
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
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dpmgood morning everyone09:43
mandeluh, I forgot to say good morning... hola!09:48
mandeldpm, hello!09:48
dpmhey mandel09:49
mandeldpm, how is it going?09:49
dpmmandel, going well, recovering from some network issues... I was about to ask a question about u1, but then I thought better of it09:51
mandeldpm, lol09:51
dpmso I wanted to have a public share for anyone to write to, without having to know their e-mail and I wanted to ask if it's possible. But then I thought it might not be a very good idea if I don't want just anyone to delete all files in there...09:53
JamesTaitGood day, all. :)09:55
mandeldpm, exactly, you need to know the email, there is no way around, mainly due to that reason10:00
dpmnext time I'll try to think before asking a question, but it doesn't always work out...10:01
mandelJamesTait, can you access lp?10:01
mandeldpm, hehehe at least is between us  and a public log, who is going to know ;)10:01
JamesTaitmandel: No, looks like a maintenance page.10:02
JamesTaitmandel: DB offline.10:02
dpmmandel, not that it'd be the first time I've made a fool of myself in public :)10:02
mandeldpm, yeah, tell me about it, and the internet has a great memory10:04
mandelJamesTait, is amazing how dependent I'm on lp for my daily work, it scares me10:04
mandelyay! lp is back \o/10:09
alecuDia duit ar maidin #ubuntuone!10:29
JamesTaitmandel: lp back for you now?10:34
JamesTaitmandel: Oh, right. Ignore me. :)10:34
mandelalecu, early morning!10:50
alecuhola mandel!11:02
alecuhola gatox, buenos días!11:31
gatoxalecu, buenas buenas11:31
gatoxalecu, how are you?? do you need any review?11:31
mandelgatox, buenas!11:32
gatoxmainerror, hi11:32
alecugatox, not yet, thanks!11:32
gatoxmandel, hi11:32
gatoxgrrrr autocomplete11:32
mandelgatox, hehehehe11:33
mandelgatox, I wonder what people think when we talk to them :P11:33
d3ngar I also have a very annoying issue with Tomboy notes11:33
alecumandel, "if not path[-1] == os.path.sep:" -> "if path[-1] != os.path.sep:" ?11:33
d3ngar I really have a lot of notes there and synced with Ubuntu One11:33
d3ngarBut for some reason I now get sync errors on two of my machiens, so I don't have the notes available11:33
d3ngarIs there something I can do?11:34
alecud3ngar, hello11:34
mandelalecu, true, I moved from endswith to using [] so I stupidly left the not, will make that nicer11:34
alecud3ngar, let's ask the right people. rye ping ^11:34
ryerye pong11:34
alecumandel, also perhaps endswith is the right thing... in some weird case where os.path.sep is more than a char long11:35
ryed3ngar, what's the version of Ubuntu you are running?11:35
mandelalecu, hm.. well I did that following brians review.. where he pointed out that doing that is much more faster..11:36
ryed3ngar, in any case, try running the script from http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/tomboy-sync-validator.py - it should show whether all the notes are intact on the server-side11:38
alecumandel, yes, it's probably faster because there are no dot lookups, and practically there's no OS where path separators are longer than a char.11:41
alecumandel, but I don't think speed is critical in that bit of code, since we are doing .startswith and .endswith elsewhere.11:42
mandelalecu, indeed, I think we do that in os_helper at least, right?11:43
alecumandel, we do .startswith two lines after the one above11:43
alecu(in _get_partial_child_path_dir )11:45
mandelalecu, let me see11:48
mandelalecu, jest, but there we are nto looking for a single char, but the watch path11:48
ralsinagood morning!11:49
gatoxralsina, hi11:49
ralsinahello gatox. We have the 1-1 pending, we'll do it this afternoon11:50
gatoxralsina, ok11:50
alecuralsina, morning... how's tato doing?11:51
alecumandel,                 self._subdirs[current_child + os.path.sep] = False11:51
ralsinaalecu: still fever11:51
alecuralsina, hope he gets better :-P11:51
ralsinaalecu: but he's keeping food inside, which is a big improvement for everyoneinvolved11:51
alecumandel, in the line above, is the list of subdirs being kept with just the subdir name or with the full path?11:52
