
rhpot1991Ankhwatcher: do you have proof that its connecting to the wrong db then?01:26
rhpot1991mythexport.postinst:        mysql -h$hostname -u$admin_username -p$admin_password mythconverg < /usr/share/mythtv/mythexport.sql01:28
rhpot1991mythexport.postinst:        mysql -h$hostname -u$admin_username mythconverg < /usr/share/mythtv/mythexport.sql01:28
rhpot1991Ankhwatcher: so you can run that by hand to get past that, or did it fail to install because of that?01:29
dewmanhowdy.. does anyone know of a inexpensive sound card(pci) that has a internal spidif out (2 pins) that I can hook to my 8500gt so I can pass audio to hdmi?03:37
superm1rhpot1991: i think the problem then is that it's expecting mythconverg (hardcoded in the postinst)03:42
superm1Ankhwatcher: mentioned yesterday that they have a different db name03:42
Chaorainhey, I have a Mythbuntu server that I'm moving from a private network to public. How do I stop fileshareing? I'm using it for Minecraft04:22
Chaorainsamba -stop?04:24
superm1Chaorain: you can just go into MCC and remove it04:46
qwebirc42594hello everybody04:59
rhpot1991superm1: yep so I need to pull that from the config05:50
rhpot1991just not sure if he can work around it now or if he can't even install05:50
superm1rhpot1991: well he can modify the postinst locally05:52
superm1and then you fix it in a future version05:52
rhpot1991superm1: I forget the location of that, maybe say it a him so he knows what to do?05:52
=== dekarl is now known as dekarl_zZz
Ankhwatcherrhpot1991 & superm1 : This is the error message I get when trying to install. http://pastebin.com/Xv7UQywD11:09
Zinn[pastebin.com] mythexport renamed database install error - Pastebin.com11:09
qwebirc93095Hi. I have a HD homerun Prime that I wasn tto use with Mythbuntu v11.10. When I scan for channels I get a ton of channels that don't work. I manually added some channels and the std channels look pretty good, but the HD ones are poor quality. Any ideas? Also I tried to update MythTV to .25 and it hangs everytime. Again, any ideas? Thanks for you help!13:25
likwid--_i use hdhomerun prime + comcast + mythbuntu .24+fixes13:50
likwid--_works pretty flawlessly13:50
likwid--_did you follow the howto for adding the hdhomerun prime to your myth setup?13:50
likwid--_i dont think you ever scan for channels.. you only fetch channels from schedules direct13:50
rhpot1991qwebirc93095: what likwid--_ said, you don't scan for channels with that device14:29
rhpot1991sounds like you are picking up your 1-70 from clear qam and not anything in HD14:29
superm1rhpot1991: /var/lib/dpkg/info/mythexport.postinst i'd expect15:23
superm1fix that file and then apt-get -f install15:23
rhpot1991Ankhwatcher: ^ try to edit that15:23
superm1and it should hopefully sort itself out15:23
rhpot1991swap out mythconverg with your db name15:23
rhpot1991and see if that works then15:23
rhpot1991superm1: thanks15:24
dewmananyone know of a inexpensive sound card(pci) that has a internal spdif out (2 pins)? I found a couple on ebay but unsure of what might be a good option to try.15:45
rhpot1991dewman: your motherboard should normally have that15:58
rhpot1991if you are looking to jumper to a video card15:58
dewmanrhpot1991, yeah it doesnt have on...=-(15:59
qwebirc93095likwid, do you enter the tuners by ip address or tuner id #. I can only add 2 tuners with tuner id... is there any reason not to use ip if I have it reseverved in my routyer? thx18:40
rhpot1991qwebirc93095: have you read this: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Configuring_MythTV_for_the_HDHomeRun_Prime18:43
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Configuring MythTV for the HDHomeRun Prime - MythTV Official Wiki18:43
qwebirc93095Yes, I tried the sets outlined there and could never get it to set the strating channel.18:56
qwebirc93095that should say starting chennel18:59
rhpot1991qwebirc93095: is this your only tuner?19:01
qwebirc93095I also have a pvr-150 that I put up just for the remote19:02
rhpot1991ok, did you do the fake tuner part of that wiki doc?19:02
rhpot1991and then linked your lineup to it so you can fetch the channels19:02
qwebirc93095I did and it looked like if did fetch the channels, but when tried to set the starting channel I couldn't... it just said add channels or something like that19:04
rhpot1991"please add channels to this source" ?19:05
rhpot1991if you do "fetch channels from listings source" that should do it19:06
qwebirc93095yes, thats it19:06
rhpot1991actually the wiki claims that is ok19:08
rhpot1991"Do not press Scan for channels OR Fetch channels from listings source! You will see Starting channel read Please add channels to this source."19:08
rhpot1991thats not the way I remember it, but maybe19:08
rhpot1991qwebirc93095: IIRC the idea there is you fetch channels under the fake device19:09
rhpot1991and then you do not want to fetch them under the HDHR-prime because that screws things up19:09
qwebirc93095I'll try again. Di you know the proper answer for the field for frequinsies or program channel. I've seen some use just the channel number like 18 or something like 18-2 for the second program on channel 18. I've also see for 639MHz 639000 and also 639000000, I've also gotten some channels to work using something like 639-2.19:10
rhpot1991qwebirc93095: I use my digital cable channels for mine, I pull them from schedules direct for my hd-pvr and just point my hdhr-prime at those listings19:12
rhpot1991for my hdhr I had to match up the xmlids for the channels so I can do the same thing there19:12
rhpot1991otherwise I would see things like 18-2, etc19:12
rhpot1991qwebirc93095: if you install hdhomerun-config-gui you can use that to mess with the tuner19:13
rhpot1991try to tuner channels, etc19:13
rhpot1991I'm assuming you have already paired the cable card with it and everythign?19:13
qwebirc93095yes, everything works great with the hdhomerun-config-gui. When I look at the channel freq. in there it shows as 639000, I believe? But for some reason when I put 639000 into the channel editor in Mythtv it doesn't tune properly. What format do you use for theat field?19:19
qwebirc93095From what I've read. MythTv just needs to know the Channel # and program ID. The channel is the same as the channel freq. right? What is the program ID?19:22
qwebirc93095I'm going to start over when I get home tonight. Should I reinstall Mythbuntu or just clear all of the channels and tuners to start over?19:24
dewmanqwebirc93095, I would just delete all tuners and all sources and do it again.20:02
rhpot1991delete all channels and lineups too20:07
rhpot1991and follow that wiki20:07
rhpot1991myth doesn't know channel frequency like that20:07
rhpot1991in the end you will use the same channel numbers that show up on your cable box, and they will come form your schedules direct listings20:08
mythfanI have installed mythbunt 11.10 and would like to know if hdpvr blaster is stble with this version or its better to use another blaster to change channel21:13
rhpot1991mythfan: have firewire?21:33
mythfanMy motoral have it but it not in fuction21:42
=== hpeter_ is now known as hpeter
rhpot1991mythfan: its common to use firewire to do your channel switching22:15
rhpot1991if you can't use that then irblasting is your next choice22:16
rhpot1991firewire is more reliable IMO22:16

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