
=== bigbash is now known as zz_bigbash
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
=== smb` is now known as smb
apwsconklin, i have just fiddled with your jenkins XML doc adding some information on using python unittest12:01
apwsconklin, which i believe is commonly used in this context from the results produced by other tests12:02
tgardnerjsalisbury, are you gonna start a bisect on bug #917962 ?13:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 917962 in linux "BUG: scheduling while atomic: swapper/3/0/0x10000100" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91796213:15
=== tgardner is now known as tgardner-afk
=== bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_
* ogasawara changes locations. back in 20.14:20
=== tgardner-afk is now known as tgardner
* tgardner is rebooting tangerine at the top of the hour for a kernel update14:52
jsalisburytgardner, yes, I will bisect bug 91796214:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 917962 in linux "BUG: scheduling while atomic: swapper/3/0/0x10000100" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91796214:55
ogasawaratgardner: I'm gonna prep an upload, anything else you want shoved in?15:10
tgardnerogasawara, nothing leaps to mind15:13
tgardneroh, forgot to reboot tangwerine15:13
* ogasawara makes sure to use gomeisa15:14
ogasawaratgardner: I might be off the grid by the time the upload finishes.  It's an ABI bumper, could you or apw do the linux-meta upload tomorrow for me?15:15
tgardnerogasawara, no problem. drop Andy a note since he'll be on earlier then me.15:15
ogasawaratgardner: ack15:16
tgardnerogasawara, I'm updating your chroots on gomeisa. they should be done in a couple minutes15:17
ogasawaratgardner: ok thanks15:17
jsalisburyogasawara, tgardner, is it OK to build test kernels on tyler?15:24
tgardnerjsalisbury, sure15:24
jsalisburytgardner, cool, just wanted to check.15:24
tgardnerogasawara, gomeisa updated15:26
ogasawaratgardner: cool, thanks15:26
* ogasawara kicks off test builds15:26
pgranerapw, ping15:37
tgardnerpgraner, apw is out until tomorrow15:51
tgardnersforshee, did you get the DSDT table?15:52
sforsheetgardner, yes, thanks. Haven't gotten around to looking at it yet.15:52
tgardnersforshee, np15:52
tgardnersmb, nice write up: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/Orchestra15:56
smbtgardner, Thanks, hoped it could be helpful and actually remind me as I tend to forget. :)15:56
bjfsmb, i'm working on orchestra+koan+jenkins and will add to your doc. very nice start15:57
tgardnersmb, bjf: nagios is installed with the orchestra server. I wonder what stats it keeps ?15:59
smbbjf, cool. The other idea was to have the tools (in that case hopefully helpful) in seperate docs and then put them together under a starting point15:59
bjfsmb, yes, i wasn't going to polute your doc so much as maybe add pointers from it16:00
bjftgardner: don't know, that package install a *lot* of other packages16:00
smbtgardner, I seem to see some nagios messages on those machines I had install via orchestra, but have not looked closer16:00
tgardnersmb, bjf: may SpamapS knwos16:01
smbbjf, Oh I wasn't so much afraid of pollution. Just liked the idea of separation because that way my brain tends to be more single tasked :)16:02
smbthat does not make sense16:02
kirklandtgardner: smb: damn, nice write up :-)16:02
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bjfsmb: understand. i don't want it to turn into a doc like some of our "build" docs which are so hard to understand16:02
* smb nods16:03
smbkirkland, thanks16:03
kirklandsmb: fyi, there's also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Orchestra16:04
smbkirkland, Ah cool, I will go trhough that16:05
* smb bookmarks16:05
tgardnersmb, whenever you update one of the cobbler config files, don't you need a 'sudo cobbler sync' ?16:05
smbtgardner, Good point. I not sure when and when not. 16:06
tgardnersmb, I think anytime you want your changes deployed16:07
pgranertgardner, ok thx16:07
tgardnerpgraner, he sent email to c-k-t that he was out early to do to the opera (or some such shit)16:08
tgardnerpgraner, maybe he was jealous of your experience :)16:08
smbtgardner, Right, on the other hand a lot of those are local text files and I don't really understand toward where that sync works to understand why I need it16:09
smbBut probably it restart various daemons or builds other files16:09
pgranertgardner, don't rub it in16:14
* smb leaves for appointment16:22
BetaBrainhi all 17:28
BetaBrainhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_open-source_wireless_drivers are confused with this kind of damn realtek driver (rtl8187 - r8187) from when we have a quarrel one day and I absolutely do not find the solution. this chipset (RTL8187) is still poorly supported by linux. but in practice it works very well because realtek linux drivers not provide decent features it provides to be able to write from scratch. What can I do? I have17:28
BetaBrain looked everywhere with open source drivers I have tried with this result http://rtl8180-sa2400.sourceforge.net https://rtl-wifi.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rtl-wifi/ but compiles it and then reading http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-151020.html here and that some expert tell me how thanks: Delta17:28