gatoxralsina, i'm trying to create a bundle.... can i skip fetch (because i don't have bzr in the windows machine) and just do: python setup.py prepare py2exe?11:53
gatoxdo i need to do something manually for that?11:53
ralsinagatox: no, because then you have no sources :-)11:53
ralsinagatox: you could copy the checkouts you have on Linux into sources, and then use that11:53
ralsinagatox: or get the tarballs and expand them there manually11:53
alecumandel, or perhaps I'm not understanding the new Watches completely11:54
ralsinagatox: but really? get bzr, even if you don't setup keys, then configure the right brancheson conf.py and live with it ;-)11:54
gatoxralsina, thanks11:54
gatoxralsina, ok..... i'll try with bzr :P11:54
mandelalecu, I'm sure you are understanding them, here is how it works, lets say we have a watch looking at C:\Uses\Mandel11:55
ralsinagatox: I could do it myself, but I really want someone else to be able to do releases in case I am not available someday11:55
gatoxralsina, of course.... i want to learn too!11:56
ralsinagatox: thanks11:56
ralsinagatox: if it makes you feel better, it used to be *harder* ;-)11:56
gatoxralsina, i know i know jeje11:56
mandelalecu, there our watch will have self._path pointing to that dir and a var called _subdirs that contains a dict with {'path_to_child_1': True, 'path_to_child_2':False}11:56
ralsinagatox: remember to set the conf.py to use the stable branches though11:56
d3ngarrye: how do I run this script?11:56
mandelalecu, the boolean value states if we are watching the child events or not, and also keeps track of the subdirs in case we have a delete so that we can add de IS_DIR mask11:57
mandelalecu, when we add a new child_watch, we add new child paths,. for example path_to_child_1\other_child: False11:58
mandelalecu, so that we filter on the next level of the path11:58
ryed3ngar, are you using ubuntu?11:58
alecumandel, ok, I kinda got that. But...11:58
alecumandel, in your example above, 'path_to_child_1' is a full path or just a folder name? (a relative path)11:59
mandelalecu, always relative, since there is no need to keep the full path info and ReadDirectoryChangesW returns the paths as relative ones12:01
alecumandel, great12:01
d3ngarrye: http://pastebin.com/eKhgRKjv12:02
d3ngarrye: I can also see the notes in the web-interface12:02
ryed3ngar, ugh, could you please try running it as "python tomboy-sync-validator.py", not as a shell script12:03
d3ngarrye: http://pastebin.com/saNuapyx12:04
d3ngarrye: I see that a lot of this seems to be fine12:05
karniGood morning!12:05
d3ngarrye: Sadly I only have 16 notes in Tomboy12:05
ryed3ngar, yep, no errors. Are you using Ubuntu 11.10 ?12:05
d3ngarrye: that is correct12:07
ryed3ngar, could you please quit tomboy now and run it as "tomboy" from the terminal?12:07
ryed3ngar, wait12:07
ryed3ngar, tomboy --debug12:08
ryed3ngar, then please try synchronizing and see whether there is any message related to New Note Template12:08
alecumandel, any([file_name.startswith(path) and not watched for path, watched in self._subdirs.iteritems()])12:08
nessitahello everyone!12:08
gatoxnessita, hi12:09
alecumandel, that list comprehension inside the any can be surely replaced by a generator expression12:09
alecumandel, just by dropping the [ and ]12:09
alecuhola nessita!12:09
nessitahola alecu!12:10
mandelalecu, you recon, cool12:10
mandelalecu, can you write those in the review so that I do not forget12:10
alecumandel, and that means that a new list won't have to be constructed, and the any will be able to finish faster if the first item matches the expression.12:10
alecumandel, sure12:10
ralsinaanyone needs a review?12:10
d3ngarrye: http://pastebin.com/zs7XkGap12:10
ryebug #84825012:11
ubot4`Launchpad bug 848250 in tomboy (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Tomboy sync fails on Oneiric, New Note Template already exists (affects: 35) (dups: 1) (heat: 186)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84825012:11
nessitagatox: will start the reviews now12:15
d3ngarrye: was the bug related to me?12:16
ryed3ngar, yes, i am now checking what can be done12:17
