
adam_gsmoser: ping00:20
adam_gsmoser: if you see this, do these traces look like anything obvious to you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/809214/00:22
adam_gsmoser: ah, nvm.00:24
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bjfroaksoax: koan is still busted for me  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/809254/01:27
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roaksoaxbjf[afk]: will have a look02:44
b930913What's the best way to set up a email daemon on a server I have to receive emails sent to a domain pointing at it?03:39
Titomenanybody can help me here: rgotten@myplasticare:~$ sudo apt-get -y --force-yes -f install libgd-perl03:59
Titomen[sudo] password for rgotten:03:59
TitomenReading package lists... Done03:59
TitomenBuilding dependency tree03:59
TitomenReading state information... Done03:59
TitomenPackage libgd-perl is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:59
TitomenThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:59
Titomenis only available from another source03:59
TitomenE: Package libgd-perl has no installation candidate03:59
twbWhat a horrible hostname03:59
Titomencan you help04:01
twbTitomen: some people are beyond help04:01
Titomenplease elaborate04:02
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roaksoaxbjf[afk]: found the issue! bug #918538 will fix tomorrow05:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 918538 in virtinst "precise is not supported" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91853805:27
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uvirtbotNew bug: #918543 in vm-builder (universe) "vbox build fails with NameMapper.NotFound: cannot find 'mac' " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91854306:03
goddardif i wanna use SSL do i need to buy a cert?07:29
greppygoddard: depends on how "official" you want to be.07:42
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eagles0513875hey ikonia found the root cause of virt-manager now not being able to create a pool08:17
lynxmanmorning o/10:04
Alanwhen you regenerate ubuntu's snakeoil SSL certificate, where is the CA key it uses?10:22
AlanI want to import that into my browser so i don't get "invalid SSL certificate" warnings10:22
_rubenisn't it self-signed and thus no CA involved?10:25
Alan_ruben: does that make it impossible to add as trusted?10:26
AlanI'm not actually sure i entirely understand the SSL certificate signing... is it just signed with another SSL certificate?10:26
Alanwhich might in turn be signed by another SSL certificate, which might be one that is trusted?10:26
Alanand it just follows the chain to find out if the root is trusted?10:27
_rubenroughly, yes10:27
_rubenthe types of those ssl certs differ tho10:27
Alanso a self-signed cert is actually an unsigned cert?10:28
_rubenit's signed by itself :)10:28
Alanso that makes it its own CA?10:28
_rubensort of :)10:29
Alanbut does that mean there is a certificate somewhere in the process that i could use to say "trust this certificate" ?10:29
_rubenyou could create your own personal CA, and use that to sign certs for your ssl services. then you could add that ca to your trusted ca store10:29
Alanbut you can't add the cert itselfd to the trusted CA store10:29
Alanbecause it's not a CA10:30
Alanbut it kinda is10:30
_rubenthat's why i said "create your own personal CA, ...." ;)10:30
_rubenthen you can10:30
_rubencheck some openssl howtos, there's plenty of those around10:30
_rubenor use a tool like tinyca210:30
Alani was hoping to trust ubuntu's snakeoil10:30
_rubenthere's really not much point in that10:31
Alanjumping through a load of hoops kinda defeats the point of how "simple" the snakeoil cert setup is...10:31
_rubenit being simple also makes it limited :)10:31
Alanseems like it's possible to add it to the OS's certificate store though...10:33
allenaprvba: Can you give me a +1 in https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/maas/test-bling/+merge/89078?10:33
_rubenAlan: i must admit that my experience with the client side (the trusting of certs/cas) on linux is rather limited, most my client experience is with windows, for the server side i have experience with both :)10:37
_rubenso whether or not it's possible to trust a single cert (not a ca) on ubuntu, i don't dare to tell ;)10:37
jamespagenegronjl, I'm going to scrub the hive package from the PPA (we need to use 0.7.1)10:38
Alan_ruben: it's actually pretty easy, it seems, to add a cert to NSS (which both firefox and chrome use)10:38
jamespagemed, negronjl: please give me a ping when you are around10:38
jamespageneed to discuss standards for packages :-)10:38
_rubenAlan: getting a browser to trust a single cert tends to be trivial indeed, i was thinking systemwide stuff10:39
Alan_ruben: not sure about systemwide, but who cares about systemwide :P10:39
_rubenAlan: those who don't want do it for each app/user individually ;)10:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #918623 in apache2 (main) "Apache SSL config startup errors are neither printed nor logged" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91862311:01
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allenaprvba, jtv: Fancy a review? https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/maas/top-of-file-boilerplate/+merge/8922411:39
rvbaallenap: sure11:41
rvbaeurk even11:41
