
roothorickokay, 1) what happened to the Appearance icon in the control panel? 2) How do I disable compositing, at least temporarily?00:09
Daekdroomroothorick, 1) I think "User Interface" is what you're looking for and 2) You cannot use Unity and compositing. Log in Unity2D session.00:12
Daekdroom*use Unity without compositing00:12
roothorickwait, so there isn't a session option in control panel anymore?00:15
DaekdroomWhat do you mean by session option?00:15
DaekdroomI mean, what did it use to do?00:16
roothorickthere was an option somewhere in CP that let you switch your default session00:23
roothorickah whatever00:23
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litropyIndicator-datetime-service is eating as much of my CPU as it can get. strace: pastebin.com/jwPN4KJx02:38
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litropyIndicator-datetime-service is eating as much of my CPU as it can get. strace fragment: http://pastebin.com/jwPN4KJx03:40
trismlitropy: that seems like a lot of warnings being written to stderr, modifying /usr/share/dbus-1/services/indicator-datetime.service to look like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/809316/ might give you some clues03:57
trismlitropy: seems like there should be a better way, but this works, it should write a log to /tmp/indicator-datetime-*.log03:58
litropyhmm ... I'll spend the extra $11 for more functionality. I like what he's got going, though.04:01
litropywhoops, wrong chan04:01
litropytrism, gimme a sec.04:01
litropytrism, processing ...04:08
litropytrism, I'm gonna have to use vim ... this is horrible.04:20
trismlitropy: why is that?04:20
litropythe whole gui is frozen, except for my cursor. so, I'm ctrl+alt+f1'ing it.04:21
litropylol 5 second delay in typing characters04:22
litropyk, vi, then ...04:23
litropygot it open. entering your mod04:24
litropyEither I don't understand vi, or it's being really weird. Seems like both. My cursor won't go past the end of a line, so when I carriage-return, the last character goes to the next line. Furthermore, backspace ... just puts the cursor back a space.04:44
litropyjoining #vi04:47
trismlitropy: jjyypki# Esc j5li/bin/bash -c ' Esc $a&> /tmp/indicator-datetime.log' Esc :wq04:51
litropytrism, did it in a much longer way before I got back to you. Now rebooting.04:53
litropythx for your help ... almost there!04:54
litropytrism, now attempting pastebin04:59
litropytrism, http://pastebin.com/2QWzwpTS05:03
litropyIt's just that, over and over.05:04
litropythe file hit 1MB not a minute after boot.05:04
litropytrism, reboot wipes /tmp, right?05:07
trismlitropy: yes05:08
litropytrism, It's doing the same thing even when I set time to Manual.05:18
trismlitropy: you should definitely file a bug with indicator-datetime, (or maybe with one of the geoclue packages) with the information you found, it shouldn't be sending so many address-provider-changed events05:24
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litropytrism, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/91854605:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 918546 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Many address-provider-changed events per minute, maxing CPU" [Undecided,New]05:46
litropy:shrug: now we wait.05:51
snadgewhats up with the 64 bit flash plugin atm?05:52
alkisgHi, is there any option for unity alt+tab switcher to NOT group similar windows? It's a real pain to switch between 2 gedit windows with the keyboard...07:17
alkisgI press alt+tab once to have the windows list, then 10 times to cycle between my other windows, then wait 2 seconds in the gedit button so that the 2 gedit window previews are shown, and then try to read the thumbnail to decide which is the gedit window I'm in and which one is the other I want to get to.07:17
alkisgI installed the compizconfig-settings-manager and saw some options for the unity switcher there, but there was no option to never group similar windows07:19
snadgealt `  (to the left of 1)07:21
Ian_Corneor alt ²07:22
Ian_Corneif you're belgian/french07:22
snadgebut if you're french you would've surrendered before you got the opportunity to do that07:23
snadge*bdom tish*07:23
Ian_Corneat least they're not out fighting wars for oil :p07:29
Ian_Corne*bdom tish*07:29
snadgewhat? i thought it was the french that bombed libya?07:50
snadgeoh okay and US and UK ;)07:51
RovanionHow come that traceroute6 is installed by default but not traceroute?07:51
snadgetraceroute6 is part of iputils-tracepath07:53
snadgetraceroute is part of traceroute07:54
