
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
Tm_Twhy "sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta" leads /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubuntu-ppa-beta-oneiric.list having string "ain" at the bottom?06:18
micahgthat's a bug, I'm not sure if it's been fixed in precise yet06:19
Tm_Tso it's known, good06:20
micahgwell, I know about it, not sure if I reported it or not06:20
Tm_Thave time seeing if it's reported?06:21
micahghmmm, I don't see it06:23
=== Darkwing is now known as DarkwingSCALE
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
=== Stecchino_ is now known as Stecchino
shadeslayerRiddell: It just needs the newer kdevplatform10:43
shadeslayerwhich had not been built by the time kdevelop-php and kdevelop-php-docs were being built, so now someone just needs to hit the retry button10:43
micahgshadeslayer: seems like the build-depends should have been updated in that case10:46
Riddellshadeslayer: kdevelop-php failed again?  is it the same issue?10:56
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
jussiSo, Ive got a small bug on my 12.04 - can someone confirm a maximised chromium browser doesnt have close/maximise/minimise buttons??11:05
Riddelljussi: -> #ubuntu+1 I guess11:11
jussiRiddell: I suppose. (asked there now. thought this channel was relevant also11:15
Riddelljussi: it's relevent if you frame it as a kwin question, of course we let you off because we like you :)11:28
shadeslayerRiddell: yes, I believe kdevplatform hasn't been published yet11:56
shadeslayermicahg: yes, I update it for everything else ...11:56
Riddellshadeslayer: or published to universe?11:57
shadeslayerUhh ... dunno, maybe launchpad messed up then? I see : Note: Some binary packages for this source are not yet published in the repository. 11:58
shadeslayerand all packages are pending publication11:58
shadeslayerthe publisher is overworked perhaps11:59
jussiRiddell: so it seems its not happening on unity, I hope one of the kde peoples here can check if its just me (and my upgrade) or if its kwin related.12:20
Riddelljussi: I have window control with max chromium and kwin12:23
Riddellagateau: any idea why I'm getting "  Unknown libjpeg version:12:24
Riddellwhen compiling gwenview from 4.8?12:24
Riddelloh release meeting, I need to leave early again (won't happen in future weeks), who wants to represent?12:56
faboRiddell: can do if you have the report :)13:01
fabostill not sent ;)13:01
Riddellfabo: looking for the template, where is it?13:03
shadeslayerRiddell: ScottK kdevplatform is in new because of the library so bump13:08
Riddellshadeslayer: so it is, I was missing it13:09
ScottKRiddell: I can do the release meeting today.13:11
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
RiddellScottK, fabo: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000741.html and anything else you wish to say14:01
ScottKRiddell: I don't understand the Qt/arm comment.  What's the issue that needs a new kernel? fabo: Do you know about that one?14:15
RiddellScottK: qt wasn't build on armhf last I looked14:17
Riddellran out of memory, infinity says new kernel coming will sort14:17
ScottKRiddell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.8.0-1ubuntu1/+build/309667714:18
ScottKLooks pretty built to me.14:18
Riddelloh webkit14:19
Riddellyeah, not pretty https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwebkit-source/2.2.1-1ubuntu114:19
ScottKYep.  Got it now.14:25
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelthe hell14:46
* yofel left his notebook running over night and just had to close 39 wifi password prompts @_@14:47
RiddellI'm cracking on with 4.8 so anyone wanting to help should ask me again so we don't overlap14:50
ScottKRiddell: I'm fixing the lack of space on the arm box now.15:15
Riddelloh thanks15:16
RiddellI don't think I'll get to it until after SC 4.8 is done15:16
Riddellthanks for replying to colin too15:16
ScottKThat's what reminded me it needed doing ...15:28
ScottKRiddell: Should be much better now that I've cleaned things up a bit.  If you can move your build to a directory in /var/cache it's got ~an order of magnitude more free space.  If there's enough now where you are, don't worry about moving.15:34
RiddellI'm giving debuild -nc  a try15:36
Riddellhmm, or am I15:36
Riddellmight have killed the compile, oh well time to start again15:36
ScottKRiddell: Are you around for the release meeting after all?16:10
* fabo was wondering the same16:10
RiddellScottK: depends when we get called I have to leave in about 40 mins16:11