allenaprvba: eurk?11:41
rvbafr for yuck ;)11:42
allenaprvba: Oh :( That bad?11:42
rvbajust kidding ;)11:43
Davieylynxman: What is the status of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-cfjuju ?11:45
lynxmanDaviey: in progress but I have lower priority for it coming from upstairs so... I reckon I'll try to hunt it in a couple weeks11:46
Davieylynxman: is it actually going to get done?11:46
DavieyIf not, it would be better to unassign or postpone.11:47
lynxmanDaviey: yes it'll get done :)11:50
Davieylynxman: rocking11:51
Davieyrbasak: should i just sync openmpi, and then we solve the ftbfs?11:51
lynxmanDaviey: waiting on your merge review for ipxe btw11:52
rbasakDaviey: can you sync off experimental? I don't mind how we do it. I haven't yet investigated the ftbfs apart from that it fails if I try a build on ubuntu11:52
Davieylynxman: ah, groovy.. Will do that myself, or find another budding reviewer today11:53
* rbasak is hoping to bring more pandas online today11:53
Davieyrbasak: yeah, i'll sync that now11:53
lynxmanDaviey: excellent11:54
Davieyrbasak: ah, i wonder if the ftbfs was https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openmpi/+bug/81376711:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 813767 in openmpi "fix fbtfs in openmpi (1.4.3-2.1) " [Undecided,Fix released]11:54
Davieyor, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/86689726/openmpi_1.4.3-2.1ubuntu1_1.4.3-2.1ubuntu2.diff.gz11:55
Davieyif it is those issues, it'll want a sync :/11:55
Davieyerr, merge11:55
rbasakYeah I didn't get to a conclusion about that. I didn't understand how the porters worked before christmas when I looked. Now I do, I'll be using my own panda :)11:55
Davieyrbasak: would you be able to give it some attention soonly.. seems like an easy win. :)11:57
rbasakas soon as I can. I'm sorting out getting my pandas online first so I can task switch more easily11:58
Davieyrbasak: how many do you have now?11:58
Davieyrbasak: you know, you could buy more sdcards :)11:58
rbasakI've been using hard drives for speed11:58
rbasakbut yeah I didn't think of sdcards :)11:58
Davieyutlemming: Around?12:03
Davieyjamespage & utlemming: Happen to know status of, [utlemming] update image promotion process to integrate with Jenkins automated testing: TODO ?12:03
Davieyjamespage: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-cloud-image-testing ?12:04
Davieyjamespage: is "Publish daily testing results to jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com: TODO" actually DONE, on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-complex-deployment-testing12:06
jamespageDaviey: no - not yet12:06
allenaprvba, jtv: What do you think of using from __future__ import unicode_literals everywhere? It means that all strings would be unicode, and you get a str() with b"..." syntax.12:07
* Daviey ^5's allenap 12:13
* allenap ^5's Daviey, but wonders what prompted it :)12:14
jtvallenap: I'm all for it.  Maybe even absolute imports, and what the hey, I'd go for the print function as well.12:18
* jtv had been quietly wishing for this but dared not mention it12:18
allenapjtv: In 2.7 we get absolute imports by default I think.12:18
allenapI shall get on it.12:18
jtvI did a bunch of cross-version development (2.6/2.7/3.2) over the holidays.  Barry's tips helped immensely.12:19
jtvIn fact I keep an email of his in my mailbox about stuff I ought to blog about.12:19
allenapI too have become an avid Barry porting missive reader.12:20
jtvIn a nutshell: better give up on getting your newline conversions right before you start on python 3.  :)12:20
rvbaallenap: sounds good12:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #918646 in mysql-5.1 (universe) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91864612:31
jtvrvba: overriding the runserver command works a treat.  Thanks.12:33
sorenjtv: Newline conversions?12:33
jtvsoren: yes… my impression is that that particular problem wasn't sufficiently re-thought in the new I/O model.  And so you can ask for newline conversion when reading a compressed file, but you can't specify the encoding!12:34
jtvAnd so if you get a UTF-16 character, say, where one of the bytes happens to be equal to 13...12:35
sorenjtv: Oh.12:35
* soren hasn't dived into Py3k yet12:35
jtvI'd been writing a module for python 2.6/2.7/3.x that would be best described as lib_open_my_god_damn_file.py12:36
jtvTransparent decompression is one of the things it did, if needed.12:36
jtvSo you get a conceptual layering of:12:36
jtvcompressed file12:37
jtvblocks etc.12:37
jtvWhere does newline conversion happen?12:37
jtvCurrently, at the "compressed file" layer.12:37
jtvWhich isn't aware that there might be b'\n' bytes in the data stream that aren't u'\n' characters.12:37
jtvA-hah!  I hear you cry: just use something or other in codecs that handles newlines.12:38
jtvBut no, in python 3, codecs must always convert between bytes and unicode.12:38
jtvWhich is cleaner, but less malleable when it comes to this kind of thing.12:38
jtvNewline conversion has to happen at (or above) the unicode layer.12:39
jtvSo either it must be part of the codec, or it needs a separate layer that AFAICS does not exist yet.12:39
onrethis sounds rather painful12:39
onrepossibly even like a design mistake12:40
jtvIn the case of compression, it can be handled by giving the gzip and bzip2 libraries the same open() API as the built-in one.12:40
