorry about that..... [13:22] please guys, remind me about that sooner, because I'll probably forget. [13:22] gatox: can you reproduce? [13:23] nessita, yep..... was the --install... i need to change the order of a page [13:23] gatox: ack! [13:23] alecu, yeah, that's it [13:26] nessita, you have a +1 [13:27] mandel: awesome [13:28] gatox, where did ubuntuone/platform/windows/network_manager.py go? [13:28] gatox, I mean, did we change the project? [13:28] mandel, away... i didn't like that file [13:28] jejee [13:28] mandel, no..... we are using the one from sso [13:28] that code was repeated [13:28] and the one inside u1-client wasn't working [13:28] gatox, ack [13:31] mandel, so, I've taken a look at the twisted InsensitiveDict, and we won't be able to use it. [13:31] nessita, i've updated the branch of the wizard.... it was just moving one line [13:31] alecu, why? [13:31] mandel, since my class is in fact an insensitive "defaultdict" [13:31] gatox: did you add a test for that? :-) [13:31] mandel, and the other is "just a dict" [13:32] gatox: that fails without having the line in the proper place? [13:32] alecu, oh, how insensitive! hehe [13:32] mandel, so, I may able to do some changes and use it if we think it would be less code... let me take another look. [13:33] nessita, the problem was the order of the wizard pages... i moved before the network page to be added before the sign in page and it was needed to be added later....... [13:33] just that [13:33] alecu, not really a big things, is just that when reviewing the code I remembered that the HttpClientFactory uses the insensitive dict for the headers [13:33] to have the proper order [13:33] gatox, FYI running tests on linux for that branch [13:33] gatox: can you add a test that the network page is not the first one? [13:34] nessita, yes [13:34] mandel, what? [13:34] mandel, which branch? [13:34] gatox, network detect one [13:35] mandel, what happend? [13:35] mandel, ahhhhhh you were telling me that you are running the test [13:35] jejeje i think that you had a problem running the tests [13:35] gatox, hmm did you stay up 'til late playing games? :P [13:35] mandel, jejeje no.... i dont have my xbox until next wednesday [13:37] mandel, gatox: do I owe you guys some reviews? now's the perfect time to force me into doing some reviews [13:37] alecu, I think you do, let me check [13:37] alecu, just one: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/network-detect [13:38] alecu, yes: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add-virtual-watches/+merge/88726 [13:38] alecu, that is an evil one [13:38] mandel, gatox: ack, thanks. [13:39] mandel, so, what should I do about that branch? Should I use the twisted dict, or should I keep mine? [13:40] alecu, I have no preference, I just though that since there was something very similar in twisted we could use it, but if you need a default dict rather than a dict, we keep it :) [13:41] nessita: +1 [13:42] mandel, the thing is that *I can* simulate a default dict from the code in each webclient, by checking for existence of the element and creating it just before using it. But I think the code would be repeated but slightly different in each webclient, so I think it looks better this way. [13:43] ralsina: thanks! [13:43] alecu, then just write that in the comment and I'm happy :) [13:43] great. [13:45] alecu, I'm off to lunch I'll continue the review once I'm back [13:46] mandel, I've added the comment, have a great lunch and enjoy the comments. [13:47] nessita, test added [13:47] gatox: thanks! [13:49] I've just uploaded some sample Java code for interacting with the Ubuntu One Files API at http://thomshutt.com/UbuntuOneTest/ for aquarius and anyone else that's interested, feel free to read through and give me a gentle bollocking for anything I've misunderstood / done wrong [13:53] \o. [13:53] ThomS, that's awesome [13:54] beuno: thanks! [13:55] ThomS, karni is working on splitting out an android library to do the same [14:12] nice one, ThomS [14:20] alecu: ping [14:21] nessita, pong [14:22] alecu: when you coded is_qt4reactor_installed, were you meaning to check only for a qt app instance? or you mean to check for also the reactor? [14:22] nessita, alecu, mandel, dobey, briancurtin: I am going to take my kid to the doctor. He's with fever and looks dehydrated, and it's hot, so it's dangerous. I am not going to be here for the team call, so let's reschedule that for tomorrow, and have a standup today? [14:22] gatox: ^ [14:22] hello all [14:23] ralsina, ohhh ok..... hope he get better [14:23] nessita, yes, I forgot about a qt-only app [14:23] ralsina: but is Wed today... the team meeting is tomorrow, no? [14:23] ralsina: hope he gets better [14:23] Oh, thought it was thursday! [14:23] ralsina: did you happen to catch the message I left for you ate yesterday? [14:23] Ok,sono need to reschedule the call ;-) [14:23] ralsina: right. Good look with your kid. [14:23] ralsina, hope tato gets better! [14:24] nessita, luck, right? [14:24] aquarius: oh, wanted to say i