snadgeat least on my system anyway (precise)07:54
alkisgIan_Corne: thanks we contined with snadge in #ayatana. No, fortunately no french kbd layout, I'd get lost with that :)07:54
paulo_gomeshi all, my system updated the new lightdm, the icon for changing session disapear. how do i choose ubuntu or ubuntu2d11:26
paulo_gomesi'm not alone :) just saw someone with the same problem on the forums, no reply :(11:30
psypher246hello all, has anyone else been dropped down to unity-2d since the latest update about 2 days ago? Running with the nouveau driver11:48
BluesKajHI all12:53
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litropyHi, all. I filed the folllowing bug report last night. Essentially, I'm looking for a stop-gap solution in the mean time. This might be either fooling indicator-datetime or geoclue into thinking everything is okay. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/91854617:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 918546 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Many address-provider-changed events per minute, maxing CPU" [Undecided,New]17:34
litropyI also have sore biceps, and am wondering if there's anything I can install to speed up the healing process.17:38
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trismlitropy: out of curiosity, you don't have any other geoclue providers installed other then geoclue-ubuntu-geoip right?17:48
litropytrism, how do I check?18:36
trismlitropy: dpkg -l '*geoclue*'18:40
trismlitropy: are both geoclue-yahoo and geoclue-ubuntu-geoip ii?18:42
trismlitropy: if so you should try uninstalling geoclue-yahoo, maybe there is some conflict between the two18:43
litropyii, un, un, ii, ii, respectively. So that's a negative.18:44
trismlitropy: oh so only geoclue-yahoo is installed?18:46
litropytrism, yes18:46
litropytrism, try installing geoip? maybe that's what's up ...18:48
trismlitropy: in that case I would install geoclue-ubuntu-geoip and then uninstall geoclue-yahoo and see what happens (likewise you could try geoclue-manual since it seems like that shouldn't send any updates without user interaction)18:48
trismlitropy: but I would try the ubuntu one first, since that seems to be the default in a precise install18:48
litropytrism, will do today and report back. Thanks for your help18:54
RambJoedoes anyone here have an x-fi titanium hd?18:57
litropytrism, I went ahead and did it. I even left geoclue-yahoo in, and now everthing is golden.18:58
BluesKajRambJoe,  why , what's the problem ?18:59
litropytrism, it seems when I upgraded to 12.04, geoclue-geoip wasn't tied into indicator-datetime as a dependency.18:59
litropyI've commented out your dbus mod for duture use. Thanks again for all your help.19:00
RambJoewell i see ubuntu 12.04 now supports it19:02
RambJoebut i can't select "headphone" as the connector19:02
RambJoeso i cant actually get any sound out of it19:02
BluesKajRambJoe, pulseaudio installed?19:02
RambJoethis is pretty much a stock install atm19:03
RambJoepulseaudio is already the newest version.19:03
RambJoeso yeah its installed, should it be?19:05
BluesKajhave you setup alsamixer , RambJoe , all ctrls to 90% minimum, no M in any boxes19:05
RambJoei'll do that now19:05
BluesKajRambJoe,  some cards don't need pulseaudio, and can run everything with just alsa but i'm not familiar with yours so19:06
RambJoeone of the boxes has "MM"19:07
BluesKajnot sure if you need pulse or not19:07
BluesKajMM  means it's muted , use the M key to unmute19:07
RambJoestill nothing D:19:09
RambJoeits weird though because in the sound settings where you select the connector19:09
RambJoewhen ever i select Analogue Output / Headphones 1 or 219:10
RambJoewhen ever i like drag the volume bar or do anythig, it goes back to Analogue Output / Speaker19:10
BluesKajRambJoe,  I have to go for a while , check this  http://www.piotrkrzyzek.com/solved-creative-x-fi-titanium-ctxfi-on-ubuntu-11-10/19:12
RambJoeok, thanks for the help :)19:12
EssobiAnyone having a problem on the latest precise updates?  My ati video is acting really weird now..19:57
EssobiThe desktop is unusuable unless I hookup a second screen...19:57
EssobiLively crowd today.20:02
c_smithHello, I'm wondering if there is a possibility that the fact that I get a Kernel Panic on startup when booting just the liveCD of Ubuntu 12.4 could be related to hardware, or if it's a bug, and if it's a bug where I would check on whether it was fixed.20:17
BluesKajc_smith,  how old is the live-cd and is it from a daily build more than 2 weeks old ?20:34