jtvI like to think of it as design skew: the standard library isn't all on the same page yet12:40
jtv—so yes, a possible design mistake but with a slightly more optimistic view.  :)12:41
RoyKpy3k - is that like http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2550 ?12:41
jtvDon't depress me.  I've got test code in that module that will start failing in a few centuries.12:41
jtvLuckily for me, my program doesn't actually mind if it gets a few too many newlines, loses carriage returns, or mistakes paragraph boundaries for line breaks.  As a friend pointed out, "about right" is the new black.12:44
jtv(By the way, b'\r\n' is a valid unicode character... in big-endian utf-16)12:45
jtvallenap: I'm new to this side of buildout… any idea how I can pull in python-oops and python-oops-wsgi?12:58
jtvWrite a recipe?12:58
jtvI think I'll go look for a better headset first.13:00
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smoserjamespage, Daviey . so, looking at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/view/Daily/job/precise-server-ec2-daily/ARCH=i386,REGION=eu-west-1,STORAGE=instance-store,label=ubuntu-server-ec2-testing/45/artifact/None/i386/m1.small/instance-store/i-929cf6db/uec2-20120119-0340-74e55fac26b44d-terminated.console.txt13:55
smoserthe mount issue came after a reboot that was issued by jenkins.13:55
smoserso it would seem to me that that reboot resulted in /mnt not being unmounted cleanly13:55
smosermaybe we could force this error just by repeatedly issuing reboot-instances13:56
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hallynkirkland: shift-f2 isn't working for me in bybou-tmux anymore14:13
hggdhroaksoax: your fence_cdu script: should the names of the machines be case-sensitive (-s)?14:22
=== jtv-afk is now known as jtv
adam_gsmoser: snapshot/restore working pretty good. http://paste.ubuntu.com/809683/ reusing the same snippets earlier seems to work fine for bootstrapping juju agents14:41
adam_gDaviey: ^14:42
Davieyadam_g: \o/14:43
Davieyadam_g / jamespage: what is blocking making the jenkins results public?14:44
Davieyie, what is left to do?14:44
adam_gDaviey: a firewall?14:44
Davieyadam_g: right, but what needs to be done before we can progress to make it public?14:44
jamespageDaviey, adam_g: are we happy with the automated process in the lab?14:44
adam_gDaviey: nothing i suppose, if theres nothing wrong with making a WIP public14:44
jamespageif so then I am OK to setup the results publishing14:45
jamespage^^ WIP ^^14:45
adam_gim working on this snapshot stuff to reduce the # of provisioning failures14:45
uvirtbotjamespage: Error: "^" is not a valid command.14:45
jamespagesorry uvirtbot14:45
Davieyjamespage: I think exposing WIP has little negative impact?14:45
jamespagewell maybe not14:45
jamespageits up to you14:45
adam_give still been focusing on getting the bootstrapping an deployment working as reliably as possible14:45
adam_gits pretty reliable as-is, but we're still running into periodic archive errors during initial installation, which require a 45 min timeout to pop before the test is failed14:46
jtvallenap, bigjools, rvba: do we have any opinions on where to put MaaS oopses?  I'm thinking maybe /var/log/maas in production, ./logs in development.14:46
Davieyyeah, if it's constaly failing there is no beneift to allowing me to see it :)14:46
smoseradam_g, great. and that is going into early_command ?14:47
rvbajtv: sounds good.14:47
adam_gDaviey: if you look at it now, the precise-openstack-essex-deploy. the minority are failures, but those are all archive errors during install. after install, those errors can be worked-around14:47
adam_gsmoser: the partman early_command, yeah.14:47
allenapjtv, rvba: Up for a review? https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/maas/coding-standards/+merge/89255.14:48
jtvallenap: I can take it14:48
Davieyadam_g: you know, that could be a udeb :)14:48
allenapjtv: Thanks.14:48
adam_gDaviey: the kernel module? yeah.. but what udeb provides it? or, how to build one myself for every new kernel thats released?14:49
jtvallenap: I guess this means we get sensible fixed-width indenting, not the squeeze-in-arguments-all-the-way-on-the-right indenting.  Nice.14:50
Davieyadam_g: sorry, this lvm work is in di or cloud-init?14:51
adam_gDaviey: d-i14:51
jtvallenap: you're lying about the database cluster though.  A plain "make" no longer sets up the database, as per your recommendation.  But "make syncdb," "make run," and "./bin/test" do.14:51
allenapjtv: I hadn't thought about that, but \o/14:51
allenapjtv: Ah, okay, that was a copy-n-paste. I'll update that.14:52
jtvAlso, we now have ./bin/django deletedb14:52
Davieyadam_g: yeah, i was thinking - it could be wrapped into a udeb, passing preseed for the differing values.. rathe rthan hacking it into a late_command14:52
jtvallenap: I think it was a copy-and-paste from an older version of the readme..?14:52
jtvAh no14:52
adam_gDaviey: i need to get a udeb together for the kernel module for sure. as for the scripting, i quite like having it embedded in the snippet, because we can make use of logic around profile name, mgmt classes, etc in cobbler to determine whether or not to restore or install.14:53
rvbaallenap: oh, I've duplicated what you did with the README in my api doc, sphinx branch ;)14:55
jtvallenap: mp done14:56
