
bkerensaFYI: I might be offline mostly till tomorrow :) having epic connectivity issues01:03
bkerensaHopefully I will have my Clear Wireless up tomorrow01:03
albrighahey bkerensa02:31
c_smiththat sucks03:51
* c_smith comes back from playing a game only to go back to lurking03:52
TRAVISg_Just finding out I cant stay logged in on my PC at home and log in from my laptop04:38
bkerensahi albrigha05:55
bkerensainternet seems sorted05:55
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
=== bkerensa changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-or to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Oregon Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Webpage: http://ubuntu-oregon.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | IRC Meeting 2nd Sunday of Every Month @ 7pm | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | WOU Students your Mentor Contacts are bkerensa and nathwill
c_smithbkerensa, are you available to answer some questions about the Ubuntu dev thing?21:38
c_smithbkerensa, what were the commands you listed that you used to upgrade to 12.04?22:09
sbeattiec_smith: 'do-release-upgrade -d' is the preferred cli approach22:18
albrighasbeattie: hey! what do you do? I see security?22:22
sbeattiealbrigha: yes, I'm on the ubuntu security team22:23
albrighasbeattie: I just noticed you are in some canonical rooms, and wanted to say hi there22:23
albrighasbeattie: awesome! it's rather cool we are so close22:24
albrighasbeattie: how long have you been doing that?22:24
albrigha(I just started on the Ubuntu QA Team)22:24
* c_smith wonders if the Kernel Panics he is getting upon booting or shortly thereafter on 12.04 are related to his hardware22:24
sbeattiealbrigha: I've been with the security team for 1.5 years; before that I was on the QA team.22:26
albrighasbeattie: ha no way, that's pretty funny! well if you have any tips/suggestions...22:27
c_smithI'm likely going to install Ubuntu 11.10 and then upgrade to 12.04 before applying update.22:27
sbeattiealbrigha: the QA team's been revamped a fair amount since I switched.22:30
Brian_Hanyone here have a good recommendation for a lenovo laptop? looking for something thats pretty portable ~14" or so22:32
c_smithno clue, my laptop runs Ubuntu and Linux in general pretty well, but it's a 15" one.22:34
c_smithand it's 3 years old.22:34
TRAVISg_hello all22:37
bkerensa_chey c_smith22:47
bkerensa_cyou around?22:47
TRAVISg_bkerensa whats up man?22:47
TRAVISg_oops just missed him22:47
bkerensaI was just testing ports on Clearwire22:48
bkerensagetting ready to connect this modem to a router22:48
bkerensaI dont know why people say Clearwire is bad.... its fast enough for me22:48
bkerensa10meg down22:48
Brian_Hhows connectivity when its snowing/raining?22:56
albrighaI had clearwire for awhile as well. I never had any real problems. They had some tower issues. but when it worked it was fast.22:56
Brian_Hthey doing any type of special routing/nat?22:57
bkerensaBrian_H: Nope23:07
bkerensathey got open modems so you can handle NAT on your end23:07
bkerensaI just got mine fully setup and I get solid signal but notably there is a Clear tower just a few hundred yards away from me23:08
Brian_Hhopefully you don't grow any extra limbs23:08
bkerensaI think that only happens in early child development23:09
bkerensaI'm actually hoping to be moving by the spring though23:09
Brian_Hoh yea? where to ?23:09
bkerensalikely into Multnomah Village or closer to Downtown23:09
* bkerensa is going to look at a house in Multnomah Village on Sunday23:10
Brian_Hmultnomah village is cool, there is a cafe there called fat city that is awesome23:10
Brian_HI eat there regularly23:10
bkerensaIts off Boones Ferry and 62nd23:10
TRAVISg_peace out23:19
TRAVISg_oh wait when is our next meeting?23:20
TRAVISg_okay now I have to go peace out23:22
TRAVISgOkay today I am going to remember to sign out from this PC so I can sign on with my laptop later23:47
TRAVISgI keep forgetting I am idling then when I am out and about and want to get on I can't log in23:48
TRAVISgat least not with this nick23:49
TRAVISgguess it doesn't really matter much23:49
bkerensaZNC is the way to go23:49
bkerensait lets you stay on IRC 24/7/365 and just connect when you need to23:49
bkerensaits why Im always on IRC23:50
albrighathat's awesome23:50
bkerensaoh you guys thought I didnt have a life lol?23:50
bkerensaUbuntu Oregon has ZNC server23:50
bkerensaI can hook you guys up23:50
albrighawell I wasn't going to say it..but I was kinda thinking about it lol23:50
albrighayes please!23:50
TRAVISg*raises hand eagerly23:50
bkerensabut I dont know and cant guarantee it will always be available since I pay for it out of my pocket :P but its been up for months23:50
bkerensaso the idea just so you know23:51
bkerensais instead of connecting to irc23:51
bkerensayou will now connect to the ZNC23:51
bkerensawhich stays connected persistantly23:51
albrighais that secure?23:51
albrighadoes it connect to servers other than freenode?23:51
bkerensaours only connects here since this is where Ubuntu has channels23:52
bkerensaalbrigha: Yes ZNC doesnt log anything except for what they call buffer23:52
TRAVISghow do I get started?23:52
bkerensaany conversation that occurs when your disconnected u can review when u connect23:52
albrighabkerensa: I have to connect to some other servers as well..but I'll give it a try23:52
bkerensauhh I will make you an account23:52
bkerensaif you guys can pm me your preferred irc nicks23:53
bkerensaI will make u an account right now23:53
albrighaalbrigha is great :)23:54
bkerensanathwill, me and c_smith all use it already23:54
TRAVISgPM in IRC or just shoot an e-mail? and what info do you need23:54
bkerensaI just wanna know what nick u wanna use for irc23:54
bkerensaI assume what your using now?23:54
bkerensau can tell me here23:54
TRAVISgso how do I log in?23:56
TRAVISgand can I use empathy?23:56
bkerensaoh look your here23:57
albrighahow do I sign in?23:59

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