
astraljava*whoops* session manager doesn't recall workspaces. :-/01:02
astraljavamicahg: Well now it did recall my chosen browser, so no bug report necessary. I have no idea what I've done previously, cause I'm sure I've selected it prior to this. *shrug*01:07
astraljavaHmm... the desktop machine had no problems whatsoever with the aforementioned CD. Weird.01:36
ochosimicahg: ping (about gmusicbrowser)12:42
astraljavaWell, there you have it, then. /me ^5's ochosi13:54
ochosiastraljava: ?13:57
ochosiyeah, actually that was pretty clear from the start (at least for me)13:59
astraljavaSure, but we were the ones who suggested as much in here. :)14:00
micahgochosi: what about it?14:09
ochosimicahg: there were a few bugreports lately that might be interesting for us (one related to mpris2), i talked to squentin today and we fixed feb 1st as release date for the next version14:10
ochosimicahg: is that early enough to get it in precise?14:10
micahgochosi: huh?, I thought we were in sync with Debain14:11
ochosiyes, but since there wasn't a release since those bugs reported on lp were tackled debian doesn't have the patches (unless it packages directly from git)14:12
micahgany chance of a release soon?14:17
micahgalessio would sponsor an update in Debian14:18
ochosii talked to squentin today and we fixed feb 1st as release date for the next version14:18
ochosithat's why i asked whether it's early enough (to get it through debian)14:19
micahgsounds fine, I'll see about getting it into Debian right after that (I'll might also sync from unstable after a few days since we're close to feature freeze)14:21
ochosiok, nice14:22
ochosiso i'll try to get everything into order until then so that we can drop any modifications from gmb in xubuntu and only ship a default config file14:23
micahgwfm, Debian seems to take all our fixes14:28
hobgoblinhello - just thought I'd pop in and say well done - first time in 3 years I've actually had any sort of upgrade work (a bad one once made me leave upgrading alone) - this has worked twice for me on a laptop and a pc - both causing me no issues at all - thanks15:51
=== cpatrick08 is now known as cpatrick008
cpatrick008i was wondering if 12.04 would have xfce 4.10 in the final release16:37
micahgcpatrick008: highly unlikely16:39
cpatrick008ok thanks16:39
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Unit193hobgoblin was talking about 11.10 > 12.0420:06

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