enjoyed the email you sent about CES. Very interesting/ informative [14:24] ralsina: uh, today is wednesday. :) [14:24] alecu, nessita: thanks, it's just something he ate, probably, but ...better safe than sorry [14:24] dobey: you are right and late ;-) [14:24] ralsina: anyway, lots of water [14:24] alecu: yes! also I hope the doctor has a good look (?) [14:25] duanedesign: got it, but I seem not to have RT access! [14:25] ralsina: i thought that might happen :/ [14:25] ralsina: we do have 1-1- now, but we can reschedule that for later today [14:26] ralsina: let me see if i can email it you if that is ok [14:27] nessita, so: probably I'll need to change that "qt" detection code in a nearish branch [14:27] alecu: ack re: qt4, I will add another one, and hopefully we can remove the reactor one when we nuke it :-) [14:27] nessita, since that bit will work inside trial, but will not work with just the qt mainloop. [14:28] nessita, right. [14:28] duanedesign: sure, email me [14:28] nessita: yes, I'll ping you about the 1-1 when I come back [14:28] In the meantime, this needs a review or two: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix_917322/+merge/89041 [14:28] very simple branch that one [14:28] alecu: I already have it coded, let me know if you agree to it: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/808621/ [14:29] alecu: ignore the indentation error in line 45 [14:29] ralsina: I'll add a comment to do the same in the linux script, yes? [14:30] unless that's already the case [14:30] nessita: the qss loading? It's correct in linux already [14:30] awesome then [14:31] ralsina: then we should not have that code in each windows/linux file, no? [14:31] nessita, I'm not keen on importing the qt libs when we are running inside gtk... surely some of the qt stuff will remain in memory all the time while the gtk app runs [14:31] nessita: couldn't find a clean way to move it out (but didn't look very hard) [14:31] ralsina: I'll add a comment [14:31] nessita, so I think we should think about this a bit more, and perhaps have different main scripts that import one or the other. [14:31] nessita: plus: we will surely have different qss files on linux soonish [14:32] nessita, if we end up using that function only during tests then I'm ok with it. [14:32] ralsina: then we should make the name of the qss a constant in each windows/linux file, but the load a unique code [14:32] nessita: makes sense [14:32] alecu: it will not be only for tests... it will be run IRL, to decide, for example, how to spawn a process [14:33] gatox, mandel: either of you feel up to making a bundle for elopio to test? [14:33] alecu: but we need to resolve the following: at any point during program execution, be able to know which mainloop are we running [14:33] nessita, then we should definitely think of another way. [14:33] ralsina, let me finish with the u1-cp branch for unicode and i'll try [14:33] gatox: cool [14:33] is that ok? [14:33] ok [14:33] :P [14:34] nessita, gatox, we have two reports saying that bug #890990 is still present in 2.0.3. [14:34] alecu: I'm still not quite sure I understand the problem with that function [14:34] Launchpad bug 890990 in ubuntuone-client "Error: UnicodeDecodeError ascii (affects: 20) (dups: 11) (heat: 121)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/890990 [14:34] ralsina: is 2.0.3 our 2.99.1? [14:35] nessita: roughly [14:35] is that fix released, but not yet on the windows installer? [14:35] ralsina: any reason not to name it with the same release number we do on linux? [14:35] nessita: we will do that now [14:35] ralsina: awesome [14:35] elopio: yes, that was not in 2.0.3 [14:35] nessita, the problem: if the user has the qt lib installed, but is running the gtk control panel, then the qt libraries will remain imported in memory for the execution of the app. [14:36] ralsina: ok, I'll answer that. [14:36] elopio, i think that needs the branch for u1-cp that i'm working right now [14:36] it says u1-client.... any log? [14:37] alecu: I see... I don't think there will be any issue, but I'll think an alternative [14:37] and.... taxi is here. See you all in a while [14:37] gatox: cool. [14:48] nessita, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_factory_pattern [14:48] nessita, (you may need to disable js today to reach wikipedia, or hit esc just before it blacks out) [14:49] alecu: but to decide which factory we use we need to do a "check", and that's the issue [14:50] nessita, we already do that at the initialization of the script [14:50] alecu: which script? [14:50] nessita, the main script. ubuntu-sso-login, right? [14:50] alecu: but we do that based on sys.plaltform [14:51] alecu: this should be based on main loops, since we may be using the qt4 main loop in linux [14:51] nessita, great. Then at that point we will create a "global" instance of the factory. [14:51] yuck! [14:51] no global instances, please! [14:51] nessita, global in this case is good [14:52] alecu: I'm not sure about that... [14:52] alecu: what if I pop the qt library