
vaevI'm about to try ubuntu studio and consequently lmms and ardour in my audio workstation.. one of the biggest questions that remain however is that is it possible without graying out my hair to use windows vst slaves thru wine in, say, ardour01:43
vaevkonktakt player is my biggest concern..some sweet bucks invested in that department :)01:44
vaevthe update manager wanted to replace the stock kernel with 3.0.0-14-generic03:59
vaevthis is not the realtime kernel I take it.. ?03:59
acerimmerUbuntu Studio made video.  Enjoy.  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7001421/Kokujin%20Chronicles%20Episode%20007.mp404:07
vaevsomething I must have done wrong..04:08
vaevI installed ubuntu studio but I am presented a stock xfce desktop by default04:08
acerimmervaev: version???04:09
acerimmervaev: just install gnome - be aware that the next version of UStudio is built on xfce04:11
vaevI don't mind xfce tho. it's been my default DE for a long time on gentoo04:12
vaevjust wondering what happened with the installation, thought I'd be presented with a pretty themed gnome environment :)04:12
acerimmervaev: I'm guessing yo0u specified it during installation?04:13
vaevnot that I noticed04:13
vaevone thing tho..was the installation supposed to be CLI menu based?04:13
acerimmervaev: next reboot/login see if you can change your dm options.04:13
vaevchecked that already. only xfce in the system04:14
vaevI'm gonna try booting from the dvd again see if I chose some non-standard installation04:14
vaevno, must have done it right..says here on 11.10 release notes that it doesn't currently use unity04:18
acerimmervaev: per the 11.10 US wiki, they transition to xfce is already present in the iso.04:21
acerimmervaev: so you did everything right, it seems.04:22
trece81hi folks. I installed ubuntustudio... it does not have a text editor10:53
trece81Was that on purpose?10:53
trece81I meant ubuntustudio 11.1010:53
astraljavatrece81: One second, I'll double-check.11:07
trece81thanks astraljava11:07
trece81I think it has... nano :P11:07
astraljavaYes, that of course comes with ubuntu-minimal.11:08
astraljavaHmm... yeah, it seems we didn't ship with any other editor by default.11:09
astraljavaYah, Xubuntu explicitly adds leafpad in their seeds, which we don't.11:10
astraljavaI forget now whether this was an intended decision or if it was just dropped by accident.11:11
astraljavaCould have been the former, but that's ages ago and my memory doesn't reach that far. :)11:11
vaevdo you have enough manpower for 12.04? I read on the 11.10 release notes things went bad on that front11:14
astraljavavaev: Define 'enough'. :) We could always use more people, if not anything else but testing.11:15
vaevwell, enough to meet the goals I guess11:16
vaevyeah, I'm interested in volunteering to do something. love the concept11:16
astraljavavaev: Excellent! Are you subscribed to ubuntu-studio-devel@lists.ubuntu.com mailing list? If not, please do, as we don't often advertise about the devel cycle matters on the users list. And just yesterday I sent a reminder about the upcoming contributors meeting this coming Sunday.11:17
vaevI'll do that now. I take it I can order a recent digest of the list as well?11:18
astraljavavaev: If not, then the archives are linked to on the subscribing page.11:19
vaevyeah. found it11:19
trece81astraljava: ok11:22
trece81Too bad my music PC is not connected to internet, so I'm stuck with no text editor :S ... I'll burn a Xubuntu DVD and see if I can install leafpad and some office things from there11:22
astraljavatrece81: leafpad doesn't have a huge dependency list, so you could try to just download the few packages and install those, and save yourself a blank DVD.11:28
astraljava...if you have a usb-stick, for instance.11:29
astraljavavaev: Good. Looking forward to having you in the ranks! :)11:32
trece81astraljava: thanks11:33
trece81but, still, I think I need some office stuff11:33
trece81I'm just installing fresh for recording stuff this february11:34
astraljavatrece81: Gotcha. Yeah, for the recording stuff, you don't actually need the studio installer. All apps and stuff are available by installing the relevant meta-packages.11:35
trece81I didn't understand you there11:38
trece81Well, I got to go11:38