ryed3ngar, in theory, if you open tomboy and edit the title of template called  "New Note Template" to be something else, it will allow the sync to proceed. This is Tomboy bug though, so it manifests on all sync backends (files/ssh/webdav)12:18
gatoxnessita, ok..... i checked this morning that there weren't any conflicts12:20
nessitagatox: did you try them all IRL? (today or yesterday)12:20
d3ngarrye: that's a good idea!~ thnks12:20
gatoxnessita, yesterday12:21
gatoxall of them12:21
nessitagatox: great12:21
d3ngarrye: sadly it seems Tomboy is hanging / crashing12:24
ryed3ngar, does it print anything to the terminal?12:24
d3ngarrye: it just did12:24
d3ngarBut stopped again12:25
d3ngarI think I kill it?12:25
d3ngarrye: now it doesn't do anything anymore. Last debug message is :Autosync pref changed...restarting sync timer12:27
ryed3ngar, and it did not sync, right?12:28
d3ngarStickyNoteImporter: Sticky Notes XML file does not exist or is invalid [DEBUG 12:28:15.099] Unable to locate 'wdfs' in your PATH12:29
ryed3ngar, that's ok, it is searching for webdav fs connector which you are not using12:29
d3ngarrye: but why doesn't it respond at all?12:30
d3ngarIt's still open, but I can't interact with the GUI at all912:30
ryed3ngar, then it locked up, you can terminate it with ctrl+c in the terminal12:30
d3ngarDid three times already12:31
d3ngarshould I remove it, purge it and re-sintall?12:33
ryed3ngar, then "killall tomboy" in another terminal should kill it12:33
ryed3ngar, installing and removing applications in ubuntu are system-wide, most likely this will not change anything, all the settings that can be purged are in user's home directory but this bug is not yet fixed in tomboy so this renaming may or may not work12:34
d3ngarrye: why does ubuntu store so many settings in this couch-db nowadays?12:35
d3ngarused to be that tomboy had it's own settings folder12:35
d3ngarbut this is gone, afaik12:35
ryed3ngar, actually ubuntu does not store any settings in couchdb now12:35
ryed3ngar, tomboy store the data in ~/.local/share/tomboy folder12:36
d3ngarSo if I wanted to reset, I could delete that12:36
ryeand settings are most likely in gconf that can be accessed via gconf-editor12:36
d3ngarBut it looks like after killing the process ID, it worked12:36
ryed3ngar, well, yes, but in this case you need to reset a template only, not all other notes12:37
d3ngarDone already12:37
d3ngarI restarted and it looks as if notes are now working as expected!12:37
d3ngarThank you so much!12:37
ryed3ngar,  oh, so the sync completed successfully?12:37
nessitagatox: are the linux tests passing for you with the fix-home branch?12:37
gatoxnessita, yes.... let me check again12:38
nessitagatox: I'm getting this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/809586/ would my env have something wrong?12:38
d3ngarrye: yes12:38
gatoxnessita, let me check if i can reproduce that here12:40
mandelgatox, ralsina can i have a super simple review, I needed to get my head out of proxy a little and did this: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/skip-lint/+merge/8923212:42
ralsinamandel: sure12:42
gatoxmandel, on it12:42
mandelralsina, that should solve the garbage we have in jenkins and will make your life easier when running tests on windows since the buffer wont be used to throw at you the lint errors12:43
ralsinamandel: cool12:43
mandelralsina, I needed some context switch away proxy and it was easy enough :P12:43
* gatox sees mandel branch and cries..... good one 12:44
mandelgatox, yeah, that %* is an asshole :P12:44
ralsinamandel: line 27, shouldn't that be set PARAMS=%* ?12:45
ralsinamandel: as in "shift removed %1 from %* so we reset PARAMS to the remaining options"?12:46
mandelralsina, %* is an asshole and will not be affected by the SHIFT, so you SHIFT and remember the next12:47
mandelralsina, if you do PARAMS=%* it will have all params..12:47
ralsinamandel: then I don't  see how this works at all :-/12:47
mandelralsina, ok, first we shift, so that we forget /skip-lint12:48
ralsinamandel: OTOH, we have exactly one possible parameter for the script so maybe it just works ;-)12:48
ralsinaso now %1 is what was the %2 before12:49
mandelralsina, exactly12:49
ralsinathen you put the new %1 in PARAMS12:49
ralsinaand shift again12:49