from sys.modules after detecting a False result? [14:52] nessita, we have a global reactor already! [14:53] alecu: and that causes tremendous amount of troubles! :-) [14:53] nessita, I'm not sure if that it will "unload" the pyqt and qt libraries. [14:53] ralsina, I can try if you need me to :) [14:53] alecu: anyways, we will not have a global reactor anymore, just a global mainloop [14:53] what are you two arguing about? [14:54] nessita, right. we'll have a global mainloop. And that's fine too. [14:54] dobey: how to detect at runtime which mainloop we're running [14:54] why does it matter? [14:54] alecu: is fine because we have no other option. So, since we already have a global mainloop, let's try to reuse that and not add another global thingy of our own... you think is possible? [14:54] dobey: yes :-) [14:54] ubuntu-sso-login can run either one? [14:55] yes what? [14:55] nessita, in any case, a global instance of a factory is *much better" than a thousand "if platform" scattered all around. [14:55] alecu: leaving that discussion aside, since we're not solving if platform thingies right now [14:56] nessita, no: that is a central part of this discussion. [14:56] alecu: would you please explain that? [14:56] dobey: it seems like the u1lint.bat and u1trial.bat didn't actually get added in that 2.99.2 you gave me. setup chokes on finding them, they're not in bin\ [14:56] briancurtin: ah crap [14:56] nessita, the method "is_qt_reactor_installed" can only be called by a piece of coding doing an "if" [14:57] briancurtin, dobey , those where correctly added in the setup.py, I'm 100% sure of that [14:57] nessita, and that's ugly and non-oop [14:57] *coding -> code. [14:57] briancurtin, dobey ralsina and gatox did IRL for that [14:57] alecu: why? I don't see that [14:57] mandel: setup.py yes, but not the MANIFEST [14:57] dobey, ah puta! Do I have to add them to the MANIFEST too? Dorry I had no idea [14:58] dobey, was that what you were talking about last night? [14:58] MANIFEST.in [14:58] dobey: MANIFEST will be automatically built by distutils-extra, if you do not supply one [14:58] no, last night we were talking about the (C) date [14:58] dobey, the (c) date? [14:58] nessita, grep for the usage of is_qt4reactor_installed [14:58] ralsina: sent the email. i hope it somes out ok. RT has no way of easily fwd tickets with attachments. I recreated it in gmail. Sorry all the screenshots are at the bottom and not inline. I put labels where the relevant screenshot should be [14:58] mandel: the year is no longer 2011 [14:58] mandel: don't worry about it [14:59] dobey, ah, ok [14:59] nessita: it's not using distutils-extra [14:59] dobey, I sometime can be very thick.. [14:59] alecu: ah, I see what you mean, I understood you said "is_qt_reactor_installed" can only be called from "inside" an if [15:00] nessita, right, I meant as the condition of the if. [15:00] me [15:00] alecu: but it makes sense, is_qt4reactor_installed() returns a bool ergo it will be used, usually, as a conditional [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:00] alecu, nessita: i have no idea what you're dooing exactly, but it sounds crazy [15:00] me [15:01] dobey: we're crazy! :-) [15:01] nessita, so we ideally want to get rid of those conditionals, and have them replaced by inheritance [15:01] alecu: let's mumble after the standup? I have no idea where are you going :-) [15:01] nessita, cool [15:01] me [15:02] dobey, standup? [15:02] mandel, go! [15:02] DONE: Workded on bug 916029 Done several reviews for gatox, alecu and nessita. Late yesterday, mumble with alecu and lisette regarding the dialog requirements. Broke two teeth druing rugby training :P [15:02] TODO: More on bug 916029. re0review alecus branch, run tests to give a +1 to gatox. Add some bugs regarding the run-test.bat of all projects to fix python path for lint and skip lint on jenkins. [15:02] BLOCKED: no [15:02] alecu, please [15:02] Launchpad bug 916029 in ubuntu-sso-client "Proxy authentication dialog (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/916029 [15:02] i'm trying to be last [15:02] DONE: branch with timesync, POST, response.headers & other fixes for proxywebclient; needs reviews: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/and-post/+merge/88949 [15:02] TODO: reviews, finish use-restclient branch [15:02] BLOCKED: no [15:02] NEXT: nessita [15:02] me [15:03] DONE: reviews, release day, finished fix for bug #917373 and proposed for review (is landed now!) [15:03] TODO: more reviews, 1-1 with ralsina, make sso be able to run a process whitin a specific mainloop [15:03] BLOCKED: nopes [15:03] NEXT: gatox [15:03] Launchpad bug 917373 in ubuntu-sso-client "Make UI's be a separated process (affects: 1) (heat: 490)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/917373 [15:03] DONE: [15:03] Propose branch to stop creating folders on user home during tests. Fixed some branches. Almost complete branch for u1-cp unicode problems. Created report about win problems for nessita. [15:03] TODO: [15:03] Finish u1-cp