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dholbachgood morning07:50
* Tm_T huggles sladen12:54
sladenyo Tm_T12:54
Myrttihiya sladen12:54
* theadmin is here lol12:55
Tm_Ttheadmin: goodie, as here you can idle more freely12:55
theadminTm_T: Oh, it's forbidden to idle in the -ops channel?12:56
Tm_Ttheadmin: hint, read the topic (;12:56
theadminAlready /part'ed it so :D12:56
Tm_Toh, in short, yes no idling there12:56
Myrttiunless with a permission :-P12:57
* Myrtti had idled for years12:57
theadminTm_T: What's that siltala.net website anyway?12:57
Tm_TI never idle12:57
theadminDoesn't look official12:57
Myrttitopyli's blog12:57
* theadmin doesn't idle either, unless she's suddenly busy or interested with something12:57
theadminOr when I'm just of no help :D12:58
Tm_Tindeed, I never idle, sometimes I just (in)observe silently12:58
theadminMailing lists huh... That's kind of new for me (/me prefers RSS over that stuff), but I guess is fine13:00
theadminWell here I go *clicks "join"13:07
theadminNow who is supposed to aprove those requests?13:08
Myrttithe IRC council does when there's need for new ops13:09
Myrttiafter a call for comments13:09
theadminAh, I see, so that's gonna take a while.13:09
Myrttiwell that's usually how it goes13:10
theadminThat makes sense. Is fine with me13:10
theadmin(never been an op of a channel before, except when I accidentally joined channels that don't exist)13:11
k1l_you accidently op? :)13:12
Myrttiis it bad?13:12
Myrttithe whole op?13:12
* theadmin imangines bringing peace into the channel and killing trolls off <313:16
* popey pokes sladen with Millbank Tower13:55
christelthat's rather a lot of poking for only one small paul14:01
sladenpopey: awch14:15
* Fuchs pokes christel with a toblerone stick14:15
Myrttiapt weapon14:16
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Tm_Tsudo apt-weapon poke toblerone14:35
Tm_TI need fooood14:35
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mhall119is this the place to ask for a channel redirect?19:57
mhall119I'm going to need to get #ayatana redirecting to #ubuntu-unity as soon as I get the official okay20:00
jussihrm... strange.... why ?20:02
Myrttican we even do that?20:02
Myrttithe access list has canonical cloak on it20:02
jussiaiui, ayatana is an upstream, right?20:02
mhall119jussi: because people don't know what ayatana is20:02
* jussi would honestly suggest #ubuntu-unity -> #ayatana tbh20:03
jussibut that just me20:03
mhall119well the decision was made to go #ayatana -> #ubuntu-unity, I've just been tasked with making it happen20:03
jussiahh yay, its  joeys channel. no problems getting it done then20:05
mhall119when was the decision made, or when shoudl the redirect be implemented?20:05
jussimhall119: go create #ubuntu-unity, using the creating channels wiki page (Ill link in a sec). then anoy joey to redirect it20:05
mhall119jussi: #ubuntu-unity already exists20:05
mhall119ok, I can annoy joey, no problem there20:06
mhall119what will happen to the people in #ayatana when the redirect is put in place?20:06
jussigrab popey, have him add joey to the access list20:06
jussimhall119: nothing untill you boot them all, then theyll try rejoin and be redirected20:06
mhall119popey: ^^ consider yoursself grabbed (in a professional manner)20:06
mhall119jussi: ok20:07
jussimhall119:  see /msg chanserv help clear20:07
mhall119jussi: cool, thanks20:07
jussijust ask here if youve more stuff you need to do20:08
mhall119will do20:08
mhall119jussi: would it work to have popey added to the access list for #ayatana, rather than having joey added to #ubuntu-unity?20:11
jussimhall119: if you add him with enough permissions20:12
ubottuThere are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml20:12
jussithat page is helpful20:12