mandelralsina, then we ask, hey, is %1 == [] that is, do we have more params or not, if we don't lets move on12:49
mandelralsina, if we do, that is %1 != [] we add the next one12:50
ralsinamandel: SET PARAMS=%PARAMS% %1 will only keep 2parameters12:50
ralsina%PARAMS% contains theoriginal %2, and%1 has what was %312:50
ralsinaif there was a %4 it's discarded12:51
ralsinaand if /skip-lint is not the first parameter it's ignored12:51
ralsinamandel: unless I really don't get how this works (which wouldn't hurt my feelings a single bit)12:52
mandelralsina, so, %PARAMS% gets incremented by %1 in every loop iteration12:52
ralsinamandel: theright way todo this is do a FOR and process %1 on each iteration12:53
gatoxnessita, yep..... i reproduce it..... :S fixing that..... weird!12:53
ralsinamandel: like this: https://pastebin.canonical.com/58399/12:53
nessitagatox: ack12:53
ralsinamandel: and in the loop, if %1 is empty, jump to CONTINUE12:54
ralsinamandel: it's actually simpler than your code, too12:54
ralsinamandel: I mean not a FOR loop, of course, but "manually emulating a for loop" ;-)12:54
mandelralsina, then, its the same :)12:54
ralsinamandel: no, this one is readable;-)12:54
ralsinamandel: you are only processing /skip-lint if it's %112:55
mandelralsina, yes, I'm not going to let people do evil things like run-tests -t /skip-lint test_name12:55
ralsinamandel: then why bother looping?12:55
mandelralsina, 'cause I need to copy all the params, otherwise, how do i do it?12:56
ralsinamandel: %*12:56
mandelralsina, that is wrong12:56
mandelralsina, shift does not affect %*12:57
ralsinamandel: if you want to copy allparameters, why shift them?12:57
ralsinamandel: just todiscard /skip-lint ?12:57
mandelralsina,  yes, because if we pass /skip-lint to u1trial is going to say WTF?!!?!12:57
ralsinamandel: one "good"  thing about BAT files, there is only %0 ... %9 ;-)12:58
mandelralsina, that is why they invented SHIFT :P12:58
ralsinaSo, check if %1 is /skip-lint. If it is, pass %2 .... %9 if it isn't, pass %*12:58
ralsinamandel: yes, but this code deserves at least a comment ;-)12:58
ralsinaSomething like "/skip-lint can only be used as %1" and "copying all parameters to pass to u1trial"12:59
mandelralsina, yes, although the fact that you only have up to %9 does not mean that you can only pass 8 params, %0 is the batch name itself, it means you can only access 9..12:59
mandelralsina, I can add that :)12:59
ralsinamandel: ok, that's enough for me ;-)12:59
nessitaralsina: any reason why you use relative imports in the unique app module in the control panel?13:00
ralsinanessita: no reason. Habit?13:00
ralsinanessita: Iwould evensay "bad habit"13:01
nessitaralsina: ack, will propose a branch that also fixes lots of lint issues13:01
ralsinanessita: lots? That got merged, didn't pylint catch those?13:01
nessitaralsina: well, we're not running the suite in tarmac using precise13:02
ralsinanessita: ok13:02
mandelralsina, I will also add some indentation to that file to see if I make it readable...13:03
ralsinamandel: thanks.13:03
alecumandel, added some comments to the proposal13:08
* alecu needs to reboot, ttyl13:09
gatoxnessita, could you run the tests for my u1-cp branch?? i'm able to run the tests for u1-cp in trunk... but i get a failure of u1-dev-tools when i try to run the tests in my branch13:12
nessitagatox: I can run them using ./run-tests -qt13:14
nessitagatox: what error is devtools giving you?13:14
gatoxnessita, weird :S13:14
gatoxnessita, http://paste.ubuntu.com/809617/13:14
nessitagatox: your directory name is too long13:14
gatoxchanging that13:15
nessitagatox: that means, the directory you're running the test into is too long, you need to make it shorther13:15
gatoxnessita, thanks!13:16
gatoxnessita, grosa! :P..... i've just check, and all the test are ok there13:16
gatoxfixing u1-client-user-home13:17
nessitagatox: ack13:17
mandelalecu thx I'll fix them right now13:23
mandelralsina, I pushed a branch which makes the entire thing more readable13:27
ralsinamandel: cool, checking13:27
mandelralsina, did you try the batch IRL ?13:27
ralsinamandel: not yet13:28
mandelralsina, can you please, it seems that gatox cannot get it to work while I have no problems13:29
ralsinamandel: ack13:29