BetaBrainSorry for my bad English17:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Geraldohsix,  hi...what is causing this problem? http://openpaste.org/f67E0f3420:30
Geraldi refering to the build20:34
gerican someone help out with my problem refering to dynamic kernel module support...?21:32
elfurbeAnyone know the status of TRIM support for md devices offhand?21:43
elfurbeIt looks like it was added to dm a while back21:43
gerihi elfurbe can  u help out with my problem refering to dynamic kernel module support...? http://openpaste.org/cB0Ae2B921:46
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
elfurbeI definitely cannot, geri21:46
elfurbeI'm here looking for help myself21:47
niksoftelf, have you looked at: http://www.ocztechnologyforum.com/forum/showthread.php?82648-software-RAID-LVM-TRIM-support-on-Linux21:48
elfurbeI did, but he's not doing mirrored lvs, just striped21:49
niksoftno raid 1 is mirror...21:50
elfurbeHe was doing raid021:50
elfurbeI mean21:50
niksofti see, it is deceiving, he does mirror for boot21:50
elfurberaid1 for boot21:50
elfurbewhich is fine, I don't think you can boot from lvm, I'm not entirely sure21:51
elfurbeYeah :D21:51
gerihi niksoft ... can u help on this?21:54
niksofthold on for a sec geri, i'll look at it (though i am not a kernel dev, i still should be able to figure this out, i think22:03
sforsheegeri, is hello.ko file present in the build directory after your build fails?22:04
geriim not sure what im mission from the description... ;(22:07
sforsheegeri, you're looking in /var/lib/dkms/hello/0.1/build ?22:09
gerii pasted it22:09
sforsheei mean for the .ko file22:10
gerithere is not .ko created22:10
geriwhats this path here? /lib/modules/$(KVERSION)/build22:13
gerithats set in the makefile22:13
sforsheegeri, can you paste your dkms.conf, and also check that you have the linux-headers package installed for your kernel22:13
geriok mom22:14
gerii manually build the linux kernel22:15
sforsheeokay, but you have to have the necessary files in /lib/modules/$(KVERSION)/build to build modules against your kernel22:15
sforsheethe headers package normally provides this22:15
gerii have a folder /lib/modules/$(KVERSION)/build22:16
gerithere is a build kernel and source directory22:16
niksoftWould anyone be able (or willing) to help me with a bonding issue? More specifically 802.1ad link aggregation that is not balancing tx (at all)22:18
geriany idea sforshee?22:22
sforsheeI think you should try a stock kernel. If it works there then it's something about your custom build. Maybe some missing infrastructure under that /lib/.../build directory, it needs to have the makefile and headers in place for what's in your makefile to work22:24
geriwait i have a problem in the makefile22:24
gerii forgot to add the tab22:24
gerinow it says: http://openpaste.org/43A44CFF22:25
sforsheeand make.log says what?22:26
niksoftactually hold on my issue may be a tool issue22:27
niksofti swear i will kick some spirent devs if it is22:27
sforsheegeri, I think your /lib/module/.../build directory doesn't have all the required stuff22:29
geriok it builds now22:29
geriit compiles against the linux header files?22:29
sforsheeyes, the #includes have to be satisfied from somewhere22:30
geriok it works fine now22:33
gerii patched a linux kernel file in drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.c...could i apply this method to avoid recompiling of the complete kernel?22:34
gerii only compile this single file or how does that work?22:34
sforsheeyes, so long as you set up dkms.conf to install to /updates it will override the modules shipped with the kernel22:35
sforsheeyou have to compile whatever files are needed for the module ...22:35
sforsheein this case it looks like only that file would be needed22:35
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
niksoftanyone know what the linux implementation of 802.3ad uses for load balancing?22:50
niksofti am guessing not round robin, but what is the hash based on?22:50
gerisforshee, what should i set the package name and package version to?22:54
gerishoudl i modify the source direct in the kernel path?22:56
sforsheereally they can be whatever you want, I'd probably use cdc-acm and 0.1, incrementing the version each time you update the package22:56
sforsheeI don't know what you mean22:57
niksoftnm, so digging in the documentation, by default 802.3ad uses an xor balancing method based on the 2 macs22:57
gerican i modify the cdc-acm.c direct in the kernel source path?22:57
sforsheeyou can modify it in the kernel source tree, but it's what gets into your dkms source package that matters22:57
zpmorganIs the kernel's ASPM overheating regression supposed to be fixed by now in Oneiric?22:58
gerisforshee, any idea what i did wrong? http://openpaste.org/DE031c9e23:06
geriok try to fix it23:10
geriso it build now23:11
gerisforshee, modprobe will automatically overwrite the kernel module?23:18
gerihow can i reset modprobe?23:18
gerisforshee, one last question will apt-get source linux-2.6.35-generic include the linux header files?23:56

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