Davieyadam_g: ok.. i just wondered if it made a nice thing that culd be reused in the archive..14:56
Davieybut either way :)14:56
smoserroaksoax, ping15:01
allenaprvba: Cool :)15:02
allenaprvba: Is that ready for review?15:03
allenapjtv: Thanks.15:03
rvbaallenap: well, I've reverted it, I'll merge your branch…15:03
rvbaallenap: almost15:03
allenaprvba: I don't have Sphinx yet. I'll sort that out next I think.15:04
roaksoaxsmoser pong15:05
rvbaallenap: I need to merge your branch but otherwise, it's up for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/maas-api-doc/+merge/8926315:07
roaksoaxhggdh: uhmmm I thought it was case sensitive15:07
* allenap looks15:07
hggdhroaksoax: it is, I just wanted to confirm it is as planned15:08
allenaprvba: Conflicts!15:12
* rvba looks15:12
roaksoaxhggdh: yeah I'm not doing anything to not consider it as case sensitive :).15:17
allenapbigjools: How are investigations of cobbler going?15:17
hggdhroaksoax: I guess my question was more "is it as designed, or just because" -- but you already answered it ;-)15:18
jtvbigjools: review basic oops integration?  I'd like your feedback on how much more we want to add on top: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/oops/+merge/8926715:22
xorredhas anyone had any experience with installing memcache on ubuntu server here?15:23
xorredit seems it's installed correctly, it's running, but I can't seem to be able to see it enabled in php15:23
xorredphp -r 'phpinfo();' | grep 'memcache' returns nothing15:23
roaksoaxhggdh: ehehehe ;)15:29
patdk-wkxorred, why would it?15:30
patdk-wkyou need to *access* it from php somehow15:30
patdk-wkeither by making your own socket calls, installing a php memcache lib, or whatever15:30
onrexorred, you need to separately install either one of the memcache extensions for php.15:33
onrexorred, php5-memcache and/or php5-memcached, latter is "better" from programmer point of view15:34
SpamapSjamespage: re zookeeper+start-stop-daemon.. no, I never pushed it anywhere, but I think I can now..15:35
jamespageSpamapS, sweet - thanks15:35
kirklandhallyn: are any other keybindings broken?15:37
kirklandhallyn: what version of byobu?15:37
SpamapSjamespage: testing built debs now.. seems to work15:38
xorredonre: I just ran apt-get install php5-memcached, and my site went DOWN15:39
xorredholy ****15:39
xorredplease help, onre15:39
xorredwhat happened?15:39
onrexorred, well, look in apache error log to see what's failing.15:39
xorredapache runs just fine, apache2ctl restart shows no error15:40
onrexorred, /var/log/apache2/error.log15:40
onrehaven't had that happen to myself15:40
xorred13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
xorred13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
xorredno listening sockets available, shutting down15:40
xorredUnable to open logs15:41
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
xorredonre: now I see A LOT of segmentation faults15:42
xorredon the log15:42
jamespageSpamapS, great15:43
onrewell, either remove the module or find the config file that loads it. can't remember where it is, somewhere under /etc/php5/ iirc15:44
rvbaallenap: conflicts fixed (diff updating).15:44
allenaprvba: Cool.15:45
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
bigjoolsallenap: coming along!15:48
bigjoolsjtv: sure15:48
xorredguys, my site is down15:50
xorredonre: man, please help me out15:50
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
xorredthis happened after I followed your suggestion to install memcached15:50
xorrednow, I have ran the php5-memcached remove, but nothing happens15:50
allenaprvba: Is there meant to be a prerequisite branch? There's a lot of code changing in there.15:51
xorredthe log shows segmentation faults all over15:51
rvbaallenap: no rereq, but most of it is boiler plate code added by the initialisation of sphinx.15:51
onrexorred, do you have any non-standard stuff installed or configured in there, and what exactly is segfaulting?15:52
rvbaallenap: docs/Makefile and docs/15:52
bigjoolsjtv: you want me to look at that MP as well as allenap's review?15:52
xorredonre: I found the conflictiing module15:52
xorrednow... just if I were able to un-install xcache :D15:52
onrexorred, alternatively you can just disable it from being loaded.15:53
onrexorred, and be done with it.15:53
jtvbigjools: I'd just like to know what else you want done on top of this.15:55
bigjoolsjtv: ok, looking at it now15:55
roaksoaxbjf: howdy!! I just uploaded a patch for what seems to be your bug. So should be built soon let me know how it goes15:59
bjfroaksoax: cool, look forward to giving it a spin16:01
kirklandroaksoax: have you seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/Orchestra ?16:02
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kirklandDaviey: ^16:02
roaksoaxkirkland: cool16:04
Davieykirkland: yeah, they were digging it last week.16:04
kirklandDaviey: good stuff, man16:08
allenaprvba: There's quite a lot of new code, like the whole of NodesHandler.16:09
rvbaallenap: that's right :)16:09
allenaprvba: Okay...16:10
rvbaallenap: but most of it is simply refactoring16:10
rvbaallenap: and documentation16:10
allenaprvba: Okay, if you promise :) It looks like lots of new untested code, but then I can imagine that it's something to do with what Piston expects.16:12