gatoxmandel, ok..... running from C: ignores the -t too..... and in a while i'll tell you if the /skip-lint too13:30
mandelgatox, in this the vm with the funny username?13:31
gatoxmandel, no..... the username is gatox13:31
mandelgatox, then I don't understand, I've run it several times, which os and cmd are you using?13:31
nessitawill do some network testing in linux, brb!13:32
gatoxmandel, win7 Ultime SP1...... and the command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/809628/13:33
mandelgatox, I mean, you use cmd.exe nothing diff, right?13:33
gatoxmandel, ah yes.....13:33
mandelgatox, lets wait for ralsina to run it, maybe is my system..13:34
ralsinamandel: with /skip-lint I do get "skipping style chekcs"13:34
ralsinagatox: what is theproblem exactly?13:34
gatoxgrrr why it fails here?!13:35
mandelralsina, with the typo, or without it?13:35
ralsinamandel:  no typo13:35
mandelgatox, problem is, is not the first time it happens this in your system..13:35
gatoxmandel, ok.... i know where the problem is13:35
mandelralsina, \o/ I though I did it :)13:35
gatoxit should work now....13:36
mandelgatox, what was the issue?13:37
gatoxyep.... working13:37
gatoxthe issue was: me13:37
gatoxforgot to merge with your branch13:37
mandelgatox, lol13:38
nessitagatox: chem... if I disable/enable the network connection in linux, syncdaemon  will no get those changes and will not update its status13:38
gatoxnessita, u1-client-network-detect?13:38
nessitagatox: yes13:38
nessitagatox: does it work for you?13:38
gatoxnessita, yes.... that's why i change the code in network_manager (the linux version) to don't disconnect the signal... and that was working13:39
nessitagatox: you can tell by running u1sdtool -s, the connection status should go from With User With Network to With User Not Network. does that happens for you? perhaps I need to point syncdaemon to the sso trunk?13:40
gatoxnessita, the change was made in sso to support that..... i don't know if you have the last version of sso installed in your system13:41
nessitagatox: would you know what revno has that change?13:41
gatoxnessita, let me check13:41
mandelralsina, thx for the +1 once is merge we can let sidnei know, it should make things better on the jenkins side13:42
ralsinamandel: sure13:42
nessitagatox: I'm only missing one revno and is alecu's and-post branch:nessita@dali:~/canonical/ussoc$ bzr revno trunk/13:42
nessitanessita@dali:~/canonical/ussoc$ apt-cache policy ubuntu-sso-client13:42
nessita  Installed: 3.1+r834-29~precise113:42
nessita  Candidate: 3.1+r834-29~precise113:42
gatoxnessita, ok..... let me check with u1sdtool..... i test it looking at the logs13:43
nessitagatox: no rush13:44
gatoxnessita, in the logs was very easy to see when the network state change13:44
nessitagatox: would you first confirm that sso trunk has the change you mention? because I'm seeing this:13:44
gatoxin the console itself13:44
nessita    def call_result_cb(self, state):13:44
nessita        """Return the state thru the result callback."""13:44
nessita        if self.state_signal:13:44
nessita            self.state_signal.remove()13:44
gatoxmmmmm that shouldn't be there13:44
nessitagatox: that's in trunk13:44
mandelok, lunch time, cu!13:46
gatoxnessita, i forgot to propose that branch because it was a really small change.... proposing now13:48
nessitagatox: ack (Please make sure it has tests! :-))13:49
ralsinaalecu: mumble?14:03
alecuralsina, joining mumble14:04
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mandelI need to go off line a few mins14:33
* mandel back14:47
mandelralsina, gatox can you review the following: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/skip-lint/+merge/89257 is similar to the last review you did so that we can ignore lint issues in jenkins or when working on linux14:49
mandelat least until I fix pylint on windows14:49
gatoxmandel, ok14:50
mandelgatox, thx, I want to make working on windows lesss of a PITA if possible :)14:50
briancurtinmandel :)14:50
mandelgatox, ralsina same here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-control-panel/skip-lint/+merge/89260 yes in the control panel we do not foward %* to u1trial so is much more simple14:51
