
tumbleweedvibhav: err, if you live in asia, why are you applying to the americas board?00:02
tumbleweedregional boards tend to meet at comfortable timezones for the region00:02
vibhavTheir timings clash with my schedule00:02
tumbleweedcomfortable times00:02
vibhavbenonsoftware: did it?00:02
benonsoftwarevibhav: Someone is editing it already so I'll wait and see00:03
benonsoftwareSomeones fixed it for you now00:03
benonsoftwarepopey bet me editing it :P00:04
pleia2actually AlanBell did00:06
pleia2different Alan, there are a bunch of them ;)00:06
* benonsoftware always gets confused :P00:07
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rumaging_pinzanyone not born in the states?04:22
astraljavaPlenty, me, for instance.04:23
rumaging_pinzdo you live in the U.S. now?04:24
astraljavaNo. I kinda suspected there's a catch, though. :)04:24
rumaging_pinzyeah I need to find someone who moved to the states and ask em a couple questions for my sociology class04:25
rumaging_pinzdo you know of any general chatrooms that I might check out? I'm kind of new to IRC04:25
benonsoftwarerumaging_pinz: Try #defocus04:26
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AlecTaylorI'm thinking to open-source a meetup.com style project in Django. Are there any already out to build off, or will I need to start from Pinax-Symposion?13:52
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meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jan 19 14:59:16 2012 UTC.  The chair is NCommander. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.14:59
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired14:59
NCommander#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Meeting/2012/2012011914:59
NCommanderWho's here?14:59
NCommander[topic] Actoin Item Review15:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Actoin Item Review
* GrueMaster is not15:00
infinityDid we have any "actoin" items?15:01
NCommander[topic] NCommander to track dependency SNAFU on status tracker and remove non-ARM specs15:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: NCommander to track dependency SNAFU on status tracker and remove non-ARM specs
NCommander[topic] Standing Items15:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Standing Items
ogra_looks pretty bad15:02
ogra_we need to finish some WIs15:02
GrueMasterThe burndown line on the chart should be reset to reflect the total # of jobs.15:02
ogra_i'll see what i can do, but up to then just imagine the line in a different angle :P15:03
ogra_we wouldnt look good then either15:03
NCommander[topic] ARM Server Status (NCommander)15:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Server Status (NCommander)
GrueMasterubuntu-arm-p-mx53-image and ubuntu-arm-p-armhf-archive-bringup have duplicate work items.15:04
NCommanderNo progress to report15:04
infinityGrueMaster: One dupe, yeah.  But hey, we get to close it soon.15:04
rbasakNo requests. I may need to ask someone for help with an FTBFS on openmpi at some point15:05
rbasak(from debian experimental)15:05
janimorbasak, I worked on openmpi last cycle15:05
rbasakthanks, I might poke you15:06
janimorbasak, np15:06
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)15:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)
ppisatia new P/omap4 has been pulled this morning: 1404.615:06
ppisatiit's 3.2.1 based, latest TI bits and some changes to the the pvr omap4 dkms happy15:06
infinityppisati: Did you ever sort out why enabling the errata fix blew up the kernel?15:07
ppisatiyesterday i played a bit with that dkms and, indeed, we can make it work in 3.215:07
ppisatiinfinity: not yet15:07
ogra_on a sidenote, TI will not make the multimedia framework work in 3.2 ... they go straight to 3.3 with that15:07
ogra_but we will have to stay on 3.215:08
ppisatieven if we go to 3.315:08
ogra_they will provide everything in the PPA15:08
ppisatisome bits won't be ready per P release15:08
ppisatiso users will still need to add stuff from TI ppa15:08
ppisatiso, even if we pick, MM will still be a half backed solution for a while15:09
ppisatis/even if we pick/even if we pick 3.3/15:10
NCommanderanything else?15:10
ppisatinot from me15:10
GrueMasterppisati: Why was lp:ubuntu/linux-ti-omap4 recently linked to bug 903346?15:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 903346 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "On omap, CONFIG_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR needs to be set to 32768 per kconfig notes" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90334615:10