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=== Guest87492 is now known as Myrtti
* popey considers himself grabbed20:53
popeyjussi: lies21:31
popeymhall119 / jussi, i have set joey to +voAti on #ubuntu-unity, is that sufficient?21:34
ts2+votiA is a pretty standard set of flags for operators21:36
ubot4`In #ubuntu-irc, ts2 said: +votiA is a pretty standard set of flags for operators21:36
ts2hush up ubot4`21:36
benonsoftwareWhy/How did that happen?21:36
Picithat bot's trigger key is +21:36
k1lthe bot was triggered21:36
* Fuchs adds + to the list of possible stupid trigger characters21:37
ubot4`Factoid '1' not found21:38
popeystupid bot21:38
popeythats going to get annoying pretty quickly21:38
ts2there's only a limited set of usable but not-that-common characters that you'd want a bot to use, unfortunately we have 4 in here that all need to be different21:39
benonsoftwareMaybe use @, #, % and ~21:40
ts2ah, but you're missing the uber-confusing part21:41
ts2each bot needs 221:41
ts2one for commands, one for factoids21:41
benonsoftware*, ^, |, \21:41
Unit193And some don{t have defaultignore21:42
ts2benonsoftware: remember, not too common either @, ^, and * are sometimes used at the start of lines21:42
JoseeAntonioRhey! I need to talk with someone via PM21:47
AlanBellwhats up JoseeAntonioR?21:48
joeypopey: here21:53
mhall119thanks joey, pleia2 and popey21:54
joeypopey: if for some reason you want my help with that channel in the future, you'll have to op me21:54
joeypopey: or make me a jr founder21:54
joeypopey: traditionally I do not work on ubuntu channels21:54
joeypopey: only Canonical and Linaro (I'm the group contact for both)21:54
joeypopey:  #ubuntu-* is the irc council / irc ops area :-)21:55
joeydon't want to step on anyone's toes21:55
mhall119joey: can you give popey access to #ayatana so he can complete the redirct and kick everyone out after some time?21:55
joeyyeah sure yabetcha21:56
* popey hugs joey 21:57
mhall119pleia2: can I get super op powers in #ubuntu-unity please?22:00
popeyyou have it22:00
mhall119I didn't a minute ago22:02
joeyanything else popey I can help with?22:02
popeyjust carry on being awesome ☺22:02
joeyI don't think you need me on those chans any more do you?22:02
popeydont think so22:02
mhall119thanks joey22:03
AlanBellpopey: want to add UbuntuIrcCouncil to it as well so we can help out if required22:03
popeywill do22:03
popeywhats the full mask?22:03
AlanBelljust the account22:04
LjLpopey: just the account UbuntuIrcCouncil22:04
popeyah ok22:04
AlanBellwe have to log out and log in to nickserv with that account if we need to do something with it22:05
balloonshello.. I was hoping someone might be able to help me create a re-direct channel?22:05
AlanBellgreat, thanks22:05
popeydone and also done for -tv -tablet and -phone22:05
AlanBellhi balloons, from where to where22:05
k1lballoons: which channel?22:05
pleia2^^ very helpful22:05
pleia2(includes stuff like adding UbuntuIRCCouncil to the access list)22:06
balloonshey :-) for the life of me I can't remember how to ask chanserv anything, including who's founder22:06
balloonsfrom #ubuntu-qa to #ubuntu-testing22:06
balloonswe consolidated the channels but I don't believe a redirect was put into place22:06
pangolin/msg chanserv access #channel list22:07
AlanBellballoons: /msg chanserve access #ubuntu-qa list22:07
balloonsgood irccouncil owns it22:07
AlanBellok, I should be able to sort this one :)22:07
balloonsthanks AlanBell22:09
AlanBellall done22:13
balloonslooks good.. thank you much22:14
balloons+1 irc team22:15
ubot4`Factoid '1 irc team' not found22:15
benonsoftware+ubot4` Be quiet22:15
ubot4`Factoid 'ubot4` Be quiet' not found22:15
balloonsohh noes, the bots involved now.. time to run22:31
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