trece81But just for the sake of being clear: I install and work offline at my pc (this one is not my pc), and I'm learning pure:data stuff and recording using that11:39
vaevastraljava: great! I'm familiar only with usage of the packaging system, not so much in its inner workings.. gentoo world is much more familiar to me. but I can try give feedback on software configuration and testing11:41
vaevand maybe help in migrating to xfce since that's the DE I've been using for a long time11:42
astraljavavaev: Great! We don't have an XFCE expert in the house, so that'll come in handy.11:47
vaevguess I'll start by pulling in current and see what has it eaten :)11:49
vaevand I guess I can find a US section in launchpad11:51
vaevyes. seems so11:51
astraljavavaev: Yep. Could you please ask to join the LP team? I'm not sure, but I should have privileges to admin that group.11:53
vaevit's the ~ubuntustudio-dev team?12:03
astraljavavaev: Yep.12:04
astraljavavaev: Damn, I wrote to the wrong channel. I meant to say to you here that you should join #ubuntu-studio-devel channel, cause that's where the majority of the development happens.12:05
astraljavavaev: Instead, I wrote that on the aforementioned channel. :)12:06
astraljavaWhere you obviously weren't, at that time. :)12:06
vaevhehe. I was about to ask if that channel is free to join right away12:06
vaevI'll do that12:06
astraljavaIt should be, but I forget.12:07
astraljavaIf not, I'll poke the right people.12:07
vaevI'll fix that typo in the channel name too ;)12:07
astraljavaWhich typo?12:08
vaevubuntustudio instead of ubuntu-studio12:09
astraljavavaev: Oh. I thought I recalled a change in the naming, but apparently not.12:10
astraljavaMost excellent! The banshee version in precise attempts to fetch album cover art while ripping. And is quite successful as well.12:58
holsteini was thinking that too at first13:14
holsteinbut its actually compliant13:14
holsteinlike xubuntu-devel or whatever... ubuntustudio is the full name13:14
astraljavaholstein: Yeah, but the IRCC had thought about it, and actually decided on it, but just not acted yet.13:42
astraljavaIt's going to change.13:42
astraljavaBut obviously there will be re-directs for some time, at least.13:42
loffeIs there any disadvantage if I first install a regular ubuntu and then add ubuntustudio packages later?19:40
holsteinloffe: nope19:50
holsteinloffe: you dont have to install the studio meta packages at all19:50
holsteinyou can just install what you want/need :)19:50
loffeok, I was thinking about special kernels and such19:50
holsteinloffe: we have only the *-generic right now19:51
loffeI've used the -rt kernel before, is it still used?19:51
holsteinlemme get you a PPA for the others19:51
loffeis that -generic, the same as the regular ubuntu one19:51
holsteinloffe: yeah, we have *only* access to packages in the ubuntu repositories19:51
holsteinwe are working on getting the lowlatency in for this cycle, though i suspect we wont need it much longer19:52
loffeok, I'm suprised rt-support still hasn't been included in the mainline kernel19:53
holsteinloffe: its coming.. and better all the time19:54
loffethat was the sound of it several years ago, hehe ;)19:54
holsteinnah, it really is19:54
holsteinnot so much for firewire i find19:55
holsteinbut, i have a USB device that actully performs at a signifcantly lower latency with -generic vs RT19:55
loffeaha, nice. I'm using a usb device to and that sound great :D19:59
holsteinwell, USB in general is typically sub-par19:59
holsteini try and just avoid it19:59
holsteinyou can ask around in #opensourcemusicians about tricks and whatever20:00
loffeok, thanks for the tip20:00
holsteinmost folks dont need low latency anyways20:00
holsteinif you're not doing live effects, or using it for live software synths, it really doesnt matter20:01
holsteini use a few different JACK profiles20:01
holsteini rarely load up the one that runs at 1.2ms20:01
loffeI rarely can go below 8-10 ms20:04
holsteinUSB is pretty bad20:05
holsteinthough, i bet someone can help you get to 8 stable assuming the hardware support is there20:05
holsteinnot that you need it20:05
holstein8 is pretty good for most everything20:06

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