ppisatiGrueMaster: let me check15:10
GrueMasterafaik, it has always been correct.  Wrong bug assignment maybe?15:11
NCommanderanything else?15:12
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:12
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
NCommanderlibreoffice porting continues15:12
NCommanderslow and slow progress to report15:12
ogra_we got some new failures in main15:13
janimoanother gmime package version fix, revert of a workaround from last cycle15:13
janimonot much else15:13
infinityI've put some work into fpc over the last day or two, might have 2.6.0 with float shinyness soon.15:13
NCommanderinfinity: sounds like it was suprisingly straightforward15:13
infinityHaven't looked at the calligra failure yet, but that's the only one in main that's new.15:15
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)15:15
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)
infinityjanimo: Want to poke it?15:15
janimoinfinity, sure15:15
GrueMasterNot much that is reportable here.  Worked on getting daily ubuntu core test status reported on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com15:16
GrueMasterNow focusing on monitoring preseed installations and automating daily installs.15:16
ogra_GrueMaster, did you try preinstalled preseeding already ?15:17
GrueMasterNot yet, but I will later today (post coffee).15:17
* ogra_ would like to know about massive bugs before A215:17
rbasakI have preseeded installs working on, armel and armhf15:17
rbasakworking ok15:18
ogra_rbasak, with preinstalled ?15:18
rbasakoh, no. what's preinstalled?15:18
GrueMasterThat is the images we push out.15:18
GrueMasternetinstall preseed has been working for quite some time (early oneiric).15:19
rbasakI'll ask in #ubuntu-arm.15:19
NCommanderanything else?15:20
GrueMastermahmoh: Anything from your end on arm server testing?15:20
ogra_oh, indeed15:20
mahmohGrueMaster: nothing this week, should have more info. next week15:20
NCommander[topic] Linaro Status (rsalveti)15:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Linaro Status (rsalveti)
* rsalveti waves15:21
rsalvetiguess the topic for today is that jcrigby is working on getting the packages15:22
rsalvetifor u-boot-linaro, imx53, and few other packages15:22
rsalvetiso should have more updates in the next few days15:22
rsalvetibut that's all from my side, we're working heavily on the release :-)15:23
NCommander[topic] AOB15:23
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
ogra_erm, we missed image status15:24
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:25
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
ogra_they fail ... second day in a rowm due to a skew by the looks of it15:25
ogra_gnome-games-data : Breaks: gnome-games-common but 1:3.2.1-0ubuntu3 is to be installed15:25
ogra_for today15:25
infinityogra_: That wasn't skew, that was a broken -meta.15:25
ogra_ah, k15:25
infinityogra_: And a broken package.15:25
infinityogra_: Colin fixed the latter, I fixed the former.15:25
ogra_awesome !15:26
ogra_nothing more from me15:26
NCommander[topic] aob15:26
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: aob
NCommanderi think we got nothing15:27
NCommanderso I'll close the meeting out15:27
NCommandergoing once15:27
NCommanderthree times15:27
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jan 19 15:27:25 2012 UTC.15:27
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-19-14.59.moin.txt15:27
GrueMasterShort & sweet.  Nice.15:27
* GrueMaster returns to previously scheduled programming.15:27
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
YokoZar#startmeeting Community Council Meeting Jan 19, 201217:00
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jan 19 17:00:22 2012 UTC.  The chair is YokoZar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.17:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council Meeting Jan 19, 2012 Meeting | Current topic:
dholbachI'll be back in 4-5 minutes and read backlog - sorry about that17:02
YokoZarAccording to the agenda, it seems today is the catchup with the Kubuntu council.  Do we have someone here from there?17:02
Riddellhmm, Darkwing said he owuld17:03
RiddellDarkwing: ping?17:03