hallynsoren: i'm going to add kvm nesting as an option through /etc/default/kvm.  I'm leaning toward making it enabledy by default.  Test shows no impact on guest perf.  Do you object to enabling by default?16:12
hallynjamespage: smoser: zul: ^16:12
smoseri do not object.16:13
rvbaallenap: really, no new code was added!  Only the create method was splitted into two.16:13
rvbaallenap: well, resource_uri is new, but that's it.16:14
smosersmb, how did you do that ascii art ?16:14
allenaprvba: 770 lines diff?16:14
smbsmoser, the keyboard? ;)16:14
smoseronce again, smb shows he's a better man than i.16:15
hallynsmoser: as for your question about 2nd level nesting perf, it's about what you'd expect.  compiling a tiny program jumps from .8 seconds to 2.8 seconds without kvm in second level16:15
smbsmoser, MAybe just a bit more anal... :-P16:15
rvbaallenap: 769 yes, but again, most of it is docs/Makefile and docs/conf.py.16:15
smoserhallyn, i dont follow.16:16
smbsmoser, I thought it takes me probably longer to find out how that nicer moin things work again16:16
smosersmb, i figured you used some modeling tool that could output ascii art16:16
smbsmoser, Yeah, but no. Just alot of patience16:17
hallynsmoser: run kvm on the host.  inside that kvm guest, run kvm, and compile a small program (suckless' ii).  If you run the kvm guest without '-cpu host' (to provide nested kvm), it takes 2.8 seconds.  With '-cpu host', it takes .8 seconds16:18
smoserthats not what i would have expected at all.16:19
smosermuch better improvement than i would have thought.16:19
SpamapSjamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/ubuntu/precise/zookeeper/drop-daemon-dep/+merge/8928416:20
hallynwell, aiui, the cpu should be host speed, you just have (a) slower disk, and (b) issues with shadow paging in memory.16:20
hallynanyway, i'll go enable it.  thanks.16:20
SpamapShallyn: why doesn't kvm default to nesting if its available?16:22
hallynSpamapS: they don't say.  relevant docs are http://www.usenix.org/events/osdi10/tech/full_papers/Ben-Yehuda.pdf   and Documentation/virtual/kvm/nested-vmx.txt in the kernel source.16:26
hallynpresumably bc i'ts new16:26
SpamapSYeah that would be nice if it just happened16:32
hallynof course otoh i don't want mysterious new failures due to a bug in the nesting support...16:33
hallynpaper says 6-8% perf impact on second level guest vs. first level.  not bad.16:33
SpamapShallyn: in the past I'd have agreed, but IMO, proper test coverage (both across software and hardware types) should alleviate the need for such caution.16:34
SpamapSBut yeah, maybe a release or two with it not on by default is prudent. :-)16:35
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
hallynSpamapS: yes, i'm figuring if there are bugs, we have 2 months to run into them16:38
hallynso right now i'm going to enable it.  it worked great for me yesterday and today under pretty heavy use.16:39
bjfroaksoax: looks like the same error - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/809812/16:43
roaksoaxbjf: uhm ok... so is empty then?16:47
bjfroaksoax: The requested URL /cblr/ks_mirror/precise-x86_64/ was not found on this server.16:47
roaksoaxbjf: can you pastebin /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror and /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/precise-x86_6416:48
bjfroaksoax: ok, the directory name is different as seen here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/809816/16:51
hallynSpamapS: hey upstart guru, do you have any objections to the way I'm doing this?  http://people.canonical.com/~serge/debdiff16:51
roaksoaxbjf: ah that's the error, did orchestra imported those ISO's directly?16:52
roaksoaxadam_g: are we updating the ISO's by a cronjob?16:52
bjfroaksoax: yes, i've done nothing manually/myself other than install orchestra16:52
roaksoaxs/by a/with a/16:53
roaksoaxbjf: interesting issue, I'll look into that16:54
bjfroaksoax: any way i can work around it (symlink i suppose)16:54
roaksoaxbjf: do this then: sudo cobbler profile edit --name precise-x86_64 --ks-meta tree=http://@@http_server@@/cblr/repo_mirror/precise-x86_64-x86_6416:54
bjfroaksoax: note, a netboot of bare metal worked16:55
roaksoaxbjf: yeah, because koan uses the "tree" variable from ks_meta in order to determine whre the installation tree is located16:57
bjfroaksoax: --ks-meta is a bad option16:57
adam_groaksoax: where?16:57
bjfroaksoax: ah, --ksmeta (no hyphen)16:58
roaksoaxbjf: --ksmeta sorry16:58
roaksoaxadam_g: in the import scripts we use for orchestra/cobbler? are they been run by a cronjob to update the ISO's?16:58
adam_groaksoax: ya. as of precise, if a distro exists, orchestra-import-isos calls: cobbler-ubuntu-import -c $r-$a && cobbler-ubuntu-import -u $r-$a to update it if necessary16:59
bjfroaksoax: running koan after that produce: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/809826/17:00
roaksoaxadam_g: ok I think there might be something wrong with that as it creates directories with distro-arch-arch17:10
roaksoaxbjf: libvir: error : Cannot get interface MTU on 'virbr0': No such device17:11
roaksoaxbjf: specify the virt interface you are using with virt-bridge i think17:11
bjfroaksoax: so i need to define a bridge device ?17:16
roaksoaxbjf: it defaults to virbr0 but if you don't have it, then you would have to specify it. 'sudo koan --server localhost --virt --profile precise-x86_64 --virt-bridge=br0'17:17
