
* Cheri703 is super frustrated/bummed :(04:24
Unit193More trike issues?04:25
Cheri703after several days of working to get my trike put together and dealing with all of the issues in that process, got it all assembled aaand discovered that in the wipe-out last week, it damaged the wiring on my e-assist hub and I have to call tomorrow to find out if there is any chance of salvaging it, or if I have to order a new one. either way, $$04:25
Cheri703and more delay04:25
Cheri703on the bright side, I was able to ride it up a (fairly mild) hill and not feel like I was going to black out, so that is progress from bike with no e-assist04:29
paultaggilbert: it was ref'd on another post -- I hope it goes through! I missed it the first time15:18
paultagUnit193: :)15:18
thafreakMorning Ohio15:53
thafreakAnyone in here ever attend an ALUG meeting? (akron linux user group)16:00
_bbb_CHUG ALUG19:17
_bbb_make u wanna holla heidi ho19:17
paultagChicago Heiku User Group19:26
dzhoHaiku, maybe?22:18
* canthus13 actually knows someone who uses and avocates Haiku. Poor sod is at the haiku booth every OLF... probably 'coz Ohio haikufest would be one booth... His.23:53

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