czajkowskiRiddell: evening hope you're improving17:03
RiddellI'm happy to answer any questions anyway17:04
pleia2he's packing for SCALE, let me see if I can nudge him17:04
Riddellczajkowski: I am thanks :)17:04
YokoZarIn the meantime since we have a couple minutes we can do the administrivia17:04
czajkowskiglad to hear it17:04
YokoZarI suppose I can do the team report update and so on17:06
pleia2do we want to talk about the mailing lists?17:06
YokoZarWhile we wait for Darkwing or similar ;)17:07
YokoZar#topic Mailing list follow-up17:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council Meeting Jan 19, 2012 Meeting | Current topic: Mailing list follow-up
YokoZarSo, I think what will probably come out of this discussion is an RT ticket asking for closure and archiving of whichever lists we decide on17:07
ScottK\o is here too.17:08
YokoZarAnd I'll make a note that we should also ask that the unarchived lists be noted as such in the mailing list17:08
pleia2I added the comments I received from folks, so we should have a pretty good list now of ones we shouldn't shut down17:08
YokoZarYeah I don't have anything to really add to your comments17:08
YokoZarAre we content shutting down the ones without a response?17:08
czajkowskipleia2: did many respond?17:09
pleia2YokoZar: my email was drafted in the form of "if you don't respond in 2 weeks, we're shutting it down"17:09
sabdflYokoZar, yes17:09
pleia22 of the lists noted had contacts bounce, so we may want to try something further there17:09
YokoZarpleia2: ahh that answers that then17:09
pleia2czajkowski: maybe 8 or so of them17:09
czajkowskipleia2: are they active or do they just not want to see them go ?17:10
pleia2some of them are active, some are meant to be very low traffic17:10
pleia2(like -mirrors-announce)17:11
* YokoZar updates pad to move the "keep" lists 17:12
czajkowskipleia2: do you want me to file the RTs to get them closed?17:12
pleia2czajkowski: that would be great17:13
czajkowskigrand job shall get on that tmorrow17:13
YokoZar#action czajkowski to file RT ticket to close inactive mailing lists (and ask they be moved to the archived section)17:13
meetingologyACTION: czajkowski to file RT ticket to close inactive mailing lists (and ask they be moved to the archived section)17:13
YokoZarSo, there were still a few in the "unsorted" section17:14
YokoZarI suspect we're not 100% done here17:14
YokoZarBut I'm happy with the first attempt.17:15
czajkowskihave they been contacted ?17:15
YokoZarI imagine not17:15
czajkowskiYokoZar: it;s a good start to spring cleaning alright17:15
czajkowskido you want me to follow on from pleia2 email and mail them and see if they are active ?17:16
YokoZarSure.  Basically every list that isn't a loco list in the unsorted is probably worthy of investigation17:16
czajkowskiaction me that again and will get the sample text of what pleia2 sent and send it to them17:17
dholbachthanks a lot everyone for working on this17:17
YokoZar#action czajkowski to comb the unsorted mailing lists on the pad, find non-Loco lists, investigate worthiness of closure, and email admins17:17
meetingologyACTION: czajkowski to comb the unsorted mailing lists on the pad, find non-Loco lists, investigate worthiness of closure, and email admins17:17
YokoZarOk, I think that's all on that for today17:18
czajkowskiYokoZar: thanks17:18
pleia2czajkowski: it's on my blog: http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=559817:18
czajkowskipleia2: why thank you :)17:18
YokoZar#topic Kubuntu Council catchup17:18
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council Meeting Jan 19, 2012 Meeting | Current topic: Kubuntu Council catchup
Riddellno Darkwing I guess17:18
YokoZarSo, we have a ScottK and a Riddell instead :)17:19
RiddellYokoZar: what do you want to know?17:19
pleia2sounds like Darkwing got caught up in the excitement of all our SCALE stuff this weekend :)17:19
pleia2oh there he is!17:19
DarkwingI'm in the car heading north.17:19
czajkowskiplease tell me someone else is driving while you are on irc!17:19
RiddellDarkwing: did you know what you wanted to say?17:19
ScottKHopefully not driving ...17:19
Darkwingof course. I don't drive. :)17:20
ScottKSince this is the first one if these we've done, I'm not quite sure what we're supposed to discuss.17:20