ScottKOK.  You might just PM pitti asking to go early in the meeting.16:11
* ScottK has done that before.16:11
Riddellor apachelogger could write a bot to do it16:14
Riddellit's hardly taxing16:14
Riddelljust takes concentration16:14
Quintasan_Riddell: Can you renew my kubuntu-ppa membership?16:26
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
RiddellQuintasan: hmm, do we trust you?16:28
Riddellchanged to expires never16:28
QuintasanRiddell: Of course you do :)16:29
Riddellgosh we all missed the slot16:35
Riddella bot would be far more reliable16:35
fabooups I skipped expecting you to reply...16:36
RiddellI blame the meeting format, really not convinced it's any good16:37
ScottKSince I jumped on ogra's slot, I think we got all the discussion we needed done anyway.16:47
shadeslayerCan anyone reproduce this : http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2012/q1/200 ?16:49
ScottKWhich key is "Multiply"?16:50
shadeslayeruh, Shift + 8 here16:50
debfxshadeslayer: X server 1.11 is not yet in precise, see latest ubuntu-devel posts16:51
shadeslayergrrrr ... I'm subscribed to ubuntu-devel-announce under the label ubuntu devel16:53
shadeslayerScottK: did you get around to letting kdevplatform out of new?16:55
ScottKI did not.16:56
ScottKdebfx: We should probably discuss with fabo.  "<debfx> we could just pass -c0 to dpkg-gensymbols again like we do in qt4-x11 since it's unlikely that upstream will break abi and 95% of the symbols aren't really part of the public abi anyway"17:21
ScottK(from #ubuntu-devel)17:21
fabowhat's the issue? qtwebkit again17:23
faboimo -c0 is a work around17:23
ScottKSpecifically https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwebkit-source/2.2.1-1ubuntu1/+build/3096700/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-powerpc.qtwebkit-source_2.2.1-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:23
ScottKarmhf build is in progress, so we should have a build log from it later today.17:24
fabowe should update the symbols file, if we don't do that, there's no point to have the symbols file in the 1st place17:25
faboI know it's painfull17:26
Peace-hi guys17:41
shadeslayerhi Peace-17:41
Peace-i wonder if there is a good way to overwrite vlcrc  without /etc/skel sstuff17:42
Peace-because i did vlc service  menu ... but i need of dbus enabled by default for vlc17:42
Peace-hi shadeslayer17:43
shadeslayerPeace-: thats a question for #ubuntu or #kubuntu17:43
Peace-well i am doing a debina stuff17:44
Peace-*debian package17:44
Peace-at least i am trying to17:44
shadeslayerPeace-: uh, wait, then I mis understood the question, you're trying to package vlc?17:46
yofelmaybe you can put something in /etc/vlc/, I'm not sure what that folder is used for and how17:46
shadeslayeryofel: hah, thiago made a follow up post to the earlier post, so now you have 2 posts to read :D17:47
Peace-shadeslayer: no ... i did a service menu for vlc...17:47
yofelgreat, I didn't even finish the first one yet ^^17:47
Peace-shadeslayer: so... now i would like create a debian package and i did but... the vlcrc is a pain 17:48
shadeslayerPeace-: sorry, I have no idea what you're trying to do :(17:48
yofelhe needs to set a vlc setting globally17:48
yofeland I'm clueless how to do that17:48
yofelsee vlc docs17:48
shadeslayerdon't some packages do that?17:49
Peace-shadeslayer: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/vlc+append?content=11829817:49
shadeslayerI wouldn't have the slightest idea where to point, but I'm sure I've seen some packages do that17:49
* Peace- actually is doing a lots more... 0.0 http://plasma-panels-script.googlecode.com/svn/Testingkubuntu/17:51
* yofel goes back to reading 8080 processor instruction set17:51
yofelancient technology is fun17:51
shadeslayeryofel: wait till you read about the memory organization in 808617:52
=== zematynnad is now known as zematynnad_lunch
shadeslayerRiddell: any 4.8 packages that I can work on?18:26
shadeslayerWe need to write a script to automate downloading everything, bumping kde-sc-dev-lates, debuild and upload, then fix any build errors18:27
jussishadeslayer: you just gave yourself a task.... ;)18:30
shadeslayerjussi: will probably write it in the upcoming weeks, can't do it before start of feb18:31
shadeslayerShouldn't be too hard18:31
yofelshadeslayer: you might want to recycle kgetsource then, that does half of that18:31
yofelit's ruby though18:32
shadeslayergah, not ruby, I'll do it in pythorn18:32
shadeslayeror bash ... 18:32
Peace-shadeslayer: :) if you have time do a package for my plasma panels then :P18:33