branch, minor refactor u1-client branch, keep fixing bugs. [15:03] BLOCKED: [15:03] No [15:03] briancurtin, go [15:04] briancurtin: go? [15:04] DONE: progress on buildout-based env setup and associated automation, still debugging some version mismatches and such. quick reviews for rodney and diego. [15:04] TODO: finish this setup stuff and get on to working :) - also owe nessita a review [15:04] BLOCKED: none [15:04] NEXT: dobey [15:04] λ DONE: releases [15:04] λ TODO: few more releases, music store design call, bug ken about gwibber, [15:04] λ BLCK: None. [15:04] briancurtin: just FYI, we usually have the report pre-written so we just copy and paste during the standup :-) [15:05] comments anyone? [15:05] nessita: i was scrolled up in the window and missed it, sorry :) [15:05] alecu: let's dance! [15:05] briancurtin: no problem at all! :-) [15:05] alecu: let's mumble, I mean [15:05] nessita, put on your red shoes and dance the blues [15:05] I guess the weather is really warm in ar... [15:05] alecu: shall I put on my rabbit ears as well? [15:05] is getting to their heads.. [15:06] nessita, http://www.lyricsfreak.com/d/david+bowie/lets+dance_20036809.html [15:06] alecu: I'm manou at manou [15:07] nessita, I need to reconnect to the server, mumble is not fond of me unsuspending the laptop [15:08] ThomS: Hi there o/ Not developer-release ready, but working well so far -> have a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-files-java-client [15:09] ThomS: Also, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-java-client [15:12] karni: thanks, I'll have a look now [15:13] ThomS: Consider it functional WIP, I'm far with being done with those projects. [15:15] ThomS: Further reading (this time Python) https://launchpad.net/restful-u1 [15:21] alecu, thisfred I'm always getting that I don't have libunity when running the tests of u1-client on P, is that correct? or are they skipped due to the reactor + gi issue? [15:25] gatox, in the network branch, when running the tests on windows I get the following: paste.ubuntu.com/808684 [15:28] mandel, mmmmmmm that is really weird...... [15:28] i'll check that..... also i need to refactor some code in that branch too to move some things to interaction_interfaces [15:29] gatox, well, you did not remove the tests for the network detection on windows, did you@? [15:29] gatox, that would explain it [15:30] mandel, true.... the question is..... why it didn't fail here..... [15:31] gatox, magic? what did you use to run it? [15:32] run-tests...... run-tests.bat [15:33] gatox, look if you have the file in your branch source? also check the revno, can I know it? [15:34] mandel, the file is there....... and the revno is: 1179 [15:34] but.... i should remove that file anyway [15:35] gatox, yes, that is 100% correct, the question is, why don't you get the issue, that does not make any sense [15:35] gatox, can you copy-paste the run-test.bat you are using? [15:35] mandel, yep...... :S [15:36] mandel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/808690/ [15:37] * mandel looking [15:38] gatox, can you run the tests as u1trial --reactor=twisted -c -p tests\platform\linux tests [15:38] mandel, yes...... i'll leave it running...... lunch for me now [15:39] ack === gatox is now known as gatox_lunch [15:42] alecu, why in 446 you use a 'basic' assert rather than a test one? [15:45] mandel, sorry, otp [15:45] alecu, on the puma? fair enough [15:46] mandel, yes, it's very hard to type while on the puma. [15:46] hehe [15:46] mandel, ^^^ "reactor + gi issue": probably they are skipped on P because of that, sure. dobey surely knows. [15:47] mandel, and regarding "assert"... let me check [15:49] hrmm? [15:51] mandel: the unity support won't work due to the gi issue, right [15:51] sweet, finally have email [15:51] dobey, suspected so [15:51] briancurtin, hurray! [15:53] dobey: any updates on the gi reactor task? [15:54] nessita: it's on my list of things to get back to and finish up, yes. but haven't got the new change requests made yet [15:54] thanks [15:57] mandel, I'm not exactly sure why I added that assert as a single one: in fact, these tests I moved from ubuntuone-storage-protocol, since the async timestamp checker was there first [15:58] alecu, do you think is a good idea to sue an assert from the TestCase? [15:59] dobey: so what would the process be for moving forward with that MANIFEST change needed for the batch files? [15:59] mandel, I think I did it that way because it's not an assertion for the test case per se, but instead it's an assertion that the headers have been stored only once. [16:00] mandel, I think I can safely turn it into a self.assertEqual [16:00] alecu, what happens if the assert fails within the test? how does trial react to that? I suppose is a fail at the end of the day, right? [16:01] briancurtin: a branch to add them to MANIFEST.in, backporting it to stable-3-0 and a new brow paper bag tarball. and ideally we'd get the buildout thing to use the bzr branch instead of tarballs [16:02] mandel: i think it will