
alesage_hi I'm testing against staging.launchpad.net which is down00:22
alesage_it's been multi-hours, just want to make sure we're all still here :)00:22
benonsoftwarealesage_: Thats what I'm thinking :P00:26
pooliealesage_, hi there, staging just is often down :/00:26
wgrantalesage_, benonsoftware: Its DB upgrade ran into some trouble. We're trying to restart it.00:26
alesage_wgrant, poolie, benonsoftware thanks00:26
benonsoftwarewgrant: Thank you very much00:26
alesage_I stand in solidarity against SOPA too btw00:26
wgrantalesage_, benonsoftware: staging is back00:29
alesage_wgrant super, thanks :)00:30
george_eI'm having trouble searching for an Ubuntu package on LP.01:19
george_eExample: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search?text=php501:19
george_eError ID: OOPS-c1731b3304e11764f89d9b616ea1997f01:19
RAOFHey, ho.  Is there a way to sync from Debian into a PPA?01:47
CarlFKhow do I search for a kismet package03:36
geserRAOF: you can use the LP API to sync from Debian to your PPA, soren wrote a script for it (copy-ppa-pkg.py in lp:~soren/ubuntu-archive-tools/ppa-mgmt)07:52
eagles0513875hey rick_h i know why this were taking so long i was getting UDP packet flooded thank god for my router taking the brunt of it all using ipsec08:16
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=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: #launchpad: Help contact: adeuring | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged
DBOlaunchpad ETA to working?10:02
wgrantDBO: 20 seconds ago10:02
DBOwgrant, doh10:03
DBOthanks dude10:03
wgrant10:00-10:05 is the daily downtime window (though we don't use it every day, and it only lasts 90 seconds)10:03
sorenAdri2000: There. copy-ppa-pkg.py should now pick the newest package.11:08
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rick_hadeuring: got irc now13:05
adeuringrick_h: thanks!13:05
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Adri2000soren: I confirm it works, thank you :)14:38
deryckrick_h, it's my turn now, yo.15:00
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rick_hderyck: fyi, I thought I went to 11am15:00
rick_hest tha tis15:00
rick_h8-11am est or 13-16UTC15:01
deryckrick_h, ah, indeed!  enjoy another hour then.15:02
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ayandid qastaging go down?16:45
rick_hlooks like it deryck is there a master plan?16:47
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rick_hayan: loads now for me16:48
deryckrick_h, ayan -- sorry, was on call.  I didn't see it, so not sure.  looks fine now.  sometimes we update code, so it will be down briefly while we do that.16:55
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abentleyderyck: I relieve you.19:00
deryckthank you, sir!19:01
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: Topic for #launchpad: Topic for #launchpad: #launchpad: Help contact: - | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged

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