roaksoaxfor exmaple17:17
roaksoaxbjf: or you can define it in the cobbler profile17:18
bjfroaksoax: so the error indicates that i don't have it, should it have been created during install?17:18
roaksoaxsudo cobbler profile edit --name precise-x86_64 --virt-bridge br0 --> If you do this, you don't need to specify it wen using koan17:19
roaksoaxbjf: I think kvm should have created it automatically on install17:19
roaksoaxhallyn: ^^17:20
roaksoaxshould kvm create a virbr0 on install?17:20
hallynthat's libvirt17:20
roaksoaxerr yeah, should libvirt create it ayutomatically then after install?17:21
hallynunless you have in the past removed it ( as some people have )17:21
hallynif it's not, pls do file a bug, as that's wrong17:22
bjfhallyn, ack17:22
roaksoaxhallyn: thanks ;)17:22
bjfroaksoax: bug 91880717:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 918807 in libvirt "[precise] virbr0 not created during fresh install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91880717:25
mdeslaurhallyn: whoa, nested kvm!17:29
hallynmdeslaur: yup, \o/17:31
bjfroaksoax: i'm not convinced virbr0 wasn't created. i have this in my syslog: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): virbr0: link is not ready17:56
SpamapSzul: hey, can you delete this recipe? It has never built correctly https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/+recipe/memcached-daily-maverick and just emails me weekly with its FTBFS18:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #918826 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.7.0-1ubuntu0.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91882618:06
roaksoaxbjf: uhmmm I;ll do a fresh install and see what I find, and then will be able to confirm.18:06
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pmatulismdeslaur: nested kvm?18:21
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mdeslaurpmatulis: kvm working inside a kvm guest18:24
pmatulismdeslaur: understand the concept.  so it's upcoming?  announcement?18:25
mdeslaurpmatulis: hallyn uploaded a qemu-kvm package to precise that turned it on, that's how I noticed18:25
pmatulismdeslaur: i see.  nice18:26
hallyni recon i need to at least blog about how to use it, but yeah it needs to go into release notes at some point18:26
hallynto use it, you'll still need to add '-cpu host' or -cpu qemu64,+vmx in your qemu args18:26
pmatulishallyn: yeah, i'd like to see your blog when it's done18:27
hallynit'll be pretty short :)  it'll be on planet.u.c though, if you check that.  if not i'll let you know when it's up18:31
osakaI'm planning to use KVM and OpenVZ, which kernel shall I install server or virtual?19:08
osakaor is virtual used when its being a guest?19:08
cwillu_also_at_wosaka, virtual is intended for guests, yes19:16
zulhallyn: no objections for nested kvm19:17
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uvirtbotNew bug: #918884 in mysql-5.1 (universe) "mysql server won't run so the logzilla application I am trying to test and evaluate is not running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91888420:11
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tdnHow do I play video without X? I thought I could to mplayer video.avi  -fb /dev/fb0, however /dev/fb0 does not exist on a deafult Ubuntu Server 11.10? What to do?20:28
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niksofthmmm, very quiet in here... Hey anyone want to talk about the broken LACP implementation in the Ubuntu server? At least as far as i can tell it is lightly broken20:42
tdnHow do I get sound working in Ubuntu Server? What packages do I install?20:42
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SpamapStdn: what program do you want to play sounds with?20:54
SpamapStdn: I'd imagine you just need to install the program, and it will pull in the deps that enable it to play sound through any hardware you have20:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #918827 in vsftpd (main) "vsftpd running on non-standart port by inetd failing after inetd restart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91882720:58
youlysses2 questions. 1. unlike ubuntu desktop is the server edition comprised of all FOSS? 2. Is anybody or can anybody reccomend it as a general file/print server? Seems good for the fit.20:59
dvance1. I am not sure 2. I would, yes21:01
youlyssesOk cool, I'll guess i'll further look into it. But I just setup my "battlestattion" and it's quickly becoming a pain to try to keep these files synced... :P21:03
dvancebeen there, is it nessesary that it's 100% FOSS ?21:04
youlyssesMorally yes, but I could manage ... i guess...21:04
kirklandsmoser: hey, are you around?21:13
kirklandsmoser: can you help edygarcia with a problem with ubuntu-cloudimg-query?21:13
kirklandsmoser: it's working fine for me, but not at all for him21:13
kirklandsmoser: we're both on 11.1021:13
kirklandsmoser: i gotta run, but thanks in advance!21:15
edygarciasmoser: hi, I am trying to configure my environment, the ec2-describe-images is working fine21:15
edygarciasmoser: the error I get is faild to find ami, when I run ubuntu-cloudimg-query t1.micro oneiric21:16
edygarciasmoser: or any description for that matter21:16
utlemmingedygarcia: try rm -rf ~/.cache/ubuntu-cloudimg-query21:17
utlemmingand then try again21:17
smoseredygarcia, i suspect you have bad data in cache21:17
