
skulltipto use ubuntu-tv on ubuntu, do i need to follow the webupd8 blog instructions? or does it come with ubuntu :/?15:38
Saviqskulltip, the only ~supported way of running ubuntu-tv is from source15:43
skulltipyou mean it's in beta still?15:44
mhall119it's in alpha still15:45
skulltipcool.. is the plan to use amazon tv15:46
mhall119the plan is to allow the use of as many sources as possible15:46
skulltipcould netflix be a possiblity15:47
mhall119if netflix gets on board, yes15:47
skulltipok thanks15:47
mhall119skulltip: the issue with Netflix, as far as I know, is that they need DRM15:48
mhall119that'll probably be an issue with most content providers15:49
popeyI don't think that's a major issue.15:51
Saviqit's not even in alpha15:51
popeyGetting them on-board is mthe hardest part15:51
popeyand actually finishing the code ☺15:51
LjLi really hope you don't plan to support DRM...15:53
skulltipwonder if a cloud-like DRM is possible, or virtualized stream-like15:55
popeyLjL: if we don't implement some form of DRM then chances are we will have near-zero content15:56
skulltipstore recorded movies on an encrypted partition, impossible to copy to another drive or machine?16:00
popeywe have to do what the distributors / studios want basically. we're not big (apple/amazon) enough to influence whether they use DRM or not16:00
skulltipwave a potential market in their face however?16:01
LjLthen you could start by making a lovely mediacenter thing even without much available content... but meh, nevermind this or i'll start a flamewar since i have pretty strong opinions on the subject16:02
* tgm4883 just wants netflix,amazon vod, vudu, etc16:06
h00kHey all.  Question about this...Is it going to be possibly to nicely play an existing media library? (videos, music, etc)16:07
tgm4883h00k, yes?16:07
tgm4883I'm not sure what you mean by that16:07
h00ktgm4883: okay. rather than just things on services like netflix, etc, etc.16:07
h00kLike, "Oh, you have some stuff on your network in a share (mtp, whatever), you can play that too!)16:07
h00kI mixed my " and ) :(16:08
tgm4883from the screenshots/demos, you should have been able to see that you could play things like recorded content and such16:08
h00kalso, are things...say you "purchase" something, is it downloadable, or must it stream from $source?16:08
tgm4883I didn't pay attention, but I bet there was music and picture lenses as well16:08
tgm4883h00k, that would depend on the content provider I would assume16:09
h00ktgm4883: yeah, I didn't notice, I should check again.16:09
tgm4883whether they allow you to download it or stream it only16:09
h00kI see amusic note lens, yes, I'll assume music as well16:09
h00kAlso, there's the 'record' feature, 'tivo' like recording of shows? Will they be playable on other things, or will they be DRM'd?16:11
tgm4883Unknown at this point16:12
tgm4883I'm writing a scope for mythtv, and whatever is recorded on that can be played anywhere16:12
h00kavi or some matroska container or something cool.16:13
tgm4883depends on the tuner16:13
tgm4883whether it's nuv, mpg, avi, etc16:13
h00kCool. okay.16:14
Saviqh00k, again, it depends on the provider - if we just go for <put_your_local_receiver_here>, be it DVB-{C,T,S}{,+,2}16:15
Saviqand a CI for your provider's CAM16:15
Saviqthen I can't imagine applying any DRM on top of the recordings16:15
Saviqbut if we produce a TV for a specific provider, they might require us to lock down the recordings16:16
tgm4883Saviq, I'm not sure how well that would fly with mythtv. IIRC the MythTV team wants to stay pretty far from anything CI/CAM related16:16
tgm4883wagnerrp, could probably talk more about that as he's on the mythtv team. I just know enough about it that we've banned it in our (mythbuntu) forum and IRC channel16:17
tgm4883of course, I could be mixing things up with that16:17
wagnerrpthats not the case16:17
Saviqtgm4883, they've banned _soft_ cam16:18
* tgm4883 sits corrected16:18
Saviqthey can't really ban hardware CAMs as that's... well, hardware16:18
wagnerrpmythtv has no problems using cablecard (when cablecard will work with us)16:18
tgm4883ah I was mixing the two then16:18
wagnerrpand will happily do the necessary prodding to activate hardware CAMs when available16:18
Saviqand the "proper" way to get access to otherwise protected content16:18
wagnerrpit just doesnt get much use, since i dont believe anyone on the dev team is currently using a CAM16:18
tgm4883wagnerrp, the only issue then is that it still needs to be marked copy freely?16:18
wagnerrpfor cablecard, yes16:19
Saviqtgm4883, that's simply because using soft cams, at least historically - not so much now - allowed you to access content you didn't pay for16:19
wagnerrpfor CI, there is no such thing, as CI is not a DRM scheme16:19
wagnerrpCI+ is... i dont know where we stand in regards to supporting CI+16:19
wagnerrpright, what Saviq said16:19
wagnerrpthat has changed now?16:19
Saviqwagnerrp, soft cams?16:20
wagnerrp"not so much now"16:20
Saviqyeah, most protocols now are fixed enough to basically prevent that16:20
Saviqas far as I know, at least16:20
Saviqthe only use I have for sasc-ng is a "poor man's cam", which simply gives me the ability to not pay big bucks for the CI and CAM16:21
Saviqstill pay the fees16:21
Saviqand anyway that's only possible with select providers16:21
Saviqmost providers just give you locked down stb + card16:21
Saviqso you can't use anything apart from that pair16:22
Saviqso no mythtv, no ubuntutv will help you in that case - you're stuck with the stb the provider gives you16:22
* tgm4883 uses an STB and HDPVR16:22
tgm4883it's less than ideal, but it gets the job done16:23
wagnerrpwhat a reversal from a couple years ago, where EU users could use CAMs and US digital cable users were pretty much screwed16:23
wagnerrpalthough if youve got time warner, youre still screwed16:24
Saviqwagnerrp, it's going to change again, I think, as more and more TVs come with built-in CIs, even DVB-S/S216:26
Saviqand a box that can get 4 CAMs these days is el-cheapo16:26
Saviqthey will have to rethink their strategy, /methinks16:27
wagnerrpSaviq: except arent most switching to CI+?16:27
Saviqor /mehopes16:27
Saviqwagnerrp, dunno, but still, if you can use a single box to get access to several providers' content in a unified manner16:27
Saviqthat's a huge win than 3 separate boxes, remotes, whatnot16:27

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