mandelbriancurtin, morning! how is the the first week with us going?14:51
gatoxmandel, what happend with the other branch?14:51
gatoxthe previous one14:51
mandelgatox, which other bracnh? the already reviewwd? it has been merged14:51
mandelgatox, I want to talk with sidnei to set jenkins to use that, and maybe point be to how we can get a jenkins irc bot telling us we broke windows :)14:52
gatoxmandel, ah.... i saw the same description and i thought that maybe you delete the previous one or something14:52
briancurtinmandel: its good. getting started on a new project is always a little slow at first, but it has been picking up speed as more and more things start working14:52
mandelbriancurtin, nice! it is indeed a terrible amount of work, at lest when I started we just had linux, which made it easier hehe14:53
mandelbriancurtin, if I can help with anything let me know14:53
mandelbriancurtin, do you have mumble setup, AFAIK we have a spoken standup today14:54
briancurtinmandel: yep, i have it all configured and i'm logged in now14:54
ralsinamandel:  +214:57
mandelralsina, thx14:58
gatoxmandel, +1 on https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/skip-lint/+merge/8925714:58
gatoxreviewing the other one14:58
mandelralsina, I should be able to mumble, but I have to be on 3g because the eng is at home fixing some crap about the line...14:58
mandelralsina, are you there so I can test it works?14:59
ralsinamandel: sure14:59
gatoxmandel, +1 on this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-control-panel/skip-lint/+merge/89260 too14:59
mandelgatox, ralsina thx!15:00
ralsinacall will start 3 minutes late or so because I have to kick a kid out of the office ;-)15:00
mandelralsina, I tried to contact sidnei with no luch, if you have the time, can you let him know about the new commands?15:00
* mandel kicks the dog to the terrace15:00
ralsinamandel: I would prefer to wait until briancurtin has the new buildout thing working well, so we can have a repeatable environment for testing15:01
ralsinamandel: so we don'tmakehim setup things twice15:01
nessitaralsina, mandel: you in a private call?15:01
ralsinanessita: no, we tested his mumble15:01
nessitaah :-)15:01
nessitaalecu: mumble? (weekly team  meeting)15:02
nessitadobey: hello there! mumble?15:02
ralsinajoshuahoover: you wanted to be on this call :)15:03
joshuahooverralsina: i'm on15:03
dobeyoh yes15:03
mandeljoshuahoover, booh15:03
joshuahoovermandel: booh? is that spanish for boo? ;)15:05
mandeljoshuahoover, I don't pronouce the h :P15:06
dobeyalecu: mumble15:07
sak3tThis channel remain this quite?15:07
dobeysak3t: eh? you joined like 30 seconds ago15:07
ralsinaLOUD NOISES15:08
alecudobey, thanks for reminding me15:08
dobeyit's really loud here, you just can't hear the music15:08
sak3tyup..... not habitual to such silent chat rooms!!15:08
sak3tactually am new to IRC15:08
mandelbriancurtin, FYI https://launchpad.net/qt4reactor15:19
alecujoshuahoover, u1-proxy15:30
joshuahooverthanks guys!15:30
mandelalecu, so, regarding the dialog, what did I say wrong or did not understand, I mean, we lauch the dialgo from sso but is a diff process, right?16:02
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dobeyralsina: so, where is this crash with ntfs bug?16:03
ralsinadobey: let me find it, I amin another call :-/16:03
mandelnessita, ralsina so, I'm talking with briancurtin and we are wondering in which project we should be adding the bootstrap work he is doing, I'm between ubuntuone-client and ubuntuone-windows-installer?16:12
mandelbriancurtin and I think is better on the installer, but is not bad to ask16:12
ralsinaI would say in -installer, in scripts16:13
ralsinanessita, briancurtin: ^16:13
briancurtinworks for me16:13
nessitamandel: I would also say installer16:14
dobeymuch smaller branch to review. pretty trivial really :)16:17
dobeyalright, i'm off to get some lunch. bbiab16:18
alecumandel, "we launch the dialog from sso, but it's a different process"... that's fine if we are talking about sso trying to get the proxy credentials.16:20
alecumandel, and it will be done in a similar way to how the sso "backend" starts a new process asking for the UI stuff16:22