smoserbefore you do that21:17
smoserplease save that off21:17
smoserin case it was it.21:17
Davieysmoser / roaksoax: Fancy reviewing, and if suitable - uploading https://code.launchpad.net/~lynxman/ubuntu/precise/ipxe/newsnapshot/+merge/88329 ?21:19
edygarciasmoser: same error after deleting the cache21:19
roaksoaxDaviey: sure21:19
Davieyroaksoax: ta21:20
smoseredygarcia, can you pastebin ~/.cache/ubuntu-cloudimg-query/oneiric.server.released.current.txt ?21:23
edygarciasmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/810083/21:28
niksoftLet me try again, hi, i'm trying to configure an ubuntu server to serve files on a 20Gbit link, or rather a 2 x 10 Gbit bonded link, from what i see the 802.ad (LACP) implementation fails to correctly balance the TX, favoring one of the nics and not sending any data on the other. Can anyone help me look into this?21:28
smoseredygarcia, hm..21:29
elfurbeSo I've got two SSDs in a server I'm building. I'd like TRIM to work but I need them mirrored. I've tried creating a mirrored lv but had no luck either at install time (dm_mirror module doesn't exist) or after (can't add mirrors to an existing lv apparently)21:29
elfurbeAnyone have any thoughts?21:29
elfurbeMy understanding is that md devices don't support trim which is why I'm trying it this way21:29
niksoftelfurbe raid? software or hardware21:30
elfurbesoftware, I can't make the pseudo-raid on this motherboard work for anything21:30
niksoftoh no mobo implementations are very incomplete most of the time21:30
elfurbeIt's a Supermicro, has both Intel and Adaptec codebases, neither of them make volumes that are visible to the installer21:31
elfurbeSo whatevs, I put the ssds in AHCI mode and figured I'd work something out21:31
elfurbeBut so far I can't make it work21:31
niksoftelfurbe what kernel are you on?21:32
elfurbeThis is during the installer for 11.1021:32
elfurbeI need the rootfs to be on the mirror21:33
niksoftcan you drop into a shell and do uname -a ?21:33
elfurbeYeah, but I'll have to relay output the old fashioned way21:34
niksoftmorse code?21:34
elfurbeLinux gluon 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP <date> x86_64 GNU/Linux21:34
elfurbeNo, by reading one screen and typing it out :D No copy and paste21:34
elfurbeThe installer's partitioner has no support for mirrored lvs so I'm trying to do it by hand from one of the other ttys21:35
niksoftintel brought in the functionality in at 2.6.3321:35
elfurbeThe trim sauce you mean?21:36
elfurbeYeah, but it still doesn't work for mdraid devices, right?21:36
elfurbeOnly dm?21:36
niksofti believe you are correct21:39
niksoftas of yet software raid may not support trim21:39
niksoftHmm perhaps worth asking around in ubuntu kernel channel...21:43
smoserroaksoax, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/precise/cobbler/improvements.cui/+merge/8934721:44
edygarciasmoser: yes21:45
roaksoaxsmoser: looking21:45
smosercan you pastebin: bash -x ubuntu-cloudimg-query t1.micro oneiric > out 2>&121:46
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roaksoaxsmoser: looks good to me.21:46
roaksoaxsmoser: you want me to upload those?21:47
smoserroaksoax, sure.21:48
smoserthat makes updating as easy as : sudo cobbler-ubuntu-import --update-existing21:48
roaksoaxsmoser: awesome!! I'll upload it tonight21:52
smoseredygarcia, see pastebin request above21:53
edygarciasmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/810113/21:57
smoseredygarcia, remove psace between 2 and > anda 121:58
smosersomething waswrong21:58
smoseryou want21:58
smosercan you pastebin: bash -x ubuntu-cloudimg-query t1.micro oneiric 2>&1 | pastebinit21:59
smoser( if you dont have pastebinit: sudo apt-get install pastebinit )21:59
edygarciasmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/810118/22:00
hallynahs3: Can I sling you a debdiff to enable 'make check' for netcf on sid?22:02
ahs3hallyn: go for it22:02
hallynthx - be a few mins22:03
hallynahs3: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf-enable-test.debdiff22:05
smoseredygarcia, i'm not sure why, but try adding us-east-122:09
smoser(ie, specifying the region)22:09
ahs3hallyn: kewl.  i'll see if i can get that in tonight or sometime tomorrow.22:11
hallynahs2: thanks!22:12
smoserhallyn, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/91894622:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 918946 in lxc "cannot run libvirt in an 'lxc create -t ubuntu' container" [Undecided,New]22:12
hallynsmoser: yeah.  were there others you needed to run libvirt?22:13
hallynsmoser: I'm just getting around to uploading fix for bug 918343 btw22:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 918343 in libvirt "libvirt-bin missing dependency on dbus" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91834322:14
hallynsmoser: if no others, i'll goa head and post that fix right now22:15
hallynoh, i see22:15
smoserhallyn, still not tested all the way.22:15
hallynsmoser: actually that bug you just opened, that is fixed in the version i pushed an hour or two ago22:16
smoseryou can run libvirt in a container now?22:16
edygarciasmoser: that did the trick, thank you, I have EC_REGION set to that but it is not using it :)22:17
hallyn(thinking)  maybe not22:17
hallynno, unrelated, nm22:18
smoseredygarcia, well, even this seems to work fine for me:22:19
smoserEC2_REGION=us-east-1 ubuntu-cloudimg-query t1.micro oneiric22:19