YokoZarRiddell: We're mostly interested in any opportunity to help make the project work together a bit more, especially if it concerns any friction between processes and governance and such17:20
YokoZarAt one level, the CC just wants to make sure there's no systemic unspoken problems lurking  ;)17:20
RiddellI can't think of any just now..17:21
sabdflthat's the main thing :)17:21
ScottKThe biggest problem at the moment is that Riddell can't manage to sufficiently look out for French drivers.17:21
RiddellI will say the kubuntu community is down a bit from normal activity probably because people are burnt out after I was on rotation last cycle17:21
ScottKDefinitely true in my case.17:22
pleia2Riddell: btw, glad to hear you're ok :)17:22
Riddelland being concussed I'm doing things a bit slower than normal (but recovering, don't worry)17:22
Darkwingbare with me. irc on phone and trying to dig out laptop17:23
Riddellwe didnt get alpha 1 out and it's unclear what it'll take for alpha 2, but that's not fully community council business17:23
YokoZarRiddell: Major developments are interesting, though.17:24
Darkwingfor the community at large the biggest project we are looking at is our bug reporting.17:24
Riddelleveryone wants to start on kubuntu active (table/mobile version) but we haven't found the person-power yet17:24
dholbachFor which parts of the project did you get new contributors in the past year? What do you think excites people most about Kubuntu?17:25
YokoZarI'm also interested in if it's a new wave of people, or the same people doing different things17:26
Riddelloh we got fabo as a new kubuntu-dev, his work on linaro means he's more active and wants to contribute more17:26
ScottKWe've had some new people come into development who haven't been around.17:26
ScottKI think the fact that we can make them kubuntu-dev without having to be core-dev has helped.17:27
czajkowskithats good to hear17:27
dholbachScottK, when you say "who haven't been around" you mean they've gone missing in the last year?17:27
Darkwingwe had a lot more doc contribution last cycle. I think we are starting to get fresh faces. I've been contacted and have a couple meetings this weekend with qt partners interested on how kubuntu works17:27
ScottKdholbach: No, I mean are new to the project.  fabo has been connectect to Kubuntu via Debian since approximately forever.17:28
Riddelldholbach: I think what existes often is it's easy to see our gaps compared to ubuntu desktop so it's easy for people to find out what needs doing17:28
dholbachScottK, ahhhh ok17:28
dholbachFor fresh blood, I'd be happy to offer the same help I offered the Edubuntu team: with your help I could try to get some publicity via the developer news or maybe there'd be someone willing to give a session at Ubuntu Developer Week17:29
YokoZarRiddell: I do think it interesting that just making it clear where something is behind can draw contribution easily (whether it's relative to another part of the project or with a different OS). Do you think there might be less obvious gaps worthy of attention in some fashion?17:29
RiddellYokoZar: our work items are pretty easy to find17:30
Riddellwe don't struggle when people ask what they can do17:30
Riddellit's been nice over the last year having new upstream link people stepping up, afiestas for kde and fregl for qt have been good17:31
Riddellwe used to have someone from kdepim hanging around which was much needed but not recently17:32
Riddelldholbach: developer news could work, I'm out for UDW talks are too hard on my poor brain just now17:32
dholbachRiddell, don't worry - I'll send a mail over to kubuntu-devel@17:33
dholbachthanks a bunch :)17:33
YokoZarThat's certainly true, it's not exactly hard to find something that needs doing in this project ;)17:33
YokoZarI'm more interested in the marginal case where something in particular inspires someone to contribute, because that particular issue speaks to them more for some reason (eg, it's in their field of expertise)17:33
ScottKOne point probably worth mentioning is that it seems to me like we're collaborating well with Canonical teams like the people working on touch stuff.17:33
ScottK"Sharing" the need to have Qt working between Kubuntu and Unity 2D seems like it's going well too.17:34
czajkowskiScottK: thats really good to hear and nice feedback17:34
pleia2that's good to hear17:34
dholbachDid the Kubuntu Council have lots to do in the last two cycles?17:34