call it an error if not a failure, but yes it gets a red letter [16:02] mandel, let me check about that. [16:02] mandel, (fixed version pushed) [16:02] alecu, ack === gatox_lunch is now known as gatox [16:05] mandel, so: it's different. assertEqual is reported as FAIL, but assert is reported as ERROR [16:05] mandel, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/808724/ [16:07] alecu, hm.. I'm ok with the error.. it just looks funny inside a test to have an assert [16:11] i don't think it does that with plain unittest.TestCase though. [16:11] twisted has a Failure class which gets raised instead, with the original exception inside it [16:15] https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/update-from-trunk/+merge/89070 [16:15] couple of quick reviews on that would be nice :) [16:25] dobey, on it [16:26] having this line in starce, does it mean that the process is polling over stderr and sopmething else? poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN}, {fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 2, -1 [16:26] no, sorry, no stderr [16:27] 2 custom file descriptors [16:27] (3 and 40 [16:27] 3 and 4 [16:27] nessita: stdin? [16:27] dobey: stdin in 0, no? [16:28] what are you stracing? [16:29] a script that spawns a process [16:30] nessita: stdout/stderr of the spawned process? [16:30] eh i need to get lunch. bbiab :) [16:30] dobey: right, that was my guess. But I'm using GLib.spawn_async and not passing anything to standard_output and standard_error [16:31] nessita: it doesn't mean they don't get opened though. it means you aren't reading them in your code [16:31] dobey: hum [16:32] nessita: call spwan_async() again with another process and see if you get 5/6 in the strace as well? [16:32] anyway, lunch :) [16:32] dobey: but how can I close them then? this is hapenning when there is a GError, so no spawn has actually happened [16:36] nessita, what are you trying to debug? [16:37] alecu: spawning a process with a dummy command that does not exist on disk. When calling spawn_async, a GLib.GError is raised, which now I handle [16:38] nessita, great [16:38] alecu: but after that, when GError is handled, calling loop.quit (where loop is the glib main loop) [16:38] will no make the main loop quit [16:38] nessita, but the file descriptors of the stdin/stdout of that process remain open? [16:39] nessita, mandel the u1-client network detect branch has been updated (including the refactoring to move things to interaction_interfaces: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/network-detect/+merge/88545) [16:39] nessita, weird [16:39] alecu: well, I don't get stdin/stdout/stderr if spawn_async fails [16:39] alecu: also, if I run a failing spawn twice, the same fd are opened [16:39] (3 and 4) [16:40] poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN}, {fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 2, -1 [16:40] nessita, you are using SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, right? [16:40] gatox, on it [16:40] gatox: I had a IMportError in windows, that I added to the MP [16:40] nessita, "The glib.SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD flag means that the child will not automatically be reaped; you must use a GChildWatch source to be notified about the death of the child process. Eventually you must call g_spawn_close_pid() on the child_pid, in order to free resources which may be associated with the child process." [16:40] nessita, fixed [16:41] nessita, probably that is also true when GError happens [16:41] alecu: hum, but I have no pid if there is an error [16:42] nessita, right, it sounds like a bug [16:42] alecu: this is part of the code: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/808761/ [16:42] alecu: the thing is that inside the except block, nor pid nor the the std*, are defined [16:43] the flags that I'm using are: [16:43] 48 flags = GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD | \ [16:43] 49 GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH | \ [16:43] 50 GLib.SpawnFlags.STDOUT_TO_DEV_NULL | \ [16:43] 51 GLib.SpawnFlags.STDERR_TO_DEV_NULL [16:43] alecu: I also tried without the TO_DEV_NULL flags [16:43] nessita, I meant "a bug elsewhere" [16:43] right [16:43] ok, lunchtime for me! [16:43] nessita, as in either glib or the bindings [16:43] alecu: thanks [16:44] nessita, perhaps you can make a ten-liner script that shows this issue. [16:45] gatox, it seems that the tests run correctly now, we really need to look closely to your windows vm.. the fact that it does not fail in those cases might compromise some reviews :( [16:47] :S [16:49] mandel, were you able to re-review? I've only changed the assert to assertEqual [16:51] alecu, yeah, running tests and will add a +1 [16:51] alecu, I dont see much room for improvement :) [16:51] cool, thank [16:51] s [16:52] alecu, only thing, are we suppose to support python 2.6? [16:53] alecu, I thin assertIn was added in 2.7 which will break tests if we backport this thing to previous releases, right? === zyga_ is now