smoserbut i'm using precise.. possible that i've fixed that.22:19
edygarciasmoser: works for kirkland as well and he is on oneiric, I will look closer into it tomorrow, thanks again22:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #918946 in lxc (main) "cannot run libvirt in an 'lxc create -t ubuntu' container" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91894622:21
smoserhallyn, am i doing something wrong22:22
smoser$ sudo lxc create -t ubuntu -n lv122:22
smoserE: -t - no such container22:22
smoseryes i am22:23
hallynsmoser: 'lxc-create', not 'lxc  create'22:23
smoserdagum feeble brain22:23
hallynpushing fix about now22:24
hallyndoh!  branches diverged.  i hate that crap22:24
hallynyou know, i *try* to make SpamapS happy, but he keeps disappointing22:24
smoserhallyn, you broke lxc-list22:27
smoser$ lxc-ls22:27
smosermaybre not22:27
smoseryou should just exit early on all those scripts if you think that they can't be run as non-root22:28
hallynsmoser: i fixed lxc-ls just now...22:28
hallynit *can* be run as non-root, it just couldn't bc i was mistakenly mkdiring the cgroup dirs as 0700 not 075522:28
smoserwell, lots of them can't be22:28
smoserbut just error randomly or not at all22:29
hallynlike i say there are more little naggly cleanups queued up on my other laptop, hopefully i push tomorrow22:29
hallynyes, those should be fixed22:29
hallynsmoser: which ones are you thinking of?22:29
ZiggyTheHamsterI've got a really stupid problem with sendmail that I am going insane trying to figure out. Anyone around that might have some suggestions? :)22:30
ZiggyTheHamster(I'm using sendmail to send from the server only, not to receive mail)22:31
smoserdont know really. one of them just got me a bit ago22:32
smoseri'll let you know22:32
smoserhallyn, annoying failure:22:35
hallynthat was as unpriv user?  That's one you wanted to exit out when you're not root?22:36
smoserwell a simple "permission denied" is bette rthan that.22:37
smoseror "you cant do that, jim"22:37
hallynright - cause 'not root' is not sufficient check (if you're using lxc-setcap).  But yes, it should be checking early.22:41
undriedseaIf I have two servers connected to the same chassis of SAS disks in a RAID10 (on the chassis), could I install IET (iSCSI target software) on both, export the disk array, setup iSCSI multi-pathing on my client and have an HA storage environment? I was thinking active/passive.22:47
cwillu_also_at_wundriedsea, high availability is not the result of a combination of techniques22:51
cwillu_also_at_wit's the result of the combination of understanding and process22:52
cwillu_also_at_wtaken at face value, what you describe provides about the same level of availability in principle as a raid1 , but with a much higher complexity22:54
cwillu_also_at_wwhether that added complexity actually results in improved service is a matter of how well you design the system, and how well the process you put in place works to prevent mistakes during both normal and degraded operation22:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #918956 in quagga (main) "package quagga 0.99.17-4ubuntu1.1 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91895622:56
hallynroaksoax: any chance I could get you to upload http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf-precise-runtests.debdiff ?22:56
hallyni seem to lack privs22:58
cwillu_also_at_w(consider that the rate of fatal crashes for small twin-engine aircraft is nearly identical to that for single-engine aircraft:  the extra complexities almost perfectly offsets the redundancy provided at that level of operation)22:59
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roaksoaxhallyn will sure do23:06
Davieyroaksoax: just uploaded.23:07
hallynroaksoax: thanks!23:08
roaksoaxDaviey lol k23:09
undriedseacwillu_also_at_w, the failure I am trying to guard against is the iSCSI target server. In real production the failure rate of everything else has been very low. I guess I am wondering if the setup described would work.23:10
adam_gundriedsea: drbd+pacemaker+ietd active/passive is a pretty straightforward and common HA clustering setup.23:15
undriedseaadam_g, I have been seeing that as well, in this case since the disks are connected to both iSCSI servers, I was hoping to avoid using DRBD.23:16
undriedseaI don't want a SW-RAID1 when I already have a HW-RAID1023:17
adam_gundriedsea: ah, misread originally23:17
undriedseaOh np, thanks for the suggestion23:18
edygarciasmoser: I found the problem, I setup my EC2_URL per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EC2StartersGuide in the format of ec2.<region>.amazonaws.com , but it is parsed as <region>.ec2.amazonaws.com23:25
edygarciasmoser: commenting out my EC2_URL, and leaving the EC2_REGION fixed it23:26
adacguys, is it possible to install virtualbox on ubuntu server? mean without grafical interface? does someone know a good tutorial to that?23:30
niksoftAnyone have any good suggestions on building a high tps and high throughput web box? before you answe, i am talking over 10k tps and over 10gig throughput. Currently i have a bonded 20Gig, 96 gb of ram, 24 virtual cores, nginx compiled with threaded malloc from google performance, and tons of tweaks to the network defaults23:35
niksoftserving out of a ramdisk23:36

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