
m_3dazz: o/00:00
dazzSO!  I've been tasked to learn myself some juju.  Using a local environment.  All was well for the first deploy of wordpress/mysql - awesome.  Killed that environment.  Tried to write my own charm.  Got stuff installing.  Killed that environment, now I can't get anything out of a state: pending....00:01
dazzwhere would you suggest I go to find why nothing seems to be happening?00:01
dazzI'm getting feedback from debug-log - started service unit wordpress/0 - but juju status is still pending?00:02
m_3dazz: so local provider can be a little quirky atm... we're workign to fix that00:05
dazzkk.  So it's nothing that can be helped at the moment.00:05
m_3what I'd recommend in the mean time is wiping your lxc cache when you see strange things happening00:05
m_3make sure you start with a 'juju destroy-environment'00:06
m_3then once everything's down, you can wipe /var/lib/lxc00:06
dazznothing seems to be present in /var/lib/lxc...00:06
dazzshould juju always be run as root in this event?00:07
dazzmaybe it's a permission thing / not getting sudo where required00:07
m_3well then I'd go through another cycle of 'juju bootstrap' and then deploy something00:07
dazzshould I try as root?00:07
m_3so juju should be run as a user, but it'll ask for sudo password when it needs it00:07
m_3better as a user00:07
dazzyeah cool.  Thought as much00:08
m_3try a 'groups' as the user00:08
m_3make sure you see libvirtd00:08
m_3try 'virsh net-list --all'00:08
m_3should see 'default' and it should be active00:08
dazzconfirmed both those00:08
m_3ok, then bootstrap and deploy something00:08
m_3during the first deploy, it's gonna sit in 'pending' state for a _long_ time00:09
m_3(it's installing an operating system template)00:09
m_3once you've successfully got something like mysql in a 'started' state, then subsequent deploys _should_ go quicker00:09
dazzroughly how long is a "long" time?00:10
m_3(it'll cache the machine template in /var/lib/lxc)00:10
dazz15-20 minutes?00:10
m_3yeah... depends on your connection00:10
dazzexcellent.  Cheers.00:10
dazzI know the first time was about 5-10 minutes.00:10
m_3I'd worry if it takes more than 30mins... typically 10 for me I guess00:10
dazzcool cool00:10
dazzIs there a way to get feedback on it's current deployment?00:11
m_3don't know the best way to see that with the local provider... lemme poke around00:11
m_3dazz: so there're some lxc tools 'lxc-'<hit tab> and then some logs that go into your 'data-dir' configured in your .juju/environments.yaml00:15
dazzwhat is roots passwords for the containers?  Default toor for lxc doesn't seem to work.00:19
dazzdoes it use an environment setting?00:19
dazzmysql seems to be running00:19
dazzI can query it.  the mysqld service is not running however.00:20
m_3dazz: does it show 'started'?  if so, you should be able to 'juju ssh mysql/0'00:20
m_3it'll pick up your primary key00:21
dazzjuju reports that it's waiting for the unit to come up00:21
dazzbut lxc suggests it's already running00:21
m_3ok, sounds good... the unit will take a bit once the machine is up to install msyql packages and actually run the charm00:22
dazzso rule number one - don't destroy the environments00:23
dazzremove the units00:23
m_3you can ssh directly to the machine once it's running 'ssh -lubuntu 192.168.122.xxx'00:24
m_3rule number one is to wait that first time for a full cache to be built... that happens a lot00:24
m_3we've got some bugs open to better inform users what the heck is going on00:25
m_3it's totally confusing and seems like it's jammed00:25
dazzjuju seems really awesome - but it's current documentation is pretty limited.00:25
dazzso "long time" and... lol.  10 minutes is long for me XD00:25
dazzI must have done something the first couple of times when deploying the charms...00:26
m_3we're working hard to fix that00:26
dazzno it's okay :)  That's what now-informed-users are for.00:26
m_3yeah, the next release is a long-term-support one, so it's gotta be cleaned up by then00:27
* m_3 bbaib... (coffeeshop -> home)00:29
dazzcheers sir!00:30
m_3dazz: on the way home I realized I told you the wrong cache to clear... it's /var/cache/lxc and not /var/lib/lxc00:47
dazzah ha00:47
dazzlet me try that.00:47
m_3so if things still aren't good, I'd destroy the environment, wipe that cache, then try again00:47
dazzcause it's still stalled.00:47
dazzit's all good.00:47
SpamapSdazz: there's a bug that will cause it to wait forever on a failed instance...01:01
SpamapSdazz: do you see an 'lxc-wait' running?01:02
dazznot at the moment01:03
dazzI see lxc-create01:03
dazzit's probably working better at the moment since I've deleted that cache.01:04
dazzas in debug-log I see it creating.  I haven't been posted "ready" yet.01:04
dazzwas just going to have a shower, come back and see how it's going01:05
dazzwhen is the long-term support of juju being released?  In 3-6 months or something like that?01:05
SpamapSAlong with 12.0401:10
SpamapSThough I expect quality will continue to improve well after that. :)01:10
* SpamapS disappears01:11
dazzo/ SpamapS01:20
dazzbad file descriptor while attempting to start the containers....02:08
dazzshit be happening02:09
dazzm_3: you about good sir?  How does one debug the db-relation-changed process?03:23
dazzoh....  appears while debugging you hold commands back.... hang 2. Think I'm okay.03:24
SpamapSdazz: juju debug-hooks03:24
SpamapSdazz: opens a tmux window with the name of the hook you are meant to run03:25
