
falktxhey there, I have a question15:39
falktxwhich theme is xubuntu planing to use for 12.04?15:39
falktxI'm asking because of gtk2/gtk3 support, most of gtk2 themes don't support gtk3 yet15:39
falktxubuntu has now some apps in gtk3 (zenity, update-manager, etc) that will look *terrible* when a theme doesn't support gtk315:41
baizonfalktx: xfce isnt supporting gtk3 yet15:43
falktxbaizon: yes, but we can still have a theme that supports it15:43
falktxbaizon: what is the default xubuntu theme?15:44
falktxI suspect is a custom one made for xubuntu/xfce only?15:44
baizondont know, using greybird15:44
falktxah, so there is work for gtk315:48
falktxis this in the repos yet?15:49
baizonfalktx: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/xubuntu-1104-to-get-new-default-theme.html15:50
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ochosifalktx: greybird was already ported to gtk3 for 11.1016:59
ochosifalktx: but it has been improved quite a bit since then – you can test it via the github-repo: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird16:59
ochosifalktx: also: bluebird will most likely be ported to gtk3 and a lot of gtk2-only themes won't be installed by default in 12.0417:00
ochosibaizon: fwiw, what you linked to is not the official version of greybird (the official one is hosted on github)17:00
ochosiyw :)17:08
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ochosimicahg: just tested gmusicbrowser's upstream package (supposedly 1.1.9 after release) again and i think we can simply use that and drop all shimmer-modifications (they've been worked into the upstream version by now). so all we need to do is ship a gmbrc.default file in xubuntu-settings (i guess) and we're set for precise18:06
ochosibtw, any news on the tb-issue?18:06
* ochosi likes bugging micahg 18:07
ochosihave you submitted an upstream bugreport yet?18:07
micahgnope on my list, will try to do it this weekend18:07
ochosiso i have to keep bugging you? :p18:08
ochosimadnick: will we also "inherit" that feature automatically? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/lightdm-wallpaper-switching-lands-in-precise/18:22
madnicknot automatically no18:26
ochosii mean it's pretty much bling, but otoh it also gives you an easy way to distinguish users (other than focussing on avatars or names)18:27
madnickwell, currently there is a config file, but im not sure that xfce uses the same mechanisms as gnome for keeping that data either18:28
madnickbut tbh i have not read about this before18:29
ochosiwell, as i said, it's mostly just bling18:29
madnickbtw, i need to collect some information to send to the ML18:29
madnickbut since ive not been home most of the week i dont know what to say18:30
madnickknome: do you have any information?18:30
ochosiinformation on what?18:30
madnickwhat happened during the week, and what are the current issues18:31
madnickand what can effect other teams18:31
madnickand stuff like that :P18:31
ochosihm, but what do you mean what happened, happened where?18:31
ochosiin ubuntu?18:32
ochosior in xubuntu?18:32
ochosiwell if you want to send some information/update you can say that we have our own icon-theme now (a fork of elementary)18:32
ochosi(i'd have announced that at the next team meeting anyway)18:33
knomemadnick, nothing technical, i think19:55
madnickknome: do you know where i can find the templete for the email?20:49
knomemadnick, hmmh23:01
knomemadnick, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/Agenda/TeamTemplate23:01
ochosihey knome 23:01
knomefinally actually @pc :)23:08

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