Riddellcouncil hasn't even met this cycle I think, my fault for not organising meetings17:35
ScottKKubuntu Council is really pretty easy.  It's mostly approving members and approving the development plans for each cycle.17:35
ScottKNeither seem to be very controversial or difficult.17:35
dholbachNice, that's good to hear.17:36
czajkowskiScottK: can I ask why the council email address isnt listed on the launchpad page, does make it kind ofhard to mail you all rather than getting all the address off lp and then emailing17:36
ScottKMost of the people involved in the project share a reasonably common vision of what Kubuntu is about, so there isn't a lot of controversy.17:36
ScottKczajkowski: I'm not sure there is one.17:36
Riddellczajkowski: the council doesn't have an e-mail address17:37
Riddellwe use the kubuntu-devel list, we haven't had a need to do anything other than in the open17:37
czajkowskimaybe a note saying that on the lp  page on the wiki page might be an idea  I searhced for a long time before I wento email all one by one17:37
sabdflQt team was super to collaborate with on touch17:38
czajkowskiScottK: Riddell Darkwing by all accounts ye do seem to be doing a great job and it's good to see things are still going on and improving17:38
pleia2and in general, the Qt folks approached Darkwing and I about SCALE this week, we'll be sharing some booth materials :)17:38
pleia2telling people about Kubuntu and Unity 2D17:39
RiddellQt are doing the community thing very promisingly I think, they want it to be a fully open project17:39
sabdfljust so long as they keep it tightly owned and directed :)17:39
sabdflso far, looks great17:39
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Darkwingill be talking with the Qt Booth at scale17:39
Riddellsabdfl: yes, the need for defining how to do that is why the qt community project has taken a while17:40
Riddellthey have their structure plan defined now and it's looking good and taking real form17:40
YokoZarI'm curious, are these conference events a place where new collaboration starts?17:41
DarkwingI have a question for the CC. what would you like to see from kubuntu that might be lacking?17:41
DarkwingYokoZar: they can be. because of the face to face time.17:41
pleia2YokoZar: I'd say it's more about just getting in touch so you feel more connected, next time you run into an issue you might have someone you've met to go through rather than blindly emailing someone off a list or website17:42
Darkwingcould imagine a uds with only email and irc?17:43
Darkwingthat personal touch goes so much further then anything else.17:43
YokoZarWell, UDS is clearly good ;)  But every time I go to things like OSCon with things like convention floors and marketing booths, it just reminds me how much I prefer UDS ;)17:43
Darkwingwell yes, uds has the development focus but, the personal connections can and have been very effective to getting collaborative efforts started17:45
dholbachDarkwing, after what I've heard, I'm quite happy with how things are coming together17:45
YokoZarTo answer your question, I can't really think of anything specific I want from Kubuntu other than "more" ;)17:46
Darkwingdholbach: awesome. :P @ czajkowski17:46
* Darkwing ducks17:46
czajkowskiDarkwing: *grin*17:46
dholbachDo you feel there's anything the CC could do for you? (Apart from helping to find new contributors. :-))17:46
Riddellif I can carry it we'll have a bit kubuntu poster at FOSDEM too17:47
czajkowskioh excellent Riddell see you there :)17:47
DarkwingI can't think of anything other then the contribs. I wanted to thank you for wanting to sit down with us17:48
YokoZarYes, thank you Darkwing Riddell and ScottK for attending :)17:50
pleia2thanks guys17:50
ScottKYou're welcome.17:50
Darkwingsorry I was late and disjointed :)17:50
dholbachYeah, thanks a bunch - keep up the good work!17:50
czajkowskiRiddell: Darkwing ScottK thank you for the update and it was great to learn what is happening17:50
YokoZar#topic Fixed agenda items17:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council Meeting Jan 19, 2012 Meeting | Current topic: Fixed agenda items
YokoZarNext chair?17:51
YokoZarSeeing no volunteers...17:52
czajkowskiI can do if needed17:52
YokoZarOr maybe we can get akgraner to ;)17:52
YokoZar#action czajkowski to chair next meeting or ask akgraner to17:53
