
=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87
=== jkridner___ is now known as jkridner
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
=== cando is now known as burningred
tapemachinei tried ubuntu oneiric on my pandaboard but hdmi audio doesnt seem to work. anyone know which build it was working on?08:43
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
dcordes_few days ago I asked about ac100 kernel update in oneiric here11:27
dcordes_somebody told me they would push new version to the repositories11:27
dcordes_but after updating and upgrading I still have 2.6.38-1001-ac10011:29
ogra_dcordes, i dont think janimo actually planned any updates for oneiric12:25
ogra_dcordes, you can use the 3.0.8 package from precise though12:25
dcordesogra_: I just installed it on marvin's advice and run it now12:40
dcordesogra_: do you have working headphones in the precise kernel ?13:01
ogra_i never use headphones ... speakers work fine by default though13:06
janimodcordes, the oneiric update was only supposed to fix some mmap related bug, just to be in line with all other Ubuntu ARM kernels. No other changes will land in oneiric I think15:09
janimorbasak, are you running openmpi from debian/experimental? Planning a merge into precise?15:10
rbasakjanimo: 1.5.x was requested: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-arm-openmpi15:12
rbasakjanimo: I requested it from Debian and the maintainers kindly updated to the latest upstream, but it ftbfs both on debian and on ubuntu (I tried it unmodified). I didn't get as far as trying your fixes from 1.4.x on it.15:13
rbasak(ftbfs on arm that is)15:13
rbasak(and last I checked debian 1.5.x was only in experimental)15:14
janimorbasak, ok, those fixes were ok on 1.4 .I had the impression ARM sent and got more complete fixes in 1.5 upstream but I may misremember15:14
rbasakhow does preseeding work with preinstalled images? this sounds like a contradiction to me15:19
ogra_preinstalled images run oem-config on first boot15:19
ogra_which asks you for username, passwd, timezone etc15:20
rbasakah I see15:20
ogra_to automate the install you need to preseed these vars15:20
=== calculu5 is now known as calculus
ppisatiis there an armhf img available?16:45
infinityppisati: Same place as the armel ones.16:49
infinityppisati: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-preinstalled/current/ (for instance)16:50
janimorbasak, does openmpi 1.5 have features you want for server? The BP is not clear about whether you want to replace 1.4 or have both versions (1.5 is labeled beta by upstream)18:12
janimosince if you want 1.5 arm FTBFS should not be a blocker and we should have it synced from experimental so it gets enough testing18:13
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
dioxin_does the install of Ubuntu Server onto a Pandaboard require the use of the serial port?19:40
dioxin_I'm getting no display output at all19:41
ndecdioxin_: yes. with server image all the installation happens on serial, there is no display19:41
dioxin_cheers ndec19:45
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
rbasakjanimo: good question, and I don't know the answer. All I know is that stakeholders have asked for 1.5.23:48

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