known as zyga [16:54] mandel, I think there we are using the assertIn from twisted that has existed forever [16:54] alecu, ah, cool [17:08] nessita: did you figure it out? [17:17] dobey: not yet. I tried running the same "twice", and the fd do not change (ie I always get fd=3 and fd=4). So I guess those are the parent's fds [17:18] alecu, nessita I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/808786/ that is in alecus branch but I'm nearly sure is not his code [17:18] dobey: which may be inherit from the child, but since the child spawning is failing, the "dupped" fds are not closed... [17:19] mandel: looks like your computer is "slow"? perhaps too much load? [17:19] nessita: hrmm, i'm not sure [17:19] dobey: me neither. Anyways, is not affecting my code directly, but a test script. Will debug later [17:20] (again) [17:20] nessita, the thing is, it does pass some times.. [17:20] mandel: right, the test require X time to complete, but X may be longer than the timeout if you box is slow(ish) [17:21] mandel: now, we're testing the whole IPC machinery on those tests, so the PB response may be slower to get back if your system is loaded [17:21] nessita, but it that case, don't you first get the timeout error and then the select presence? [17:22] mandel: hum, not sure... can you try increasing the timeout in those tests and see if you manage to have the same failure again? [17:23] nessita, sure [17:23] gatox: I will re-review the 2 network-detect branch tomorrow, I will be doing whatever is left for you (I guess only fix-user-home-tests?) [17:23] nessita, and 2 branches of network-detect [17:24] ah sorry [17:24] didn't read [17:24] yes.... that [17:24] gatox: ack [17:26] nessita, hm.. annoying it seems it has to do something with my vm, yet it seems to work well when I work with it [17:28] mandel: were you reviewing my stable-3-0 backport branch? :) [17:28] https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/update-from-trunk/+merge/89070 [17:28] nessita: ^^ do you mind taking a quick look too? [17:28] dobey: I don't mind, will do [17:30] thanks [17:31] hello again! [17:33] hola ralsina [17:34] Long story short: kid got a shot sohe can try to keep food down, is getting IV fluids just in case [17:34] I will have to go back to the hospital in 1 hour or so, it's nothing serious, mostly just being cautious [17:35] In the meantime, I can do reviews, I will do gatox and nessita 1-1 after I come back. So, if there are any reviews pending, now is a good time [17:36] gatox: added comment to https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/fix-user-home-tests/+merge/88919 [17:36] nessita, yes..... i was looking at that [17:38] dobey: approved [17:40] thanks [17:40] dobey, I looked at the branch too. Looks good, but why manhole? [17:41] ralsina: review done to https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix_917322/+merge/89041 [17:41] nessita: cool, thx [17:41] mandel: ask alecu. oh i forgot to put him in the commit message [17:42] dobey, ok [17:43] mandel: this is just a backport of stuff already in trunk [17:43] dobey, that is why approve, I did check that in trunk, it just sounded funny [17:44] dobey, I even looked for it in the street dictionary in case it has a diff meaning to the one I know :P [17:44] alecu, ralsina i've this branch for review when you have a moment: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/folder-show-garbage/+merge/89094 [17:44] gatox: got it! [17:46] (I do hope this is the right place, apologies if not.) I purchased some music about an hour ago and it has been sitting at "queued" with nothing downloading even after a full reboot. is there something else i can do on my end or does this need to go into a support request? [17:47] dobey, nessita, gatox: on ubuntu, are we going to depend on the ubuntu font? We are hardcoding that on windows, but on ubuntu it makes no sense. If we are not hardcoding it, then we are going to need different resource files on ubuntu (we are embedding the ttf files) === zyga is now known as zyga-break [17:47] mandel: ah. i don't know why it's called that in twisted [17:47] ralsina: ugh. [17:47] ralsina: well, since so far we have no design for linux, I will go with the same on as windows [17:47] nessita: ack [17:48] dobey: yes [17:48] maybe i should just write a gtk3 version of the control panel [17:49] dobey: please don't. Not over this ;-) [17:49] and we can just not ship the qt one on linux ;) [17:49] gatox: I have a question about the control panel branch. self.get_home_dir returns a deferred, so the value of self.home_dir will be filled some time in the "future". What about if _process_path is called before self.home_dir is filled? [17:50] jWiz: i would suggest a support request [17:50] ralsina, dobey shotgun doing the Tkinter version! [17:50] nessita, _process_path should be something like a defer too? [17:50] alright, thanks. i'll do just that =) [17:50] mandel: fltk is the future [17:50] gatox: haven't analyzed that, I was wondering if you did [17:51] dobey, wow! great widget