kubotushadeslayer: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"18:34
shadeslayersilly kubotu18:35
yofelyou probably need to escape that ^^18:35
Peace-:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYzEty1TYAE18:39
shadeslayeryofel: oh btw, I don't need kgetsource, rsync ftw18:43
shadeslayerI just rsync the entire src folder :P18:43
* yofel has an alias for that too18:43
shadeslayerso we can just run the script on a EC2 machine / Machine that has a ton of bandwidth18:44
yofelbut that's rather heavy on your bandwidth18:44
shadeslayeryofel: the aim is to get releases like 4.8.1 -> 4.8.4 out faster18:45
shadeslayersince they don't require alot of changes18:45
yofelI understand that, but you still need to build every package as a test18:45
shadeslayerNot really, I'm more of the opinion of just upload the package and check the logs18:45
yofelso auto-preparing a package makes sense, kgetsource does that18:46
yofelbatch preparing doesn't IMO18:46
yofelyou can't check for added files from the PPA logs18:46
shadeslayeryofel: but you can just look at the build log and fix stuff with smaller uploads later on18:46
shadeslayeryofel: but then what's the chance they add files in a bug fix release?18:46
yofeltiny, but it happens18:47
shadeslayerhas that ever happened? ( I'm not implying it will not happen, just curious if this has ever happened "18:47
yofelI think18:47
=== Mac-azzon is now known as MacSeal
shadeslayerhmm ... in that case, yeah, the script will have to test build18:48
ScottKThere was one file rename in
ScottKSo it's not unheard of.18:49
ScottK(caused a build failure)18:49
shadeslayerHeh, I just had another idea, parallelizing builds after kdebase/kdelibs and essential stuff gets build18:51
shadeslayerreally difficult to pull off though18:51
yofeldoable, but then how are you going to manage collaboration?18:51
yofelsure it's not a problem if Riddell does everything himself, but...18:51
ScottKFor point releases it's been mostly one person anyway.18:52
* Peace- mm :) my service menu for apt dpkg works fine18:52
yofelhm, true18:52
ScottKIIRC yofel did 4.7.3 and I did
ScottKAnd if it was easy to just run a script and heave it at a PPA, then it'd be ~easy to deal with.18:53
ScottK(but I'm not putting my private key in some EC2 instance)18:53
shadeslayeryofel: well, I could make it build and upload essential stuff first and then factor in the average time to build essential stuff from previous releases, make the script sleep for that time ( till now the packages are built in the PPA ) and then dispatch multiple builds18:53
yofelyou could use lplib to query the actual publishing state18:53
shadeslayerthe average time would need to be computed by hand though, don't think Launchpad can give me that data18:53
yofelnot sure if that shows the binaries though18:53
shadeslayerhmmm ...18:54
yofelmaybe query by existing deb in architecture18:54
shadeslayerpossibly, you have more experience in that area ;)18:54
ScottKYou can query build status I believe.  It might be easier to toss it all up there and then have a retry script.18:56
yofelor have the preparation script not only bump kde-sc-dev-latest but also the actual dependencies18:57
shadeslayerScottK: that's what I suggested earlier, but then you guys mentioned that files get renamed and stuff18:57
yofelthen LP could use dep-wait18:57
shadeslayerthen we probably need some sort of dictionary to match build deps in the control file18:58
shadeslayerso if we find that word in build depends, bump it18:58
yofelwell, you can take the list from meta-kde18:58
shadeslayersounds like a neat project :P19:00
yofelactually, you could just apply the whole list with sed. It'll just update what actually exists19:01
yofelit would unitfy our workflow too19:01
shadeslayerso, Download tars -> update build deps -> build -> check status of essential deps -> upload19:04
* shadeslayer will start working on this after exams19:05
shadeslayerhuh http://paste.kde.org/190082/19:26
shadeslayeryay, no more silly packagekit timeout19:38
Quintasanyofel: is packaging wiki up to date?22:04
yofelno idea, best check the PPA for what's up22:05
Riddellshadeslayer: work on anything not in ninjas already22:24
Riddellshadeslayer: I want to automate it with ec222:25
Riddellbut need to learn the APIs 22:25
debfxthe code of the scripts that generate http://felix.fobos.de/kubuntu/ are now on https://code.launchpad.net/~debfx/+junk/kubuntu-web in case someone is interested in them22:25

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