dazzyes but when you catch lets say, a db-change and a new terminal opens... changes don't happen (like, updating the charm or another db-relation-change) until that window is closed.03:25
dazzor so it appears.03:25
SpamapSthats the entire point. :)03:25
dazzyeah I missed that <_<03:25
dazzso I was screaming why -x wasn't working03:26
dazzwhen a new tmux window is opened, am I meant to be seeing output of what's going on in my script?03:27
SpamapSno you're meant to run your script03:29
SpamapSor pretend to run it and do something else..03:29
SpamapSits pausing just before execution, and will respect the return code of your shell (so if you 'exit 1' during an install hook, then your service will be in state: install_error)03:30
dazzawesome - so - I can only do the script - while in that state.03:30
SpamapSright, thats the idea03:30
dazzre: when I was trying ./db-relation-changed I was probably in db-relation-joined03:30
dazzgetting it03:30
dazzman I am so documenting all of this03:31
SpamapSgood luck03:32
* SpamapS goes off to do family stuff03:32
dazzcheers again sir03:33
dazzso, is it possible to have two databases on the one mysql unit?05:42
=== koolhead11 is now known as koolhead17
rogniemeyer: yo!11:44
mplhello gustavo12:29
lynxmannijaba: Hey nijaba, what was the charm that you wrote that uses certificate transfer between charms?13:24
lynxmannijaba: nevermind found it14:24
lynxmanwhen you do a juju charmname set var=something it calls config-changed right?15:26
marcoceppilynxman: Correct15:27
lynxmanmarcoceppi: cool. thanks :)15:27
_markh_I'm new to juju - have a basic question. I understand juju works with LXC ( http://cloud.ubuntu.com/2011/09/juju-in-11-10-beta2-lxc-and-openstack-improvements/ ), but it's not clear to me whether that behaviour made it into oneiric. I'm also having trouble tracking down how I'd go about telling deploy to use LXC rather than Amazon ECS. Is there some fairly complete documentation somewhere?15:30
koolhead17_markh_: askubuntu.com/questions/65359/how-do-i-configure-juju-for-local-usage  might help15:32
hazmatargh.. digging out this twisted regression is definitely like being a rat in a maze16:54
jimbakerhazmat, in twisted itself?16:56
hazmatjimbaker, yeah.. some sort of change to ssl handling had a regression from 11.0 to 11.1 wrt to juju's usage for orchestra provider storage usage16:57
jimbakerhazmat, got the scope16:57
hazmati tried treating the sympton which gets most of the tests working except some which just hang.. just digging through the changelog and while its germaine its not realy clearly what's the operational change.. http://twistedmatrix.com/Releases/Twisted/11.1/NEWS.txt16:58
secbridchaps when i run juju status -e sample the output seems to be yaml parse-able , however the command also spits out the INFO section so that if i parse the output to python  and run print yaml.load(status_command_output) it errors on the last line. Is there a way to output in pure yaml or without the INFO status line?17:09
hazmatsecbrid, afaicr it should log on stderr and output on stdout17:11
hazmatif not then it should get a bug report17:11
secbridooh riight!! excellent! thanks hazmat will check that now17:11
SpamapSindeed, logs are on stderr over here17:28
secbridnice that works when i separate out the streams. thanks guys18:05
m_3lp:charm is now lp:charms19:51
m_3change your push branches accordingly (i.e., lp:~mark-mims/charms/oneiric/mycharm/trunk)19:52
SpamapSbzr pull --remember lp:charms/foo works20:10
poolieyou'll need to re-set the push location separately20:10
SpamapSis there a way to do that without calling push --remember ?20:11
SpamapSreconfigure doesn't seem to have an option20:11
SpamapSpoolie: ?20:11
poolievi .bzr/branch.conf20:14
poolieor i think maybe bzr configure20:14
pooliebzr config push_location=lp:....20:15
SpamapSoh and that makes extracting the current values cleaner too20:15
* SpamapS de-awks his script20:15
m_3does that make it less awk-ward?20:16
SpamapSless tawk more rawk20:17
m_3wow, it's just stand-up night in the channel20:19
koolhead17is someone doing something at http://charms.kapilt.com/charms21:05
koolhead17i see charms being repeated in the list21:06
koolhead17jcastro: sir if you have time check at my merge request :)21:06
m_3koolhead17: I think jcastro is traveling right now21:07
koolhead17m_3: ooh okey.21:07
m_3koolhead17: also we've made some changes to launchpad that'll cause problems for all charm-related tools21:08
m_3fixes in progress, but it'll probably leak into the weekend for some tools21:08
koolhead17m_3: np. i just saw so was bit confused.21:08
SpamapShazmat: I suspect charms.kapilt.com needs to be redirected at the new lp:charms21:09
SpamapSoh looks like it was, but something else caused the dupes21:10
hazmathmm, haven't addressed it at all21:12
hazmatcurious how it handles ;-)21:12
hazmatah.. dups everything because it keeps historical values21:12
hazmaton the notion that once published ... well its published and possibly installed21:13
hazmati'll reset it21:13
SpamapShazmat: how long should it take to refresh?21:54
m_3SpamapS: looks like it's refreshed22:01
hazmatyeah.. should be good now22:02
SpamapSah ok it wasn't at 13:54, done now. :)22:05
SpamapShazmat: thanks!22:05
* SpamapS now knows what its like to try and inhale about 0.5oz of sugar free red bull22:07
SpamapSswallowing + laughing == near death experience22:07
hazmatSpamapS, a cautionary tale ? ;-)22:10
SpamapSThe Curse of The Caffeine Addicted Hacker22:11

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