set: http://www.fltk.org/images/fltk-widgets-std.png [17:52] nessita, well..... _process_path its being called inside functions with inlineCallbacks too [17:53] gatox: I branched the code, and after looking at it, I will not have any self.home_dir variable, since that variable can be None, and makes the use of it a little bit buggy [17:55] gatox: and I will not have any UI code depending on replacing the user home, but providing the whole info from the backend directly, letting all that logic isolated in the backend. Let me see the code a bit more to see if that's possibloe [17:55] ok, EOD for manuel! [17:55] cu all tom! [17:56] mandel, bye [17:56] alecu, branch was approved, let me know if you managed to do the file system watcher one :) [17:56] gatox, nos vemos! [17:57] gatox: only addfolder uses it... what happens if we tell to Qt directory='~'? :-D [17:57] * nessita wants to cheat [17:57] nessita, leet me check [18:00] gatox: are you still going to generate an installer for me? :) [18:00] elopio, yes.... sorry.... i'm trying to close some things here [18:01] nessita, it ignores it [18:01] gatox: ok, so we'll have to provide a get_home_dir from the backend that returns the deferred... so the UI yields on the deferred [18:01] nessita, doesn't resolve ~ automatically [18:02] gatox: you have the mental map of what changes are needed in that branch or shall I summarize? [18:03] alecu: ping [18:03] nessita, change get_home_dir to return a defer, and everyone who needs the home dir yield over that value? [18:03] gatox: yes, no self.home_dir var in backend [18:04] nessita, yes..... just the function [18:04] gatox: I can test it tomorrow, if that's better for you. I don't want to distract you too much. [18:04] elopio, are you close to your eod? [18:05] gatox: not even near. I'm going to have lunch. [18:05] elopio, ahhhhhh ok..... let me 1 hour more please [18:05] s/let/give [18:05] sure, I won't be around for 1 hour :) [18:05] elopio, cool [18:06] elopio, enjoy your lunch [18:07] thanks. Enjoy making the installer. [18:10] alecu: review added to add-post [18:12] brb... [18:16] https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/libubuntuone/update-from-trunk/+merge/89100 [18:16] ^^ couple more quick reviews please? [18:19] back [18:23] dobey: I'll do one [18:25] thanks [18:26] dobey: so, until we have the twisted gi issue resolved, I will not be able to test code that performs from gi.repository import GLib, right? [18:28] nessita: right [18:29] nessita: well, depends actually. depending on what you are doing, it might work with u1trial -r twisted [18:29] dobey: will try [18:29] or under the qt4 reactor even [18:36] nessita, pong [18:36] alecu: review added to add-post [18:37] nessita, thanks, looking [18:47] alecu: hum, looks like I would need to reactoring-looping-foo [18:47] alecu: let me know when you have some minutes, please? [18:51] nessita, refactoring looping foo??? [18:51] nessita, I've added some response to your concerns in the merge proposal. [18:52] alecu_ "reactoring", from reactor [18:53] reactor-foo [18:53] ah, oks! [18:53] nessita, give me 5' [18:53] sure [18:58] duanedesign: yo [18:58] duanedesign: ubuntuone-support at canonical.com - is this our support e-mail? [18:58] Somehow I can never remember. [18:58] hello [18:59] ubuntuone-support [18:59] oh, you got it [19:03] rye: ping [19:10] dobey: but -r twisted will not instanciate a glib mainloop, no? [19:10] (when using u1trial) [19:10] nessita: right, but what are you doing exactly with glib? [19:11] dobey: spawning a program with spawn_async [19:11] nessita: i don't think that requires a main loop [19:11] and it does not work in the test framework (it does work IRL) [19:11] nessita: does it work with -r qt4? [19:11] dobey: well, I need to hook to child termination [19:11] dobey: nopes... neither with qt4 [19:12] nessita, it will probably require a glib mainloop to get notified when the child stops [19:12] * alecu_ is back === alecu_ is now known as alecu [19:12] * alecu too [19:12] alecu_: right. I'm assuming so, but I guess I'm having more obscure issues than that [19:12] alecu: you up for a extremely fun debugging session? :-P [19:13] odd that it doesn't work under qt4 reactor then [19:13] nessita, it surely beats reviewing mandel's virtual-watches branch! [19:13] dobey: yes... [19:13] alecu: :-P [19:13] nessita, mumble? [19:16] Anyone familiar with this? https://pastebin.canonical.com/58338/ - No module named dirspec.basedir [19:19] dobey, ^ [19:19] nessita: how are you calling spawn_async btw? [19:20] briancurtin: you need dirspec installed [19:20] ralsina: ^^ [19:20] any particular version? [19:21] dobey: is dirspec pure python? [19:21] http://launchpad.net/dirspec/stable-3-0/2.99.2/+download/dirspec-2.99.2.tar.gz [19:21] ralsina: yes [19:21] ralsina: so is devtools... [19:21] briancurtin: you can add it to buildout like devtools [19:21] dobey: thanks, adding it [19:21] dobey: yes, I just want the dev. envnot to requireVisual Studio :-) [19:22] ralsina: why is int not using bzr for