meetingologyACTION: czajkowski to chair next meeting or ask akgraner to17:53
sabdflwell done team K, nice to have you here17:53
sabdflcalligra is looking fun17:53
YokoZar#action YokoZar to update agenda wiki page for next meeting time17:53
meetingologyACTION: YokoZar to update agenda wiki page for next meeting time17:53
czajkowskiIs are gonna love me and my Rt's! :)17:53
YokoZarczajkowski: would you mind updating the team report to include the mailing deathlist?17:54
YokoZar(once the RT goes through)17:54
czajkowskiwill do17:54
YokoZar#action czajkowski to update team report ~ removed mailing lists17:54
meetingologyACTION: czajkowski to update team report ~ removed mailing lists17:54
czajkowskiI'm so gonna have to bring cookies to IS one of these days17:54
YokoZar#action YokoZar to post meeting log17:55
meetingologyACTION: YokoZar to post meeting log17:55
dholbachA quick update regarding the Planet update: I talked to Alan Bell and his changes went in already, it's just a work item for us to go through it again and check the suggested removals and get them out of the config17:55
pleia2thanks dholbach17:56
dholbachI sent a reminder mail to the CC list17:56
czajkowskigreat stuff17:56
YokoZarthanks dholbach -- do you need anyone to take any new actions?17:56
pleia2oh, and akgraner spoke with jcastro about all the non-ubuntu cloud.ubuntu.com posts17:56
pleia2they will be tagging the ubuntu ones as ubuntu :)17:56
pleia2and only sending those to planet17:56
dholbachYokoZar, no, I guess 2 or more of us should have a look over it to make sure we don't accidentally delete valid entries17:57
dholbachbut that's it17:57
YokoZarOk good17:57
YokoZarI'm sure someone will volunteer to assist when you need it :)17:58
dholbachalright my friends - I'm invited for dinner and need to rush out now17:58
pleia2have a good night17:58
YokoZarYes, I think we're about done17:58
dholbachthanks a lot everyone17:58
dholbachbig hugs17:58
pleia2thanks everyone17:58
czajkowskithanks folks17:58
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jan 19 17:58:34 2012 UTC.17:58
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-19-17.00.moin.txt17:58
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benonsoftwaredinda: Hello, I was wondering did you get my email?23:46
TiMiDoshorty the Americas Meeting will appear,?23:48
TiMiDooh cool, ;)23:48
* vibhav shakes with excitement23:49
* vibhav checks the fridge again23:49
* benonsoftware has for the past 4 hours23:49
vibhavbenonsoftware: I just woke up now23:49
TiMiDogood luck guys in the meeting,23:49
vibhavIts 5:15 Am here23:49
TiMiDoand girls, :<23:49
dindabenonsoftware: Idon't think I did23:49
vibhavThaks TiMiDo !23:49
* txomon|home lols at vibhav 23:49
TiMiDohere it's 6:49 PM23:50
TiMiDoso I'm good,23:50
n0rman11 minutes! :)23:50
benonsoftwaredinda: It was about the things for Ubunut and teachers23:50
TiMiDoactually 9 minutes more23:50
n0rmanalbrigha: ping23:50
albrighan0rman: pong23:51
TiMiDon0rman, from nicaragua,?23:51
n0rmanashams: ping23:51
n0rmanTiMiDo: yes, how do you know it? :)23:51
ashamsn0rman, hi23:51
TiMiDoback in 2009 or 2010 i join a few times, #ubuntu-ni23:52
dindabenonsoftware:  unfortunately I haven't had any time to work on education :(23:52
n0rmanTiMiDo: that's why I remember your nickname :)23:52
benonsoftwareThats ok23:52
TiMiDoyeah n0rman i think you we're applying to become an Ubuntu member, did you got accept it already,?23:53
n0rmanTiMiDo: yes :)  I did it23:54
vibhavI HAE ME ISP!23:55
TiMiDoI'm applying back today, and now my wiki, is up to date,23:55
* benonsoftware wishes everyone good luck23:55
n0rmanTiMiDo: let see :)23:55
TiMiDosame to you,23:55
TiMiDon0rman, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AaronFarias23:56
* vibhav hands everybody popcorn23:56
greg-gthanks vibhav :)23:56
* TiMiDo hands everyone some Coke, Or Pepsi, caffeine time, :P23:56
* txomon|home would like to eat popcorns now, sweet and full of sugar ones23:56
TiMiDooh the sweet popcorns,23:57
txomon|homeyeah, full of sugar and butter popcorns... :D23:58
TiMiDo1 min Left,23:58
vibhav_Me kicks his modem23:58
=== vibhav_ is now known as vibhav
TiMiDolol treat it gentle vibhav23:59
greg-ghello everyone!23:59
vibhavif I disconnect due to my stupid ISP23:59
greg-gis everyone ready for the meeting?23:59
vibhavoh yes23:59

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