alecumandel, but... I'm not sure this all makes sense when we are using the webclient module from the other applications.16:22
ralsinagatox: mumble? #catchingupon1-1s16:23
gatoxralsina, ok16:23
alecumandel, in that case we should think if doing something via ipc is a better solution16:24
mandelalecu, it does indeed sound bad16:25
mandelalecu, the deal is, having all that work in sso sounds a little strange16:26
mandelalecu, nevertheless I think it makes more sense to talk about it with some more code in it16:27
alecumandel, if do "mv ubuntu-sso-client ubuntuone-credentials-manager" does it sound better?16:28
alecumandel, because it will end up storing and providing proxy credentials for all of our other parts.16:28
mandelalecu, hahaha I'm avoiding that trap question :P16:29
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mandelok, EOD for me, also know as, walk the dog + rugby16:53
mandelbriancurtin, If I'm alive after the rugby I'll try to catch up with any work you have done regarding windows, feel free to tell me thorugh irc since I'm using a bip server :)16:54
mandelall, have a great afternoon!16:54
briancurtinhave fun16:54
dobeymandel: try not to lose any more teeth17:00
ralsinamandel: or hands17:03
* gatox lunch17:05
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nessitalunch and reboot, brb17:06
dobeyralsina: that ntfs crash is not from u1-client-gnome17:08
dobey(wherever it is)17:08
dobeyworks fine for me with ntfs, vfat, and sftp mounts mounted17:10
dobeyactually, ntfs seems to get mounted with fuseblk instead of ntfs17:11
dobeybut still, seems to work fine :)17:11
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ralsinadobey: I just remembered a comment saying "more u1 breakage" or similar ;-)17:20
ralsinadobey: then let's forget about it (again ;-)17:21
briancurtinis https://pastebin.canonical.com/58448/ familiar to anyone? there's a comment acknowledging that it doesn't exist for pylint, but what am i missing that the tests won't run?17:24
dobeybriancurtin: i think that's a question for nessita. maybe we need the logilab-common patch on windows too17:25
dobeyralsina: ^^ or do you know?17:26
ralsinaIn looking...17:26
ralsinabriancurtin: these are the tests for what?17:26
ralsinabriancurtin: you probably need to set PYTHONPATH17:27
briancurtinrun-tests for ubuntuone-control-panel17:27
briancurtini set it to .17:27
ralsinabriancurtin: for control panel, set itto ubuntu-sso-client;ubuntuone-client;.17:27
ralsinachange folder names as needed :-)17:27
briancurtinah there we go17:28
ralsinabriancurtin: for -ubuntuone-windows-installer is ubuntu-sso-client:ubuntuone-client:ubuntuone-control-panel:.17:29
nessita1 /me is back17:31
dobeyfriholas nessita1 :)17:32
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dobeyyou don't like refried hellos?17:33
nessitadobey: heh17:35
nessitadobey: I switched computers, so I had a nickname clash17:36
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dobeynessita: no clash. you /quit for lunch and reboot earlier, and just now came back :)17:48
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nessitadobey: I had to ghost my former instance, so there was nickname clash17:54
nessitaI have logs!17:54
gatoxis anyone having issues running the test for sso?? i've just re-branch it....... and i keep having the same issues on windows (reboot the vm and still the same): http://paste.ubuntu.com/809884/18:23
dobeygatox: yes18:24
gatoxdobey, ah.... so..... i should expect that tests to fail?18:25
dobeygatox: the nightlies are erroring in a bunch of tests with unclean reactor18:25
gatoxdobey, ahhhhh ok.... thanks!18:25
dobeygatox: no, those tests shouldn't fail18:25
dobeynot sure why they are18:25
gatoxdobey, but it's not just me, isn't it?18:25
dobeygatox: no, it's not you18:26
gatoxdobey, thanks18:26
dobeygatox: hrmm, the errors are slightly different in nightlies though18:27
gatoxdobey, but related to the same thing18:28
nessitadobey: how can I tell if importing dbus.mainloop.glib will bring the new glib lib?18:32
dobeynessita: i'm not sure i understand the question18:33
nessitadobey: yeah, I'm not sure I understand it either :-)18:33
nessitadobey: so, I want to confirm that our SSO dbus service is using only dynamic bindings of glib. So, in order to provide a dbus service, we do, among other things:18:34