those? [19:22] dobey: because I want a set of fixed dependencies [19:22] dobey: so that we can have repeatable environments for testing [19:23] ralsina: yes. but why is it not pulling them from bzr? :) [19:24] dobey: no particular reason other than "this is easy" [19:24] dobey: and that bzr branches are not repeatable unless you hardcode the revision [19:28] eh [19:29] ralsina: go approve https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/libubuntuone/update-from-trunk/+merge/89100 at least then :) [19:29] dobey: happy to! [19:30] dobey: I approved one just like it! (double checking, though) [19:31] yes [19:37] and finally https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/rhythmbox-ubuntuone/update-from-trunk/+merge/89126 [19:37] Hello. How can I tell ubuntuone to get the network status from network-manager, but to assume it is connected to the internet all the time? [19:40] dobey: looking [19:41] natschil: I don't think there is a way to do that. It would mean u1 gets the network status fromNM and then ignores it [19:41] natschil: so, it's probably a very small edition of a source file ;-) [19:42] or why would you use network-manager at that point, if you don't want it to mean anything? [19:42] ralsina: great :| [19:43] ralsina: it should be really easy to code that into the config though. [19:43] natschil: no, it's a useless option that makes no sense (IMHO) [19:43] i don't understand your use case [19:43] natschil: we are not going to ship an option to ignore network manager but use network manager :-) [19:44] if you don't want to use network-manager, why are you using it? [19:45] ralsina: isn't that what options are for though? [19:45] dobey: because I need to to connect to wireless networks, but it fails to connect to any of my 3g dongles [19:45] natschil: no. Options are meant to choose between two reasonable behaviours that have use cases. [19:46] exactly [19:46] natschil: use connman or that other thing i don't remember the name of, instead? [19:46] natschil: when you are on 3g, stop NM and u1 will work just fine [19:46] isn't there even a gconf option somewhere? [19:46] ralsina: I will try [19:47] dobey: wicd? [19:47] yeah, that [19:47] natschil: how are you connecting to 3g without NM exactly? [19:48] ralsina: the problem is, unless all parts of your system are perfect, unless you make the other parts configurable, there will always be cases where the effort going into coding that configurability pays of for the useability when some part of the system fails in a non-trivial way. Though I guess I come from a different coding philosophy than a lot of the ubuntu stuff I have seen, so it might be better not to argue this point . [19:48] dobey: wvdial [19:49] natschil: you can make u1 not use NM by not using NM. You can't make it use NM and ignore it, because that makes no sense. [19:50] natschil: if we were to provide config options for every possible corner case, we would never release anything. [19:51] ralsina: I see your point, but disagree. but let's drop the argument, sorry for starting it. [19:51] ralsina: stopping nm might work [19:51] natschil: ok, hope it helped :-) [19:51] ralsina: it says "File sync starting....", but I'm not sure if it is actually doing anything [19:52] natschil: if it got there, then it thinks it has network [19:52] natschil: usually it takes a few minutes for uploads/downloads to start because it scans to see what changed [19:59] yeah it works now. thanks a lot for the help! === yofel_ is now known as yofel [20:19] * alecu runs to the kinder [20:19] damn it's hot today [20:19] maybe you should walk instead, then [20:39] alright, i need some snack food for real [20:39] brb [20:44] ok, eod for me.... i've just finish updating all my branches.... nessita i've made the refactor for home_dir..... all test are green [20:45] gatox: ack! [20:45] nessita, let me know if you find something else please [20:45] gatox: I will (tomorrow, when I restart all the reviews) [20:45] nessita, of course [20:46] :-) [21:03] can i get a quick second review on https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/rhythmbox-ubuntuone/update-from-trunk/+merge/89126 please? [21:05] ralsina: finally got everything in place to have ubuntu-sso-client tests running via this setup. i'll check how the other projects work [21:05] briancurtin: yay! \o/ [21:07] and i finally have some donuts [21:31] Alguem pode me dizer se é possivel adicionar os contatos do site www.linkedin no ubuntu one [21:32] Can anyone tell me if it is possible to add contacts from one site www.linkedin in ubuntu [21:32] one [21:32] ? [21:52] ok, I'm off [21:52] bye all! [22:04] meh [22:05] briancurtin: can you take a quick skim over https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/rhythmbox-ubuntuone/update-from-trunk/+merge/89126 ? code is already in trunk, this is just backport to the stable branch for releasing [22:06] dobey: will do [22:07] thanks [22:11] ah, i am dumb [22:43] later all === eu is now known as Guest24146 === Guest24146 is now known as adorilson