
SpamapSahammond: indeed.. tweaks here and there just make them simpler00:11
SpamapSexpect exit should also eliminate some unsightly post-start's00:12
bradleyayersi'm using ubuntu 10.04 lts, but i want to use upstart 1.4, is this possible?02:25
SpamapSbradleyayers: in theory it would work fine03:21
bradleyayersi'm cherry picking the dependencies from 11.10 03:22
SpamapSbradleyayers: the package might not work without some mods, but the upstream bits would probably be fine.03:22
bradleyayersPlesk is installed on the server, so i'm concerned it might break that, since it does all sorts of stupid shit03:22
SpamapShah yeah .. plesk + anything different == immolation of your entire business03:23
bradleyayersit's horrible D:03:23
bradleyayersuhh how do i get dpkg to install two things that depend on each other: http://dpaste.com/690059/ :(03:25
bradleyayersoops, i should really ask in ubuntu03:27
brodockcan someone please take a look at this question: http://serverfault.com/questions/337198/upstart-output-pre-start-script-content/351124 ? Is there a better way to do it?07:34
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SpamapSjodh: Hey, I'm working on an upstart cookbook fix and I noticed this language ...17:32
SpamapSThe advantage of using `start-stop-daemon(8)`_ is that is simply changes the17:32
SpamapSuser and group the command is run as. However, there is a problem with17:32
SpamapSusing ``start-stop-daemon`` in that Upstart cannot track the PID for jobs17:32
SpamapSwhich use it17:32
SpamapSI don't see why that would be the case17:32
SpamapSrunning that way drops user privs, then execs the requested command.. so upstart should be able to handle it just fine17:33
tmikeHello.  I'm trying to build upstart for an LFS environment and having some issues with failing the tests.20:43
SpamapStmike: pastebin your failure maybe?20:54
tmikeSorry got distracted setting up pastebincl on the vm20:54
tmiketest_job_process sees the wrong output for the /this/command/does/not/exist bits20:56
tmikethat's the first error20:56
tmikeThat 'wrong content' part, with the test_job_process is not the first error of that variety.  I went and changed the test to look for "No such file or directory" and then started to wonder if there's a reason it wants 1: /this/blah: not found instead of the "No such"20:58
tmikeActually, if I don't run the tests as superuser, those are the only errors I get.20:59
tmikeShould I just ignore the failures, or is there a reason to expect the "not found" errors vs the "No such" errors21:09

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