nessita     dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)18:34
dobeynessita: i don't think it imports the static bindings18:35
nessitadobey: will that call set a default main loop to be a main loop from the dynamin glib bindings? (from gi.repository)18:35
dobeynessita: i think you can pass a MainLoop object to it. and i think set_as_default=True just uses the default main context (from within C)18:36
nessitadobey: pass a mainloop to which call exactly?18:36
dobeyoh, maybe i was wrong about passing a mainloop in18:37
nessitadobey: also, shall I use a GObject mainloop or a GLib one?18:38
nessitaGLib I guess18:38
dobeywell, they are the same, but the correct API path is GLib for that18:39
ralsinamandel, dobey: there is something weird in bug #845659 it has a branch associated, which is not merged,and is marked fix-released.19:10
ubot4`Launchpad bug 845659 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Windows: implement the "there is a new version available" notifications (affects: 1) (heat: 7)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84565919:11
ralsinaof course it's too late for mandel, right?19:11
briancurtinhe's off to rugby19:12
ralsinabriancurtin: thanks. Oh, well, I'll mail him19:12
dobeyralsina: i don't recall, but clearly this is released given that people are getting notified of new versions being available, no?19:13
ralsinadobey: welllllll we already checked for pdats on startup19:14
ralsinadobey: this is about checking periodically19:14
ralsinaSo maybe the main feature is released but that branch deserves its own bug. I already mailed mandel, he'll figure itout19:15
gatoxralsina, i've created a vm specially to build the bundle..... but everytime i run python setup.py fetch prepare py2exe..... this happens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/809938/19:19
gatoxdo you know what might be going on?19:19
ralsinagatox: looking...19:20
gatoxralsina, there is a problem with lazr19:20
gatoxwhere that the come from?19:20
ralsinawell, you don't have lazr :-)19:20
* gatox not sure19:20
gatoxralsina, thanks.... installing that19:20
ralsinagatox: additionally, itmay have happened that you have a file in installed/ubuntu_sso or something like that19:21
gatoxralsina, i remov the complete folder installed before running this19:21
ralsinagatox: good idea19:21
gatoxso.... probably is just the lazr19:21
ralsinagatox: well, if you are missing lazr you may be missing other stuff too19:21
ralsinagatox: we'll see!19:22
gatoxralsina, they will pop up eventually...... but when the vm is ready -> SNAPSHOT! :P19:22
ralsina ;-)19:22
dobeyralsina: care to do https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/rhythmbox-ubuntuone/fix-setup/+merge/89274 ? :)19:23
ralsinadobey: sure!19:30
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gatoxralsina, how can i know if the script end well..... it didn't throw any import error or anything, but it keeps saying: "error: ..\..\installed\Lib\site-packages\ubuntu_sso: Cannot create a file when that file already exists"19:52
gatoxralsina, even if i delete always the installed folder before executing the script19:52
ralsinagatox: what is installed\Lib\site-packages\ubuntu_sso ?19:52
ralsinagatox: file or folder?19:52
gatoxralsina, folder19:52
dobeyralsina: you got distracted? :)19:53
ralsinagatox: beats me, doesn't do that here19:56
gatoxralsina, ok..... i'll debug this19:56
ralsinadobey: sorry, +1, got sidetracked19:56
briancurtinralsina: is there a prefered location to get protobuf-compiler from (for -storage-protocol)? i worked around it by providing my own for now, but the buildout will need it20:02
ralsinabriancurtin: the protoc.exe?20:02
ralsinaI just got it from somewhere. If you could automate the getting of that, it would be great20:03
briancurtinwill do20:03
gatoxeod for me! see you tomorrow!20:27
ralsinabye gatox!20:28
gatoxralsina, bye20:28
nessitaok, I'm eodin now21:27
nessitasee ya all tomorrow!21:27
dobeyi need to get away from the computer for a while. will be back later.21:28
ralsinaEOD for me too21:31
ralsinabye ppl!21:31
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