EssobiSeriously?  No one having problems with Unity and ATI Radeon and the latest updates?20:38
c_smithit was about a week ago or more, yeah20:38
c_smithdownloading a new ISO to test to see if this bug has been fixed.20:39
c_smithsorry for the late response,20:39
BluesKajc_smith,  yeah I had that problem as well, that'e why I asked ...it was 2 weeks or so ago20:44
c_smithso I'll be testing in a few minutes, want me to let you know the results?20:45
BluesKajc_smith,  sure :)20:52
EssobiIn the latest updates.... if I set gnome-terminal background to solid, it's still transparent.21:01
c_smithBluesKaj, I rebooted and tried to install, didn't get to the installer, threw me a Kernel Panic before it finished booting.21:37
BluesKajc_smith,  odd, I did a clean install to / about 5days ago off a daily build live cd and the install went without a hitch ...ok guys we need some help here  , any ideas ?21:39
c_smithcould it be something to do with my hardware?21:40
c_smithmust be, as I have tested it in Virtualbox before.21:40
c_smithand it installs in Virtualbox.21:41
BluesKajc_smith,  is this ubuntu or kubuntu or...?21:42
c_smithUbuntu, not Kubuntu or Xubuntu or Lubuntu, just regular Ubuntu21:43
BluesKajc_smith,  from here ?  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/21:45
BluesKajis the pc really new or over 5 yrs old ?21:47
c_smithlet me check when it was made, it's a Compaq Presario CQ60-420US21:50
c_smithit's around 3 years old.21:51
BluesKajhmm, should be fine21:51
EssobiWelp... Anyone running an ATI card + catalyst on the latest updates?21:52
EssobiMine went to hell after the latest updates. :|21:52
BluesKajI als have compaq presario with kubuntu 12.04 on , the only problem it has is it forgets to load the wirelss mouse driver every 2 boot ...dunno why , it's very strange21:53
BluesKajc_smith, btw it's 6 yrs old21:54
c_smithah, k21:54
c_smithyours isn't a CQ60-420US, is it?21:54
BluesKajstrange that the kernal panic problem is still around tho21:55
BluesKajc_smith, no it's SX173421:55
c_smithah, k21:56
c_smithit is.21:56
c_smithand it seems to be associated with certain hardware, as the Ubuntu Oregon team lead has been running 12.04 without a hitch,21:56
BluesKajc_smith,  can you get to a tty , ctl+alt+f1 , login then update and upgrade?22:01
c_smithhmmmm, Bkerensa (the Ubuntu Oregon Team Lead) recommeneded something similar, just wish I had the IRC log for the command.22:02
c_smithhe told me a set of commands to upgrade.22:03
ts2c_smith: it should be on http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/22:04
c_smithbut the Ubuntu 12.04 upgrade won't work until I install Ubuntu 11.04 (trying a different distro for a review.22:04
BluesKajsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade  , c_smith22:04
c_smithproblem with using those IRC logs are that it was on the #ubuntu-us-or channel.22:05
ts2that should be logged there too22:05
ts2yeah -us-or is logged there22:06
BluesKajc_smith,  run those commands after logging in to the TTY22:06
ActionParsnipc_smith: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/01/19/%23ubuntu-us-or.html    that is logged too....22:07
c_smithit'll only work, like I said, once I install ubuntu, running OpenSUSE for a few to do a review.22:07
c_smithyeah, I found the log for that channel for 11/07/201122:07
c_smithmeh, I'm asking Bkerensa what the command was for getting the proper repos hoping he is awake.22:09
c_smithgoing to install Ubuntu 11.10 and upgrade right after installing (no updates) and see how that goes.22:32
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DaekdroomIs anyone else bothered by the smaller buttons in the latest Ambiance/Radiance?22:51
ActionParsnipDaekdroom: can you post an image online for us to see22:52
ActionParsnip:), will help clear up the issue. Thanks22:52
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DaekdroomActionParsnip, I'm wondering whether it's intentional or not.22:53
DaekdroomI think it's better if I check changelogs first22:53
DaekdroomIt seems that light-themes in precise is a single version ahead of oneiric's22:54
Daekdroom    - Updates for the spinbutton22:54
DaekdroomCould be that22:54
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ActionParsnipDaekdroom: imageshack and suck can be used, or dropbox public folder23:00
jtaylormh upgrade failure with bluez-alsa23:07
jtayloryou should probably avoid upgrading until its fixed23:08
jtaylornever mind apt-get install -f fixes it23:09
jtaylorjust some ordering issue23:09

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